Retail clients. For retail clients Conditions for receiving a client card

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Banking services

types of commercial banks providing services to retail


A. A. NAUMENKO Saratov State Socio-Economic University

The rapid development of retail banking services that has emerged in Russia in recent years makes a comprehensive scientific study of this area of ​​banking activity relevant. Special attention V similar studies should be given to the issues of the essence of retail banking services, their evolution in Russian practice banking, the evolution of financial needs and economic behavior consumers of retail banking services - retail clients of banks, as well as the essence of retail commercial banks.

In foreign theory and practice of banking, it is customary to distinguish two types of banking activities and, as a consequence, two types of banking clients and services - wholesale banking (wholesale clients, services) and retail banking (retail clients, services) . Wholesale banking abroad refers to banking transactions carried out between merchant banks and other financial institutions. Foreign experts in the field of banking include international banking as such operations. foreign exchange transactions and provision of services for large (wholesale) clients - legal entities and other operations. In addition, foreign economists often identify the significant amount of services they consume as a feature of corporate banking clients. By retail banking, foreign experts understand the provision of banking services to a wide range of individuals and private entrepreneurs.

At the same time, the question remains unclear as to what criteria should be used to classify a particular commercial bank that provides services for retail clients as “retail banks”. There are many types of banking services for retail clients, including deposits, transfers, lending and other services. At the same time, it cannot be said with certainty that absolutely every bank that decides to engage in the provision of services for retail clients will provide absolutely everything from possible services. Should, for example, a commercial bank that adheres to a fairly conservative policy in the field of lending to retail clients, but at the same time is a leader in the market for deposit or settlement services for retail clients, be classified as retail? Currently, many banks, distinguishing in their structure a corporate block along with a small business block and retail block, call themselves retail banks because they believe the number of individual clients they serve or the volume of consumer loans they issue allows them to do so. Various rating agencies, when compiling ratings of the “most retail banks”, either proceed from the size of liabilities formed from the funds of individuals, or compare indicators specific gravity loans to individuals in the total size of the loan portfolio of banks, then the number of retail clients served. Meanwhile, the question of what is hidden under such a concept as a “retail bank” is of significant scientific and practical interest.

finance and credit

In the course of studying this issue, we came across the following classification of commercial banks (Table 1).

The considered classification of banks according to retail characteristics takes into account several types of commercial banks that provide banking services to retail clients. Meanwhile, although it cannot be denied that there are options for the existence of banks with a similar ratio of the characteristics underlying the classification, we consider it necessary to make the following comments on the classification proposed above:

This classification indicates as retail clients only the population - individuals, while retail clients of the bank should mean not only individuals, but also individual entrepreneurs;

In our opinion, it is incorrect to use the terms “predominantly” and “predominantly”, since they do not make it possible to clearly define the type of retail bank, and when comparing banks there will always be “less retail-corporate banks” or “more corporate- retail." At the same time, it seems impossible to us to establish theoretically the share of retail clients' funds in the assets and liabilities of banks corresponding to the specified types of commercial banks providing services to retail clients;

It is not necessary, in our opinion, to separate the parameters of assets and liabilities formed at the expense of retail clients into separate criteria, since it cannot be stated with confidence that any type of transaction, passive or

active, has a greater influence on the scale of the bank’s activities in providing services to retail clients;

In addition to the previous remark, we can add that the logic of the ratio of assets and liabilities in this classification is not confirmed both theoretically and in practice, and we can continue the classification by assuming other types of banks. For example, it is possible to assume the existence of banks with absolutely equal shares of retail and corporate clients in the bank's liabilities, and, for example, with the primary placement of funds among corporate clients, etc. It is unlikely that such a classification will have practical meaning, as well as the inclusion in the classification of such types of banks as corporate-retail and retail-corporate banks. Thus, the size of assets and liabilities when determining the scale retail activities should be included in the general criterion of the volume of services provided to retail clients of banks.

Also in the theory of banking, there is a classification of commercial banks, within which investment, savings, mortgage and other types of banks are distinguished. The use of such a classification of commercial, and in particular the classification of retail commercial banks, is caused by the specifics of the activities of foreign banks, expressed in specialization in certain types services for retail and wholesale clients. Moreover, this specialization of banks is caused by legislative restrictions in this area of ​​finance. According to us -

classification of commercial banks by retail characteristics1

Table 1

feature corporate-retail bank retail-corporate bank Absolutely retail bank classic retail bank

Liabilities Formed predominantly at the expense of citizens Formed primarily at the expense of legal entities Completely formed at the expense of citizens Formed predominantly at the expense of citizens

Assets Placed predominantly legal entities Placed predominantly to citizens Fully allocated to citizens' loans Placed predominantly to citizens' loans

Mass availability of retail services Provided only for passive transactions with citizens Provided only for active transactions with citizens Full mass availability is provided for active and passive transactions with citizens Provided primarily for transactions with citizens

Standardization of retail services Provided only for passive transactions with citizens Provided only for active transactions with citizens Provided for both active and passive transactions with citizens Provided primarily for transactions with citizens

1 Vlasov S. N., Rozhkov Yu. V., Shchuplova E. A. Retail commercial bank: social stratification: Monograph. / Under scientific. ed. prof. Yu. V. Rozhkova. Khabarovsk: RIC KhSAEP, 2006. 176 p. P. 42.

Table 2

Types of banks providing services to retail clients

Type of bank characteristics of banks providing services to retail clients, which form the basis of the classification

Share of services provided to retail clients (credit, deposit, settlement, etc.) mass nature of the provision of banking services to retail clients Breadth product range banking services for retail clients

universal bank Can be either equal or different from the share of services provided to corporate clients, depending on changes in the level of risk and profitability different types services varies depending on the level of profitability and risk of individual transactions. Provided, as a rule, for the most profitable, as well as the least risky services for the bank for retail clients, such as loans secured by real estate, transfers cash, deposits, debit bank cards The range of services for retail clients of universal banks is represented by the most common services and does not include the most risky services for the bank

specialized retail bank 100% of the total volume of services provided by the bank is formed through the provision of banking services to retail clients. such banks specialize in one, or less often several types of services for retail clients, constituting a significant share of all services to retail clients. Provided only for core bank services (deposit, settlement, credit, investment, etc.) trying to capture a significant share of the retail banking services market, a specialized retail bank seeks to maximize the range of services for retail clients in the context of the bank’s specialization in certain types of services for retail clients - deposit, cash settlement, credit, investment

Absolutely retail bank 100% of the total volume of services is formed through the provision of banking services to retail clients Provided for all banking services provided to retail clients with the exception of private banking services All types of banking services for retail clients are presented as fully as possible. The bank is not highly specialized, striving to offer its clients the most complete range of retail services

nyu, the use of such a classification in Russia is impossible due to the fact that in our country all existing commercial banks, in accordance with legislation, are a priori universal, which allows them to combine various types activities - settlement, credit, deposit, investment, etc. Banks are often forced to combine several types of activities. for example, many banks that do not have enough resources to carry out active operations on a large scale own capital, a certain amount of liabilities generated through deposit and other services is required. Thus, in Russia, when compiling a classification of banks providing services to retail clients, it is impossible to use the attribute of the types of banking services provided to retail clients. In our opinion, when classifying banks providing services to retail clients, the defining criteria will be:

A criterion for the volume of banking services consumed by retail clients, implying

comparison of the volumes of services consumed by corporate and retail bank clients;

A criterion for mass distribution of services, implying the provision of services to all categories of retail clients without exception. for example, many corporate banks provide lending services exclusively to employees of corporate clients, private entrepreneurs providing collateral, as well as shareholders and employees of the bank. Despite the presence of a certain volume of loans issued to retail clients, the lending activities of such a bank can hardly be classified as full-fledged retail banking activities, since the requirement for the mass production of lending services provided in this case will not be met.

Taking into account the proposed criteria, the classification of commercial banks providing services to retail clients will look as follows.

based on our proposed classification of commercial banks providing

finance and credit

services to retail clients, we can conclude that only an absolutely retail bank and a specialized retail bank can claim the status of retail banks. At the same time, banks that provide banking services for retail clients along with services for wholesale clients are universal, despite the fact that they may occupy leading positions in certain areas of the retail banking market.

clients. Using the results of the study, we propose the following definition: a retail bank is a commercial bank, 100% of the volume of services of which are services for retail clients, and depending on the breadth of the range of services for retail clients, as well as depending on the mass nature of their provision, it should be allocate specialized retail, as well as absolutely retail banks.

The Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU have begun implementing the project “Development of a statistical analysis system Russian science based on data from the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)” under the Federal Targeted Scientific and Technical Program.

The Russian Science Citation Index includes all publications published by our publishing house: “Finance and Credit”, “Digest-Finance”, “ Economic analysis: theory and practice”, “Regional economics: theory and practice”, “National interests: priorities and security”, “International accounting”, “Everything for an accountant”, “Accountant and law”, “Accounting in budgetary and non-profit organizations", "Accounting in publishing and printing."

RSCI is a multifunctional information system, which processes bibliographic information, annotations and article citation lists from Russian scientific journals. Search and information database services effectively implement various types of information search, analyze and calculate citation indices of individual authors, scientific teams and organizations, thematic areas, and impact factors of journals. Authors are given the opportunity to independently enter and correct information about what, where and when they published, using the interface for this purpose Unified register scientific publications. Using a link management system, it is possible to easily reach not only full texts articles that are processed in the RSCI itself, but also for articles that were cited in these publications.

Detailed information about the project is available on the developer’s website

We also remind you that electronic versions all our journals are available on the Scientific website electronic library eLIBRARY.RU.

We make every effort to ensure that access to the necessary information is as fast and simple as possible for you, and we hope that the use of modern information technology will make your work with the materials of our publications even more convenient!

In order to become our client and get the maximum great deals:

  • Register on our website. Registration will allow you to receive cumulative and regular discounts, gifts and all kinds of bonuses, as well as promptly learn about new arrivals, promotions and sales, use the “My Account” section, with which you can view your order history, repeat orders if necessary, change data your profile on the site;
  • An email will be sent to your email containing a link to confirm your registration on our website. Our manager can also contact you to clarify additional information;
  • Congratulations! Now you can fully enjoy all the privileges of a registered user;
  • To receive additional privileges, you need to obtain a plastic customer card.

Conditions for receiving a customer card

Dear customers, to obtain a retail buyer card you need:

  • come to the secretariat at the address Moscow, Polezhaevskaya metro station, 1st Magistralny proezd, 12, building 1 of the Azalia OCC;
  • fill out the form (issued by the secretary);
  • receive a card and rules for using the card.

Secretariat opening hours:

Mon-Sat 9:00 – 20:00
Sun 9:00 – 18:00

Terms of use of the customer card

Discount %
from purchase
bonus %
from purchase
1 Card design 2 -

When purchasing goods worth up to 4999 rubles, you receive a 2% discount.

2 5 000 2 3

Having purchased a total of 5,000 rubles or more, you will also make your next purchases with a 2% discount, and 3% of the amount of your purchases will remain in your account with our company. For example, from April to June you bought two bouquets for 2500 rubles each. In June, you came for the next bouquet for your loved ones and chose a bouquet worth 2500. You purchased the first 2 bouquets with a 2% discount, i.e. at a price of 2450 rub. And by the time you purchased the 3rd bouquet, you had made purchases in the amount of 2450 + 2450 = 4900 rubles. Up to 5000 rubles 100 rubles are not enough. The third bouquet will also cost 2500-2%=2450. And another 3% will be accumulated on your card from the purchase amount over 5000 rubles. (2450-100)*3%=70.50 rub. You can include 70.5 rubles in the cost of your next purchase. For example, the 4th bouquet for 2500 rubles will cost you 2500-2% -70.50 rubles = 2379.5 rubles and 2379.5 * 3% = 71.39 rubles will accumulate on the card.

3 30 000 5 5

With a total purchase amount of 30,000 rubles, your discount on your next purchase will be 5% and 5% of the real funds in the check amount will be credited to your card each time.

4 75 000 7 7

With a total purchase amount of 75,000 rubles, your discount on your next purchase will be 7% and 7% of the real funds in the check amount will be credited to your card each time.

5 150 000 wholesale -

With a total purchase amount of 150,000 rubles in our company, all retail discounts and savings on your card are canceled, and your permanent purchase price will be the wholesale price. You will make all further purchases at wholesale prices**, remaining a retail customer.


  1. Accumulated funds cannot be cashed out! They can be used to fully or partially pay for the purchase;
  2. When the “discount stages*” are reached, the terms and conditions begin to apply the next day;
  3. The card is valid until the relationship of one of the parties is terminated;
  4. Discounts are valid until the relationship is terminated by one of the parties, but not more than 12 months from the date of the last purchase. Then the conditions are moved back 1 stage;
  5. The discount and cumulative bonus apply only to cut flowers, potted plants and soils/fertilizers. And only in the store at the address: Moscow, Polezhaevskaya metro station, 1st Magistralny proezd, 12, building 1. Opening hours: 24 hours a day;
  6. When making purchases at a wholesale price at the 5th stage of the discount, a retail client is not a wholesale client and cannot claim all the conditions for working with wholesale clients. This is the last and highest discount for a retail buyer.

Let me start by saying that my sister advised me to order clothes from this online store two years ago, and at the end of November I finally decided to place an order. The store is geographically located in Odessa, Ukraine.

The store provides two types of services - ordering as a retail buyer (price is 2 times more expensive) and ordering as wholesale buyer(you must order a minimum of 10 units of product). Wholesale orders are usually placed through joint purchases, or several people need to cooperate and send a joint order.

I'll tell you about my experience in two types. First, about the wholesale order.

On November 20, 2017, through joint purchases in my city, my order was sent, which arrived in my city on December 10, 2017. I think it’s quite fast, considering that the order is first sent to Belgorod, and then by the transport company PEC or Russian Post to its destination in Russia. The client himself chooses courier delivery or mail.

So, having received the order on December 10, we sent a new order on December 11, 2017, but not hoping that it would arrive before the New Year, but I didn’t count on it, given the stated delivery times.

This order arrived in my city on January 15, 2018. I especially pay attention to the order arrival time, this is important. It turned out to be 25 days, taking into account the New Year holidays.

And now comes the interesting part.

Having sent the order on November 20 through joint purchases, I realized that I had not ordered a dress for myself New Year. At the same time, the Black Friday sale began on the site and, naturally, I could not resist and decided to place an order as a retail buyer, although ordering one item is very unprofitable due to the cost of delivery.

As indicated on the website, delivery of PEC costs 400 rubles, by Russian Post - 350 rubles.

Considering the approaching New Year, I decided not to save 50 rubles and order PEC, confident that courier delivery will have time to deliver 100% before the New Year.

Well, what can I say, I was wrong...

I placed an order for one dress at about 21.00 on November 24, and accordingly they began processing it the next business day. On November 26, I saw another dress and decided to add it to the order, since the status was “collected” and “not shipped.”

I wrote everywhere possible - in Viber, by mail, but there was no answer, I had to order a call and the operator explained to me that it was impossible to add an item, since the order was already awaiting delivery to the courier.

I was upset by this fact, but, on the other hand, I was glad that literally within 24 hours my order had already been processed and collected. This means that I will receive my dress before the New Year.

From that time on, my epic of luring out the track number began. transport company, which was supposed to deliver my order.

The online store sends the tracking number as soon as the courier in Belgorod transfers the order for delivery throughout Russia.

After 10 days of silence from the store, namely on December 5, 2017, I wrote the first letter asking for the track number of my order. In response, the next day they said that on December 5, 2017 (coincidence), the order was transferred to the courier who would take it to Belgorod.

After another week of silence, I called PEC ( courier service) and found out that I had not received anything and that I needed to wait for the track number from the store.

After writing another letter, I received an answer that I needed to wait for the track number.

On 12/19/2017, again after my letter, I was informed that delivery times had been increased due to the queue at customs, but the track should be provided this week.

At that moment I still had hope that my dress would come to me.

On December 29, 2017, this hope was covered with a copper basin. In response to my next letter with disappointment that I will not receive my order before the New Year, I receive this.

Yes, they seem to give a discount, but what is this discount compared to the fact that I was left without a New Year's outfit. And I urgently had to look for a replacement. Not once did the customer service managers bother to write to me on their own that the order was delayed. Each time I asked for information about my order myself.

And the funny thing is that I didn’t wait for the tracking number at all; on January 9, after my appeal, I received this answer.

On January 13, 2018, the courier service called me that my order has arrived and I can receive it. It was very funny to me) According to the track, my order was transferred to the courier in Russia on January 9, but they didn’t bother to warn me about it.

Honestly, I am shocked by such an online store service.

Despite the fact that wholesale orders are collected within 10 working days, for some unknown reason they manage to arrive in a record 3 weeks from the moment of ordering, and my only dress was floating around for 1.5 months!!!

For myself, I definitely decided that as a retail buyer I wash my hands of this. For such an inflated price (for retail buyers), I consider it unacceptable to receive such an order waiting for my money.

It seems that the store is not interested in retail customers, although they overpay double the price for products and for delivery.

By the way, PEC charged me 440 rubles (+40 rubles for the seal on the bag), although on the store’s website the cost is 400 rubles.

If I knew all this, I would at least order it by Russian Post and not overpay for delivery.

Therefore, I do not recommend this online store for retail buyers, since the price does not always correspond to the quality of the products, and problems with the service really bothered me. By joint procurement I will continue to order, since almost all of my ordered items satisfied me.

A small note: when ordering, I checked the “Receive a gift” box - this is usually a magnet or some other small thing with the store’s logo. So what do you think? Naturally, they didn’t include any gift for me)) They were in such a hurry to process my order in 1 day, which then waited another 10 days for delivery to the local courier, that they didn’t even include a gift and didn’t allow me to add another dress to the order... What can I say, the service ))

I will write separate reviews for the items I ordered.

And here is a photo of the culprit of the review))

I’ll write a separate review on this dress, but in short, it disappointed me, it looks more faded in life, but I really wanted a bright, expressive color!

Another controversial order is maternity leggings. Article 17760, size S, but they are no longer available on the website, although I ordered them in December 2017 and received them in mid-January 2018. I’m glad I managed to order them. They cost me a joint purchase percentage of 1030 rubles. At retail they would be 2 times more expensive.

In real life the fabric, of course, looks much simpler, but it stretches well, the leggings fit well, the color in real life is not so rich black, but it looks good. There are lace inserts at the ankle, in the area of ​​the virtual pockets, and also at the back of the lower back, making the leggings look unusual. A wide elastic band goes under the belly and there is thinner stretch fabric for a growing belly. It is fixed at the top with an elastic band that does not put pressure on the stomach. When the tummy has not grown, it can be collected with an accordion under clothes.

So, after 3 months of almost daily wear and hand washing, the leggings lost their appearance a little, they wrinkled a little, but not critically. The most annoying thing is that the lace began to tear at the seams - in the lumbar area and in the ankle area. Moreover, the lace itself was unraveling from the seams with stretching of the threads, which made restoration difficult. Of course, I sewed it up as much as possible, since I can’t fit into anything other than these leggings, but I was very disappointed, I didn’t expect such quality. See for yourself. At the same time, in the area of ​​imitation pockets, the lace is intact.

If I had bought these leggings at retail price, I would probably have complained to the store for such terrible quality. Although in any case it’s a shame.

In the first photo I tried on leggings with a satin top, article number 18288, a beautiful emerald color. The top is of course not made of satin, but it looks very decent. I also ordered size S, but if you want it looser, like on the model, then it’s better to order a larger size. It cost me with a percentage of SP of 740 rubles. The tops are available in several colors, I started with emerald, perhaps I will order another color.

Review of a cute melange dress from Gepur, which did not disappoint me at all!

Review of a purple dress, mixed impressions!

customer retail marketing communication

IN retail trade We are constantly faced with the problem of finding new clients. Most of us are convinced that advertising and prices should “shout” to attract buyers. The emphasis on finding new clients is certainly reasonable and necessary, but at the same time, there are things that are more important. Your attention should be paid primarily to the 20% that is currently yours best clients. In retail, this idea of ​​focusing on the best existing customers should be considered in the context of the company's current capabilities.

To better understand this idea and ensure customer loyalty, you can use the customer typology proposed by Mark Hunter.

1. Regular customers. In quantitative terms, they represent no more than 20% of your customer base, but provide more than 50% of sales. Naturally, you must communicate with these clients on a regular basis by telephone, regular and email etc. These are the people who can and should influence your sales and merchandising decisions. Nothing will force regular customers feel better than showing how much you appreciate them. You can never do enough for them because they will invariably do more for you by constantly recommending you to other people.

2. Impulsive clients. They do not make shopping lists and come to the store solely on their own whim. At the same time, they buy what they think is good. Clearly this is an important part of the clientele. Impulsive clients will respond positively to your recommendations and assistance. This group of customers reflects your goals and gives you much of your customer knowledge.

3. Discount-oriented customers. They shop at your stores frequently, but make decisions based on the size of the markdown. This category helps keep an inventory of your inventory and, as a result, is a key driver of cash flow. At the same time, it is these customers who are most likely to return purchased goods.

4. Customers who buy based on needs. They have an intention to buy something specific. People in this category are driven by a special need. When they enter a store, they immediately try to figure out whether they can find what they are looking for here. If not, they will leave immediately. Satisfying them isn't easy, but salespeople may find them fun to serve, and they could ultimately be the key to your long-term growth. It is important to remember that customers who purchase based on needs can easily disappear from the sales channel, be it online or retail outlet. Avoiding this risk requires successful personal interaction with them, usually one of your best salespeople. In this case there is very big chance make them loyal and regular customers. For this reason, this group has the greatest long-term potential, surpassing even impulsive customers.

5. " Stray clients. They have no particular need or desire to buy when they come to the store. Rather, they want communication, a change of scenery, etc. For many retail outlets it is the largest segment in terms of traffic, while at the same time providing the smallest share of sales. But keep in mind that they are not at all useless to you. Their voice has the same weight as the opinions of other categories of consumers. They go shopping, interact with sales workers, observe everything that happens in the store, and they have friends, family and acquaintances with whom they share their impressions, so you should not ignore them. However, time devoted to them should be kept to a minimum.

If you're serious about growing your business, you need to focus your efforts on repeat and impulse customers. The other three types are also your buying audience, but they can cause you to misallocate your resources if you focus too much on them.

Retailing is an art backed by science. Science is engaged in research; it operates with indicators and concepts. Art is in you A professional work related to people, merchandising, clients and, alas, competition.

Today the competition is greater than ever, and it will become increasingly fierce. Achieving success will require you to be patient and understanding, knowing your customers and the behaviors that drive their decision-making. Use this insight to turn discount-oriented, impulse, need-based, and even wandering customers into loyal ones. This is guaranteed to contribute to business growth and increased profits. At the same time, you want your loyal customers to have a positive experience every time they visit your store.

Since building a long-term strategy involves developing an effective infrastructure, it seems appropriate to characterize it.