How to make real money in the sims. Making money in The Sims. Pleasant and easy chores

The Sims is the most popular life simulator, selling the most massive copies in gaming history. There is an opinion that this is a game “for housewives” or “for girls”. However, this is not the case. The Sims 3– a worthy successor to the series. And, as in every game, there are little tricks here that help you more successfully realize the places of your players. Here are just a few of them.

Question about earnings always relevant for honest players. There are a lot of ways, some are frankly cheating, some are very simple. And there are little known ones. For example, the plasma beetle. The Sim will need the “science” skill - level 1 is enough (you can learn it at the institute or read a book), a scientific station - sold in the “hobbies and skills” section, and insects that can be caught anywhere. Click on the station, select “radiation experiment” in the proposed menu and load the insect. As a result of irradiation, with a high degree of probability, the same plasma beetle can be obtained. It costs 3,400 Simoleons, but don’t rush to sell it through your luggage - the scientific institute will give you even more!

Tiberius. A stone that is sometimes found when collecting. It is not cheap in itself, but there is one trick that helps increase its cost several times. You choose the action “cut”, through a mailbox or a cutting machine, the type is “spiral” or “heart”, it doesn’t matter. Once you receive the cut stone back, place it on a table or cabinet in your home. After a while he will grow up! And the price will increase 5-7 times.

Once you pick up a meteorite, be sure to study it, especially if the meteorite is gigantic. This also increases the cost of the stone.

It is better to sell fruits, vegetables, fish, and precious stones through consignment shops and alchemy stores. It is extremely useful to take “courteous seller” as a reward for happiness points; in this case, the product will go at a higher price.

If your Sim has the Bookworm trait, not only will they be able to read books faster, but they will also be able to join a book club. By paying a small fee, your Sim will receive expensive books in the mail every week that can be sold.

Do you really want to buy an expensive house, but it’s occupied and you don’t have the money? No problem. In the city change mode, select your family and click “merge with...”. Click on the family living in the desired house. When the window appears for choosing those who want to move, we simply change the Sims and NPCs in places using the arrows. Voila - your children moved to a new home completely free of charge. Just remember to change the family names when transferring, otherwise your Sims will live under the name of the previous owners of the house.

If your character is in Sims 3- a witch, then there is complete scope for enrichment. With the help of the “transformation ritual” spell, available from the second level of magic, witches transform one object into another. The choice is random, but the more often you practice, the more expensive the items become; a penny apple can easily turn into expensive Tiberium.

If you have a vampire gnome on your property, take care of it like the apple of your eye. The fact is that these gnomes can turn ordinary teddy bears into themselves. Buy half a dozen penny bears - after a while you will receive the same number of vampires, which cost much more. The transformed ghouls are called “Spawns of Darkness” and now they can be safely sold.

Experiment, try everything the game has to offer, and you're sure to find plenty of other tricks that will help you conquer the world of The Sims 3! Good luck!

Making money is one of the main foundations for family well-being in the game sims 4.

After all, it is with money that you can furnish a house, buy a new car or furniture, and everything else, just like in real life.

In this article we will tell you, providing all the effective ways, starting from a successful profession and ending with the use of code.


The main income in the game is a job, which you can get at a young and adult age.

There are 10 career branches in total, among which there are such common professions as:

By choosing one of the professions, you can easily move to a higher position for great achievements and hard work.

It is career growth that will help you earn a lot of money, but what needs to be done for this specifically:

  1. Go to work in a good mood. To do this, you must get a good night's sleep, get up early and fulfill all the Sim's needs (leisure, food, communication). In the worst case scenario, your character will go to work upset and perform his duties without any initiative. In this case, you will not easily climb the career ladder, but you will be fired.
  2. At the beginning of the game, select the “Fortune” life goal with the “Businessman” skill, because in this way you will get more money at work.
  3. Work 100%, without rest. You should also complete all daily tasks.

This way, you will quickly reach the highest point in the productivity scale and receive tasks for promotion.

After completing the task, you will move to a new position, and everything will repeat again until level 10.

With each new increase, your salary will increase, and with it your cash position.


Drawing and selling paintings you can make money quickly. At first you will only draw cheap drawings, but once you reach a high level of skill, you will quickly learn how to create masterpieces.

The advantage of this method is that you have a completely free day; you don’t have to go to work, since you can create paintings at home.

You can achieve results in writing in a similar way.


Buy a computer and get started hack various sites and accounts, becoming a full-fledged hacker.

Just like painting pictures, make money from hacking, you will succeed only after developing the corresponding skill, in our case it is Programming.

Using the code

In the easiest but illegal way receiving money will be entering a code.

Codes for getting money in the game Sims 4

Summing up

Now you know, how to make a lot of money in sims 4. It is worth noting that when using the code, in most cases, interest in the game is quickly lost, so it is better to earn money “legally”.

Personality Trait: Nervous.

The first thing to remember is that there are many Traits available to your Sims in The Sims 3, and some allow a Sim to better cope with jobs, challenges, or special challenges.
For example, a nervous character may lose his temper and not be stressed in the hours that follow, even if he works hard and tirelessly.

Character Trait: Genius.

Geniuses read books faster than other characters and improve their logic, mastering chess at an increased speed. Most importantly, they have the ability to solve various problems on the computer (the “solve the unsolvable” option). This operation takes time and is not always successful, but if the Sim succeeds, you will receive good financial compensation.

Personality Trait: Computer genius.

A computer genius, unlike a technophobe, communicates with complex technology on a first-name basis. He develops logic skills faster by playing chess on a computer than at a chess table or reading a book. He also makes friends faster in chats, and the science fiction genre is immediately available to such writers. But their main feature that interests us now is computer hacking. Remember: the “hack” option is available to your hacker only at night and can end in disaster (from a computer virus to the arrival of the police). The successful outcome of this not entirely honest operation is also influenced by the hidden skill of computer hacking, which develops over time with frequent practice. The profit from hacking can vary - it all depends on the time spent and the level of the hidden skill.

Personality Trait: Bookworm.

Bookworm. It would seem that this skill does not represent any financial value, but this is only at first glance. In addition to the writer's advantage and the ability to learn skills faster by reading books, your Sim can join a book club. By making a one-time deposit of 250 Simoleons, your ward will receive new volumes of popular literature by mail from the book club every Wednesday that can be sold!

Character Trait: Beggar.

Beggars have the “beg” option available when communicating with other characters. They can beg for a certain amount of money or food, as well as, for example, a new recipe from the chef. You can ask characters for something once a day, and the amount and success depend on the level of the Sim’s relationship with others and on the hidden skill “begging” (in various situations, the Sim is available from “ask for a little money” to “ask for a lot of money”). Remember that characters' finances are limited, so don't be surprised if the amount of "pile of money" turns out to be less than you expect. Don't be offended, they're already giving you the last shirt off their back.

Personality Trait: Kleptomaniac.

The kleptomaniac has the “steal something” option. Stolen items are kept in the family's luggage and can be sold or returned to the owner by mail. In one day, a kleptomaniac can steal a maximum of three things (a character with the “thief” career can steal six). A very profitable character trait, especially if you test its capabilities somewhere in the garage of your rich neighbors.

Skills and everything you need to know about them.

There are many different skills in The Sims 3 that you can develop to improve your Sims' financial situation. Also, in the process of mastering a skill, the game will offer Sims various goals, for which completion rewards are given (Simoleons, increasing the level of a skill, improving relationships with characters). It is worth noting that a detailed acquaintance with the available bonus rewards in the game can significantly strengthen your financial situation. Many of them are closely related to skills and the fruits of their development, affecting the quality or productivity of your work.

The Art Skill will allow your Sim to draw pictures (and, with The Sims 3 Career expansion pack, also sketch rooms and clothing styles). Naturally, the results of the artist’s work can be sold. The higher the skill of your ward, the better and more expensive his masterpieces will be. The value of a painting increases significantly after the death of the character who painted it.
Such character traits as an artist and a perfectionist, as well as the bonus award of genius, will not be out of place.

Playing guitar. Starting from the fifth level of development of this skill, your Sim will be able to play the guitar for money. To do this, it is enough to have your favorite tool in your inventory. You can perform anywhere, but to make money, it is better to choose places where you are guaranteed to have an audience, for example, in a city park. The more talented the musician, the more money his listeners pay him, and the more crowded the performance venue, the more listeners.
Useful character traits: virtuoso, artist.

Writing. By developing this skill, your mentee will be able to write books and earn a living, receiving royalties! It is worth remembering that writing books is a long and exhausting task. But your Sim will receive three types of royalties for the book: small (during the writing process for every 20% of the book); complete (for the entire book after its completion) and weekly (for all books written). Weekly fees are paid over a period of six weeks. Also, the author's copy is sent by mail, and it can be sold.
Useful personality traits: bookworm, artist, perfectionist.
The Featured Author bonus will increase your royalties.

The logic skill will allow your Sim not only to understand chess, but to discover new stars by observing the galaxy through a telescope. Starting from the third level of skill development, a Sim will be able to follow the starry sky even in daylight, exploring space (and not the neighbor’s secrets). For each astronomical discovery there is a cash prize. Also, through a telescope you can see the fall of a meteorite, and then, picking it up in the city, sell it for good money (depending on the rarity and size of the find).

In The Sims 3 All Ages expansion, logical Sims can research potions at the lab bench and sell them. Potions created through research cost nothing, but making them again can make your Sim rich.
Useful character traits: genius, computer genius, attentive.

Fishing. This skill will be useful for those who like to spend a lot of time outdoors. By going fishing, your ward will not only receive moral satisfaction, but will also be able to subsequently sell his catch in a store (in the store they will pay more than if they sell the fish directly from their luggage). In addition, while fishing you can catch various objects.
Useful character traits: fisherman, loves nature.

The gardening skill allows you to grow vegetables and fruits and then sell them. In addition to making a profit, you will also reduce your food costs. If the collected fruits are stored in the Sim's luggage, then he can snack on them at any time, and if in the refrigerator, then homemade dinners will sometimes cost you nothing. You can, of course, limit yourself to raiding neighbor’s and public gardens, stealing other people’s apples, but, having your own garden and enviable hard work, you can plant the most amazing plants that bring more profit. At the seventh level of development, a special plant will be available to you - a money tree. As if in a fairyland of fools, it bears fruit with real wallets (from 100 to 800 simoleons per harvest, depending on the quality of the plant). After some time, the miracle tree begins to scatter seeds around itself, from which you can grow even more sources of income. But be careful: if you don’t take care of the tree for a long time, it will begin to bear fruit not with your wallets, but with your bills!
Useful character traits: gardener, loves nature.
The Gardening Genius bonus reward increases the quality (and therefore value) of plants.

Photo. By taking photographs, your Sim will be able to capture the entire world around them and in the future, sell the photographs taken. The more professional the camera and the higher the skill, the more

If your Sim is bored of going to work, adjusting his life to her schedule, then we can please you, in order to live comfortably, this is not at all necessary. There are plenty of opportunities to earn Simoleons in The Sims 3 and be at home at the same time.

Make Money Creatively in The Sims 3

If your character is a creative person, then, thanks to his talent, he can become rich. It is also worth considering that in his creative path he will be helped by correctly chosen character traits that reflect the subject of creativity. And, looking ahead, we note - do not sell the creations of your Sims from the character’s luggage, it is better to deliver them to a thrift store in The Sims 3 and wait a little, so your ward will be able to get a large amount for his creation. The Suave Salesman Happiness Point Reward (15,000) will allow your Sims to earn more money from selling their art at the Thrift Store.

Sim artist

So, if your Sim is a perfectionist and an artist, he should definitely take up drawing, and over time he will be able to create excellent paintings and then sell them.

Yes, you need to spend a lot of time on this. However, you can create masterpieces at a time convenient for you. In addition, the “Genius” award, purchased with bonus points (30,000), helps significantly.

Street artists

The Sims 3 Student Life addon allows your Sims to earn money by creating graffiti on city walls.

More details in the article "".

Sim writer

If you decide to make money through writing, then such character combinations as a perfectionist, an artist and a bookworm will not be out of place. And to increase your royalties, you should purchase the “Recognized Author” bonus award (30,000).

In addition to royalties for books, your writer will receive a copy of his work, which can be safely taken to the thrift store.

Sim musician

Playing musical instruments will also help you live comfortably. The base game of The Sims 3 only features guitar play. Already from the fifth skill level, you can take your musical instrument and perform in crowded places, receiving tips for it. Speaking of character traits, it's a good idea for your Sim to be an artist and virtuoso.

With The Sims 3 Twilight expansion, musicians now have the ability to form groups. Now you can play not only the guitar, but also the keyboards, drums and double bass. Please note, in order to get maximum profit, it is better to play in the subway.

With the latest addon for The Sims 3 - Forward to the Future - another musical instrument of the future has appeared - the rhythm-a-con.

Sim photographer

Photography is another lucrative hobby. The main thing is that there is an addon, there is an excellent camera, and the photography skill in The Sims 3 is sufficiently developed. Study the skill magazine, collect collections of photos and sell them. The character trait of a photographer will help you develop your skill.

Sim sculptor

Inventor Sim

The inventors that The Sims 3 Career addon gave us can also be called creative individuals. After all, they can create a real masterpiece of technical thought from a heap of rubbish. In order to make a profit through invention, you will need to significantly increase the relevant skill. Such a character trait as eccentric, rewards for happiness points “Skilled Inventor” (10,000), “Handicraft Craftsman” (20,000) and special equipment will help you with this. Please note that it is better to collect trash yourself from city landfills and neighbors' trash cans.

You can sell your own inventions at a consignment store. When you create a time machine, you will be able to travel to the past and future. And from there they usually don’t return empty-handed.

Another way to make money with inventions is to create a drilling rig. This way, it will be possible to extract a lot of interesting things from underground for sale. And also travel through underground tunnels, mining all sorts of rarities.

Read more about this skill in the review "" and "".

Sim bot builder

By developing the bot-building skill that appeared in The Sims 3 Forward to the Future addon, your ward will learn how to create robots - plumbots. The created bots can be sold in the Bolts and Nuts bot trading - the store of the future. Plumbot rack required for sale. The more technically advanced your plumbot is, the more expensive it is.

Another way to make money with a plumbot is to send it to the bot arena for competitions. For high places occupied by a bot, a monetary reward is awarded.

Also, by giving the bot the necessary microcircuits, your Sim can forget about work, because the bot will go to work for him (Office Drone microcircuit).

If you give the bot microcircuits responsible for the development of certain skills, then the plumbot will earn money by developing them, like a regular Sim.

Read more about bots in the articles "", "".

Making money with intelligence and patience in The Sims 3

To earn money smartly, it is advisable to be genius. Sims with this character pair have the opportunity to solve the unsolvable and make a profit from it. Walking side by side with them computer geniuses. Hacking computer databases is, of course, dangerous, but quite profitable. With these same character traits, you can watch the galaxy through a telescope for days on end. So, your Sim will be able to discover a new comic body or watch a meteorite fall and then collect its fragments.

If The Sims 3 All Ages add-on is installed, then your genius can research potions and sell them.

The addon provides a similar opportunity. Thanks to it, your characters can study alchemy in order to later sell their potions.

The same addon gave us many supernatural creatures that can earn money thanks to their abilities. For example, they are excellent hunters of gems and other collectibles. will achieve success in gardening faster.


In order to earn money with the help of Sims, considerable patience is also required. By constantly caring for your garden, your character will eventually learn how to grow a money tree. With proper care, it bears fruit in simoleons from 100 to 800 simoleons per harvest. However, if you abandon it, instead of profit you will receive a loss, since the tree will endow you with bills.

In order for gardening to bring in significant income, it is advisable to have the character traits of loving nature and being a gardener, as well as the “Gardening Genius” (20,000) reward for happiness points. It is better to sell the harvest in a supermarket.


Nectar making and gardening skills help Sims who start making nectar make a profit. To do this, you need The Sims 3 World of Adventures add-on, go to France to purchase equipment, the necessary literature, “the right grapes” and learn the basics of nectar making.

Read more about nectar production in the article “”.


Thanks to The Sims 3 Twilight addon, your Sim can try his hand at making drinks. The main thing is to develop the skill of mixing drinks, experiment, and maybe you will be the most famous bartender in your town. The “Good Bartender” happiness point reward (15,000) will allow your charges to prepare better and more expensive drinks.

Sim Fu Skill

The Sims 3 World of Adventures has given us another opportunity to enrich ourselves. You just have to work hard to get it. First, travel to China to learn the Sim Fu skill (to help your character have the Love Discipline trait). Practice breaking boards regularly. When the “Tin Woodman” achievement appears in your skill log, you will be able to break meteorites. And they often contain precious stones. Now all that’s left to do is send the stones for cutting, so that later they can be sold at a higher price.


Although beekeeping, introduced with The Sims 3 Supernatural add-on, is not a skill in its own right, it can also provide income for your bees. Beekeeping products (honey, wax) can be sold in a supermarket or taken to a potion store.

Read more in the article "".


Collecting is suitable for those who like to wander around the city for hours. All seeds, stones, metals and insects are in good demand. To make it easier for you to find the items you need, you should exchange happiness points for the “Collector” reward (40,000).

Pets also earn money in The Sims 3

So, you have an animal, how can you make money with it?

Dog needs to be trained properly. When she masters all the commands, you will be able to demonstrate them in public, earning tips. Dogs are also capable of finding metals and precious stones.

Cats They also not only know how to play and sharpen their claws. They are good for hunting small animals, fish, birds, reptiles and insects. Believe me, even the prey of a cat will find its buyers.

For dogs and cats to quickly master the hunting skill, the character traits hunter, smart, as well as rewards for happiness points “Super Smart Pet” (7500) and “Alpha Pet” (7500) will be useful.

WITH horses a little more complicated. These proud animals need to be tamed, exercised regularly with them, honing the skills of racing and jumping. The character traits that will help your Sim with this are: loves horses, loves animals, and for a horse, the character traits of being lively, nimble, smart and the reward for happiness points “Lucky Horse” (4000) will be useful. In the future, you will be able to participate in equestrian competitions, where there is a monetary reward for prizes.

Stallions with good skills and awards are highly valued as producers. So stop by the equestrian center regularly.

You can also start breeding horses, training them and selling them. This is quite a profitable business.

Horses can also dig out various plants from underground, which can also be sold.

Unusual earnings in The Sims 3

Agree, performing as fakir It’s hard to call it a banal form of income. You can buy a basket with a snake while traveling in Egypt. If you regularly hone your skills, you will soon be able to surprise your viewers and receive generous tips for it.

Traveling around the world, you can explore tombs. This is a very dangerous business, because they often get caught in them, and they are full of other dangers. But in dungeons you can find special collectibles and other valuable rarities.

By honing some skills, you can find magical gnomes. Of course, they are sometimes interesting to watch, because you never know where they will end up or what pose they will take. However, there is a good demand for gnomes in the thrift store, so keep that in mind.

Passive income in Sims 3

Who doesn’t dream of doing nothing and getting paid for it? The Sims 3 has several of these features.

1. You may receive an inheritance. For example, as a bonus reward or as a wish fulfillment from a magic lamp.

2. Meet people, fall in love, start a family and receive some part of your spouse’s capital.

In fact, in The Sims 3 there are quite a few ways to earn money without going to tedious work. Here, if they wish, even children can earn money by selling baked goods (The Sims Career addon is required).

There are several secrets that will help you play easily without cheats)

1) To earn a lot of money, you don’t have to go to work every day. For example, I married Langraab’s daughter and, when moving, I clicked on their house, that is, I moved in with them, then I got divorced and got 400,000.

1.1) This looks like a cheat, but, in my opinion, it is an undocumented feature: You can invite a rich man who has a nice car to your home. We invite the guest to come through. And we ourselves boldly call on our mobile phone: “Move.” We move to any inexpensive new site with a lot of money, having sold the furniture, because the guest’s car is sold as part of your site -) I, playing like Dr. House, on the very first day, captured Morgana Wolff, the boss, invited her to visit and accidentally discovered that my site it costs as much as $80,000 with furniture and $9,000 without, and all because of her Furary -) It just didn’t work out to sell the car. But when we moved, the sale of it as “furniture” went like clockwork -)

1.2) The same Morgana, while visiting, had the stupidity to put her laptop on my table, which was immediately sold through the construction mode. +$4,000, like new. She could only stand there and wonder where he had disappeared to? -))

2) Regarding mood: If you want your mood to be restored with one keystroke, then this is easy: Buy a mood “generator” for 60,000 points and when using it, click on the Sim and select Medicine. Then, that stripe in the mood that was red becomes green. Sometimes things happen when the energy turns red again. There is only one way out: click on the medicine again.

3) For $7,500, the beauty salon will give you such a massage that your Sim will walk around high for a week (+75), if you add ambrosia to this, then getting a promotion is as easy as shelling pears, your Sim is always euphoric.

4) By purchasing a partnership, and then the entire enterprise, you will organize a weekly income for yourself without any intervention on your part. By purchasing all the businesses in the city, you will receive about $70,000 every Monday, which is enough for anything at all. Except that just collecting money from all enterprises takes almost a whole day of Sim time. And these enterprises will cost almost half a million, but more about such amounts below -)

5) Writing is a wonderful thing! There are at least three Sim traits that improve writing efficiency. With skill 10 you will earn more money than from owning all the businesses. You just have to give up your career.

5.1) However, using the above-described “mood generator”, you can write novels all night long, without worrying about sleep and come to work completely rested. In just a couple of clicks with the “generator”, literally -)

5.2) Such awards as “Bladder Tamer”, “Neatman”, “Hunger Tamer” will not be out of place in a writer’s career (and in any career in general). These perks are not cheap, all together - 50,000 happiness points, but after taking them, nothing will prevent you from releasing one bestseller in less than a day -) And this is up to $4000 per week only for the very first novel (taking into account the writing skill, close to 10) and the more of them are written, the higher the average fee for each subsequent one will be.

5.3) Before you start writing a book, be sure to look at the “writing” skill log (Button “J”), it shows in the form of a simple table which novels will be the most profitable. The themes of the most successful books seem to follow from the Sim's hobbies and personality traits. He will write better about what he loves more -) My Sim was a “Hopeless Romantic”, so her romance novels were the most profitable according to the table in the skill log.

6) When creating a character, take Computer Genius. Now from 21.00 to 7.00 you will have the opportunity to hack your computer and receive money. I got up to 5,000 per night. The amount of money, as I understand it, depends on the skill of the logician. The downside is that the computer will periodically break down (the anti-hacking service will somehow break it remotely) and you will have to lead a nocturnal lifestyle)).