Nl income. Manager's personal volume and remuneration. Refer to the bonus board

835 554 website website http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nl-dictionary.jpg 24.06.2018 24.06.2019

IDC(i distribution company) is a remuneration system in the NL structure. Describes the conditions for receiving and the amount of profit only for personal volume (turnover).

IDC+ is a reward system for promoting a product on the market. Describes the conditions for receiving and the amount of payments for the achievements of your team.

LO— this is personal volume or trade turnover. Equal to the number of PV for which you personally made purchases, as well as clients who purchased using your ID or client card.

GO is the group volume. Equal to the sum of the PV of the personal volumes of the managers you brought into the NL business.

Lateral volume is the group size of your team, excluding your first line.

Delta account- this is an internal account in the NL system, intended only for product purchases, cannot be withdrawn.

STAR— this is the maximum qualification of the partner in the first block.

D.S.- this is a diamond star (diamond star) qualification of a partner.

D.T.- this is a diamond tutor (diamond mentor) one of the maximum qualifications of a partner.

Marketing plan NL International. How and how much you can earn in NL.

Let's look at how and how much you can earn in NL International. We will not delve into complex formulas and calculations, but will try to clearly explain and clearly show the sources of income in NL International and what amounts they can bring NL managers.

NL International partners have access to THREE sources of income at once:
1) Bonus for Personal Volume (LO)
2) Bonus for Group Volume (GO)
3) Mentor Bonus
All THREE sources of income are SUMMED. However, you decide for yourself which of them to use - there is no “obligation”!

Let's take a closer look at the reward for Personal Volume (PV) at NL International:

What is LO in NL? Why is it easy to make money on LO at NL International? How does LO influence the development of your business? How much can you earn from LO?

What is LO in NL?

Personal Volume (PV) is the SUM OF ALL purchases made through your ID:
- shopping for yourself
-purchases from customers who indicated your ID when purchasing
-as well as customer purchases using their Customer Card number issued by you.

-all purchases are cumulative
-no mandatory purchases of your own (they may not exist at all)

Why make money on LO in NL International easily?

LO is, first of all, trade turnover. The success of generating trade turnover directly depends on the demand for products. With this NL International Everything is fine. Let's look at the range branded stores NL Store And NLStar official website:

There are already more than 350 products and up to 20 new products every month!
Products from different product groups:
-household products
-body products
-beauty products
-health products
-sports nutrition
-slimming products
-drinks: teas/coffee/fruit drinks
Evaluate the scale of the assortment for yourself:

What unites all these product groups? Most of them are used by most people, every day!
The average monthly budget of a family of 2 people (without children) for these product groups is 8-15t. rubles

NL already has more than 300 stores - you don’t need to collect orders - customers themselves go to the store, like any other and at a time convenient for them!

Highest product quality and efficiency.

Conclusion: to form a significant LO, even 2-3 customers who are happy to visit the store are enough NLStore.

How does LO influence the development of your business?

Agree, it is logical that light LO gives natural advantages and results:

New partners come into business with greater desire and quickly receive significant rewards (get established)
-Each of your Partners easily achieves high LO, which means your GO (Group Volume) is growing!

How much can you earn on LO?

You can see it most clearly in the attached photo.

To receive the first reward 560 rubles. Just 35pv is enough (and that’s only about 4200 rubles. LO!). Already at 200pv (~24000rub.) your commissions will exceed 37%!

✅Conclusion: Making money with NL International is easy thanks to the widest and most diverse range, ready-made infrastructure (stores/delivery), high percentage of remuneration and product quality.
You can earn significant money only on LO (without building a team).
Thanks to LO, it is easier to build a team, and it is easier to obtain Group Volume.

Let's talk about rewards for Group Volume (GV) at NL International:

Group Volume (GO) is your Personal Volume + the sum of the VO of all your partners in the team.
Depending on the size of the GO, you will be awarded a different percentage of remuneration:
-500pv (~60000rub.) = 4%
-1000pv = 7%
-2000pv = 14%
-3000pv = 21%!
As your team of partners grows, Group Volume will also grow, and with it the level your income!
It is worth noting separately that your income is accrued not from the earnings of your partners, but by the Company itself - everyone works for themselves and does their own business!

Briefly about the Mentor Bonus at NL International:

If you have completed the minimum network activity over the past month - LO 70pv or more, then you are entitled to receive a Mentor Bonus.
Mentor Bonus at NL International– this is a MONTHLY bonus for each active Partner attracted by you personally. The bonus amount reaches 1120 rubles. for each active manager.

Thanks to this bonus, you can receive significant money already at the start of your business - in the very first month of work!

It will also be more interesting for your partners to develop their business. Consequently, your team will grow rapidly.


Any partner of NL International has every opportunity to become successful and receive significant income. You choose what time to work, how much effort to spend, what sources of income to use... The company is provided with all conditions for development ready-made business"Full construction": website, stores, logistics, huge range of products (certification, production and storage, introduction and promotion of new brands), selection and training of personnel, etc.
The essence of your work will be to RECOMMEND a Store or Business.

Detailed video on the topic:

E If you are a beginning manager at NL International or are just thinking about whether to become one, this article is for you. At first, it’s difficult to figure out how and for what you can get a reward in NL. Many different systems, bonuses, gifts, a multi-stage marketing plan... it’s all hard to wrap your head around at once.
Therefore, it is better to first understand the simplest and most basic things. Such as the personal volume of the NL manager.

What is the personal volume of an NL manager?

The NL manager’s personal volume is the sum of points (PV) for goods purchased using his ID during the month. In other words, these are the points that you received by purchasing goods for yourself and your clients during the month.

Please note that PV points are not awarded for all products sold in NL stores. You will not receive PV for purchased shakers, catalogs, DVDs and a number of other products. This mainly concerns promotional and charity products.

You also need to know: as soon as one of your clients signs a contract, becomes a manager and receives his personal ID, all his new purchases begin to go through his ID, not yours, and, therefore, cease to be included in your personal volume.

Until you have your own structure, that is, managers who have signed a contract with NL International in your first line, you can only receive remuneration for your personal volume. This payment system is called IDC (I - DISTRIBUTION - COMPANY).

The reward for personal volume in the IDC system is called delta profit.

In terms of receiving delta profit

In order to receive delta profit, certain conditions must be met:
First, you need to complete a personal volume (through your ID) of 200 or more PV within three months or less.

Secondly, every month you must collect at least 50 PV. This is a condition for minimal manager activity. If you do not meet the minimum activity requirement in any month, then next month delta profit accumulation starts from scratch.

Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that profit is accrued not at the moment when you have collected 200 PV, but at the end of the month.

50 PV - how much?

1 PV is approximately equal to 3 c.u. or 100 rubles for Russia. Thus, in order to gain 50 PV, you need to purchase goods worth 5,000 rubles, for example, three cans of Energy Diet.

What else you need to know about the minimum activity condition

N and the future: the condition of minimum activity is also mandatory to receive remuneration according to the marketing plan, which is calculated from the volumes collected by the managers of your structure (when you have them). This required condition applies to all qualifications. That is, every month you or your clients must purchase NL International products for 50 PV. Only then will you receive full rewards from your entire structure in accordance with the IDC, IDC+ systems and marketing plan.

However, fulfilling the minimum activity condition is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to know well the advantages of NL International products and be able to use them.

Size of delta profit

So, you have collected the required 200 PV in less than three months, and each month you have collected at least 50 PV. Congratulations - at the end of the month you will receive a reward according to the IDC system! It remains to understand how much.

For each product, the delta is calculated differently and its size can be seen in personal office on the company website. The size of the delta ranges from 28 to 31 percent of the cost of the product, so approximately the size of your remuneration can be estimated as 30%. Not bad!
When placing an order in your personal office, you can see the size of the profit delta from the goods you sold.

But that is not all! Exist additional bonuses. More on this below.

If you were able to collect 200-500 PV in one month, you will receive a gift from the company (super bonus) in the amount of 87 USD.

If you were able to collect more than 500 PV in one month, you will receive a gift in the amount of 217 USD.

Delta Plus

Another bonus is the IDC+ reward system: If you have collected more than 200 PV in a month, and in your structure there are managers who have not met the minimum activity condition (did not accumulate 50 PV in a month), then you will receive a delta from their volumes (their delta will go to to you). Not a bad extra both for you and for them!

How to get a delta in your hands

NL International is a company that conducts entirely legal business without violation of tax laws. But at the same time, the company makes sure that managers can earn the maximum possible money. In accordance with these two provisions, a work system has been adopted in which managers are not direct employees of the company, but are individual entrepreneurs(IP).

Thus, in order to get delta profit in your hands, you need to register an individual entrepreneur.

At the end of the month, the delta is transferred to your individual entrepreneur account. In accordance with the tax system you choose, you will pay the taxes due yourself. Most often it is 6% of income.

Please note: 6% is calculated not from the volume of goods sold, but from the delta, which is significantly less.

NL International provides maximum support for registering individual entrepreneurs and maintaining accounts.


The article discusses the concept of personal volume of an NL International manager and the mechanism for receiving remuneration under the IDC and IDC+ systems. But the rewards are not limited to delta profits for personal volume. As your structure grows (which includes managers who have signed up under you), you will receive additional compensation from their personal volumes in accordance with the marketing plan.

400 240 website website http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/marketing-plan.jpg 15.02.2019 01.07.2019

Have you ever wondered why NL international is so incredibly popular compared to other MLM companies? One of the reasons is the competent marketing plan of the NL company.
The marketing plan includes the following very important principles:

  • allows a beginner to earn money at the very start, even without his own structure
  • creates comfortable conditions for the development of one’s own structure (explanation below)
  • income growth does not occur linearly, i.e. when you achieve a certain result, your income increases much more than your work result increases
  • famous bonuses: auto bonus, president's school, etc.
  • income is not strictly dependent on your mentor
  • product. It is of great importance and in this case it is environmentally friendly and of high quality

Marketing plan structure

The NL structure has five levels and 13 qualifications (statuses). Steps are a kind of logical division career ladder to understandable stages. And what bonuses and in what amount you will receive depends on your status. We emphasize that the difference in income and bonuses for different qualifications is only for , income for LO is considered the same for everyone.

Marketing plan: career ladder of qualifications.

We emphasize that Let's start in order.

Stage 1: start

According to the marketing plan of this stage, beginners receive their first income and begin to build own structure. The objectives of this stage are to introduce the manager to the world of NL, understand the basics and make it clear that you can make money here.

First stage qualifications: manager - master - master elite - star

The structural income (per group volume) of each qualification is calculated according to the table below. We described in more detail how it is calculated in the article: .

marketing plan: stage 1

As we see, the income from bonuses from your team’s civil defense will be limited by your still small structure. At this stage, income from LO will be comparable to income from the marketing plan.

Stage 2: growth

Being in the second stage, the marketing plan tells you that you can increase your income not only by increasing your personal and group volumes, but also by growing new “Stars” in your structure. Therefore, it is beneficial for the mentor that everything works out for you and that you, as his mentee, also climb the career ladder. This is what we see in the table below:

level 2 for diamond qualifications

Second stage qualifications: star - 1 star - 2 star - ds - dt - dt1 - dt2 - dt3 - dt4 - dt5

Starting from the second stage and 2 stars qualification, you have the right to a free Mercedes, more details in our article “auto bonus: Mercedes from NL”.

Stage 3: expansion

The point is this: you yourself are already at least a diamond tutor, your structure already has its own stars. All that remains is to expand the team and generate income from the entire structure.

Stage 4: strengthening

The appearance of another bonus in sources of income.

Conditions: confirmation of qualifications from DS and above within a quarter (three months).

Bonus: 1% of the company’s turnover in Russia and the CIS is distributed in equal shares among participants who have fulfilled the 4th stage condition. This is quite a lot of money, considering that the trade turnover is more than a billion rubles.

Stage 5: stability

It's also known as the NL Millionaires' Club. Club members share 1% of the total NL trade turnover (all countries are taken into account) among themselves. Considering that the millionaires' club includes very limited quantity people, and they share the international income - it’s scary to imagine what bonus they receive at this level.

Let's sum it up

We examined the marketing plan of the NL company and clearly saw that it provides for all the principles stated at the beginning. Having completed just 1/3 of the career ladder, you can already get a Mercedes, not to mention financial well-being.

But, it would be too good to be true if it were simple. It is difficult to develop not only in network business, and even in your profession, going from junior staff to chief specialist is a difficult task that requires your own marketing plan.

If you are a beginning manager at NL International or are just thinking about whether to become one, this article is for you. At first it’s difficult to figure out how and for what you can get a reward in NL. Many different systems, bonuses, gifts, a multi-stage marketing plan... it’s all hard to wrap your head around at once. Therefore, it is better to first understand the simplest and most basic things. Such as the personal volume of the NL manager.

What is the personal volume of an NL manager

Personal volume of NL manager is the amount of points (PV) for a product purchased using its ID during the month. In other words, these are the points that you received by purchasing goods for yourself and your clients during the month.

Please note that PV points are not awarded for all products sold in NL stores. You will not receive PV for purchased shakers, catalogs, DVDs and a number of other products. This mainly concerns promotional and charity products.

Note: As soon as one of your clients signs a contract, becomes a manager and receives his personal ID, all his new purchases begin to go through his ID, not yours, and, therefore, cease to be included in your personal volume.

Until you have your own structure, that is, managers who have signed a contract with NL International in your first line, you can only receive remuneration for your personal volume. This payment system is called IDC (I – DISTRIBUTION – COMPANY).

The reward for personal volume in the IDC system is called delta profit. During the calendar month, it accumulates in a special delta account, and at the end of the month it can be transferred to a cash account.

Conditions for receiving delta profit

In fact, to get delta profit, it is not enough to simply make purchases through your ID. There are conditions related to the size of your purchases and time frames.

Firstly, In order for funds to appear on your delta account, you need to collect at least 70 PV within a month. This - condition for minimal manager activity.

Secondly, To transfer funds from a delta account to a cash account, you must complete a personal volume (transfer through your ID) of 200 or more PV within three months or faster.

Important: funds in the delta account can be used immediately, as soon as they appear, to purchase products.

70 PV - how much?

1 PV is approximately equal to 120 rubles for Russia. Thus, in order to gain 70 PV, you need to purchase goods worth 8,400 rubles, for example four cans.

What else you need to know about the minimum activity condition

For the future: the minimum activity condition is also mandatory to receive remuneration under the marketing plan, which is calculated from the volumes collected by the managers of your structure (when you have them). This prerequisite applies to all qualifications. That is, every month you or your clients must purchase NL International products for 70 PV. Only then will you receive full rewards from your entire structure in accordance with the IDC system and marketing plan.

However, fulfilling the minimum activity condition is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to know well the advantages of NL International products and be able to use them.

Delta profit size

So, you have collected the required 200 PV in less than three months, and each month you have collected at least 70 PV. Congratulations - at the end of the month you will receive a reward according to the IDC system! It remains to understand how much.

I won’t bore you with the full and thorough rules of the system now. This will make sense if you conclude . At this stage, it will be enough to know that with 200 PV made in one month, the delta is about 4600 rubles.

But that is not all! There are additional bonuses. More on this below.

Mentor Bonus: Each branch in your first line, provided you complete at least 35 PV in it, brings you an additional 1000 rubles.

Superbonus 200 PV: If you were able to collect 200 PV in one month, you will receive a gift (super bonus) in the amount of 87 USD.

Superbonus 500 PV: If you were able to collect more than 500 PV in one month, you will receive a gift in the amount of 217 USD.

Two Hundred Bonus:

Another bonus for those who made 200 PV: you will receive a delta from the volumes of managers who scored from 35 to 70 PV.

How to get a delta in your hands

NL International is a company that conducts a completely legal business without violating tax laws. But at the same time, the company makes sure that managers can earn the maximum possible money. In accordance with these two provisions, a work system has been adopted in which managers are not direct employees of the company, but are individual entrepreneurs (IP).

Thus, in order to get delta profit in your hands, you need to register an individual entrepreneur.

At the end of the month, the delta is transferred to your individual entrepreneur account. In accordance with the tax system you choose, you will pay the taxes due yourself. Most often it is 6% of income.

Paying attention: 6% is calculated not from the volume of goods sold, but from the delta, which is significantly less.

NL International provides maximum support for registering individual entrepreneurs and maintaining accounts.


The article discusses the concept of personal volume of an NL International manager and the mechanism for receiving remuneration through the IDC system. But the rewards are not limited to delta profits for personal volume. As your structure grows (which includes managers who have signed up under you), you will receive additional compensation from their personal volumes in accordance with the marketing plan. But we will consider this issue in subsequent articles.

I hope I was able to clarify some points for you. I will be glad if my article serves as a turning point that will help you make a decision and become an NL manager in order to change a lot in your life.