How to evaluate the effectiveness of contextual advertising: the path to enlightenment. Analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising Effectiveness of contextual advertising

In this article we want to talk about how to correctly analyze the effectiveness of contextual advertising. The context is working, advertising is running, statistics graphs are inexorably going up and you are celebrating your victory in your head, but everything ends when the customer calls and says that everything is just terrible and he doesn’t want to work with you anymore. How to avoid this situation? Patience, my young friend! Now you will know everything.

Another important aspect is that contextual advertising is too overrated and problems can often lie outside of it: an irrelevant product, a website that does not convert traffic, poor processing of applications, and so on. Therefore, even if the analysis of the effectiveness of the context in all respects has shown failure, before drawing conclusions, do an analysis of all other stages of working with the client.

Criteria for evaluating contextual advertising

Let's think sensibly. What evaluation criteria do you think can and should be used when drawing up reports and further planning? Contextual advertising, like any other type of advertising, has a specific goal - to sell. This is precisely the main and main criterion when analyzing the effectiveness of contextual advertising. Not CTR or conversion, but the number of new customers. Let you have a cosmic CTR and stunning conversion, but all this fades if zero stubbornly looms in the purchase column.

The importance of online advertising performance metrics in descending order:

  • net profit;
  • number of concluded contracts;
  • number of applications (leads) and calls received;
  • from visitor to application;
  • average cost per click and number of clicks (traffic);
  • number of keywords in an advertising campaign.

Make a table, enter the above points there and enter a value for each indicator. Moreover, you need to evaluate the effectiveness not of any individual platform (for example, or), but of individual campaigns, ad groups, and even individual ads.

When drawing up a promotion strategy, immediately set yourself a specific goal, either the number of applications from the site, or, even better, a sale. And voice your plan and goals to the customer. After all, the opposite situation can also happen, when everything works in the best possible way. Traffic flows to the site, it converts, orders are constantly coming in, products are sold, but at the same time the customer remains dissatisfied, because at some training he was instilled with the idea that the conversion should not be lower than 4%, and for example, yours is 2 .5%, but at the same time cheap traffic and still low cost of leads.

How to calculate key indicators?

But in order to have those numbers and something to talk about, you must first introduce performance metrics and start tracking them.

Target actions:

1. Web analytics and conversions.

And . This could be a subscription, downloading material, visiting a certain page, or performing a targeted action on the site. 2. Phone calls.

For each advertising source, it is better to use a separate phone number so that you can then determine what works effectively and gives the best qualitative and quantitative indicators. You can also use . 3. Offline.

1. If the mechanisms of business in your area are arranged in such a way that the client finds information on the website, does not call, but immediately comes to the store to buy, and even the seller does not always ask where the buyer came from, then it is reasonable to use promotional codes that give the right to purchase at a discount. CTR.

2. The simplest indicator. We take the number of clicks and divide by the number of ad impressions. With good CTR indicators, the cost per click will decrease, and ads will be shown higher and more often. Conversion.

3. Everything here is also painfully familiar - the number of hits from the site must be divided by the number of visitors over a certain time period. To increase this indicator, it is necessary that the landing page contains the same information that is written in the advertisement. If you write in contextual advertising that your product costs 1000 rubles, and when entering the site the user sees a figure 3 times higher, then the conversion will tend to zero. Customer cost.

By analogy with the previous point, only now we divide all traffic costs by the number of new clients.

4. . Pure classics of economics. ROI = (Revenue - Cost)/Investment * 100% or Net Profit/Investment * 100%. those. How much does the money you invest in advertising pay off?

Given. Construction company "My Home". Monthly advertising costs: Yandex Direct - 20,000 rubles, Google AdWords - 22,000 rubles. Plus 10,000 for escort. Promotion period is 3 months.

Thus total expense for 3 months= 20000*3 + 22000*3 + 10000*3 = 156,000 rubles.

During this time, the My Home company concluded 9 contracts with a total value of 21 million rubles and a planned net profit of 3,150,000 rubles.

ROI= 3,150,000 / 156,000 * 100% ~ 2019%. That is, for every ruble invested, the company earns on average 2,019 rubles. Such a high profitability rate is due to the high margins of the construction business. In other areas, achieving such ROI is much more difficult.

Using this knowledge, you can increase the effectiveness of any advertising campaign. The main thing is to take the context completely seriously. Good luck!

Advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords must solve specific business problems. To determine whether you are moving in the right direction, you need to monitor each advertising campaign, optimizing its settings and gradually increasing the flow of targeted traffic. By customizing advertising to your target audience and budget, evaluate the results after a certain time after its launch and increase ROI through comparative analysis of several campaigns.

3 questions before you start

What are the goals of your advertising campaign?

All goals must be expressed in measurable indicators:

  • number of targeted actions;
  • CPA — cost of action in rubles;
  • campaign conversion as a percentage.

Let's say if you invite to a webinar, then your optimization goal might be to get 200 registrations. Sell ​​flower arrangements - increase the number of orders from the site by 4-5 times. Success in achieving results is determined by KPIs. This is exactly the indicator that determines the whole. You need to make comparisons on it before making all the settings.

What tools to use for analytics?

They are best suited for solving problems of this type.

  • Google Analytics.
  • Yandex.Metrica.
  • LiveInternet.

Why consider the effectiveness of contextual advertising?

Without assessing conversion rates, you cannot make adjustments to the course of the advertising campaign. Ultimately, the results may be extremely unexpected, and quite possibly unpleasant. Without measuring conversion, it is impossible to determine ROI - an indicator of your investment efficiency. Moreover, it is important to calculate the conversion for individual advertising campaigns. This is the only way to understand what brings the desired result, create the maximum list of negative keywords, set up the necessary extensions, and then launch effective retargeting.

Conversion analysis and calculation

First of all, we record the initial conversion rates. Then we determine the campaign budget and the average cost per click. Based on Yandex.Metrica data obtained during the previous optimization period. You can take information for the entire time and for the last week. This way your audit will be more in-depth and your expectations will be more justified.

Once you have decided on the time frame, move on to cleaning your campaign from non-target clicks. What should you remove first?

  • Ineffective keywords (everything that brought no more than 3 clicks).
  • Garbage words (what was missed from Wordstat).
  • Ineffective display regions (characterized by low conversion).
  • Ineffective sites in YAN.

For cleaning you will need statistics:

  • by keywords for the period of interest;
  • according to YAN phrases;
  • GEO for campaigns in several regions or all of Russia.

We summarize the reports in an Excel table. Now your task is to eliminate everything that is ineffective. After cleaning, we move on to analysis. It is carried out 1-2 weeks after optimization. The number of clicks, CTR, cost per click and conversion rates are compared - before and after optimization.

Upon completion of determining the conversion values, we display the KPI. For this purpose, we use the conversion indicators obtained after cleaning. For example, your conversion rate is 5%. This means that out of 20 attracted visitors, only 1 will leave an application. Let’s say the average check is 2000 rubles, and the profit from the sale with this number of visitors will be equal to 400 rubles. Accordingly, you can spend a maximum of 400 rubles to attract 1 client (or 20 visitors at the current conversion level).

Let's assume that the maximum cost per click is 20 rubles (400/20). If a click costs 20 rubles, attracting 20 visitors will cost 400 rubles (20X20), and the revenue at the end of the advertising campaign will be 1600 rubles (2000-400).

Conclusion: the maximum cost per click depends on the amount of net profit per client, conversion and how many times you want to increase your investment. A click price of 20 rubles will allow you to return the money spent on advertising, but nothing more. An increase in investment profit by 2 times is possible if the maximum cost per click does not exceed 10 rubles.

ROI measurement

After measuring the KPI, we will be able to determine the most important parameter of any advertising campaign - ROI. This way we will know the true effectiveness of our investments. The following formula is used to determine ROI:

The calculation will look like this:

((2000-1600)-400)/400 = 0.

The advertising campaign was not successful, because the ROI was zero. The investment paid off, but it was not possible to make a profit. To achieve a positive result, the cost of a click should not exceed 10 rubles. Only then will the ROI be equal to 100%, and you will earn 2 times more than you invest:

((2000-1600)- 200)/200 = 1, or 100%.

Rules to follow when calculating the effectiveness of contextual advertising:

  1. Your investment should pay off. And advertising is to bring profit, and not just cover investments.
  2. You must be accurate and consistent in your measurements. Cleaning and performance analysis first, not KPI determination.
  3. Indicators must be converted into actual sales. Otherwise, there is no point in starting calculations.
  4. Analyze both your successes and failures. Consider the worst and best campaigns, compare them in all respects.
  5. Any analysis must be honest and objective. Don't sugarcoat the results. This is the only way you can achieve truly excellent results.

26.04.2018 Reading time: 8 minutes

In the first articles of our series on contextual advertising, we revealed the basic concepts of CI and found out how it works: this is the initial information, the minimum basics that are necessary to present a more or less general picture. Today's third article goes into a slightly narrower specialization: we will tell you how to analyze contextual advertising.

Analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising: what tools to use

Yandex and Google have developed special analytical mechanisms for their systems - Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. These are special tools thanks to which the account owner can understand what is happening on the site after the user clicked on an ad (the same analytics systems are also used in). They have systemic and functional differences, but regardless of which search engine you use to promote your campaigns, you need to be able to set up goals.

Let's start the review with the goals of Yandex.Metrica. This analytical tool Metrica takes into account all visits to the site - and no matter where the user came from, but thanks to integration with Direct, you can receive information about the Kyrgyz Republic. For it to be correct, you need to set up goals. A goal is a specific user action that is expected in response to an advertisement.

An example of creating goals in Yandex.Metrica

You need to set up goals right away, because they will be used to generate a report on the work of the CD and they allow you to track the actions of visitors. For example:

  • set the goal “Number of views” - we track and see in the report the number of visits during which certain pages were viewed;
  • set the goal “Page Visits” - we track whether a page or several pages of the site were visited, whether an external link was clicked on, whether an email button was clicked and a file was downloaded;
  • we set the goal “JavaScript event” - we track almost any arbitrary events on the site that do not change the page address: clicking a button, filling out a form, the time the user spends on the page;
  • We set a “Composite Goal” - we track all of the above.

You can find out more about setting up goals in Direct in Yandex.Help.

After installing the Metrics counter on the page for which data is needed, data collection for the goals will begin and a report will be generated.

What can you learn from the report?

  • What campaigns, advertisements, keywords and phrases are used by search users to find and visit your website, as well as in what region these users are located and from what advertising platform they came to your resource.
  • Who is your audience: gender, age, interests, preferences are analyzed using Crypt technology.
  • Did the campaign achieve its goals - did users behave as you expected: clicked on links, filled out forms, downloaded files, visited the required number of site pages, registered or subscribed to a newsletter, and so on.
  • If you are the owner of an online store, then using Metrica you can receive detailed information about the orders that were placed on your website, as well as data on how much profit each order brought and where the orders with the highest price tag come from.
  • Directly in the Metrics interface, you can estimate how much was spent on advertising, what is the average cost of conversions, what is the average or total cost of a click for any region, request or site.
  • Using the “Targeted Call” service, you can compare how effectively different promotion channels work: you, as the account owner, receive special phone numbers, link them to various sources, then the number on the website and in the virtual business card is automatically replaced according to the source - this way you can find out from what channel the call came from.

What does a Yandex.Direct report from Metrica look like?

Just like in Metrica, you receive a report on the work of the campaign in Google AdWords:

What does a CI report from Google Analytics look like?

E-commerce from Google Analytics is more difficult to set up and has more extensive results than Metrica.

There are two types of settings: standard (as in Metrica) and advanced - the most interesting and rich in a wide variety of useful data. If, by setting up the standard option, we find out information about orders and how much they cost, then the advanced option will give us information about various user actions with products, for example:

  • clicks on product cards in the catalog and search;
  • manipulation of items in the cart (for example, adding or deleting);
  • detailed overview of ordering and so on.

At the end of the period, you receive two reports: “Ecommerce Review” and “Product Performance”. These include:

  • information about product income, conversion rates (more about them below);
  • average number of items per transaction;
  • average order value;
  • information about refunds;
  • cost of goods, which allows customers to add goods to the cart and place an order, and others.

Why is this type of e-commerce useful for online stores? Because these are essentially generalized characteristics of consumer behavior that help determine not only the future strategy of the online store, but also understand what to invest in and what not; what will bring profit and what will not. This is not just data on how much was sold and how much was earned, these are quality indicators that allow you to identify errors in work and save real money.

Contextual advertising KPIs

KPI (from English key performance indicators) – key performance indicators of the Kyrgyz Republic. These are characteristics that give an understanding of how profitable CD is for business and how economically justified the budget is spent on this channel.

There are no templates for KPIs and it is impossible to say what level of each indicator should be and what combination will be 100% win-win. However, analyzing these indicators helps identify problems and redirect the campaign in a profitable direction.

If trade data is configured, ROI can be seen in Google Analytics in the “Expense Analysis” report, section “Traffic Source”, column “Return on Investment on Advertising”.

Managing contextual advertising requires not only analytical, but also creative abilities. It is important not only to correctly analyze data from reports and compose relevant ad texts - you need to create advertising campaigns that are interesting and attractive to users. You can order the setting up of contextual advertising at this level with us, write or call us!

Contextual advertising works, it works for a month, it works for two. But it doesn’t smell like big money. And a hefty stone appears in front of you, and on it is the inscription: “If you optimize your advertising, you will get big (or maybe small) revenue.” If you increase the advertising budget, the revenue will increase, and the profit will come as God sends.”

You can cast lots, trust your intuition, or write to the “Battle of Psychics.” I trust analytics and numbers more. I’ll tell you my shamanic secrets on how to “feel” the effectiveness of contextual advertising.

How to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising

The key indicator for all advertising channels is the cost of purchase or CPO (Cost Per Order). To calculate the purchase cost, you need to divide the acquisition costs by the number of paid orders. CPO can be calculated for the entire site or for each channel separately.

The lower the purchase price, the more effective the channel, campaign or ad group is performing.

So that the number of applications received from each channel does not have to be determined by coffee grounds, I recommend setting up goals in Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics in advance, at least a couple of weeks in advance.

And to understand how much dough to shell out to get one order, you need to calculate how much money on average it brings in for the business.

We need to take into account the average bill, the margin, and how much percentage of income we are willing to spend on attracting new clients so that we still have money left over for a car for our son and an apartment for our mistress.

It is better, of course, to use the average LTV indicator (Lifetime Value is the profit that we receive from one client over the entire period of cooperation with him). But such statistics have been collected for years, and they are not always available.

Lena, I didn’t understand anything, explain it properly!

To make it clearer, I will explain using the example of old business indicators of one of our clients - an agency selling tours to sanatoriums in the Caucasus and Belokurikha. The site conversion rate is 2.43%; on average, the agency earned 7,060 rubles from one sale.

Let's determine the boundaries of our greed - the performance indicators of contextual advertising that we will focus on. To avoid going into debt and loans, you can spend no more than 100% of the income that it theoretically brings to the campaign to attract one lead.

But you have to pay for telephony, pay salaries to employees, and LeadMachine’s services are not free either. But a business owner wants to see profit: the more, the better. Taking this into account, we realized that we dream of spending about 20% of the profit on attracting, which is 1,412 rubles per sale or 212 rubles per application (CPOо - expected selling price and CPLо - expected lead price).

As a result, we determined the intervals in which we want to see key indicators.

Expectation and reality

We have calculated the key indicators: the value we are striving for and the upper limit from which we need to stay away. Now let’s quickly open Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics and calculate what the real CPL is equal to.

In Yandex.Metrica, the number of applications for all channels can be viewed in the standard “Sources, summary” report.

In the table that opens, select a goal and see how many applications each channel brought.

Context costs can be viewed in the advertising services Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords. We divide the costs by the number of applications and get our real cost per lead. Then we either dance or cry.

If the lead price suits you, in pursuit of profit, simply pour more money into your advertising budget. But after such manipulations, CPL may also increase, so you must always keep your finger on the pulse.

If the client is too expensive

If the lead price is not satisfactory, or, even worse, it is greater than the maximum allowable value, the effectiveness of contextual advertising leaves much to be desired. So we need to dig deeper.

It is better to view statistics on Yandex.Direct in Metrica. Open the standard reports again, select “Direct, summary” in the sources, indicate the desired goal.

Now you know the number of applications for each campaign. Expenses can be viewed in the “Direct - expenses” report, if you have correctly configured the integration of the two services, or in “Yandex.Direct”.

Google AdWords statistics on the number of applications and costs are best viewed in Google Analytics. To do this, select “Traffic Sources” – “AdWords” – “Campaigns”. The two services must first be synchronized with each other.

Campaigns where the cost of an application does not suit you can be disabled, checked for errors and optimized.

Contextual advertising effectiveness in clicks

Another indicator that will help determine the effectiveness of contextual advertising is CPC, or cost per click.

Let's return to our example. In an ideal world, we spend no more than 212 rubles on an application. Website conversion – 2.43%. Those. Approximately every 41st website visitor submits a request. Let's call this indicator n; we will calculate it using the following formula:

Then the CPC in an ideal world does not exceed 212 / 41 = 5 rubles 17 kopecks. This value can be set in Direct and AdWords as the maximum cost per click. But there will be few impressions and transitions, so it is better to gradually increase this parameter until you achieve the desired traffic.

When increasing the maximum cost per click, remember that there is a limit beyond which ruin and poverty can await you. It's easy to calculate:

The effectiveness of contextual advertising in ROI

End-to-end analytics services make all these calculations simple and automated. You understand the costs of each channel and you see the revenue, you see the return on investment.

If it is not possible to use such a service, simply control costs and application prices for each channel and compare them with income. I tried to explain as simply as possible how this is done.

But be prepared that optimizing advertising without taking into account ROI for each channel can backfire. In our example, the cost of an application from Yandex.Direct exceeds CPLo by 14%, and an application from Google AdWords by 52%. But the ROI of AdWords is higher: we received more profit from this channel for 22 applications than for 23 from Yandex.Direct. So it goes.

The life of a modern person is inextricably linked with the Internet. Advertising, like other areas of activity, is quietly but confidently moving to the World Wide Web.

Perhaps every Internet user has at least remotely heard about contextual advertising. This is a strong and effective tool for promoting a business - be it websites, services or products. But, before we consider in detail the features of contextual advertising, reveal its advantages and disadvantages, and find out what problems it solves, it is necessary to define this term.

Contextual advertising is very popular and widespread. Due to its versatility and multifunctionality, there is no canonical, clear definition of what contextual advertising is. It has three characteristic features:

  • The resource for placing advertisements is search engine pages. They correspond to the theme and content of this page. That is, if a user types a query in the search bar “Linovo phone”, in the first positions of the search results he will receive links to companies advertising Lenovo phones.
  • Contextual advertising is used by both small business owners and largest corporations.
  • In contextual advertising, there is a customer cost. This means that through contextual advertising, you can buy your customers for the price that the advertiser is willing to pay.

Internet advertising – contextual and SEO optimization

According to statistics, when searching for information on the Internet, only 25% of users move to the next page if they find the information they need on the first one. Therefore, business owners want their websites to rank first in search results. This problem is solved by SEO optimization and contextual advertising. The main difference between these tools is the time period for achieving the goals.

SEO optimization is a set of techniques aimed at promoting a specific resource on the Internet. To do this, parameters are configured and content is adjusted so that they best match key queries. Optimization is carried out both within the site and work on external resources - registration in directories, exchange of links. You can get the desired effect only in the long term. The first results from contextual advertising are noticeable within a few days.

When and for what purposes is contextual advertising used?

  • Need quick results. There is no way to wait for website promotion using optimization.
  • The advertising campaign has a limited budget. We need transparent accounting of finances, from which we can see how they are spent. The features of this type of advertising allow you to pay per click (transition to a resource), and not for displaying an advertisement. At the same time, the settings allow you to determine the maximum cost per potential client (website viewing).
  • We need advertising that can be changed during the campaign, adjusted, and managed at every stage. Customization options allow you to monitor transitions from an advertisement, set the cost of a click, distribute the budget for a day, week, quarter, and select the target audience. At any time, you can change the parameters, stop the advertising campaign, and return to this issue later.

Efficiency, transparency and quick acquisition of customers - this is what contextual advertising is for. If sales growth and new customers are needed in the short term, if the product meets search queries, but there is no time to wait for the results of SEO promotion, contextual advertising is the tool that will be effective at this stage.

Types of contextual advertising

There are search, thematic, media, targeted (targeting) contextual advertising.

  • The search engine is displayed after entering a query. The placement of advertisements is either to the right of the search results, or at the top, occupying the first 2-3 lines.

on the Yandex network:

Search contextual advertising is effective - it is unobtrusive for the user, he receives only the information he was looking for; Due to the high traffic of search engines, advertising is seen by a significant number of people every day.

  • Thematic advertising

Advertisements are placed on resources similar in topic. These can be websites, blogs, directories. The main requirement for the resource is high traffic. Payment in this case is distributed between the search engine and the owner of the site on which the advertisement is broadcast.

Thematic contextual advertising looks like this:

– is distinguished by its brightness, it catches the eye. It combines the features of two types of contextual advertising – search and thematic. It can be placed both on search pages and on partner resources. These banner ads are a relatively new tool, and so far make up only a tenth of all contextual advertising on the Internet.

An example of such an ad:

  • Personal targeting in contextual advertising is targeting a specific group of users. This may be selection by city, age, gender. Such settings are used to increase the effectiveness of advertising so that it is seen by a narrow target audience - a specific geographic location, interests, types of occupation or lifestyle. There is behavioral targeting. With these settings, the user will see a broadcast of advertisements for refrigerators on the tutorial site if his behavior matches the selection - that is, he has recently searched for information about household appliances.

Positive and negative aspects of the context

Any competent leader understands that when making a decision, one must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of the issue under consideration.

  • Meeting user requirements. Contextual advertising is one of the few areas that does not irritate, but meets the interests of potential customers. If a user is looking for a West TV, he will see an advertisement from the company that sells this equipment, which will be useful to him in choosing and purchasing a suitable model.
  • Achieve results quickly. All stages of the advertising campaign - creating an ad and sending it to a moderator for review, waiting for a response, replenishing your account - will take no more than a few days. Launching advertising (with the correct settings), allowing you to receive calls and accept orders after just a few hours.
  • Working for the target audience. By ensuring that the context is responsive to user queries, this ensures that your ad is clearly on target.
  • Low minimum start threshold. A small amount of 300-400 rubles will allow businesses of various levels to conduct an advertising campaign. Contextual advertising can be used both as an independent tool and in combination with other advertising activities.
  • Flexibility and transparency of the payment system. At any time, you can either replenish advertising funds by monitoring and changing settings, or pause the campaign, without any penalties. The ability to pay not for the time spent on the site, but for the click of a specific user is a great advantage of this type of advertising.
  • Large attendance. Today, the Internet is so in demand in the life of a modern person that, perhaps, there is no target audience that cannot be found on the World Wide Web.
  • The ability to use contextual advertising without having a website. Advertising platforms allow you to create transition pages indicating contact details, operating hours, and information about the seller.
  • Various advertising network tools that make it possible to measure the effectiveness of contextual advertising. A service for processing statistical data is available on search platforms. A report on user actions can be seen within 10 minutes. Thanks to these tools, an advertiser can assess the degree to which a resource matches requests, track the most effective phrases and requests, and estimate site traffic over time. Having statistical data, you can make changes, plan costs and increase the impact of the current advertising campaign.
  • The effect of advertising lasts throughout the campaign. As soon as the advertising funds are spent, the visiting traffic will take its previous position, in contrast to the long-term action of SEO optimization.
  • The danger of a discrepancy between the return on the money spent. Incorrect settings can lead to the fact that the cost of attracting one client will be overstated. It should be significantly less than the average profit received from one buyer.
  • Inability to use in certain areas of activity. The ban on advertising on the Internet for certain products, the specificity of searching for some products exclusively offline, make contextual advertising for such campaigns ineffective.

Preparing for an advertising campaign

Conducting an online advertising campaign using context is not a simple process, as it might seem at first glance. Many subtleties and nuances, the complexity of correctly setting parameters, can force you to abandon contextual advertising, or negate the results of the campaign.

First of all, you need to critically evaluate the site or information resource that a potential client will be directed to from an advertisement. Is it filled with sufficiently capacious, accessible and high-quality information? Will it fully respond to search queries? The information on the page that the user goes to should be unobtrusive, accessible, and useful. Otherwise, after clicking on the page and not finding the product you are looking for, the visitor will look for another site.

The advertising agency will take care of the correct settings, account activation, calculation of necessary investments and assessment of their effectiveness. At the same time, the advertising budget should include an expense item for the agency commission.

Advertising aggregators– These are automated contextual advertising management systems. With their help, you can manage a campaign without special education. A very important positive point when using aggregators is the ability to contact technical support if questions or difficulties arise.

Do-it-yourself advertising campaign- this is a rather risky step if there is no knowledge and experience in this area. Only a lot of instructions and advice on the forums can help you make the settings correctly when posting independently on the main advertising platforms Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.

To choose where to place contextual advertising and on which platform it is more profitable to position your product, let’s consider the features of each of them from the point of view of an advertiser who is not a directologist (contextual advertising specialist):

  • Attendance

Yandex is a confident leader in search queries, accounting for about 60% of traffic. This means that they are looking for more information on this site; as a result, the cost per click and, accordingly, the cost of contextual advertising are much higher here.

  • Ease of use

Yandex is not very convenient, but the settings are simpler and clearer.

The interface of the second platform is very convenient, but it is more difficult to understand. Therefore, for “dummies” it is safer to choose a simple system.

  • Competition

There is less competition in the Google AdWords environment, there are free niches, which gives this site an advantage.

  • Advertisement Size

The Google platform offers up to 25 characters for a header, and 70 for an ad.

On Yandex.Direct - 33 and 75 characters, respectively. Conditions at this site are better. In addition, on Google AdWords the ad must be divided into two lines of 35 characters each. This is very inconvenient, especially when the text contains long words.

  • Ad test and statistics analytics

They cause great difficulties when placed on Yandex.Direct, and at a high level in Google AdWords.

  • Advertising cost

Yandex.Direct - click price from 30 kopecks, a mandatory amount at which you can start advertising from 300 rubles, with all funds going to your account, discounts and bonuses are available for placement experience of 1 year or more.

Google AdWords - the minimum click price is 27 kopecks, the starting amount is 400 rubles, of which only 50% goes to the account, there is a system of discounts and promotions that are available to beginners and allow you to save up to 70%.

Considering all the pros and cons of both platforms, we can draw the following conclusions:

The Google AdWords platform is involved less in search traffic, but has an attractive level of competition, which allows you to significantly save money on an advertising campaign. User-friendly interface, it is possible to post videos and graphics, use the Youtube channel. Due to the complexity of the settings, it is more suitable for running advertising campaigns under the guidance of a specialist in the field of contextual advertising.

Yandex.Direct is a leader in search queries; there is a large selection of high-quality partner resources, which makes this platform promising for advertisers. Great competition leads to high advertising costs. The simplicity of the interface makes it possible to conduct an effective advertising campaign without using agency services.

Rules for writing a good advertisement

The task that an advertising ad must solve is to attract the attention of a potential buyer. First of all, you must follow the rules for writing on Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords. This is the quantity in headlines and advertisements, the lack of capital letters and contact information (telephones, email, addresses).

  • Search queries should be in the headers of advertisements. For example, if a user is looking on the Internet where to buy a food processor, then he is unlikely to pay attention to the ad “Various equipment to order.” This is an example of a bad headline. You should think about what queries the advertisement should meet and build it based on this data.
  • Long, florid expressions should be avoided. Advertisements should be simple and understandable. Users are wary of superlative forms of “best,” “most reliable,” and the like. But mentioning discounts, promotions and bonuses is a successful advertising tool.
  • The advertiser should be aware that promotion of some products is prohibited on the Internet. Therefore, in order to avoid difficult situations, it is better to consult a specialist on advertising specific products on the World Wide Web.

How much does contextual advertising cost?

An important question that worries an advertiser who is using context for the first time to promote a product is how much will an effective advertising campaign cost? Entrepreneurs are well aware that the minimum cost, determined by advertising services at several hundred rubles, will bring visible results with a low degree of probability.

Contextual budget

  1. Subjects

Accordingly, the formation of an effective advertising budget directly depends on the specifics of the direction: the level of competition, the frequency of requests for the product, and seasonality. The higher the level of competition, the more profitable the product in this area, the more expensive the click, and the higher the advertising costs.

  1. Location

The advertising budget in a big city will differ from advertising in a medium or small town. The geographic component will be influenced by two factors – competition and the intensity of search traffic.

In a small city, where Internet penetration and, accordingly, the frequency of requests is low, increasing the budget will not bring the desired results. In this case, you need to make maximum use of all available advertising platforms and use broader search phrases.

In a big city, with high search traffic and competition, on the contrary, to increase efficiency it is necessary to narrow the geography of advertising.

  1. Purpose of advertising

The problem of rapid sales growth can be solved by increasing the cost per click for the most tolerant target audience. Here there will be an increase in sales in a short period of time, with the rapid consumption of advertising funds.

To expand the target audience, you can reduce the cost per click, increase the geography of advertising, attracting previously uninterested buyers. Achievement of the set goals should be expected in the long term; budget funds are spent over a longer period of time.

  1. Duration

Having a small advertising budget, there is no point in artificially extending the time period. Setting a limit of a few clicks per day or week will not increase your efficiency. To save advertising money, it is better to choose less expensive keywords.

Determining the effectiveness of contextual advertising

The goal of any advertising is to increase sales. Statistical tools on ad servers allow you to calculate effectiveness. Such data on completed actions on the resource is provided by Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics counters.

A very important indicator for calculating the advertising budget and assessing effectiveness is the conversion rate. This indicator gives an idea of ​​what percentage of visitors make a purchase. The term practically means the following: a conversion rate of 20% assumes that out of 100 visitors, 20 will make an order (every fifth).

If each buyer brings 200 rubles, with a click price of 5 rubles, advertising costs per buyer will be 25 rubles.

Another important indicator is the average cost per click and the number of queries in the topic of interest. The data provided by advertising platforms is not suitable for calculations. This is very general information. In order to determine the budget and calculate the effectiveness, it is better to spend money on a test advertising campaign with minimal costs. The optimal option is 2-3 advertisements, with a selection of 5-10 keywords for each. The phrases are not too vague, but also without strict clarity, up to 3 words. The targeting for the test is the same as for the advertising campaign. Time period 5-10 days. The average cost of such a test will cost 2-4 thousand rubles.

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