How to return cosmetics. Are cosmetics returnable? How to get money back for a defective product

Cosmetics are a product that can make an object both more attractive and cause significant harm. If it turns out to be of poor quality, the skin and body can get not only minor rashes, but also burns. In such cases, you will need not only a doctor, but also a doctor. Despite this, cosmetics are different from other products and returning cosmetics may not be so easy, even if you have not used it, but only opened the bottle.

Attention! Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of 1998 indicates that perfume and cosmetic products of good quality are not subject to the rule on the possibility of their exchange or return within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Consequently, you will not be able to return mascara, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. to the store if they do not suit you in color, shape, or you simply changed your mind and want to return the money you paid.

Reasons for returning and exchanging cosmetics

To return cosmetics to the store, you must have one of the following reasons:

  1. « The seller cannot deceive the buyer." Providing them with incomplete or incorrect information about the product is grounds for returning it ( for example, you were incorrectly told about the components of the product or the purpose).
  2. “Money or the buyer’s health?” If your cosmetics contain hazardous ingredients ( methylzothiazolinone, PEG-40, etc..), then it can be returned back to the seller. The condition is the presence of an expert opinion.
  3. “At the expense of quality for the sake of profit.” If perfume and cosmetic products are of low quality or their expiration date has expired, then such cosmetics are subject to exchange or the buyer has the right to contact the seller with a demand for a refund of the money paid.

If the seller does not agree with the reasons for the return, request an independent examination. The final conclusion will contain information about the quality of the product, its composition and suitability for use.

Important: The costs of the examination are paid by the buyer. If the low quality of cosmetics is confirmed, then reimbursement of costs incurred will be borne by the seller.

What to do when the seller does not accept returns of cosmetics

Returns and exchanges of cosmetics even if available legal grounds may take a while. Stores rarely accept cosmetic products back, citing the above-mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

To protect your rights, we suggest you study the instructions for returning cosmetics poor quality:

  • Drawing up a pre-trial claim.

It is sent to the store management if the return of a low-quality product was refused. Write in the application when, what and for what amount was purchased. It is recommended to refer to laws and indicate which consumer rights have been violated.

If you have an expert opinion confirming the presence of dangerous components or the low quality of cosmetics, be sure to attach it to your pre-trial claim. The document review period is 10 days.

  • Going to court.

If the store management refused to return decorative cosmetics or your request was ignored, then you need to file a statement of claim with Rospotrebnadzor and go to court.

The claim must include:

  • circumstances of the purchase (list of goods, amount, time of purchase, etc.)
  • reason for return
  • fact of filing a pre-trial claim

TO statement of claim Attached is the applicant's passport, a check (if available), a copy of the pre-trial claim, an expert opinion (if available) and other documents confirming the content of the claim.

How to return cosmetics from an online store

Special buyer rights apply when placing an order in an online store, since you could not see the product at the time of purchase. Unlike regular stores When placing an order online, the list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned does not apply.

Attention! When purchasing in online stores, you can demand a refund for any product (perfumes, underwear, etc.).

The general return period is 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods. If the seller did not inform you about the procedure and terms of return in writing (for example, in the form of instructions for cosmetics), then this period increases to 90 days.

The main conditions for return are absence of signs of use and intact packaging. You must return the item in the same form and condition in which it was sent by the seller. Otherwise, you will not be able to get your money back.

Refund for purchasing low-quality cosmetics in the salon

The salon usually sells professional, expensive cosmetics and perfumes. However, its return due to inadequate quality occurs in accordance with the general procedure.

What difficulties might arise? Some women take out a loan to buy expensive cosmetic products (many cases with De Sheli cosmetics are known in practice), so the bank becomes the third participant in the purchase and sale.

If the return occurs on the day of purchase, then the situation is simplified - perhaps the transaction of funds to the seller has not yet occurred. To do this, the buyer must submit an application to the bank asking not to transfer money.

If, when purchasing cosmetics, an agreement was concluded with the salon, then write a statement about its termination. Indicate the reasons - low quality of products, lack of instructions in Russian, inclusion of dangerous components in the composition, etc.

So, only cosmetics of poor quality can be returned back to the store (exception - online stores).

Remember that according to consumer rights law, presenting a passport to undergo a free salon procedure is not necessary, which means you can easily refuse to present it. If you nevertheless fell for such a trick and signed loan agreement for the purchase of cosmetics, then, on the basis of the law on the protection of consumer rights (Article 32), it is quite possible to terminate it, subject to the buyer paying all expenses to the consumer.

When returning a cosmetic product, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  1. Packaging integrity.
  2. Receipt for purchased goods.
  3. Authenticity of the goods.

Is it possible to return cosmetics to a store according to Russian laws?

First of all, you should be offered an exchange, that is, choose some other product. But if nothing suits you, then you have grounds to demand a refund. The buyer has the right to return the product within fourteen calendar days if there is a receipt, but the money is returned within three days from the date of return of the cosmetic product.

If the seller refuses to exchange or return the goods to you, then you should write a claim in duplicate to the seller and to you. It is written in the name of the manager; on your version, the seller must put a date and signature. There you clearly indicate the current situation, why you are making a return and your requirements. If the seller does not accept your written claim, then all you have to do is send it by registered mail.

Methods for returning cosmetics to a store

Let's look at all the ways to return cosmetics to the store:

  1. You purchased cosmetics, they didn’t suit you, but you already lost the receipt and threw away the packaging. According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, every buyer has the right to return goods within fourteen days. Just write a statement and ask for your money back.
  2. If the cosmetics were purchased at a promotion or at a discount. Sellers will begin to assure you that promotional items cannot be returned. It's all a lie. Provided that the cosmetics have practically not been used, you write a statement and are obliged to return them to you. full cost goods.
  3. If you bought cosmetics in an online store with prepayment. You pay a certain amount and the rest upon arrival. As you know, the amount for good cosmetics is not small at all, so the advance payment is not five rubles. If within five days the cosmetics do not arrive to you or in the wrong composition, color, etc., then according to the law, after five calendar days the buyer is fully reimbursed for the prepayment amount and additional payment sanctions (moral compensation). The buyer, if he received the goods in improper condition, must return it. When purchasing through an online store, the buyer has the right to return the goods within three weeks.
  4. If you purchased discounted cosmetics (for example, a lipstick cap is broken) and when you get home you are not satisfied with it, then you will not be able to return such a product. However, if in addition to the lid, the lipstick itself is also broken, and you were not informed about this, then you have the right to return such a product by law.
  5. If cosmetics were purchased on credit, but you are not satisfied with them, then you need to agree on the procedure with the bank. The seller must accept the goods from you, but taking into account interest and overpayments. The buyer's money is returned within ten working days.

Return of cosmetics

Photo by Getty Images

Cosmetics are a beautiful weapon for any woman. Creams, mascara, blush, pencils, eye shadows – girls shell out tidy sums every month for all these beauty accessories. Well, beauty requires sacrifice. Ladies are willing to pay for youth, long eyelashes and seductive scarlet lips. But what if expensive cosmetics turned out to be of poor quality? How to return cosmetics to an unscrupulous seller?

What the law says

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998, perfume and cosmetic products of proper quality cannot be exchanged or returned within 14 days. Return of cosmetics is possible if the mascara or lipstick is defective or if the necessary and reliable information about the product was not provided upon purchase. Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” clearly states what can be done if defects are discovered in cosmetic products:

  • demand the replacement of this product with a product of the same brand (model and (or) article);
  • demand the replacement of this product with the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the sales price;
  • demand a proportionate reduction in the selling price of the purchased goods;
  • refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand a refund of the amount paid for the goods.

How to return cosmetics

Now the question arises, how to return cosmetics to the store? To do this you need to order independent examination, which must prove that the defect is a manufacturing defect and not a consequence of improper use. You must have time to return cosmetics during the warranty period.

Unfortunately, the cosmetics that are presented today in domestic retail outlets, does not always meet the stated standards and quality requirements. And, as a rule, the consumer will find out that he bought a low-quality product much later. What to do if a product from the cosmetics segment does not live up to your hopes, is it possible to return it, how to properly file a complaint to the store, what does this say about this situation? Russian legislation– we will discuss these and other issues further in the article.

Are cosmetics subject to exchange and return?

Many consumers are convinced that cosmetics are a type of product that cannot be returned to the store. This opinion is actively formed by sellers of these products, who convince their customers that the cosmetic and perfume product is included in the list of goods prohibited for return. But is this really the case and what does the law say about it? The main consumer bill, as well as Appendix No. 55 to it, actually states how cosmetics belong to the list of products unacceptable for exchange. But the point is that in the act we're talking about about products of proper quality, while defective goods the client always has the right to return it and make a claim about this to the store.

Is it possible to return cosmetics to the store if the packaging is unopened?

You can bring the products to the store where you purchased them even if the packaging has not been opened. This can be done on the basis of the law on the protection of consumer rights if the product turns out to be:

  • Not the company that was originally stated by the seller;
  • If on the packaging you read about the negative consequences of using the product (side effects, allergic reactions, etc.), which the seller did not warn you about;
  • If the cosmetics turned out to be unnatural, which you read on the packaging, while the seller assured you otherwise.

Thus, if you fall into one of the above categories, take your purchase back, write a complaint to the seller and issue a return. You can return purchased cosmetics even if they were purchased on credit.

Is it possible to return cosmetics purchased in an online store?

Russian consumer law is the same for both stationary sales enterprises and those distributors that operate on the Internet.

However, here the return periods are slightly different - if you received a low-quality product by mail, you can also file a claim and return the cosmetic product back to the online store, but no later than within a week. If the product was delivered to you by courier, then you have the right to return it back with him, provided that the defect is immediately identified.

How to return decorative cosmetics?

  • Return of decorative makeup products is possible if they:
  • Does not meet quality requirements;
  • Has side effects, for example - an allergic reaction;
  • It turned out to be unnatural, although initially the seller assured you of its 100% naturalness;

It turned out to be not branded, but a counterfeit of the original brand.

If the above problems are identified, within 14 days you have the right to return the products again to the point of sale. In return, you may be offered another, high-quality product, or, at your request stated in the claim, your funds will be returned.

Is it possible to return the cream to the pharmacy? To exercise your rights, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Find the sales receipt issued by the pharmacy for the purchase;
  • Place purchased cosmetics in their original packaging;
  • Make a personal visit to the pharmacy;
  • Write a complaint addressed to the manager (manager) of the pharmacy company;
  • Wait for a decision on the return issue (this may take 10 days, but no more).

If everything was done correctly, the pharmacy administration will be forced to accept the application.