Entrepreneur Vyacheslav Rudnikov addressed an open letter to Russian President V.V. Putin. Vyacheslav Rudnikov: “Our current arbitrations are a commercial store Organization of the Russian Foundation”

The ex-head of the R-Style holding Vasily Vasin spoke about the reasons that led his former partner to collapse

Recently, publications regularly appear in the media in which the co-owner of a number of Russian companies, Vyacheslav Rudnikov, states that former business partners are taking away his business. In particular, accusations are being made against the ex-president of the IT holding R-Style Vasily Vasin. “A business thief” who “takes advantage of unlawful decisions of Russian courts” – this is how Rudnikov characterizes Vasin in the press. The entrepreneur, who had previously remained silent, could not help but respond to such statements. In an exclusive interview with NG journalist Andrei Korotkov, he spoke about the causes of the conflict and how, due to Rudnikov’s actions, once very successful joint business projects are falling apart.

– Vasily Ivanovich, you and Vyacheslav Rudnikov have been working together since the early 90s. Why now, after so many years, has such an acute conflict flared up?

- There is only one reason - over time, Rudnikov lost the ability to negotiate with anyone at all, including me. He had previously put his “I” above all else, emphasizing his genius and creativity, but now we can state the fact that he simply does not hear reasonable arguments. Instead, he prefers to blame his former partners for imaginary greed, and the courts, in which he loses almost all his claims, for corruption.

He developed a tendency towards this about 10 years ago. I assume that Slava’s character was influenced by his passion for other projects not related to the main business of the holding, as well as ambitions in politics. It was then that people appeared in our office with murky business projects that led to the loss of money, quasi-patriots with nationalist ideas, which resulted in the creation of the “Case of the Nation” party, the “Russians” fund and other projects. Whatever the reasons, in fact Rudnikov was engaged only in his own projects, without participating in other businesses at all. At the same time, in financial matters he behaved like a dictator - as if he were the only shareholder. Slava believed, and this occurred to him regularly, that “all this is mine, and I brought you and keep you as assistants, operational managers and other advisers... I have the right to use the company’s resources at any time.” Over the years, especially after the failure with the Bryansk governorship, he became less and less capable of dialogue. Now the fruits of this long-term trend have simply become clearly visible.

Vasily Vasin

Can we say that the conflict has become personal?

- Unfortunately, yes. I would say that it is already not only business, but also interpersonal. For a long time, I did not consider it possible to make public any nuances related to commercial activities, to turn our business disputes into the public domain. But the statements that hurt my honor and business reputation were the last straw - I don’t want to remain silent any longer.

– Although Rudnikov himself has recently been actively portrayed through the media as a victim of his gullibility towards his former business partners. How would you comment on this?

– To say that he is a victim is simply ridiculous. In all controversial situations, he is the attacker, and the rest of the shareholders associated with him through business relations become hostages of his inflexibility and often unpredictability.

Let me explain that we had several joint business projects in various areas. And almost all companies have four main shareholders who owned stakes to varying degrees - Rudnikov, Rilvan Bamgbala, Yuri Otrashevsky and me. Rudnikov’s strange, to put it mildly, views on how a partnership should be built have led to the fact that the Arbitration Court is now overwhelmed with cases involving several of our companies, such as Feticor, KS-Trust, Aktera, R-Style . Most of them concern the issue of fair division of business. But it is precisely on this issue that Vyacheslav does not want to listen to others and make reasonable compromises. Therefore, in my opinion, the definition best suited to him now is “litigious entrepreneur,” which is incompatible with normal business ethics. It turns out that he himself does not work, and does not give it to others, delays trials and blocks the activities of his own organizations - he ruins what has been created over the years.

What is he trying to achieve?

– Maximum benefit for yourself, and ideally – so that you don’t have to share it with anyone at all. For example, he is now trying to bankrupt Feticor LLC - and this is after a long trial, which, it would seem, has put everything in its place. The point is that the shareholders - me and Rilwan Bamgbala - at one time decided to leave this company. Under Russian law, the usual procedure is for those who exit to be paid the value of their shares. But Rudnikov, as the only remaining shareholder, did not want to pay, which is why we had to defend our rights in court more than once. After we finally won what was owed, Rudnikov filed for bankruptcy of the company, saying that it owed him a lot. What will happen next is easy to predict: a bankruptcy trustee will be appointed and the company’s property will be sold. For Rudnikov, this means profit from the sale of property and savings on payments to former partners. But for other shareholders, as well as for the entire business community, this will be a signal that it is impossible to deal with Rudnikov, since he neglects any partnership agreements. It is no coincidence that he is now a defendant in a criminal case under the article “Attempted fraud on an especially large scale” and is currently under recognizance not to leave the place.

What is the reason for Rudnikov’s fraud charges?

– He is accused of illegally withdrawing assets from the KS-Trust company. And this is more than 20 thousand square meters of office space in Moscow and the regions. The dispute regarding this issue between Rudnikov and Bamgbala has been going on for a very long time. The fact is that initially Vyacheslav’s share in this business was 48%, and 24% belonged to Bamgbala, 13% to Otrashevsky and 15% to me. By the way, I did not receive any compensation for them, although, according to our agreement with him, I transferred these shares to him.

Currently, 76% of KS-Trust assets belong to Rudnikov, which has documentary evidence, the remaining 24% belongs to Bamgbala. Rudnikov believes that this is all his, and does not agree to divide the property with Bamgbala, accusing him of raider attacks and thus delaying the process. To denigrate your former partner, to come up with a reason why you don’t need to give money - this is the style of the “entrepreneur” Rudnikov.

– You said that you still have not received compensation from the sale of the KS-Trust share. That is, it turns out that they suffered direct financial losses. Is this the only such case in your relationship with Rudnikov?

- No. For example, last year the developer of banking software R-Style Softlab was sold to the Polish holding Asseco. According to my information, about 40 million dollars from Asseco were received by Rudnikov, but he refused to give my share. Although this should actually be a matter of honor for him. The fact is that legally my rights to part of the company were not formalized - formally it was owned by only one person. But in fact, it still had four shareholders. It’s just that in the past, very often relationships of this kind between partners were built on trust, without documentary evidence. Unfortunately, Rudnikov did not justify the trust.

What is the current state of the assets of the R-Style IT holding, which you headed for many years?

– Since 2014, the company, essentially, began to fall apart due to a conflict between shareholders. Constant trials and articles in the media, initiated by Rudnikov, led to tension in the team and on the part of customers, which led to the loss of people and orders. The situation was such that due to constant fuss in the courts, it became virtually impossible to fulfill orders.

How did it come to this?

– After the 2008 crisis, all business areas of the holding experienced great difficulties, and there were few profitable companies left. But Slava continued to demand investments in his areas, which only brought losses and were always “subsidized.” On this basis, conflicts arose, especially between Rudnikov and Bamgbala, which led to a severe break in their relationship. It was not possible to reconcile them and somehow peacefully divide the business, despite the efforts I made. We didn't agree. It was decided to sell R-Style SoftLab, which Otrashevsky was doing. There were also no resources to actively develop system integration as one of the main profitable areas. Therefore, when investors from the market approached us, we decided to cooperate with them.

The deal was formalized according to a scheme generally accepted in world practice - investors purchased a block of shares with the right to buy out the remaining shares in a couple of years according to a predetermined formula for estimating the value and with the possibility of attracting auditors from the top four to evaluate the business. But, as I understand it, Slava had no intention of honoring the agreement. He began to insist that investors buy out his remaining share at the price he desired. Needless to say that in the civilized world this is regarded as extortion? Moreover, no amount of exhortation helped. Investors were shocked, to put it mildly.

For some reason, he did not take advantage of the opportunity to order a business assessment from independent auditors from the top four, but immediately filed a lawsuit against investors in the London Court of International Arbitration. But here his hopes were not justified - in 2016, the court rejected all of his demands, of which, I note, there were at least 10. In addition, he was awarded to pay more than 11 million dollars, and he himself told the media about this. I think he will avoid payments in every possible way. At the same time, he, in fact, has already managed to accuse the London Arbitration Court of corruption.

Could you also explain the essence of the dispute related to the mentioned Aktera LLC? Is it going bankrupt now?

– Absolutely right, this was another of our joint projects. The company was supposed to build a water park in Zelenograd. When the conflict with Slava began, he tried to increase his controlled share in the company, bypassing me and Bamgbala, but also did not succeed. A very unpleasant moment was that in one of the documents - the minutes of the general meeting of the company's participants - there was my forged signature, which was proven by the examination presented in court. Then Rudnikov tried to expel Rilwan Bamgbala and me from society, but again lost in court. Now, a certain Grishin, who is the full namesake of the general director of the media resource “Cyril and Methodius”, which is owned by Rudnikov, has initiated bankruptcy proceedings for “Actors”. Is this a coincidence? Hardly. It’s just a shame that the water park construction project remained on paper.

– You said that Rudnikov was accused of corruption by a London court. He also calls Russian courts, in which he regularly loses lawsuits, “commercial shops.” What do you think is the reason for such a stubborn reluctance to admit obvious defeats?

– As I already said, he doesn’t hear any reasonable arguments. Probably, the thirst for profit brought him to the state of a businessman who cannot look at the situation critically. Therefore, as I believe, Rudnikov now follows the logic of “the best defense is an attack,” and this inevitably pushes him further and further into the abyss in which all partners become ex-partners. At the same time, he really became the person who could “be the architect of his own happiness,” but persistently forges only grief and problems for himself.

After all the treacherous attacks and vile statements, including those addressed to me, he had already gone so far that he left me with only one option - to methodically prove that he was right and obtain compensation from Vyacheslav Rudnikov for all losses incurred. I'm sure that will happen in the end.

Andrey Korotkov

Original material: "Nezavisimaya Gazeta"

Entrepreneur Vyacheslav Rudnikov has been fighting for five years against unscrupulous businessmen and raiders who are trying to take away his assets. According to the entrepreneur, corrupt law enforcement officials are helping to fabricate criminal cases against him, without whom it would have been impossible to bring charges against him virtually “from scratch.”

Vyacheslav Rudnikov addressed an open letter to the President of Russia, who has repeatedly identified the problem of corruption in law enforcement agencies and illegal prosecution of entrepreneurs as one of the main ones in our country.

We ask our colleagues, the media who are not indifferent to the topic of fighting corruption, to also publish this appeal on their pages.

Vyacheslav Rudnikov

Open letter to Russian President V.V. Putin

about blatant corruption and inaction of law enforcement agencies,
covering up raiding and fabrication of criminal cases against
entrepreneurs organized crime group

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Speaking before the Federal Assembly, you identified the problem of corruption and illegal prosecution of entrepreneurs by law enforcement agencies as one of the main ones hindering the development of the economy of our country.

I, Rudnikov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, an entrepreneur, have already I have been subjected to illegal criminal prosecution on a fabricated case for more than 5 years, persecution by the preliminary investigation bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with the full connivance of the prosecutor’s office, as well as pressure by “ordered”, unlawful court decisions. I associate what is happening with the high level of corruption in these bodies. I have information about corrupt officials because I receive it from many credible sources.

In my deep conviction, an organized criminal group (OCG) has long been formed in Moscow, headed by the Russian billionaire A.I. Klyachin, which also includes S.E. Gordeev, E.B. Ustenko, V.I. Vasin, R.A. Bamgbala ., Kasatkin S.N., Kirsanov A.Yu., Kozhevnikov K.R. and a number of other persons, who, with the help of investigators and prosecutors who are corrupted by them, have been fighting me from 2012 to the present with the aim of stealing business assets belonging to me.

The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation fabricated criminal case No. 148360 against me, and then this “work” was continued by the bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The case was initiated on October 31, 2012 at the request of a person unknown to me, a certain Bokshi A.O., who acted by proxy on behalf of my company, whom I have never seen and whom the investigation has never presented to me for acquaintance for 5 years, although would be confronted. The case was initiated very quickly, within 9 days, and in the same department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-Eastern Administrative District, where already on February 24, 2012, criminal case No. 148058 was opened against the raiders, according to the statement of the head of the company KS-Trust LLC, in relation to which carried out numerous raider attacks (this case was successfully collapsed by employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow and personally investigator Grozan A.V.., now we are making attempts to bring it to completion at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-Eastern Administrative District, encountering the strongest resistance from the investigation).

Case No. 148360 was opened by investigator Pogrebny K.S. on the basis of false reports by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs D.V. Ulyashin. and others. As the owner, no one called or questioned me, and I learned that the case was opened approximately 4 months later, at the end of January 2013, simultaneously with the beginning of a new massive attack on my assets. At the same time, the actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigation were completely synchronized with the actions of the raiders.

However, despite all the efforts of the “law enforcement officers” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we managed to repel these attacks and recognize through the court all the “powers of attorney” of Bokshi A.O. insignificant, arrest warrants were issued for his accomplices, Montenegrin Kordik Davor and Briton Eric Simon, by the Cyprus police as part of a criminal case initiated there. By the way, against one of the attackers, the Nigerian Bamgbala A.R. — on December 13, 2011, criminal case No. 413999 was separately initiated for fraud in the amount of more than 350 million rubles. At present, the case is also completely collapsed by the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow (and investigator A.V. Grozan also had a hand in this), there are forgeries in the case, the examination was most brazenly fabricated, etc., and this is a separate story of lawlessness "law enforcement officers".

I'll continue.

It would seem that in September 2013, in connection with court decisions on the illegal powers of Bokshi A.O. to speak on behalf of my company, there has come a happy end to this whole dirty story with criminal case No. 148360. However, this was not the case. A group led by A.I. Klyachin, which I consider (and I have every reason to do so) an organized criminal group, actively joined in opposition to me. These people, in my opinion, having invested huge amounts of money, took advantage of the completed but not officially closed criminal case No. 148360 and by bribing a large group of people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office, they gave the case a “second wind.” I was accused of “stealing” my own property. Such aggressive and illegal activities of A.I. Klyachin. and his group, in my firm conviction, is connected with the fact that Klyachin A.I. At the end of 2013, he had to pay me significant amounts of money for the shares he acquired in my companies - more than $50 million. In order to avoid payments (today these assets have actually been stolen by A.I. Klyachin’s group), as well as to seize all other assets belonging to me, this group actually acts. There are no other reasons for my illegal criminal prosecution. My “fault” lies only in the fact that I refuse to give the bandits the results of my many years of work - the assets of my companies created over 25 years.

Since December 2013, i.e. For more than 4 years now, my property has been illegally seized - several office buildings built by my own companies in Moscow, which does not allow me to use them as collateral when obtaining loans and put them into economic circulation. Moreover, these buildings are the property of a third party, to which the investigation has no claims and which is not directly related to the criminal case.

For reference: my companies implement projects that are very necessary for the country and are engaged in computer technologies, software development, Internet technologies, system integration, telecommunications, aircraft development, production of educational programs and popular science documentaries, and innovation activities. Unfortunately, a number of projects have been closed, and some have been frozen for more than 4 years due to the events taking place around me and described in this appeal. I had to fire more than 400 specialists.

All my current “failures” are the result of raider attacks on my business since 2012 and the actions of the organized crime group A.I. Klyachin. from 2013 to the present day, as well as the result of the illegal criminal prosecution of me, a successful entrepreneur until recently.

A huge number of complaints and petitions on the merits of the case, sent by me over 5 years to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the Prosecutor's Office, are practically either completely ignored or rejected. Moreover, I am given unmotivated, non-specific refusals, from the category of “you are wrong and that’s it, there are no violations,” although all my complaints and petitions are more than specific and detailed point by point. Almost all complaints submitted to the heads of authorities were transferred “down” without verification to the same employees whose actions were complained about and who committed malfeasance. And deliberately false and distorted information was probably reported “to the top.” In my opinion, all these years, the lower and middle levels of the investigation and prosecutor’s office manipulated the facts and distorted data in their reports transmitted to senior management.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, exactly what you spoke about when addressing the Federal Assembly is happening - the deliberate destruction of business by unscrupulous law enforcement officers for bribes they receive from raiders.

You gave instructions three times to investigate in matters of criminal prosecution of me: May 28, 2014 to V.A. Kolokoltsev, August 14, 2014 to Yu.Ya. Chaika, June 24, 2015 to the head of the RF Investigative Committee, A.I. Bastrykin. (“consider and report”). I believe that Bastrykin A.I. reported to you information, however, I am afraid, the information is false, prepared by his employees. After all, already on July 14, 2015, the case was returned by the Butyrsky court to the prosecutor with devastating wording, and the Moscow City Court confirmed this decision on September 17, 2015. After holding the case for a whole year without progress, the investigation transferred it to another court - Tushinsky, realizing that it would not be possible to correct the comments of the Butyrsky court - white things would not become black, and black things would not become white. But on December 23, 2016, the Tushino court also returned the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, adding even greater grounds for its immediate closure. On March 28, the Moscow City Court confirmed the decision of the Tushino court. And again, the case is still under investigation, now in the Babushkinsky interdistrict investigative department of the same Investigative Committee for the North-East Administrative District, and practically no action is being taken on it. Of course, there are many courts in Moscow, the investigation has scope - why not go through everything?

There was no reasonable reaction to your instructions to the three departments, but you only asked to consider and report. In response, I received from these structures the same replies as before, containing false, unreliable information that was refuted by me long ago and edited by the same investigator. Until now, all these power structures have been giving me nightmares without any legal basis. It turns out that they all actually ignore your opinion.

On December 5, 2017, the head of the investigator was Blinova T.B., the head of the Investigative Committee for the North-Eastern Administrative District was Galashko S.K. issued a Resolution on the cancellation of the Resolution to initiate a criminal case dated October 31, 2012 at the request of Bokshi A.O.(a fraudster whom the investigation is not looking for). Thus, the investigation RECOGNIZED THE ILLEGAL NATURE OF INSTITUTION OF THIS CRIMINAL CASE AND ALL ACTIONS OF THE INVESTIGATION DURING THESE 5 YEARS ARE ILLEGAL. Meanwhile, during this time, my assets worth more than 2 billion rubles were arrested, which could allow me to save my business and projects and protect myself from raiders, attacks from which continue to this day. I was under house arrest for 15 months and am still under recognizance not to leave.

But the end of my ordeal did not end there, and everything started anew: then, on December 5, 2017, the investigation, without cessation of the criminal prosecution and the criminal case itself No. 148360, opened a new criminal case No. 11702450017000065 against me, and on the same single “episode” "and based on the report of investigator Blinov T.B. He again takes this case into his proceedings.

Any normal person understands that if for 5 years the investigation has not been able to clearly formulate a charge (and there were four different options), if the case was twice returned by the court at the preliminary stage of consideration, if the facts speak of my complete innocence, but are simply cynically ignored , then either investigator Blinov T.B. and its leader Galashko S.K. - they are unprofessional and they need to be changed, or they are corrupt officials and something needs to be done with them too. I have repeatedly written complaints and petitions to change investigator T.B. Blinov. an honest investigator who could objectively and quickly sort everything out (documents confirming my innocence have been on file almost from the very beginning of the investigation). But Blinov, apparently, was assigned by someone to this case to do all the work in the “field,” and the same leader Galashko covers him. That is, investigator Blinov FOR THE FOURTH TIME began an “investigation” into this “case.” But this is pure corruption! It is the stubborn reluctance to change the investigator, despite our numerous petitions, that may indicate that both Blinov himself and his leader Galashko are corrupt officials, however, obviously, are not the only ones in this matter. There are people even higher. Of course, in this theater of the absurd organized by law enforcement officers, one cannot exclude the absurd option - the RF IC system simply needs to “train” on someone, and for this they chose me, as if there were no real criminals. But this version is too bold, and I still reject it.

It is also obvious that law enforcement agencies do not want to stop this case due to the fact that they are afraid of inspection and possible punishment of the perpetrators, are afraid that they themselves will be charged with illegal criminal prosecution and that they themselves will end up in the dock. In any case, you have repeatedly spoken in the media about the need to combat this phenomenon and punish it, including bringing to justice corrupt employees who fabricate criminal cases and illegally persecute entrepreneurs.

Since October 2014, case No. 148360 was “supervised,” according to my information, in order to put pressure on me by a high-ranking employee of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow, Major General Denis Nikandrov, who was arrested in the summer of 2015. Investigator T.B. Blinov openly told me that “he sees no prospects in this matter” but, nevertheless, “if I close this case, the authorities will take my head off,” openly admitted that he was “supervised by the general himself.”

After the arrest of D. Nikandrov in the summer of 2016, I began to hope that case No. 148360 fabricated against me would pass an objective review by honest, independent investigators and prosecutors. My lawyers have been filing petitions since the fall of 2015 to transfer the case to another investigator, but the case was firmly “stuck” to Blinov, who was transferred from the Investigative Committee of the North-Eastern Administrative District to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow along with this case. Probably too much effort and money was invested in its falsification. Apparently, fearing scrutiny after the arrest of Nikandrov D., the investigation urgently “pushed” the case back to court in August 2016, just so that it would not remain with him and would not come under scrutiny (it seems that some kind of commission was created to verify all cases involving Nikandrov D.). Having failed in a year - from September 2015 to July 2016 - to eliminate all the comments of the Butyrsky court and realizing that once again the Butyrsky court would again refuse to consider the lies of the investigation called “Indictment”, the case was transferred to another court, Tushinsky, grossly violating all procedural rules norms. In turn, the Tushinsky court for a long time, despite all these violations, tried to bring the case to at least the start of the hearing, unmotivatedly rejecting the defense’s requests and not even noticing the formal grounds for its termination. As a result, the court “could not resist” the onslaught of outright lawlessness, returning the case to the prosecutor.

And now corrupt law enforcement officials continue to try to come up with something out of nowhere that will ultimately allow their clients to illegally put me behind bars and then take away my property from me. They do not disdain outright written forgeries in the case ( ready to provide a whole list), “do not notice” the evidence of my innocence and thereby not recognizing official documents and facts that are inconvenient for them. My petitions are not satisfied: in particular, according to my information, the responses from the Cypriot police to the Russian investigative authorities were destroyed as inconvenient, since against the “victim” in case No. 148360, Russian and at the same time Nigerian citizen A.R. Bamgbala, member of the organized crime group A.I. Klyachin ., the Nicosia police opened a criminal case back in May 2013. Currently, within the framework of that case warrants were issued for the arrest of two of his accomplices - Briton Eric Simon and Montenegrin citizen Kordik Davor, who openly stole the Kapenda company that belonged to me and issued on its behalf a false power of attorney in the name of the Russian Bokshi A.O., whose statement served as the basis for initiating criminal case No. 148360, for which the entire Russian state machine is now pressing me. The investigation is not looking into the criminal A. Boksha and his accomplices at all, completely ignoring the requirements of the law. Thus, the investigation and the prosecutor’s office actually help the raiders take away my property, and do not protect me from illegal attacks, actually acting together with the organized crime group of A.I. Klyachin. and in her interests.

What happened to my companies during the illegal criminal prosecution of me by law enforcement agencies for 5 years?

A) “Strange” court decisions (a separate big topic, I will not present here due to the volume of the material) led to the fact that a member of the organized crime group Vasin V.I. deliberately bankrupted Air-Style LLC, having previously withdrawn about 900 million rubles from the company. Bankrupted a company that had a net profit after paying all taxes in the amount of 272 million rubles, and only because this organized crime group under the management of A. Klyachin wanted to steal it. AND. The bankruptcy trustee K.N. Kozhevnikov, Vasina’s personal lawyer A.Yu. Kirsanov, and the arbitration court judge A.A. Svirin took part in this scam. and a number of other judges. Vasin was issued an illegal and invalid bill of exchange for 235 million rubles. to the company of his lawyer Kirsanov A.Yu., a non-repayable loan of 221 million rubles was issued for 3 months. companies with the participation of A.I. Klyachin and Gordeeva S.E. (they own 50% of it), which subsequently disappeared, Vasin and other persons from the organized crime group deliberately and secretly wrote off new goods worth more than 500 million rubles. Criminals are not afraid of anything because they take advantage of corrupt connections. After three years of visiting law enforcement agencies, it has still not been possible to initiate a criminal case against them, although all the evidence lies on the surface. The amount of theft is about 1 billion rubles.

B). In another company with a similar court decision, members of the organized crime group Vasin V.I. and Kasatkin S.N. with administrative and corruption support, my business for the repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment was stolen - Air Es Service LLC, which has more than 100 branches in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, perhaps the largest professional network with similar activities. I estimate the value of this company 1.2 – 1.5 billion rubles. My attempts to initiate criminal cases against the illegal actions of members of this criminal organized crime group also ended in nothing, although I continue to try to open a criminal case, but the organized crime group has probably flooded everything with money, everything has been bogged down for years in trifles and a swamp. Law enforcement officials, in my deep conviction, do their best to shield the real criminals and prevent the investigation from proceeding. There are honest operatives, so some of them, who were involved in checking all these circumstances, openly told me that “there is indisputable evidence of a crime, but we have an order from our superiors not to initiate a criminal case.” Personally, I believe and am confident that one of the most sinister figures of the organized crime group is E.B. Ustenko, whom I consider a “fixer,” the one who negotiates with corrupt officials directly or through his assistants.

IN). e-Style Softhouse LLC, a small (the core of the company is about 60 people), but very professional company for the development of custom programs, was completely ruined. Vasin V.I. deceivedly transferred all employees, all customers, company finances to a new company registered in his name, but actually owned, in my deep conviction, by the same A.I. Klyachin. and Gordeev S.E. There is only one person left in the company - director Potapenko A. The amount of damage is more than 400 million rubles.

G). Since 2014, I have been deprived of my share in the Air-Style group of companies that I created in 1991. This was done by A.I. Klyachin, who in 2012 entered the business as an investor (it would be more correct to write it in quotation marks as “investor”) and, having entered into a conspiracy with the director of the management company Er-Style Group LLC, V.I. Vasin, with the help other members of the organized crime group - Gordeeva S.E., Ustenko E.B., Kirsanova A.Yu. - transferred the assets of the entire business to the new company RedSys LLC (where Vasin also became a director), depriving me of more than 3 billion rubles. Personnel were withdrawn - more than 1000 people, branches in 6 largest cities of Russia were transferred, contracts with customers were renegotiated, intellectual property in the form of approximately 150 industry solutions was stolen, finances were withdrawn, contracts with more than 50 product suppliers were renegotiated. By the way, at the end of 2016, RedSys LLC was sold to famous businessmen brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev, owners of Promsvyazbank (they are also owners of the Technoserv company). My attempts to meet with the Ananyevs and give them information that the asset was stolen did not find understanding with them; they refused to meet. Apparently, they bought it at a profit, but money, as you know, has no meaning for many people.

D). Currently, with the help of Vasin V.I. and Kirsanova A.Yu. The Air-Style group is preparing for bankruptcy; a number of companies are already in a state of liquidation. Kirsanov is using a scheme for artificially creating debts, as it was with Air-Style LLC. Obviously, exactly according to the same scheme as Air-Style LLC - certain writs of execution have already been received - Kirsanov A.Yu. actively uses schemes related to arbitration courts. I still have 33% of shares in the Er-Style Group of Companies, and I am on the Board of Directors of the company, however, since the summer of 2013, A.I. Klyachin and his group completely removed me from participation in management and from all information; they have not allowed me into the office for more than 4 years, using a number of fraudulent technologies, including a “custom-made” case No. 148360 brought against me.

Thus, today the organized crime group A.I. Klyachin, using fabricated criminal case No. 148360 against me, the real owner of the KS-Trust company, stole my assets worth at least 5.5-6 billion rubles and continues to attack the remaining I have company.

At the same time, law enforcement agencies are collapsing or have already collapsed two criminal cases brought against members of the organized crime group.

1. Criminal case No. 148058, initiated at the request of the director of KS-Trust LLC against the raiders on February 24, 2012, is not being investigated.

2. Criminal case No. 413999, initiated on December 13, 2011 on the fact of fraud by R.A. Bamgbala, who stole more than 350 million rubles, is not being investigated. in the Veterra company, where I owned more than 50% of the shares. In this case, the investigation of the State Investigative Directorate more than 20 (!) times did not comply with court requests for documents! The court refused, and this, excuse me, is complete chaos. Then he was returned twice for one month, did not take any actions, including those that the court ordered to be carried out, and again dismissed the case, and so on more than once. By inaction and delaying the investigation for years, the case is persistently leading to termination upon expiration of the statute of limitations, which should begin in June 2018. It is absolutely obvious that the investigation of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow is deliberately covering up scammers. But surely not out of “love of art”?

ORDERED CASE No. 148360 PLAYS A DECISIVE ROLE IN THE CURRENT LEGAL CASUALTY. I consider the main organizer of the organized crime group to be A.I. Klyachin, who tries to remain in the shadows as much as possible (as much as possible), acting with the hands of his accomplices. His group, in my opinion and according to my information, spent at least 15 million dollars. USA for bribery of law enforcement officers and prosecutors.

I consider investigator T.B. Blinov to be the main executors of the “order” against me. and its leader Galashko S.K.

On August 10, 2017, another attempt was made to raid KS-Trust LLC, in which Bamgbala A.R. was directly involved. (his signature is there) and the company “Coral Finance Group”, owned by A.I. Klyachin. Huge efforts through the Cypriot court managed to prevent the seizure of the company. The investigation completely ignored our statements about the crime; no one is doing this at all, which gives every reason to believe that the investigation is acting in concert with the same people from the organized crime group.

Currently, a new attack is underway on the Belkoforte company, and again the most serious suspicions fall on the participation of T.B. Blinov. and his leadership in assisting the raiders and failing to act. The people, whom, in my opinion, are covered by investigator T.B. Blinov, stole all the documents from the corporate department of my group of companies, hacked the servers, and do not allow employees to work. Blinov T.B. immediately issues a resolution banning the change of director, whose term of office expired on November 7, 2017, looting of companies begins by a group of people subordinate to V.I. Vasin.

In my deep conviction, dozens of people from the law enforcement system and the prosecutor’s office are involved in corruption in the creation and maintenance of this criminal case number 148360, and I am ready to name these names.

I understand that corruption cases are difficult to investigate - Corrupt officials do not draw up contracts with customers - raiders. But the investigation acts by studying the facts and consequences of certain actions, that’s why it is an investigation. If the investigation ignores the facts, this is a crime, and dishonest law enforcement officers should be prosecuted by law.

To illustrate the methods used by the raiders, in this case against me, and to confirm that it was Klyachin’s group that organized my criminal prosecution, here is witness testimony of I.B. Sundukov, given under oath to a London court on November 12, 2015 when considering the case between me and Klyachin regarding the Air-Style Group. I will give just a few excerpts from these testimonies.:

P.40. ... Mr. Gordeev asked me to collect information about potential clients of the Er-Style Group. In particular, he was interested in personal information relating to people making decisions, namely their lifestyle, habits, hobbies, etc. right down to the names of their pets.

P.41. I asked Mr. Gordeev for what purpose he needed all this information. His answer shocked me. Mr. Gordeev replied that he was a corporate raider and that he had special ways of attracting new clients. These "techniques" include both persuasion and blackmail of potential clients using information that I was supposed to discover.

P.52….when employees are dismissed from the Er-Style group, a new security service talks to each of them. During such conversations, employees are warned in a fairly strict manner that they should not talk with Mr. Rudnikov or people from his circle.

P.77. ...Mr. Gordeev replied that he was authorized to negotiate on his own behalf, on behalf of Mr. Klyachin, Mr. Vasin and Mr. Bamgbala.

P.82. During our first meeting, Mr. Gordeev stated that they wanted Mr. Rudnikov to transfer his share in the Er-Style Group without any compensation.

P.83. Then Mr. Gordeev asked a question that puzzled me. He asked “how much does Mr. Rudnikov value the criminal case against him?” I was surprised by this question, because I could not imagine how one could give a cost estimate to a criminal case. I said that I did not intend to discuss the criminal case in this context. It was obvious that Mr. Gordeev viewed the criminal case as a kind of leverage on Mr. Rudnikov, which could be subject to negotiations. I also understood from Mr. Gordeev's question that he believes that he can influence the outcome of the criminal proceedings against Mr. Rudnikov.

P.84. At the meeting, which took place at the Belgrade Hotel, Mr. Vasin did not say a word. He was sitting to my left and looked worried. I do not know whether this was because he was embarrassed during the search, or because of the manner in which Mr Gordeev discussed the criminal case against Mr Rudnikov.

P.88. In total, we met with Mr. Gordeev four times.... Even here, Mr. Gordeev did not change his habit of leaving as few traces as possible.

P.91. ...Mr. Gordeev was not satisfied with this proposal, since he clearly hoped to receive Mr. Rudnikov’s share in the Er-Style Group without any compensation. Apparently, Mr. Gordeev “kept in mind” a criminal case, which, as he hinted at a previous meeting, he could control.

P.92. Moreover, Mr. Gordeev demanded that Mr. Rudnikov transfer his interest in the real estate business. As a “compromise”, he was ready to consider the possibility of leaving Mr. Rudnikov one building located on Prishvina Street.

P.99. At this meeting, Mr. Gordeev made a “suggestion” (to the extent that it can be considered a proposal) that Mr. Rudnikov could retain several other properties... However, Mr. Gordeev still insisted on that they are not ready to pay any significant amount for Rudnikov’s share in the Er-Style Group.

P.100. Mr. Gordeev explained why the Investor was not ready to pay its market value for Mr. Rudnikov’s share in the Air-Style Group. Mr. Gordeev explained this by saying that “they” (apparently Mr. Klyachin and him) had already had to spend very significant sums to fight Mr. Rudnikov.

P.101. I explained to Mr. Gordeev that I was absolutely sure that Mr. Rudnikov would not be prepared to give up his share in the Air-Style Group without fair compensation.

P.104. In response to Mr Gordeev's proposal, which was mentioned in paragraph 83 above, I asked regarding the fate of the criminal case against Mr Rudnikov. Mr. Gordeev informed me that Mr. Rudnikov will be found guilty in the criminal case, but (apparently, as a “compromise”) will receive a suspended sentence (instead of serving his sentence in prison). This statement left no doubt that Mr. Gordeev and Mr. Klyachin are exerting undue influence on the conduct and outcome of the criminal proceedings against Mr. Rudnikov and are attempting to use such influence, thereby blackmailing Mr. Rudnikov in order to force him transfer your share in the Er-Style Group to the Investor without any compensation.

P.105. Needless to say, the offer of a “probation” was absolutely unacceptable to Mr. Rudnikov, since he is innocent and therefore should not bear any punishment at all. Mr. Gordeev explained this proposal as follows: according to him, in order to close the criminal case he would have to spend significant funds, which he was not ready for. It seemed to him that Mr. Rudnikov would accept such an offer, but this, of course, was not the case.

P.106. Thus, based on the results of the third meeting, Mr. Gordeev’s proposal looked like this:
(a) Mr. Rudnikov does not receive any funds for his shares in the Er-Style Group
(b) Mr. Rudnikov transfers the majority of his real estate assets (taking into account the “concessions” that Mr. Gordeev made during the meeting), and
(c) Mr. Rudnikov will be found guilty, but will receive a suspended sentence in the criminal case against him.

P.107. I explained to Gordeev that Mr. Rudnikov would absolutely not accept such an offer (especially regarding the fate of the criminal case against him, in which Mr. Rudnikov is defending his position in order to clear his name and prove his innocence). Despite this, I promised to bring Mr. Gordeev’s proposal to the attention of Mr. Rudnikov. In turn, Mr. Gordeev stated that he needed to discuss with “Sasha” (Mr. Klyachin) the possibility of terminating the criminal case against Mr. Rudnikov so that he would not be found guilty, as well as the amount of compensation for Mr. -well to Rudnikov for his share in the Er-Style Group. Therefore, we agreed on the next meeting, which took place on June 8, 2015.

P.108. I reported the results of the meeting to Mr. Rudnikov. As expected, Mr. Rudnikov did not agree to the Investor's proposal. He wanted to be fairly compensated for his shares in E-Style and also to stop the Investor from exerting undue influence on the criminal proceedings because he believed that without such influence, the criminal case would collapse due to the lack of evidence to support the charges against him.

P.109. The fourth (last) meeting with Mr. Gordeev took place at the Metropol Hotel, which, as is known, belongs to Mr. Klyachin. The meeting lasted only 5 minutes. Mr. Gordeev looked quite irritated and immediately asked me if Mr. Rudnikov was ready to accept his offer.

P.110. I said that Mr. Rudnikov did not agree with their proposal and asked if he could say anything regarding the criminal case against Mr. Rudnikov and the value of the Er-Style Group. Mr. Gordeev answered negatively and said that in this case the negotiations were over.

I publish the full text of these testimony on the Internet.

I contacted the media, the newspaper “Top Secret” conducted a journalistic investigation and published 4 articles on this topic. This investigation provides the facts and only the facts. In response to A.I. Klyachin’s group against me. A real information war has been unleashed in the media. I learned a lot of “new” things about myself from organized publications. Unable to say anything of substance, they write outright lies and slander, for example, that I am a Nazi/nationalist, that I am a fraudster (referring to criminal case No. 148360, which they fabricated, without pointing out, however, that it has already been returned to the prosecutor’s office and “doesn’t stick together”), which is closely connected with Caucasian crime, unexpectedly for me it turned out that I have a son-in-law, and one who took out a loan from a bank and does not pay it back, etc. etc. etc. A deafening lie, whatever they accuse you of! It is clear that not only does my reputation suffer from this, but also, probably, these “publications” are put on the table of various bosses in order to somehow “conceptually” justify their actions. We have to spend enormous effort, time and money to justify ourselves and sue slanderers. All this is truly humiliating and terribly unfair for me.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
The question arises: who generally administers justice in the country? Is it really possible that any scoundrel can so freely initiate criminal cases, and then manage them and keep them under control, take away other people’s property, and denigrate people’s honest names in the media? And vice versa - you can use corruption to cover up any crime, ruin any criminal case, would the criminals have money? Why is there still no normal anti-raid legislation in the country?

I understand that I am contacting you with a private question concerning my person. I understand that the state is full of large-scale tasks and that you are limited in time, solving a huge number of important government affairs every day. But how many entrepreneurs like me are persecuted illegally in our state? You mentioned terrifying data on the illegal prosecution of entrepreneurs. Just a few years ago, my group of companies was included in the list of the 300 largest private companies in the country (I am writing this only to indicate the significant scale of activity of the enterprises I own); more than 2.5 thousand people worked in the group companies (less than 300 people remained). Why are companies and people being destroyed that bring benefit to the country and can continue to do so for many years to come? After all, this is nothing less than a matter of national security of the state. With such a level of corruption, it is simply impossible to create anything worthwhile in the country! And with whom to raise the country - with the Nags and Vasins, with their methods of “work”?

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Addressing you as the Guarantor of compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, I ask you to give instructions to objectively understand the validity of my long-term criminal prosecution through a real and qualified verification of the charges brought against me.

I also ask you to give instructions to the FSB of the Russian Federation in order to conduct an investigation into the activities of the organized crime group A.I. Klyachin. and a related group of people from law enforcement agencies who organized my persecution and actually destroyed most of my companies and projects, stealing huge financial resources. Considering the scale of corruption in this whole story, I kindly ask you to create a special group consisting of honest and incorruptible FSB officers to verify the facts I have indicated.

I am ready to provide any additional information for verification, including documentary evidence confirming my innocence, as well as the illegal actions of law enforcement agencies involved in persecuting me as an entrepreneur and citizen of Russia.

Vyacheslav Alekseevich Rudnikov-Russian entrepreneur, political and public figure of a nationalist persuasion, founder of the “Delo Nation” party and the “Russians” Foundation, candidate for governor of the Bryansk region (2012) from the “A Just Russia” party, founder and co-owner of more than 30 different companies, including the group companies R-style, Internet portal KM.ru, Russian Elite Bank, publishing house Cyril and Methodius. In the past, a top billionaire, today V. Rudnikov has lost most of his projects and money. As of January 2017, Rudnikov’s only really working project remains KM.ru, which is losing popularity.


Vyacheslav Rudnikov was born on July 16, 1960. In 1983, V. Rudnikov graduated from the Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering with a degree in “Dynamics and Strength of Machines.” After graduating from university, V. Rudnikov was assigned to the city of Elektrostal, later entered full-time graduate school, however, a year later he decided to leave science, registered a cooperative and began selling computer equipment. In 1991, the company R-style was registered, in which V. Rudnikov owned a controlling stake. Later, V. Rudnikov’s company entered the software market for the banking sector and began producing servers. Soon, various areas of R-Style’s commercial activities became independent companies. Vyacheslav Rudnikov is married and has 2 children. Speaks English. Hobbies: cinema, literature, basketball, saxophone and jazz.

Entrepreneurial activity

In 1991, former graduate student Vyacheslav Rudnikov registered the company R-style, in which he owned a controlling stake. In addition to R-Style, V. Rudnikov created a number of companies, some of which became widely known. Among them are the manufacturer of multimedia products, the company Cyril and Methodius, the antivirus NanoAv.com, developments in the field of aircraft construction, educational products: encyclopedias, electronic textbooks. In 2010, V. Rudnikov created KM Media LLC (Sputnik LLC), on the basis of which the development of the national Internet search engine Sputnik later began. In 2012, 74.99% of KM Media was acquired by the state company Rostelecom. In February 2016, V. Rudnikov put his share in the search engine up for sale. In the past, a top billionaire, today V. Rudnikov has lost most of his projects and money. The criminal case against V. Rudnikov is in the Tushinsky court.

Conflict with partners

In 2008, a conflict between Vyacheslav Rudnikov and his long-time business partner Rilvan Bamgbala began. Foreign investors became interested in the Vetera company owned by V. Rudnikov and Bamgbala, but they did not want to work with the Russian company. Then Bamgbala invited Rudnikov to sell him the company for a symbolic sum, and in exchange promised a share in the capital of the company under Cypriot jurisdiction. However, later, after the sale of the Vetera company, R. Bamgbala denied Rudnikov the right to enter the capital of his company. In 2011, at the request of Rudnikov, a criminal case was opened against R. Bamgbala for fraud. In 2013, a conflict broke out between V. Rudnikov and his cousin Vasily Vasin, general director of the R-Style company. V. Rudnikov demanded the termination of Vasin’s powers as head of R-Style and the appointment of Igor Sundukov to this position. V. Rudnikov went to court, however, during the proceedings he was defeated.

Criminal case

In 2015, it became known that Vyacheslav Rudnikov himself became a defendant in a criminal case under the article “fraud”; the businessman is accused of illegally seizing control of the KS Trust company, as well as illegally re-registering ownership of the company’s real estate. The total amount of funds stolen by V. Rudnikov is estimated by the investigation at 548 million rubles. According to the investigation, Rudnikov’s actions were aimed at stealing funds from his business partner Rilvan Bamgbala, owner of 24% of the shares of the KS Trust company.

In the past, a top billionaire, today V. Rudnikov has lost most of his projects and money. As of January 2017, the criminal case against V. Rudnikov is in the Tushinsky court.

Entrepreneur Vyacheslav Rudnikov has been fighting for five years against unscrupulous businessmen and raiders who are trying to take away his assets. According to the entrepreneur, corrupt law enforcement officers are helping to fabricate criminal cases against him, without whom it would actually be possible to bring charges against him « from scratch » it would be impossible.

Vyacheslav Rudnikov addressed an open letter to the President of Russia, who has repeatedly identified the problem of corruption in law enforcement agencies and illegal prosecution of entrepreneurs as one of the main ones in our country.

For more than 5 years now, Rudnikov has been subjected to criminal prosecution in what he claims is a fabricated case, persecution by the preliminary investigation bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, with the full connivance of the prosecutor’s office, as well as pressure « customized » , unlawful court decisions.

According to him, an organized criminal group has long been established in Moscow, headed by a Russian billionaire and a number of other individuals, which, with the help of investigators and prosecutors corrupted by them, has been fighting me since 2012 to the present with the aim of stealing business assets belonging to me:

“The authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation fabricated criminal case No. 148360 against me, and then this « Job » was continued by the bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The case was initiated on October 31, 2012, at the request of a person unknown to me, a certain Bokshi A.O., who acted by proxy on behalf of my company, whom I have never seen and whom the investigation has never presented to me for acquaintance for 5 years, although would be confronted. The case was initiated very quickly, within 9 days, and in the same department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-Eastern Administrative District, where already on February 24, 2012, criminal case No. 148058 was opened against the raiders, according to the statement of the head of the company KS-Trust LLC, in relation to in which numerous raider attacks were carried out (this case was successfully collapsed by employees of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow and personally by investigator Grozan A.V., now we are making attempts to bring it to an end in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-East Administrative District, encountering the strongest resistance from the investigation).

Case No. 148360 was opened by investigator Pogrebny K.S. based on false reports from an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and others. As the owner, no one called or questioned me, and I learned that the case was opened approximately 4 months later, at the end of January 2013, simultaneously with the beginning of a new massive attack on my assets. At the same time, the actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigation were completely synchronized with the actions of the raiders.

However, despite all the efforts of the “law enforcement officers” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we managed to repel these attacks and recognize through the court all the “powers of attorney” of Bokshi A.O. insignificant, arrest warrants were issued for his accomplices, Montenegrin Kordik Davor and Briton Eric Simon, by the Cyprus police as part of a criminal case initiated there. By the way, against one of the attackers - the Nigerian Bamgbala A.R. — on December 13, 2011, criminal case No. 413999 was separately initiated for fraud in the amount of more than 350 million rubles. At present, the case is also completely collapsed by the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow (and investigator A.V. Grozan also had a hand in this), there are forgeries in the case, the examination was most brazenly fabricated, etc., and this is a separate story of lawlessness "law enforcement officers".

I'll continue.

It would seem that in September 2013, in connection with court decisions on the illegal powers of Bokshi A.O. to speak on behalf of my company, there has come a happy end to this whole dirty story with criminal case No. 148360. However, this was not the case."

A group led by a billionaire actively participated in the opposition. These people, having invested huge amounts of money, took advantage of the completed but not officially closed criminal case No. 148360 and by bribing a significant group of people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office, they gave the case a “second wind,” says Rudnikov. He was accused of « theft" of their own property.

« Since December 2013, i.e. For more than 4 years now, my property has been illegally seized - several office buildings built by my own companies in Moscow, which does not allow me to use them as collateral when obtaining loans and put them into economic circulation. Moreover, these buildings are the property of a third party, to which the investigation has no claims and which is not directly related to the criminal case, explains Rudnikov. — For reference: my companies are implementing projects that are very necessary for the country and are engaged in computer technology, software development, Internet technologies, system integration, telecommunications, aircraft development, production of educational programs and popular science documentaries, and innovative activities. Unfortunately, a number of projects have been closed, and some have been frozen for more than 4 years due to the events taking place around me and described in this appeal. I had to fire more than 400 specialists... A huge number of complaints and petitions on the merits of the case, over 5 years, sent by me to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and the Prosecutor's Office, are practically either completely ignored or rejected. Moreover, I am given unmotivated, non-specific refusals, from the category of “you are wrong and that’s it, there are no violations,” although all my complaints and petitions are more than specific and detailed point by point. Almost all complaints submitted to the heads of authorities were transferred “down” without verification to the same employees whose actions were complained about and who committed malfeasance. And deliberately false and distorted information was probably reported “to the top.” “In my opinion, all these years, the lower and middle levels of the investigation and prosecutor’s office manipulated the facts and distorted data in their reports transmitted to senior management.”

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, exactly what you spoke about when addressing the Federal Assembly is happening - the deliberate destruction of business by unscrupulous law enforcement officers for bribes they receive from raiders.

Three times you gave instructions to look into the issues of criminal prosecution of me: on May 28, 2014 to V.A. Kolokoltsev, on August 14, 2014 to Yu.Ya. Chaika, on June 24, 2015 to the head of the RF IC Bastrykin A.I. (“consider and report”). I believe that Bastrykin A.I. reported to you information, however, I am afraid, the information is false, prepared by his employees. After all, already on July 14, 2015, the case was returned by the Butyrsky court to the prosecutor with devastating wording, and the Moscow City Court confirmed this decision on September 17, 2015. After holding the case for a whole year without progress, the investigation transferred it to another court - Tushinsky, realizing that it would not be possible to correct the comments of the Butyrsky court - white things would not become black, and black things would not become white. But on December 23, 2017, the Tushino court also returned the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, adding even greater grounds for its immediate closure. On March 28, the Moscow City Court confirmed the decision of the Tushino court. And again, the case is still under investigation, now in the Babushkinsky interdistrict investigative department of the same Investigative Committee for the North-East Administrative District, and practically no action is being taken on it. Of course, there are a lot of courts in Moscow, the investigation has scope - why not go through everything?

There was no reasonable reaction to your instructions to the three departments, but you only asked to consider and report. In response, I received from these structures the same replies as before, containing false, unreliable information that was refuted by me long ago and edited by the same investigator. Until now, all these power structures have been giving me nightmares without any legal basis. It turns out that they all actually ignore your opinion.

On December 5, 2017, the head of the investigator was Blinova T.B., the head of the Investigative Committee for the North-Eastern Administrative District was Galashko S.K. issued a Resolution to cancel the Resolution to initiate a criminal case dated October 31, 2012 at the request of A.O. Bokshi. Thus, the investigation RECOGNIZED THE ILLEGAL NATURE OF INSTITUTION OF THIS CRIMINAL CASE AND ALL ACTIONS OF THE INVESTIGATION DURING THESE 5 years ILLEGAL. Meanwhile, during this time, my assets worth more than 2 billion rubles were arrested, which could allow me to save my business and projects and protect myself from raiders, attacks from which continue to this day. I was under house arrest for 15 months and am still under recognizance not to leave.

But the end of my ordeal did not end there, and everything started anew: then, on December 5, 2017, the investigation, without cessation of the criminal prosecution and the criminal case itself No. 148360, opened a new criminal case No. 11702450017000065 against me, and on the same single “episode” "and based on the report of investigator Blinov T.B. He is again taking this case into his proceedings... I have repeatedly written complaints and petitions to change the investigator T.B. Blinov. an honest investigator who could objectively and quickly sort everything out (documents confirming my innocence have been on file almost from the very beginning of the investigation). But Blinov, apparently, was assigned by someone to this case to do all the work in the “field,” and the same leader Galashko covers him. That is, investigator Blinov began the “investigation” of this “case” FOR THE FOURTH TIME...

It is also obvious that law enforcement agencies do not want to stop this case because they are afraid of verification and possible punishment of the perpetrators, they are afraid that they themselves will be charged with illegal criminal prosecution and that they themselves will find themselves in the dock. In any case, you have repeatedly spoken in the media about the need to combat this phenomenon and punish it, including bringing to justice corrupt employees who fabricate criminal cases and illegally persecute entrepreneurs.

Since October 2014, case No. 148360 was “supervised,” according to my information, in order to put pressure on me by a high-ranking employee of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow, Major General Denis Nikandrov, who was arrested in the summer of 2015. Investigator T.B. Blinov openly told me that “he sees no prospects in this “business” but, nevertheless, “if I close this case, the authorities will take my head off,” openly admitted that the general himself is supervising it.”

After the arrest of D. Nikandrov in the summer of 2016, I began to hope that case No. 148360 fabricated against me would pass an objective review by honest, independent investigators and prosecutors. My lawyers have been filing petitions since the fall of 2015 to transfer the case to another investigator, but the case was firmly “stuck” to Blinov, who was transferred from the Investigative Committee of the North-Eastern Administrative District to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow along with this case. Probably too much effort and money was invested in its falsification. Apparently, fearing scrutiny after the arrest of Nikandrov D., the investigation urgently “pushed” the case back to court in August 2016, just so that it would not remain with him and would not come under scrutiny (it seems that some kind of commission was created to verify all cases involving Nikandrov D.). Having failed in a year - from September 2015 to July 2016 - to eliminate all the comments of the Butyrsky court and realizing that once again the Butyrsky court would again refuse to consider the falsehood of the investigation called “Indictment”, the case was transferred to another court, Tushinsky, grossly violating all procedural rules norms. In turn, the Tushinsky court for a long time, despite all these violations, tried to bring the case to at least the start of the hearing, unmotivatedly rejecting the defense’s requests and not even noticing the formal grounds for its termination. As a result, the court “could not resist” the onslaught of outright lawlessness, returning the case to the prosecutor.”

Strange decisions of the courts led to the fact, says Rudnikov, that a member of the organized crime group deliberately bankrupted Er-Style LLC, having previously withdrawn about 900 million rubles from the company: “He bankrupted a company that had a net profit after paying all taxes in the amount of 272 million rubles. New goods worth more than 500 million rubles were deliberately and secretly written off. Criminals are not afraid of anything because they take advantage of corrupt connections. After three years of visiting law enforcement agencies, it has still not been possible to initiate a criminal case against them, although all the evidence lies on the surface. The amount of theft is about 1 billion rubles.

In another company with a similar court decision, members of an organized crime group, with administrative and corruption support, stole from me a business for the repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment - Air Es Service LLC, which has more than 100 branches in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, perhaps the largest professional network with similar activities: “I estimate the value of this company at 1.2 - 1.5 billion rubles. My attempts to initiate criminal cases against the illegal actions of members of this criminal organized crime group also ended in nothing, although I continue to try to open a criminal case, but the organized crime group has probably flooded everything with money, everything has been bogged down for years in trifles and a swamp. Law enforcement officials, in my deep conviction, do their best to shield the real criminals and do not allow the investigation to proceed... e-Style Softhouse LLC, a small (the core of the company is about 60 people), but very professional company for the development of custom programs, was completely ruined... The amount of damage is more than 400 million rubles. Since 2014, I have been deprived of my share in the Er-Style group of companies that I created in 1991... Personnel were withdrawn - more than 1000 people, branches in 6 largest cities of Russia were transferred, contracts with customers were renegotiated, stolen intellectual property in the form of approximately 150 industry solutions, finances have been withdrawn, contracts with more than 50 product suppliers have been renegotiated... At the same time, law enforcement agencies are collapsing or have already collapsed two criminal cases brought against members of an organized crime group...

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,

The question arises - who generally administers justice in the country? Is it really possible that any scoundrel can so freely initiate criminal cases, and then manage and control them, take away other people’s property, and denigrate people’s honest names in the media? And vice versa - you can use corruption to cover up any crime, ruin any criminal case, would the criminals have money? Why is there still no normal anti-raid legislation in the country?

I understand that I am contacting you with a private question concerning my person. I understand that the state is full of large-scale tasks and that you are limited in time, solving a huge number of important government affairs every day. But how many entrepreneurs like me are persecuted illegally in our state? You mentioned terrifying data on the illegal prosecution of entrepreneurs. Just a few years ago, my group of companies was included in the list of the 300 largest private companies in the country (I am writing this only to indicate the significant scale of activity of the enterprises I own); more than 2.5 thousand people worked in the group companies (less than 300 people remained). Why are companies and people being destroyed..."

Soon the sale took place. Now it is part of the KFC restaurant chain. All four founders acted as guarantors of the deal, putting their signatures under the preliminary agreement. However, when Bamgbala’s partners - Vyacheslav Rudnikov (48.5%), Vasily Vasin (15%) and the fourth participant (13%) - turned a few months later with a proposal to Bamgbala, as was originally agreed, to include them in this very Avly Investments Ltd, Bamgbala refused to include them in his company as founders with the same shares. The Nigerian ended up with the money from the sale, the remaining 11 restaurants, and a Cypriot company completely controlled by him. To say that the now former partners were annoyed is to say nothing.

Vasily Vasin - cousin and former companion of Rudnikov

On December 13, 2011, at the request of Vyacheslav Rudnikov, criminal case No. 413999 was opened against his former partner for fraud. The Nigerian was charged in absentia and put on the federal wanted list. Bamgbala was hiding in the UAE and London. The damage amounted to more than 300 million rubles. However, on July 3, 2014, this case was closed at the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow by investigator Alla Grozan. As Rudnikov himself states, the company’s valuation was underestimated. Although the victims have all the documents in their hands, signed including by Bamgbala himself. We will return to investigator Alla Grozan several times. And before the series of criminal and arbitration cases, a number of interesting events will occur.

Cypriot Games

Encouraged by his own success with restaurants, Rilwan Bamgbala decides to take the next step. Since the fall of 2011, attacks began on the Russian company KS-Trust, which owns real estate in Moscow worth tens of millions of dollars. KS-Trust, in turn, was owned by the Cypriot Kapenda Limited. According to Vyacheslav Rudnikov, Bamgbala, in collusion with the former directors of Kopenda, illegally received 24% of this company. Based on this fact, the Cypriot police opened a criminal case against Bamgbala, the removed directors and a number of other persons. In fact, there were no percentages. Cypriot investigators found out from local registrars that they issued Bamgbale’s paper stating that he had 24% of the shares retroactively.

Meanwhile, the following was happening in Russia: a certain Zemtsov, a person unknown to Rudnikov, four (!!!) times for short periods of time (several days - Ed.) became the director of KS-Trust LLC and acted in favor of Bamgbala.

The first thing after his appointment was that Zemtsov withdrew from the arbitration court the application of KS-Trust to consider the powers of the power of attorney issued to Vyacheslav Rudnikov. In this regard, the court did not fully understand the case regarding Rudnikov’s powers as the owner of a controlling stake in the company.

On February 24, 2012, at the Department of Internal Affairs of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, according to the statement of the director of the Russian “KS-Trust” Andrei Algashev, appointed to this position by Rudnikov, criminal case No. 148058 was opened against Bamgbala and Zemtsov on the fact of an attempt to seize the company and sell its assets. Until the spring of 2015, nothing happened to the case, except that it was transferred to the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow, and on April 24 it was returned by the now former city prosecutor Kudeneyev for a new investigation back to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-East Administrative District. The prosecutor's office has recognized "red tape" in the investigation, although, according to the lawyers and former investigators we interviewed, the case is very simple. It was enough to seize documents from the 46th Tax Inspectorate, where KS-Trust was registered, from the notary Kolyabina, who certified Zemtsov’s powers of attorney, and interrogate Zemtsov and Bamgbala themselves, confronting them. It is important to note that this case was also in the hands of investigator Alla Grozan. As did the third case, which Investigator Grozan took surprisingly seriously.

On October 31, 2012, according to Rudnikov, the second wave of raider attacks began. According to a statement from a certain Artyom Bokshi, who presented a power of attorney from the Cypriot company Kapenda Limited, the founder of KS-Trust, a criminal case No. 148360 was opened at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the North-Eastern Administrative District. Now the investigators suspected Rudnikov and his new partner Alexander Fomchenkov of allegedly withdrawing the assets of KS -Trust" on companies controlled by them, thereby allegedly causing damage to Rilwan Bamgbala.

“It was an ordinary raider attack,” says Vyacheslav Rudnikov. - Fraudsters tried several times to replace the director of KS-Trust and the founder. Under this power of attorney, the shares of the company were sold, first to a company in the Seychelles, and then to a certain Russian “Raduga”.

As a result of numerous court cases, the court ruled on the invalidity and nullity of Bokshi's power of attorney. And case No. 148360, where Vyacheslav Rudnikov and his partner Alexander Fomchenkov were witnesses, was suspended for lack of judicial prospects, since the investigation admitted that it was created artificially.

“It took us almost a year to fight the raiders, and we won all the cases in the courts,” says Vyacheslav Rudnikov. - In order to protect itself, a subsidiary company “KS-Trust” was created - LLC “Belcoforte”, to which the property of “KS-Trust” was transferred in the form of a deposit. Everything was formalized in a legal manner, having received the approval of the founders of KS-Trust - the Cypriot directors of Kapenda Limited. However, here too Bamgbala appeared, who managed to get involved in an arbitration case and achieve (in what way? - Ed.) a decision on the return of real estate from Belkoforte to KS-Trust. Currently, consideration of this case has been returned to the first instance.

Stab in the back

Vyacheslav Rudnikov associates the activation of the Nigerian, who seems to have curbed his appetites, with the fact that in late summer - early autumn 2013 there was a conflict in another of his Cypriot companies - Air-Style Holdings Ltd. In it, 66% of the shares belonged to Rudnikov himself, and 33% to his long-time partner Vasily Vasin. The Cypriot company, in turn, owned the Russian Er-Style Group, which included five companies working in the field of computer technology, programming and system integration.

Vasily Vasin appeared in the business of Vyacheslav Rudnikov in the early 1990s. Being the entrepreneur’s cousin, he receives free shares in the companies of the Air-Style group. In 2011, Vasin persuades Rudnikov to attract large investors to their holding - famous hoteliers and developers Alexander Klyachin and his partner Sergei Gordeev.

At the anniversary of Vasily Vasin. Vasin is on the left. On the right - Sergey Gordeev

“Vasin vouched for Klyachin and Gordeev,” says Rudnikov, “he said that they were responsible people and that he had known them for a long time. When concluding the contract, Vasily presented me with a plan according to which by the end of 2013 the company would be worth approximately $150 million.”

It should be noted here that an agreement was reached between Vasily Vasin and Vyacheslav Rudnikov that they would both eventually exit the business after receiving compensation for their shares based on the value of the entire company at the time of the actual sale.

Rudnikov agrees to these persuasion, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, he appoints his cousin as the general director of Air-Style, and the investors appoint their own person as director of finance. Klyachin and Gordeev first received a minority stake, then increased it to 50%, and at the end of 2013 they were supposed to buy out the remaining shares of Vasin and Rudnikov. But kinship did not protect against betrayal. Back in the summer of 2012, Vasily Vasin refused to leave the business and transferred his 17% shares to the side of the “investors” who came. Vyacheslav Rudnikov claims that the agreement between Vasily Vasin and Alexander Klyachin took place at the stage of negotiations about entering the business, however, he realized this when it was already too late. And after a few more months they stopped hiding it. According to Rudnikov, they refused to provide him with the results of financial and economic activities, blocked access to the office and began to withdraw money from the company.

According to the businessman, since the end of 2012, new investors have openly underestimated the company’s profits, and this has already affected the value of Rudnikov’s stake, which was left alone.

According to the entrepreneur, in May 2013, at a meeting of shareholders, Alexander Klyachin openly said: “Vyacheslav, you are in the minority, if I were you, I would leave the company early, without waiting for the end of 2013.” Realizing that it was pointless to resist given such a balance of forces, Rudnikov valued his 33% stake at $38 million, at the lower limit. They offered him 10 million less. He refused. After this, the hot phase of the attack on Rudnikov and his assets begins.

Hotelier and investor Alexander Klyachin

The same Nikandrov

Why pay more when you can pay nothing. Apparently, this is exactly what the new owners of the famous computer holding Er-Style thought.

In the fall of 2013, the virtually dead case No. 148360 was resumed, in which Rudnikov allegedly withdrew property from KS-Trust and thus caused damage to his former Nigerian partner, who allegedly had a 24% stake in the company.

And this despite the fact that at the end of August 2013, according to Rudnikov himself, he entered into a settlement agreement with Rilvan Bamgbala in order to end the conflict and disperse. He notarized the agreement in Russia, and the Nigerian had it certified by the vice consul at the Russian embassy in the UAE, where Bamgbala was hiding from a criminal case for fraud with restaurants. According to the agreement, Rudnikov does not lay claim to his former restaurant business, and Bamgbala renounces his claims to a share in KS-Trust. With this agreement, agreements were reached on all controversial issues in all common companies and the divorce of former partners.

Nevertheless, the investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow, Alla Grozan, who was in charge of all three cases concerning Vyacheslav Rudnikov, is at this moment intensifying work on the KS-Trust case. According to a statement by a certain Kuzmina, a citizen unknown to Rudnikov, who appeared as another representative of the Cypriot Kapenda Limited and declared damages of $65 million, Alla Grozan is arresting all the real estate of Belkoforte LLC.

Thus, Rudnikov is left virtually without the means to resist and the property of the company, which is not charged with anything and which is a third party, is seized. This, according to Vyacheslav Rudnikov, is absolutely illegal.

The entrepreneur himself was placed under house arrest in July 2014.

The KS-Trust case, by order of the Prosecutor General, after President Putin’s resolution to “sort it out,” was taken from Alla Grozan from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in September 2014 and transferred to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow, from where it was released to the investigator of the Investigative Department for the North-Eastern District of Moscow, Timur Blinov. In a year, Blinov himself will move to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, where the criminal case against Rudnikov will also be transferred “as if glued to it.”

But who would have known that in the ICR he would be supervised by the well-known General Denis Nikandrov and - behind the scenes - the head of the internal security service, Mikhail Maksimenko.

“Nikandrov began supervising my case in October 2014,” assures Rudnikov. “Investigator Blinov openly told me and my lawyers that he sees no prospects in this case, but if he closes it, his superiors will take his head off.”

In July 2015, the Butyrsky court returned the case back for investigation. The prosecutor's office's attempt to appeal this decision in the Moscow City Court ended in failure. After this, Blinov, according to Rudnikov, did nothing about the case for almost a whole year.

In 2016, practically unchanged materials were received by the Tushinsky court, where they are being considered these days by the deputy chairman of the court, Olga Krapchetova. The entrepreneur believes that his case was deliberately transferred to the Tushinsky court, since the investigation did not comply with the decision of the Butyrsky court and did not eliminate the judge’s requirements for the violations it identified. It would be pointless to bring the same materials to the same court.

Today, Vyacheslav Rudnikov, talking about his bitter experience, is trying to attract the attention of society and the authorities to the problems of raiding and the whole layer of security officials and judges covering it. As if he had heard this call, at the end of October, President Vladimir Putin introduced a bill to tighten the responsibility of law enforcement agencies for unfounded criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs. Amendments to Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Bringing a knowingly innocent person to criminal responsibility.” - Ed.) It is proposed to increase the term of imprisonment for guilty law enforcement officers from five to seven years. If this led to major damage of 1.5 million rubles or other “grave consequences”, then the sentence could be from 5 to 10 years.