Editor category 1 job description. Job Description for Consulting Editor. Job description of a technical editor

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Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General provisions

1.1. The position "Leading Editor" belongs to the "Professionals" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete or basic higher education in the relevant field of training (specialist or bachelor) and advanced training. Work experience in the profession of editor of the 1st category for a specialist is at least 1 year, for a bachelor - at least 3 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- current legislation in the field of culture, librarianship, cultural and educational work and editorial and publishing activities;
- methods of editing manuscripts and artistic and technical design of printed materials;
- instructions and standards for the work profile;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- internal labor regulations.

1.4. The leading editor is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The leading editor reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The lead editor manages the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, the leading editor is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Develops long-term and current plans for the release of printed materials, participates in the preparation of manuscripts for publication, carries out their editing and technical design.

2.2. Prepares edited originals before delivery to printing production.

2.3. Conducts proofreading practice and reads advance copies of publications.

2.4. Writes reviews and annotations for printed materials.

2.5. Edits bibliographic, methodological and other materials, sections or parts of reference and bibliographic apparatus, compiles catalogs and auxiliary indexes.

2.6. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.7. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The Managing Editor has the right to take action to prevent and correct any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The leading editor has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The leading editor has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The leading editor has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The leading editor has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The leading editor has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. The leading editor has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The leading editor has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his work and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The leading editor has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The leading editor is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The leading editor is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The leading editor is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) related to trade secrets.

4.4. The leading editor is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The leading editor is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The leading editor is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The leading editor is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

We bring to your attention a typical example of an editor's job description, sample 2019/2020. A person with a higher professional education can be appointed to this position without presenting any work experience requirements. Don’t forget, each editor’s instruction is handed out against a signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that an editor should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General provisions

1. A person with a higher professional education is accepted for the position of editor without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. The editor is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The editor must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, methods of editing scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials, editorial processing of numbers, formulas, symbols, illustrations, compiling a reference apparatus for the publication;

— domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant field of knowledge;

— the procedure for preparing manuscripts for production, proofreading for printing;

— standard proofreading marks;

— state standards for terms, designations and units of measurement;

— current conventional abbreviations, conventional abbreviations used in bibliographies in foreign languages;

— grammar and stylistics of the Russian language;

— current standards for editing;

— the procedure for concluding publishing agreements with authors, employment agreements (contracts) with reviewers;

— economics of publishing;

— basics of printing production technology;

— economics and organization of printing production;

— basics of labor organization and labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the editor is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The editor reports directly to _________. (specify position)

7. During the absence of the editor (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the editor


1. Edits scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials produced by the editorial and publishing department in order to ensure a high scientific and literary level of publications.

2. Participates in the preparation of publishing contracts with authors and employment agreements with external reviewers.

3. Reviews manuscripts and reviews of them.

4. Prepares conclusions on the possibility of publishing the manuscript as presented or after revision, taking into account proposed corrections, additions, and abbreviations.

5. In cases of rejection of the publication of manuscripts, prepares justified written refusals within the deadlines established by the contracts.

6. Edits manuscripts accepted for publication, providing the authors with the necessary assistance (to improve the structure of manuscripts, choice of terms, design of illustrations, etc.), and coordinates recommended changes with them.

7. During the editing process, checks the authors’ compliance with the reviewers’ comments and the requirements for manuscripts for their revision, the completeness of the presented material, the correspondence of the titles of sections of the manuscript with their content, as well as the extent to which the latest achievements of science, technology and advanced production experience are reflected in the works.

8. Checks from primary sources the correctness of the spelling of quoted quotations and digital data, the use and spelling of names, scientific and technical terms, units of measurement, the design of the reference apparatus of the publication, the compliance of the given symbols with the designations established by standards or accepted in scientific and normative literature.

9. Carries out the necessary literary editing of manuscripts.

10. Draws up an editorial passport for the manuscript, gives instructions and explanations to the technical editor, proofreader, and typesetter.

11. Prepares footnotes, duplicates, and a working table of contents.

13. Participates in resolving issues related to the artistic and technical design of edited publications.

14. Signs manuscripts for production, processes proofreads and checks advance copies before publication.

15. Compiles lists of detected typos.

16. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

17. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

18. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

19. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

3. Editor's rights

The editor has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

— to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary liability the employees subordinate to him who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by current labor legislation.

4. Editor's responsibility

The editor is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Editor's job description - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of the editor, rights of the editor, responsibility of the editor.

Typical sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)
legal form) official person, authorized
what must be asserted
nal instructions)
" " ____________ 20__

Job Description
(editorial and publishing department)
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

" " ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved by
based on an employment contract with __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been compiled)
provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions
1.1. The editor of the editorial and publishing department belongs to
categories of specialists.
1.2. For the position of editor of the editorial and publishing department
a person is appointed who has a higher professional education without
presenting requirements for work experience.
1.3. Appointment to the position of editor of the editorial and publishing
department and release from it is carried out by order of the head
enterprises on the recommendation of the head of the editorial and publishing department
1.4. The editor of the editorial and publishing department should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts governing
materials that determine the main directions of development of economics, science and
- methods of editing scientific and methodological literature,
information and regulatory materials, editorial processing of figures,
formulas, symbols, illustrations, compiling the reference apparatus of the publication;
- domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in
relevant field of knowledge;
- the procedure for preparing manuscripts for production,
corrected impressions for printing;
- state standards for terms, designations and units
- current conditional abbreviations; conventional abbreviations used
in bibliography in foreign languages;
- grammar and stylistics of the Russian language;
- copyright;
- current standards for editing;
- the procedure for concluding publishing contracts with authors, labor
agreements (contracts) with reviewers;

- economics and organization of publishing;
- basics of printing production technology;
- basics of economics and organization of printing production;
- basics of labor legislation;
- labor protection rules and regulations;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.5. The editor of the editorial and publishing department reports to
directly __________________________________________________________.
(Editor-in-Chief, Head of Editorial and Publishing
department, other official)
1.6. During the absence of the editor of the editorial and publishing department
(vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed in
in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and
is responsible for high-quality and timely execution
duties assigned to him.
1.7. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities
Editor of the editorial and publishing department:
2.1. Edits the released
editorial and publishing department of scientific and methodological literature,
information and regulatory materials in order to ensure high
scientific and literary level of publications.
2.2. Participates in the preparation of publishing contracts with authors
publications and employment agreements with external reviewers.
2.3. Reviews manuscripts and reviews of them.
2.4. Prepares conclusions on the possibility of publishing the manuscript in
presented form or after modification taking into account the proposed
corrections, additions, abbreviations.
2.5. In cases of rejection of the publication of manuscripts, prepares
justified written refusals within the time limits established by the contracts.
2.6. Edits manuscripts accepted for publication, while providing
authors receive the necessary assistance (to improve the structure of manuscripts, select
terms, design of illustrations, etc.), coordinates with them
recommended changes.
2.7. During the editing process, it checks the authors' performance
comments of reviewers and requirements for manuscripts when they are
revision, completeness of the presented material, correspondence of names
sections of the manuscript to their content, as well as to what extent they are reflected in the works
the latest achievements of science, technology and advanced production experience.
2.8. Checks the correct spelling of the given texts using primary sources
quotations and numerical data, use and spelling of names,
scientific and technical terms, units of measurement, design of reference
publication apparatus, correspondence of the given symbols to the designations,
established by standards or accepted in scientific and regulatory
2.9. Performs necessary literary editing
2.10. Draws up an editorial passport for the manuscript, gives instructions and
explanations to the technical editor, proofreader, typesetter.
2.11. Prepares footnotes, duplicates, and working table of contents.
2.12. Reviews together with the authors and technical editor
illustrated materials, determines their place in the publication and conveys
art editor for timely production of graphics and
2.13. Takes part in resolving issues related to
artistic and technical design of edited publications.
2.14. Signs manuscripts for production, processes proofreading
reprints and checks signal copies before release.
2.15. Compiles a list of detected typos.
2.16. _____________________________________________________________.

3. Rights
The editor of the editorial and publishing department has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with draft management decisions
editorial and publishing department regarding its activities.
3.2. Submit proposals for management's consideration
improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for
this instruction.
3.3. Within the limits of your competence, inform the immediate
to the manager about all identified in the process of performing their duties
responsibilities and shortcomings and make proposals to eliminate them.
3.4. With management permission, involve everyone (individually)
specialists from the editorial and publishing department to solve problems,
assigned to him.
3.5. Demand from the management of the editorial and publishing department
providing assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.
3.6. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility
The editor of the editorial and publishing department is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties
duties provided for in this job description - in
within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits specified
labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Head of structural unit (initials, surname)

" " _____________ 20__


Head of Legal Department

(initials, surname)

" " ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

Editor- one of the leading employees of the editorial office, because it is he who determines the goals, objectives and policies of the publication. This profession has many “subspecies”: chief, publishing, responsible, content editor, and in order to clearly define the rights, responsibilities and requirements for each of the types, you can use this universal job description.

Editor's job description

General manager
Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. The editor belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. Appointment to the position of editor and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the organization on the recommendation of the editor-in-chief.
1.3. The editor reports directly to the editor-in-chief.
1.4. During the absence of the editor, his rights and duties are transferred to another official, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of editor without any work experience requirements.
1.6. The editor should know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts;
- methods of editing scientific and methodological literature, information and regulatory materials, editorial processing of numbers, formulas, symbols, illustrations, compiling a reference apparatus for the publication;
- the procedure for preparing materials for production;
- grammar and stylistics of the Russian language;
- copyright;
- the procedure for concluding publishing agreements with authors, employment agreements (contracts) with reviewers;
- basics of printing production technology.
1.7. The editor is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- internal labor regulations, other regulations;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of the editor

The editor performs the following duties:

2.1. Carries out editing of scientific and methodological literature, information and normative materials produced by the editorial and publishing department in order to ensure a high scientific and literary level of publications.
2.2. Participates in the preparation of publishing contracts with authors of publications and labor agreements with external reviewers.
2.3. Reviews manuscripts and reviews of them.
2.4. Prepares conclusions on the possibility of publishing the manuscript as presented or after revision, taking into account proposed corrections, additions, and abbreviations.
2.5. In cases of rejection of the publication of manuscripts, prepares justified written refusals within the deadlines established by the contracts.
2.6. Edits manuscripts accepted for publication, providing authors with the necessary assistance (to improve the structure of manuscripts, choice of terms, design of illustrations, etc.), and coordinates recommended changes with them.
2.7. During the editing process, the author checks the authors’ compliance with the reviewers’ comments and the requirements for manuscripts during their revision, the completeness of the presented material, and the correspondence of the titles of sections of the manuscript with their content.
2.8. Using primary sources, checks the correctness of the spelling of quoted quotes and digital data, the use and spelling of names, scientific and technical terms, units of measurement, the design of the reference apparatus of the publication, the compliance of the given symbols with the designations established by standards or accepted in scientific and normative literature.
2.9. Carries out the necessary literary editing of manuscripts.
2.10. Draws up an editorial passport for the manuscript, gives instructions and explanations to the technical editor, proofreader, and typesetter.
2.11. Prepares footnotes, duplicates, and working table of contents.
2.12. Together with the authors and the technical editor, he reviews illustrative materials and determines their place in the publication.
2.13. Participates in resolving issues related to the artistic and technical design of edited publications.
2.14. Signs manuscripts for production and checks advance copies before publication.
2.15. Compiles a list of detected typos.

3. Editor's rights

The editor has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the management of the editorial and publishing department concerning its activities.
3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.
3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Involve all (individual) specialists of the editorial and publishing department in solving the tasks assigned to it.
3.5. Demand that the management of the editorial and publishing department provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Editor's responsibility

The editor is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


consulting editor

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the editor-consultant of the “Own Technologies” division (hereinafter referred to as the Consulting Editor) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” (RANEPA) (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following educational and training requirements is appointed to the position of consulting editor:

  • Higher education - bachelor's degree in media;
  • with practical work experience:

  • At least six months as a correspondent;
  • 1.3. The consulting editor should know:

  • Principles of working with sources of information and methods of collecting it (interviews, observations, working with documents);
  • The main genres of journalism, their stylistic features;
  • Main sources of necessary information;
  • Principles of working with sources of information and methods of collecting it (interviews, observations, working with documents, using Internet resources);
  • Labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety rules;
  • Foreign languages ​​necessary to carry out labor (official) duties;
  • Professional journalistic ethics;
  • History of Russia, foundations of international politics;
  • Specialized knowledge in the subject area of ​​the media;
  • Rules and norms of the modern Russian literary language;
  • Professional journalistic ethics;
  • Methods and techniques for editing journalistic texts;
  • Methods of using digital technologies in print, television, radio broadcasting, and online media;
  • Methods and technologies for preparing media products in different formats (text, audio, video, photo, graphics);
  • Information policy of the media;
  • Technique of editorial text analysis;
  • Objectives and methods, technology and technique of creating journalistic publications, their content, structural and compositional specifics;
  • Objectives and methods, technology and technique of creating journalistic publications, their content, structural and compositional specifics;
  • Legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright;
  • Professional journalistic ethics;
  • Ethics of business communication;
  • Information policy of the media;
  • Rules of modern Russian literary language;
  • 1.4. A consulting editor should be able to:

  • Confidently speak in front of the public on television or radio, possess the skills of competent oral speech (for editors of television and radio companies);
  • Maintain conversations on current topics;
  • Master the style of various journalistic genres: write articles, notes, reviews;
  • Conduct debate correctly and argue your point of view;
  • Determine priority topics for publications;
  • Identify current events in the life of society and new points of view on these events;
  • Create scripts;
  • Explain to correspondents the tasks of preparing this or that material;
  • Identify text keywords necessary for search engine optimization; use them as part of headings;
  • Formulate proposals to the author for corrections and additions to the material;
  • Use the most common digital data processing programs (graphics, audio and video files);
  • Explain to the author his mistakes;
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the materials provided by the authors, the nature of additional information;
  • Combine different formats of materials within the same media;
  • Evaluate the quality of the materials provided, make prompt decisions regarding the possibility of their publication;
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the materials provided by the authors, the nature of the information with which they need to be supplemented; correct shortcomings;
  • 1.5. The consulting editor is appointed and dismissed by order of the Vice-Rector of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The consulting editor reports to the Vice-Rector of the Institution and the head of the “Own Technologies” division

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Preparation for publication of own materials/work on air.
  • 2.2. Selecting a publication topic (script development).
  • 2.3. Editing materials.
  • 2.4. Selection of copyright materials for publication.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Work on television or radio (including hosting your own program).
  • 3.2. Creation of materials (writing articles, scripts, writing columns).
  • 3.3. Gathering the necessary information to prepare the material.
  • 3.4. Analysis of the content of the information received, the feasibility and methods of its implementation in the project.
  • 3.5. Assessing the feasibility and making decisions on the inclusion of own materials in the issue (for chief editors).
  • 3.6. Formulating tasks for correspondents to independently select topics and search for information for publications, as well as to prepare materials in accordance with a pre-developed topic.
  • 3.7. Search and evaluation of information occasions.
  • 3.8. Recommendations for writing scripts for stories developed by television journalists, editing scripts.
  • 3.9. Determining the range of problems that need to be covered in the latest issue of a newspaper (magazine, program), placing semantic accents.
  • 3.11. Analysis of the structure and content of materials, errors and shortcomings that need to be corrected.
  • 3.12. Work on context, spelling and text style.
  • 3.13. Selecting methods for editing materials to most fully reveal the author's intent.
  • 3.14. Making decisions about adding additional information (text, illustrations) to the material.
  • 3.15. Bringing the material into compliance with media requirements.
  • 3.16. Checking the actual data.
  • 3.17. Work with photo, video, audio information.
  • 3.18. Implementation of a set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results for certain user requests in order to promote the site.
  • 3.19. Familiarization with materials provided to the media by authors (correspondents).
  • 3.20. Assessment of the degree of competence of the authors, the quality of the materials provided, their compliance with the requirements and format of the given media, and the feasibility of their publication.
  • 3.21. Analysis of the content of the received materials, the feasibility and methods of their use in the project.
  • 3.22. Checking the relevance and reliability of the information provided by the authors.
  • 3.23. Making decisions on publication, rejection of materials, or the possibility of their placement in subsequent media releases (for chief editors).
  • 4. Rights

    The consulting editor has the right:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of the consulting editor.

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the consulting editor.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The consulting editor is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the Vice-Rector of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the consulting editor may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), the professional standard “Mass Media Editor” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation dated August 4, 2014 No. 538n and other legal acts regulating labor relations.