When is Photographer's Day in the year? World Photography Day: description, history and interesting facts. Obtaining photo prototypes

On July 12, 2017, Photographer’s Day is celebrated in Ukraine and around the world. This day was chosen for the holiday for several reasons.

First, on July 12, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Veronica's Day. It was her act that served to create the first miraculous image. Legend says that when Jesus Christ, condemned to martyrdom, walked to Mount Golgotha, he was accompanied by a crowd. And when the exhausted Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, a woman ran up to him and gave him water to drink. She also gave him her handkerchief to wipe his face. When she came home, she saw that the holy face of the Savior was imprinted on the fabric.

Saint Veronica

Two thousand years later, when photography was invented, the Pope approved St. Veronica's day as a photographer's day.

They also decided to celebrate Photographer's Day on July 12 because on July 12, 1854, George Eastman, the founder of the Kodak company, who made photography “accessible to everyone,” was born.

The world's first photograph

The first photograph was taken in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niepce. He took the photo, called “View from the Window,” for almost 8 hours.

The world's first color photograph

Newspapers began to be illustrated with photographs before 1880. The first photographs on newspaper pages were printed using metal or wood engravings. In 1880, the Daily Graphic newspaper first printed a photograph using the photomechanical autotype process. Around 1890, the emergence of documentary photography began.

The world's first photo of a cat

This photograph is considered the first photograph of a cat in the world and dates back to 1880-1890. Its author is Harry Poynter, a lover of animals and, at the same time, a new form of art - photography. Nowadays it’s impossible to imagine the Internet without photos of cats, and Instagrams of cats popular on the Internet earn a lot of money.

The world's first photo of the Earth

On October 24, 1946, an American V-2 automatic rocket took the first photograph of the Earth from a suborbital altitude of about 105 km. A series of photographs of the Earth were taken with a 35 mm film camera on black and white film.

Art is a fairly ancient concept and has many different branches. One of the relatively young forms of art is photography (in the form in which we know it).

Camera Pinhole Capabilities

The word “photography” itself appeared before our era and was probably of Greek origin. “Photo” is translated from Greek as “light,” and “grapho” means “writing.” So the name itself already explains the essence of the photography process - drawing with light, obtaining an image on a photosensitive material.

For example, Aristotle already in the 4th century BC. e. was well aware of the capabilities of a dark room, the so-called camera obscura. The whole point of this feature is that when light enters the room through a small hole from the outside, it leaves a light image of existing objects on the wall, but in a reduced size and in an inverted form.

Some time later, this principle was described by Leonardo da Vinci in several works.

Obtaining photo prototypes

Such a phenomenon as photography appeared in our lives not so long ago, less than 200 years ago. Despite the fact that the prerequisites for its invention arose at the dawn of the current millennium, they were crowned with final success only in 1826.

A certain Frenchman named Joseph Niepce, after much experimentation, managed to capture an image using a camera obscura on a thin tin plate covered with a layer of asphalt.

This photograph has survived to this day and is called “View from the Window.” It is noteworthy that the image was in relief, which made it possible to copy it. In 1840 they began to make black and white photographs on paper.

Color photography and modern digital technology

Already in 1861 they managed to make the first color photograph using three cameras with red, green and blue color filters installed in them.

For almost the entire 20th century, people used to develop negatives themselves in a dark room or take the film to specialized departments. And then we waited impatiently for the results for several days.

IN modern world the absolute majority use digital cameras or smartphones.

Digital photography first appeared a little over 30 years ago. But the first full digital camera released in 1990 by the American company Kodak.

How did World Photography Day come about?

Photography is a unique phenomenon, without which not a single significant event, trip or vacation can be completed. People often try to capture every moment of their lives, the stages of their children growing up, the faces of their family and friends, and their beloved pets. Using a printed image on paper, you can tell your friends about your surroundings.

It is not surprising that an official celebration dedicated to the above-mentioned phenomenon was invented - World Photography Day. It is celebrated on August 19, and is celebrated not only by professionals, but also simply by amateurs, as well as by all those who are partial to this type of art.

World Photography Day was established not so long ago, in 2009 light hand Korske Ara is a well-known photographer of Australian origin in certain circles. The date of celebration - August 19 - was not chosen by chance.

On this day in 1839, the general public first became acquainted with the method of producing a photographic print - the daguerreotype. The credit for this method goes to Louis Jacques Mandais Daguerre, a French artist, chemist and inventor. Later, Daguerre's rights to the invention were bought by the French government and proclaimed it "a gift to the world."

Daguerreotype made it possible to capture an image on a metal plate and was, in fact, the predecessor of full-fledged photography. Daguerre improved Niepce's method of obtaining a print of an image.

Features of the holiday

World Photography Day is an event for all those who love photography, for those who would not mind being a model. Of course, a holiday of this nature with the participation of a huge number of creative people simply cannot be boring. This is always a bright event, where an atmosphere of lightness, fun, ease and positivity reigns.

How is World Photography Day celebrated? Its scenario usually includes the organization of photo exhibitions by freelance artists, managers or agencies, presentations of professional equipment, interesting flash mobs, as well as huge opportunities to take unique and striking photographs. It is celebrated in all countries of the world, because there are activists and fans of this creativity in every country, in every city.

Day of Saint Veronica - patroness of photographers

World Photography Day is celebrated on August 19, but there is another similar event that is celebrated on July 12. This is the Day of Saint Veronica, patroness of photography (Photographer's Day).

Legend has it that during the procession of Jesus Christ to Mount Golgotha, where the execution was to take place, many people accompanied him. Among the common people there was a girl named Veronica. When Jesus fell, tired of carrying a huge cross, Veronica, filled with pity for the Savior, gave him a drink of water and wiped the sweat from his long-suffering face with a handkerchief. When the girl returned home, she discovered that the image of Christ’s face remained on the scarf.

The first mention of Saint Veronica dates back to the 4th century, and since then she has gained increasing popularity. In the Middle Ages, almost every major church had an icon with her image in its arsenal. Now she can safely be called one of the most beloved national saints.

Photographer's Day in Russia

Photographer's Day has recently begun to be celebrated in Russia. And on this day, photo exhibitions are also organized, various competitions and master classes are held.

On World Photography Day, the Internet project Worldphotoday.com was launched. A year later, a large online gallery appeared on this resource, where artists from all over the world had the opportunity to share their works.

This is World Photography Day! Congratulations on August 19 await all professionals and amateurs of “creating with chiaroscuro.”

Every year on July 12, people whose work is related to photography celebrate their professional holiday. This professional holiday has a historical background, which has nothing to do with the invention of the camera and everything connected with it. On this day the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Veronica's Day.
This woman handed over a piece of canvas when Jesus, carrying the cross, ascended to Calvary. Miraculously, the face of Christ was imprinted on a piece of cloth. Almost two thousand years after this event, photography was invented and, by order of the Pope, Saint Veronica began to be considered the patroness of all photographers.
All holidays are on July 12th.
Also, by coincidence of fate, it was on July 12 that a man was born, about whom they said that he gave cameras to the whole world - George Eastman, the founder of the Kodak company.
According to tradition, on this day, services are held in all Catholic churches in honor of St. Veronica, the patroness of all photographers.
Photographer's Day is not an official holiday, which is included in the register of memorable and holiday dates of the Russian Federation. It is not a day off (if it falls on a weekday).

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Thematic exhibitions and various competitions are held in the USA, their holding is financed from the state budget. Recognized masters in the photography industry conduct free master classes for their novice colleagues. Dozens of quests are organized in American parks on this day. Their successful completion is facilitated by the presence of knowledge from the history of the development of photography. The winners receive valuable gifts.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet received official status. Professionals celebrate it in a narrow circle, share their achievements and innovations. It has become traditional for them to order a cake in the shape of a camera. IN major cities There are both group and individual classes for those who want to improve their skills in this area.

It takes place in Russia International festival"Photographer's Day" The greatest interest among its participants is master classes on extreme, reportage and family filming. Dozens come to the event professional specialists from all over the world. The culmination of the celebration is the presentation of the “Photographer of the Year” award.

Photographers are artists who use photographic equipment and photographic materials for their “pictures” not with brushes and paints. Only a master who sees with his soul and captures with his heart can create a true photographic masterpiece. The festival of photographers is a celebration of people with a subtle sense of beauty, who see it in the most ordinary things and allow them to enter the wonderful world of photography created by the play of light and their own professionalism. The ability to choose composition, light and the right moment is comparable to the art of painting.

The advantage of photography is the accurate representation of the image, the authenticity of the events captured, which carry not only artistic meaning, but also practical significance for many areas of life. Thanks to photographs, crimes are solved, people are found, experiences are shared, history is captured, and much more. The work of photographers is involved in many areas of life, which significantly improves its quality and perception. You can congratulate the masters of photographic art on Photographer's Day 2017.

Photographer's Day celebration date

When do photographers celebrate their professional holiday? It has a specific date - July 12. It was determined by two events - symbolic and biblical. On this day in 1854, the American inventor and businessman who founded the world well-known company Kodak. Such symbolism inspires photographers, since their holiday is associated with the birth of a person who did a lot to make the profession of photography accessible and in demand.

The second event became the basis for the approval world day photographer by Pope VIII. He timed the holiday to coincide with the day of veneration of Saint Veronica, who, thanks to her act, became a biblical character and was related to the first “photo.” According to the Bible, she gave Jesus, who was ascending Calvary with the cross for crucifixion, her handkerchief so that he could wipe away the sweat that was pouring on his brow. When Veronica unfolded the scarf at home, she saw the holy face of the Savior imprinted on it. The image of Christ has survived and passed through the centuries. Today, Saint Veronica's cloth is kept in Rome as a shrine called the “Image Not Made by Hands.” The saint became the patroness of all who call themselves photographers.

Evolution of photography

The history of photography began about 200 years ago by the French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niepce. Since then, photography has improved, and photography has developed, becoming more and more similar to reality:

Holiday Events

On the day of their profession, photographers accept congratulations, organize and participate in numerous festive events. Many official, ceremonial, creative and entertainment events are dedicated to the holiday:

  • Photo exhibitions.
  • Creative festivals.
  • Experience exchange meetings.
  • Master classes from talented photographers on all types of photography.
  • Family photo holidays.
  • Photobiennale.
  • Portfolio review.
  • Seminars and lectures on photojournalism.
  • Contests, competitions, quests, etc.

Every year in Russia, on the festive Day of Photographers, the International Festival of the same name is held. The guests of the festival are photographers from all over the world and stars of photographic art, whose fame every photographer dreams of. At the festival, in addition to meetings, exchange of experiences and congratulations, the main event takes place - the presentation of the professional award “Photographer of the Year”.