A sales floor worker is the essence of the vacancy. Job Description of a Store Seller What does the job of a sales floor worker include?

This specialty has become widespread with the emergence of large trading supermarkets with large traffic. Workers trading floor are designed to ensure the availability of goods on the shelves and the constant replenishment of their assortment in the hall. Customer satisfaction and daily sales dynamics directly depend on their qualified work.

Finding qualified personnel for this position is not so easy. A sales floor employee must at first glance identify all the shortcomings of the display case and be able to eliminate them quickly and unnoticed by customers. In addition, this specialist constantly monitors the availability of a full range of goods on the counter in the department entrusted to him.

Advantages of being a sales floor worker

Today this specialty is widespread in all corners of Russia. Qualified sales floor workers are required by every supermarket and shopping center, so the specialty is in great demand.

The responsibilities of this specialist include:

  • tracking and replenishing the assortment of goods on the counter;
  • removal of expired and damaged goods;
  • continuous cleaning and wiping of goods before display;
  • sticking price tags and price control;
  • continuous cleaning in the assigned department;
  • consulting customers regarding the choice of goods.

Today this work pays quite well, however, the requirements for applicants are also high. It is likely that you will be detained at work and called in on weekends. In almost all cases, the sales floor employee goes on shift according to the current schedule, since supermarkets are open every day, seven days a week.

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What a qualified sales floor worker can do for a supermarket

This specialist ensures, first of all, customer satisfaction in the search necessary goods. High professionalism can be manifested in the ideal condition of the display case and the constant availability of a full range of goods in the department entrusted to the employee.

The services of a sales floor employee with a seasonal influx of customers are especially relevant. It is during this period that a large influx of customers is expected, and updating of goods on the shelves needs to be done very quickly.

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The modern trade sector offers job seekers a huge number of diverse vacancies. A sales floor worker is a vacancy that does not have any special requirements and is available to most applicants. The employee is given simple tasks related to laying out products on shelves, monitoring shelf life, compliance with price tags, and putting things in order on shelves. In addition, a sales floor employee must have a good understanding of the types of packaging and products presented on the display case in general.

This profession today is distinguished by its demand, since floor workers are required in all large and medium-sized stores, in super- and hypermarkets.

Many people wonder why this profession is the first step for young specialist?! This is due to the fact that the sales floor employee has a flexible work schedule. This allows young people not to be distracted from the learning process.

Today, the Trud.com website offers its visitors more than 1,900 current vacancies for a sales floor worker in Moscow. On the graph we see interesting information related to changes in the average salary for this profession.

This profession is the highest paid in Lipetsk. Information regarding the remuneration of sales floor workers in other cities can be seen on the histogram.

Trud.com - the fastest job search for a sales floor worker in Moscow

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In almost any big store or a supermarket there must be a sales floor administrator, job responsibilities which is stated in the relevant document. An alternative title for this position is sales floor manager, but there are no particular differences between these two titles. However, employers are required to pay attention to the wording of the vacancy for which the employee is applying.

The only major difference is that administrators represent the category of specialists, and managers represent leaders. Accordingly, there is still a certain difference in responsibilities. Today we’ll talk specifically about administrators: who are they, how are they appointed, what are they required to do in the workplace?

General provisions of the instructions

As we said above, sales floor administrators are not managers, but specialists. The appointment of representatives of this specialty is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. The position can be held by employees with next level education:

  • secondary special;
  • higher;
  • additional courses.

The required work experience is also not limited. The appointment can be carried out without presenting any requirements.

The sales floor administrator must be familiar with a number of regulations at the federal and regional levels, as well as have certain qualifications. Let's consider the documents, knowledge and skills that will be required for this job:

  1. Law Russian Federation"On the protection of consumer rights."
  2. Regulatory and legal acts defining the rules for conducting trade and serving visitors.
  3. Regulatory documentation related directly to the store or supermarket where the employee will work.
  4. Management structure of the organization, rights and responsibilities of the organization’s employees, work and rest schedule.
  5. Rules and methods of work of an enterprise with clients.
  6. The range of goods and services sold by the organization.
  7. Marketing Basics, advertising activities, rules for the location of goods.
  8. Basics of designing an accountable object.
  9. Basic knowledge of ethics, aesthetics and psychology.
  10. Knowledge of economics and personnel management.
  11. Fundamentals of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  12. Internal regulations.
  13. Labor protection standards, safety regulations, sanitary and fire safety conditions.

To appoint a person to a specified position, the head of the enterprise issues a corresponding order. It also contains information about whose subordination the administrator is, as well as the person who is assigned his duties in the event that he is absent.

Job responsibilities

The administrator is the immediate supervisor for the sales staff. Cashiers, salespeople, consultants and other employees report to him. Representatives of this specialty must prepare and transmit orders for the delivery of goods from warehouses, refrigerators or other storage points. The supply and arrangement of goods is carried out under his sensitive gaze.

The sales floor administrator must keep records of the goods remaining on the sales floor. Information received about minimum stocks anything should be communicated to senior management. Information is also sent there about which products are bought better and which ones are bought worse. It is he who is responsible for monitoring the stock of goods in the hall, as well as the choice offered to the buyer.

The sales floor administrator is obliged to constantly monitor the employees subordinate to him. In particular, he must ensure that customer service is provided in accordance with corporate standards. His department also oversees compliance by employees with the rules for selling goods, as well as sanitary and hygienic requirements. He is also obliged to monitor employees’ compliance with safety regulations, fire safety and labor protection rules.

If customers intend to purchase a large quantity of goods or purchase products for a large amount, the sales floor administrator is obliged to organize appropriate service. It is also he who conveys information to customers about the range, cost and features of any goods. He should also inform buyers about possible additional services. In addition, he is responsible for communicating information to clients about the organization’s operating mode. If the client has any difficulties with the choice, representatives of this specialty are obliged to provide qualified advice.

The responsibilities of the administrator include monitoring the quality and safety of goods supplied for sale. It is he who needs to monitor the expiration date of certain products. If suddenly any products turn out to be of low quality, defective, or falsified, the specialist is obliged to remove them from the display cases and replace them with new ones (if available). In addition, representatives of this specialty must monitor the relevance of prices for goods and the presence of price tags. If a conflict arises on the sales floor, the employee must do everything possible to resolve it. The administrator also monitors staff compliance with discipline, sanitary and hygienic requirements, and safety regulations. He is also responsible for preventing employees from abusing their official powers.

The administrator is required to report to senior management any deficiencies in customer service. Serviceability is also within his competence commercial equipment. If anything goes wrong, he must notify his immediate supervisor, who, in turn, takes the necessary measures. Also, representatives of this profession are required to provide information on sales volumes (for specific products or product groups), as well as about changes in assortment.

In addition, the competence of administrators includes carrying out operations for the return, write-off, re-evaluation and reservation of products. They are also required to report on the movement of goods and participate in inventory. If any emergency situation suddenly arises in the sales area, the administrator is obliged to organize the evacuation of clients and notify the appropriate services: police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance, etc.


However, administrators should not be assumed to only have responsibilities. They also have certain rights. First of all, persons holding such positions have the right to demand for review documentation that sets out their job responsibilities and criteria for assessing the level of performance of their duties. The administrator is able to recommend to senior management any changes that will help improve the trading process.

Representatives of this specialty can propose candidates to the manager for appointment to certain positions, as well as recommend current employees of the hall for promotion, demotion or dismissal from work. They also have the right to offer compensation methods best employees or punishment of persistent violators of the official schedule. The administrator has the right to demand assistance from his immediate supervisor in fulfilling his own duties. The responsibilities of employees of this position are also specified in the service schedule.

Level wages representatives of this specialty are different. Although it’s quite difficult to call him tall. For example, today employment sites offer jobs in Moscow with a salary of up to 55,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the salary level hardly exceeds 30,000. In other regions it is even lower. However, again, it all depends on many factors, so you may find higher pay.

Summer begins, many students, having finished their studies at the university, want to find a job for themselves. If you study in Moscow, then of course it is more promising to stay in the capital and find a job, rather than go back to the provinces. Today many people cannot find work, but they still hire students with pleasure. Where can a student get a job? The best vacancy is a sales floor worker.

To find a vacant and successful position, you need to go through a certain stage. A sales floor worker is a profession in demand. Many people can't cope with it and leave. If a student job seeker opens the newspaper and reads the advertisement, he will definitely find the necessary vacancy. Also, vacancies may be offered directly at the university. Usually in such educational institutions there are notice boards and news boards, where you can find interesting work.

I want to be a sales floor worker!

If you set yourself the goal of finding a job specifically for this vacancy, then you will definitely find it. Because summer holidays start soon, you can get a full-shift job. A sales floor employee works not 8 hours, but 12 and rests for several days. Even if you are still studying, you can work part-time, for example, only on the evening shift.

What are the responsibilities?

Typically, a sales floor employee does not have to perform any complex duties. No work experience or education required. Those who are just getting into new look activities, is trained at the expense of the enterprise. Then he returns the debt and improves the data that was given to him during training.

Russian citizenship is required;

Sanitary book. Many organizations help get it and pay for a medical examination;

Be sure to be sociable and friendly;

Responsible person;

Experience, if available, in retail;

An employee of the sales floor must lay out goods, maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance on the shelves, and try to fill empty spaces in the display cases. They also make sure that there are no expired goods on display. Posting price tags is also their responsibility. And also cleaning the premises, but not performing the duties of a cleaner, but cleaning boxes, packaging goods, and so on.


Working on the sales floor may seem boring to you, but it's not. An employee on the sales floor not only does the above work, but he also needs to know a little accounting. If you don’t have the knowledge, you need to get the first skills 1 C. Be a little psychologist, get out of difficult situations. Know marketing science; as a result, a specialist becomes a hall administrator. Well, further promotion is also possible. The main thing is to improve your skills.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help:

1. General provisions.

The seller is an employee of the store, reports directly to the store director and merchandise manager, is accountable and controlled by him. In his activities he is guided by: this job description, trade rules, oral and written orders and instructions from the store administration. The seller must know and follow the internal rules labor regulations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, standards of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2. Purpose.

The goal of the salesperson is to ensure maximum sales volume by creating optimal conditions buyers to select and pay for goods.

3. Interaction with services.

In his work, the seller must interact and resolve current issues with other sellers, with the merchandise manager and the director.

The merchandising expert resolves issues according to the optimal display of goods, for missing price tags for goods, for removal of goods from sale due to the past expiration date.

The director resolves issues regarding the work schedule, participation in promotions to stimulate the sale of goods, interaction with the office, the Civil Code, inspecting and auditing organizations.

4. Main responsibilities.

4. Stimulating sales of types of goods specified by the administration.

7. Participation in inventory.

5. Description of work.

1. Arranging and replenishing goods on shelves.

The work of sellers is carried out according to the schedule established by the director. On weekdays before the store opens, the seller checks whether there is enough product to successfully begin the sales process. If necessary, removes goods from storage areas and cuts boxes to ensure free access for customers to the goods.

During the day, the seller monitors the availability of a sufficient amount of goods and, if necessary, replenishes it.

Products are placed neatly on the shelves, aligned along the front edge of the shelves. There are no empty spaces on the shelves. If any product is missing, its place on the shelf must be immediately filled with neighboring products in sufficient quantities.

2. Ensuring the safety of goods on the sales floor.

Depending on the director's assignment of sellers on the sales floor, the seller may serve at post No. 1 at the main entrance to the store. At this time, the seller controls the use of cells for storing personal belongings of visitors. At the same time, he controls the activities of sellers at the checkout, selectively reconciling the check paid by the buyer with the volume and cost of the purchase made. If an attempt is made to bring in unpaid goods, the seller detains the violator and transfers him to office premises store, where he is held until the arrival of police officers or a decision by the store administration.

In all cases, the seller, when entering into relations with citizens, is obliged to behave correctly and politely. If there are sufficient grounds incriminating a person of committing theft and refusal to proceed for investigation, physical resistance, deliberate destruction of company property, the seller in accordance with Part 1. Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Causing harm during the detention of a person who has committed a crime) has the right to stop illegal actions to deliver this person to the authorities.

When working on the sales floor, the seller monitors visitors, making sure that they select and carry goods in special baskets or carts. Special attention In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the movement of expensive goods. Through visual observation, the seller identifies persons stealing products in their clothes or in items brought into the store: umbrellas, bags, handbags, etc. Having established this category of persons, the seller reports these citizens to the seller at post No. 1 for further observation and detention in the event of removal of unpaid goods. In cases of damage to products on the sales floor (uncorking of various containers, rupture of packaging material, etc.), the seller immediately suppresses the actions of the violators with mandatory payment for the damaged goods. If the guilty person refuses to immediately pay for the damaged goods, the seller informs the store director about this so that he can call the police and initiate a criminal case under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Deliberate destruction or damage to property.”

If the store is not under remote control, the sellers, according to a schedule established by the director, guard the store at night. At the same time, they bear full responsibility for all property located in the store. During night duty, the seller is prohibited from:

Leave the place of duty without permission;

Allow unauthorized persons to be at the protected facility;

Turn off the security alarm and open sealed premises unless absolutely necessary;

Use office equipment for personal purposes;

Independently seal the store premises;

Drink alcohol.

3. Helping customers when choosing a product.

If necessary, the seller provides advice to customers on the range of goods offered for sale in the store, on the consumer properties and features of the goods.

4. Stimulating sales of types of goods specified by the administration.

At the direction of the store administration, the seller takes part in sales promotion

certain types of goods for their speedy sale due to the removal of these goods from the range, expiration dates, as well as to increase the sales volume of these types of goods with the participation of the store in promotions and sales promotions.

When stimulating sales of a product, the seller draws the attention of buyers to a given product by placing it in the most visible places, through additional consultations with buyers on the features and advantages of this product, and in other ways.

5. Acceptance and placement of accepted goods.

At the direction of the merchandiser or director, the seller works to unload the truck with the goods. Once the goods are unloaded, the seller, depending on the decision of the director or merchandiser, performs the following duties:

If goods arrive from the company's Distribution Center, the seller helps the merchandiser or director to accept the goods. To do this, he needs to carry out next steps: take goods from a pallet or box, count them and tell the merchandiser or director the name of the goods and the quantity received. After the merchandiser or director notes the actual quantity received in the invoice, the received goods must be placed in a cart for further distribution to storage locations. These actions must be continued until the goods are fully received or until the store opens, depending on the decision of the director or merchandiser.

If goods arrive from local suppliers who deliver the goods directly to the store, the seller independently accepts the goods. The director or merchandiser exercises control over the acceptance of goods.

Responsible for transporting carts and arranging received goods on shelves. Products must be placed on shelves according to type, shelf life, while maintaining convenience for customer service and inventory. The goods are placed in such a way that the place of its storage serves, if possible, as a place of sale. The bulk of highly marketable goods are sold directly from boxes, from which the top part is carefully removed and, if necessary, to ensure better visibility and easy access, the front wall is also removed. Only slower-selling non-food products are placed individually.

When arranging accepted goods on shelves, the seller must place the goods available at the point of sale and accepted goods in such a way as to provide buyers with free access, first of all, to goods with more short term storage To do this, it is necessary to place batches of goods with a shorter shelf life closer to the edge of the rack or on top of goods with a later expiration date, depending on the configuration of the point of sale.

6. Sticking price tags on the goods.

While working in the sales area, the seller is obliged to monitor the presence of price tags for the goods, their correct placement and the correct indication of all information in the price tag (name of the product, price, weight, etc.). The seller sticks on the price tags prepared and handed over to him by the merchandiser or director:

After acceptance and placement of goods;

After price update

In case of detection of a price tag that does not comply with the requirements of trade rules

In other cases, as directed by the director or merchandiser

7. Participation in inventory.

The seller receives statements for the recount of goods from the merchandiser or director and enters the quantity of the recalculated goods in them. After the recount is completed, the seller transfers the marked statements to the merchandise manager or director.

8. Control of timing of goods sales.

When fulfilling all your functional responsibilities The seller pays attention to the timing of the sale of goods. If goods are discovered with expired sales dates, the seller must immediately remove the goods from the place of sale and give this information to the merchandiser or, in his absence, to the director.

9. Customer service at the cash register and maintaining cash documents.

On days when the seller serves customers at the checkout, his work is carried out as follows:

The seller opens the invoice (F 6);

Using a scanner or manually (F 2, F 8), finds the selected product and records the quantity in the program’s consumable document;

After the customer’s purchase is completed, the invoice is closed (F 9); the buyer is told the invoice amount, the amount of money received from the buyer is entered; the change amount is automatically displayed in the lower window of the screen;

The seller accepts money from the buyer, a check is automatically issued for an amount equal to the amount of the expenditure document;

The receipt along with the change is given to the buyer; The receipt must indicate the cash received and the change.

ATTENTION! If the purchase is made through the computer and entered through the cash register, but the customer is not satisfied with the purchase amount and he wants to partially or completely refuse the purchase, you must:

A director or merchandiser must be invited

A representative of the store administration accepts the “refused” goods from the buyer;

A return document is issued for rejected items (F 7);

The seller accepts the purchase amount from the buyer after adjustment or, if the buyer has already paid money for the “refused” item to the cash register, returns the cost of the “refused” item

An act of returning the amount of money at the cash desk is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of cash discipline; the return document (return check) is attached to the reporting cash documentation

If the buyer wants to return any product some time after its purchase, the seller calls the director or merchandiser of the store to resolve the issue in accordance with legal requirements.

Delete expense documents;

Refund customers for returned products without the presence of the store administration.

During the working day, the salesperson at the checkout ensures the safety of cash. The merchandiser or director performs an intermediate recalculation of money at the cash register. The seller forms packs of 100 banknotes of one denomination and places them in a safe for storage. This operation is not carried out at the expense of customer service.

After the store is closed for customers, the seller receives from the merchandiser or director the “Register of documents for the day” in the “Warehouse” program and checks the cash at the cash register. If an error occurs, the seller identifies and corrects it. The shortage is repaid from own funds seller.

The seller fills out the cashier-operator's book. Banknotes are folded at the request of collection, and accompanying statements are laid. The unfolded banknotes are placed in a collection bag, which is sealed and handed over to the collector. A Z-report is produced on the cash register. At the end of the working day, the cash register and computer are turned off.

The most experienced sellers in working with the cash register can be appointed by the director as senior at the cash register. In this case, their responsibilities additionally include:

Monitoring the actions of all sellers at the cash registers for reconciliation on the cash register, for filling out the “cashier-operator book”, for the correct preparation of banknotes and filling out the accompanying statement, for sealing the collection bag and completing the Z-report;

Control over the safety of primary documents and their execution in accordance with the established procedure (1C program);

Control over the inventory of cash register tape for cash registers, receipt and expenditure orders, twine, seals and accompanying sheets for collection. The latter, if necessary (a week's supply), are ordered by the seller from the collector.

6. Extras.

Operating mode in holidays determined by oral or written orders of the store director.

The seller participates in classes (training) conducted for sellers to improve the level of knowledge on the properties and features of products, merchandising of goods, working at the cash register and other knowledge and skills required in the work.

The salesperson participates in team meetings held in the store.

The seller informs the store director about all emergency situations in his work.

The seller is required to have a properly issued health certificate and undergo all necessary medical examinations and procedures in a timely manner.

The seller may be appointed by the director to be responsible for opening, disarming, closing and alarming the store on certain days by oral or written orders from the store director.

The seller is obliged to carry out other orders of the administration, not described in this job description, caused by production needs.

7. Remuneration.

The seller is paid according to the current staffing table and “Regulations on bonuses for employees of JSC “_______” stores.

8. Responsibility.

The seller bears the collective financial liability for the safety of goods in the store.

In addition, the seller is responsible for:

Quality and timeliness of product display;

Availability of price tags for goods;

Availability of goods on shelves only with acceptable sales dates;

Correct execution of cash register reports, safety of primary documents and timely transfer of them to the accounting department;

Correct execution of incoming and outgoing documents

Timely replenishment of stocks consumables at the checkout, safety of the sealer;

Correct and polite attitude towards customers;

Compliance labor discipline according to Labor Code RF and Employment contract(Contract);

Compliance with all oral and written instructions and orders of the administration regarding the operation of the store

Fulfill other requirements of this job description.

In case of violation of this job description, the seller will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

9. Rights

The seller has the right to make proposals to improve the processes of work performed,

quality of customer service, as well as optimization of all processes

store activities.

Other instructions in the section: