CDC on Siqueiros 10 paid services. Paid services. Indications for use

Dear visitors of our Center!

Our Center serves 13 districts of the city, the number of visits per day is about 2,500 people. In this regard, there are difficulties in dialing the reception desk using dedicated telephone numbers to sign up for consultations and diagnostic tests.

Online registration program for consultative diagnostic centers as part of the implementation of measures to create a unified state system has not been developed in the healthcare sector.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Consultations with medical specialists are provided free of charge if there is a referral from a doctor at a basic outpatient clinic (polyclinic at the place of residence).



from 8:00 to 21:00 on weekdays in person and by phone, on Saturdays registration in person from 9:00 to 14:30

Priority time for making an appointment by phone: from 8 00 to 10 00 and from 19 00 to 21 00

Information: tel. 296-35-06

To register, have with you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Medical insurance policy.
  3. Insurance certificate of pension insurance (SNILS).
  4. Referral from the clinic.
Window No. 1: tel. 296-33-05

Appointment with doctors: angiosurgeon, endocrinologist, X-ray examinations, mammography.

X-ray examinations, mammography recording.

Window No. 2: tel. 296-32-04

EEG, ECHO-EG, USDG of brachycephalic arteries, transcranial arteriesonly from doctors of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "GKDC No. 1".

2. Make an appointment for a consultation with neurologists at the Stroke Prevention Center - upon referral from the clinic.

For consultation you must provide:

  • referral from the district APU form 057/u-4;
  • for patients undergoing inpatient treatment: discharge summary (photocopy) from the RSC, acute stroke department, medical rehabilitation departments;
  • for patients who have not undergone inpatient treatment: clinical blood test (valid for 1 month); biochemical blood test: glucose, ALT, AST (valid for 1 month); ECG (1 month); fundus examination for patients with diabetes mellitus (valid for 3 months); data from previously performed vascular studies (USDG, USDS, MR/CT-AG) and neuroimaging techniques (CT/MRI) – in the presence of.

3. Make an appointment with a hematologist.

Window No. 3: tel. 296-37-01

1. Sign up for functional diagnostics: Ultrasound scanning of brachiocephalic arteries, vessels of the lower extremities; ECHO-CG; HOLTER ECG MONITOR, 24-hour blood pressure monitor, - .

2. Making an appointment with doctors - cardiologists- upon referral from the clinic.

You must have with you:

Previous ECGs;

Fluorography of the chest organs - no more than 1 year old;

Clinical and biochemical blood tests - no more than 1 month old;

Results of Holter ECG monitoring - no more than 3 months old, PERFORMED AT THE PLACE OF RESIDENCE.

3. Registration for studies - Treadmill and VEM - upon referral from the clinic.

Window No. 4: tel. 296-49-26

1. Sign up for sigmoidoscopy, cystoscopy only by referral from doctors of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "GKDC No. 1".

2. Making an appointment with doctors: oncologist, urologist, proctologist.

For consultations with doctors - mammologists - patients over 40 years old must have a mammogram - x-ray of the mammary glands with a description, taken within a year; up to 40 years - ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Window No. 5: tel. 296-37-00

1. Sign up for Ultrasound: abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, mammary glands, pelvis with abdominal and vaginal sensors, prostate gland with abdominal and rectal sensors - only upon referral from doctors of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GKDC No. 1”.

2. Sign up for fibrogastroscopy (FGDS)

For patients over 50 years old and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, an ECG done within the last month and a physician’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications for endoscopic examinations are MANDATORY.

3. Sign up for fibrocolonoscopy (FCS)only by referral from doctors of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GKDC No. 1” or district oncologists.

You must have with you:

Clinical blood test (valid for 1 month);
- ECG with interpretation (valid for 1 month), for patients over 50 years old and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, an ECG made within the last month and a physician’s conclusion about the absence of contraindications for endoscopic examinations are MANDATORY;

For patients who have undergone:
- myocardial infarction;
- cerebrovascular accident;
- suffering from hypertension high degree;
- angina pectoris;
- arrhythmia;
- having a heart defect;
- those who have had surgery or are preparing for surgery on the heart and blood vessels.


4. Make an appointment with a gynecologist-oncologist.

You must have with you:

Cotton socks;
- do a cleansing enema the night before and in the morning before your appointment;
- empty your bladder before taking it;
- extracts, conclusions about the disease and examination results.

Window No. 6: tel. 510-08-67

1. Sign up for external respiration function (ERF) - only on referrals from doctors of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GKDC No. 1”.

2. Making an appointment with doctors - pulmonologists upon referral from the clinic.

You must have with you:

Fluorography of the chest organs - no more than 1 year old.

3. Making an appointment with doctors - gastroenterologists- on referral from the clinic,

You must have with you:

Clinical blood test - no more than 1 month old;

Analysis of stool for coprogram, I/worms and Gregerson's reaction - no more than 1 month old;

Data from previous studies.

Registration for MRI and computed tomography studies:
  • tel. 296-34-00 on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00 - according to the compulsory health insurance system;
  • tel. 296-37-06 on weekdays from 8.00 to 20.30, on Saturdays from 9.00 to 14.00 - on a paid basis.
Appointment with: endocrinologists; ophthalmologists; nephrologist of the St. Petersburg Territorial Diabetology Center:
  • from 8.00 to 20.30 on weekdays, tel. 296-36-05, 607-44-27.
Registration for treatment at the hyperbaric oxygenation department (2nd Murinsky Ave., 9, letter A):
  • from 8.00 to 20.30 on weekdays, tel. 552-96-55.
Paid services window:
  • tel. 296-37-06 on weekdays from 8:30 to 20:30, on Saturdays from 9:00 to 14:00.
Sign up for paid services with ophthalmologists (Siqueiros St., 10, letter D) tel. 607-44-28 on weekdays from 8.30 to 20.00.
The following are entitled to extraordinary medical care:
  • internationalist warriors;
  • disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union (family members);
  • Heroes Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory (their widows and widowers who have not remarried);
  • disabled people of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and persons equivalent to them;
  • disabled people of the 1st group;
  • persons subjected to political repression;
  • mothers of many children;
  • family members of military personnel killed in the Chechen Republic;
  • Honorary Donors of the Russian Federation;
  • Social Security Service patronage workers.

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution
"City Consultative and Diagnostic Center No. 1" (St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "GKDC No. 1")

When contacting St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GKDC No. 1”, the patient is obliged to:
1. To make an appointment with a consultant doctor or for a diagnostic test, have:
direction of basic medical institution(not older than 1 month);
compulsory medical insurance policy;
an outpatient card or an extract from an outpatient card with an epicrisis of the attending physician justifying the referral for a consultation or diagnostic study;
patient's identification document;

SNILS (insurance certificate of the State Pension Insurance).

2. On the day of consultation, diagnostic examination, treatment:
show up 10-15 minutes before the appointed time to the office indicated on the ticket;
be prepared for a diagnostic study in strict accordance with the recommendations specified in the coupon;

Patients with acute symptoms infectious diseases(ARVI, influenza, etc.) in order to prevent the spread of diseases, they should postpone the appointment until recovery;

3. Give the doctor complete information about your health, past illnesses, and treatment methods.

4. Read and fill out a voluntary informed consent form for consultation, research, treatment or refusal of medical intervention.

5. Treat the property of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "GKDC No. 1" with care, hand over outerwear to the cloakroom, put on shoe covers or a change of shoes upon entry.

6. Politely address the staff of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “GKDC No. 1”. If the patient allows inappropriate behavior and rude statements towards medical personnel, the doctor has the right to refuse consultation and treatment (except in emergency cases).

7. Respect the rights of citizens of preferential categories to priority services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - and the rights of patients in need of priority appointments according to medical indications(accompanied by medical personnel).

8. Comply with sanitary standards and rules established in the institution for a given period of time, as well as fire safety rules.


 In case of any difficulties or complaints against the medical staff, please contact the heads of departments, the deputy chief physician for medical issues (room 609), the deputy chief physician for medical treatment (room 608), the chief physician (room 610) .
 When receiving personal data from a patient, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “GKDC No. 1” undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of this information in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

MRI is in a modern way body examinations. The MRI method does not carry radiation exposure and can be used to examine pregnant women and children. As a result of MRI, a series of images is obtained internal structures, on the basis of which the presence of pathology is judged.

St. Petersburg City Consultative and Diagnostic Center No. 1, MRI which is missing, offers a wide range of medical services. The center has 15 diagnostic and treatment departments. Each of them is equipped with modern equipment, except for MRI. The cardiology department has been supplemented with functional diagnostics and offers rehabilitation treatment systems.

X-ray diagnostics and ultrasound examination at the center help to accurately diagnose pathological processes and detect deviations at an early stage. Modern equipment is designed to reduce research time and reduce the negative impact on the patient’s body. The territorial diabetes department provides comprehensive support to patients: timely diagnosis, in addition to MRI, consultation with leading specialists, assistance in selecting medications. The clinical diagnostic laboratory allows you to quickly obtain data on the patient’s condition.

The medical institution is staffed with highly qualified personnel. Every year, more than a million diagnostic tests are carried out within the walls of the institution. More than 400 thousand patients are examined within the walls of the hospital.

St. Petersburg City Consultative and Diagnostic Center No. 1, CT scan which is done using modern equipment, welcomes all citizens. Today, computed tomography is an integral part of medical diagnostics. With its help, the center examines:

  • Brain.
  • Skull bones.
  • Temporal bones.
  • Sinuses.
  • Organs of the chest.
  • Abdominal organs.
  • Small pelvis.
  • Spine.
  • Joints.
  • Bones.

Medical personnel provide advisory and diagnostic services. The center has modern equipment that allows to reduce the time of the procedure and reduce the dose of radiation exposure. In a number of cases, diagnostics acts narrowly on a specific organ. If prescribed by a doctor, a computed tomography scan can be performed using a contrast agent. The drug is necessary to improve visualization of the inflammation site. The procedure with contrast can be canceled - these include allergies to iodine, kidney failure, thyroid disease. The contrast agent is based on iodine, which often causes negative reactions. Its use is under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

You can sign up for a consultative and diagnostic institution using our phone numbers.

Today, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography make it possible to identify most pathological changes, diseases, and concomitant diseases, providing highly accurate, informative diagnostic results. The attending physician usually prescribes certain type diagnosis depending on symptoms, suspicion of pathology in a certain area. Magnetic resonance imaging most effectively identifies diseases located in soft tissues, showing high soft tissue contrast even without the introduction of a contrast agent, while computed tomography is most effective for pathologies of bone structures and hollow organs. For diseases of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, pituitary gland), abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, ducts), spinal column (any part), soft tissues of any location, MRI.Siqueiros 10- address of the city consultative and diagnostic center No. 1, which allows for a certain set of diagnostic procedures. The main focus of this institution is computed tomography, performed on a Phillips machine (64-slice), which allows identifying high accuracy pathological changes, neoplasms. The work method is based on the use of ionizing radiation, but high-quality devices can significantly reduce the radiation dose received by the patient. If necessary, it is possible to use a contrast agent, which allows you to increase the clarity of the area under study, however, the contrast agent used in CT basically contains iodine, which is a strong allergen, therefore, if you are allergic to iodine-containing drugs, contrast is unacceptable. Contraindications also include pregnancy; during the examination, X-ray irradiation is used, which can negatively affect the fetus, subsequently causing abnormalities.

Our website allows the patient to choose the most suitable clinic based on many parameters: opening hours, location, qualifications of medical personnel, availability of a certain type of diagnostics, installed tomographs, power of magnetic fields used, availability of night shifts, free consultations, promotions, discount programs.

DCC 1, Siqueiros 10 is well equipped, the most famous diagnostic center of the cultural capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. Similar diagnostic centers (city and district) were created back in the Soviet Union as superstructures over the outpatient clinic service, where “narrow” specialists were concentrated, as well as expensive diagnostic and medical equipment that ordinary district clinics could not afford.

Today, CDCs have not lost their importance. At Diagnostic Center No. 1, located at Siqueiros street 10, every year more than 400 thousand people are examined, more than a million of all kinds of diagnostic studies are carried out. Every day the center receives about 2 thousand people.

Siqueiros 10 – Diagnostic Center. Self-registration and procedure for contacting CDC No. 1.

Consultative and diagnostic city center No. 1 in St. Petersburg provides consultations and examinations of its patients under the compulsory medical insurance system (compulsory health insurance) from all districts of the city. To contact the CDC, you need to take a referral from the basic clinic. In addition, the Diagnostic Center provides the necessary medical services under the VHI system, as well as for a fee.

Today, the structure of the medical institution includes an advisory and diagnostic service, diabetes territorial center, as well as a hyperbaric oxygenation department.

The CDC No. 1 in St. Petersburg provides the following medical services:

    Comprehensive examinations such as:
    CT scan; Ultrasound of various organs; X-ray diagnostics (intravenous urography, mammography, fluorography, irrigoscopy, radiography); endoscopic examinations (fibrogastroscopy, colposcopy, sigmoidoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, cystoscopy); functional diagnostics (ophthalmoscopy, bicycle ergometry, tonometry, electroencephalography, spirography, electrocardiography, treadmill testing); laboratory diagnostics (histological, cytological, general clinical, coagulological, hormonal and biochemical studies).
Consultations the following specialists: mammologist, cardiologist, allerologist, gastroenterologist, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, proctologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, pulmonologist, surgeon, therapist, diabetologist, urologist.