Why doesn't a crystal of copper sulfate grow? Growing a crystal of copper sulfate (quick method). Topic: “Growing crystals from copper sulfate”

This article will describe in detail how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. This material can be useful both for schoolchildren when preparing assignments in the subject “chemistry”, and for anyone interested in this science.

Why copper sulfate?

This substance belongs to the class of salts, which means its solution can easily be turned into a solid through the process of crystallization. Growing stone from it, as a rule, occurs much faster than when using materials such as salt or sugar. In addition, crystals from copper sulfate turn out to be a beautiful blue color. With proper cultivation, they acquire the correct multifaceted shape, so observing the result of your own experience can be very interesting and pleasant.

Another argument in favor of choosing this particular material may be its availability. You can buy a jar of copper sulfate at any store that specializes in selling supplies for gardeners and summer residents.

What do you need to know before starting the experience?

This chapter will provide some theoretical knowledge that will help you in the future grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. First of all, you need to understand what processes need to happen for the experiment to be successful.

Schoolchildren know from chemistry lessons that many liquid and gaseous substances can acquire a solid consistency. This usually occurs during the crystallization process. But what if the task is to obtain a solid substance from sugar, salt or copper sulfate, which are already such? Science says it is quite possible to do this. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to start the recrystallization process. That is, the result of the experiment can be considered successful if small stones, having dissolved in the liquid, are immediately transformed into the same solid clumps.


The main condition under which such a process can be carried out is the presence of a supersaturated solution.

This means that growing crystals at home from copper sulfate requires the preparation of such a mixture. A liquid can be called supersaturated with any substance if there is so much material dissolved in it that some of it cannot completely mix with it and settles at the bottom of the container. Therefore, in order to figure out how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate, you must first learn how to make a supersaturated solution.

Hygienic requirements

First of all, it is worth taking care of the necessary sterility in which the experiment should take place. Ideally, an amateur chemist's hair should be covered with a hat, and it is best to wear rubber gloves on his hands. Copper sulfate, if handled carefully and wisely, does not pose any danger to the human body.

All of the above precautions are needed primarily to protect the solution from dust and small particles of foreign materials getting into it. This is extremely undesirable, since other crystals may begin to grow on similar grains of sand that accidentally fall into the liquid, which will slow down the development of the main stone.

Supersaturated solution recipe

To prepare it, you will need a saucepan, water, a jar of copper sulfate, and a container in which the main part of the experiment will be carried out (a vessel with transparent walls is best suited for this purpose, since you will need to observe the growth of the crystal daily). Also, to accomplish this task, you will need a sheet of paper, a match and a thread (it is best if it is not fleecy, but, for example, silk or made from a similar material).

So, let's begin the first stage of making a crystal from copper sulfate at home. The pan with water must be placed on low heat. When the liquid is already hot enough, but has not yet had time to boil, you need to pour a few tablespoons of copper sulfate into it. The water should be stirred until the blue substance is completely dissolved.

Repeat this step multiple times

When this happens, add a couple more tablespoons of copper sulfate. The liquid must be stirred thoroughly again.

Don’t be alarmed if this time not all the crystals of the substance were able to dissolve, and some of them formed a sediment at the bottom of the pan. The appearance of such an excess just means that you have achieved the desired result - namely, you have obtained a supersaturated solution. If this does not happen, then you need to add a few more tablespoons of vitriol to the water and stir again. These steps will have to be repeated until sediment appears at the bottom of the pan.

Making "bait"

This fishing term is sometimes used to describe small crystals of copper sulfate, which serve as the basis for further growing stones from this substance.

To make them you need to take three small particles. When choosing crystals, you need to take into account the criterion of the correctness of their shape. The more perfect the selected pieces are, the more correct and high-quality the clot obtained as a result of your experience will be.

Three particles are placed at the bottom of a transparent vessel and filled with a supersaturated vitriol solution.

After this, the container is covered with a sheet of paper and placed in a place with the most stable temperature conditions. As a rule, experts recommend placing it on a windowsill.

This place in the apartment is considered the most secluded, and therefore nothing can interfere with the experiment. After all the necessary actions have been completed, all further steps for growing a crystal from copper sulfate at home can be postponed for 2 days. During this time, the particles placed in the liquid should grow several times and reach the size of a match head.

Selecting the best candidate

From these ingots it is necessary to select the one that has the most correct shape. This is the so-called “bait”. Next, you need to make a supersaturated solution of copper sulfate again. How to do it is described in previous chapters. It should be strained through cheesecloth and poured back into a transparent container. The crystal chosen as “bait” must be tied to a thread, the other end of which must be secured to a match.

Take a sheet of paper and make a hole in the middle of such a size that a manufactured pebble of copper sulfate can pass through it freely. Pass a thread through this hole so that the crystal is on one side of the sheet and the match is on the other. After this, cover the jar with this paper. In this case, the match, naturally, should lie on top, and the crystal should float in the liquid.

Patience and more patience

The problem of how to make a crystal from copper sulfate has already been almost solved. Now you just need to put the vessel again in a secluded place and wait.

It is necessary to ensure that the crystal is, if possible, located in the center of the jar and does not come into contact with the walls. This can be achieved by moving the piece of paper and adjusting the length of the string with a match as the crystal grows.

Various ways

We bring to your attention several more master classes. Crystals from copper sulfate can be grown in a slightly different way.

The second method is to place the jar with the “bait” in an insulated container or wrap the jar in a blanket or other warm thing. This way you can achieve a slower cooling of the supersaturated solution. This option is more complex than the one described earlier, but as a result of its use, pebbles of a very regular shape are obtained. The next way to grow a crystal from copper sulfate is the easiest.

There is no need to make a “bait”. A thread is placed in a container with a supersaturated solution. In this case, it is best to choose the one that is made of the fluffiest material. Its end is tied to a faceted pencil, which is placed on top of the jar on its walls. A crystal will form on the thread itself.

Depending on temperature conditions, the growing experience can last from one week to several months.

The manufacturing process is no less attractive than the gift itself. Try this with your children - your delight will know no bounds.

Read also:

Making a beautiful crystal

Here are the main steps.


The product can be purchased at any agricultural store. This substance is used on the farm and is used to control pests. When using vitriol at home, you need to remember that it is toxic. When working with the substance, your hands must be protected with gloves, and your respiratory tract with a bandage. It is best to wash your hands as often as possible.


  • When carrying out the procedure, prepare the water; it should not be from the water supply, since it contains a high content of chlorine, this substance will react with vitriol and only worsen the quality of the crystals. As a last resort, you can use boiled water;
  • copper sulfate;
  • wire;
  • a thin thread or hair, the crystals become transparent when grown, so the thread should not be visible;


Two methods are used for production. The first one is for those who doesn't like to wait. It takes 7 days to make, and the result will be many crystals attached to each other. The other method is long, but the result will be surprising; the resulting piece will be solid and look like a precious stone.

Fast way

You will need a 0.5 liter jar, add 200 grams of copper sulfate to it, pour the mixture with a glass of water. The jar should be placed on a sand stove; when heating, the mixture should be stirred constantly, the grains of powder should be completely dissolved;

After the mixture has become homogeneous, the dishes are removed from the bath and placed on a cold surface. The mixture should come to room temperature. The copper sulfate crystal will serve as a seed for the solution; it should be smooth and large;

Nothing should touch the walls of the glass. If everything doesn't dissolve in the liquid, it's okay. When cooled, the solution releases salt, which in turn remains on the thread. Most of the vitriol settles at the bottom, since contact with a cold surface occurs most quickly there. To make it more convenient to lower the thread into the glass, you can attach it to a pencil and place it on the surface.

The thread with crystals must be removed from the solution.

The procedure of heating the mixture in a sand bath is repeated, after the sediment has dissolved, the bath is turned off, the dishes must be covered with a lid and wait for the solution to cool.

The thread is placed in the solution and secured so that the substance does not touch the bottom and walls of the glass. Leave the container overnight; in the morning, interestingly shaped formations will be found in the container;

The shape of the crystal can be changed replacing the thread with wire, because it can be bent into any shape, heart, square. The wire will serve as a good frame. If you need to make sure that some edges stop growing, they need to be greased;

Second method

To get a large crystal, it will take more time and you need to approach the choice of seed responsibly; the larger and smoother the formation, the more beautiful the product will be.

You will need 200 ml of water and 100 grams of vitriol.

The vitriol is mixed with water in a jar or glass and left for a day. The substance must be stirred until it dissolves. Next, the solution is filtered, and what remains at the bottom can be used again to prepare the solution;

The resulting solution is poured into another container;

To seed, you need to tie a “pebble” to a thread, the other end is best secured to a stick and placed horizontally on a glass. Then you need to lower it vertically, the dishes should be covered with a cloth to prevent dust from entering;

In a few days the product will grow, increase every day;

Difficulties may arise when making a crystal, but to avoid this, you should:

  1. If you want to get a single pebble, then the solution should be poured into a clean container and a large crystal should be placed there;
  2. Crystals can also form on the thread, and to prevent this from happening, you need to raise the main one higher so that the thread does not come into contact with water;
  3. Instead of woolen thread, you can use nylon or thin wire, but if you change the base, the formation will take longer to grow;
  4. Important observe the temperature regime, otherwise, at elevated temperatures, the crystal may dissolve; if this happens, then you should add a couple of tablespoons of copper to the solution and let it brew for 6 hours, while stirring the mixture. The solution is drained so that there is no residue in it, then the experiment is repeated;

The product loses moisture when exposed to air and breaks down after a while, so you need to store the substance in a cool place in a tight container.

Crystal... This word really reeks of magic. I don’t know about the magical properties of crystals, but the various useful physical properties they definitely have. Crystals are widely used in modern electronics, optics and other fields of technology. And, of course, the crystals are simply beautiful. They attract the eye with their regular shape and natural symmetry. Moreover, this applies not only to precious crystals, but also to crystals grown from improvised means.

We already know something about the crystalline state of matter from the article on. It's time to move on to practical exercises :)

The crystal growth experiment has a number of features. One of these features is the duration of the experiment. The point is that a good and beautiful, and, most importantly, large crystal cannot be grown quickly. This takes time. That is why the experience of growing crystals over nine days was developed in the section where you could observe the progress of the process and, perhaps, even conduct your own experiment in parallel. This article is a generalization of the information obtained during the experiment. So, instructions for those who want to grow a crystal themselves.

For this we need:

  • The container in which the crystal will grow. It is best if the container is transparent, for example, a glass jar. In this case, it will be convenient to monitor the progress of the process.
  • A small piece of cardboard to cut out the lid for the container
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper or any material with which you can filter the solution. You can use a napkin.
  • Thread. It is better to take a thinner and smoother thread, for example, silk.
  • And, of course, the substance from which we will grow the crystal. Copper sulfate is used in the experiment. The crystal from it should turn out beautiful blue color. In addition, it is quite easy to get copper sulfate - it is usually sold at any gardening store. If you were unable to find copper sulfate or are simply too lazy to go to the store, then you can use any crystalline substance, for example, ordinary table salt or sugar.

Before starting the experiment, I must warn you, in case you want to repeat it, about personal safety measures. You will be working with chemicals that may be harmful to you. Do not use food containers for your experiment, use protective equipment (gloves, goggles), and wash your laboratory glassware thoroughly. If chemicals come into contact with your skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. If ingested, consult a doctor.

Well, now that the formalities are over, let's get started.

Day 1.

As I already said, growing crystals is a procedure that has some peculiarities. Another feature of this experiment, in addition to its duration, is the need to grow the so-called seed, i.e. a small crystal from which a larger crystal will grow. You can do without a seed, but in this case it is difficult to grow a beautiful single crystal. Therefore, it is better to grow the seed, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

Let's prepare a saturated solution.

Let's pour a little copper sulfate into a glass container (hereinafter I will talk about copper sulfate, since it is what is involved in the experiment; you use the substance that you managed to find).

Pour the salt (copper sulfate is sulfur-copper salt) with a small amount of hot water. The use of hot water is mandatory, because... At elevated temperatures, the solubility of salts increases.

It is better to place the container in a water bath so that the solution does not cool ahead of time.

Stir the salt until it dissolves, then add more salt and stir again. We repeat this until the salt stops dissolving in the water.

Thus, we have obtained a saturated salt solution.

Now the resulting solution needs to be filtered. This must be done so that no foreign particles, such as dust or impurities, remain in the solution. Foreign particles may serve additional centers crystallization, i.e. other crystals will begin to form around them, but we don’t need that. At this stage of the experiment this is not very critical, but later the purity of the solution will be very important.

After filtering, you need to throw a few salt crystals into the solution - seeds will begin to form on them.

Now the container needs to be placed in a place where a more or less constant temperature regime will be ensured (a window sill is great for this), and covered with something to prevent foreign impurities from entering.

The solution will begin to cool and become supersaturated, i.e. salt will begin to become more in solution than it can dissolve at a given temperature. The salt will begin to crystallize, and the crystallization centers will be those grains of salt that we added to the saturated solution. You will need to wait 2-3 days. After this, we will proceed to the next stage of the experiment.

Day 2.

It can be seen that crystals began to form at the bottom of the vessel.

Day 3.

The crystals have grown. In principle, they are large enough to use as seeds, but I will try to keep them for another day.

Day 4.

Well, enough time has already passed, and we have formed good material for seeding. All that remains is to choose a suitable candidate.

Already quite beautiful, isn't it? But we will not stop there and will continue our experiment.

At first glance, it seems that the resulting mass of crystals is a monolith, but in fact, separating the crystals is not particularly difficult.

Try to choose a crystal of the most correct shape. I chose not the largest one available, but I liked its shape the most. The more correct the shape of the seed, the more correct the crystal shape will be in the future. To make the size of the seed more clear, I put a match next to it.

Now you need to tie a thread to the seed. As I wrote at the beginning of the article, it is better to take a thread that is less fluffy so that side crystals do not form on its protruding fibers. Do not use wire as a hanger.

Now the thread with the seed needs to be threaded through the lid of the container and secured on the back side. You need to secure it in such a way that you can adjust the height of the suspension at any time. For example, you can with reverse side wrap excess thread around a match or secure the thread with a paper clip.

Now we need to prepare a fresh salt solution. It is done in the same way as for seeding: dissolving salt in hot water until it stops dissolving, filtering the solution. We place our seed in this fresh solution. Make sure that the seed does not touch the bottom and walls of the container, otherwise the crystal will begin to grow in an irregular shape.

And now we have two options. The first one is more complex. It requires more attention and effort. The fact is that the most beautiful and regular crystals are obtained when the crystallization process is slow. Therefore, we need to ensure smooth cooling of the salt solution. To do this, we need to place our container with the seed in thermal vessels and constantly monitor the temperature of the solution. Speaking in simple language, quite a lot of fuss. But the reward for such efforts is worthwhile - the crystal will be as pure and correct in shape as possible.

The second way is much simpler. You placed the seed in a hot solution and can forget about it for a while, leaving the crystallization process to chance. With this method, the growing crystal may not have an ideal shape, but the growth process will be faster.

I chose the second path. In the end, having followed a simpler path and gained some experience, I can always do a more complex version of the experiment. In addition, you need to keep in mind that a quick version of the experiment does not mean that it can be completed in a couple of hours. Even with accelerated experimentation, the crystal will grow for several days. In the case of a long-term option, the experiment can last for 1 – 2 months.

But in both cases, you need to monitor the growth of the crystal. There is no need to take out the crystal and touch it again - this may affect its shape. If side crystals begin to form on a crystal or thread, they must be carefully removed so that they do not spoil the shape of the main crystal.

And one moment. If you put a seed into the solution, and it does not begin to increase, but quite the opposite, it dissolves, then this means that you have prepared an unsaturated solution. The solution preparation procedure will have to be repeated.

So we continue to monitor the growth of the crystal. If you have any questions, you can contact me in the comments or through the form.

Day 5.

Over the course of a day, the crystal grew significantly. The photo shows a crystal in comparison with a match and a crystal - a duplicate seed, which I left yesterday just in case.

However, as you can see, the crystal shape is not ideal; there are many defects. This is the result of rapid crystal growth. But I still like him :)

I refreshed the solution as I had done before and dropped the crystal into it again. Since the dimensions of the crystal increased significantly compared to the previous day, it was necessary to adjust the height of the seed suspension. The experiment continues.

Day 6.

Crystal has grown up. I renewed the copper sulfate solution again.

Day 7.

The crystal barely fits into my glass! Don’t forget to clean the thread from growing small crystals.

Day 8.

Day 9.

Well, here comes, I believe, the last day of the experiment. The latter is not because the crystal will not be able to grow further, but because it has become a little cramped in my laboratory glassware. We take out the crystal, cut the thread to the very root and blot it with napkins. We are one step away from admiring our work of art. The fact is that if you leave the crystal as is, it will soon collapse. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be “dressed” in a protective shell. The best option is to cover it with clear varnish. You can also place it in a hermetically sealed container, for example, a jar. But it seems to me that the best option is to cover it with varnish. This will give it additional shine, and it will be possible to observe it, as they say, live, and not through glass.

Now you can take a good look at the crystal. Of course, its shape was not ideal. But I deliberately chose the fast path of crystal growth instead of the high-quality one. In any case, I was pleased with the result. In nine days, the crystal grew more than seven centimeters in length - quite a good result!

I even wanted to give it a name. They give it large and unique precious stones names. For example, how the famous diamond was given the name “Count Orlov”. My crystal, of course, is far from a diamond, but it is dear to me in its own way :) Therefore, not without a bit of humor, I decided to call the resulting seven-centimeter pebble Baby.

Good luck with your experiments!

This article will describe in detail how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. This material can be useful both for schoolchildren when preparing assignments in the subject “chemistry”, and for anyone interested in this science.

Why copper sulfate?

This substance belongs to the class of salts, which means its solution can easily be turned into a solid through the process of crystallization. Growing stone from it, as a rule, occurs much faster than when using materials such as table salt or sugar. In addition, crystals from copper sulfate turn out to be a beautiful blue color. With proper cultivation, they acquire the correct multifaceted shape, so observing the result of your own experience can be very interesting and pleasant.

Another argument in favor of choosing this particular material may be its availability. You can buy a jar of copper sulfate at any store that specializes in selling supplies for gardeners and summer residents.

What do you need to know before starting the experience?

This chapter will provide some theoretical knowledge that will help you in the future grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home. First of all, you need to understand what processes need to happen for the experiment to be successful.

Schoolchildren know from chemistry lessons that many liquid and gaseous substances can acquire a solid consistency. This usually occurs during the crystallization process. But what if the task is to obtain a solid substance from sugar, salt or copper sulfate, which are already such? Science says it is quite possible to do this. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to start the recrystallization process. That is, the result of the experiment can be considered successful if small stones, having dissolved in the liquid, are immediately transformed into the same solid clumps.


The main condition under which such a process can be carried out is the presence of a supersaturated solution.

This means that growing crystals at home from copper sulfate requires the preparation of such a mixture. A liquid can be called supersaturated with any substance if there is so much material dissolved in it that some of it cannot completely mix with it and settles at the bottom of the container. Therefore, in order to figure out how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate, you must first learn how to make a supersaturated solution.

Hygienic requirements

First of all, it is worth taking care of the necessary sterility in which the experiment should take place. Ideally, an amateur chemist's hair should be covered with a hat, and it is best to wear rubber gloves on his hands. Copper sulfate, if handled carefully and wisely, does not pose any danger to the human body.

All of the above precautions are needed primarily to protect the solution from dust and small particles of foreign materials getting into it. This is extremely undesirable, since other crystals may begin to grow on similar grains of sand that accidentally fall into the liquid, which will slow down the development of the main stone.

Supersaturated solution recipe

To prepare it, you will need a saucepan, water, a jar of copper sulfate, and a container in which the main part of the experiment will be carried out (a vessel with transparent walls is best suited for this purpose, since you will need to observe the growth of the crystal daily). Also, to accomplish this task, you will need a sheet of paper, a match and a thread (it is best if it is not fleecy, but, for example, silk or made from a similar material).

So, let's begin the first stage of making a crystal from copper sulfate at home. The pan with water must be placed on low heat. When the liquid is already hot enough, but has not yet had time to boil, you need to pour a few tablespoons of copper sulfate into it. The water should be stirred until the blue substance is completely dissolved.

Repeat this step multiple times

When this happens, add a couple more tablespoons of copper sulfate. The liquid must be stirred thoroughly again.

Don’t be alarmed if this time not all the crystals of the substance were able to dissolve, and some of them formed a sediment at the bottom of the pan. The appearance of such an excess just means that you have achieved the desired result - namely, you have obtained a supersaturated solution. If this does not happen, then you need to add a few more tablespoons of vitriol to the water and stir again. These steps will have to be repeated until sediment appears at the bottom of the pan.

Making "bait"

This fishing term is sometimes used to describe small crystals of copper sulfate, which serve as the basis for further growing stones from this substance.

To make them you need to take three small particles. When choosing crystals, you need to take into account the criterion of the correctness of their shape. The more perfect the selected pieces are, the more correct and high-quality the clot obtained as a result of your experience will be.

Three particles are placed at the bottom of a transparent vessel and filled with a supersaturated vitriol solution.

After this, the container is covered with a sheet of paper and placed in a place with the most stable temperature conditions. As a rule, experts recommend placing it on a windowsill.

This place in the apartment is considered the most secluded, and therefore nothing can interfere with the experiment. After all the necessary actions have been completed, all further steps for growing a crystal from copper sulfate at home can be postponed for 2 days. During this time, the particles placed in the liquid should grow several times and reach the size of a match head.

Selecting the best candidate

From these ingots it is necessary to select the one that has the most correct shape. This is the so-called “bait”. Next, you need to make a supersaturated solution of copper sulfate again. How to do it is described in previous chapters. It should be strained through cheesecloth and poured back into a transparent container. The crystal chosen as “bait” must be tied to a thread, the other end of which must be secured to a match.

Take a sheet of paper and make a hole in the middle of such a size that a manufactured pebble of copper sulfate can pass through it freely. Pass a thread through this hole so that the crystal is on one side of the sheet and the match is on the other. After this, cover the jar with this paper. In this case, the match, naturally, should lie on top, and the crystal should float in the liquid.

Patience and more patience

The problem of how to make a crystal from copper sulfate has already been almost solved. Now you just need to put the vessel again in a secluded place and wait.

It is necessary to ensure that the crystal is, if possible, located in the center of the jar and does not come into contact with the walls. This can be achieved by moving the piece of paper and adjusting the length of the string with a match as the crystal grows.

Various ways

We bring to your attention several more master classes. Crystals from copper sulfate can be grown in a slightly different way.

The second method is to place the jar with the “bait” in an insulated container or wrap the jar in a blanket or other warm thing. This way you can achieve a slower cooling of the supersaturated solution. This option is more complex than the one described earlier, but as a result of its use, pebbles of a very regular shape are obtained. The next way to grow a crystal from copper sulfate is the easiest.

There is no need to make a “bait”. A thread is placed in a container with a supersaturated solution. In this case, it is best to choose the one that is made of the fluffiest material. Its end is tied to a faceted pencil, which is placed on top of the jar on its walls. A crystal will form on the thread itself.

Depending on temperature conditions, the growing experience can last from one week to several months.

How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home - all about traveling to the site

One of the most mysterious and most beautiful creations of nature are crystals. They attract with their unusual shape and amaze with their strength. Have you ever wondered how to grow a crystal at home without resorting to complex technologies and high costs? After all, this is a real experiment that can be carried out without harm to yourself and to environment. This is an interesting, exciting adventure, in the end of which you will receive a crystal as a reward.

There are several ways to grow an exquisite crystal:

  • using salt;
  • sugar crystals;
  • growing a crystal from copper sulfate.

The first two methods are completely safe, so they can be used without resorting to the use of protective equipment. However, in all cases you need to be careful and patient, and then you will receive your unique crystal, which will become a symbol of your efforts and labors.

So, first we’ll find out how to grow a crystal from salt at home and without special effort. To carry out this unusual experiment you will need quite a normal set:

  • water (plain and drinking);
  • pot;
  • 2 glass jars;
  • 1 pack of salt (regular, table);
  • silk thread (as well as wire or lace).

And now we begin our magical actions that will lead us to the treasured crystal.

  1. Select the largest grain of salt from the pack - it will serve as a seed or embryo for the future crystal.

  1. Now let’s be patient, wait and watch how our crystal grows. This will happen within 2-3 weeks. To speed up the growth of the crystal, it is necessary to periodically prepare a new saturated salt solution and immerse the crystal in it.

Growing a crystal from copper sulfate: magic in a glass

Let's look at another incredible way to grow a crystal at home. This time we will get something like a ruby ​​(looking at the shape) and topaz (looking at the color). And the basis for creating this crystal will be copper sulfate, which you can purchased at a farm supply store.

Remember that a substance such as copper sulfate is used in gardening to protect plants from fungi and other diseases, so it is toxic. Take precautions when purchasing and preparing your crystal growing solution. Check the integrity of the package containing copper sulfate. Shake it and examine it carefully, make sure that the powder has a bright blue color and a loose, crumbly structure and does not form lumps. When working with copper sulfate, use non-food containers and protect your hands with rubber gloves. If the substance comes into contact with your skin, wash it with plenty of water.

  1. Now we begin to grow the crystal. To do this you will need 300 ml of water and 300 g of copper sulfate, 2 jars, a deep bowl, hot water for the water bath and for preparing the solution.

  1. Place the jar in a water bath (in a bowl of hot water) and add 100 grams of copper sulfate. Pour 100 ml hot water.

  1. We wait 10 minutes, and then pour the liquid into the second jar.

  1. Small blue crystals should form at the bottom of the jar, which we will use to seed our future crystal masterpiece.

  1. We select crystals of the correct shape, pull them out with tweezers and dry them.
  1. Prepare a concentrated solution of copper sulfate: gradually dissolve 100 grams in 50-100 ml of hot distilled or drinking water, stirring gradually. If you don’t get a crystal the first time, dissolve the vitriol until small crystals settle at the bottom. Now we pour the solution into a second container and leave it overnight. The next day, crystals for seeding should form at the bottom of the dish.

  1. We make another solution in which we will place our seed. Dissolve 100 g of vitriol in 100 ml of hot water. Pour the solution and cool it.

  1. We tie the seed to the thread and place it in the solution so that it does not touch the bottom and walls of the dish. We tie the second end of the thread to a pencil and place it on top of the jar. Cover the container with paper and leave it in a room with a constant temperature.

  1. We monitor the growth of the crystal. In a week it will look something like this. He has grown by almost 2 cm.

  1. It's time to change the solution so that the crystal grows faster. Prepare the solution according to the recipe from step 2, cool it and place the crystal there.

  1. This crystal is 11 days old.

  1. Change the solution every week to obtain an exquisite crystal.

  1. The minimum time a crystal grows is 14 days., but you can wait longer. For example, this handsome guy is already 22 days old.

  1. But such a miracle will await you in a month.

  1. Results after a month and a half.

  1. And after 52 days your crystal will grow 10 cm! Cover it with clear varnish to make it shiny and durable.

And to complete the picture, we suggest you watch a video about growing a crystal.

Sugar crystal: a tasty and beautiful do-it-yourself treat

Another pleasant and useful project awaits you - growing a crystal from sugar. Learn with the help of a video how to quickly and deliciously prepare your own amazing dessert, which you can treat your friends to at a fabulous tea party.

How to draw a crystal: diagrams for beginner artists

While you are wondering what else you can grow an unusual crystal from, we We offer you several schemes, allowing you to reproduce the crystal structure on paper.

Video: how to grow a crystal at home?