When is light industry day in Belarus? Day of Light Industry Workers in Belarus. About light industry in Russia

In the Russian climate, the average resident of the country must have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in order to comfortably move around the streets in any weather. People with high incomes, as a rule, prefer to wear clothes from foreign brands, but many consumers also buy from domestic manufacturers light industry. A professional holiday is dedicated to employees of this industry.

When is it celebrated?

Every second Sunday of June in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, Textile and Light Industry Workers' Day is celebrated. In 2019, the holiday falls on June 9. In Russia, he copes in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1111 “On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers,” issued on June 17, 2000.

Who's celebrating

This is a professional holiday for those people who are directly related to this type of activity. The light industry of the Russian Federation employs approximately six hundred thousand people, of which about 80 percent are women. Numerous employees of clothing, shoe, leather, fur and other enterprises celebrate this date on a grand scale.

history of the holiday

This event has existed for more than 30 years. Light Industry Workers' Day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorial days.” After the collapse of the Union, it was approved at the state level by the heads of the republics by separate decrees.

The Russian history of the development of light industry dates back to the 17th century. It was then that the first state linen and cloth factories began to appear, which clothed the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia, mainly by serf workers. Then they were replaced by capitalist ones textile factories where hired workers worked.

During the Soviet Union, light industry began to develop rapidly. Linen, wool, knitting and cotton mills appeared mainly in the central regions of the country. After the collapse of the USSR, the post-Soviet market opened up to imported goods, which led to a significant decline in domestic textile production.

About light industry in Russia

IN Russian Federation There are more than 15 thousand enterprises and organizations related to the textile and light industry, so the products of domestic factories can well satisfy the demand of their customers.

Today, the economic condition of Russian textile enterprises has stabilized, but many problems in the industry remain and hinder the further development of organizations. The demand for products is not great enough; many enterprises use outdated technological equipment, and employee salaries leave much to be desired. The huge share of illegally imported into the country and shady light industry products does not improve the situation either.

The most famous region producing light and textile products in Russia is the Ivanovo region. Local enterprises clothe and shoe the entire country and even export their products abroad.

In a short review, Sputnik analyzes the state of the domestic light industry - both the public and private sectors, recalls the main market players and gives advice on how to congratulate industry workers on their professional holiday, which will be celebrated on June 11.

The light industry of Belarus numbers more than 2.2 thousand companies - both state and private. At the same time, over the past ten years, the number of private light industry organizations has been constantly growing, and today approximately 85% of companies and factories are private organizations.

The biggest player

Large light industry companies are part of the Bellegprom concern, which unites more than 100 enterprises that produce 80% of all light industry products. Besides manufacturing enterprises, the concern has its own trading structures, including outside the country.

As noted in the government-approved program for the development of light industry for the period until 2020, in 2011-2015 the organizations that are part of the concern produced products worth $6.5 billion, including in 2015 the production volume was 0 .9 billion dollars.

In 2015, the products of the Bellegprom concern were exported to 58 countries, including Western Europe and the USA. The main region for light industry enterprises when exporting is Russia, which accounts for more than 72% of total exports.

Our light industry products are valued for high quality and safety. The main products exported are garments, footwear, knitwear, leather goods, cotton, linen, wool and synthetic fabrics, carpets, linen and bulk yarn.

Over the past ten years, Belarusian light industry enterprises have been actively engaged in modernizing equipment, since in the vast majority of large enterprises it is worn out and obsolete.

During 2011-2015, Bellegprom enterprises invested more than 4 trillion rubles in fixed capital, which allowed them to reduce equipment wear and tear to 46%, although back in 2006 this figure was almost 85%: good figures for the light industry.

Over the years, we have managed to do a lot on such largest enterprises light industry, such as the Baranovichi Cotton Production Association, OJSC "Mogotex", modernize the production of curtain fabric at OJSC "Lenta", such enterprises as OJSC "Vitebsk Carpets", Orsha Flax Mill have been developed. Much has been done at Kamvol OJSC, although this project was never fully implemented.

Light industry of Belarus: shocks, risks and threats

The light industry of Belarus turned out to be sensitive to external shocks and risks for many reasons. Due to a drop in demand in foreign markets, including Russia and Ukraine, many enterprises in the industry experienced problems with sales and in 2015-2016 were forced to suspend production or shut down part of their capacity. This problem was typical mainly for private Belarusian companies, including the leading lingerie manufacturer in the CIS, Milavitsa CJSC.

In addition, the domestic light industry is still characterized by a large share of imported raw materials, fittings and components. The gradual devaluation of the Belarusian ruble does not contribute to resolving this issue, and success in import substitution has not yet been achieved.

Experts call Russia's accession to the WTO another problem. Since the Russian Federation became a member of this organization, import duties on a number of goods have decreased. The sales problem also worsened after the procedure for individuals importing goods for personal use was simplified with the creation Customs Union, and then the EAEU.

Another threat to the Belarusian light industry is posed by Belarusian individual entrepreneurs, selling clothing and footwear, mainly imported.

According to the EEC, the illegal market for light industry products of the CU and SES member states accounts for about two-thirds common market formed, including by illegally imported and illegally produced products on the territory of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

As noted in the program, a change in the format of trade due to the arrival of hypermarkets and retail chains. This, both in the Russian and Belarusian markets, has led to a decline in popularity among buyers of traditional ready-made clothing stores and small retail stores. In addition, the assortment policy of many network operators, who place emphasis on selling cheap products from Central Asian manufacturers, plays a significant negative role.

All this encourages the state to protect the domestic market and support domestic producers.

However, here the authorities are faced with both a lack of funds and a shortage of workers and engineers in the light industry. Today, the light industry of Belarus is one of the industries with the most low level income, therefore the prestige of specialties in this field is constantly falling. The industry's annual workforce requirement is two thousand people.

At the same time, in addition to continuing modernization, the light industry concern also hopes to expand its export geography. The concern admits that until 2020 Russia and other CIS countries will remain the main sales market. At the same time, the concern will promote Belarusian products to new promising markets: Bahrain, Ghana, Spain, Ireland, Lebanon, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Thailand, Tunisia.

What awaits the Belarusian light industry market?

According to experts, until the end of 2022 there will be rapid growth in retail in Belarus. Wherein network trade clothing and footwear will develop in the same way as grocery retail did a few years ago.

Retail networks will expand, small wholesale operators and retailers will gradually fade into the shadows. The format of trade will change; among ready-made clothing stores, so-called “caskets” will increasingly grow - that is, stores that have some of the characteristics of boutiques. The development of chain retail will proceed both through its own development and through franchising.

Trade in light industry goods will move from clothing markets to civilized forms - shopping centers, department stores with a wide range of products, specialized chain stores, brand stores, boutiques.

In addition to traditional clothing markets, branded boutiques and branded and multi-brand stores, sales via the Internet will develop, as well as specialized stores For certain groups consumers.

The Belarusian light industry is going to work with these challenges in the coming years.

According to the expectations of the concern’s specialists, Belarusian buyers will have to discover mono-brand stores. Belarusian companies will begin to produce more goods to order large networks and under them trademarks. At the same time, branded trade will also develop, as will trade via the Internet and the creation of their own trading houses.

Belarusian enterprises intend to cooperate closely with the private sector in everything from product range development to assistance in obtaining product sales certificates.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the army are a powerful help

It is no secret that the lion's share of products is manufactured by Belarusian organizations for so-called non-market customers. This is property for security forces Belarus - the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, as well as uniforms for the needs of government agencies, organizations of state and non-state ownership.

In addition, the Belarusian light industry provides bed and table linen, carpets, curtains and other products to government and other structures - departments, budgetary institutions, hotels, sanatoriums, Belarusian Railway.

How to congratulate light industry workers on their day

In 2017, the professional holiday - Light Industry Workers' Day - falls on June 11.

Traditionally, on this day it is customary to congratulate those who work in organizations engaged in sewing shoes and clothing, producing fabrics - everyone associated with the light industry.

Sputnik has selected several congratulations in poetic form that will be warmly received by light industry workers on June 11.

Who have different styles
Brings it to life
From a paper pattern;
So, what's wrong?!
Who knows all the lines
On sewing machines?
Who gives us buttons?
On fancy pants?
Who does the washing and ironing?
Who makes our shoes?
He serves in industry
Under the name - easy.

Light industry for us
Sews coats and trousers,
The number of factories is also growing,
Honor to their hard workers!
It's not very easy to stand
At the loom
May their work be made easier in the future,
And life will become easy!

Day of Light Industry Workers of Belarus is a professional holiday of workers and veterans of the light industry, which is celebrated annually second Sunday in June.

It is thanks to them that the population of regions and cities of Belarus has the opportunity to purchase high-quality locally produced products. Light industry is the leading industry National economy Belarus, which unites more than a hundred organizations various forms property, as well as industry institutes and training colleges, commodity production network facilities in the republic and abroad.

This powerful production potential satisfies society's needs for consumer and industrial goods and contributes to improving the quality of life. At the same time, light industry is connected with many related industries and serves the entire economic complex of the country.

In Belarus, 119 organizations are united into one state concern “Bellegprom”, which produces and sells light industry products. This concern provided jobs to 90 thousand people. The concern's products are sold in fifty countries around the world. After all, more than half of all products produced at Bellegprom enterprises are exported.