How to open a food stall from scratch. How to open a tent stall. Organization of a retail outlet: location, personnel, assessment of activities in monetary terms

No matter how many huge hypermarkets and shopping centers appear in our cities, small kiosks selling a wide variety of different goods everyday demand do not lose their relevance. Even a novice entrepreneur can easily can open a kiosk, having a very modest starting capital from 150 thousand rubles, and for buyers these small shopping pavilions are an excellent opportunity to quickly buy the necessary little things, be it stationery, a loaf of bread, a pack of juice or a can of beer.

What do you need to open a kiosk?

Retail trade in stalls and stalls has a number of its advantages and vulnerabilities, which should be taken into account even before the organization of this type of small business. The procedure for opening the stall should begin from registering an individual entrepreneur with the tax and trade inspectorates, as well as registering it with the Pension Fund and the State Statistics Committee. If you plan to open a kiosk or tent that will sell low-alcohol drinks and cigarettes, you will also need permission from the Licensing Chamber. The next thing you need to open a kiosk is find a place for it with good traffic from potential buyers, not too dependent on the time of year. The monthly revenue of one stall can be 15-50 thousand rubles, and the reason for such a wide variation lies precisely in the successful or unsuccessful choice of location point of sale. The best places to open a stall are areas near metro stations, stops at the intersection points of several urban transport routes, or in the direction of the flow of people from transport stops to residential buildings. Even before opening a kiosk, you must decide on the range of goods. To do this, it is advisable to go on a tour of neighboring retail outlets to get acquainted with their assortment and prices, and then, after analyzing the survey results, build your own marketing policy. For example, almost all pavilions sell beer and cigarettes, without interfering with each other thanks to fast turnover. It is interesting that a certain list of popular products is in equally high demand in any area of ​​the city, but some are not. For example, some kind of chips are selling well at one metro station trademark, and with the other they are not in demand at all. Therefore, when you decide to open a stall and stock it with a product that is not yet available in neighboring retail outlets, introduce it into the assortment in small quantities and monitor demand very carefully so as not to incur losses. There is also a relationship between the location of the kiosk and the range of goods. For trade in food, drinks, cigarettes, chewing gum, look out for place to place a stall on the street, at the entrance or exit of the metro or near transport stops. A retail outlet selling stationery, audio and video products, watches, batteries, perfumes and others industrial goods For the convenience of buyers, it is better to place it in a subway lobby, underground passage or other indoor area. Moreover, obtaining permission to trade in industrial goods is much easier than obtaining documents for the sale of alcohol, tobacco and food products.

How much does it cost to open a stall?

It’s easy to calculate how much it costs to open a stall if you don’t plan to buy retail space into the property. So, renting an area of ​​6-10 sq. m. in a large regional city will cost 30-45 thousand rubles. Approximately 30-50 thousand rubles will be needed to purchase a cash register, a refrigerator and the salaries of four salespeople working in shifts. For the purchase of goods and regular replenishment of its assortment in the first month of operation will cost another 100-120 thousand rubles. Thus, in order to open a stall, you will need 150-200 thousand rubles of initial investment. With a trade margin of 30-35% for each unit of goods, a well-designed assortment and a well-chosen location investment payback period will be 6-12 months. One of the main advantages of kiosks and tents as retail outlets is their mobility: in case of an unsuccessfully chosen place at any time you can move your “mini-supermarket” to a busier site. A large stationary store cannot afford such a maneuver.

Trade through stalls brings income up to 2 thousand dollars a month. If there are several such stalls, and the places for them are chosen correctly, then the income can be very good. However, the opening of the stall - in organizational plan The business is quite troublesome, with many nuances that the entrepreneur needs to take into account in advance so as not to burn out. So, what do you need to know and how best to act to open a stall?

First you need to register a private enterprise (PE) and register with tax office. To save time, this can be done via law firm. The cost of the service is 2-3 thousand rubles.

How much does it cost to open a stall?

It will take 150 - 200 thousand rubles.

Different entrepreneurs start businesses in different ways. Some first find a place, obtain permits to trade, then set up a stall. Others immediately buy a stall with space. Still others believe that in order to avoid unnecessary risk, at the initial stage it is better not to buy, but to rent a stall with space. In this case, all that remains is to find those people (usually network owners) who rent out the stall. If the business fails, the costs will be much lower than when buying a stall. The cost of renting a kiosk varies greatly depending on the proximity to metro stations, bus stops and underground passages. The closer, the more expensive. Buying a stall into ownership costs at least 10 thousand dollars.

If you still decide to open a stall from scratch, then you need to start from scratch. Needless to say, how important high traffic volume is for a retail outlet. So, for a stall, a good place is 100% successful. Once the location is found, you need to decide on the form of trade: will you have a stall, pavilion or trailer? And at the same time begin processing permits.

Now you face the most difficult thing - to get permission from the local administration to install a stall here. According to entrepreneurs, if you achieve this, then everything else will seem insignificant. In addition, you will need to obtain permits from the Department of Architecture and the Land Committee. It takes up to one month to obtain all permits.

By the way, you do not need a license to sell tobacco products at retail. Wine, strong cocktails and vodka cannot be sold to a private enterprise - only beer. Only entity, if it receives the appropriate license.

Equipment you will need: heater for the winter, refrigerator, shelving, chair.

A cash register is needed only for those who use the simplified tax system. In accordance with amendments to the law “On the Application cash register equipment", which came into force in July 2009, entrepreneurs who pay UTII are exempt from the need to use cash registers. But “subject to the issuance, at the buyer’s request, of a document confirming acceptance Money for product".

So, you will spend no more than 15 thousand rubles on equipment if you buy used.

And, of course, the product itself. It is not given for implementation; only a short delay is possible, usually no more than a week. Therefore, you will immediately need at least 60 thousand rubles. for the purchase of goods so that the display case is filled. This will be enough for several days, plus you will also need 10 - 12 thousand rubles. daily to replenish the most popular goods (mainly beer and tobacco).

In addition to the above expenses, it is necessary to take into account the payment for electricity, garbage removal, tax payment (UTII or simplified tax system) and the salary of sellers.

As for prices and assortment, it is best to copy them from your closest competitors. The stall's assortment includes about 450-500 types of goods. In any case, you can’t do without beer and cigarettes, as they provide the fastest turnover of money. Often consumer demand has to be studied at random. To do this, a little bit of everything is purchased. And it is advisable in the first days to sit with the seller yourself and observe which goods are moving faster, which ones are slower, and which ones are not selling at all.

You will have to purchase goods only from official distributors. The markup on each unit of goods is on average 30%, with the exception of tobacco products. The fact is that cigarettes on packs have an MRP (maximum allowed price). If you set the price higher, you will be punished with a large fine. So it turns out that the difference between buying from an official distributor and the selling price is 10 - 17%, no more.

Well, and finally how much can you earn at a stall? The numbers vary greatly depending on the city and location of the stall. For example, in a city with a population of 500 thousand people. a stall can bring in an income of 10-20 thousand rubles a month, and in a city with a population of over a million – 60 thousand rubles. The time of year also affects revenue. The main profit is made at the kiosk on the sale of beer, and, as you know, this drink is consumed most of all in the summer. The payback period for a stall is from two to six months.

-> Trade, services, transport

One type of small business that does not require large start-up investments is opening your own kiosk, sales tent or stall. Behind all these names lies, in fact, a small trade pavilion carrying out retail trade a variety of everyday goods. It is the absence of serious initial costs that attracts a large number of novice businessmen to this business.

In chapter Business plans you can read for free and download a sample kiosk business plan, and in this article I will talk about how to open a kiosk or sales tent, what steps you need to take, what difficulties you may encounter.

Mini business plan for small retail street trading

Golden theme early 90s. How we rocked back then!

When organizing small retail trade(stall, kiosk, sales tent, etc.) there are several subtleties (read - “pitfalls”).

It is better to open several stalls. Why? It's simple: failure at one outlet is compensated by success at another. In addition, you cannot pretend to be a supermarket and sell all goods in one place - the format does not allow it. A point selling, for example, cigarettes would be appropriate in one place, and fruits and vegetables in another. Without focusing on any one type of product, there is always the opportunity to get good overall revenue.

This is where the first problem arises. Reality makes adjustments to impeccable theoretical structures. As the experience of many entrepreneurs shows, the point at which you place the hired worker - the salesperson - begins to earn less money and eventually becomes unprofitable. As a result, it turns out that the point at which you trade yourself “feeds” everyone else.
Conclusion: if you want to make money from small retail street trading, you must stand behind the counter yourself. Yourself or members of your close-knit family. It turns out that this business, whatever one may say, is a family business.

What problems do hired salespeople create and why? And is it possible to fight this? And how to deal with this if you still have the opportunity to open more than one point, but cannot be physically present in two places at the same time?

The fact is that a hired worker applying for a vacancy as a salesperson is, as a rule, a person with a difficult fate... if you understand what I’m talking about. That is, he is initially in a social niche from which nothing good comes out. And to think about a different attitude of such people to life and work is simply ridiculous.

Today, the situation has been greatly improved by guest workers - people, as a rule, with a higher education, but, due to circumstances, found themselves in the wrong society, with the only noble goal of feeding their family. And even if these people don't have higher education, they are still socially much more adequate than our compatriots applying for the vacancy of a retail outlet.

However, not all entrepreneurs want to deal with guest workers - due to mutual distrust and other social complexes so lovingly nurtured by our media. In addition, all good people from the fraternal republics of the CIS, as a rule, stick together and strive to open their own business, and “free artists” are the same as our compatriots. But it’s worth looking, let’s not generalize so harshly and unfairly.

Thus, you are faced with a difficult choice - to work at one point yourself, involving only your family in helping, or to try to learn how to organize people, cultivating leadership qualities in yourself along the way.

So, the first problem with hired salespeople is that they are absolutely not interested in developing your business, and this is clearly visible on their faces when they communicate with clients. Motivating them with money so that they “burn” at work is difficult, but possible. The easiest way is to pay labor as a percentage of revenue. In figures, this is approximately from 2.5 to 8% of sales volume (depending on the focus and location of the point). Then the person will be vitally interested in trading more.

This method also has its pitfalls - if trade is not objectively progressing, then the seller will borrow money from you. Checked!

The second problem is that such implementers often work in one or two other places besides you and come to you physically and mentally exhausted. This problem is quite easy to deal with. Create a work schedule for him so that he does not have the opportunity to get a second job. It’s better if “every other day.” Such an intense schedule does not allow you to relax, go on a binge, start looking for a job somewhere on a construction site, or even disappear in an unknown direction.

What is the trade markup practiced in this industry?

For outlets selling groceries - 30–35%. For tobacco stalls - 20–22%.

As a rule, on average, one retail outlet brings in from 10 to 35 thousand rubles of “dirty” profit per day. Thus, on average, if you have three retail outlets, you can earn about 60 thousand rubles “net” in a month. Taking into account the fact that all payments (both official and shadow) have already been made.

What payments will you face?

The first is taxes. As a rule, this is a simplified taxation system (STS) - 6% of turnover or single tax on imputed income (UTII).

Cleaning the territory, garbage removal, toilets (used by sellers) - the numbers here can be very different. Again, on average, it will cost 3-4 thousand rubles per month for one retail outlet.

We will not talk about shadow payments; besides, these figures are not taken into account by anyone. However, it is worth remembering that the penalty for failure to penetrate cash receipt- amounts to 3 thousand rubles at a time, and according to the experience of entrepreneurs, they have to pay it regularly - a couple of times a month.

Payments made once a year: renewal of documents - 35 thousand rubles; agreement with Vodokanal (if there is a water supply) - 5 thousand rubles; servicing cash registers - 15 thousand rubles.

If you are just going to master this business, remember: you need to start from one point. Only after unwinding it yourself can you think about connecting a second one to it.


Many people today are thinking about starting their own business. Anyone who has decided to become an entrepreneur and engage in trade, first of all, is faced with the question of how to open a stall and what documents are needed for this? The fairly simple management of such a business makes it possible to start from scratch. Moreover, you do not need to quit your main job: entrepreneurial activity can be carried out in parallel.

Various opportunities for developing your kiosk help you gain experience, which in the future will help you open more large enterprise. Retail has always been competitive. Therefore, how to open your own stall and what you need to minimize losses remains a very important question.

Grocery stores are always on the cutting edge of the battle for consumers and their money.

A large grocery supermarket always has one advantage - a large turnover of goods. A small stall requires an individual approach. It needs to be opened in places where many people live, taking into account the needs of the population.

Official registration To open a kiosk or stall, you must first register as a private enterprise. Then contact tax authorities

, for registration. How much money will it take to open your own stall? The answer worries many aspiring entrepreneurs. On average, everything can be done for 150 thousand rubles.

Entrepreneurs who want to minimize possible risks at the beginning of their labor activity, prefer to do without buying a stall. They rent it in the right area. To do this, you need to find a networker who rents out a kiosk. If your decision to open a business turns out to be unsuccessful, then all costs will be much lower if you abandon the idea of ​​​​buying a stall.

First stage

To open a stall, you must first decide on a location. Any retail outlet is profitable if it is located in an area with high traffic.

  • stationary kiosk;
  • mobile trailer.

At the same time, we are processing all necessary documents. The most difficult thing will be to obtain papers from the district administration allowing you to install a stall in the location you need.

If you manage to obtain such permission, then all other registration will require a minimum of time.

To install and open a stall, you need to obtain permission from the architecture and the Land Committee. All these papers are processed within a month.

To open a retail trade in tobacco products, you do not need to take out a special license. A private entrepreneur is prohibited from selling alcohol; he can only sell one beer. A license to sell alcoholic beverages may only be issued to legal entities.

After receiving the documents, the stall is installed. Usually its area does not exceed 6 square meters. All installation work, including insulation and welding, costs approximately 500 thousand rubles.

In order for work at the kiosk to take place year-round, you need to purchase special equipment, the cost of which will cost you 160 thousand rubles. average:

  • fridge;
  • heater;
  • chair;
  • racks.

Only those who use the average tax system can purchase a cash register.

Entrepreneurs submitting UTII reports can work without a cash register. However, they need to issue a document (check, invoice) confirming payment for the goods if the buyer requests it.

To open a stall, you can purchase used equipment. It will cost the entrepreneur 80 thousand rubles. All costs to open a stall will be about 900 thousand. This does not take into account utility bills, taxes and payroll.

Choosing an assortment

All equipment has been purchased. The pavilion has been installed. Documents received. It's time to purchase the product. It is almost never given for sale. There is a delay of seven days. To purchase goods and fill the display case, you will need approximately 140 thousand rubles. For regional and remote cities this amount will increase by 30%.

This is enough to keep the work going for several days. The product needs to be replenished all the time, so it is necessary to have an additional amount. Approximately 100 thousand rubles. This is especially true for a kiosk that sells beer and tobacco products.

Before opening your stall, it is impossible to decide on the most hot commodity. You have to constantly experiment. Need to purchase different type a little bit of goods. After the kiosk is open, it is advisable to trade yourself. This will help determine which product is in demand.

For productive trade, the stall’s assortment should consist of 400–500 items.

Tobacco products and beer are considered the most profitable. Basically, every product can be sold with a 30% markup, except for cigarette products.

This is due to the fact that each pack has a maximum allowable cost. Exceeding it threatens with a large fine. It is better to purchase goods from dealer companies.

Stall with food

If you decide to open a grocery kiosk, you need to make a list of essential goods: they are bought regularly and used in great demand. This list may include:

  • flour products. It will be possible to conclude an agreement with a bakery plant for the supply of fresh bread, buns, loaves and various confectionery products;
  • juices in tetra bags;
  • sparkling water;
  • beer;
  • packaged goods. This list includes pasta, various cereals, packaged spices;
  • piece products. The assortment should include chocolate, chips, cookies, chewing gum, filled bars and other products.

All listed products purchased daily. They bring a constant profit, the main thing is that the stall always has a large assortment of items on display.


It is difficult to give an exact profit figure for those who decide to open such a business. It all depends on the location of the stall, on settlement and demand for the product offered. For example, in a city with a population of 500 thousand people, food trade brings an entrepreneur 70 thousand monthly net profit.

Affects profit making and time of year. When trading beer, the largest revenue occurs in the summer. All investments in the kiosk will pay off in the next 10 months.