The parrot began to bite, what should I do? Why does a parrot bite? Defending your territory

Yours started. There are several reasons to take into account. Budgerigars may behave this way during the molting period, due to lack of attention, due to fear, or they may act in this way to play or defend their territory. The choice of method to solve the problem will depend on it. For example, if we're talking about only about a temporary phenomenon, just wait it out.

You can also start paying more attention to the parrot, talking to it more often, putting special toys in its cage that it can peck. If you realize that the parrot is simply defending its territory, try not to put your hand in the cage while the bird is there.

Under no circumstances should you start shouting loudly at your parrot when it bites, and, of course, do not hit it. A blow can greatly frighten a bird, and stress in this case can lead to big troubles. Screams will be inappropriate for another reason: parrots love loud noises and often make them themselves, so if you scream, the bird may take this as a signal to act. Unfortunately, in this way, owners sometimes, without realizing it, teach their pet to bite. Try to endure the pain calmly and calmly. Pull your hand away without touching the bird.

How to get a parrot to stop biting

To wean a parrot from biting, you need to force it to respond correctly to the word “no” spoken in a certain tone. As soon as the bird bites you, quickly drive it away and sternly say: “No.” The first time, of course, the parrot will not understand anything, but after 4-5 repetitions it will learn that the word “impossible” means “you need to stop doing something.” In the future, you can wean him off many other mischief in the same way.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to try lightly flicking your parrot on the nose. This does not apply to situations where you have to deal with a pugnacious bird, or a pet that is defending its cage, otherwise you risk angering the parrot, and it will begin to bite even harder in retaliation.

If your parrot misbehaves during play, try quickly redirecting its attention. This will help you solve the problem quickly and easily. In the future, you will learn to immediately distract the parrot as soon as it starts to bite you, after which the bird will eventually forget its unpleasant habit and begin to behave better.

All budgerigars have an individual character and their own perception of the world. Some parrots are docile and easily make contact, others are more aggressive, and others are cowardly. And in this situation, you cannot change the character of your bird, you can only change the parrot’s attitude towards you personally. Depending on what kind of relationship you build with your parrot, he will be friends with you or afraid and shuns you. With the second case, the problem of biting will probably be solved, but that’s not what we wanted, is it? Remember that when communicating with you with their bites, budgies express their emotions and moods.

How to stop a parrot from biting?

First, try to find out the reason for the aggressive behavior and in particular the biting of your parrot. There may be different reasons for biting: sexual behavior, lack of attention, molting, etc. In each case there will be a different reason. Some birds bite out of force of character, some out of fear, and some just play. Watch your parrot for a while and find out who, when and where the parrot bites, perhaps you can immediately determine the cause and eliminate it.

The next step is to try to prevent any attempts to bite. After all, you already know when a parrot can bite you. At this stage, try to convince the bird that biting is not allowed. To do this, at the moment of the bite, remove the object of biting and say “no” in a stern voice. Of course, the parrot will not understand anything the first time, but your task is that when the parrot hears this word, it must stop doing what it was doing in this moment. When bitten, you need to react calmly, no need to scream, howl, etc., parrots love loud and sharp sounds and you yourself will unwittingly teach the parrot to bite. There is no need to shout at the parrot, try to drive it away or scare it; the parrot will misunderstand everything, get offended and stop communicating with you.

Some fanciers advise lightly clicking the beak when biting, but this technique does not always work. In my case, the parrot perceives this as a challenge and cannot be stopped.

If a parrot bites in a cage, this is a defensive reaction, defending its territory. There's probably nothing you can do about it, you have a brave parrot.

In the parrot's cage there should be wooden toys on which the parrot can roam and chew to its heart's content.

Some tips:

  • When bitten, do not scream, do not twitch, endure firmly.
  • Attract the parrot's attention and strictly say "no", get the parrot to stop doing what it is doing with this word.
  • If it doesn't help, you can lightly click on the beak.
  • Switch attention.

Over time, the parrot will stop biting just because of the word “no.”

There are many options for weaning a budgie from biting, but everything is individual. You must be patient and remember that this is an animal that cannot understand what you want from it.

Owners of small pet birds, especially budgerigars, often face the problem of aggression from their feathered pet.

But, before you start looking for new owners for the budgerigar or returning it back to the pet store, you should figure out why your pet budgerigar sometimes bites and how you can solve this problem without saying goodbye to the bird.

You've probably noticed that the budgerigar's beak is very powerful. He easily bites small grains with it and removes the husks from them. The bites of the wavy are quite painful, because due to the structure of the beak, it does not pinch the skin, but literally tears it out, which can lead to an unpleasant injury. Why do budgies bite?

In their natural habitat, parrots do not tend to bite at all. They use their beak only for its intended purpose, biting into berries, grains and other food products. Parrots also need a beak in order to calmly move from branch to branch, grabbing onto them and pulling up their body.


Whenever conflict situations between its fellows, the beak is also not used as defense or attack. As a rule, budgerigars use a loud voice and menacing flapping of their wings to do this.

At a young age, parrots may even bite objects around them. But this behavior is more likely related to the desire to learn about the world around us. This is how baby parrots bite in order to identify each thing by tooth.

Single budgerigars raised in captivity may not quite understand why their owner walks around with a dissatisfied face and gets angry when he pecks his hands. Parrots, as a rule, learn from each other and, as they adapt to new living conditions, they understand what can be done and why certain things cannot be done.

So why do budgies bite?


In their natural habitat, parrots, having noticed a danger to their lives, always fly away, but in a cage that limits their movement, they have nowhere to go, and big hand can look quite scary for such a small bird.

It is guided by fear that a budgie can bite. And having noticed that such defense tactics work well, the feathered pet may well learn to use its beak as a weapon to scare off the enemy (in our case, this is the hand of the bird’s owner) and avoid danger.

I would like to note that budgies are far from stupid birds, and can even learn to manipulate their owner. The owner of the bird wants to play with it, but it wants to eat and fly around its house - in the end feathered friend bites to defend his position.

You can stop your bird from biting. And we will tell you how to do this a little later.

Manifestation of character

Very often, parrots bite their owners due to their character traits. Moreover, it is the bird's owner who is to blame for such aggressive behavior.

Most birds, feeling that they are allowed to do almost everything without being punished for every misdeed, take a dominant position and place themselves higher than their owners.

Hence the aggressive behavior and protests in the form of bites.

Mating season

The mating season brings with it some changes in the character of the wavy, especially in the stronger sex, because budgerigar there is a need to find a mate, start a family and different ways organize the protection of their territory and future offspring.

What to do if a parrot bites? How to stop a parrot from biting?

Biting during mating season

During this period, most parrots not only bite, but also begin to shit in inappropriate places and throw things around. And it is explained this way: the male parrot sees his competitor in the person of the owner, so he tries by all means to show his dominant position and win the attention of the female.

Another, opposite situation may also occur. If the parrot mistakes your hand for a female, and this also happens, then he will begin to make love to her and flirt with her, making light pinches. Do not show aggression towards the parrot under any circumstances, but try to distract the bird, divert its attention, for example, to games, a toy, etc.

If a parrot bites only during the mating season, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to wean him off it. The only thing that remains is to wait for this period to end.

How to wean a wavy from this bad habit?

If it nevertheless becomes clear that the reason for the bird’s aggression is not the mating season or a feeling of fear, but this is just a character trait, and the bird pecks at the hand out of pampering, then it is necessary to take measures to educate the parrot.

To wean a parrot from biting, experienced ornithologists advise you to follow several recommendations:

  1. The most important rule is do not respond to the bird with aggression. Do not shout at your winged pet, do not make sudden, intimidating movements. By such actions you will only aggravate the situation - the parrot will begin to bite you even harder, and will do this more and more often even without any particular reason.
  2. When scolding a bird, do not raise your voice. You should stand, towering above the cage with your pet, and say in a stern, but not loud voice: “ah-ah-ah” or “you can’t do that.”
  3. Try to gain your pet's respect. An attentive owner will learn not only to understand his feathered pet, but will also be able to find an approach to him. Observe the bird’s behavior, remember what he likes most: games, treats, etc. And under no circumstances indulge the parrot’s whims.
  4. Some ornithologists advise that when a parrot bites your hand, shake it a little so that the parrot slightly loses its balance, but in no case falls.
And remember, only patience and daily training can help you cope with your parrot's aggressive behavior. Surround your feathered pet with attention and care and then he will definitely delight you with his good mood, giving you positive emotions!

Most budgie owners, faced with the problem of aggression from their budgie, ask the question: “What to do if the budgie bites?”

Bird bites are very painful, since their beak is designed to bite through hard grains and other food, so they do not pinch the skin, but tear off its top layer.

Before answering an exciting question, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these birds are extremely emotional, even impressionable. They tend not to restrain, but to express their emotions, therefore, if the wavy does not like the person communicating with him, or some other factor interferes with him, he will not hide it. Bites are a way to show your hostility, express fear, or let the owner know about excitement.

To understand why a budgerigar bites and what is the reason for its aggressive behavior, you need to pay attention to the fact that such behavior often occurs in birds during the molting period. It is possible that the parrot thus attracts the owner’s attention, making it clear that he needs more care and therefore it is worth devoting more time to the bird. Fear of something or defense of territory in a cage is also possible reasons, due to which the pet may bite.

Fear is one of the most common reasons, because, being in the wild, a bird can fly away from a frightening phenomenon. It is impossible to do this while in a cage. Thus, left alone with his fear, the parrot finds himself in a stressful situation, which is why he changes his usual behavior to much more aggressive one.

A lot can frighten a parrot, from extraneous sounds to the owner’s hand, because it looks much more majestic than a small bird. What can we say about a full-length man? Believing that the owner's hand is an enemy, the bird is able to learn to use its beak not only to absorb food, but also for self-defense. In this case, it is quite difficult to establish contact with a wavy bird that is afraid of its owner’s hand.

What to do if your budgie bites?

It is possible to wean a wavy bird from such a bad habit, the main thing is to do it correctly, with the understanding that the bird is impressionable and in no case should you respond to aggression with aggression.

How to stop a budgie from biting:

  • Immediately after the bite you need to firmly say “No!” or “No” and remove your hand. You need to ensure that the bird reacts correctly to these words and understands why you do not approve of its aggressive actions. You need to do this exercise several times, then the wavy will get used to it and begin to understand what exactly you want from it.
  • You can't let your bird get bored. It’s good if there are relatives in the cage with him; in extreme cases, they can be replaced with toys.
  • You should never hit a parrot or raise your voice. This will scare him greatly and will not help solve the problem.
  • In cases where a budgie bites while you are playing with it, you need to divert its attention to something else. This method can be quite effective if you practice it every time it comes to aggression during the game.

Changes in the behavior of parrots during the mating season

Mating season budgies entails a sharp change in behavior, especially on the part of the male, as he has a need to find a female for subsequent reproduction.

During mating season, birds can not only start biting, but also shit in places they shouldn’t, behave more actively and cause mayhem in the cage, throwing things around. This may occur due to the fact that the wavy sees in the owner a potential danger, as a male competitor, because of this, he will show his hostility and dissatisfaction by biting.

Eliminating the problem of budgie bites

The cause of aggression and bites may also be the bird’s character trait, because not all of them are kind and affectionate, like any other animals.

Budgerigars are quite peaceful and easily make contact with humans. But sometimes a problem arises when they start to bite painfully. In the wild, these parrots are not aggressive, but it is worth understanding that each animal has its own character. Therefore, the question of how to wean a parrot from biting sometimes becomes very relevant.

How to stop a parrot from biting

Why does a parrot bite

Before you find an effective way to stop a budgie from biting, you need to find out the reason for this behavior. In the wild, parrots use their beaks to move along branches, obtain food and communicate with their own kind.

A parrot may bite in captivity due to the following reasons:

Protection from something;

Lack of attention;


That's how he plays;

Complex character due to poor upbringing;

The parrot is sick: by biting, he wants to show that he is sick.

Awareness of the true reason for disobedience is the first and main step towards establishing contact with an animal. Many bites can be prevented by monitoring the behavior of the bird.

How to stop a parrot from biting

If a parrot bites you because of aggression, then under no circumstances should you pay him back in the same coin. It’s best to say loudly in a calm voice: “You can’t” and abruptly remove your hand. You can pretend that you are offended. For example, just leave the room for a while. In addition, you can prevent a bite by noticing in advance that you have become the target of an attack for your pet. In this case, you need to immediately say: “You can’t,” without waiting for disobedience.

Before you try to stop your parrot from biting, you need to understand the reason for the aggressive behavior. This will make it easier for you to achieve obedience from the bird.

If your pet bites out of fear, then help him feel safe. This can be done with the help of treats and a warm attitude towards the parrot. For prevention, it would not be superfluous to take him to a doctor so that he can rule out the disease.

In the case of a complex character, it will not be easy to convince the parrot that biting is bad, but it can be done. We recommend hitting him on the beak every time your pet bites. With moderate force, but at the same time so that he understands that you are extremely unhappy with his behavior.