What is the best way to buy baby soap for soap making? Soap making is a fashionable hobby with children. Bathing your baby without soap

In the first weeks of life, a newborn should be washed without using any cosmetics. The baby is simply bathed in clean boiled water. After the second or third week, you can use a special baby soap. Pediatricians recommend choosing liquid, as it does not dry the skin. In any case, the product must be safe and hypoallergenic without containing fragrances, fragrances and other harmful chemicals. Let's figure out which baby soap to choose for newborns.

What soap to use for a newborn

The main criterion when choosing any cosmetic product for a newborn is the safety of the product. Start with neutral antibacterial liquid soap or cream soap made on a natural basis without allergenic additives. Glycerin is safe for babies, as glycerin gently moisturizes the skin, protects against the negative effects of heat and cold, and against dryness and flaking. As a result, the baby's skin becomes soft and protected.

To determine what soap to wash a newborn with, you need to consider the types of product. Today, manufacturers offer the following types of soap:

  • Liquid soap has a balanced composition and is perfect for babies in the first months of life. This product does not dry the skin, does not cause irritation, acts very softly and delicately, so it will not harm the baby’s skin. Liquid soap can be used every day without harm to the child;
  • Cream soap contains glycerin and lanolin. These are safe components that soften the skin, relieve inflammation and effectively resist bacteria. Cream soap is perfect for... But sometimes it may contain fragrances and fragrances, so check the composition carefully before purchasing;
  • Solid soap dries the skin, but at the same time creates a dense protective layer. This remedy is chosen for a child older than a month and is used no more than once a week. In addition, baby solid soap is perfect for washing hands throughout the day, as well as for washing baby’s clothes and bedding. This product creates a strong, durable foam. It has a more gentle composition and is more adapted for children's skin; it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction in infants than;
  • Soap with various additives, such as chamomile, sage, fir, plantain and other natural extracts, should be used with caution. Some components, especially aloe, citruses and pine needles, can cause allergies in a child. However, if the baby does not have a negative reaction, such remedies will be very useful. They soothe, heal wounds and relieve itching, reduce swelling, sweating and diaper rash.

Before purchasing, carefully study the composition of the product. It is better to use soap with additives after two to three months, when the baby’s skin is more adaptable to new conditions. The safest are chamomile and string, calendula, celandine, eucalyptus and sage. Products with the addition of pine needles or honey are used for children older than 5-6 months. And it’s better to avoid citrus soap altogether.

You can’t wash your baby or wash baby clothes with laundry soap! The high alkali content in this product greatly irritates the skin. As a result, the child becomes allergic to laundry soap. But it is perfect for washing and disinfecting a baby’s bathtub. How to properly wash a bath for a newborn, read.

Rules for choosing and using soap for babies

  • Choose a product intended only for children or newborns. Even hypoallergenic and safe formulations that are not adapted for children's skin can cause a negative reaction in the baby;
  • Before purchasing, carefully study the composition and expiration date, and check the integrity of the packaging. Products often indicate the age for which the product is intended. The product must be appropriate for the child’s age!;
  • Choose clear products for babies that are labeled “hypoallergenic” (HA), have a neutral pH level, and have a mild herbal scent;
  • It’s great if the product has an eco-label. It indicates the highest quality of the product. The safest and most environmentally friendly products are marked “Ecocert”, “ICEA”, “NATRUE” and “Cosmos Organic”. The “BDIH” marking indicates that the composition does not contain parabens, dyes or silicones;
  • Avoid buying soaps that are too brightly colored or have a strong scent, even if the ingredients seem safe. This indicates the presence of flavors, fragrances and dyes in the product;
  • For daily use, choose liquid soap, cream soap is suitable for bathing in a bath, and solid soap is suitable for washing hands and bath procedures, which are carried out no more than once for 7-10 minutes;

  • The safe composition of the product includes glycine and lanolin, sometimes it includes vegetable oil and natural ingredients;
  • Choose soap containing celandine, string and chamomile for sensitive skin prone to irritation and severe diaper rash. They deeply nourish and soften the skin, create and maintain a protective layer of the epidermis;
  • Eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark and sage perfectly relieve irritation and inflammation;
  • Plantain effectively heals scratches and wounds, avocado helps with peeling, relieves inflammation and eliminates germs;
  • Honey and beeswax tone the skin and maintain the tone of the epidermis;
  • Lavender, fir and pine soothe and improve sleep, restore the skin;
  • When choosing soap for washing children's clothes, give preference to products that do not contain bleach. They must operate at high temperatures and contain no more than 15% surfactants.

The best soap for a newborn

Today, manufacturers offer a lot of cosmetics for newborns and small children. It is important to find a suitable and safe one among the variety of brands. Before choosing a product, read reviews about each company and consult with your pediatrician. Remember that every baby is individual. The same remedy may be suitable for one child, but cause an allergy in another. If you find a good soap, don't change the brand! We offer a rating and review of the most famous companies that produce children's cosmetics.

Brand Description average price
Weleda German children's cosmetics with a natural, safe composition and the content of herbal ingredients, a wide range, suitable for children from the first days of life, distinguished by a high price 400 rubles (100 g)
Little Siberica Russian cosmetics of high quality with a natural and safe composition, have a European certificate of quality, and an affordable price, however, parents note that the products sometimes cause irritation and allergies to the baby’s skin 300 rubles (500 ml)
Sanosan Popular children's cosmetics based on herbal and natural ingredients, however, some products may contain harmful parabens, so carefully check the composition and labeling; they have a low price 100 rubles (liquid 300 ml/piece 100 g)
Bubchen Another German cosmetics that is different high quality and safe composition, a wide range of products, optimally suited for newborns and at an affordable price 120 rubles (125 g)
Eared Nian A wide range of hypoallergenic children's cosmetics, washing powders and detergents for children's things and dishes, some products contain phosphates, which is prohibited according to the European composition, the products are distinguished by economical consumption and accessibility 30 rubles (piece 90 g)/80 rubles (liquid 300 ml)
Johnsons baby Suitable for children from the first days of life, they have a soft, creamy, thick structure and a pleasant, mild aroma, a safe natural composition and an affordable price, however, parents often note an allergic reaction in children, not suitable for babies with atopic dermatitis 40 rubles (100 g)
our mother Safe products with natural ingredients Russian production, suitable for problematic and sensitive skin, eliminates germs and protects against harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation and irritation, affordable price 50 rubles (piece 90 g)/80 rubles (liquid 250 ml)
Baby (Belita-Vitex) Belarusian cosmetics containing soft detergent components, some compositions of the “Mom and Baby” line include, which quickly and effectively heals the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking, safe hypoallergenic and affordable products 150 rubles (300 ml)
Babyline Soft soap with a safe composition is suitable for children older than 2-3 months, provides gentle care, softens and protects the baby’s skin, hypoallergenic products at an affordable price 100 rubles (100 g)
AQA baby Hypoallergenic composition, foams well and is easily washed off, rarely causes an allergic reaction, economical consumption and affordable price 100 rubles (300 ml)

Among the many types of soap, the simplest in composition is usually baby soap, which, as the name suggests, is intended for children. Therefore, it should contain a minimum amount of additives, potential allergens and irritating components, gently cleanse and not dry the skin. Given these qualities of soap, adult owners of sensitive skin try to use just such a cleanser.

Composition of baby soap

Any solid soap is obtained by hydrolysis (saponification) of complex fats with alkalis. Thus, lye is used in the making of any soap and, no matter how gentle it is, it will still dry out the skin if used too often. Mink oil, glycerin, which helps retain moisture on the skin, and herbal extracts that have an anti-inflammatory effect are usually added to baby soap to soften the skin. It is desirable that baby soap be white (without dyes) and odorless or with a specific soapy smell (without fragrances). Due to its gentle composition, baby soap is also suitable for adults, especially those with sensitive skin.

Which baby soap is best?

Let's look at the composition of some of the most popular brands of baby soap.

Baby soap from trademark Nevskaya cosmetics

The composition of classic soap includes sodium salts of fatty acids, including palm and coconut oils, water, glycerin, titanium dioxide, citric acid, mink oil, triethanolamine, PEG-9, disodium EDTA, benzoic acid, sodium chloride.

Other types of baby soap from this manufacturer (cream soap with chamomile, with) in addition to the above components additionally contain vegetable oils and herbal extracts. True, they also contain perfume compositions that give the soap a scent, since plant extracts are introduced into the soap in small quantities, insufficient for aromatization.

Baby soap from OJSC Svoboda

It produces a whole line of children's soap, including just baby soap, Tic-Tac soap with almond milk, and Alice with yarrow extract. This brand also has soap with extracts of chamomile, string, plantain, and celandine. The main detergent composition and list of excipients are standard and include sodium salts of fatty acids, glycerin, etc. Only the plant extracts included in the composition and, accordingly, perfume compositions differ. Although the content of the latter is low, since most buyers characterize the smell of this company's baby soap as neutral, regardless of additives.

Johnson's Baby Soap

Another popular brand of hygiene products for children. The composition includes sodium tallowate (sodium salts of fatty acids), sodium palm kernelate, water, liquid paraffin, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, tetrasodium etidronate, fragrance, dye. Depending on which soap you choose, the composition may contain vegetable oils or proteins (soap with milk). As you can see, the composition of this baby soap is not very different from other brands, but it contains dyes that are undesirable in baby soap.

Homemade baby soap

In addition to direct use, you can find many recipes homemade soap, which is made from baby soap. As a base, baby soap is usually used by beginning soap makers, as a test of strength, as well as by those who want to get a fairly gentle product for personal use, with the additives they need.

Making your own original soap from baby soap is quite simple:

Russian counters abound with the most different types baby soap: solid, liquid, antibacterial. How to choose what is actually safe and healthy? Roskachestvo experts advise focusing on the child’s age and carefully reading the label.

Select by age

✔︎ Up to a year. It is not recommended to use soap for bathing infants. Only special foams and gels for this age - with a minimum of detergent components, without fragrances, dyes and other allergens.

✔︎ From one to three years. A cream soap with a large number of caring ingredients, oils and herbal extracts is suitable. It should have a neutral Ph (from 7 to 10) and contain almost no fragrances or dyes.

✔︎ From three years and older. You can use soap with safe dyes, in bright packaging, in the form of toys - this helps teach your child about hygiene. But it is better to buy it in pharmacies or branded stores.


✔︎ Packaging. It is important that it is clean, unfaded, and free of greasy stains. Be sure to check the expiration date, this is important.

✔︎ Smell. It should be neutral, “soapy”, or smell like the fragrance indicated on the label - chamomile, calendula, etc. A rancid smell is unacceptable.

✔︎ Structure. Good soap is hard to the touch, uniform in structure, without cracks, oily stains or sticky residue.

✔︎ Stamp. On a piece quality soap The manufacturer's seal is easy to read.

How to wash your hands correctly

Rospotrebnadzor specialists advise people in public places to learn to wash their hands the way professional bacteriologists do, in three stages. First you need to soap your hands and rinse off the foam with water. Then soap your hands again and, if the faucet is not touch sensitive, soap the valves or mixer handle. Rinse off the soap with water. Then lather your hands for the third time, rinse off the foam and close the now clean tap.

Soap does not kill bacteria!

Bathing your baby without soap

You can and should alternate “soap” baths with healing herbal ones.

1 When choosing herbs for a bath, you should consult your pediatrician. In addition, consider medicinal properties herbs For example, plantain is an excellent healer small scratches, chamomile relieves skin irritation, aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, lavender will help the baby calm down and fall asleep faster, the series helps with allergies. It is better to use ready-made herbal mixtures purchased at the pharmacy.

2 Before bathing your child, test the infusion for allergies. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe small area baby's skin in the elbow area. If during the day, then this decoction is not suitable for bathing.

3 You need to brew the herb at least an hour before swimming. The decoction should brew. Be sure to check the recommended proportions on the package of herbs. Typically, water infusions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10. For the first bath, it is better to brew one herb, then after a couple of days add a second one, etc. But it is not recommended to use more than four herbs at once.

4 When bathing, be careful not to let drops of water get into your child's mouth. You need to start swimming for 5–7 minutes, gradually increasing to 15–20 minutes at a water temperature of 35–37 degrees. After bathing, do not rinse your baby with water, but simply blot the skin with a diaper, keeping in mind that some herbs can leave stubborn stains on the fabric.

5 To wash your hair, use special herbs that strengthen your hair. For example, burdock. Its root is especially beneficial for hair. This decoction makes hair thick, gives it shine, strengthens curls and ringlets. You need to brew 20 g of crushed burdock root in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, cool and strain.

TOP 4: best baby soap according to Roskachestvo

The highest quality and hypoallergenic Russian baby soap: “Nevskaya Cosmetics”, “Recipes for Cleanliness”, “Umka”, “Dixie”.

What else but gentle soap can lift your spirits and relieve stress while taking a hot bath? Everyone chooses the best soap option for themselves, with or without a scent, with microgranules or, conversely, gentle on the skin.

Three decades ago, housewives, for some unknown reason, made laundry soap themselves, although it cost a penny in the store. Nowadays, soap making is a whole type of creativity that is becoming increasingly popular in the most different countries, and not only for women. Because soap making is not easy interesting process, but also the special magic that you perform on individual ingredients, resulting in completely different products. And which ones - it all depends on your ingenuity, desire and capabilities. After all, buying ready-made soap is easier, even cheaper, but making it yourself is much more pleasant, especially since you will accurately select the composition of your soap and will not worry about the fact that someone in your family will be allergic to it. And it’s much more pleasant to look at a piece of soap in a soap dish, which has a nice shape and color that you gave it. Several pieces of homemade soap can be beautifully decorated and presented as a gift for some holiday to friends or family. At the same time, you can be one hundred percent sure that they will be satisfied with the gift. And for new mothers, soap making at home is a way to make baby's bath time relaxing and fun with an interesting bar of soap. Animals or fruits will distract your child from the thought that his eyes will be pinched and will help him accustom him to joyfully taking water treatments.

You can make your own soap in two different ways, each of which is good and profitable in its own way.

1 Method:

You will need:

Unscented baby soap , which can be bought very cheaply and can be bought at any pharmacy.

Oils, which you will use as a basis. An important requirement for them is the absence of a clearly present and cloying odor (for example, sea buckthorn, almond, chamomile). You can actually find them in all pharmacies.

Essential oils . It’s up to you to decide which ones, fortunately there are a large number of them on sale now

- Drinking water or herbal infusions.

Filler , of course, if you want to make unusual soap (dried flower petals, coffee grounds, dried leaves, zest, etc.).

Steam bath utensils .

Soap molds (do not take glass ones). They are sold in a wide variety of shapes and materials. You can use for these purposes children's molds, soap dishes, boxes, in general, anything that has an interesting shape or surface.

Baby soap should first be placed in a warm place to protect yourself from soap dust, which causes constant sneezing. Then, the soap is grated on a regular grater and combined with a teaspoon of glycerin and 2-3 tablespoons of base oils, which have been slightly heated. This entire mixture is heated in a steam bath, stirring gently and adding a small amount of heated water or herbal decoction - this will melt the soap faster. When the thickness becomes like a thick dough, add 10-12 drops of essential oil, but not more! Since the smell that seems weak at the beginning, after the soap hardens, can become pungent and cloying. Many people are afraid to make soap from baby shavings, as there may be an unexpected odor result, but if you buy unscented baby soap, you don’t have to worry about wasting your time and money. After adding the oil, you can add food coloring, honey, a small amount of milk, just don’t get carried away.

If you decide to make soap with a peeling effect, then now is the time to add filler (oatmeal, coffee, clay, berry seeds, whatever you want, after which the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into molds prepared in advance. And , all you have to do is wait a few hours and pack it in regular cling film, and then enjoy it to your health!

Second way The only difference is that instead of grated baby soap, a ready-made soap base is used, which can be bought in special markets. It can have color or be transparent, of various manufacturers and volumes, the most important thing is that the base should not have its own catchy smell. Soap base, according to its characteristics - it is no more dangerous than baby soap and it will not cause damage to health, but there will be much less trouble with it, and there will be several hundred, or even thousands of times more variations in the colors and appearance of the soap. Such a base will cost more than baby soap, but its advantages when used in soap making are worth the cost. So, gradually, again and again trying yourself in this entertaining craft, you will learn how to make original soap with which you will surprise both your family and friends. Hand-brewed soap this moment It is especially valued because of its environmental friendliness and the fact that you can order or make soap that will not only help you maintain personal hygiene, but also please the eye. Because of this, most soap makers, whose art and professionalism have gone far beyond the limits of an interesting pastime in their leisure time, have developed their hobby into a permanent source of income, as a result of which the process of making soap has become more complicated. Experts make soap from scratch, that is, without using semi-finished products in the form of a ready-made base or soap shavings, but by crushing the original masses of fats, caustic and soda ash. For such beginners in a complicated way There is no need to prepare, and soda ash will cause serious damage to the skin or mucous membranes if you overdo it with the dosage of this substance. Therefore, you should refrain from such experiments, and it is better to be guided by the principle - what is simpler is better. Believe me, the results will pleasantly surprise even you!

Interesting shapes in the form of berries, animals, flowers and even cakes, soft colors, unique smells and unforgettable sensations - this is what will make the life of your loved ones more pleasant and unusual. And this is happiness for any woman.