Profession pharmacist presentation. My profession is pharmacist. Quiz “Interesting facts from the history of pharmacy”

Ancient Greek
origin, which means
Therefore, the pharmacist must have
pharmacotherapy, as well as in matters of medical
ethics and psychology.
In addition, the pharmaceutical market is constantly
new drugs, new technologies appear
treatment and diagnosis of diseases, and in this
changing "pharmaceutical" world to a specialist
it is extremely important to have fresh and relevant
information and improve your knowledge
and skills.

lets go medicines and medical products
advises on taking medications
prepares medicines according to prescriptions
receives and distributes goods
provides conditions for storing medications
prepares invoices and reporting documents
decorates shop windows
places price tags
carries out sanitary education and information work

communication skills
good manners

The profession of pharmacist places numerous demands on a person,
which, as defined by the WHO Vancouver Commission “The role of the pharmacist in
healthcare system" assume the presence special knowledge, special
attitude, skills and behavior.
These qualities are summarized in the definition
pharmacist providing high quality services;
a pharmacist capable of assessing, analyzing and correctly
determine a course of action;
pharmacist is the link between the doctor and the patient;
pharmacist is a leader, decision maker, capable
communicate and manage effectively
pharmacist - manager
pharmacist constantly gaining knowledge
pharmacist - teacher who assists in education and training
future pharmacists

A pharmacist is a specialist with
with higher pharmaceutical education- pharmacist. But that's only in
Russia, and in Europe, a pharmacist is a specialist with higher education, A
the pharmacist is his assistant with a secondary pharmaceutical education.
The educational process in the specialty “Pharmacy” is very diverse and
interesting and focused on professional activity pharmacist:
sale of medicines and goods pharmacy assortment
production of dosage forms and carrying out mandatory activities
intrapharmacy control
organization of activities structural divisions pharmacies and management
pharmacy organization in the absence of a specialist with higher education

V pharmacy organization various shapes property
letting go
at a research institute
in a laboratory developing drugs
at a drug manufacturing plant
(pharmaceutical factories)
engaged in
medicinal plants (procurement units and
pharmaceutical factories)
in a pharmacy warehouse
in the control and analytical laboratory

On modern market labor pharmacist –
In terms of demand, the profession “pharmacist” is ranked 7th
HR specialists of recruiting agencies and related
divisions of employing companies agree that
that the need for qualified personnel in the industry in
will increase in the coming years.

Pharmacy is not only an organization dedicated to
fulfill social function, but also an enterprise
Participation, understanding and attention to the visitor -
Key concepts in the pharmacist profession.

Literally in a year I will go to work at the first table (vacation of ready
medications and advice on administration and storage) and, finally, in full
I will at least be able to feel the importance and responsibility of the pharmacist profession.
And then... what will happen next, in 10 - 15 years, no one knows. Perhaps I will
head of a pharmacy or open my own pharmacy chain, I will become scientific
employee and will work on inventing a cure for HIV infection or return
to my native college and will train future specialists.
There are many options. And which one turns out to be reality depends on
desire to develop oneself in the profession. In the future I would like to revive

I hope that after graduating from college, I will be able to realize myself in this
professions, as well as bring your ideas to life.

There is a holiday:
Pharmacist's Day!
Is it true
only in Ukraine (third Saturday
(October 15).
However, Russian experts are not discouraged
and congratulate themselves, and also receive
congratulations from many information
websites and portals.

Gorshkov Danila

This presentation was created for the "Festival of Professions", in which the student represented the profession of a pharmacist. The presentation describes the history of the emergence of this profession, as well as the characteristics of the person who chooses this profession. The specifics of work and training opportunities in this profile are also described.



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Motto: White coat and sympathetic look, Mountains of pills, bottles in a row, Crowds come to you, bringing their prescription. Your proud name is PHARMACIST!

A pharmacist or apothecary is a specialist in the field of medicines. He knows how not only to distinguish them, but also to select and prepare them. He knows everything about their components, interactions, indications and contraindications for their use.

History of Pharmacology The history of pharmacology has its roots in the distant past. Even before the advent of writing, people learned to use herbs to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. For the first time, the study and description of the effects of herbs began in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. Then the matter developed rapidly. Various potions and drugs appeared. Each of them was intended to combat different manifestations of diseases. But in those days, pharmacology was not distinguished as a separate branch of knowledge and was considered medicine. The first separation occurred in 1231 in Sicily. Thus, pharmacies appeared, which separated from hospitals, became separate structures, and prices for medicines were set by the state, not by doctors. Since the 16th century, these establishments not only produced medicines, but also conducted research into the healing properties of various components. In the 18th century, trends towards the emergence of the production of medicines first appeared. Part I

Part II History of Pharmacology Since then, pharmacology has been developing rapidly in Europe, and new drugs are being discovered. This led to the eradication of a mass of deadly infections, which, fortunately, are unfamiliar to residents of modern megacities. In Russia, pharmacology developed somewhat more slowly. The first pharmacy appeared in Rus' only in 1547, by order of Ivan the Terrible. Then pharmacology begins its rapid development. Since the 18th and 19th centuries, as a result of the development of chemistry, new methods for the production of medicines have appeared. The pharmacy business is still developing to this day. Medicine constantly requires new means to combat serious diseases that mutate and constantly add problems modern society. Modern pharmacology is a high-tech science that is constantly searching for the most effective methods treatment.

“About the work of a pharmacist” The profession of a pharmacist is quite interesting and diverse in its areas of application. These specialists are mainly employed in pharmacies, acting as drug sellers. But they perform not only the function of implementation, but also the selection of analogues, alternatives, etc. Quite often, pharmacists help people decide which medicine to choose. The second area of ​​activity can be called scientific processes. This is work in laboratories, research institutes, etc. Many university graduates end up working in drug production companies. The work of pharmacists is interesting and dynamic. After all, these specialists create substances that often help save our lives. They (pharmacists) are an integral part of the healthcare system of any civilized country, including Russia.

Training - What specialties to study in In order to obtain the full range of knowledge necessary to gain the opportunity to work as a pharmacist, you should choose one of the following specializations: - pharmaceuticals - pharmaceutical technology - pharmaceutical chemistry - Where to study In order to become a pharmacist, You can choose any medical higher education institution that has a pharmacological or chemical department.

Who is this profession suitable for? This profession Suitable mainly for people with a mathematical mindset. After all, the pharmacist not only knows, he is constantly faced with delicate calculations of drug dosages. A well-developed memory is also a mandatory criterion. It is she who helps to choose the right medicine - an analogue of the prescribed remedy. Ingenuity. This aspect is especially important for laboratory workers. They produce new, more effective drugs. For most pharmacists, communication skills are important. After all, every day they have to deal with a lot of people.

Demand and salary - The profession of a pharmacist is quite in demand. The pharmacy business is very popular and profitable, especially in our time. In this regard, new pharmacies are constantly opening. Pharmacology is at the stage of development and pharmacists are always needed. It's a different matter in research laboratories. Careers are built there slowly and new personnel are rare. Most likely, you will have to wait quite a long time for a vacancy. - A pharmacist’s earnings directly depend on his field of activity. On average, these specialists receive a monthly income of 15 to 40 thousand rubles. This intermediate level earnings.

Career Development and Outlook - A career as a pharmacist begins with acquiring the necessary skills in graduate school. Once you get a job in a pharmacy or laboratory, you can eventually apply for the position of manager. In private companies, you also have the prospect of growth from subordinate to manager. The profession is in constant development. By career ladder you can rise to the position of manager. The most enterprising ones can easily open their own business in the field of pharmacology and earn good money from it.

Interesting fact In 1886, the so-called “remedies for all diseases”, namely alcohol tinctures, began to be sold in South America. Local population South America At that time, he was waging an irreconcilable fight against drunkenness, and John Pemberton, a pharmacist working in one of the local pharmacies, decided to change the composition, eliminating alcohol from it and replacing it with an equally better tonic (also, according to people of that time, absolutely safe for health) cocaine. The result was surprisingly successful, and Pemberton gave the name to his drink: Coca-Cola. (today this is the most popular drink in the whole world).

Completed by 8th grade student Danila Gorshkov Thank you for your attention!

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The profession of pharmacist has an ancient history. The first medicines were invented long before they learned to write, so no written recipes from that time have survived. But references to doctors of the ancient period of various civilizations have been preserved, and in large quantities. These respected people themselves prepared medicines, potions from means known only to them, and carefully guarded their recipes. The first scientific research in the field of pharmaceuticals was carried out by the Greeks. Their work was continued by the scientists of Rome. But the division between doctors and pharmacists occurred only in the 13th century in Europe.

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Medicines are complex chemicals, and taking them does not always give the expected result. It often happens the other way around: uncontrolled use of medications can significantly worsen your health.

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This is a specialist in the manufacture, research and sale of medicines. These workers can be found in a pharmacy right behind the counter. The chief pharmacist is called a pharmacist. There are several types of organizations where you can find people performing such functions. In addition to pharmacies and medicine warehouses, there are also organizations that collect and process material for the manufacture of medicines, research institutes and laboratories. Pharmacist, with persistent work and improving his professional level, over time can become a pharmacist who leads a team of specialists in this field. A pharmacist must know chemistry, botany (regarding medicinal plants), be attentive and responsible.

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The pharmacist informs doctors and patients about the availability of medicines, their pharmacological action, indications and contraindications for use, comparative characteristics with analogue drugs. Not everyone can do the job of a pharmacist. It places special demands on a person’s personality. Pharmacists do not have the right to marriage, since mistakes in their work can be tragic and irreparable. Increased requirements for cleanliness make the work of a pharmacist completely contraindicated for a person who is sloppy, inattentive, disorganized and irresponsible. Advantages of the profession: demand in the market, importance of work. Limitations of the profession: working conditions (working with harmful drugs), increased responsibility.

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The profession of a pharmacist belongs to the “Man - Nature” type, it is associated with the study, observation and interaction with living and inanimate nature, and requires a high level of observation and attentiveness. It also belongs to the “Man – Sign” type, as it is associated with sign information: texts, numbers, formulas and tables, it requires logical abilities, the ability to concentrate, interest in working with information, developed attention and perseverance. The profession of a pharmacist belongs to the “heuristic” class, it is associated with analysis, research and testing, control and planning, managing other people, it requires high erudition, originality of thinking, a desire for development and constant learning.

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A pharmacist is a specialist who thoroughly understands medications, their use, composition and dosages. The work of a pharmacist often includes: Ensuring the operation of the pharmacy: its employees and technical parts (devices); Monitoring the availability of medications in the pharmacy, taking prescriptions and dispensing medications according to them; Consulting buyers; Preparing medications according to prescriptions; If necessary, provision of pre-hospital medical care, etc.

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To successfully master the profession of a pharmacist, basic knowledge of chemistry, biology, and medicine is required. A qualified pharmacist must know: general medicine; rules for the development, preparation, research (analysis), storage, dispensing of medicines; principles of drug dosage and nomenclature of medical substances; principles of standards for the dispensing of certain drugs (including narcotic and potent compounds), as well as requirements for the conditions and periods of storage of drugs, etc. A qualified pharmacist must be able to: work with medications; work with medicines; render medical care etc.

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For successful activities As a pharmacist, you must have the following professionally important qualities: the ability to concentrate attention, developed mathematical abilities, a propensity to work with natural objects, a propensity to work with information, developed logical abilities, a propensity for service work, emotional stability

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A pharmacist can work either independently or in a team that may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work indoors. These can be offices of companies and organizations, pharmacies. Work occurs primarily while sitting or standing, using special tools. This is generally a quiet activity, although the work of a pharmacist may often involve interacting with people. A pharmacist is quite independent in his activities. He can take own solutions within the framework of the assigned tasks, but is limited by the requirements of technology, recipe characteristics and legal norms.

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Medical restrictions for a pharmacist: diseases of the musculoskeletal system; nervous system; cardiovascular system; organs of hearing and vision; immune system; various forms of allergies; virus carriage (for example, tuberculosis). In the presence of these diseases, work in a profession... can lead to deterioration of health, as well as create insurmountable obstacles to mastering and growth within this profession.

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