How can a student earn money without investment? How to earn money for a schoolchild: main ways to earn extra money Where a schoolchild can earn money in the summer

How can a schoolchild make money?

Pocket money is needed from childhood, but not everyone has the opportunity to receive it from their parents. Well, let’s take this as an opportunity to learn how to earn money yourself much earlier than your peers, as an opportunity to quickly gain experience, accumulate useful connections and make your way in life. So, how can a schoolchild make money?

Work for a schoolchild

  • Post advertisements. The job, of course, is not highly paid, but it will do for first experience and first money. Moreover, employment will depend on the student himself. That is, for some, 3-4 hours a day will be enough, while others will have to work faster, it all depends on the speed of the work. Please note that posting advertisements is not as easy as it might seem at first. Firstly, there will be a lot of advertisements, and secondly, running around with glue, a brush and a pile of leaflets is physical labor. That’s why many schoolchildren, after working like this for a couple of days, realize that they can’t stand it and quit.
  • Deliver weekly newspapers to mailboxes. For some, such work may seem easier, because you will only need to work 2 times a week - on weekends. The student will be given an area for which he will be responsible, that is, a list of houses located in the same area. There will be a lot of newspapers, they will be heavier than leaflets, this is not suitable for everyone, since in this case it will be physically difficult for a student to earn money. It is impossible to take everything with you at once; you will have to make several visits. This may take 4-5 hours a day. Although everything will depend on the number of houses entrusted to you.
  • Being a promoter is a great way for a teenager to make money. This is a person promoting a certain product or service in the form of advertising. Here you can earn a lot more, and the work is not dusty, the main thing is to keep your mouth shut and have a smile on your face. It is a fairly common job for schoolchildren these days. This work differs according to the principle: indoors - outdoors. Most often, schoolchildren are asked to work on the street, but you can persistently ask to go to a store for an event. On the streets, work usually involves handing out flyers to passers-by. To be accepted, you must give the impression of a decent person who will not throw the leaflets into the next bin. Also, schoolchildren can stand on the streets at the counters of mobile operators and offer to connect, talk about any ongoing action. As for the premises, these are usually promotions: a gift for a purchase, tastings, lotteries. Where can a student earn money in this field? Open a newspaper ad with vacancies and find where a promoter is needed. You can also go to an advertising agency in your city, they usually hire all the promoters so that they have a base. They will offer jobs to those who actively show themselves, strive to work and call every day with questions about the promotion that has appeared.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren

Study in the morning, training in the afternoon, sections, clubs. In such a frantic pace, you also need to have time to earn money. Where will a schoolchild be allowed to work in the evenings and at night? Besides, you still need to sleep sometime... I suggest considering the option of working on the Internet for a schoolchild.

  • Surfing. The income is cheap, but if there is no way out, then you need to register on sites that work on advertising other projects. Type in the search engine “SAR”, that is, active advertising systems. Some people type “postmen” or “sponsors”. The essence of the work: follow links, read letters, browse websites.
  • If you often communicate on forums, you can always put a modified advertising link at the bottom of your message (in your signature). The student earns money when this link is clicked on. To do this, you need to register in an affiliate program that sells links.
  • And, of course, a very profitable way to make money on the Internet for a schoolchild is to create a website. Here you need to choose an interesting topic, then place an advertisement and promote it. The matter is far from easy, it requires certain knowledge and skills, so work with the theory first.

The needs and desires of modern children are practically impossible to measure. And parents are not always ready to satisfy the “wants” of their minor children. Then the child has a desire to save money or earn extra money for this or that dream.

Today we will talk about how to quickly save money at 12 years old. This is not the easiest task. Especially if the child’s whole week is busy with activities - sections, studies, tutors, clubs. But if you want, you can earn and save money. The main thing is to try and choose the right direction to implement the task.

Saving from pocket money

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? At this age, finding a job can be problematic. Child labor is prohibited in Russia. And they can officially get a job only after receiving a passport - at 14 years old.

Therefore, teenagers are often given pocket money. A certain amount is given to minors by their parents. For example, once a day or a week.

To save quickly this way, you just need to spend less. For example, refuse unnecessary and spontaneous expenses. It is better to keep records of desires and expenses on paper. This technique will definitely help you save and spend your budget rationally in adulthood.

Walking the dogs

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Saving in 1 week will not give a significant result. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to earn a little pocket money.

In the US, walking dogs for money is popular among teenagers. In Russia, such an activity is rare. The child can offer his services to friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

Payment in this area is negotiable. The advantage is that at the age of 12 a teenager can walk several dogs at once. If you charge 100 rubles per person for an hour of walking every day, you can make good money on the side.

We sell crafts

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Everyone can get 500 rubles or even more by selling handmade goods. Handmade items are highly valued at the moment. They are readily bought from hand or from store shelves.

This technique requires the child to have certain skills - knitting, sewing, cooking, turning, and so on. For one hand-made accessory you can earn from 200 rubles or more.

This technique does not work effectively immediately. First, the teenager will have to find clients. But if this can be done, selling handmade goods could become the main source of income in the future. This is a good freelance job for people of all ages.

Work as a promoter

How to quickly save money at 12 years old in 1 week? On a phone or tablet, for example?

It all depends on how much you want to earn. Teenagers from 10-12 years old can be hired as promoters. The child will have to stand on the street or in shopping centers, handing out advertising leaflets. An hour of work is estimated at 150 rubles. At the age of 12, children are allowed to work for 2-4 hours.

Accordingly, if you work as a promoter every day, you can save some money for a simple smartphone in a week. Otherwise you will have to work much longer. Especially if a teenager wants to buy himself a modern and powerful device.

Help with housework

How to quickly save money at the age of 12 for a dog or any other desire? In some families, parents use a system of rewarding household work and grades. If the child studies well, he is given a certain (pre-agreed) amount of funds.

Housework is also paid. For example, for a thorough cleaning of a room they pay 100-200 rubles. This is a good option for working part-time and teaching your child to do housework.

Similarly, a teenager can offer help with housework to friends, relatives and even neighbors. Busy people will definitely take advantage of such services.

At school

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? In 1 month, a teenager can start earning good money. Especially if he is smart and distinguished by intelligence in certain school subjects.

Some schoolchildren do homework and tests for money. The cost of one job depends on the complexity of the task.

If a teenager has free time, he can take on laboratory work, essays, and even coursework for students. There are a lot of such orders. And they are paid decently.

A talented schoolchild is able to earn up to several thousand rubles a month in this way. Sometimes it’s enough to work hard for a month to buy yourself an expensive smartphone or a mid-range laptop. The main thing is to find clients, not to be lazy and develop your mental abilities. After all, the described method of earning money is not suitable for everyone.


How to save money quickly at 12 years old? The next option for a part-time job is making presentations on a computer for a fee. It can be combined with homework.

The bulk of the “clients” are classmates and other schoolchildren. You can look for customers outside the educational institution where the teenager is studying.

Beautiful presentations pay well. On average, they charge 300 rubles or more for a small job. The cost of the order is negotiated with the customer in advance.

Surfing the Net

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? In 1 week, every modern child who knows how to work with the Internet can receive some pocket money.

The thing is that there is such a method of earning money on the Internet as surfing sites. You just need to browse paid sites by following the links provided. To do this, you will have to register on special exchanges. For example, SeoSprint, VipIP or Wmmail.

This method of working part-time allows you to earn up to 2-3 thousand rubles per month from one virtual exchange. A 12-year-old child may have problems withdrawing money from systems. This often requires an online wallet or bank card. It is difficult for teenagers to gain access to such things.

Social networks to help

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? Selling handmade goods is suitable for a girl. But teenagers can earn money regardless of their gender. Social networks will help them with this.

On the Internet you can earn income from performing simple tasks on social networks. This scenario allows you to earn extra money in your free time by promoting other people’s pages and public pages. The job does not require any skills or abilities.

The child needs to register on the promotion exchange on social networks, link his work accounts to his profile, and then take and complete certain tasks. You can receive various tasks, for example, “Add as a friend” or “Repost a post.” Even a preschooler can cope with such tasks.

This way you can't earn too much. Maximum - 2-2.5 thousand rubles per month. Most often, users work with the exchanges VkTarget, Sociate, V-Like. Registration here is completely free, there are a lot of orders, but they are completed very quickly.

Captcha and part time job

How to save money quickly at 12 years old? There are many ways to earn money on the Internet without investment. For example, novice users can try their hand at entering captchas.

The child will only need to register on the exchange and then enter the text from the pictures that appear. Fast, simple and very convenient. True, the payment for such work leaves much to be desired. One captcha costs from 10 to 60 kopecks.

At the moment, users most often work on RuCapcha and, as in the case of social networks, a child can earn no more than a few thousand rubles here.

Texts to order

The last interesting method of earning and saving money is working as a freelancer. Usually adults earn their living in this way. Freelancers offer their skills on specialized exchanges.

Schoolchildren are encouraged to take up copywriting. This is writing texts on a specific topic to order. For example, about games or technology. You can earn from 50 to 500 rubles for a text. Sometimes even more. Payment is made depending on the complexity of the order and its volume.

The best freelance exchanges are Advego,, ETXT.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to quickly save money at the age of 12. But teenagers at this age are better off looking for part-time work in real life rather than online.

There is a widespread belief that it is impossible to make money online without your own website or investing personal funds. This is wrong. There are a lot of proven ways to earn money that do not require either one or the other from the user. In addition to an additional source of income, working online will help you gain first experience and instill discipline. Earned funds can be spent on goods or services online, as well as withdrawn to a bank card.

Quick navigation:

Earn money on a mobile phone (Android and iOS)

To make money on a smartphone with Android or iOS, you can use the application AppRating. First, you will need to install this application from the Play Market or AppStore (depending on your smartphone). The work consists of simply downloading applications. For one download you can earn up to 25 rubles. The number of possible downloads per day is unlimited. The download speed depends on the quality of the Internet connection. with special zeal, it is possible to earn up to 150 rubles per hour. Funds are credited either to the Webmoney electronic wallet or to the mobile phone account balance. Absolutely anyone can handle this part-time job.

The second application for earning money is called AdvertApp, install it too, to receive income from two sources simultaneously.

We earn money by entering captcha

Every network user was faced with the need to enter verification characters in order to confirm an action. However, few people know that you can make money from this. There are special applications that you just need to install in your browser, and they will automatically recognize captchas. However, not all characters can be entered by the program; some of the test characters can only be recognized by a person.

Service RuС offers additional income to everyone by entering captchas. For 1000 solutions, the user will be credited 36 rubles. It is worth saying that this is quite a difficult job. In order to receive tangible income in this way, you need to be proficient in touch typing in both Russian and English layouts. Otherwise, you will be able to earn no more than 360 rubles per day.

More sites for making money on captcha:


Collecting free bitcoins

Bitcoin is the first and most popular digital currency that can be obtained not only through mining. There are a large number of sites that give out this currency for free every hour. Such services are usually called Bitcoin faucets. The best among them is the site

To start receiving bitcoins, you just need to register a wallet to receive cryptocurrency in the blockchain system and register on the mentioned website. In addition to the hourly distribution of Satoshi, the developers provide a free weekly lottery, the main prize of which is 1 Bitcoin. There are also a number of attractive bonuses for activity on the site.

Other good Bitcoin faucets:


Viewing advertisements for money on the Globus-inter website

Fans of passive income, as well as schoolchildren and students are advised to pay attention to the Globus-inter service. This is a unique advertising platform through which everyone can earn money without investment. All you need is a computer or smartphone with stable Internet access. The job is to view advertisements from other users. To start earning money, you will need to install a special application that will periodically display an ad. For viewing one video or post, the user will be credited with a payment of $0.03 to the system’s internal balance. You can earn no more than $1 per day.

It is worth noting that the service provides a referral program, which consists of 7 levels. To earn more than $1000 per month on the Globus-inter service, you need to invite only 7 people to the system. It is important that 7 people also register using the affiliate link of each of the invitees, and so on. Here is a table of potential income depending on the number of participants in the affiliate program:

Earnings on Globus-inter requires virtually no user attention. After registering in the system, you should actively promote your affiliate link. To do this, you can use forums, social networks, classifieds sites and other resources. It is important to note that if the user himself stops viewing advertisements, then he will not receive earnings from the affiliate program.

Video: Working for students and schoolchildren on the Internet - how to make money for teenagers and schoolchildren

Earnings on clicks (mailers)

Postal services (the second name for axleboxes) are a common way to generate additional income, which is mainly used by schoolchildren and beginning freelancers. The essence of earning money is to complete various tasks:

  • viewing advertising sites (30-60 seconds);
  • reading letters;
  • registration on websites;
  • performing simple tasks on social networks (likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.).

Postal services (boxes) are income that does not require special knowledge or special practical skills. That is why teenagers do this in their free time from school. If you devote 3-4 hours a day to earning money on axleboxes, then at the end of the month you can count on an income of 5,000 to 8,000 rubles. The funds earned will need to be withdrawn first to an electronic wallet and then to a bank card. Transaction fees range from 2.5% to 3%. The service on which the income was received charges a symbolic commission of 1%, but if the money is needed urgently, the user can create a request for an urgent withdrawal of funds. In this case, the money will be credited to your electronic wallet within 24 hours. For urgency, you will need to pay an increased commission fee, the amount of which is set by the administration of a particular site.

Trusted Russian-language email services include:


To earn more, we recommend registering on several sites at once. The fact is that the list of tasks for earning money is limited and is updated only 1-2 times a day. Therefore, in order not to waste time, it is recommended to register on several services.

Creating an account is not difficult, all you need is:

  • enter your login and create a password for authorization;
  • indicate your email address.

After confirming your registration, you can start working immediately. On some sites you need to link your phone number and Webmoney wallet so that you cannot create many accounts at once.

Writing comments for money

Surely you periodically comment on something on social networks or websites, but you do it completely free of charge. There is a site that pays for writing comments and reviews for advertisers. To earn money, you need to leave reviews about various products or services. After publishing a review, payment will be received for each reading. Withdrawal of funds is available on or Webmoney, minimum 100 rubles.

Exchanges for working in social media networks

Almost every Internet user has an account on one of the popular social networks. Today, a schoolchild or student can earn pocket money even from this. To earn additional income from social networks you will need to complete the following tasks:

  • like;
  • add as a friend;
  • subscribe to public pages;
  • repost;
  • leave comments.

Every modern schoolchild performs these actions daily and absolutely free. To start making money on this, you should choose an advertising service that is willing to pay for performing simple actions. It is recommended to give preference only to trusted sites.

These include:

  1. A proven service for making money on all popular social networks, including video hosting YouTube. Payment is credited to the user's internal balance immediately after completing the task. The minimum amount for withdrawal to an electronic wallet is 20 rubles. You can earn up to 300 rubles a day by simple actions. The number of paid tasks depends on the level of the user’s account on the social network. The more friends and subscribers you have, the more you can earn.
  2. Earn money by completing standard tasks on social networks. Payment can be received in the form of special chips, which you can use to promote your group or page.
  3. One of the most popular advertising services for making money on your own account on a social network. Payment per action reaches 0.25 kopecks. Payments are made to an electronic wallet within 24 hours. To create a request for payment, you will need the minimum amount allowed on your balance sheet in the amount of 30 rubles.

The choice of services for making money on social networks is not limited to these sites; you will find several more similar exchanges in the article -. To increase your income, it is possible to register accounts on several social networks, and then create accounts on the mentioned sites.


Sites for automatic earnings

Passive income on the Internet is possible without your own website and additional investments. To do this, just register on one of these sites:

  1. JobPlant
  2. Teaser

These services allow users to automatically earn up to 100 rubles per day in the background. Money is credited to the user's internal balance. Payment is made for viewing advertising and is up to 5 kopecks for each banner. To start receiving money, you need to go through a quick registration procedure and install a special extension in your browser. Next, minimal activity is required from the user. Funds will be credited to your account balance automatically. Earnings can be withdrawn to an electronic wallet.

In addition, there are special automatic surfing programs (viewing advertiser sites one after another). Services offer a similar opportunity

  • (WMmail Agent)

To earn money you will need to register and install a special program on your computer. Afterwards you will need to log in and start browsing sites. Before starting such activities, it is recommended to install a good antivirus on your computer, since some sites may contain malware. Also, many users complain about decreased computer performance and Internet speed due to automatic surfing programs. Therefore, before installing special applications, you should think about the feasibility of such income. The safe option is to use such programs in a virtual machine, but creating one will require some technical skills.

Writing articles for money (copywriting and rewriting)

Writing informational, news or commercial texts is a very promising source of income. The advantage is that earnings are limited only by personal qualities:

  • the author's experience and areas of expertise;
  • patience and endurance (in the first stages this is the most important factor);
  • self-discipline;
  • literacy.

Almost anyone can make money by writing informational or commercial texts. By devoting several hours a day to this business, after a while you can achieve high rates of profitability. If you have not previously had the opportunity to gain experience as an author, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with specialized educational materials. In order for the finished article to be in demand, important criteria should be taken into account:

  • absence of stylistic, spelling, semantic and other types of errors;
  • thoughtful and consistent structure (introduction, main part, conclusion);
  • presence of explanatory illustrations (if necessary);
  • information value.

Taking into account the mentioned criteria, a novice author will be able to find regular customers in a relatively short time.

  1. Writing articles to order, complying with all customer requirements.
  2. Write about what you like and put up finished articles for free sale.

Both methods can be combined.

How to start making money by writing articles

To make money on copyright texts, you should select 1 or 2 copyright exchanges. The most popular services are ETXT and Advego. Registration will take a few minutes. After authorization, you need to provide information in your profile and complete test tasks to check literacy and to determine your skill level. The higher the author's competence, the higher his work is paid.

eTXT is a text exchange where you can sell your original article or do custom work. The minimum wage for performers on the service is 5 rubles per 1000 characters of text without spaces. In the absence of authoring experience, it is recommended to start working with these orders. In the future, it is possible to increase the payment to 150 rubles per 1000 characters. You will need to show discipline and hard work, as well as creativity. It is possible to withdraw earned money to a bank card, bypassing payment systems. The commission will be 4%. The minimum amount for payment to a bank card is 1000 rubles, and to an electronic wallet - 250 rubles. If you work only with light orders for 2 hours a day, you can earn up to 5,000 rubles per month. It all depends on personal goals and ambitions.

How to get money earned on the ETXT service

After the author accepts the order for work, the indicated amount will be blocked in the customer’s account. After completing the order, the funds will be credited to the contractor’s balance within 3 to 4 hours. The minimum amount for payment is 250 rubles for electronic wallets and 1 thousand rubles for a bank card.

In this case, the user will need to pay a service fee:

  • 2% for WebMoney wallet owners;
  • 4% for withdrawal of funds to a bank card;
  • 1% for transferring the earned amount to a Qiwi or Yandex Money wallet.

After creating a payment request, the specified amount will be credited to the user’s details within 5 business days. The administration of the ETXT service provides the ability to urgently process an application for payment of earnings. To do this, check the appropriate box when creating a withdrawal request. In this case, the user will be charged an additional commission of 5% of the payment amount. Funds will be credited within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. In case of delay in urgent payment of funds by the administration, no additional commission will be charged.

Taking paid surveys

An interesting way to make money online that is suitable for absolutely everyone. The job involves participating in social surveys. There are many services on the Internet that are willing to pay users up to 150 rubles for 1 survey. In addition, each of them provides a registration bonus. After registration, you will need to provide as detailed personal information and personal preferences as possible. The number of surveys that will be offered for completion depends on this. A popular service among schoolchildren and teenagers. For registration, 10 rubles will be credited to your internal balance. the work consists of filling out questionnaires, for each of which the system pays from 50 to 200 rubles. Notifications about new surveys are sent to the email address specified during registration. The main disadvantage of the service is the small number of questionnaires. You can earn no more than 2,000 rubles per month.

Other reliable and proven sites for making money by taking surveys are:


It is possible to earn up to 2,000 rubles per month on one site, so to increase your income, it is recommended not to be lazy and register on all the mentioned services. Potential monthly income in this case can be up to 25,000 rubles. To receive ongoing surveys to the email address specified during registration, it is important to indicate as many personal interests as possible when registering on each site. Payment will be made to the account balance of each site. When the minimum amount for payment is reached, the user will be able to create a corresponding application. Funds will be credited to the e-wallet specified in your profile.

Another similar site is

To receive payment, you just need to evaluate sites on the Internet. With a responsible approach, it is possible to earn up to 15,000 rubles per month. You will need to devote 1-2 hours a day to work.

To start earning money, you need to go to the service website and register. You will only need to provide your email address. Within 3 minutes you will receive an email with a confirmation link, which will contain information for authorization on the site. Next, you will need to install a special program on your home PC, log in and start earning money. As tasks are completed, the user's rating in the system will increase. The amount of payment for each assessment depends on this, which can reach up to 50 rubles.

Bonus: Two more working ways for schoolchildren to earn money


Write in the comments what methods you have already tried to make money from home and what results you got. And also be sure to write which methods you shouldn’t even try, so that others will be warned!

According to the current labor legislation, only an adult citizen can officially get a job, even one that does not require any qualifications. But many parents believe that the sooner the child understands how money is obtained, the more benefit it will bring him. Plus, most teenagers today strive to earn money independently in order to provide for their own needs that go beyond the necessary - fashionable clothes, a modern gadget, an unusual vacation, etc. For high school students, finding part-time work is not a serious problem. But making money for a 12-year-old is much more difficult than for a 15-year-old. Let's try to figure out what options for earning money there are for this age category.

Where can a teenager find an official job?

It makes no sense for a 12-year-old schoolchild to apply to the labor exchange or look through websites with vacancies - there will be no offers for his age. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, organizations can hire persons over 14 years of age. Even in this case, there are a number of restrictions:

  • the vacancy must be classified as light labor;
  • work should not be related to money;
  • the working day can be a maximum of 4 hours;
  • written consent of parents or guardians is required.

Why are employment opportunities available from the age of 14? Because at this age a teenager already receives a passport, and an employment contract can be concluded with him. A twelve-year-old schoolboy does not have any documents, and it is impossible to hold him accountable under the law. All this causes certain difficulties for employers. So, for a 12-year-old, there is practically no chance of getting a job in any organization, even in a neighboring hairdresser, coming there “from the street.” But fortunately, ways to earn money are not limited to official employment.

How to make money for a 12 year old schoolboy

Teenagers who do not yet have a passport can earn money in the following ways:

  • provision of paid services to residents of their home, yard, neighborhood;
  • informal part-time work in small organizations near home;
  • collection of recyclable materials;
  • participation in online projects to earn money;
  • earnings from handicrafts.

Let's look at each of the methods in more detail below.

Important! Any attempts to find employment and earn money for a teenager must be monitored by parents, and best of all, done with their help.

Earnings from providing services

In European countries and the United States, teenagers working part-time to carry out small errands is a completely normal practice. Even in literature and films one can find a lot of evidence of this fact. Schoolchildren earn extra money by delivering mail, delivering small cargo, mowing lawns, babysitting, etc. In Russia, this practice is not yet so widespread, but it is still present.

A 12-year-old teenager can do simple work, for example:

  • help in the garden or at the dacha;
  • shopping and grocery delivery;
  • dog walking;
  • babysitting for young children;
  • car washing;
  • courier work, etc.

A student can look for clients for such services in two ways - through word of mouth or through advertisements.

If you live in the private sector, your child can simply go around all the neighbors on the street/block and offer their services. For residents of apartment buildings, it will be more convenient to post notices with a list of possible works at the entrances and stops within the microdistrict.

Advice: advertisements should be written by hand and indicate the age of the child - this will create more trust and sympathy among potential clients.

Naturally, all this should happen under the control of parents. They can (and even should) help with finding clientele by recommending the child to their neighbors and acquaintances. And, of course, every order received from outside should be checked - go with the teenager to the first meeting with the employer to make sure that the offer is safe and there is no fraud.

Important! Negotiations with customers should be made in such a way that the teenager is paid money immediately after each completed task. This will help maintain the child’s interest in work, and in addition, will protect him from fraud.

Unofficial part-time work in organizations

In any microdistrict there are many small offices that need the services of a cleaner, a janitor, a short-distance courier or an assistant to carry out small errands. A 12-13 year old teenager can handle this kind of work quite well. But to obtain it you will need the help of your parents.

Ideally, an adult should first go through potential employers. Employees of the organization are more likely to take a parent seriously than a student. First of all, contact those offices (shops, hairdressers, car services, etc.) where they already know you as a client - it will be easier to negotiate with them. Explain the situation, describe the child’s capabilities, and, if possible, arrange an interview. Pay attention specifically to private organizations - they definitely won’t hire a schoolchild to a chain store or beauty salon.

Important! It is better to send a teenager to the interview itself - this will teach him to take the proposed job more seriously and will add points to him in the eyes of a potential employer.

Soviet schoolchildren always had a completely legal opportunity to earn extra money selling glass containers. If you were in those days, then remember that any drink, from milk to mineral water, was sold in glass bottles, which were accepted for return in stores, paying a certain amount for each. Accordingly, glass containers suitable for donation could be found in any home. And this process was perceived quite normally; it acquired a touch of marginality only after perestroika.

However, recycling collection offices still exist. And they accept not only glass containers, but also waste paper, scrap metal, and non-ferrous metals. In addition, recycling things has recently become fashionable again, with the development of the trend of caring for the environment. If there is a collection point for glass containers/waste paper/other recyclable materials in your area, you can offer your student to earn extra money with its help. Of course, collecting bottles and scrap metal is not a suitable way for a 12 year old girl to make money, but it is quite suitable for boys.

Earning money from handicrafts

Many schoolchildren are interested in various types of creativity - drawings, jewelry making, beading, knitting, wood carving, etc. If a teenager’s work is done carefully and beautifully, he can easily make money by selling it. A trading platform can be school fairs, your own page on a social network, or just a group of friends and classmates. By the way, parents can help here too by showing their child’s products to their friends and work colleagues.

Advice: in addition to selling works, a teenager can sell creative materials or do simple master classes on any stage of creativity and make money from selling them.

How can a 12-year-old schoolchild make money on the Internet?

From a teenager’s point of view, making money on the Internet looks quite attractive. It is in this area that, at least at first, strict control of parents is necessary, and in some cases their participation. Not every banner that promises instant profits online leads to a reliable site. The main task of parents is to help a teenager weed out obviously fraudulent projects, as well as teach the basics of cyber security, so as not to put viruses on him.

The most suitable online earning methods for schoolchildren aged 12 are:

  • axle boxes - sites, where they pay money for viewing advertisements;
  • cheating systems– sites where certain actions on social networks are paid;
  • solving tests and writing essays to order;
  • selling items from online games.

The first two methods are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, since they only require a computer and a social network account. But you can make little money on such sites. One viewing of a link by an advertiser costs about three kopecks, while actions on social networks cost from 10 to 25 kopecks.

To sell statuses and gifts from online games, a teenager will have to spend a lot of time in the game itself. It seems that not every parent will agree to this. However, the event can bring good profits.

To find orders for tests and essays, a student can register on one of the websites of companies providing such services. In addition, on social networks for each city there are groups dedicated to solving educational work to order, groups of schools and classes. You can place an advertisement about your services there.

Important! Many sites recommend that teenagers 12 years old make money on freelance exchanges. However, this cannot be called a good idea - schoolchildren of this age do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills to develop a high-quality program, write a competent and informative text, or create a good illustration.

The second important point in which a teenager will need parental help is receiving payment for work via the Internet. Most websites and freelance exchanges withdraw money earned by users to the wallets of electronic payment systems. Anyone can have such a wallet. But in order to receive payments on it and withdraw money, you will need to confirm it in the payment system, for which you will need a passport, which a 12-year-old schoolchild does not have. There are two options here: use your parents’ passport data for confirmation, or look for work sites that transfer earnings to your mobile phone balance. But still, the best solution would be to wait to earn money online at least until you are 16 years old, until then you learn how to earn money in real life.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Earning extra money for school is real! There are at least 7 interesting ideas for making money at school. They are quite feasible for a leader with entrepreneurial abilities who knows how to properly use the available school resources. How to make money from training, clubs, sections, additional lessons, events, etc., read the website

Organization of paid clubs and sections

Each school has a gym, stadium, classrooms, and sometimes a swimming pool. This is her so-called resource for earning money. Naturally, during the daytime all premises are used for their intended purpose - for conducting the educational process.

In the afternoon, it is quite reasonable to use this potential differently - open paid sections and clubs:

  • in basketball, volleyball and so on.
  • In the offices – in fine arts, design and other developing wisdom.
  • At the stadium Train fans of football and athletics.
  • On school grounds It is quite appropriate to arrange a greenhouse for young botanists. The benefits of such an object can be multifaceted: conducting paid lessons and excursions, growing and selling crops (or supplying them to the school canteen).

Renting out premises

How else to increase the school budget? Tenants can be allowed into certain school premises. Of course, only in the evening.

What options can be considered in this case:

  1. Many commercial organizations are happy to rent a gym for their employees.
  2. In the basement you can equip or arrange a dance studio.
  3. The swimming pool can offer water aerobics classes.
  4. There is no need to talk about the demand for assembly halls. A large number of organizations do not have such areas for holding seminars, meetings and other crowded events.

In terms of providing rent, the school has a lot of room for commercial thought. If desired, it will not be difficult for the director to offer premises that will attract tenants.

Organizing seminars and consultations for colleagues from other schools

Such a source of financial income is suitable for an exemplary educational institution that has high performance in the educational process. If there are successes, then there is a method for achieving them. Now is the time to conduct seminars or consultations for teachers from other schools - to share experience on a paid basis.

Of course, the seminar requires special preparation; its main stages are:

  • Drawing up a press release and other graphic layouts.
  • Elaboration of the list of participants.
  • Preparation of reports and other organizational nuances.

Staging paid performances, musicals, organizing concerts

It is quite possible to make money through performances, musicals, and concerts.

This requires the presence of two factors:

  1. Specialists who know how to professionally stage any performance.
  2. Groups of active children ready to participate in school productions.
  • A program of cultural and entertainment events is being drawn up. In addition to performances, this could include holding children's parties, discos, theme evenings, and concerts for city residents.
  • Rehearsals are held, costumes are made.
  • Vivid advertising is being developed.

Where to show the finished repertoire? In any neighboring school (other organizations) or nearby cities. Proceeds from the performances will contribute to the school budget. In addition to earning money for school, children learn to express themselves in the creative process.

Organization of meetings, hikes, excursions

The relevance of this type of activity is very high, especially during school holidays. Any parent prefers to know where his child is in his free time, and is willing to pay for it.

What the school is able to organize for a small fee - on average about 250 rubles:

  1. Hiking around your native land (possible with an overnight stay).
  2. Excursion to the sights of the city.
  3. Excursion trips to other cities.
  4. A gathering of young tourists, artists, designers, gardeners and so on.

The benefits are obvious to everyone. Children are at work. The parents are calm. The school earns its own needs.

Earning money from handicrafts. Selling crafts made by children

During labor lessons, girls learn to sew, and boys learn how to make various useful things for the home. There are creative development lessons that teach children how to create crafts from nature's gifts. If the first creative attempts of children are not entirely successful, then for high school students the opposite is true.

Therefore, there are many options for sale:

  • Aprons and potholders.
  • Pincushions and pillows filled with aromatic herbs.
  • Stools and benches made of wood.
  • A variety of original crafts made from materials collected in the nearest park.
  • Cards for any occasion.

Organization of paid additional lessons for students

The school curriculum is limited to certain limits. This refers to the list of subjects and the number of hours allocated to each of them. Additional training falls under the category of paid classes.

What is included in their list:

  1. Courses aimed at preparing for passing the Unified State Exam or State Examination.
  2. Preparatory classes for future first-graders.
  3. Lessons on in-depth study of foreign languages.
  4. Additional classes in various subjects (a unique way for low-performing schoolchildren to fill gaps in the school curriculum).