Features of rationalization and inventive activities at the enterprise. New approaches to the rationalization activities of JSCo "Russian Railways" Educational and methodological material for organizers of rationalization activities On the importance of rationalization activities

Railway transport has always been distinguished by the massive participation of workers and engineers in technical creativity and good organization of rationalization activities. It is gratifying to note that these trends persist and develop no matter what. I am confident that our innovators and inventors will continue to make a significant contribution to solving the problems facing the company. ( Senior Vice President of JSC Russian Railways Gapanovich V.A.

at the conference “Technical Creativity - the First Step to Innovation” as part of the event “The Idea of ​​JSC Russian Railways - 2013”)

On the importance of rationalization activities

The railway complex is of particular strategic importance for Russia. It is the connecting link of a unified economic system, ensures the stable operation of industrial enterprises, timely delivery of vital goods to the most remote corners of the country, and is also the most affordable transport for millions of citizens.

In order to fulfill its obligations in a high-quality and timely manner in the modern dynamic world, our company needs constant development and an influx of new ideas. Every year, significant investments are made to apply methods for more rational use of fuel, minimize energy costs, reduce operating costs and harmful environmental impacts. An important addition to such investments is the massive participation of a wide range of company employees in technical creativity - rationalization activities.

A rationalization proposal is the result of human creative activity and the most widespread object of technical creativity. Identification and correct execution of rationalization proposals allows not only to ensure priority, moral and material encouragement for authors, but also indicates a good organization of the company’s work, the establishment in its structural divisions of a creative atmosphere, which is necessary to improve the operation of equipment, the quality of repairs, working conditions, reduce labor intensity, etc.

On rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways

JSC Russian Railways became one of the first companies in modern Russia to develop a Regulation on rationalization activities, establishing uniform methodological approaches to the implementation of rationalization activities in the company, the organization and development of mass technical creativity of employees, as well as regulating the relations arising in connection with the development and use rationalization proposals.

The Company's management pays great attention to the organization and implementation of rationalization activities. The journal “Railway Transport” published a publication dedicated to this issue.

Today, over thirty thousand employees actively participating in the company’s development process offer about forty thousand rationalization proposals annually.

The main goals of rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways are:

· activation and further development of mass technical creativity of employees of JSC Russian Railways, as one of the most important conditions for the scientific, technical and innovative development of the company;

· ensuring legal and legal protection of rationalization and inventive activities;

· increasing the interest of employees of JSC Russian Railways in the results of their work through moral and material stimulation of technical creativity.

Organization of rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways

Regulation of rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways

The main documents regulating rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways are the Regulations on rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways and the Procedure for reviewing, using, determining the effectiveness of a rationalization proposal and determining the amount of remuneration and bonuses for assistance to the authors of a rationalization proposal, approved by order dated March 3, 2014 No. 552r as amended by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 10, 2014 No. 2911r.

About the rationalization proposal

A rationalization proposal in accordance with the Regulations on rationalization activities at JSC Russian Railways, approved by Order No. 552r dated March 3, 2014, as amended by Order No. 2911R dated December 10, 2014, recognizes a technical and technological solution that is new and useful for JSC " Russian Railways”, which does not significantly change the design of the equipment, the technology used and the composition of the material.

A proposal is recognized as new if, before submitting an application in the prescribed form, this or an identical decision:

was not submitted to the Structural Unit, that is, it is not known as a proposal recognized as rationalized or rejected;

was not used in this structural unit, except in cases where this solution was used at the initiative of the author for no more than 3 months before submitting the application;

was not the result of research, development and technological work, or design work carried out for the Structural Unit;

was not provided for by administrative documents (orders or instructions of the administration) mandatory for the Structural unit, was not developed by employees of this Structural unit, or was not declared by another person who has an earlier priority, which is determined by the date of registration in the Structural unit;

was not recommended by a higher division of JSC Russian Railways or published in information publications disseminating best practices in this industry, incl. recorded in the form of an information card in the NTI ACS and the NTR DB of the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries;

was not provided for by the regulations (standards, technical specifications, etc.) mandatory for the division of JSC Russian Railways.

A proposal is considered useful if it allows the structural unit to obtain an economic, technical or other positive effect, for example, increasing traffic safety, improving working conditions.

The essence of the rationalization proposal can be expressed in the features of the constructive implementation of objects, in the relative position of parts and assemblies of objects; in changing the sequence and order of implementation of production cycle techniques, introducing new operations and eliminating operations, conditions and modes of their implementation, changing the quantitative ratio of components, introducing or eliminating other ingredients included in the composition of materials.

The principles of rationalization are a set of rules for the continuous improvement of the organization (structures and processes), imply the implementation of progressive innovations, increased organization, and stimulation of the creative nature of activities.

1. Conceptualization: rationalization begins with the development of a concept - the initial basis of rationalization, a set of fundamental ideas, principles, rules that reveal the need, reasons and essence of rationalization of the organization and allow determining its main directions and final result.


The concept of rational organization (the level of organization necessary to achieve the goal, the basic idea of ​​rationalization, the type and main characteristics of rational structures and processes);

The concept of rationalization itself (the main idea of ​​the rationalization process, the nature of changes in the structure and processes in the organization, the main directions of rationalization with the identification of stages, the necessary resources, including temporary ones, the criteria of rationality, indicating the achievement of the required level of organization).

2. Algorithmization: scientifically based rationalization involves the use of a pre-developed algorithm - a clear, logically structured and internal deterministic program of action:

The algorithm of the rationalization process itself;

Algorithmic basis for the subsequent sustainable functioning of the organizational system.

Algorithmization assumes:

Orientation of actions towards the most important goals;

Establishing possible situations and options for their most likely development;

Specificity and detail of the action program.

Algorithmization is important: for large and complex systems, in complex situations, with high responsibility of the processes carried out by the system.

3. Normalization of the conditions in which the system exists and operates (they must ensure the possibility of the existence of the system, maintaining its integrity and maintaining balance in the external environment, realizing its goals, effectively performing the main functions of solving the most important problems), which is achieved:

Changes in the external environment (individual factors or in general);

Transition to another external environment (organization, market, region, field of activity);

Isolation from the influence of the external environment;

Changes in the parameters of the internal environment that determine the functioning of the system.

4. Consistency: the organization must be an integral, unified, structurally ordered system with a single oriented and coordinated system for implementing processes. And the process of rationalization itself must be systemic: any change in the organization must be coordinated with other changes, at each stage an integral system must be formed with a level of organization increasingly approaching the ideal outlined in the concept.

Unsystematic rationalization cannot lead to the desired results, or will lead to disorganization.

5. Classification: developing a concept and determining the direction of rationalization are based on the classification of systems, environmental factors, structures, structural elements and intrasystem connections, processes, which allows:

Determine the specific class (type) of any element of the organization on the basis of this - its capabilities, level of rationality, compliance with adopted goals and existing situation;

Divide any set of organizational elements into separate types and, on the basis of this, create an appropriate distribution of roles, functions, and resources between them;

Select specific classification types of various elements of the organization that should be included in the new, more rational system.

6. Concentration of efforts on the main object (main sphere, direction) involves the selection of precisely that object, a change in the organization of which has a decisive impact on the level of organization of all objects included in this system.

Concentration on the main area of ​​rationalization involves highlighting the direction of rationalization of the main idea contained in its concept, which ensures greater reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of rationalization.

7. Specialization: focusing on a specific area of ​​activity of the system itself, its subsystems and elements; it is universal in nature - all systems of purposeful orientation, both living and non-living, and their elements are specialized to one degree or another.

This allows you to provide:

Distribution of functions and tasks among individual performers according to their capabilities;

Establishing the role and place of each structural element in the system;

A clear orientation of performers to carry out certain activities;

Greater efficiency and reliability of process implementation.

Rational specialization is established at all levels of the system; the lower the level of the corresponding structural element, the more specialized its activity should be.

To ensure rational specialization it is necessary to ensure:

Corresponding target orientation of performers;

Formation of specialized potential that creates the opportunity to carry out this activity;

Clear consistency between individual specialized processes.

8. Standardization: the use of a system of standards for typical types of organizational elements, includes the development of standards and the formation on their basis of specific elements of specific organizations.

Standards are set by the subject for performers. The main objects of standardization: processes, procedures, results, structures, systems for supporting activities.

The ratio of standard and non-standard in each standardized element should reflect both the general requirements for it and the reality of the real situation.

10. Personification: personification of powers and responsibility for the functioning of structures and the implementation of processes (including rationalization). In the field of management, the following are personified: establishing guidelines for activities, decision-making, coordinating leadership, managing resources, monitoring activities, evaluating performance results, responsibility for creating conditions for the activities of performers. In the sphere of execution - intrasystem horizontal connections, acceptance of tasks for execution, implementation of specific actions within the framework of the main activity, use of resources, responsibility for performance results.

11. Regulation: establishing a certain order of functioning of the organization: regulation of the rationalization process itself; specific regulation of important aspects of the organization’s life; the formation of a clearly operating regulatory system, i.e. a pre-developed procedure for the implementation of processes and the functioning of structures (established by the subject of management for performers).

Regulation d.b. optimal: overly regulated activities are deactivated, the ability to quickly respond to unforeseen changes is reduced, the lack of regulation reduces the degree of preliminary readiness for the implementation of directed processes and makes them less manageable.

Rationalization of managerial work involves the creation of conditions under which the ultimate goal of management is achieved with the least amount of labor. It is aimed at using the latest achievements of management science and technology, as well as advanced management experience, in the labor process.

Each of the principles discussed has its own significance. At the same time, they complement each other, revealing different ways of a general approach to the organization of managerial work.

The rational organization of labor of the management apparatus is based on general principles, the implementation of which is based on the following main directions:

Level of remuneration and labor incentives;

Technical support and computerization of labor;

Favorable regime and working conditions;

Labor rationing. Busygin A.V. Management: introduction to the specialty: Textbook. - 1st ed. / A. V. Busygin - M.: Unity-dana, 2007.-P. 57.

The essence of labor standardization is the establishment of an objective amount of working time spent in specific conditions. A comprehensive justification of labor standards, taking into account the relationship of technical, psychophysiological and social factors, should be considered as a search for the optimal value of the norm and its defining characteristics for technological and labor processes.

In the practical activity of creating use values, people always deal with concrete, useful labor. Therefore, the subject of labor rationing is the process of concrete useful labor, i.e. conscious, purposeful human activity to create the use values ​​necessary for life.

For different types and nature of useful labor, these costs are expressed in labor standards.

The main functions of labor standardization are distribution by work, scientific organization of labor and production, production planning, assessment of the work activities of individual workers and teams, which serves as the basis for moral and material encouragement and dissemination of best practices.

Production planning must be improved, but for this it is necessary to know exactly the magnitude of all elements of the production process and have a reliable tool for measuring them. Such an instrument can only be a labor standard, which objectively determines the necessary costs for the production of products (or work) for specific conditions. Consequently, rational production is impossible without labor standards.

Study and analysis of working conditions and production capabilities at each workplace;

Study and analysis of production experience to eliminate shortcomings, identify reserves and reflect best practices in labor standards;

Designing a rational composition, method and sequence of performing elements of the labor process, taking into account technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors;

Establishment and implementation of labor standards; systematic analysis of the implementation of labor standards and revision of outdated standards. Galenko V.P. Management: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. / V.P. Galenko - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009.-P. 74.

The main tasks of labor standardization are to justify the necessary and sufficient amount of working time spent per unit of production in specific conditions; design sustainable work practices; systematically analyze the implementation of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly analyze the implementation of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly study, generalize and disseminate production experience, revise labor cost standards as working conditions change. Solving these problems will make it easier for workers, increase labor productivity and increase production volume.

The main functions of labor standardization are: division of labor, scientific organization and planning of labor and production.

Considering the social significance of labor standardization, economists and production organizers in our country, when establishing labor standards, refer to socially normal production conditions that ensure the average intensity of labor and the preservation of the main productive force of our society - working people. It is believed that the established labor standards must be fulfilled by every qualified worker without any harm to his health. Therefore, the basis for labor standardization should be the following principles: scientific validity of labor standards; equal intensity of labor standards for identical work in identical conditions; preservation of the main productive force of society - workers; participation of workers in establishing labor standards.

The scientific validity of the standards is ensured by the fact that labor standards are established taking into account the requirements of the objective laws of nature and society and take into account natural, technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors. They must change as production conditions develop and change, and correspond to the achieved level of technology, organization of labor and production.

The labor standard acts not only as the amount of necessary working time, but also as an expression of the labor responsibilities of each participant in production.

Remuneration and labor incentives. The current transition from administrative-command management methods to a regulated market economy built on a variety of forms of ownership suggests the need to rethink the essence and content of remuneration. The mechanism of distribution by labor is based on the following criteria: determining the optimal relationship between centralized regulation of wages and the rights of organizations in the field of wages; determination of the minimum wage level; development of a methodology for collective bargaining regulation of labor distribution.

The main point of all work in the field of material remuneration for employees of an organization is to determine the measure of labor and the amount of its payment. The development of optimal ratios in remuneration for labor of varying complexity is the most important point in the system of wage differentiation. This approach ensures that wages are consistent with their quality indicators. We are talking about fair remuneration for work.

Technical support and electronic documents. Every year, billions of organizational, administrative, planning, statistical and other documents are circulated in the field of management. To create and work with them, a large staff of administrative, managerial, engineering and technical workers is required.

In addition, the widespread use of various technical means allows for a transition to a qualitatively new level of management, contributes to the effective solution of many management tasks, and ensures information processing in the shortest possible time.

The rational organization of the manager's workplace ensures the creation of maximum convenience and favorable working conditions in managerial activities, and increases the content of the work. Currently, more than 5 thousand standard projects for organizing workplaces have been developed for various categories of administrative and managerial personnel.

The basis of any layout of a manager’s workplace is the division of his office into a work area, a meeting (negotiation) area and a relaxation area, where there is a coffee table, a sofa and one or two comfortable armchairs.

The desktop should be larger than regular tables. The working surface of the table should be hard and smooth, preferably made of wood. You should not cover the table with glass, as its shiny surface is harmful to your eyesight. The console (on the left) can accommodate a computer, phones and other items that can take up a lot of space on the desktop.

The attachment in front of the desktop is needed for the official reception of 1 - 3 visitors.

The meeting table must be designed for a certain number of people (usually the number of participants in conferences, planning meetings (5-7 people) + 2 free seats). The chairs around the conference table should not be too comfortable or uncomfortable. Optimally - ordinary chairs with a soft seat.

The recreation area is intended for informal receptions and relaxation for the manager.

The office can also be supplemented with a stand where samples of manufactured products will be located. You also need a large wall clock that can be seen from anywhere in the office. Fresh flowers, curtains, thoughtful color design, all this creates comfort and coziness, which means it helps in work.

The service system for the manager's workplace in this case must have various means of communication and an automated information system. An automated manager's workstation is being widely introduced into management practice. As a rule, it includes a calendar, interactive devices, an electronic diary, a powerful calculator with a large memory capacity, a tool for creating and storing personal and official correspondence, and a system for monitoring the execution of orders.

In addition to the principles of organizing workplaces of the management apparatus, it is necessary to comply with a number of economic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements for it.

Material and moral interest. The manager must create a system of motives that encourage employees to systematically improve the regime and conditions of their work.

Comfortable furniture. The task is to choose the dimensions and shape of the furniture, taking into account the anthropometric data of the individual, and conveniently place it in the workplace.

Availability of office equipment. The workplace must be equipped with appropriate office equipment, and therefore, a technology for its effective use must be created. Favorable sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic working conditions. Indoors should be optimal.

The most crucial moment in the work to rationalize managerial work is planning measures to create favorable working conditions for managers and specialists of the organization. They can be developed at different levels of management (lower, middle and higher). Based on the study of various aspects of the labor process, a comprehensive plan for the rational organization of labor is drawn up. In this regard, they reflect activities in accordance with the main directions of the rational organization of labor adopted in the company.

At the first stage, the planning object and scope of work, the purpose of the activities being carried out, are prepared.

At the second, most labor-intensive stage, the achieved level of organization of managerial work is studied and reserves for increasing its productivity are revealed. For this purpose, photography, timing, momentary observations, and, if necessary, filming are used.

Photographing a manager's working day consists of observing and measuring all time spent without exception during a full working day or a certain part of it. The main purpose of this process is to identify the loss of working time and the reasons that give rise to it.

With the help of timing, we study the cost of working time to perform repetitive labor operations.

At the final, third stage, specific executors of the planned activities are identified and control functions are exercised over the implementation of the planned activities.

Direction of rationalization Implementation
Improving the scientific organization of labor. Creation of the most favorable working conditions. Elimination of overload and nervous tension. Improved production aesthetics. Providing the most comfortable rest conditions. Development of safety regulations. Reducing the influence of radiation, noise, vibration, gas pollution.
Improving work results Improving the quality characteristics of raw materials and finished products. Streamlining the collection, processing and storage of information. Expansion of the range and range of products. Improving the consumer properties of manufactured products. Expanding the range of services provided. Standardization, unification and normalization of products.
Improving the means of labor Modernization of production. Technical re-equipment of the enterprise. Use of modern equipment. Reduced energy intensity.
Improvement of technological processes Use of automation tools and new communication technologies. Intensification of production processes. Application of know-how.

End of work -

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Lectures on the course theory of organization. Organization as a system

Compiled by KT, Associate Professor, Department of Construction Management.. Shevchenko L.. Lecture..

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All topics in this section:

Concept of organization and organizational phenomenon
Every person is connected with organizations in one way or another throughout his life. There are no organizations without people, just as there are no people who do not have to deal with organizations.

System foundations of the organization
The main tool for studying organizations within the framework of organization theory is systems theory. The reasons for this are obvious - the characteristics and properties of any organization and any system, according to

Systems and subsystems
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Social organization

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Social organization as a social system

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Goals of social organizations

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I exist

Formal and informal organizations
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Basic individual organizational forms of organizations
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Basic group organizational forms of organizations
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Internal and external environment of the organization
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There are three key processes implemented in any organization:
Control system

A management system is a collection of all elements, subsystems and communications between them, as well as processes that ensure the specified functioning of the organization. She
Self-government and self-organization

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Communications and stages of contradictions

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Formation of the science of organization

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Law of Synergy

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Specific laws of social organization
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Principles of rationalization
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Improving the quality of managerial and executive work
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Historical development of organizational science
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Organizational science
Development of organizational thought in Russia

In Russia, public administration reforms carried out by Peter the Great (1672-1725) played a significant role in the development of organizational activities.
State reforms

The contribution of informatization to organizational science
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Organizational culture
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Subjects and objects of organizational activities– ϶ᴛᴏ improvement, improvement, implementation of a more expedient organization of managerial and executive work. Rationalization is based on improving management, ensuring the highest possible level of efficiency in the development of economic and business entities in the interests of society under currently existing conditions, within the framework of objectively existing laws of organizational systems and taking into account the productive forces of society as a whole. But it is also influenced by the production relations of a particular social organization with its inherent forms of ownership.

Rationalization of organizational activities– ϶ᴛᴏ first of all, a process that ensures an improved, and therefore higher quality, state of the system through the clear organization of production activities, through the use of the latest achievements of science and technology in all departments of the enterprise, including its management and controlled parts. Let us note that technical and organizational improvement at the enterprise is inextricably linked with improvements in working conditions and a creative approach to solving assigned problems.

The principles of rationalization are effective only if they are based on the laws of organizational systems. Note that the term “rationalization” comes from the Latin word ratio – “reason”, therefore, rationalization should be understood as a reasonable organization of labor.
It is worth noting that the main directions of rationalization of the activities of organizational systems will be the improvement of the scientific organization of labor, labor results, means of labor and technological processes.

Improving the scientific organization of labor. Rationalization of the labor process involves creating the most favorable working conditions, eliminating overload and nervous tension, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, material incentives for workers, and their interest in acquiring a solid status for the company. Improving labor results consists of: expanding the range of services provided; in streamlining the nomenclature and range of products; in improving the consumer qualities of manufactured products; in standardization, unification and normalization of products; in improving the quality characteristics of raw materials and materials for their most complete and comprehensive use.

Improvement of labor tools and technological processes consists of the use of know-how, technical re-equipment, modernization and progressive changes in the technical level of the equipment used, which ensure positive dynamics in the development of the enterprise.