Contextual advertising in Google search. Contextual advertising Yandex-Direct and Google-Adwords. Where is the best place to advertise? So, let's move on to creating ads.

Dmitry Dementiy

Attracting natural, targeted traffic is difficult. And attracting targeted traffic for competitive commercial queries is becoming an overwhelming task for many small and medium-sized businesses. Try to cope with the internet heavyweights who publish comprehensive guides and consumer reviews every day if you have five people in your auto repair shop. And here’s the problem: the employees do an excellent job of repairing steering columns and adjusting the suspension, but they don’t have time to write articles about it.

There are several ways out of this situation. One of them is attracting targeted traffic using contextual advertising. In this guide, you'll learn how to use Google AdWords, the advertising service of the world's largest search engine.

How to create a Google AdWords account and set up your first campaign

You can create several types of ads using the Ads for Gmail format. With their help, you can show ads to users of the Google mail service.

How to create an app advertisement

On the Display Network, apps can be advertised using two ad formats: text and image.

To create a text ad, select the appropriate format. Use the drop-down menu to select your app store ( App Store or Google Play). Add the package name. To do this, you need to insert the application id into the search form. It can be found in the program URL on the Google Play website.

Select the desired package from the list offered by the system.

Add a title and description. Add an image if necessary. Select the type of devices whose users should see your ads. Specify a tracking template. Rate appearance announcements and save changes.

To create image ad application, select the appropriate format, specify the store and use the program id to find the name of the package. Add an image or GIF animation in a suitable format. File requirements are available via the link in the ad editor. Add a tracking template, exclude impressions on tablets if necessary.

Using the application id, find and select the desired program.

Add multiple ad options. They should not be related to each other in meaning. These variations may appear simultaneously or separately depending on the ad format.

If you have an app video ad, upload it. Also add custom images if necessary. If you don't add images or videos, the system will automatically generate an ad using the content on the app's Google Play page. Evaluate the appearance of advertising on different networks. Make changes if necessary and continue setting up your campaign.

How to work with video advertising and shopping ads

To work with video advertising, use the “Video” campaign type. It allows you to display promotional videos on YouTube and other resources. Within the “Video” campaign type, the “Shopping” subtype is available. The tool is designed to display products along with videos.

To create a video ad, launch and set up the appropriate campaign type. Upload a video file to the system or search for the desired role on YouTube. Select an ad format.

  • Use TrueView In-Stream to show ads at the beginning, middle, or end of your video. You need to pay if the viewer watches the advertisement for more than 30 seconds.
  • The Video Discovery format is suitable for attracting the attention of users who are searching for videos on YouTube or browsing the related videos section. The advertiser pays for clicks to the video.
  • Use short bumper ads to introduce your product or brand to your audience. You need to pay for 1000 impressions.

Provide a display and destination URL. Upload a custom companion banner if necessary. The ad will be shown to the audience after verification by Google specialists.

The “Shopping” campaign type is designed to advertise products using shopping ads. The tool is suitable for online stores. To create shopping ads, link your AdWords Merchant Center account. After that, launch and set up a shopping campaign.

Do not try at all costs to use all available ad types at once. For beginners, you can solve the main problems of contextual advertising using text and adaptive ads, as well as using universal application advertising. Online retailers should pay attention to product listings. If you have the ability to create high-quality videos, use video advertising.

How to Use Google AdWords Remarketing

With remarketing, you can show ads to users who have already visited your site. The effectiveness of this function can be explained simply: people are more willing to trust sellers they know. In addition, remarketing allows you to show users ads that match their interests.

For example, you can tell potential customers about new smartphones who have visited the “Smartphones” category pages of your online store at least once. And users who read a review of a new tablet model can be shown tablet advertisements.

You can manage remarketing lists in the “Audience Manager – Audience Lists” section. In the “Create a remarketing list” menu, you can select a source and set the conditions for adding users to the list.

Setting up a remarketing list

To set up remarketing, select the Display Network campaign type. For goals, select “Incentivize actions – Online purchases.”

In the campaign settings, in the “Users” section, select the “Remarketing” option.

Select your remarketing audience and continue setting up your campaign.

What to do in connection with the entry into force of the GDPR

In this regard, Google announced that it has brought the AdWords service into compliance with the requirements of GDRP. Specifically, AdWords will include a tool to serve non-personalized ads to users who have not consented to being served personalized ads. A similar tool already exists in Google AdSense.

In a post about bringing AdWords into compliance with GDRP requirements, Google says that advertisers must independently obtain user consent for the collection and use of personal information. This is relevant if the advertiser uses advertising personalization tools, for example, remarketing.

Google has not offered AdWords users any tools or mechanisms to obtain consent from advertisers. Therefore, advertisers still have more questions than answers. AdWords user communities have the following recommendations for those who use remarketing and other ad personalization tools:

  • Place a link on the site to Google's privacy and information processing policies.
  • Warn users about the use of remarketing and obtain consent.
  • Upon request, delete personal information.

Google AdWords currently only requires you to provide contact information for those responsible for GDPR compliance in your account. These contacts are used to inform advertisers about the availability of new tools. Fill contact information You can go to the account menu “Tools – Settings – Data protection contacts”.

What you need to know about landing pages

Landing pages improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns because they drive conversions. However, you will not be able to land every user who follows a link in a contextual ad on a landing page specially created for the advertising campaign. This needs to be explained with an example.

What conclusion can be drawn from these examples? You can use landing pages created specifically for a specific campaign. However, you will also have to use regular sections of the site as landing pages. Therefore, pay attention to the usability of the resource as a whole.


You can use AMP as a landing page in Google AdWords

In the fall of 2017, after beta testing, Google AdWords opened up the opportunity for everyone to use accelerated mobile pages as landing pages. The essence of the innovation: the advertiser can specify a link to AMP as a landing page.

Google caches accelerated pages whenever possible and serves cached versions to visitors. Thanks to this, AMP loads orders of magnitude faster than regular pages. To clearly demonstrate the benefits of accelerated pages, Google published an animation. On the left, AMP is used as a landing page, and on the right, a regular page.

Also at the end there will be separate articles and cases related to Google advertising. It will be professional education and detailed setup of advertising campaigns. As well as ad optimization, cost calculation and much more useful things.

Contextual advertising Google Adwords

Let's talk about how Google Adwords contextual advertising works. I will say that this system allows you to completely control your advertising budget. Only you decide how much to spend on.

Costs are influenced by 3 factors:

  1. Daily budget
  2. Cost per click (CPC)
  3. Ad quality

Daily budget- this is the amount you are willing to spend daily on displaying advertising in Google Adwords. Ads will continue to run until the budget amount you set is exhausted.

To ensure that your ads are shown as often as possible, you can select a recommended budget, which is listed in the Settings tab in your Adwords account.

Cost per clicks(CPC) is the amount you are willing to pay for each time a potential customer clicks on your ad. You can set the same CPC for all keywords, or increase bids for the more effective ones.

For example, you can increase your bid for your best-performing keyword to ensure that ads for that keyword appear in a higher position. Traffic Estimator (one of the Adwords account tools) will help you determine optimal size rates.

Another factor that determines the position of an ad on a page is ad quality.

Why do people use search engines? And to quickly and easily find the information they need. Therefore, it is very important that your ads, keywords and landing page match the user's request as closely as possible.

To evaluate the quality of ads, the system uses a quality score.

It is presented in your account. To improve the quality of your ads, you need to change their text and keywords so that they are as relevant as possible to user queries.

The system places special emphasis quality of ads. Therefore, highly targeted, relevant Adwords ads appear in higher positions at a lower cost per click. So, the more precisely you target your ads, the more effective they will be.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your budget, bids, and ad quality will help improve your ROI on your ad spend.

Google advertising and its types

In general, like Yandex Direct, Google Adwords is divided into 2 main parts:

  1. Search advertising— ads in search results (analogous to Yandex Direct)
  2. Display Network(KMS) is an analogue of the Yandex advertising network (YAN). But the capabilities of the CMS are many times greater than those of the YAN.

Search advertising Google Adwords

When you type a request in search engine, then on the Google home page you can see ads above and below the organic results. This is paid search advertising from Google Adwords.

Moreover, it can be broadcast not only in Google search. If, for example, you open the little-known search engine Aol and enter a query, you can also see advertisements from Adwords. That is, such ads can be broadcast on partner sites.

If a free widget is installed on the site to search for relevant pages specifically on this site, then advertising will also be shown to you in the search results.

Probably many people are asking questions like how to advertise on Google for free. I will say that there is a solution! However, his path can be long and not always bring results.

Google organic results

The solution lies through organic search results. This is also a kind of advertising on the Internet. But getting to the top positions is not always easy.

Therefore, for such cases, our website has a separate section on. There you will find many useful manuals that will help you promote and optimize your sites.

Product listings

You enter the name of a product in a search. For example, phone model. Further below, under the search bar, product advertisements for the product you need will be displayed. Here you can see the image of the product, its name, cost and the company that sells this product.

Google Product Advertising in Search

Such advertisements indicate the name of the product, its photo, cost and other important information. That is, before going to the site itself, the user already receives information about the product. Therefore, all he has to do is place an order.

Contextual Media Network (KMN)

The second part of Adwords is the contextual display network or display network. First of all, these are text banner ads on partner sites. In this case, your ads will not appear in search results. They are broadcast only on the pages of partner sites.

Google Display Network

Of course, not all sites will be relevant. Therefore, it is not worth showing your advertising on all platforms. We will also talk about this in this section.

The Google Display Network, like the Yandex advertising network, has a huge number of sites connected. These projects place Google Adsence advertising blocks on their pages. Thus, site owners have a source of income from the project.

In-Stream— the video clip appears at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the main video. It can be skipped after 5 seconds.

Advertising on YouTube in the form of In-Stream and In-Display

Google in-app advertising

It is worth noting that every year Google in-app advertising is becoming more and more popular. Indeed, recently the volume of mobile traffic has increased very noticeably.

Google in-app advertising

More and more people access the Internet from smartphones and tablets. Therefore, Google cannot miss this opportunity. For such people, he also advertises on mobile apps.

Advertising an application on Google Play

Elements of advertising in Google Adwords

Now we will go through the main elements of advertising in Google Adwords. I will list them below:

  • Heading
  • Text
  • Display URL
  • Additional links
  • Telephone
  • Address
  • Application link

Essential elements

Top comes first title. If the ad is displayed not on the side, but above or below the search results, then either the site domain or the beginning of the ad text can be added to the title.


Then there is one more mandatory element - this Announcement text.


The third required element is display URL. This is the URL that shows the user what page you are taking them to. There are 2 conditions here. Firstly, there should be no spaces in the link. Secondly, it must contain the website domain.

Display URL

Additional items

Additional links
Clarifications in Google Adwords

Next comes telephone. On mobile devices ah it displays a little differently. Unlike computers and tablets, there is also a “Call” button. When you click on the button, money is also debited.

Phone number in ad

The phone display format is regulated by Google. If you are within the country, the long-distance number is displayed. If you search in another country, the number is displayed in international format.

Taken from the Google My Business service.

Displaying an address in Google contextual advertising

Another interesting point.

Mobile ads may display more than one address. The Google My Business service has functionality not only for adding a company, but even its entire branches.

If someone searches for your company on a mobile device, they will be shown one branch address. Or multiple addresses may be displayed if they are equally distant from the user. When you click on the address extension, the person is taken to the map.

Let's move on to expansion reviews. What are they and where do they come from?

Reviews in contextual advertising Google Adwords

If there is a review from some trusted resource, then you can provide a link to it and briefly quote the response itself in Google advertising.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to post your own review on your website and provide a link to it. According to the system, your response will not be on a completely trusted resource. By trust project we mean sites like BBC, Natinal Geografic and so on.

Let's move on to expansion mobile applications. It is only displayed on mobile devices. It may look completely different.

Mobile app

By clicking, you go to either Google Play or the App Store and download the application itself there.

The next extension is . It appears when your Google+ page reaches more than 100 subscribers. Only then will this extension be displayed in .

Google+ in ad

The latest extension is structured descriptions. It implies some kind of enumeration. That is, what brands do you work with, what types of services do you provide, what cities do you work in, and so on.

Structured descriptions in Google search advertising

Types of Google Adwords Accounts

Now let's talk about the types of Google Adwords accounts. The first type is regular Edwards account. Suitable if you have your own business and that’s the only thing you’re going to advertise.

For example, you deal with windows and therefore want to advertise them. Then you can create a regular Adwords account. This will be quite enough.

If you have several directions or you advertising agency, then I recommend starting customer center. It is also called My Client Center, MCC or Agent Account.

What does a client account look like?

When you open MCC, all you can do there is create a regular account. The main function of MCC is to manage several regular Google Adwords accounts.

My Client Center

In addition, My Client Center at a lower level can be linked to MCC. That is, you have employees and each of them runs their own advertising campaign.

Each employee has a nested client center (marked in green in the figure). You can easily transfer new accounts to him for management or take them away.

At any time, you can go to its client center and see how your employee conducts his advertising campaigns.

Pros of My Client Center

What are the benefits of My Client Center? To begin with, in MCC you can view separate statistics for each account. This is especially convenient when there are a lot of accounts. After all, large flows of information are better processed in one place.

With MCC you can very easily control budgets and payment options for advertising in Google Adwords. It is also very convenient to manage access to your advertising accounts. Especially if you are an agency.

You can switch from a regular account type to the Client Center at any time. You just need to create a new client center and link your existing Adwords account to it.

Google Adwords account structure

Now let's talk about the structure of a Google Adwords account. That is, what campaigns will be in the account. For now, let's talk about the search campaign.

When would you need to create multiple campaigns?

It will work if, for example, you have several services or areas of activity. Let's say you produce furniture. Then you will have one campaign for kitchens, another for wardrobes, a third for children's furniture, and so on.

Or if you have an online store, then there will be separate campaigns for different types product or brand.

If you advertise throughout Europe, then there are English-speaking countries. There are also countries where they want to see advertisements in German or French. Therefore, you also need to create different advertising campaigns for different regions.

If the site is well structured, then most likely its structure will be the same as the structure of your advertising campaign. Below is an example of an account structure for furniture production.

Google Adwords account structure for furniture production

As you can see, we have an account. In it we created different search campaigns for office furniture, kitchens, wardrobes and so on.

Structure for outsource development

Contextual advertising Google and Yandex - which is better

And answering the question of what is better to use, I will say that for maximum impact it is better to use two tools at once.

This way you can reach the greatest reach of your potential clients and customers. For example, for those regions that most often use Yandex, you can use its advertising formats. And for the CIS countries you can install Google.

Or let's say, if in one system high competition and expensive clicks, then you can try advertising in another system using the same keys, but with low cost and competition.

In this section, all articles will be about Google. But the site also has a separate section about. There are many good posts and manuals on this topic. They will be useful to you in mastering this system. Be sure to explore at your leisure!

Pros and cons of advertising in Google and Yandex

Let's touch on some of the pros and cons of advertising in Google and Yandex. Google has ads on the most popular video hosting site, YouTube. There are also many other services for posting ads. The coverage here will be very large.

Although it has many services with a large coverage, Yandex should not be missed either. In Russia, most of the population use it. In fact, Yandex is initially considered to be a Russian local search engine.

Mobile segment

At the same time, I would like to note that the psychology of mobile users is radically different from those who use desktop computers. As a rule, people are more willing to buy goods or order services from mobile devices.

Difficulty setting up

The only thing is that for beginners, setting up Google Advords contextual advertising may seem quite complicated at first. As a rule, this is expressed by the presence of a not entirely user-friendly interface with very extensive functionality.

In Yandex Direct everything is much simpler and clearer. Therefore, for beginners at the initial stage it may seem easier and friendlier to learn.

However, this does not mean that Google cannot be mastered!

If you work with it long enough, this system also becomes more understandable. In general, there are no problems with development here.

I also want to note that Google’s technology is noticeably ahead of Yandex. It has a lot more features. Therefore, what can be implemented in Google cannot always be done in Yandex.

For example, you can target an audience based on specific interests. You can even target one specific site. For example, to a women's forum where mothers who are suitable for our product sit.

But the fact is that Google’s capabilities and technologies are quite extensive than Yandex’s. The latter, as a rule, learns and follows in the footsteps of the former.

Website moderation

There are also differences in the moderation of partner sites in KMS and YAN. In the Yandex advertising network it is stricter. For example, resources with traffic of at least 500 people per day are allowed. Also, not all topics may be eligible for display.

It's much easier here on Google. Sites can also be accepted with zero traffic. Therefore, in YAN there are few quality platforms for display than in KMS.

Therefore, in CMS you need to monitor the settings very carefully. You need to weed out unnecessary sites and monitor the price. Otherwise, you can quickly drain your budget into emptiness. In YAN, you also need to monitor the campaign settings. But it's a little safer here.

Web analytics

From the point of view of web analytics, the most powerful tool will be Google Analytics, not Yandex Metrica. But despite this, I also recommend using these two analytics systems at once.

For example, Yandex has a web viewer. You can literally watch how a person used your site. Even foreign companies specifically install Metrics for additional assessment of behavioral factors.

In YAN you can use targeted queries. You can also do catch-up advertising. For example, if a person previously looked for something in a search, then it will then be periodically shown to him in the Yandex advertising network.

The logic of the work of the CMS is slightly different from the YAN.

On the Display Network, we target a specific audience. It has some characteristics. We need to select all this and combine targeting not only from keywords, but from all the characteristics combined.

In addition, the queries themselves in the Display Network work on a different principle.

There is no point in using low-frequency or mid-frequency queries. The system itself analyzes your set of high-frequency words. Based on their combination, she independently selects the audience to whom online advertising will be shown.

Let's say you've collected enough conversions and passed this information to Adwords. Then, using its complex algorithms, the system analyzed those people who converted you. Then she gathered other people very similar to them. For example, by interest, by age, and so on.

They may not be included in our targeting initially. However, the system determined that they should be close in interests. As a result, Google expands targeting in such a way that the final price still remains within the specified limits.

And that's all!

This was just an introductory part. But this is not all the information from this topic. Google advertising requires a more detailed study. Therefore, below you will see articles that fully disclose certain issues on the topic. Choose the article you need and study carefully.

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In this article we will analyze all the features of Google Adwords. I’ll also tell you why you shouldn’t give up such a tool and how you can use it to increase your profits. We will also analyze the similarities and differences between Google Adwords and Yandex Direct.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today I continue articles on contextual advertising. Let's talk about creating an ad in Google Adwords.

The process of launching and creating an advertising campaign in Google Adwords is quite simple. But before you make any announcements, you need to have a Google account. This can be either a previously created account or one specifically created for your advertising on Google. An account is created in literally a couple of minutes and it is no more difficult to do than registering on VK.

You can access the Adwords service using a direct link or from the Google home page. Under the search bar or at the bottom of the page there is a section “Business Solutions”. By clicking on this link, you will be taken to a page where Google provides various solutions for business development, one of which is Adwords. Select the service you need and then go to Personal Area. The entire path is built intuitively, so describe it in detail. Although if you don’t find it or have any difficulties with authorization in Adwords, write in the comments and I will help you.

So, let's move on to creating ads.

If you already have an advertising campaign, that is, if you have already created ads before, then you will have an impressive menu in front of you, which you will not immediately understand. I’ll say right away that it will take a lot of time to understand your personal account in Adwords. In my future articles I will try to reduce this time so that you quickly understand what is there and what it is.

To start creating ads, you need to select the “Campaigns” tab. Next, you need to click on the red button with a cross “Campaign”. A pop-up menu will open. There you can choose the type of advertising campaign, that is, the place where your ads will be displayed. This could be like search, or the display network, or video advertising. The choice depends on your goals and objectives that you set for advertising.

If you just created an account in Adwords, then first do basic settings by choosing a country, time zone, currency. All these settings are quite simple and you will not have any problems with this. After this, the Adwords welcome page will open in front of you. Click on the “Create Campaign” button.

So, from this moment on, for both the first and second cases, the same page will open, where you will need to set up an advertising campaign. You will need to start setting up with the name of the advertising campaign. You can call it whatever you want, but usually the name reflects the specifics of the advertised product or service. For example, if a cleaning service is advertised, the name should contain the word “cleaning”. It is also necessary to indicate in the name the type of site that you choose for advertising, that is, “search or kms,” and it is also advisable to indicate geotargeting. As a result, following our example, you should get something like “Cleaning (search/Moscow)” - this means that we advertise cleaning services by selecting the “Search network only” type and impressions will be only in Moscow. You can also include groups in the title if the advertisement is divided into something specific.

Once you have decided on the name, install the necessary functionality. I advise you to choose the “All functions” subtype, because this will allow you to customize your advertising more professionally and you will not be limited in what you can do when setting it up.

If you are going to promote mobile app, then you need to choose the subtype related to application advertising.

Leave the “Dynamic Search Ads” subtype alone for now. You don't need this now.

Campaigns of the type “Interaction with a mobile application” in this moment are in beta testing and so far the functionality is available only to some advertisers. But you can apply and also take part in testing.

Next we move on to other settings

If you already have an advertising campaign, the settings of which coincide with the one you are creating now, then you can select the desired advertising campaign in the “Load settings” column and all the settings will be loaded automatically and you will not have to waste time on this.

Choose your network type. I usually disable search partners because this means the ads are shown not only on Google Search, but also on Google partner sites, such as AOL's site. So I always recommend keeping Google search only because Google search is what the ad is created for.

In additional targeting settings, set the same as shown in the picture. You need to target exactly your target audience, and not what Google recommends. The only exception is that Google recommends correctly. But it’s worth mentioning that targeting also depends on the specifics of your business. For example, if you have a hostel or hotel, then it is better to choose the first item, because those who live in another region and are planning to visit your city soon may be interested.

Choosing a strategy, setting bids, limiting the budget

After setting up your targeting, move on to choosing a bidding strategy and setting bids and budget limits. There will be a separate article on bidding strategy, because not everything is as simple as it might seem.

Choose pay per click and note that you will set them manually. Of course, you can choose to let Adwords regulate them itself, but this is not entirely effective and your budget can quickly be drained, and you won’t get the desired result. Personally, I am a supporter of having the entire process under my control. True, it takes a lot of time, but it has a beneficial effect on the result.

Adwords itself has a tab for these purposes called “Tools”. There is a section “Keyword Planner” and in this section you select the projected budget. The data will be approximate, but this will allow us to rely on at least some data. You will have accurate data in about a week, after the start of ad impressions.

Don't forget to set a daily budget limit, otherwise there is a chance that you will lose your entire budget in a couple of days.

This also has a lot to do with the method the ads are served. If you choose the accelerated method and do not set a budget limit, then there is a high probability of being left without money before lunch, because the principle is that with the accelerated method the task of advertising is to appear as often as possible in a very short period of time. Therefore, if you want your ads to appear often and you have a lot of money, then use the accelerated method. I advise using even display of ads when limiting your budget. This will give the desired result without any acceleration. But everything, of course, as always depends on the goals and objectives of your advertising.

Next, we add various extensions to the ad.

Be sure to include your address and phone number because clients need to know where you are and how to reach you. Indicate additional links and various clarifications - this will make your ad stand out from competitors and allow you to attract more attention from potential customers. You can post a link to your mobile application, if you have one. Reviews can only be left from third-party and independent resources. Reviews from ordinary users that you post on the site will not be suitable. These are Google's rules.

The final touch on this page will be advanced settings. This is where you need to set up a schedule if you are going to run ads at a specific time rather than using the 24/7 displays that are set by default. You also need to select the required ad rotation. Select “show ads that have a higher chance of getting clicks” so that low-performing ads will be shown less often and traffic will go to the most clickable ads.

After the settings page, you find yourself on the ad creation page. Here you will write texts, headings, keywords. But first, give your ad group a name. You can name the group similar to the ad title or keyword, if there is one per group.

  1. Title (up to 30 characters);
  2. Description line 1 (up to 38 characters);
  3. Description line 2 (up to 38 characters);
  4. Display URL (domain name);
  5. Target URL (direct address of the page where the link from the ad will lead).

* When you fill out these fields, the finished ad will immediately be displayed on the right, that is, you can see through the eyes of potential clients what your ad will look like.

I’ll tell you how to write an effective ad in one of the following articles!


After that, proceed to filling out the field with key phrases. I won’t focus on this now, because I’m going to write about working with keywords separate article, since there are a lot of nuances and pitfalls, and the main flow of traffic largely depends on keywords.

The only thing I will say is that keywords should directly reflect what you do and what your target audience is looking for. If, for example, you sell fresh flowers, then there is no point in using keywords related to the sale of artificial flowers or the sale of shrubs - all this is not your audience. Keywords should hit your target customers as accurately as possible, because ads are shown based on key phrases. And if the ads are not shown to your audience, then you will simply waste your budget and not get clients.

Minus words

Once you have filled in the field with key phrases, you can save your settings. In fact, the main process of creating an ad ends here. The finishing touches could be adding negative words. If anyone doesn’t know what a negative word is, I’ll tell you briefly. Negative words are queries that do not correspond to your topic and are prevented from displaying your ads. This way you block requests that you don’t need in advance. It is mandatory to include negative words. Otherwise, non-targeted traffic will go to the site. Personally, in addition to the basic list of minus words, I also use those words that I identify in the process of selecting key phrases. The result is an impressive list, but thanks to it there is a better flow of leads. But it’s worth making a reservation that you need to work carefully with negative words, since you can minus all requests and, as a result, not receive the required amount of traffic.


When you have configured everything and topped up your account for test traffic, the advertising campaign will automatically launch. And don’t forget to set a daily budget limit. This is set either immediately at the stage of setting up an advertising campaign, or can be changed after launch opposite each campaign in the “Budget” column.

Here is the simple process of creating ads in Google Awords. Of course, I have now described very little, because creating ads is a very painstaking work and it must be approached responsibly. And if creating ads in contextual advertising were easy, then everyone would be a guru in this matter. In my future articles, I will describe the subtleties and nuances of creating ads, that is, we will move on from process to efficiency.

See you in the next articles! If you have questions, ask in the comments.

We launch, manage and optimize advertising campaigns on Google with high quality. The official certification of our agency in this system has lasted for more than 10 years, and for a long time we were the only ones in Russia with Google Tag Manager certification. And now we are premium Google partners with proven quality of work in all areas: Search, Display Advertising, Video Advertising, Shopping Ads, mobile advertising. And all specialists working with advertising campaigns clients have individual certification in Google Ads and Google Analytics.

Google is an important RuNet resource, a trendsetter and the author of all the latest changes.

Google Ads online promotion products continue to improve. And this year Google confidently took steps towards:

Linking online and offline
A large number of tools and extensions are emerging to attract users from online directly to points of sale and track such interaction.

Ad personalization
The interests of users come first, and Google’s mechanisms have learned to better “feel” the needs of the audience. This means that online promotion brings the greatest return among all advertising formats, which can be quickly changed and scaled.

Reducing the distance between the user and the advertiser
Ads in AdWords are getting larger and larger extensions, which increase their volume, weight and useful information for the user, which the latter can read and perform the target action even without going to the site.

But there are still those among advertisers who consider Google a complex system with a lot of expensive and irrelevant traffic. There are also others that are limited only to search as the fastest and most understandable source of requests. But for a high-quality study of all target audience searching is almost always not enough.

Ivan Akimov, account director at ArrowMedia, official speaker at Google Partners

The expertise of our employees is sufficient for professional promotion in all Google products: search, display network, video advertising on YouTube, shopping ads, mobile campaigns. We confirm our experience with numerous cases.

We not only know how to always achieve results, but also teach how to work competently with the system. We have official Google Partners speakers on our staff; we increase the level of digital literacy for working in Google Ads among marketers throughout Russia. Our speakers are invited to teach in international programs and famous online learning platforms (Netology, Coursera, Unibrains and others).