Why is a person unlucky? Why are you unlucky in life? From evil people

“I have been unlucky in my life from the very moment of my conception...” - this is how the elderly professor began this story, when he was completely tired of our constant lamentations. And we, a group of businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers who came to the University of California in the late 90s for new technologies in marketing and PR, “lamented”, exclusively on the topic: “of course, it’s good for you to talk here... if only we had such taxes /laws/teachers/parents/money/opportunities... etc. were, - we would...” And then there was a beautiful story about what “we would”...
He came out from behind the pulpit, sat down sideways on the first desk and uttered this very phrase: “I have had no luck in my life from the very moment of my conception...”
- Do you want to tell me your sad story?
- Of course! – we nodded. And they prepared to feel sorry for him.

Here I present his story in my presentation - as I heard it, as I remembered it. I didn’t just remember it, I internalized it. For life:

- I have been unlucky in my life from the very moment of my conception...

My father, who lived on occasional money from loading and unloading, disappeared from my life as soon as he learned that his underage girlfriend, a mulatto girl who preferred a nocturnal lifestyle, was “knocked up.” It was like the wind blew him away! That's why I'm fatherless.

My bad luck was just beginning... The young mulatto, although she carried me almost to term, only when she heard my first cry, immediately, on the delivery table, abandoned me. So I, a weak, defenseless baby who had just arrived in this strange, unfamiliar world, was left completely alone... Screaming with despair into this entire Universe in the arms of a midwife.

Further - more... I was fatally unlucky... I was not adopted in infancy - I was a very weak, sickly child. Moreover, in those years, born of a mulatto mother, I generally had little chance of being adopted. Therefore, from the Orphanage, I went straight to the orphanage.

Well, here... no luck - so no luck! It was an orphanage for “colored” children, no matter what we were there... I experienced everything in full: how the Chinese fight, and how the Mexicans spit, and how painfully the blacks are pinched...

I also had no luck with my studies... The teachers did not stay long and changed all the time. Yes, to be honest, we don’t have them in all subjects. orphanage in general there were. Therefore, as you understand, school didn’t work out for me either. Well, just total bad luck!…

...He paused. He sat in silence, looking somewhere at the floor... Then he looked up at us. We, of course, sympathetically waited for the continuation of this story, not understanding why he started all this in the first place - after all, we had such a nice argument about marketing problems just half an hour ago.

“I’m tired of telling you this,” he suddenly said, “This is not my story... Do you want me to tell you MY story?”

A silent pause... We could only nod our heads, because we were already completely lost: where is whose story, why is he telling us all this, and even the English language was not easy for many in its subtleties.

And here’s my story...” he continued.

In general, I am a very lucky person in life!

I was lucky right from the very moment of my conception, when my unlucky dad disappeared from the life of my no less unlucky mother, and at the same time from my life - once and for all! Perhaps he felt that he could not give me everything that would help me survive. I am grateful to him for his decision... Who knows how I would have grown up and what would have become of me if my infancy and childhood had passed next to him. Perhaps he intuitively realized that this weak kid would never be able to become strong next to him and therefore quietly retreated. And I am grateful to him for that.

Meanwhile, I continued to be lucky.

The young mulatto woman abandoned me right on the delivery table. And that was already luck! Because if she had taken me from the maternity hospital, I’m not at all sure that I would have survived... And so I, although weak and premature, had a chance! Chance of life! And she gave it to me... My unlucky seventeen-year-old mother. I am grateful to her for this refusal. And even in my thoughts I don’t want to imagine how and where I would have lived, how and where my childhood would have passed, if she had not abandoned me then. This refusal of hers also gave me strength. After all, announcing the Universe with my first cry, I already understood that I have no one to rely on in this life, I am alone... And this, probably, still causes some kind of concentration of internal energy, you must agree... - he smiled.

I was lucky that I wasn't adopted as a baby. Otherwise, I, a sickly, weakened baby, would have received, perhaps, very comfortable greenhouse conditions and the care of the people who adopted me, but would it help me become stronger and more confident in myself? For some reason I think not. It was life in the orphanage that taught me perseverance: I learned to fight from the Chinese, I adopted their “pinches” from the blacks, and I can spit like crazy! Isn't this luck!

Well, with school, that’s a whole different story! There were not enough teachers and several subjects were taught by one person. In high school, we somehow became friends with a biology teacher who was like a “walking encyclopedia” for us, he was so enthusiastic about his subject. And (what luck!) he also taught mathematics for us, which allowed us to meet in class every day! We talked a lot. Of course, I only got excellent grades in his subjects. And when the question of choosing a college arose, without hesitation, I went to the one where mathematics and biology were needed.

Then there was the university.

Then - scientific work.

Family. Children. Grandchildren. Great-grandchildren...

I am glad that I was born under a lucky star!

And grateful to Fate for the luck.

He continued to sit on the edge of his desk with a smile. And we “digested” everything we had just heard...

Here are two stories, two views on the same life,” he said, getting up from his desk and raising two open palms in front of him, like scales, “Which one do you like better?”

17 chosen

Luck is a strange thing, it’s almost impossible to explain and understand. But Many times I have seen people who constantly have happy coincidences in their lives:they win the lottery, arrive exactly at the train, even if they don’t know the schedule, and during exams they come across the only ticket they have learned. And the life of some other people is more like a vault "Murphy's Laws": "If trouble can happen, it will happen." Let's figure out whether luck and bad luck depend on psychological characteristics person, and is there a way to “call” luck on your head. And it will help us with this psychologist Maria Pugacheva.

Really, luck and bad luck in our lives depend not only on chance, but also on ourselves."There are character traits acquired personal qualities and individual experiences that provoke a person to optimally interact with external environment– which means luck, or ineffective, that is, bad luck,”– explains the psychologist. The so-called “lucky ones” act correctly and effectively; they are initially tuned to good luck.

A simple example is that a person in a desert area runs out of gas or his car breaks down. “Why am I always so unlucky!” – in despair he shouts to the heavens. Is it really a matter of luck though? After all, the problem is that he himself did not calculate required amount fuel or did not monitor the vehicle condition well enough. The “lucky” person who always succeeds will never allow himself to do this. After all, he must remain a winner and even subconsciously acts to achieve such a result.

Besides, a pessimistic way of thinking drives luck away from a person and calls for its evil twin - bad luck. With such thoughts a person programs himself for failure. After all, we control many of our actions not with our consciousness, but with our subconscious, when we do something “automatically.” This subconscious mind can put your wallet past your pocket and not pay attention to the gas meter. After all, a person wants to be who he sees himself. Thanks to this, the hero receives further confirmation of his bad luck, and his subconscious receives further reasons to convince him of this.

The opposite is true for the “lucky ones”. They are initially determined to win, and subconsciously eliminate and prevent all troubles that appear or may appear in their way.

Therefore, nothing unexpectedly breaks, gets lost or forgotten. Moreover, according to the psychologist, luck directly depends on the degree of human activity . And those whom we consider “lucky” are for the most part active people who always act and do not reflect.“And whoever does more, moves more, receives more. The more activity a person has per unit of time, the more events he has, and the more positive events as well. Plus, the “live” and optimists have a filter configured only to positive things - they discard the negative and don’t notice, but they grab the positive on the fly,”

– explained Maria Pugacheva.

People with a pessimistic outlook on life are usually cautious; they think more than they do. Moreover, lengthy reflections often do not lead to action at all. Their consciousness is more focused on comprehending negative events, so such situations seem dominant to them in their lives. According to the psychologist, it is impossible to simply bring luck into life; no rituals will help with this. To become a luckier person, you need to make serious changes yourself: correct self-esteem, way of thinking, behavior, master the most effective ways

exposure to the outside world.

A series of failures can deprive any person of self-confidence and block the path to well-being and prosperity. Fortunately, there is reliable way get rid of the black stripe once and for all.

Folk wisdom says that trouble does not come alone. Even in ancient times, a pattern was noticed according to which one failure certainly leads to another. Many people have experienced this from their own experience: bad luck at work - problems with money begin, financial difficulties lead to problems in the family, and after a while stress provokes deterioration in health. As a result, a real dark streak begins in a person’s life, and it seems that there is simply no way out of it.

However, it is quite possible to break this vicious circle. The main thing is to decide in a timely manner to change your life once and for all and let happiness into it.

How to get rid of problems and failures

The first step to getting rid of a problem is to find its root cause. Sometimes failures appear in our lives so unexpectedly that it seems as if there is no reason and the matter is only in the injustice of the Universe. However, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is convinced that this is not so, and every problem has a source that a person is not always able to notice.

Often a series of failures turns out to be a consequence of a negative impact on a person’s energy, and this impact does not always come from the outside. Sometimes people bring problems on themselves: negative thoughts and words, as well as negative emotions, are capable of delivering such a powerful blow to the biofield that luck turns away from a person. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as self-evil eye. The destructive program that we, unwittingly, “plant” in our subconscious, deprives us of our chances of success and gradually destroys our lives.

However, a negative impact can be carried out by a stranger, and most often this happens unnoticed. Even a completely harmless phrase said with envy or irritation can cause a blow to our energy. This is exactly what is called damage.

To protect yourself from any negative influences, and therefore from failures, you need to strengthen your energy. According to Vasilisa Volodina, a personal talisman can help with this. A thing charged with positive energy will repel negativity from you and will attract good luck to you.

Of course, not every thing can become a strong talisman. For a talisman to really attract good luck to you and repel troubles, three conditions must be met:

  • the talisman should be made of natural material, preferably wool, because it is considered the best conductor of positive energy;
  • the talisman must be charged in a special place of power;
  • The talisman must be charged by a person with special abilities.

Finding an amulet on your own that meets all the requirements is quite difficult. However, Vasilisa Volodina knows such a talisman. She herself has been using it for decades, and therefore is completely convinced of its power.

The most powerful talisman for good luck and money

The red thread from the Holy Land combines all the qualities necessary for a talisman to be truly strong. It will protect you from negative energy, attract good luck and help you get out of a series of problems. The red thread has a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life: all undertakings are easy, success accompanies in business and work, and in family life harmony comes. In addition, the red thread is the strongest amulet: it will repel any negative influences from you.

To receive the red thread, and with it the opportunity to get rid of problems and change your life for the better, you need to write to Vasilisa Volodina on her website.

Let the problems remain in the past. With a powerful talisman from the Holy Land, you can find your way to happiness and prosperity. We wish you well-being and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2017 02:24

Without love, complete happiness is impossible, so every person strives to find a companion for life. ...

This will be very useful to me!!!

Why you are unlucky in life: energetic reasons for failures and troubles

There is an opinion that if you are unlucky in one thing, you will definitely be lucky in something else. However, inveterate optimism is becoming less and less common every day. For most people, one failure leads to another. This is directly related to energy: like attracts like. A person who has negative energy attracts misfortune to himself, and vice versa. Therefore, you need to start changing your life for the better with yourself.

Signs of bad luck

This phenomenon is of interest to esotericists, psychologists and philosophers. The minds of our time have classified the main signs of lack of luck in people. These manifestations trigger mechanisms of bad luck and contribute to the emergence of a black streak. First of all, you should eradicate the following symptoms.

Disappointment. A person is haunted by a feeling of hopelessness, devastation, and the inability to change his life. Loss of faith is caused by overestimation of one's capabilities and unattainability of goals.

Aggression and uncertainty b. A person prone to failure seeks to let off steam on other people or to assert himself at the expense of other people’s misfortunes.

Loneliness and resentment to the whole world. Chronic bad luck can be caused by low self-esteem, reclusiveness and envy. In this case, a person, as a rule, blames others for his own troubles.

Devastation. The loss of joy in life entails the absence of new positive changes. Even in moments of joy, a person thinks about possible failure.

Causes of failures and troubles

We need to learn to live in harmony, cooperation, mutual assistance, eradicating confrontation, greed, and anger in ourselves. The reason for bad luck is often our erroneous views, priorities and desires, which are not consistent with the world at the energetic level. Misfortune in most cases haunts those people who oppose the universe. A person who does not notice his mistakes subsequently pays for them threefold. Life will get worse until the individual takes the path of development and reassessment of his priorities.

However, negative events in our lives can be caused by negative external influences. From the moment of birth, a person is subject to energetic influences, which can be both positive and destructive. The latter includes witchcraft, black magic, the evil eye, damage, people's envy, negative events and news. Even horror films have destructive power.

That is why a protective cover should be created for your soul through meditation, yoga, reading mantras. Opening your chakras, spiritual practices, and clearing energy blocks will have a positive impact on your life in general, strengthening your aura.

It will help you break out of the vicious circle of failures strong biofield, positive thoughts and faith in the best. Luck is familiar to everyone, but total bad luck is a sign that you need to think about your own life. A series of failures does not haunt people who have found their true path and are moving towards happiness.

Psychics say that all misfortunes have energetic reasons, many of which a person creates independently. Practices aimed at combating destructive programs will help you avoid evil rock.

A bad streak, a series of failures, bad luck - all this and much more can be inherited by a person. But everyone has the power to change their destiny. Life directly depends on our thoughts, words and actions. Correct thinking will help you materialize your own desires.

Where do troubles come from?

Bioenergetics experts say that misfortunes come to us at the genetic level. However, these are not all the channels through which failures enter our lives. Human energy is a rather subtle substance. Yes, we can adopt a lot from our relatives - for example, our way of life and way of thinking, which is the cause of many troubles. But the Universe and the Higher Powers allow us to decide our own destiny on our own. A person's life is under his complete control, so everyone can change it in accordance with their desires.

Misfortunes originate at the energy level. Every situation that causes negative thoughts lays down a destructive program. A person becomes emotionally involved in the flow of negative energy. In other words, we attract to ourselves what our thoughts occupy. Negative self-programming is the source of many troubles and failures.

Do not forget that all changes, even if at first glance they seem like a difficult ordeal, are ultimately always positive. But people who do not know how to think in a positive way let this pass them by. You should not plunge into the abyss of despair and grumble about fate at every opportunity.

Failures are lessons from the Universe, and the main thing is to notice them correctly.

Misfortunes is a consequence of a certain lifestyle. Only positive thoughts, faith in the best, communication with successful people will get you out of this vicious circle. Attract good luck to yourself in every possible way, live for yourself, and let your life bring only joy.

Learning to avoid trouble

Trouble comes when we call. Positive change is available to people who understand that any misfortune is a new start, new opportunity, new life. Most people think in a different direction, or more precisely, they think “like everyone else.” And at the same time they subconsciously program themselves for misfortune.

An example would be a woman who was raised by a mother who had a negative experience and was convinced that all men are cheaters. Being under the pressure of maternal experience, living with persistent subconscious fear, the girl thinks through situations that have never happened to her and might not have happened. She tries on the image of a wife who will be cheated on, and independently instills this attitude in herself. And they will cheat on her. One of the Laws of the Universe says: if you don’t want something to happen, don’t think about it.

To avoid trouble, you must abandon all misconceptions about yourself and others. See yourself for who you are.

Get rid of imposed opinions. Do not act as you should, but as you want.

Wealth is not a vice. A negative attitude, again imposed by society, that money spoils people. People are spoiled by people themselves, as well as self-interest and greed. Material wealth does not affect a person’s spirituality and moral qualities in any way. It is important to strive for what will make your life meaningful, open up a new world and bring satisfaction. You can choose any path of spiritual growth for yourself: hermitage or travel, wandering or comfort. It doesn’t matter how you achieve unity with the Higher Powers, what matters is the process itself.

Among the rich there are many more people who have grown in soul than among the poor. The choice between material security and noble poverty, of course, always remains with the person, but remember that money and prosperity are not a vice at all.

Take responsibility for own life . Living like everyone else is undoubtedly easier than creating your own destiny and being responsible for the consequences yourself decisions made. It is much easier to blame all your defeats on others. Unhappy people love to grumble about fate, shifting responsibility for their failures to their superiors, life, bad luck, parents, and so on, forgetting that the culprit of all troubles and sins is the person himself. No one but you will make your life happy, and no one can ruin it.

Don't teach other people how to live. It is necessary to get rid of imposing your point of view on people. Everyone on this Earth has their own path.

If a person independently turns to you for help, it is worth considering what you would do in such a case. If your advice is not to the liking of a friend, do not impose yourself: this is his path and his destiny. Perhaps this problem will still occur in your life, and thus you are going through the stage of preparing for it.

Don't allow yourself to absorb other people's negative emotions.. Remember that a person who often complains is nothing more than an energy vampire. You shouldn't become his vest for tears. When contacting such people, a person’s internal energy, which is responsible for good luck and happiness, is completely depleted. Stay away, otherwise similar troubles will come to you.

Share your happiness. Your social circle should reflect your inner world. You do not have to communicate with people who are filled with negative programs. It is important to share joy, happiness, success and receive all these emotions back. Forget that opposites attract: this only happens if people complement each other. Lucky people are friends with similar people, but a relationship in which one of the participants only complains and does not strive to change his life for the better will not last long.