HR specialist courses. How can a HR manager improve his skills? HR administration – distance learning courses

Courses in personnel affairs and personnel management include several blocks of information not only on the accounting and movement of employees in the enterprise, but also on the regulation and motivation of their actions on a legislative basis, as well as office work. You study the theoretical foundations on your own using the electronic lectures we provide. They remain with you even after training. You can always look into them if you have questions about work issues. HR courses offer an extensive program of practical training. All information blocks are divided into video lessons, at the end of which you can test your knowledge using tests.

Practical classes are conducted with real documents. You will learn to work in a computer program, be able to independently fill out documents, competently use legislative acts, develop internal documents, draw up schedules, etc.

HR courses and personnel management are needed, first of all, for employees of personnel services, managers of small enterprises, starting their careers or employees awaiting promotion. We train specialists in this field according to an in-depth program. Here you can learn the basics of the Labor Code, learn how to draw up Orders and instructions, and draw up documents necessary for hiring, dismissal or relocation of a company employee. Our courses are suitable for both heads of personnel departments and ordinary personnel officers.

Courses for a human resources management specialist in professional standards will allow you not only to navigate the extensive document flow, but also to systematize it, identify accounting errors and promptly correct them, and draw up employment and civil law agreements and contracts. Our HR courses also teach how to maintain work records, related issues, and resolve disputes.

Training in HR and personnel management also includes classes on studying the psychological component, because employees and HR departments work primarily with people. Immediately after training, students of our courses can start working, and for a position at a fairly high level. Personnel and personnel management training takes place in one of three programs for 68, 124 or 250 hours. During this time, you will be able to return to any previously completed lessons and use educational or reference literature specially selected for you. The courses are taught by competent, practicing specialists with extensive experience.

Personnel management training takes place both on-site and remotely. You can choose the most convenient option for yourself. Full-time training in personnel management can take place both in the morning and in the evening. Despite the relatively short training period, we manage to give students all the information they need for successful work. After completing training to become a human resource management specialist according to professional standards, you will receive a state-recognized specialist diploma. For distance learning, the place of completion is the city of Moscow. Anyone has access to the distance learning course. This is very convenient, because you do not need to come in person, and you can study at any convenient time. In addition, you seriously benefit from cost, and gain knowledge just like full-time students

Practical classes are conducted using documents from companies actually operating in Moscow. You can always ask our teachers any question you are interested in. The course program is the author's. It was developed by our teachers and approved by the Ministry of Education specifically for our center. We do not bother ourselves with unnecessary things, but are definitely moving towards the goal - training personnel, real specialists. Our center has been involved in this matter for more than 11 years, during which time thousands of specialists have listened to us. Our programs are as effective and informative as possible.

Groups for full-time studies are small, so there is the possibility of an individual approach. The practice is conducted not only on paper, but also in the 1C program.


  • Prepare all documents related to the movement of personnel
  • Generate documents in 1C ZUP 8
  • Draw up local acts, letters, instructions
  • Analyze the labor code in detail in individual situations
Weekdays Weekend Basic
Discount price Price for legal entities Individual.
Sign up
for the course
10 00 -14 05
14 10 -18 15
18 30 -21 35
10 00 -14 05
14 10 -18 15
18 30 -21 35
96 15.05-05.06*
19 706 15 900 17 490


- these are ready-made lectures with examples, samples of filling out documents and links to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You don't write anything down, and thus save time for practice on an example of an enterprise. Review Here is a fragment of the summary>>>

is a practical guide, a guide to working with documents using an end-to-end example of an enterprise.

HR folder
- this is a folder with samples of personnel documents created by you under the guidance of a teacher and in the process of independent work

Methodical manual for 1C
- this is a guide for working in the 1C program. You enter all documents regarding the enterprise into the program.


Theory and practice – SIMULTANEOUSLY
A small block of theory is immediately reinforced by practice, that is, work in a real company while simultaneously using the 1C program

Upon completion of the course you will receive: - Certificate of advanced training approved by the state

The course program meets the requirements of the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist” (Order dated 06.10.2015 N 691n “On approval of the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist”)

For admission you need: - Diploma (of higher or secondary specialized education))
*Attention! If you have a diploma in a foreign language, in accordance with 273 Federal Law “On Education” Art. 107, a translation of the diploma into Russian is required.
- Passport


1. Organization of personnel records management in the company

  • Nomenclature of personnel service affairs
  • Classification of documents in the personnel service: types of documents, their storage periods
  • Prompt storage of documents in the HR department. Case storage examples
Practical work:
Drawing up an act of acceptance of documents in the HR department
Drawing up a list of cases
Independent work: Drawing up a memo regarding the acceptance of documents in the HR department

2. Legislative framework for personnel records management
  • Structure of regulatory acts: Sources of labor law: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal constitutional laws, Federal laws, Laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, explanations of relevant bodies, International sources of labor law
  • Administrative liability for violation of labor legislation of the Russian Federation
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Getting to know the program interface: Menus, panels, sections

3. Local regulations
  • General characteristics of local regulations: The procedure for development, approval, and entry into force of local regulations
  • Internal labor regulations: General characteristics. Structure and content of PVTR. The main mistakes made when developing PVTR
  • Regulations on the protection of personal data: General characteristics of personal data. Obtaining consent for collection, storage and processing. Structure of the Regulations, drafting methodology. Types of administrative responsibility
  • Job description: General characteristics. Contents of the job description. Development methodology. Professional standards
  • Regulations on remuneration
Practical work
  • Audit of internal labor regulations for compliance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Drawing up internal labor regulations
  • Statement on the protection of personal data
  • Drawing up job descriptions for a HR specialist and a car driver
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Initial program setup
Independent work: Drawing up job descriptions
Drawing up an order for approval of local regulations

4. Staffing, organizational structure, staffing
  • Organizational structure: General characteristics.
  • Staffing form: Procedure for approval and preparation. Making changes and corrections. Mandatory staffing details. Situations from practice. Typical HR mistakes when filling out.
  • Approval of staffing. Making changes to the SR
  • Staffing arrangement
Practical work: Drawing up an organizational structure
Drawing up staffing schedule
Drawing up staffing
Independent work: Drawing up an order to approve the staffing table
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Entering personnel information. Staffing table
Filling out reference books
Staffing table

5. Hiring an employee
  • The main stages of hiring an employee: General characteristics of the stages of hiring
  • The procedure for passing a medical examination when applying for a job: General information about passing medical examinations when applying for a job
  • Peculiarities of reception of individual employees and categories of citizens: manager, MOL, persons with disabilities
  • List of documents when applying for a job: List of documents for drawing up an employment contract and filling out a personal T-2 card, Basic and additional documents when applying for a job. Documents for hiring certain categories of workers: citizens with disabilities and others
  • Rules for filling out a T-2 personal card: General requirements for maintaining and filling out T-2
  • Basic requirements for filling out an employment order: General requirements for maintaining and filling out employment orders
Practical work: preparing a referral for a medical examination for newly hired employees: secretary and cleaner of office and production premises
Practical skills in working with an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person when applying for a job
Drawing up a register for accepting documents for concluding an employment contract
Writing a job application
Drawing up a personal T-2 card for employees
Drawing up an order for employment
Drawing up a notice of employment at the Military Commissariat
Audit of employment orders for compliance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation
Independent work: Draw up employment orders
Create personal T-2 cards for employees
Compile registers of document receipts
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3:
Directory Employees
Entering personal data
Registration of employment

6. Employment test
  • Admission test: Test period. Reflection in the employment contract. Procedure for passing the test period. Payment.
Practical work: Drawing up an individual program for passing the probationary period
Independent work: Drawing up documents on completion of the probationary period

7. Part-time and combination. Performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee

  • Part-time work: Registration procedure. Features of concluding an employment contract. Part-time worker's remuneration
  • Combination by position: Registration procedure. Employee remuneration
  • Registration of expansion of the service area: General characteristics of expansion of the service area, temporary performance of official duties.
Practical work: Preparation of documents for combining positions
Preparation of documents for temporary performance of duties
Preparation of documents to expand the service area
Independent work: Preparation of documents for an employee - additional agreement to employment contracts in tasks specified in the Republic of Tatarstan
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Reception of employees. Changes in staffing
Admission on a part-time basis.
Part-time reception
Establishment of additional payments for combinations, personal additional payments and compensatory allowances

8. Work book
  • Organization of work with work books: Requirements for work book forms. Basic requirements for the design of the title page
  • The procedure for filling out a work book: Basic information about making entries in work books. Procedure for making corrections to records
  • The procedure for maintaining the Book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts for them:
  • Rules for making entries in the Book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts for them
Practical work: Correcting a previous employer's mistake
Filling out a work book from scratch (filling out the title page of the work book and making an entry about employment in the work book)
Making an entry in the work book about the hiring of the employee who provided the work book
Filling out the Book for recording the movement of work books and inserts for them
Filling out a duplicate work book
Independent work: Making an entry in the work books of employees about hiring
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Salary and other types of accruals
Deduction from salary
Salary payment
Calculation of accruals on advance payments

9. Employment contract. GPC agreement
  • Employment contract: General characteristics of the employment contract. Mandatory and additional terms of the employment contract
  • Urgent TD, grounds for conclusion
  • GPC agreement: Main differences from an employment contract
  • Changing the terms of the TD. Registration of additional agreements to TD: General characteristics of changes in the terms of the employment contract. Renaming a position or transferring an employee to another position. Change of work schedule. Working hours of a pregnant employee. Change by employee of personal data.
Practical work: Audit of an employment contract for compliance with labor legislation
Drawing up an employment contract with the chief accountant and occupational safety engineer
Audit of a civil law contract for the presence of signs of an employment contract
Registration of renaming a position
Registration of transfer of an employee to another position
Registration of change of personal data
Registration of changes in work schedule and wages
Salary change
Changing the terms of the employment contract based on the results of the special assessment process
Renaming the employer
Making entries in work books: on renaming a position, on transfer, on changing a full name, on renaming an employer
Entering information into the employee’s personal T-2 cards
Independent work: Drawing up employment contracts for employees
Drawing up a civil contract
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Reception of employees. Personnel data changes
Approach by urgent TD
Registration of GPA
Changes in working conditions

10. Vacation
  • Vacation schedule: Procedure for preparation and approval
  • General provisions on vacations: Annual paid vacations. Additional annual paid leave. Leave without pay. The procedure for their provision
  • Certain types of leave: Student; additional paid leave for certain categories of Russian citizens
  • Calculation of vacation days
Practical work: Vacation scheduling
Drawing up a notice of the start date of vacation
Calculating the number of days of annual paid leave and drawing up an application for annual paid leave
Calculation of the number of vacation days
Application for leave without pay
Drawing up an application for parental leave for a child up to one and a half years old
Entering information about vacations into the T-2 card of employees
Independent work: Calculation of the number of vacation days
Registration of notifications about the start date of vacation
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Vacation registration:
Paid annually;
Leave without pay
Additional paid holidays.
Vacation schedule. The procedure for rescheduling vacation.

11. Dismissal
  • Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee. General characteristics of dismissal at the employee’s initiative.
  • Dismissal of the financially responsible person. Dismissal of certain categories of employees.
  • Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer: layoff, absenteeism)
  • Termination (termination) of an employment contract by agreement of the parties
  • Termination of a fixed-term employment contract. General characteristics of termination of a fixed-term employment contract.
  • Termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties:
  • Dismissal due to conscription into the army. Dismissal due to the death of an employee is a general characteristic.
  • Calculation of compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal
Practical work: Audit of voluntary resignation applications
Audit of the memo and act for compliance with current legislation
Drawing up documents on the dismissal of employees
Preparation of documents for sending a work book by mail
Audit of orders
Entering information about dismissal into employee work books
Entering information about dismissal into the employee’s personal T-2 cards
Independent work: Drawing up a correct memo about the fact of absenteeism and an act of absence from work
Practice in 1C ZUP 8: Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer (absenteeism). Preparation of documents upon dismissal.

12. Sick leave. Benefits. Insurance experience

  • Insurance experience: General information and procedure for calculating insurance experience
  • Sick leave: Registration and filling out a sick leave
  • Various types of benefits:
  • Maternity benefit.
  • Benefit on the occasion of the birth of a child;
  • Benefit in connection with registration in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • Allowance for child care until he reaches one and a half years old and other benefits.
Practical work: Drawing up an application for payment of a lump sum benefit
Drawing up an application for payment of benefits for child care up to one and a half years old
Drawing up a certificate stating that the employee does not use parental leave and child care benefits for children under one and a half years old
Filling out a sick leave form (on paper)
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Payment according to a certificate of incapacity for work. Parental leave.
Payment according to a certificate of incapacity for work. Sick leave during annual paid leave
Payment for sick leave for child care
Payment of maternity benefits
Providing parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years

13. Business trip

  • Concept of business trips
  • Guarantees and compensation when sending an employee on business trips
14. Working hours
  • Working hours: normal, reduced
  • Work on weekends and/or holidays. Overtime
  • Summarized working time recording. Processing accounting
  • Time sheet: General characteristics. Responsible persons for conducting TURV. The procedure for checking the TURV for the presence/absence of errors before submitting it to the accounting department.
Practical work: Working with TURV
Compilation of TURV for the unit
Shift scheduling
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Working time tracking. Business trips
Recruitment to work on days off.
Business trip assignment
Change of work schedule: working week with days off on a staggered schedule
Time sheet.

15. Military registration
  • Recommendations for maintaining military records: Normative regulation. List of documents
  • The procedure for making entries in a personal T-2 card
16. Special assessment of working conditions
  • General characteristics of special assessment of working conditions: Regulatory framework
  • Procedure for carrying out special assessment work: Documents required from the employer in order to carry out special assessment work. Organizations that have the right to conduct SOUT
  • Summary statement based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions: The main document for the work of HR department employees.
17. Guarantees and compensation for certain categories of workers
  • Guarantees and compensation for workers: Providing guarantees to parents with disabled children. Guarantees and compensation for donor employees. Guarantees and compensation for workers who are participants in hostilities and participants in the liquidation of consequences
Practice in 1C ZUP 8.3: Generating reports: Reporting to statistics, Pers. reporting, Certificate 2 personal income tax, Certificate 1N (182n), extract from SZV-M, SZV-STAZH, Order SNILS according to ADV-1, Reports on VU


Growing requirements for the management of personnel affairs on the part of inspection bodies require constant adaptation of the program in accordance with these requirements. That is why the course is full of practical examples and problems from the life of real companies.

What our HR courses provide from scratch:

  1. The HR course from scratch includes the principles of drawing up all HR documents
  2. Knowledge of Labor Laws
  3. Skills in working in the 1C ZUP 8 program
  4. Practical knowledge in personnel selection and hiring

Training in personnel records management from scratch in our center will allow you to use the acquired knowledge in the highly sought-after profession of a general-purpose personnel officer.

Who is suitable for learning HR from scratch?

In today's crisis conditions, our HR courses are ideal for specialists such as HR managers, accountants, HR inspectors, and managers who are entrusted with HR functions with knowledge of 1C ZUP and personnel selection and hiring functions. The HR course is also suitable for beginners who want to start a career as a HR specialist. After completing the HR course, our students receive additional professional education - HR Specialist with knowledge of 1C ZUP 8

The HR department course program in Moscow is designed to meet the needs of the labor market and the 1C HR courses absolutely accurately reflect all the necessary skills for the work of a HR specialist.

The course complements a module that will help you master the recruiting skills of a human resources manager; the courses are complemented by a block on recruitment and personnel search.

The course is designed to train specialists who are able to organize the work of the personnel service, manage personnel at the enterprise, and correctly conduct the records management of the personnel service. Program HR specialist compiled on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, current legislative acts regulating the documentation support of the activities of personnel services, and the extensive work experience of a teacher with a legal education.
Start of classes:

  • every Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 o'clock
  • Monday, Wednesday from 18.00
  • Sunday from 12.00-18.00
  • Course duration:

  • 32 lessons - 120 academic hours.
  • course:

  • theoretical course - 6700 rub.
  • theoretical course + 1C Salary and personnel - 8500 rub.
  • 1. Search, selection, hiring, interview methodology
    Qualification directory of employee positions

    2. Legal framework and regulation of legal relations

    • Staffing table, staffing arrangement
    • Internal labor regulations
    • Regulations on personnel, regulations on the personnel department
    • Regulations on the office management service
    • Regulations on the personnel management service
    • Regulations on the expert commission
    • Job descriptions, production instructions

    3. Drawing up contracts, personal cards, sick leave.

    • Personal card form T-2, personal card registration log
    • Personal file, personal records log
    • Internal inventory of personal files, addition to personal card
    • Additions log
    • Calculation of general and insurance length of service (Special formula, quick calculation)
    • Registration of the reverse side of the sick leave certificate
    • Employment contract, journal of registration of employment contracts
    • Contract agreement, register of civil contracts
    • Agreement on non-disclosure of trade secrets, on financial liability
    • Journal of registration of contracts on liability

    4. Registration and maintenance of work books.

    • Work records
    • Making records of admission, transfer, dismissal, promotion
    • Changing the last name in the work book and personal card
    • Registration of an insert in the work book, issuance of a duplicate work book
    • Making an entry in the work book about internal part-time work
    • Making an entry in the work book about external part-time work
    • Making an entry in the work book about renaming the organization
    • Entering incentives into the work book, correcting errors in the work book
    • Making entries in the work book upon admission, transfer, dismissal
    • Rules for maintaining and storing work books

    5. Extraordinary and scheduled certifications.

    • Certification by decision of the employer, scheduled certification
    • Certification schedule, order to appoint a certification commission
    • Preparation, execution, outcome
    • Staff reduction: order, warning, proposal

    6. Types of acts when working in the personnel department.

    • Inspection report, document preservation report.
    • Act on writing off damaged work record forms.
    • Act on the absence of an employee from the workplace.
    • Act on refusal to provide explanations.
    • An act of refusal to familiarize yourself with a document.
    • Act on an employee being drunk at work.
    • An act of destruction of documents and files, an act of checking the availability and state of affairs.
    • The act of issuing cases for temporary storage, the act of acceptance and transfer of documents or files.

    7. Office in the HR department.

    • Formation, grouping and storage of cases
    • Preparation of outgoing documents and their registration
    • Registration of incoming documents
    • Procedure for working with outgoing and incoming documents
    • Execution control
    • Issuance of documents from the case
    • Making copies of documents
    • Movement of documents. Document flow.

    8. Drawing up documents:.

    • GOST 6.30.-2003.
    • Forms: corner, longitudinal, official, double, structural
      divisions, general forms, letters, specific documents.
    • Certificates, memos (internal and external).
    • Explanatory notes, powers of attorney.
    • Protocols, resolutions, orders, decisions, reports.
    • Federal laws, registration of pension cases, certificate of staff turnover.
    • Registration of military personnel.

    8. Archive in the HR department.

    Personnel inspector is a profession dating back to Soviet times. At larger enterprises it was a real “gray cardinal” . The HR inspector is associated with the practice of a rigid leadership style, even this situation occurs today. The task of personnel inspectors is to award bonuses and increase grades. Today, the perception of the position has changed, although it has experienced economic transformation almost as much as its functional responsibilities. Now, in order to restore order in each organization, a professional inspector works, as a rule, a graduate of human resources courses; positions with a male title are occupied by the majority of women, with the exception of organizations where the majority of employees are men. The peculiarity is that in the work of a personnel officer, knowledge of the laws and rules common to the entire country is decisive. HR inspector is the first step in the career of an HR director; this is personnel records management. The job of a HR inspector is a good opportunity for professional growth and stable income. At first glance, the work of a personnel inspector is boring and monotonous; it is based on a lot of documents; this is a very necessary routine in any company. A good specialist is worth his weight in gold. Therefore, to start a successful career, we offer take HR inspector courses in Moscow at the Leader educational center. Classes are held in modern classrooms equipped with all the necessary equipment. Teachers of HR inspector courses are professionals - practitioners with specialized education and practical work experience.

    Course participants will be able to:

    Study the norms of labor legislation that personnel officers must follow in their daily work.

    Master the technology of competent registration of labor relations with employees (hiring, transfer and dismissal).

    Understand the rules for filling out unified forms of personnel documents and drawing up documents for which unified forms are not provided.

    Study the rules for registration, maintenance and storage of work books, as well as their duplicates.

    Analyze the typical mistakes of personnel officers.

    Brief training program for the courses for HR inspectors in Moscow:

    1. The main tasks of personnel management at the enterprise. Personnel policy. Planning and selection of labor resources.

    The proposed training course for HR managers is intended for training HR management specialists - HR managers at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and types of activities. Personnel management - labor resources is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice. Management of a large or small enterprise, financial management, marketing, etc. – all this is, first of all, people management (personnel, HR). Therefore, the effectiveness of its work in modern conditions depends on the personnel policy successfully pursued by qualified specialists at the enterprise. Upon completion of training in HR manager courses, graduates receive a standard certificate and can work in the specialties of HR manager or HR specialist.

    Program name:

    • "Organization of personnel service"

    Course duration:

    • 32 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 7-10 people
    • 12 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 4-6 people
    • 12 academic hours - classroom lessons for individual training 1-2 people
    • 8 academic hours - for home study

    Class schedule:

    • 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) 4 academic hours a day.
    • 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 4 academic hours a day.
    • 1 day a week (Saturday or Sunday) for 4 or 8 academic hours per day.

    EXPRESS group:

    • training 4-5 days a week on weekdays in the morning or afternoon.

    Floating chart:

    • Taking into account your visiting capabilities.

    Class time:

    • morning groups from 9-00 to 12-00 or from 10.00-13.00;
    • day groups from 12-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00;
    • evening groups from 18-00 to 21-00 or 18.30-21.30;
    • Weekend groups: Saturday or Sunday.

    Required knowledge to take the course:

      At least basic general education

    Document upon completion of the course:

    • Certificate

    1 academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.

    If a lesson(s) falls on a holiday, the lesson will be rescheduled in accordance with the selected attendance schedule.

    • The main tasks of personnel management in an enterprise.
    • Personnel policy.
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • Labor rights and obligations of employees.
    • Employment agreement (contract).
    • Rules for the preparation and execution of main types of personnel documents.
    • Orders for personnel.
    • Structural order for the enterprise.
    • Hiring procedure.
    • Testing.
    • Use of specialized computer programs when testing.
    • Transfer to another job.
    • Termination of an employment contract.
    • The procedure for dismissing employees for various reasons.
    • Problems of reducing the number of employees, ways to solve them.
    • Evaluation of work performance.
    • Payment for labor.
    • Wages.
    • Financial and other benefits.
    • Labor discipline.
    • Working hours. Rest time. Labor standards.
    • Women's work: guarantees and benefits.
    • The procedure for maintaining work records of employees.
    • Preparation of other personnel documents and their recording.
    • New work books.
    • Resolution on new work books.
    • Reporting submitted to local authorities.
    • Formation and maintenance of personal files.
    • Preparation of documents for archival storage.
    • Labor disputes.
    • The procedure for compensation for damage caused to the organization.
    • Procedure for consideration of labor disputes in the city court.
    • Social and psychological foundations of team management.
    • Building a strong team.
    • Working with informal leaders.
    • Conflict resolution.
    • Psychology of communication with different types of people.
    • Reports to the Pension Fund.
    • Test (interview).

    The interactive schedule will allow you to find out the date, time and place of classes.

    To find out if there are free places in a group, click on the selected group.

    Please note that the interactive schedule is common to all areas of study, is updated periodically and the time, start and end dates of classes may shift.

    To clarify the relevance of the schedule, contact the center managers.

    Our addresses in Moscow:

    Service and auditorium office near VDNH metro station, Alekseevskaya

    Address: Moscow, st. Yaroslavskaya, house 8, bldg. 5

    The center is located in a historical location in a business center minutes from the metro and train stations. platforms Malenkovskaya Address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya st., building 4/6, building 3 Auditoriums near Komsomolskaya metro station, Krasnye VorotaAddress: Moscow, Krasnovorotsky proezd, 3, building 1 The classrooms are located within walking distance from the metro and Yaroslavsky, Kazansky and Leningradsky railway stations. Auditoriums near Aviamotornaya metro station, Shosse EntuziastovAddress: Moscow, 1 Entuziastov street, building 3 Travel time will be no more than 5 minutes.

    Our offices and classrooms in the Moscow region:

    Service and audience office in Korolev, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, building 4-G (near the Megapolis shopping center) The training center office is located 5 minutes from the railway. Bolshevo and Podlipki platforms and 100 meters from a public transport stop. This center is convenient for those who live in the cities of Korolev, Yubileiny, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Pushkino, Ivanteevka and Sergiev Posad and other nearby settlements. Service and audience office in Balashikha, Lenina Avenue, building 10-A (opposite the Luxor cinema) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in the cities of Balashikha, Elektrostal, Zhukovsky and Lyubertsy. Service and auditorium office in Podolsk, Lenin Avenue, building 99 (near Red Rows) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in Podolsk, Klimovsk, Butovo, Zheleznodorozhny, Domodedovo, Chekhov, Serpukhov and other nearby settlements.