Credit advertising. Advertising slogans for bank loans. Loan advertising: express loans without proof of income

The slogan of cash loans for any purpose is: Our money is your goal.

BALTIC, bank
Slogan of credit programs (2007): It is more difficult to choose a chair than to get money for it.

Bank of Moscow
Slogan for lending to small and medium-sized businesses: New life for your enterprise!
Slogan for loans up to 3 million rubles: Millions for noble causes.

Slogans of credit programs (2008):
Too many needs? Consumer loan for any purpose.
Binbank credit card - money that is always at hand!
Credit advertising slogan (2007): C affordable loan everything is available!

Slogan of credit programs in Russia (2008): Credit for a lunch break. For those who have no time.

Slogan of credit programs (2007): Let the family afford a consumer loan.

Lending advertising slogan: Impulse for new achievements

Slogan of the credit program (2007): CASH loan for any purpose.

International Moscow Bank
Slogan for loans to small and medium-sized businesses: The key to development

The slogan of loan programs for small businesses: A big loan for a small, small company...

Advertising slogan for loans to small and medium-sized businesses (2008): When you want to become Bigger.

Slogan (small business lending): Probusinessbank. It's a matter of little things!

Slogan for cash loans: Great rates for reliable people!
Auto loan slogan (2007): Start your car for love!

Slogan for loans up to 3,000,000 rubles (2009): Distributing elephants. Our money is for your purposes.

Slogan of a loan for the purchase / construction of real estate: Build your happiness!

Slogan: Living on credit won't hurt

UNION, bank
Slogan of SME lending programs (2008): Loans are right on target.

Slogan of credit programs (2008): For everything about everything. Come in and find out more.

Slogan of loans for Russia (2009): Credit is man's friend.

Slogan of the credit program (December 2005):
Anyone can become Santa Claus with a Citibank credit card.
Slogan of credit programs in Russia (2008):
Citibank loan in one day. Dedicate your day to inspiration, not anticipation.
Slogan “loan in 1 day with 2 documents”: Just think. We've already decided.

Image slogan of credit programs (2007): For continuous development!
Slogan for advertising loans to individuals (2007): Bite your lips while borrowing from a friend... Or get a Visa Instant credit card in 20 minutes.
Slogans for advertising cash loans (Russia, 2008):
The size of your shopping is in your hands!
The size of your renovation is in your hands!

Slogan of loans in Russia (2008): Loan for big changes.

Slogan for car loans “in 3 minutes” (Peru, 2010): Because some people can’t stand it. (Some people can't wait).

Maternity (family) capital - federal budget funds transferred to the Pension Fund budget Russian Federation to implement additional measures state support.

Since this measure of state support is socially significant, advertising of any services that mentions maternity capital involves Special attention. This is due to the fact that scammers have appeared in large numbers offering illegal schemes for cashing out such funds.

How to properly advertise a loan for maternity capital

In addition to the special requirements established by this article, advertising of a loan using family capital must be reliable and in good faith.

It must be taken into account that maternity capital can only be used for purposes expressly provided for Federal law RF dated December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

They are specified in Part 3 of Article 7 of the said law, and their list is strictly limited. So, family capital can be directed to:

  • improvement of housing conditions (purchase or construction of housing, repayment of mortgage);
  • child's education;
  • formation of the funded part of the pension for women who gave birth to a second or subsequent child after January 1, 2007.

From this list it follows that loans using maternity capital can be issued only to improve living conditions.

Thus, if the advertisement contains only one phrase “we issue loans for maternity capital”, then such advertising may be considered improper and misleading to consumers, since it does not contain all the conditions for the use of maternity capital.

In this case, the advertising consumer may get the wrong impression that in exchange for a certificate giving the right to use family capital, one can get a loan for any needs. And the formation of such a misconception gives rise to the initiation of a case on grounds of violation of advertising legislation.

In what cases is the loan repaid using maternity capital?

The use of maternity capital is carried out through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the law provides for cases when parents who have received a certificate for the birth of a child can use borrowed funds, and the Pension Fund repays this loan with funds from family capital. It's about on acquisition (construction) residential (!) premises carried out by citizens through any transactions that do not contradict the law and participation in obligations (including participation in housing, housing construction and housing savings cooperatives).

Thus, the Pension Fund can repay such a loan (or part of the loan) only in the following cases:

  • purchase from an organization of finished or under construction housing
  • acquisition of residential premises from an individual;
  • obtaining a loan from an organization, including a credit organization, for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

Who can advertise loans for maternity capital?

Having determined the cases in which loan repayment with maternity capital is allowed, it is easy to identify potential advertisers of such financial services.

The Law “On Additional Measures” provides a list of organizations to which the Pension Fund can transfer maternity capital funds. This:

  • credit organisation;
  • a credit consumer cooperative that has been operating for at least three years from the date of state registration;
  • another organization that provided a loan under a loan agreement secured by a mortgage.

Accordingly, only organizations that meet these requirements can advertise loans for maternity capital. However, remember that credit consumer cooperatives has the right to issue loans only to its members, which must be indicated in the advertisement.

To avoid the consumer's incomplete understanding of the terms of such a loan, use the phrase: “it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the essential conditions for the use of maternity capital funds, provided for by law RF No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”".

Please be aware of other mandatory requirements for .

Today, a consumer loan has become not only a favorite banking product among the population, but also the most profitable business for Russian financial institutions. The desire to attract as many clients as possible in the context of tougher interbank competition has led to the fact that we are offered a “profitable” loan at almost every step. Advertising boards, leaflets, all kinds of posters in retail outlets and even personal distribution of various notification SMS messages - all this, as a rule, is aimed at presenting to the common man a classic loan with a “0%” sauce. Is there a limit to banking's ability to embellish reality? What does the law say about this?

In a competitive environment...

As you may remember, the first ones did not need advertising. This is due to the fact that literally 10-15 years ago there were much more people willing to take out a loan than there were banks engaged in lending to the population. However, today the situation has changed radically, and banks, in a competitive environment, have begun to literally hunt for every client.

This has led to the fact that today we are offered a loan at almost every step, handing over brochures and booklets with all sorts of seemingly profitable loan offers. The presented conditions of these so-called “profitable” offers are so far from real that the distorted information gives the bank competitive advantage before other financial institutions.

For example, experienced marketers they manage to so veil the terms of the most ordinary loan with a standard rate that many citizens think that what they are really looking at is an interest-free loan. What else should advertisers focus on? Of course, on “free cheese”. However, as they say, there is a limit to everything, and the banking ability to wishful thinking too. This year, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) amended Article 28 of the Law “On Advertising,” which highlights the main points directly related to the advertising of loans.

Credit advertising – legal and not

The main condition of the law on credit advertising is that if it contains at least one condition that affects the cost of the loan (for example, interest rate) – the bank must specify other essential conditions that can also affect the cost of the loan. That is, if the advertisement of a loan offer indicates the interest rate at which the loan is issued, it must also indicate all additional commissions and other expenses associated with obtaining a loan.

Of course, banks are trying in every possible way to circumvent this condition, using various tricks. So, for example, when advertising the name of the credit program “Loan at 0%,” banks do not at all imply that the effective interest rate on such a loan will be zero, which, accordingly, does not oblige them to report any terms of the loan as prescribed by law about advertising loans.

The same law states that everything additional conditions must be within the visibility range of the advertising reader, but this does not prevent some bankers from directly violating it. Thus, many banks use “unreadable” text (usually written in small print, somewhere on the back of the leaflet or in its corner), which informs about the discrepancy between the advertised interest rate and the actual one. However, the FAS monitors this, and such violations regularly “pop up”, after which the violators are held accountable.

Every year, the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service) of Russia fines dozens of commercial banks for unfair advertising of loans and “ bad habit» print the most important information for borrowers in small and illegible font.

Unfortunately, soon after the sanctions are applied, the violators return to their old ways - they “attack” potential clients intrusive advertising loans, “tactfully” keeping silent about what actually awaits them after signing loan agreement. In this article we will look at how the real conditions of consumer lending may differ from the sweet promises set out in the leaflets that our mailboxes are bombarded with every day.

Deceptive loan advertisements

The most convenient and most importantly legal way to mislead a client when announcing the interest rate on a loan is to use the wording “from ...%”. If in loan advertising you are promised a rate of 13.9% per annum (for example, on a consumer loan from Sberbank of Russia) - rest assured that it will not “threaten” you. When you study the terms of lending in detail, you will find that only specific clients of the bank can count on it (those receiving salaries on an account opened with it, employees of accredited companies, etc.) and then only if the loan is issued for a very short term. For all other borrowers, the interest rate will no longer be 13.9, but 20% or more per annum.

One more effective method Successful loan advertising is considered to indicate not the annual, but the monthly interest rate on the loan. First of all, such advertising is practiced by microfinance organizations that provide small short-term loans with very high costs.

You won’t see a word in advertising about the fee for processing a loan and servicing a loan account, but the size of such a fee may well be 1-3% of the loan amount.

In addition to the inflated cost of the loan, you may be unpleasantly surprised by the time it takes to obtain a loan and the number of documents required to obtain a loan. However, many banks will readily offer you an urgent cash loan, the advertising features of which we will briefly review below.

Loan advertising: express loans without proof of income

From advertising consumer loans without certificates and guarantors, you will learn about their many advantages - high speed registration, minimum necessary documents and so on. But the really valuable information that the average interest rate on such a loan is 30-45%, its repayment period rarely exceeds 3 years, and the maximum amount is 100-150 thousand rubles, banks rarely indicate. Add to all of the above increased fees for processing and servicing a loan - and its attractiveness in your eyes will significantly decrease.