Register of medical professions. On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education. With changes and additions from

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ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/27/99 337 (as amended on 08/20/2003) ON THE NOMENCLATURE OF SPECIALTIES IN RUSSIAN HEALTH INSTITUTIONS... Relevant in 2018


(as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/2001 N 31, dated 04/02/2001 N 98, dated 06/25/2002 N 209, dated 08/14/2002 N 261, dated 03/21/2003 N 115, dated 05/26/2003 N 219 , from 06/09/2003 N 241, from 08/20/2003 N 416)


1. Training of specialists in basic specialties is carried out through internship (in specialties determined by the Ministry of Health of Russia), residency, and graduate school.

2. Training of specialists in specialties requiring in-depth training is carried out through professional retraining, residency, and postgraduate studies if they have a certificate in the relevant main specialty.

3. A specialist with a higher medical or pharmaceutical education has the right to prepare and obtain a basic specialty or a specialty requiring in-depth training only if he has access to the corresponding position.

Deputy Chief
Personnel Policy Department


IN Russian Federation It is planned to update the nomenclature of medical positions. The document must go through all the necessary stages of approval before the end of the current year.

According to the general director of the Association of Specialists with Higher Nursing Education, Anastasia Gazheva, some will be excluded from the nomenclature medical specialties. As she said at the meeting “Implementation of pilot projects and regulations for the provision of medical care in the regions,” it is with this reduction in mind that new professional standards will be developed.

In particular, the new standards will change the nature of work nurses. According to the innovation, nurse will care for 15-17 patients instead of the current 60, but will take on all work related to patient care.

Nursing positions in the medical rehabilitation industry will also be consolidated, which should help cope with the emerging staff shortage. According to Gazheva, the shortage was due not so much to a lack of personnel as to an artificial stratification of positions. In some regions of the Federation, such a change is already in effect; now it will be introduced throughout Russia.

It is planned to introduce new positions designed specifically for nurses with higher nursing education. In addition, the currently available positions of “procedural nurse”, “guard nurse”, “dressing nurse” will be combined into one “clinical nurse”.

One of the changes will be the separation of the specifics of the work of a family doctor and a general practitioner. Family doctor will work with both adults and children, and only adult patients will remain under the supervision of a general practitioner.

Already this year, new professional standards for doctors of various specialties are planned to appear. It is also expected that new standards will be approved for secondary medical personnel However, these standards are still under development.

Professional standards for nurses and medical registrars have been developed and published. According to these standards, medical receptionist may not have a medical education, but will be required to undergo special training.

For workers occupying leadership positions, also developed new standard"Specialist in the field of healthcare organization."

In 2019, accreditation of bachelors will be carried out for the first time, who are currently being trained by twenty-five higher medical educational institutions. A professional standard has also been issued for graduates, according to which bachelors will be able to work in first-aid posts of preschool and school institutions.

Based on materials from Internet publications

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 N 86n “On establishing the conformity of specialties medical workers And pharmaceutical workers, for which a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming assignment were issued before March 18, 2014 qualification category, specialties specified in the nomenclatures of specialties of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education, approved in accordance with Part 2 of Article 14 Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions)

    Appendix No. 1. List of specialties of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers for which, before March 18, 2014, a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category were issued, corresponding to the specialties specified in the nomenclatures of specialties of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education, approved in accordance with Part 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” Appendix No. 2. List of specialties of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers for which licenses were issued before March 18, 2014 a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category, for which compliance is established after additional training professional program (professional retraining, training)

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 N 86n
"On establishing the conformity of the specialties of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers, for which a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category were issued before March 18, 2014, with the specialties specified in the nomenclatures of specialties of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education, approved in accordance with with part 2 of article 14 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”

With changes and additions from:

list of specialties of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers for which, before March 18, 2014, a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category were issued, for which compliance is established after training in an additional professional program (professional retraining, advanced training), according to the appendix N 2.

IN AND. Skvortsova

Registration No. 36529

Residents of Crimea can engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities if they have a specialist certificate issued before March 18, 2014 and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category in specialties corresponding to those specified in the Russian nomenclatures of specialties.

The correspondence of Ukrainian specialties of persons with medical and pharmaceutical education with Russian ones was determined.

There is also a list of Ukrainian specialties for which compliance is established only after training in an additional professional program (professional retraining, advanced training).

It should be noted that if the specialty assigned in Ukraine does not correspond to the Russian one, a person is allowed to engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities after passing an exam in the specialty and receiving a specialist certificate.

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 N 86n “On establishing the conformity of the specialties of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers, for which a specialist certificate and (or) a document confirming the assignment of a qualification category were issued before March 18, 2014, with the specialties specified in the nomenclatures specialties of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education, approved in accordance with Part 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation"

Registration No. 36529

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

1.1. Nomenclature (classifier) ​​of specialties of specialists with high medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation (Appendix 1).

1.2. List of compliance of medical and pharmacist specialties with specialist positions (Appendix 2).

2. Heads of healthcare management bodies, pharmaceutical service management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, chief doctors of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of scientific and educational medical institutions the qualification categories previously assigned to them shall be considered valid until the next certification of doctors and pharmacists.

3. The Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, before January 1, 2000, will review the forms of reports from healthcare institutions and make changes in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties approved by this order.

4. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko.

Minister of Health
Russian Federation

N p/pJob titleName of specialty
I. Heads of institutionsNursing management
1. Director (manager, chief) of a (hospital) nursing home, hospice; dairy cuisine
2. Deputy chief physician (director, manager, chief) for work with nursing staff
3. Chief nurse (midwife)
II. Heads of structural divisions
1. Head (head) of the department of nursing care, medical and social assistance
2. Head of Organization - methodological department(office)
3. Head of the department (office) of medical statistics
4. Heads and specialists of prevention centers, hypertension centers, specialized schools (asthma schools, diabetes schools, etc.), operating on a functional basis
III. Specialists
1. Specialists of general medical practice centers (departments)
2. Manager for organizing extra-budgetary activities

The Zakonbase website presents ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/27/99 N 337 (as amended on 08/16/2002) "ON THE NOMENCLATURE OF SPECIALTIES IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (together with the "LIST OF COMPLIANCE OF MEDICAL AND PHARMACY SPECIALTIES TO POSITIONS OF SPECIALISTS") in the most latest edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To find the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

On the Zakonbase website you will find the ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/27/99 N 337 (as amended on 08/16/2002) "ON THE NOMENCLATURE OF SPECIALTIES IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (together with the "LIST OF COMPLIANCE OF MEDICAL AND PHARMACISTS THEIR SPECIALTIES AND POSITIONS OF SPECIALISTS") in the latest And full version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, download the ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/27/99 N 337 (as amended on 08/16/2002) “ON THE NOMENCLATURE OF SPECIALTIES IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (together with the “LIST OF COMPLIANCE OF MEDICAL AND PHARMACY SPECIALISTS OST POSITIONS OF SPECIALISTS") is possible completely free of charge, as completely , and in separate chapters.

"On approval of the nomenclature of positions for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers"

(as amended as of August 31, 2014,
with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 1, 2014 No. 420n)

In accordance with subclause 5.2.7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3526), ​​I order:

Approve the Nomenclature of positions for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers in accordance with the appendix.

IN AND. Skvortsova

Registration No. 27723

to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
dated December 20, 2012 No. 1183n

Nomenclature of positions for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers

I. Medical workers

1.1. Manager positions:

chief physician (chief) medical organization;

director of a hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice;

deputy head (head) of a medical organization;

manager (chief) structural unit(department, division, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - specialist doctor;

head (chief physician, chief) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities of another organization;

chief nurse (chief midwife, chief paramedic).

1.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (doctors):

a) medical specialists, including:


obstetrician-gynecologist of the workshop medical area;











pediatric cardiologist;

pediatric oncologist;

pediatric urologist-andrologist;

pediatric surgeon;

pediatric endocrinologist;



health center doctor;

infectious disease physician;


clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor;

clinical mycologist;

clinical pharmacologist;



laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

aviation and space medicine doctor;

diving medicine doctor;

child and adolescent hygiene doctor;

food hygiene doctor;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

municipal hygiene doctor;

physical therapy doctor;

doctor for medical and social examination;

medical prevention doctor;

medical rehabilitation doctor;

general hygiene doctor;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygiene doctor;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

emergency room doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

local children's psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

district adolescent psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency physician;



pediatric dentist;




medical forensic expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;



general practitioner;

adolescent therapist;

local therapist;

local general practitioner of a workshop medical district;


thoracic surgeon;





TB doctor;

local TB doctor;

functional diagnostics doctor;


maxillofacial surgeon;




senior doctor of the emergency medical care station (department);

senior doctor of the emergency medical aid station (department) of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;


* The title of the position “laboratory doctor” is retained for specialists hired for this position before October 1, 1999.

b) trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

physical therapy instructor-methodologist;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist in monitoring sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (nursing medical personnel):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the medical and obstetric center - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the medical prevention office - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of dental prosthetics institutions (departments, departments, laboratories);


Dental Technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physical therapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

general practitioner (family doctor) nurse;

dietary nurse;

medical and social care nurse;

ward nurse (guard);

visiting nurse;

dressing room nurse;

cosmetology nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency medical calls and transfer them to mobile emergency medical teams;

admissions department nurse;

treatment room nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physical therapy nurse;

medical disinfectant;

medical laboratory technician (paramedic laboratory assistant);

medical optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;

X-ray technician;

senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


emergency medical technician;


paramedic-driver of ambulance.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

junior nurse for patient care;

nurse driver;


II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Manager positions:

director (manager, chief) pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, chief) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager of the organization wholesale trade medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

Deputy Warehouse Manager for a Wholesale Trade Organization medicines;

head (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior pharmacist

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (secondary pharmaceutical personnel):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;


2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical personnel):


paragraph 3 of clause 2.4 has lost force according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 1, 2014 No. 420n.


1. The positions “chief physician (chief) of a medical organization,” “deputy head (chief) of a medical organization,” “manager (chief physician, chief) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers if their job responsibilities include implementing medical activities.

2. The titles of the positions of deputy heads (chiefs) of a medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activities, the leadership of which he carries out. For example, “deputy head of a medical organization for medical care,” “deputy head of a medical organization for medical care,” “deputy head of a medical organization for clinical expert work", "Deputy head of a medical organization for work with nursing staff" and more.

3. The positions “deputy director (manager) of a pharmacy organization”, “manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “deputy manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “manager (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization” refer to the positions pharmaceutical workers if their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade of medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade of medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacturing.

4. The title of a doctor’s position is formed taking into account the specialty for which the employee has appropriate training and the work for which is included in the scope of his duties. For example, "general practitioner".

5. The titles of the positions of managers (chiefs) of structural units (divisions, divisions, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the name of the doctor’s position corresponding to the profile of the structural unit. For example, “the head of the surgical department is a surgeon.”

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization that provides specialized medical care, the title of the position “reception department doctor” is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the corresponding specialty. For example, “emergency department doctor - emergency medical doctor.”

7. The names of the positions “obstetrician”, “nurse”, “packer”, filled by female persons, are named accordingly: “midwife”, “nurse”, “packer”; and the name of the position “nurse”, filled by male persons, is called “medical brother (nurse)”.