The main signs of entrepreneurship and their characteristics. Concept and signs of entrepreneurial activity Characteristic signs of entrepreneurship

It differs in a number of characteristics, which allows us to talk about entrepreneurial activity as a concept narrower than the concept of “economic activity”.

The main and mandatory features of entrepreneurial activity are:

1) independent activity;

2) the purpose of the activity is to make a profit;

3) the systematic nature of making a profit;

4) economic risk;

5) fact state registration participants.

The absence of any of the five signs means that the activity is not entrepreneurial.

1. Entrepreneurial activity can be carried out both by the owner himself and by the entity managing his property on the basis of economic management with the establishment of the limits of such management by the owner of the property.

Independence in organizing production is complemented by commercial freedom. A business entity determines the ways and means of selling its products, selects counterparties with whom it will deal. Economic ties are secured by agreements.

An important condition for commercial freedom is free pricing. However, in economics there is no absolute freedom for producers. the entrepreneur has complete independence in the sense that there is no authority above him issuing commands: what to do, how and how much. He is not free from the market, from its strict requirements. Therefore, we can only talk about certain limits of independence.

2. Entrepreneurial activity involves the systematic receipt of profit, which is the product of a specific human resource- entrepreneurial abilities. This work is not easy and combines, firstly, the manifestation of initiative to combine material and human factors for the production of goods and services, secondly, the adoption of extraordinary decisions on the management of the company, the organization of labor and, thirdly, the introduction of innovations through the production of new type of product or radical change production process. All this gives reason to talk about entrepreneurship as a professional activity aimed at making profit.

Having independence, organizing production in his own interests, the entrepreneur takes responsibility, within the limits determined by the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, for the result of his activities. The property liability of an entrepreneur is his obligation to suffer adverse property consequences resulting from offenses committed on his part. Its size depends on organizational form enterprises.

3. The Civil Code specifies the main subjective feature, i.e. an indication of systematic profit generation is introduced. Isolated cases of making a profit do not constitute entrepreneurial activity. Systematicity is characterized by the duration and regularity of profit, which is determined by the professionalism of the entrepreneur. Thus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that for an entrepreneur it is not so much the field of activity itself that is important, but the systematic receipt of profit.

4. A sign of entrepreneurial economic relations is economic risk. Risk constantly accompanies business and shapes a special way of thinking and behavior, the psychology of an entrepreneur. Risk is the possible adverse property consequences of an entrepreneur’s activities that are not caused by any missed opportunities on his part. The risky nature of the activity can lead not only to bankruptcy, but also be detrimental to the property interests of citizens and organizations. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for increased property liability of an entrepreneur for violation of his obligations if he does not have evidence that proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, paragraph 3 of Art. 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

However, the above rule applies unless otherwise provided by law or agreement. In conditions of legal unpreparedness of a significant part of the country's population, entrepreneurs can almost always introduce into the contract a condition on liability for its violation on the principle of guilt. In addition, the ability to interpret force majeure quite broadly and not reducing it only to natural disasters also allows the perpetrator to avoid responsibility.

The entrepreneur is responsible for the risk with his property, but not only with it. There may also be losses that affect his status in the labor and capital markets (competitiveness, professional reputation, psychological assessment, etc.).

5. State registration of participants in entrepreneurial activity is a legal fact preceding the start of entrepreneurial activity. To obtain the status of an entrepreneur, business entities must be registered in this capacity. Engaging in systematic profit-making activities without state registration entails legal liability.

Both legal entities and citizens can engage in entrepreneurial activity. Among legal entities, this right is fully enjoyed commercial organizations. However, for some types of activities a commercial organization must obtain a license. There are types of activities for which a monopoly has been established state enterprises(production and trade in weapons).

An administrative-territorial entity with special preferential currency, tax, customs, labor and visa regimes established with the aim of attracting foreign capital to the economy of the region and the country.

Liberalization of export-import and foreign exchange transactions contributes to the development of joint entrepreneurship, as well as the activation of external trading activities, which allows you to finance social and commercial projects.

Designation of free enterprise zones

Territories with preferential tax and administrative regimes make it possible to concentrate production and labor resources to create a developed industrial and social infrastructure, thereby ensuring:
  • economic growth of a particular region due to attracted foreign investment;
  • introduction of new technologies for organizing and managing production;
  • mastering the principles modern systems economic regulation;
  • substitution of imported goods competitive products and saturating the country’s domestic market with it;
  • increasing the export potential of the free enterprise zone and the state as a whole.
Techniques and methods of international business, tested in territories with special administrative and tax status, serve as the basis for developing strategies for the development of regions beyond its borders.

Types of free enterprise zones

In world practice, several classifications of free enterprise zones are accepted, among which the most common division is based on the functionality of the territory and the degree of its integration into the global economy. In accordance with functionality, four types of formations are distinguished:
  • Foreign trade. They ensure duty-free circulation of goods, which in turn gives impetus to the development of infrastructure in the form of warehouses and transport interchanges. At the same time, related industries are being formed, such as the production of packaging materials or export processing of raw materials.
  • Technocomplexes. Education specializing in the development and development of high technologies.
  • Offshores. Zones within which non-residents of the country are given the opportunity to conduct currency operations on preferential terms. Entrepreneurs are attracted by the ease of registration, minimal taxation and maintaining the confidentiality of the owner of the funds.
  • Complex production zones. They participate in the export production of non-material-intensive products for the mass consumer.
Based on the degree of integration of a territory into the global economy, enclave and exclave free enterprise zones are distinguished. The first are designed for the export of products produced at the location of the education, the second are focused on the mutual integration of the national and world economies.

According to the characteristics inherent different types free enterprise zones are distinguished:

  • shopping areas. Common in countries with industrial economies that require free ports, bonded warehouses and liberalized customs;
  • industrial production zones. They represent a form of trade education, supplemented with instruments for preferential circulation of capital;
  • technology-implementation zones. Designed to ease the tax burden on foreign and national technopolises, technoparks and innovation centers;
  • service areas. They are distinguished by liberal conditions for financial institutions specializing in the provision of banking, insurance or travel services.
The free enterprise zone is a tool for improving the investment climate of the territory and providing conditions for its rapid and effective development. A correctly selected and competently implemented model justifies the funds invested in it by attracting funds from foreign investors, and also serves as a model for the development of other regions of the country.
The following main features of entrepreneurial activity can be identified.
The first sign of entrepreneurial activity is its initiative and independence.
Initiative and independence of entrepreneurial activity is expressed in two main norms of the Law of Ukraine “On Entrepreneurship”: 1) entrepreneurs have the right, without restrictions, to make decisions and carry out independently any activity that does not contradict current legislation(v. 3). This provision is specified in the principles of entrepreneurial activity (Article 5); 2) intervention of government bodies in economic activity entrepreneurs are not allowed if it does not affect the rights of state bodies provided for by the legislation of Ukraine to exercise control over the activities of entrepreneurs (Article 15).
Initiative and independence are the action-oriented nature of self-expression of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs actively choose to take the initiative. They consciously place themselves in a situation where they are personally responsible for the success or failure of a business, and believe that successes and obstacles are within their control. own control and influence, so they can influence the outcome of their actions. This quality is combined with a focus on showing initiative through motivational management and the desire for personal responsibility.
The second sign of entrepreneurial activity is a creative and innovative nature, which is manifested in the search for new opportunities and focus on innovation. The entrepreneur acts and is assessed as an independent and largely self-reliant innovator.
The third sign of entrepreneurial activity is systematicity (regularity, professionalism, consistency).
The fourth sign of entrepreneurial activity is its risky nature, i.e. placing on the entrepreneur the burden of foreseeing adverse consequences (losses) and taking measures to prevent or eliminate them, not related to the guilty behavior of the entrepreneur.
The fifth sign is a targeted focus on making a profit.
The purpose of entrepreneurial activity and the result of such purposeful activity should not be confused. This or that activity cannot be classified as entrepreneurial if its goal is not to make a profit. But if a profit is not received, despite the target orientation of the activity to achieve it, then this fact in itself cannot serve as a basis for excluding it from the category of entrepreneurial activity. Consequently, the determining factor is the presence of the goal of making a profit, and not the achievement of obtaining it at any stage of this complex activities. The presence of a goal of making a profit does not exclude the possibility of not achieving this goal in entrepreneurial activity (as in any other purposeful activity) and, even, on the contrary, obtaining the opposite result (losses, bankruptcy).
Thus, the goal of making a profit is a necessary feature of entrepreneurial activity. However, this should not lead to its exaggeration and designation as the main (main) feature. It seems wrong both to deny the goal of making a profit as a necessary feature, and, on the contrary, to exaggerate it, since all the signs of entrepreneurial activity are equally essential for defining its concept.
It seems correct to designate the goal of making a profit as the main, but not the only goal.
The sixth sign is independent legal responsibility.
The seventh characteristic of entrepreneurial activity is socially responsible character.
Although social responsibility has different content and forms for individual industries and business entities, basic obligations exist for all entrepreneurs - these are the obligations of entrepreneurs towards society, which extend to many areas.
The following basic requirements can be noted: social responsibility entrepreneurs in modern society:
the requirement to increase the efficiency of entrepreneurs (to be more efficient and progressive, to produce best products and services, guarantee the quality of consumer goods, minimize harm caused to public welfare due to non-compliance with ethical rules);
demanding more complete responsibility of legal entities - business entities to interested groups of persons (for example, shareholders, employees) and the creation of corporate democracy;
the requirement that entrepreneurs assume greater responsibility for the well-being of the entire society;
demanding a greater positive role for businesses in protecting the environment.
None of the signs of entrepreneurial activity is either dominant or the only one. All of them are equally important for the scientific definition of entrepreneurship, but only together they can determine it.
Thus, the signs of entrepreneurial activity are:
1) initiative and independence - an entrepreneur has the right to make decisions without restrictions and independently carry out any activities that do not contradict the law;
2) creative and innovative nature - search for new opportunities, focus on innovation;
3) systematicity - regularity, professionalism, permanent nature;
4) risky nature - placing on the entrepreneur the burden of foreseeing adverse consequences and applying measures to prevent and eliminate them;
5) target orientation towards making a profit, the maximization of which is the main goal of the activity;
6) independent legal liability;
7) socially responsible character.

More on topic 2. Signs of entrepreneurship:


Entrepreneurship in Russian Federation- This is an integral part of the economy that has existed since ancient times. Despite the fact that in the last century the authorities set a course for the complete destruction of private trading activities, today there is no restraining influence on the part of the state. On the contrary, with the collapse of the USSR and the period of perestroika, entrepreneurship acquired large-scale features.

Entrepreneurship: Definition by Law

Today there is a clear definition of entrepreneurship. The main features of this activity are directly related to its content. So, Civil Code The Russian Federation recognizes entrepreneurial activity as an independent activity carried out taking into account all risks, the purpose of which is the systematic receipt of income (profit) from the provision of services, sales commercial products, performance of work, etc. In addition, entrepreneurship in Russia is subject to a mandatory state registration procedure, which also makes it possible to guarantee that applicants pass it in accordance with the established regulations, subject to equal requirements.

Main types of business

Based on the characteristics and classification of entrepreneurship, it is easy to guess the purpose modern business. Regardless of the form of private activity or its type, the entrepreneur pursues the main goal - making a profit. The most striking division of business is its classification, the basis for which is productive capacity and financial potential. So, all enterprises are conditionally divided into:

  • small;
  • large;
  • average.

Characteristic features of small business

It is this typology that has become most widespread. The characteristics of small business, which, in fact, represents the largest economic sector, are:

  • flexibility;
  • multiplicity;
  • competitiveness;
  • speed of update;
  • adaptation to changes in market conditions.

The majority of the working population is involved in small businesses. Economists consider small business to be the foundation Russian market, since in many ways it is the connecting link between the consumer and other sectors of the economy. Due to low prices and minimal costs, small businesses successfully withstand competition.

Subtypes of small enterprises and their forms of activity

Usually, small business occupies a niche where there is no mass demand, there is no need for large-scale advertising campaigns and the global costs of providing professional management. State support for private activities has a positive effect on the “survivability” of small enterprises in conditions of tough and ruthless competition.

Such forms of small business as franchising and venture entrepreneurship deserve special attention. In the first case we're talking about about a whole system of companies that have entered into an agreement for the right to use a specific brand name in their activities. In return for providing advertising services, dissemination and increasing the prestige of the brand name of the enterprise receive favorable benefits, discounts and assistance in the delivery of goods, provision trade equipment, processing loans and credits.
Venture entrepreneurship involves the use of fresh scientific developments. Such commercial organizations, creating a business based on innovations, bring the work they started to completion, developing research and completing it.

Signs of a medium business

Mid-level entrepreneurs have the smallest number. Today, economists talk about the progression of the trend towards their reduction. In particular, the fragility and shortevity of such firms is explained by their inability to compete favorably with small and big business.
The only representatives of the middle line of entrepreneurship are manufacturers of specific products designed for constant demand. In this case, medium-sized companies acquire a more confident position in the market compared to small ones.

Features of large enterprises

The most stable positions in the market, given the rapidly growing inflation, are occupied by representatives of the third business level. Signs of entrepreneurship of firms classified as large entities include the following:

  • mass production, implying the presence of numerous branches, partners, etc.;
  • assistance to giant enterprises in scientific and technological progress in order to develop new, previously unexplored industries;
  • strong and stable position in the market;
  • saving labor costs by combining production;
  • providing a huge number of jobs for the population.

The main features of modern business of all varieties

Despite the existence of many business classifications (an enterprise can be characterized by the type of raw materials used, by purpose, seasonality, size, degree of mechanization of production, etc.), all varieties have similar features.
It is necessary to highlight four main features of entrepreneurship and consider the nuances of each of them:

  • independent implementation of private activities;
  • financial risks;
  • systematic profit making;
  • The subjects of this activity can be individuals and legal entities.


When talking about the independence of a business, they most often mean its free implementation, not related to the interests of third parties. Issues of ensuring and developing private activities lie solely on the shoulders of the owner. An entrepreneur independently develops strategies and plans for the enterprise, makes legally significant decisions, attracts labor and other resources to complete assigned tasks. In addition, each enterprise has the right to protect its own interests in judicial procedure. Any restriction on private activities that is not legal grounds, any interference in the work of both an individual businessman and the whole company is unacceptable and entails criminal liability.

Presence of certain risks

Another distinctive feature of entrepreneurship in our country is the presence of permanent financial risks. When deciding to act with the goal of making a profit, a businessman cannot be one hundred percent confident in the successful implementation of the planned project, which means he will have to face risks of varying magnitude.
They have signs of randomness and probability, but still cannot be ignored:

  • monetary losses;
  • investment losses;
  • technical and depreciation costs.

Entrepreneurship for money

As already mentioned, private activity pursues the goal of making a profit - this is another sign of entrepreneurship. Providing your own property for use, selling your own manufactured products or selling goods through wholesale suppliers, the service sector and the performance of work - all this should generate cash income. To comply with this criterion, business entities must not forget about consistency - only regular and continuous business will allow them to make a profit, the concept of which includes all direct income, subject to the deduction of relevant expense items, including tax payments.

Registration of entrepreneurs in the register

The last sign of entrepreneurship is that its subject can be all persons registered in the manner approved by law - individuals and legal entities. The procedure for state registration of entrepreneurs is mandatory; after completing it, applicants automatically acquire a set of rights and obligations outlined by law. Entrepreneurial legal capacity allows participants in business activities to independently act in civil transactions and be subjects of legal relations in various industries.

However, it is worth understanding that such a sign of entrepreneurship as registration in a single state register, is not always enough to carry out private activities. For example, the sale of alcohol and tobacco products without first obtaining a special permit (license) is illegal. The signs and types of entrepreneurship that require the passage of appropriate procedures are fully present in the content Federal Law"About licensing individual species activities."

Illegal business

In addition, illegal business activity is prosecuted by law and is an economic offense. At the same time, the so-called shadow business has almost the same characteristics as legitimate forms of entrepreneurship. The main difference between an illegally operating company and a legalized enterprise is the lack of data about it in the state register. Most often, cases of violation of legislation in the field of entrepreneurship are recorded in retail trade and agriculture.

Sustainable and efficient management of small businesses plays a special role on the way to overcoming the consequences of the global economic crisis. The dynamic development of small businesses has a positive effect on both the development of the country’s economy as a whole and the material well-being of citizens.

Entrepreneurship is an essential element in the structure of modern market economy. This concept refers to independent activities that are carried out with the aim of obtaining regular profits, while risking their own assets.

Must be officially registered in government agencies. Activities can be carried out in areas such as the sale of goods, provision of services or performance of work not prohibited by law.

Business conditions

The transition to a model of free market relations required a revision of the economic system in which the monopoly on property belonged solely to the state. With this approach, opportunities for the development of creativity and initiative were limited. Therefore, one of the important conditions for the life support of entrepreneurship is private property.

To maintain healthy market relations, such important conditions as a favorable tax climate, economic stability, loyal social politics. Working intellectual property protection systems and flexible market mechanisms also play an important role.

General signs

The signs of entrepreneurship are:

  1. Independence and independence of an economic entity. A person becoming an entrepreneur or occupying leadership position in the organization, independently deals with all production issues, the solution of which will determine the profitability of the business.
  2. Personal interest and responsibility. These signs of entrepreneurship are similar to those previously listed, with the difference that in addition to the desire to obtain personal gain, the entrepreneur takes into account the interests of the team, the company, and sometimes the country as a whole, if it is a global business.
  3. Creativity, innovation, original presentation of the product are also the main signs of entrepreneurship. A true businessman is always in creative search. The desire to be the first and best in his niche forces him to be one step ahead of competing companies. These are welcome personal qualities, as the ability to make non-standard decisions, quickly respond to the current situation, and be able to benefit where others do not see it.
  4. Signs of entrepreneurship such as financial and business risks are also important. They are the ones who force us to maintain dynamics and tempo and eliminate possible stagnation against the backdrop of a constantly hovering spirit of competition. A newly formed business must be new, qualitatively different from its competitors.
  5. The principle of legalized activities. Doing business without registering in accordance with the established procedure is prohibited by law. In addition, there are areas whose activities should be mandatory accompanied by licensing.

Private business

The concept of “entrepreneur” appeared in the 18th century, and today it is an integral and fundamental unit of the market. By its scale private business divided into small, medium and large.

In accordance with domestic and world practice, one of the main indicators that is taken as the basis for distinguishing the category of small or medium-sized businesses is the number of employees. Secondary criteria usually include the value authorized capital, size of assets, volume of turnover.

Small business

According to the law, the main features of small business are: average number employees, which directly depends on the chosen activity for the reporting period, annual turnover, as well as the size of assets. However, it should not exceed:

Small businesses are usually understood as activities individuals without education legal entity. Subjects that enjoy simplified taxation are organizations with a maximum number of up to 15 people.

Benefits of small business

Organizations that have the following characteristics have the following advantages of conducting the chosen type of activity:

  1. Possibility of quick adaptation to created local economic conditions.
  2. Efficiency and independence, as well as flexibility in making and implementing decisions.
  3. Low costs for organizing and running a business, as well as initial capital.
  4. Ability to quickly respond to changes in market demand and conditions.

Disadvantages of Small Business

At the same time, entrepreneurial activity has a number of disadvantages that can arise under the influence of external or internal reasons:

  1. A high degree of market volatility causes a higher level of risk.
  2. Errors in management are made due to lack of experience or poor competence of the manager.
  3. Dependence on more large companies, banks, the state as a whole.
  4. Difficulty in finding auxiliary borrowed resources in financial institutions who prefer to lend to large businesses.
  5. Difficulties and caution in concluding agreements for mutual cooperation with counterparties.

Governmental support

Small organizations that have the characteristics of business entities have the right to count on support from the state, which consists of applying the following measures:

  • Creation legislative framework to support small and medium-sized businesses.
  • The opportunity to use government credit funds, material and technical base, information and scientific and technical resources on preferential terms.
  • Elimination of the bureaucratic approach to registration for organizations with signs of entrepreneurship, as well as simplification of the submission of accounting and statistical reports.
  • Providing support in the implementation of foreign economic activities.
  • Support in the field of education, retraining and professional development

The successful operation of enterprises and organizations that have the characteristics of small-sector entrepreneurship can lead to the formation and maintenance of the middle class of the country's population, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the socio-economic level of development of the country.