A short positive description of the employee. Characteristics from the place of work (samples and examples of compilation). Features of writing characteristics upon dismissal

A sample of characteristics from the place of work is in demand in many cases. Most often, a characteristic for an employee may be needed: when applying for a new job; during the processing of a bank loan; at the request of the court; for submission to law enforcement agencies; for guardianship authorities.

Employees from time to time require a job description for other instances, in this publication you will find a sample of its compilation and a number of writing tips.

How to write a job description

Many citizens think that a job description is already an outdated concept, but this is wrong - the document is still in demand. What is its importance? A characteristic from the place of work is a kind of assessment by management current or retired employee. In it, he must characterize his professional and personal qualities. But today, the attitude towards this document is somewhat ambiguous, since most often for a leader this is a simple formality, and the characteristic does not reveal the real individual affiliation. As a result, the content of the document may be questionable.

When compiling, generally accepted rules should be followed, although there is no clearly established form. The job description should contain the following information:

  • Information about a citizen who needs a characteristic: full name, date and place of birth, military service, marital status, education, awards, etc.;
  • Information about the work activity of the person. This item contains the following information: when the employee started work, when he quit (if he no longer works at the enterprise), what career heights he managed to achieve within the company providing the characteristic. You should also focus on the employee's professional skills, advanced training or training (if he was sent to courses), and labor achievements. In the characterization of the employee, it should be noted that the employee has all kinds of merits - gratitude, encouragement. Do not forget about disciplinary sanctions, if any, during his work;
  • The characteristic of the employee's personality is, in fact, the most significant and important section of the document. This contains information that reveals the personal qualities of a person.

If the person being characterized is an executor, it is necessary to display his initiative, readiness to carry out instructions from superiors, the desire to achieve high results, and responsibility. It is also necessary to reveal his communicative qualities: relations in the work team with employees, whether his colleagues respect him, whether he has earned a certain authority. If relations “within” the team do not add up, and the reason is the difficult nature of the employee or other personality traits, then this is also reflected in the characteristic.

If the employee occupied a managerial position, it is necessary to indicate such qualities as exactingness to subordinates and to himself personally, readiness to make difficult decisions, organizational skills, initiative, desire to achieve high performance, and so on.

At many enterprises, internal rules provide for the provision of characteristics to employees on forms with the details of the organization. If there is no such form, then the characteristics of the company should still contain the details of the company, and if the document was requested by an official request, it is necessary to indicate exactly where it is provided.

Consider an example of compiling a characteristic from the place of work (compiled on the letterhead of the organization)

Option number 1: Sample characteristics from the place of work

Characteristic (sample)

This testimonial was issued to Petrichenko Valery Anatolyevich, born on November 1, 1978, who works at the Center for the Social Protection of Children. Address: st. Kulagina 25 (details of the organization) from May 16, 2013 to the present day in the position of "Social worker".

Marital status: Married. Spouse Petrichenko Inna Petrovna, 11. 12. 1979 Children: Petrichenko Vitaly, born in 2000 and Petrichenko Anna, born in 2002.

Petrichenko V.A. graduated from the Volgograd Pedagogical University with a degree in Psychology, has a red diploma. This employee is distinguished by high professionalism, punctuality and responsibility. He has no disciplinary sanctions, he has letters of encouragement for participation in the conference “Protection of children is the responsibility of the state”. With colleagues and subordinates is in friendly relations, always shows restraint, patience and delicacy. In difficult, conflict situations with clients of the institution, he is always restrained, correct, has the ability to smooth out the problem and translate it into the mainstream of a peaceful constructive solution. Has no bad habits. Life guidelines are correct, he strives to help children from dysfunctional families, taking into account their needs and desires. With pleasure takes part in the social life of the team, attends trainings for personal growth and advanced training courses.

This characteristic was issued for submission to the Social Protection Bodies of dysfunctional families.

Head of the Department of the Center for Social Protection of Children Bergs Natalya Mikhailovna.

Option number 2: An example of a characteristic for an employee

Characteristic (sample)

Issued to Nadezhda Petrovna Abakumkina, born on April 10, 1977, position - economist.

Abakumkina N.P. has been working at Finance and Credit Bank since April 16, 2010. During her work, she was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which she successfully completed under the programs: “Accounting statements 2016”, “Analysis of the financial condition of the company”, “Financial forecast in the current economic conditions”.

Abakumkina N.P. has excellent business negotiation skills, possesses comprehensive knowledge in his specialty, attends seminars and trainings, always has the latest innovations and information in the field of economics.

Head of the economic department of the Bank "Finance and Credit" Romanenko Vasily Petrovich. indicate the presence of a spouse (s) and children) .

This worker during his work distinguished himself by professionalism and high productivity. No disciplinary action was taken.

He was on friendly terms with subordinates and colleagues, sociable. At work, he is accurate, punctual, stress-resistant. He enthusiastically took part in the social life of the team. Has no bad habits.

This characteristic is issued for submission to ___________________.

Position Full name Surname Signature

In order for the characteristic to have legal force, it must contain the date of issue and the signature of the person issuing the document - the head of the company or an employee of the personnel department.

It is worth repeating that there is no strictly established form of reference from the place of work in the Labor Code, there are only advisory generally accepted rules for compiling a “recommendation letter”.

How to write a description of an employee is a question that interests every employer. The characteristic is a business document that describes the professional qualities of an employee and a summary of the essence of his professional duties. In the modern business world, characteristics have somewhat outlived their usefulness. First of all, because of its template. In their place, more and more letters of recommendation come.

The need for paperwork

Despite this, the essence of the characteristic and its purpose should be understood by every person of working age.

You should find out in what cases it is needed:

  • when changing positions or moving to another enterprise;
  • in the conditions of certification of workers;
  • when issuing a large loan;
  • in case of adoption;
  • in litigation;
  • when entering educational institutions.

The structure of the characteristics from the place of work

It is written in a free form, but in compliance with the structural parts.

Questionnaire. Here the personal data of the employee, the availability of education, academic degrees are indicated, educational institutions are listed.

The work activity of the employee. It indicates when and by whom the person worked, from what time and by whom he has been working in the current organization. It should be indicated whether the employee was transferred to other departments. This column indicates the labor "exploits" of the employee, what he did significant for the organization. You can characterize the personal qualities shown at work. In the case when an employee took courses, attended seminars, received additional professional education, this must be indicated in the document.

Information about the human qualities of the employee. This column indicates the professional qualities, knowledge, skills acquired by the employee during his stay in the labor institution. You can focus on the diligence of a person, his desire for personal and professional development.

Separately, you need to write about the communicative qualities of a person, his relationship with members of the team. Does the employee have authority among colleagues, how aggressive can he be, how does he resolve work conflicts. Attention should be focused on psychological qualities, the general level of culture and education. The same section includes possible awards, thanks and encouragement to the employee.

Conclusion. In this column, the purpose and place of the requirement for the characteristic should be indicated. The document is signed by the head. The person who draws up the characteristic is responsible for the information contained in it. The authority to draw up the document belongs either to the inspector of the personnel department or to the head of the enterprise. One copy of the characteristic is taken by the employee, the other by the organization.

There are two types of characteristics: internal and external. Therefore, there are several ways to write a characteristic from the place of work.

An internal characteristic is compiled for use in the organization itself. It may be required in several cases:

  • for the implementation of collections;
  • for reward or gratitude;
  • in the event of a promotion.

External is compiled for sending to other structures and organizations. Before drawing up such a document, the employee is required to take permission, fixed on paper.



to the psychologist of the Emergency Hospital

Sokolova Anna Nikolaevna

Sokolova Anna, born in 1984. In 2006 she graduated with honors from the State Medical Institute. She joined the organization in April 2008.

During the period of work, she carried out psychodiagnostic, psychocorrectional, psychoeducational work with colleagues and patients. In her work, she used modern technologies of mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis, carried out advisory work to assess the psychological state of patients, and carried out the necessary rehabilitation procedures.

Sokolov A.N. executive and conscientious worker. She complies with the norms of behavior adopted in the work team. Colleagues are friendly and polite. Behave in a friendly and courteous manner. In the event of a conflict, he behaves diplomatically, prefers to search for solutions that satisfy the interests of all parties. In the process of communicating with colleagues and patients, he shows attentiveness and tact. She is distinguished by diligence and high efficiency. In difficult times for the organization, Sokolova A.N. supports the work in every possible way, sometimes staying overtime. The main qualities that distinguish an employee: conscientious attitude to their work, the desire for self-improvement, increasing professional skills. Regularly attends various courses, seminars, trainings. There are no disciplinary actions.

Head physician N.Ya. Weinstein




on Pyotr Ivanovich Korotkov

bearing factory worker

the city of Tver

Petr Ivanovich has been a foreman for about 1.5 years. He joined the company in 2012. At the workplace, he behaves irresponsibly, negligently treats the performance of duties.

The work is done poorly, half-heartedly. In the work without initiative, requires guardianship and control. Korotkov P.I. he is slow, he remembers the instructions given to him badly.

Relations in the work team are conflicting, may show aggression. Warm, friendly relations are not maintained. Keeps aloof. Does not participate in corporate events.

Has disciplinary sanctions for absenteeism.

Today, when applying for a job, you have to participate in a competition. The struggle for a prestigious place is an indicator of the quality of the chosen position.

Places with huge turnover, where they accept no questions asked, should in themselves arouse suspicion. Why is half of the workforce leaving at once?

What can serve as a weighty argument in favor of your candidacy? Education, work experience and personal sympathy are the three pillars on which the success of the event rests.

To withstand competition, sometimes these qualities are not enough. Many employers look at an employee from a different angle: education today does not guarantee skills and knowledge.

Corruption has reached this area as well. Experience is different for every company.

It remains to cause personal sympathy. But a professional employee who makes a decision on the appointment of personnel will not be guided by personal sympathy.

Many bosses are of the opinion: "Let him be a maniac, as long as he knows how to sell our goods."

There remains one small but significant document: a letter with a description from a previous job.

A small document, which is not required everywhere today, will become a weighty argument in favor of your candidacy.

An employee cannot forge a document, because it is enough to dial a number and call the previous place of work.

A couple of minutes of personal conversation with the boss will help determine whether the document is genuine. Fake - instant rejection.

It would be great to have a single registration system for all organizations and able-bodied people, similar to a social network, where each employee would have a characteristic in accordance with their abilities.

But the bosses would not be in a hurry to write about the slightest miscalculation, since employees could write a response, which would affect the number of people who want to work in the organization.

An honest and open reference site for workers and managers.

For now, we can confine ourselves to writing. Remember one golden rule: when you leave your job, ask your boss to write a testimonial for you.

Just don’t do this if you have had conflicts, because you don’t need negative feedback about your ability to work and sociability.

Sample document:

This characteristic is suitable for any organization, it contains complete data about the employee.

You can notice the repetition of the phrase: "Does not smoke, and does not drink." It's too much. Service information is also optional.

A few words about the compilation of characteristics - criteria:

  • The document does not have a single form, it is compiled on the basis of the data that the employer wishes to voice.
  • It is important to indicate in the document what is not reflected in official documents. These are the personal qualities of the employee, his labor exploits.
  • You can enter information about merit, the ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • Do not overpraise, "brilliant performance" seems dubious.
  • There is no need to add negative traits to the characterization, since each person has his own shortcomings, and the goal is to show the strengths of the employee, to help the person.
  • If, for the sake of honesty, you want to mention the negative aspects, do it in a benevolent form: call a bore a pedant, a bully - an energetic and enterprising person.
  • Specify the basic data: name, length of service at your enterprise, date. Printing is an obligatory moment, without it your document is Filkin's letter.

Here is another example of a specification:

How to write for an internship student

Interns are another niche. Youths taking the first steps towards the cause of their lives.

For them, the first characteristic is an important sheet that will open the door to the future for them or make them doubt the correctness of the choice.

Important! Dear employers, if there are many complaints about the quality of work and the behavior of the trainee, tell him this personally.

Students come to internships precisely to hear criticism.

Do not be afraid to express all claims, but in a mild form, so that overly sensitive individuals do not change their minds about going in the chosen direction.

Observe how a person relates to criticism, how he follows instructions, corrects mistakes. Try to make the characteristic rainbow, do not forget to describe all the advantages.

Write down the little things, this information will come in handy when writing characteristics.

Get a notebook where each employee will have their own sheet. Write there everything that you notice about a person. This way you will create the most accurate document.

An example of a job description for a trainee:

Examples of Good Characteristics

Let's try to write a good description for the employee.

Step-by-step instructions for managers:

  1. Organization name, full details.
  2. Document name: characteristic.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Start with how long the employee has worked.
  5. Describe how you did your job.
  6. Note that there were no complaints.
  7. Describe how you interacted with others.
  8. Add a personal opinion about the character: after all, the document was created in order to describe the character of a person, on which other qualities depend.
  9. Write about achievements.
  10. Complete the document with a signature and seal.

Which laudatory words to use to more accurately express your approval of the employee's activities:

  • Skillful hands.
  • Without bad habbits.
  • Conscientious.
  • Honest.
  • Communicative.
  • Failsafe.
  • Enterprising.
  • With a creative streak.
  • Stress resistant.
  • Hardy.
  • With a great sense of humor, good-natured.
  • Polite.
  • Hardworking.

Good feature sample:

This characteristic will help the employee in the future, when applying for a job, will be a great help in the resume.

This is also proof that the boss approves and appreciates his qualities, which is important to a person, pleasant on a personal level. We all need approval.

Even behind the wall of professional relationships, everyone is first of all a person, and then a salesman, lawyer or manager.

Useful video

The characteristic from the place of work is no longer as popular as before, but does not completely lose its position. Many employers do not require it for employment, they prefer a resume. It is believed that the text in the description is too dry, unsuitable for understanding a person.

The characteristic does not differ in emotionality, this is only a brief assessment of the professional and business aspects of a person's personality.

What is a job description

Such a document is a brief description of the work, professional and personal components of the employee. An employee can be either active or retired. A characteristic may be necessary in different situations: to a bank for a mortgage, to many instances, to the judiciary. Certain types of characteristics may be required when traveling or transferring workers to other places.

How to write a job description for an employee

As a rule, it is either the director of the organization himself or a personnel specialist. Depending on the purpose of writing the characteristics, there are two types of composition:

Internal write (most often) for:

  • Transfer to other vacancies;
  • To encourage, punish a person;
  • At the time of receiving a rank, rank in order to determine whether he can perform official duties;
  • Help in defining new labor requirements;
  • Before going on a long, important business trip, etc.;

Such data per employee, intended for use within the organization, is collected according to a common model. At the same time, a bias is made towards labor detail. Based on the purpose of writing, you can evaluate the creative abilities of the employee, write what he aspires to, what he expects from a new day, from a new position, provide information on how best to apply such qualities, etc.

Often, characteristics for a particular organization become an element of a portfolio. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the data of the executive person at whose request the characteristic was made.

The external characteristics of the employee will be written only when the employee leaves a request. Without such a characteristic, they may not be enrolled in an educational institution, they may not get a mortgage or a loan. The most unpleasant reason when such a characteristic may be needed is the suspicion or accusation of an employee of administrative / criminal offenses. In such matters, the financial situation of the employee, his personal qualities, how he manifests himself at work with superiors and colleagues, whether he is a good person or not, may be important. Marital status, relationships with clients/customers may be important. What information needs to be taken into account and displayed can be obtained from the employee himself or from the one who requested this characteristic.

Sample characteristics for a good employee

There is no legally approved form for writing a job description, but there is a generally accepted pattern. It consists of three parts.

First part (personal information): full name;

  • Date of Birth;
  • Organization data, full details (not necessary when using letterhead);
  • The employee's length of service in the organization.

The second part (we describe the experience of the employee in more detail):

  • steps up the career ladder. (all transfers, downgrades, upgrades are important);
  • we write all encouragement, reprimands, letters of commendation;
  • specify for what specific measures were applied;
  • indicate what kind of training the employee underwent during work (training courses, seminars, etc.).

Third part (Personal characteristics):

  • what professional positive qualities does he have;
  • what types of work he has encountered, how he copes in stressful situations, how quickly he achieves work goals;
  • how to find a common language with clients;
  • How does he find a common language with colleagues; - ability to work, etc.

An example of filling in a positive characteristic


(name of the company, firm or organization)

(company address: zip code, city, street)

(company details)

(date of)


to _____________________ for submission to ____________

(FULL NAME. employee), works in ( organization) (your position) from ( date of employment).

IN (date of) year received an education in the specialty ( your level of education), which certifies with a state diploma issued ( name of the educational institution) .

Served in the military with number » month year and by " number » month year in service unit No. ___. Upon graduation, he was enrolled in the reserve with the military rank of " rank ».

seed position: single /married /divorced , children No /It has age floor .

to work in ( organization) got a job in " number » month year . Employee ( FULL NAME.) performed well even in stressful situations while maintaining an optimistic attitude. Never ( FULL NAME.) was not seen in a stressful state, did not violate labor discipline. The team treated him very well, ( FULL NAME.) always come to the rescue and support colleagues even in the most difficult situation. Does not use alcohol or drugs. Avoids conflict. A very sociable and open person with high ambitions, able to make independent informed decisions.

Characteristics issued to provide _________.

Director ( signature) / (full name)

You can end here, but no one forbids you to add something from yourself to the characteristic.

Video on writing a characteristic

Updated 09/16/2019


Characteristics from the place of work, a sample is presented in the article. How to write a good job description for an employee. Is an employer required to give a reference to an employee? Characterization to the police or court. What to do if the employee does not agree with the characteristic?

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Employees often turn to the HR department for letters of recommendation. They may be needed for the court, for creditors, when applying for a new position. In the article, we will consider a sample testimonial for an employee from the place of work and give some tips on how to write it correctly.

Positive characteristic from the place of work: is the employer obliged to issue it

A characteristic is a document in which the employer assesses the personal and professional qualities of an employee. Some may consider that such paper is a relic of the past, but if the personnel department or the organization's management received a written request for its provision, the employee cannot be refused. Subject to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the finished characteristic from the place of work is given within three working days from the date of application. This rule applies not only to those subordinates who are currently in the company, but also to those with whom the employment relationship has already been terminated (see, for example, the Ruling of the Moscow City Court dated September 8, 2011 in case No. 33-28750).

Here is just a small list of situations when she may be asked:

  • when applying for a new position;
  • when applying for a loan; when applying to the guardianship authorities;
  • for submission to an educational institution;
  • when awarding a prize, a state award;
  • for the court.

In some cases, a personnel specialist may ask to prepare a document for an employee of his immediate supervisor, after giving him a sample of how to write a description of an employee. This is acceptable and even correct, especially if a new person works in the personnel department who is not familiar with all the employees, or the team is so large that it is difficult for the personnel officer to assess the qualities of a particular person.

Note that the employer is not obliged to coordinate the text of the characteristic with the employee who needs it. But if he does not agree with the content, he can challenge the document in a civil law manner.

How to write a job description

When compiling, generally accepted rules should be followed, although there is no clearly established form. The job description should contain the following information:

  • Information about a citizen who needs a characteristic: full name, date and place of birth, military service, marital status, education, awards, etc.;
  • Information about the work activity of the person. This item contains the following information: when the employee started work, when he quit (if he no longer works at the enterprise), what career heights he managed to achieve within the company providing the characteristic. You should also focus on the employee's professional skills, advanced training or training (if he was sent to courses), and labor achievements. In the characterization of the employee, it should be noted that the employee has all kinds of merits - gratitude, encouragement. Do not forget about disciplinary sanctions, if any, during his work;
  • The characteristic of the employee's personality is, in fact, the most significant and important section of the document. This contains information that reveals the personal qualities of a person.

If the person being characterized is an executor, it is necessary to display his initiative, readiness to carry out instructions from superiors, the desire to achieve high results, and responsibility. It is also necessary to reveal his communicative qualities: relations in the work team with employees, whether his colleagues respect him, whether he has earned a certain authority. If relations “within” the team do not add up, and the reason is the difficult nature of the employee or other personality traits, then this is also reflected in the characteristic.

Often, various government agencies and non-governmental organizations require a reference from the place of work. For example, when applying for a new job or a part-time job, to a court in civil, labor, criminal cases, within the framework of administrative proceedings or considering a protocol on an administrative offense.

Strictly speaking, compiling a job description is the task of the personnel department. But most often such a document is drawn up by the employee himself, and is signed by the immediate supervisor and the main employer (chief manager). We will tell you how to draw up such a document on your own, what to indicate in its content, and also place an example of a characteristic from the place of work for the possibility of using it as a sample.

If the employee occupied a managerial position, it is necessary to indicate such qualities as exactingness to subordinates and to himself personally, readiness to make difficult decisions, organizational skills, initiative, desire to achieve high performance, and so on.

At many enterprises, internal rules provide for the provision of characteristics to employees on forms with the details of the organization. If there is no such form, then the characteristics of the company should still contain the details of the company, and if the document was requested by an official request, it is necessary to indicate exactly where it is provided.

Sample characteristics from the place of work to the worker: what to write about

The main requirement for a document, of course, is objectivity. At the same time, the content may vary depending on who it is being prepared for. If the employee intends to go to the guardianship authorities for the purpose of adoption, it is better to focus in the description on his personal qualities, for example, mention goodwill, caring, good manners. If the worker is planned to be promoted up the career ladder or he needs to find a job in a new place, epithets such as “executive”, “initiative”, “responsible” will come in handy here. The court needs details about how honest a person is, how he relates to his duties, what kind of relationship he has with colleagues.

HR professionals also need to know that if a testimonial is being prepared in connection with an employee award at the state level, they should follow the recommendations from P=77528; T=Letters of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2012 No. AK-3560. In particular, it says that the information should help evaluate the contribution of the recipient, while it is important to mention the qualifications, personal qualities, merits of the employee, and the assessment of the effectiveness of his activities. It is expressly forbidden to list labor functions, track record or describe the life path of a specialist.

The structure of writing a characteristic:

1. The title indicates the full details of the organization, the date of writing the characteristics, in the center is the name of the document CHARACTERISTICS.

2. In the first paragraph of the document, personal information about the employee is indicated: (full name), date of birth, education received by him (which educational institutions, where and when he graduated).

3. The next section describes the work activity of the employee in this organization, from where the document is provided: the date of employment of the employee in the organization, brief information about his career growth, indicating the positions held by the employee in this organization and the duties performed by him. You can list the most significant results that he has achieved.

4. The characteristic should contain an assessment of the various qualities of the employee - personal, business and psychological; the level of his performance and professional competence, as well as information on incentives, awards or penalties. For example:

Download samples of characteristics from the place of work for free:

Which authorities and institutions may need

Characteristics from the place of work can be provided in next instances:

  1. In an organization where an individual plans to find a job.
  2. To law enforcement agencies if the employee has committed an offense that falls under the Criminal Code.
  3. To the court, when the representatives of the court need to prove that the participant in the process has positive qualities and he can be given a chance for correction.
  4. To the consulate when an individual needs to open a visa.
  5. To the military office.
  6. To a financial institution if an individual plans to get a large loan.
  7. In the narcological dispensary.

To court from the last place of work

There are various situations where people need to participate in litigation. In these cases, it is required to provide a characteristic from the last place of work. Much determines the type of process - criminal or civil. Each has its own nuances of describing an employee with an emphasis on certain qualities. Civil litigation will consider job performance, prospective career advancement, job stability. When adopting, it is advisable for the plaintiff or defendant to provide a document that describes the positive qualities and financial security.

The structure of the characteristics to the court is represented by the following sections:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • Full name, position, date of birth;
  • herd of work from the last place of work;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • education, courses, skills;
  • company details and name;
  • description of the type of activity in which the employee is engaged;
  • Military service; achievements, promotions, awards.

The characteristic is certified by the head or head of the personnel department. Important formulations are solvency and salary level, level of professionalism, business potential, relationships with colleagues and responsibility.

Characterization to the police or court

When compiling a positive reference to the court or law enforcement agencies, the official must note all outstanding merit of an employee. You should also focus on his personal qualities, respect for the work team, etc.