Literary reading 2nd grade project children's magazine. Our projects. Project “Children's magazine. Travel and discovery

Topic: Who are you, Murzilka?

Supervisor : Sokolova N.A., teacher primary classes MBOU "Staropoltavskaya Secondary School"

Research problem : Children's periodicals are not very popular among students.

Project goal : introduce the history of the children's magazine "Murzilka" and its structure

Hypothesis : Getting to know the history of the creation of the magazine “Murzilka” will have a positive impact on the reading activity of 2nd grade students and will become popular periodical among our classmates.

Z adachi project : collect material about the history of the magazine and its main character; compare magazines from different years; identify the journal sections and get acquainted with their content; show the practical significance of the journal materials in educational activities junior schoolchildren; expand students' reading range

Project type: short-term, creative.

Methods and forms of research : - visiting libraries;

Reading, viewing and discussing materials from the magazine “Murzilka” from different years;

Selection of material about the history of the magazine;

Working with a computer (connecting to the Internet to the magazine’s website);

Student survey;

Project implementation time: 10.03.2014 - 14.03.2014

Estimated results

Results of research work: increasing the level of student awarenessOmagazine« Murzilka."

Results creative activity: prepare a gift for the magazine’s anniversary

Project protection

“Who’s knocking on my door?...”

Know these lines

Of course, people are all -

Adults and children.

This is a good postman,

What does the parcel carry?

He also carries letters,

And the magazine "Murzilka".

Who are you, Murzilka? In 1913, a book was published in Russia with drawings by Canadian artist Palmer Cox and text by Russian writer Anna Khvolson “New Murzilka. Amazing adventures and wanderings of little forest men.” And the main character of the fairy tale was called... Murzilka.

Knock, knock, knock on the glass... Opened the window,

I see a very strange guest suddenly flying in.

As tall as a fingernail, nimble, slender-legged

And he holds the cane tightly in his little hand...

There was that guest in a tailcoat with tails,

In a silk top hat, with a piece of glass in the eye,

in elegant boots with long socks

And his eyes looked like a dragonfly...

In 1924, the very first issue of the magazine “Murzilka” was published... But with the main character - a little white dog named Murzilka, who traveled with his owner, the boy Petya. In 1937, the “new Murzilka” appeared in the magazine. A fluffy hero, as yellow as a dandelion, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera over his shoulder. It was invented by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky

He's very seriousSolid, respectable,At the same time - cheerful,Lively, modern.Funny and fluffyRough at timesScientist, artist,Storyteller, hero.They will tell me suchDoesn't happen in the world...It happens... MURZILKA!All children will answer.

This is what Andrei Usachev wrote about Murzilka.

IN different years Famous children's writers and poets worked in the magazine: Agnia Borto, Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov, Irina Tokmakova, Eduard Uspensky and many other writers and artists.

This magazine will turn 90 years old in May. Despite its “venerable” age, the magazine becomes more colorful and interesting in content every year. The magazine has regular sections that are filled with interesting material.. The magazine has a good tradition of introducing its readers to children's writers, artists, illustrators and their works.

Cheerful journalist in a beret

Will tell you about everything in the world

Every year “Murzilka” publishes interesting fairy tales or adventure stories by foreign authors that children in our country do not yet know. And in “Murzilka” there are pages: “Safety School”, “ Children's creativity”, “Fun mathematics”, “Let’s play with words”, “Murzilka’s tips” (for example, culinary or cat care) and, of course, a lot of all kinds of crosswords, riddles, games, homemade products.

The magazine has a colorful House - this is a website that will be interesting for both adults and children to explore.

In 2011, the magazine "Murzilka" was included inGuinness Book of Records, as "the longest running children's magazine"

"Murzilka" has an anniversary,

This means it’s a holiday for all children.

And they rush to congratulate the magazine

Generations of people.

Although the years have flown by,

But “Murzilka” did not age,

He prospered and grew younger.

Our class also decided to congratulate “Murzilka” on its anniversary. We made a gift for him and painted his portrait.

It’s interesting to live with “Murzilka”!

It's fun to be friends with "Murzilka"!

Dads, moms and kids,

Read Murzilka and books together.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Staropoltava secondary school"

Educational project on literary reading

Who are you, Murzilka?

Kravchenko Daria

students of 2nd grade,

Head: Sokolova N.A.

In May 2014, the magazine “Murzilka” celebrates its 90th anniversary. Several generations of children in our country were raised on the materials of the Murzilka magazine. The purpose of the presented interactive presentation“To the 90th anniversary of the magazine “Murzilka”” (hereinafter referred to as the Presentation) is to inform students about the history of the creation, development and present of this publication. Presentation slides tell about writers and artists whose works are published in the pages of the Murzilka magazine. The magazine "Murzilka" is aimed at children aged 6 to 12 years and serves as an excellent basis for instilling in them a love for the Motherland, nature, people, etc.
The first slide of the Presentation introduces students to a cheerful little man - Murzilka, who in 1887 arose as a result of the work of the Russian writer Anna Borisovna Khvolson. Outwardly, Murzilka of that time was completely different from our contemporary.

Due to the outbreak of the First World War, the publication of the Murzilka magazine was suspended.
And only on May 16, 1924, the first Soviet children’s magazine “Murzilka” began to be published, in which main character transformed into... the boy Petya's dog.

The modern look of Murzilka was invented by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky, who painted it in 1937.

From the beginning of its formation to the present day, the editors of the magazine “Murzilka” have published on its pages the most interesting children's stories and poems by the best writers of Russia (S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, B. Zakhoder, A. Barto, M. Prishvin , K. Paustovsky, N. Nosov, E. Uspensky and many others).

Separately, it is necessary to note the colorful and fabulous design of the magazine, which is the result of the creativity of wonderful artists (T. Mavrina, V. Chizhikov, A. Kanevsky, E. Rachev, N. Ustinov, L. Tokmakov, E. Charushin, etc.). The editors of the magazine pay great attention to introducing children to masterpieces of world painting.

The magazine "Murzilka" is unique in its history, because... Over its 90 years, its production has not stopped. In this regard, in 2011, the magazine was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the magazine for children with the longest period of publication.” Even during the Great Patriotic War, the magazine was published. An interesting fact is that the July 1941 issue of the magazine “Murzilka” was 75% devoted to the biography and work of M.Yu. Lermontov (15 pages out of 20), which speaks of raising children in the glorious traditions of our country’s past.

The magazine "Murzilka" is currently published in beautiful design and on excellent paper. But in addition to the paper version, there is also an electronic version of the magazine on the website

The Murzilka magazine has an excellent addition in the form of charades, crosswords, riddles, puzzles and other games. The Presentation also pays attention to these additions. It is suggested to draw a clown, solve two crossword puzzles and one rebus. All these games are presented in an interactive form.

The “Draw a Clown” slide is aimed at children studying in special education. correctional school and shows the principle of drawing a clown with a broken line by numbers.

The slide “Solve the crossword and find out the magic object” allows you to solve the crossword together with your children by adding the missing words in the name of the object (... - invisible, ... - self-assembled, etc.).

A slide with a crossword puzzle “Grammatical addition and subtraction” will show children how such crossword puzzles are solved.

A slide with a rebus demonstrates the principle of solving puzzles (aimed at students at a special correctional school).

The conclusion of the Presentation is the “Music Page” slide, which displays the history of the Murzilka magazine by film showing magazine covers (one cover for each year) for the period from 1924 to 2014. The magazine covers are shown against the backdrop of musical accompaniment - songs about Murzilka (words by S. Lezhneva, music by O. Yudakhina).

At the end of the Presentation there is a list of sources of information and links to illustrations.

Performer: 6th grade student Kamila Suleimenova.

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"Murzilka" is a popular children's literary and art magazine. Published since May 1924 and addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. Over the 87 years of existence of the beloved children's magazine, its publication has never been interrupted.

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It is named after the fairy-tale creature yellow and fluffy Murzilka. Murzilka got its name thanks to the mischievous and prankster - a little forest man who existed in popular books for children of the late 19th century. It was a little man in a tailcoat, with a cane and a monocle. Then the image of the forest Murzilka changed to the image of an ordinary small dog, helping everyone who is in trouble. But Murzilka in the guise of a puppy did not last long.

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In 1937, the famous artist Aminadav Kanevsky created a new image of Murzilka. Since then, in the children's publication “Murzilka” there has been a yellow hero, in a red beret and scarf, with a camera slung over his shoulder.

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The main difference between the magazine for children “Murzilka” is high-quality children's literature. Over the years, Agnia Barto, Korney Chukovsky, S. Marshak, M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky collaborated with the magazine... Currently, the magazine also publishes works of contemporary children's writers. Murzilka publishes children's fairy tales, fairy tales, children's stories, plays, and children's poems.

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Murzilka" is not only stories and fairy tales for children, it is also useful children's reading. The magazine’s regular columns, interesting and educational, are a worthy addition to the in-depth study of school subjects: the Russian language (“Detective Agency”, “How the Word Appeared”), geography (“Travel and Discoveries - Great Geographical Discoveries”), natural sciences (Murzilka’s Red Book ), labor (achievements of science and technology in the headings), physical culture (“Champion”), life safety (“Safety School”), fine arts(“Let’s go to the museum”, “Art gallery”, “Murzilka Art Gallery”). Each issue of “Murzilka” contains games and crosswords, riddles and puzzles, rebuses, coloring books, and homemade constructions.

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Pages of the first issues of the magazine “Murzilka”

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    Magazine structure - contents

    The structure of the magazine is very convenient. On the first page of the magazine, the main character “Murzilka” holds in his hands multi-colored balls with the names of sections and articles published in the magazine, indicating the pages.

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    I find educational information in the section “Travel and Discoveries”

    Together with travelers, I made many discoveries for myself by reading the “Travel and Discoveries” section.

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    Travel and discovery

    While reading Oleg Tikhomirov’s article “Along the Seas and Caravan Trails,” I became acquainted in absentia with the great traveler and “father of history” - Herodotus and his book “History in Nine Books.”

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    Traveling with Herodotus, I visited cities located along the coast of Asia Minor, little-known regions of Macedonia and Thrace, the mysterious “end of the earth” Colchis, ancient Babylon, India, Africa.

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    The sacred city of crocodiles, Crocodilopolis, surprised me. People there know how to tame crocodiles; they put gold rings on their paws and decorate their ears with glass earrings.

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    Blackbeard - the so-called Vasco de Gama - a simple nobleman devoted to the king, who wore a thick black beard, somewhat longer than that of the king’s other close associates. Determination and perseverance allowed Vasco da Gama to open a sea route to India. Reading this article allowed me to find out - how was it?

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    Risking his life, hiding under the name of merchant Alimbek, an employee Russian army, adjutant to the Governor-General of Western Siberia, a young officer Chokan Valikhanov, studied Dzungaria and the people who inhabited it, their customs, rites and holidays.

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    How did Ch. Valikhanov manage to explore the unexplored region - Dzungaria? After all, the law of the Dzungarian authorities was harsh - for violating it, foreigners were beheaded. The article “The Secret of Alimbek or Our Own Among Strangers” helped me find the answer to this question.

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    The end of the 13th century - medieval Venice. Marco Polo wrote about his journey, which lasted 24 years, in his book “The Book of the Diversity of the World.”

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    At that time, Europeans called Marco Polo “the inventor.” He writes in the book that in China they pay not only with gold and silver, but also with paper money. What is ignited by “black stones” (that is, coal), which burn hotter than firewood.

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    But century after century has passed, and readers already find in the “Book of the Diversity of the World” no longer fiction, but interesting facts, which I was lucky enough to learn about.

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    After the discovery of the continent Antarctica at the South Pole by Russian navigators in 1820, the Englishman Robert Scott attempted to go deep into the continent.

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    R. Scott's expedition carried out magnetic observations and collected rock samples. The southern point of the world was several miles away. From a distance, travelers saw a Norwegian flag attached to a pole. The Norwegian expedition of Raul Amundsen was ahead of them by a whole month. The return journey was tragic.

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    The latest notes by Robert Scott, “Man is able to live and endure for the sake of the future,” are impressive. In November 1912, they found the tent in which the heroes died. In memory of the courageous five, a mahogany cross with their names was erected on the top of the hill, with the inscription on it: “Fight and seek, find and not give up.”

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    James Cook made three trips around the world. Cook brought back a huge amount of maps and scientific records. There was a rumor that he was captured and then eaten by the natives. But everything was not like that at all...

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    The tragedy took place in Hawaii. The natives began to visit Cook's ship and take away the ship's utensils. They carried away the boat that Cook needed. The demand to return was refused. Cook captured the leader: return the boat - we will return the leader. But something irreparable happened: one of the soldiers lost his nerve and shot the native.

    Don't shoot! – Cook commanded. And then he fell, struck by a spear.

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    The strait between the islands of New Zealand, as well as the entire archipelago, which consists of a group of islands and coral reefs, is named after Cook.

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    Red Book

    Interesting information about the grass called sword grass - the height of the round stem at the top of which are flowers similar to sea urchins, reaches 1.5 meters or more. And the grey-green narrow and hard leaves up to one meter long resemble fighting swords. This is probably where the name came from.

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    Red Book of Murzilka

    Listen to the legend about the appearance of the lily of the valley in Rus'. As if the sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the guslar Sadko. He was devoted to the earthly beauty Lyubava. Volkhova went ashore and cried with grief. So, where her tears fell, lilies of the valley grew.

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    The condor is the largest living creature birds of prey with a wingspan of up to three meters. The condor lives up to 50 years. The main food of condors is dead animals - carrion, or weakened by disease. Thus, condors play the role of orderlies and reduce the spread of infection. The condor is listed in the International Red Book.

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    The panda lives in the mountain forests of China at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level. The main food is bamboo. The main enemies of the panda are the red wolf and the leopard. Fleeing from them, the panda rolls head over heels down the mountain slopes. In this case, the animal closes its eyes with its front paws.

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    The lifespan of a lynx is 15 – 20 years. Hunts hares, black grouse, small rodents, and less often roe deer and deer.

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    I learned about the unique ability of starfish - regeneration - restoration of severed rays. If the starfish is damaged, but a part with a sufficiently large piece of the central disk remains, then it is capable of growing into a full-fledged animal. It would be good if people had such an ability.

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    It was interesting to learn that, oddly enough, the eagle owl makes its nest in the ground, in a shelter. There are 3–4 eggs in a clutch. Parents bravely protect their offspring, and the birds themselves can fend for themselves. When an enemy approaches, they raise their wings, stare their eyes, click their beaks, shifting from foot to foot.

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    Bird kaleidoscope

    In the article “Autumn Pictures” of the “Bird Kaleidoscope” section, I learned in a relaxed, artistic way about the life of birds in the autumn: kinglets, firebird, wagtail, bullfinch, etc.

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    An ordinary bird, the bullfinch, becomes a magician in the fall. If you look at the maple lionfish bag after the bullfinch has held it in its mouth several times, you will notice that the lionfish bag has split along the seam and is empty inside. Here is such a magician - a bullfinch.

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    Safety School

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    It turns out that the most poisonous mushroom for which there is no antidote is the toadstool. But there are also very “cunning” mushrooms. They are called false because they disguise themselves as edible, real ones.

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    How wonderful the summer forest is!

    Call! - bird voices and streams. Fragrant! - flowers and herbs. Delicious! - ripe berries. But the forest can also be dangerous. From the section “Safety School” - at the forest edge I learned which wild berries are healthy and which are poisonous.

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    But if, through negligence, poisoning occurs, the first signs of which are dizziness, sweating, and vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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    Having carefully read Neboleyka’s advice in the “Safety School” section, I can provide first aid to myself and my friends.

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    How to apply a tourniquet, how to treat the edges of a wound with iodine.
    If you twist your ankle, before calling a doctor, so that the pain subsides, immerse your feet in a basin of cold water.

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    Murzilka suggests carefully examining the drawings according to the rules traffic and cross out the incorrect ones.

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    Health Academy

    I read a lot, watch TV and sit at the computer, so special eye gymnastics in the “Health Academy” section were very useful to me. I advise you to get to know her too. I listened to the doctor's advice and began to feel much better.

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    Neighbors around the planet

    In the “Neighbors on the Planet” section, it was interesting to learn about the Indian elephant living in the jungle. It is taught to use its trunk and tusks to drag heavy logs from the jungle to the sawmill. The Indian elephant knows how to stack sawn boards for drying and blows away sawdust with its trunk. The elephant works independently, without any advice or instructions. But when there is no human nearby, the elephant chooses long rest and reflection.

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    The tiger swims beautifully and sneaks up silently. In severe hunger, it will swallow everything that crawls, flies and swims - fish or turtle, crocodile or lizard, mouse, frog and even locust. Hunts wild deer, goats, antelopes and even bears. Its favorite prey is wild boars. Sometimes he gnaws nuts, plucks grass, picks berries and fruits.

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    Do you think the inhabitants of the jungle act wisely and can they be envied? They do not look far into the future, do not make plans, and simply live and enjoy every day - no matter how cloudy.

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    I came up with the name of the column myself – where interesting things are written in the form of a fictional story. From Raisa Kulikova’s story “Joy between Frames” I learned - It turns out there is a butterfly - a geologist - Perlamutrovka. This butterfly loves violets, which grow on the ground with zinc ore. Where Perlamutrovka is, there is ore.

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    Murzilka Art Gallery

    Fans have been invented since ancient times. At first they were made from palm or lotus leaves, and then from ostrich or peacock feathers. There were wooden, metal, and paper fans.

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    The most beautiful fans were made from the 17th – 19th centuries. These were plates made of gold, silver, mother-of-pearl, ivory, and tortoiseshell.

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    Fabric that was glued to plates of delicate transparent silk or parchment - thin leather.

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    Fans were decorated precious stones, lace, exquisite embroidery or painting.

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    The friendship between man and dog has lasted since time immemorial. As evidenced by numerous monuments and works of art.

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    For the first time I saw so many paintings by artists depicting dogs. In the works of artists from different times you can see large, strong dogs, hunting and guard dogs.

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    Small, cute lap dogs are often seen on the canvases - shaggy lapdogs, snow-white fluffy Spitz dogs. Looking at some of the works, one can imagine that the dogs are having some interesting conversations of their own.

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    For example, in a painting by the Flemish master Paul de Vos, two dogs seem to be discussing newborn puppies among themselves.

    After an interesting acquaintance, I will now always pay attention to paintings depicting dogs and be interested in their artists.

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    Bilibin is a true storyteller: he is famous for his amazing illustrations of Russian folk tales and Pushkin's fairy tales.

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    Bilibin drew with pen and black ink on large sheets of thick paper, then colored the black and white drawings with watercolors.

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    Many of Bilibin’s drawings are decorated with an ornamental frame: intertwining strange plants, geometric shapes...

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    Looking at Bilibin’s illustrations, I visited a fairy-tale world created by the imagination of a wonderful artist.

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    Our favorite artists

    It's hard to imagine that Pinocchio could have looked any different. A wooden man, cheerful, sweet and mischievous, came out of the paint of the artist Leonid Vladimirsky almost half a century ago.

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    Illustrations by artist V.V. Vladimirsky

    The heroes of A. Volkov’s fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” - the Scarecrow, the Lion, the Tin Woodman and others - were remarkable. Then illustrations for the book “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin, “Three Fat Men” by Y. Alyosha, “Russian Fairy Tales”, etc.

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    Why has Agnia Barto been read for 100 years?

    During this time, so many books by Agnia Barto were published that they could line the shelves of the largest bookstore.

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    Agnia Barto - childhood writer

    The poem “Heat is Hot,” which she wrote when she was only 20 years old. It does not appear in her books now.

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    Poems of our childhood

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    Poems by A. Barto

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    Congratulations on your anniversary

    For 50 years, Viktor Chizhikov has been drawing pictures for the works of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

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    Covers of works by S. Mikhalkov with drawings by artist V. Chizhikov.

    “I always draw with pleasure, since S. Mikhalkov’s humor and boundless invention are very close and understandable to me,” writes Viktor Chizhikov.

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    Poems of my childhood

    S. Mikhalkov’s poems are also the childhood poems of the artist, member of the editorial board of the Murzilka magazine, Viktor Chizhikov.

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    I re-read S. Mikhalkov’s poems “Clouds” with pleasure:

    I'm lying in a clearing
    I'm looking at you from the grass
    I lie there dreaming:
    Why don't I fly
    Like these clouds...

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    Poems for children

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    Children's writers

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    Grigory Oster

    Did you know that, in addition to our textbooks, which we study from, there are Grigory Oster’s textbooks on “Doing Nothing,” “Candy Eating,” “Papamamology,” “Hvatalgebra,” “Visual Culture”... All that remains is to find these textbooks and be sure to read them.

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    Our favorite writers

    With a little envy, I learned that twice a year Korney Chukovsky organized cheerful bonfires on his property for the children of the surrounding villages: “Hello, summer!” and “Summer, goodbye!” There, artists and the best children's writers, musicians, acrobats, jugglers, magicians, and animal and bird trainers performed in front of the children on a small stage.

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    Korney Chukovsky

    Korney Ivanovich himself came to the fire wearing an amazing headdress of an Indian leader. And then they lit a fire and danced around it. On your own summer cottage K. Chukovsky built the Children's Library. And the children went there to buy books and loved to read, play, draw and even do their homework there.

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    Poems by K. Chukovsky

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    Know yourself

    I will always try to be a noble and polite person. If, leaving school, I accidentally slip and an unfamiliar boy, supporting me, says, “Be careful, you klutz!”, I will laugh and say, “Thank you very much, you saved me!”

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    Psychological tests

    Test “Are you friendly?” helped me conclude that I could find common language with everyone and I will be welcome everywhere.

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    Know yourself

    Having chosen the answers to the questions of the test “Are you assessing yourself correctly?”, I found out for myself that I am a serious, independent person and know how to make the right decisions.

    " - a popular children's literary and art magazine. Published since 1924. Addressed children from 6 to 12 years old.

    The magazine publishes fairy tales, fairy tales, short stories, plays, and poems. Its main authors are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature. Often the authors of the magazine are the readers themselves.

    Modern "Murzilka" is full of interesting, educational materials - history, achievements of science and technology, sports, the most important events of today. Materials on such topics attract not only young readers, but also their parents. With a variety of topics and interesting presentation, the magazine strives to satisfy the ever-growing demands of its readers.

    There are topics that are not exhausted by publication in several issues, but continue for a longer time. This is the Murzilka Art Gallery. "Gallery" introduces reproductions of paintings - masterpieces of domestic and world painting, the life and work of artists. Stories about them and reproductions of paintings are printed on tabs; you can cut them out and collect your own art collection.

    Materials supplementing the program are printed from issue to issue primary school, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This includes the “Safety School” and fun lessons in mathematics and the Russian language, combined into a separate section-application “Puzzles, Games, Ideas”.

    Interesting not only for children, but for the whole family are “Murzilka’s advice”, “Murzilka’s Adventures”, homemade products, competitions, quizzes, which provide not only interesting information, encourage creativity, but also develop useful skills.

    The editors receive many letters from teachers and parents, in which they report that the magazine “Murzilka” has become a friend and assistant for them, note the versatility of the magazine, approve of the presence of interesting and useful information, knowledge that expands school curricula. The magazine “Murzilka”, familiar to you since childhood, has been delighting readers with its existence for more than 83 years. Since the last time you held it in your hands, the magazine has changed a lot. And we want to provide more recent information about it.

    It is named after a fairy-tale creature - the yellow and fluffy Murzilka. Today Murzilka lives on the pages of the magazine as he was drawn in 1937 by the famous artist Aminadav Moiseevich Kanevsky.

    The basis of the magazine is fiction. She performs main task- fosters in a child the best moral qualities: kindness, honesty, justice, responsiveness. In the years when our country was experiencing a shortage of books for children, “Murzilka” was the link between the reader and children’s literature. For many children living in the periphery or in other countries, the magazine still serves as a supplement to literature textbooks, and also introduces them to new works by modern authors.

    “Murzilka” is closely connected with the life and interests of young readers and responds very vividly to them. That is why the magazine is also necessary for adults in their work with children - teachers, educators, librarians, parents. For this purpose, the magazine contains a variety of materials.

    The headings “Walks with Words” and “Let’s Play with Words” serve to expand readers’ linguistic understanding and study the Russian language. They publish: fairy tales, poems, tongue twisters, which contribute to the mastery of the Russian language, speech culture, and teach spelling standards. These sections contain entertaining questions, tasks, and competitions, which especially attracts readers and encourages them to be active.

    In the sections “Fun Mathematics” and “Green World”, difficult problems and tasks are given in an entertaining, and often poetic form, tasks that attract the attention of readers, their older brothers, sisters and parents.

    For more than 15 years, the magazine has been running the column “Murzilka Art Gallery”. It introduces children to the peculiarities of the work of outstanding artists, with reproductions of paintings that are masterpieces of domestic and world painting. Comments from art critics help shape the aesthetic views of readers.

    The magazine also publishes materials that tell about great geographical discoveries, famous travelers of the distant past and our time; Issues of legal education, psychology, ethics, communication culture, and rules of behavior in extreme situations are constantly covered.

    Pays great attention to useful leisure time. Each room provides a variety of homemade items.

    Inside the magazine there are tabs and flaps on which educational games, crosswords, and assignments are located. Tabs can be cut out, crossword puzzles can be collected in separate books, and reproductions of paintings can be taken out of a magazine.

    In recent years the magazine has changed: each issue has separate supplements, neatly stapled in the middle of the magazine. Various applications: “Murzilka Art Gallery”, board games, coloring books, homemade products, stickers, patterns, posters, etc. You can subscribe to the magazine from any issue.

    In addition, the editorial staff of the magazine constantly communicates directly with its readers: organizes meetings for them with the editorial team, the authors of “Murzilka”: writers and artists; satisfied art exhibitions.

    The exhibition is a selection of more than one hundred and fifty works by artists who collaborated with the magazine over the years. These are: K. Rotov, A. Kanevsky, A. Brey, Y. Pimenov, V. Suteev, Y. Vasnetsov, V. Konashevich, Y. Korovin, V. Kurdov, V. Lebedev, F. Lemkul, T. Mavrina, A. Pakhomov, E. Charushin, V. Favorsky, E. Rachev, M. Miturich, G. Makaveeva, Y. Kopeiko, V. Chizhikov, V. Losin, L. Tokmakov, A. Sokolov, V. Dmitryuk and others. The exhibition has already visited many cities in Russia, near and far abroad and can, at the request of the inviting party, move to any destination where interest is shown in it.

    IN THE ARCHIVE OF NUMBERS you can read materials from the magazine for 2005-2009