How to find motivation. Where to look for the desire to live. All motivation is internal

Ways to motivate are of key importance in our lives.

We can’t want something very, very much and not understand it specifically. Such a desire “I want something, I don’t know what” is impossible to satisfy in principle. Only by putting “I want” into words and images can you move on to the next stage - implementation and achievement.

What does “I can” mean?

Self-confidence, acceptance of oneself as an individual, knowledge of one’s strengths, the ability to use one’s own.

Even if I do not have enough information and resources for the chosen goal, I am ready to fill gaps in knowledge, gain new skills, and find sources of financing. And use not just one method for this, but as many as necessary.

“I can” also means flexibility in decision-making, understanding that not everything always goes according to plan, willingness to change and change tactics under new circumstances and difficulties. Searching for answers to the question “how to complete a task?”, “how to achieve a result?”

"I must".

The biggest and only duty is the duty to yourself.

Realize yourself, your potential, reveal your abilities and talents.

Where are the mistakes here? A person listens to everyone, and only a quiet voice - the voice of his own soul - remains unheard.

Conclusion: best motivation– coincidence of “I want”, “I can”, “I must”. I wrote about this

What to do when there is no desire to do what needs to be done?

1. Define the goal.

Know her. Remember her. Introduce. Perceive those, experience the feelings that it evokes. Get excited about it.

Then understanding and feeling why everything is being done gives strength, allows you to gather yourself, concentrate and move in the right direction.

Emotions are the energy of life. Emotions associated with the goal are the engine, motivation, fuel for achieving the goal.

If your motivation drops and you want to give up on everything, answer the question: “Why am I doing this? For what purpose? »

2. Another way is the opposite, but it is also associated with emotions.

Look at those who live, how they live, who go with the flow, who say: “what to do, life is like this” or “everyone lives like this.” Have you seen their empty eyes, heard their speeches, in which there is not a single thought of their own, have you witnessed their 12-hour sitting on the couch in front of the TV on weekends and holidays?

Do you want to get into this swamp?

And the point here is not that these people are bad, and we will condemn them. No, there is no point in wasting energy. They chose this life, it’s what they need.

The question is: do I want to be one of these people, to be “like everyone else,” to live “like everyone else”?

When fatigue, apathy, and reluctance to act appear, ask yourself: “Do I want to be a “swamp man”?

3. Combination of the first and second methods to create a “positive-aggressive mood.”

Positivity is an image of the goal and oneself, of everything positive that is associated with translating the goal into reality.

An aggressive person is an example of a negative person who has let himself go and let his life go “on the brakes.” I don't want to be like that at all! Here positive thing There will even be anger at yourself for shirking your own path. Anger and aggressiveness have a large energy charge. Use them to solve your problems.

I wish you success! And also - read. It leads to some difficult thoughts.

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Problems with motivation? This is serious. You will have to delve into yourself to understand the true reasons. But now we will not talk about this. This article contains ways to solve the problem here and now. They will help you “start the engine”. And then, you see, you’ll get involved in work. You won't go far with them, but they can save a specific day.

Seriously about motivation

If you have persistent problems with motivation, these thick, serious books will help you:

  • "Drive. What Really Motivates Us by Daniel Pink;
  • " ", Neil Fiore;
  • "", Tal Ben-Shahar;
  • "Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

This was a lyrical digression for those who like to criticize in the comments. Let's move on to the tricks!

Trick #1: Goal board

I made a marker board like Dr. House's:

I did it for clarity of my weekly and monthly planning, but unexpectedly I got a motivational effect. I hung it near my work place. Every day I miss my goals. I involuntarily glance at the board 100 times a day. And I developed a kind of itching. I would like to quickly cross out all these tasks.

Try it, +5% motivation is guaranteed!

Trick number 2. REM sleep

Often problems with motivation are caused by a banal lack. The simplest remedy is 15 minutes of daytime sleep. Tested from my own experience. Longer sleep is also good, but then it is not a guarantee that you will be able to fall asleep at night.

Trick #3: Mental map with pictures

I have . These are just pictures that motivate me. It is known that visual images reach us much faster than anything else.

Of course, everyone can have their own pictures:

  • icon;
  • father mother;
  • child;
  • a great athlete or businessman;
  • Bugatti Veyron or gold iPhone (wow to be like that!).

It only takes two or three minutes to run your eyes over the map. And the effect is noticeable immediately.

Trick number 4. Yell at yourself, hurt yourself

It can be helpful to yell at yourself a little. It is not necessary to scold - just make a suggestion.

It happens that you walk around the room, shout, and problems with motivation immediately disappear. That's why I like to work alone. It’s hard to imagine such raised conversations somewhere in a coworking space.

You can also hurt yourself. For example, hitting a brick wall hard with your fist. Pain helps you shake yourself up. The main thing is not to overdo it: even a highly motivated person will not be able to work with a broken arm.

I learned this trick from popular blogger Jon Morrow, who advises putting yourself in a state of altered consciousness before writing each article.

Yes, there are books that are great motivation. It may not take 15 minutes to read them, but they can have a more lasting effect. For example, books by Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins have this effect. A video of some powerful motivational trainer works well. There is a lot of this stuff lying around on torrents. Something like this:

Look, the video is funny.

Trick number 6. Anchors

Every person has anchors for work and rest. For example, my anchors for intensive work are:

  • coffee + sweets;
  • ear plugs;
  • dark room.

I “put all this on” and turn into a machine without fatigue or hesitation. I am careful with the first point - it is harmful to my health.

Trick #7: Super detailed plan

What good plan it helps, the goat understands that. Here we are talking about chewing your actions into a fine mush. Right down to “turn on the computer.” It doesn’t look serious, but it works in particularly clinical cases.

Still lazy? Try to lie down and write everything down while lying on the couch. :)

Bottom line

Do you love your job? Are your family and colleagues supportive? Good salary? And yet you are not immune from air motivational pits. In such cases, my tricks will definitely help you. But remember: these are just tricks.

What tricks do you use? What books motivate you? Video? Music?

Even those who do what they love at a job they love, surrounded by diligent, diligent and sensitive colleagues, are not immune from surprises in life in the form of lack of motivation.

Even those who receive a substantial reward in dollar terms for their shed bloody sweat are not protected from falling into a space of chaos: without incentives, excitement, motivation.

In such situations, it is extremely important to find a lifeline from the pit of indifference, indifference and insensitivity. How to find motivation and continue to create comfortably in life, work carefree and organize wisely, this cheat sheet will help for those who have temporarily become inactive, inert and difficult to get up.

Maneuvers to find motivation

To begin with, let’s be reassuring. Problems with the absence or lack of motivation are difficulties not only for sour and idle couch potatoes, for whom laziness was born before them. The question of how to find motivation often worries hard-working, disciplined and responsible hard workers.

Digging out the root of evil and being able to expose the true culprit of the lack of incentives is a useful, but very labor-intensive and time-consuming activity. Moreover, in order to find out why all the fuss has flared up, it often requires the quite expensive help of a competent heart specialist and an experienced shrink in the guise of a psychologist.

What to do when you always want to eat in life, but there is no strength, desire and desire to break the backbone at all? It turns out that there are simple tricks and simple techniques to increase motivation that work very quickly and allow you to see the prospect on the horizon even among very skeptical critics. Let's look at the tricks in more detail.

Maneuver 1

Before increasing motivation, we must clearly define why we actually need these incentives and surges of vitality. Realize and understand why we make any bodily movements in life and in what direction we are moving. That is, simply - set goals.

Each individual has their own objects of the sweetest dreams: from tiny intentions to global projects. However, we must clearly define our mission in life, designate final goal our actions and approve step-by-step guidelines.

The ideal option is to hang the compiled “ calendar plan“in a visible place, for example: near the desktop, where, willy-nilly, you will direct your gaze to your goals.

There is a very obvious prospect: the daily annoying flashing of your intentions will simply cause the need to quickly cross out all the points with a bold marker.

Maneuver 2

A good way to develop motivation for tired horses driven by an unbearable burden is to fill the energy deficit with a break for a well-deserved rest in daytime.

It has been tested in practice that a complete switch to another type of activity, muscle relaxation, meditation during the lunch break will eliminate psycho-emotional stress and eliminate fatigue in brave workers.

Such a thirty-minute break, spent outside the office and reserved for performing pleasant activities, will lift your spirits, increase your vitality, give you energy and inspire you to accomplish new feats.

Only this “work intermission” needs to be spent wisely: take a leisurely stroll along a snow-covered alley, feed the swans in the city pond, in a cozy environment without the gaze of strangers.

Maneuver 3

A primitive trick for increasing motivation in life, however, it works very well. Place images in the visible space that inspire and stimulate.

For some, it will be a portrait of an authoritative politician, a famous athlete or a highly rated businessman. For another, such an “inspiration” will be a photograph of a smiling descendant in the arms of a happy beauty, proudly bearing the title of wife. For the third, the “motivator” is a picture of a snow-white yacht moored to a luxurious villa on the ocean shore.

It is enough to hold your attention on such “stimulants” for a few minutes, and the stimulant immediately gives an impetus to accomplishments, quickly attaching wings even to a hunched back.

Maneuver 4

Not quite a standard trick, but when used rarely it shows phenomenal results: use “carrot and stick” to cultivate your motivation. As a “whip”, you are sometimes allowed to give yourself a thrashing: get angry, scold and shout, but not with angry and offensive words and, of course, without strangers.

After such a short soaping of your head, you should restore your reputation to yourself by demonstrating a fragrant “carrot” in the form of remembering your achievements, victories, winnings and other pleasant moments. Moreover, the consumption of the “delicacy” should be much longer in time than the period of removing the chips.

As a result, motives will immediately appear, because such a nice, capable and purposeful person as we are cannot stand still, pick and beat pears.

Maneuver 5

Each person has his own conventional signs that direct him towards vigorous activity or towards complete relaxation. For example: the passion for creating masterpieces for the author of this article arises when the shadows of worried clients, worried patients and tired colleagues do not flicker in her workspace, that is, in silence and alone.

Plus a piece of dark chocolate and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice: inspiration and incentive arrive without special invitation, turning you into a tireless advice-giving robot.

Maneuver 6

For many, setting clear deadlines for completing a particular action helps them find motivation in life, of course: within reasonable limits. Understanding that this activity must be completed in a few minutes, and then you should move on to another task in time allows you to concentrate on solving a specific task and not be distracted by nonsense that destroys the incentives themselves.

Therefore, we determine the deadlines for completing a certain work, formulate a goal - to meet the agreed time, start the timer and complete the planned action.

However, such a race against time should not cause internal irritation and dissatisfaction, a feeling of haste and fussiness, otherwise there will be no other results other than an emotional breakdown.

Maneuver 7

Some people can be pushed to energetic actions in a given direction of life by their close circle of optimistic, decisive, self-confident people.

Communication with “eternal survivors” and people occupying a prestigious place in the social hierarchy increases motivation. Conversations with resilient and positive people are an inexhaustible source of support, who will share their experience on how to overcome this or that obstacle, advise on how to avoid mistakes, and breathe a breath of fresh air into a languishing whiner.

Finishing maneuvers

  • We alternate mental stress with physical activity.
  • We don’t take on a mountain of difficult tasks at once, but solve all the problems gradually.
  • We find inspiration in creativity.
  • We draw strength from the bosom of nature.
  • We restore energy with a good night's rest.
  • We eat healthy foods and drink enough fluids.
  • Don't forget to smile at your reflection and praise yourself for the results achieved.
  • Visualize our own goals.
  • We build a “pedestal of honor” for ourselves, recording positive deeds.
  • Let's get acquainted with success stories from other people's lives.
The main rule. We don’t get carried away by other people’s “crutches”, but find our own inner core and ideas for motivation.

Motivation for life can disappear for various reasons. It is more effective to eliminate the root cause rather than looking for additional stimulation. This happens when an emotionally intense period begins in a person’s life. In some cases, it makes sense to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Reasons for loss of motivation

The desire to preserve life is inherent in us by nature. The instinct of self-preservation is one of the most powerful, present in most living beings, including humans. Loss of motivation is an unnatural condition that must be dealt with. If for some reason there is no motivation for life, a person should consult a psychiatrist, since this is one of the symptoms of depression. Lack of motivation to survive can be a symptom of other mental illnesses. In this case, the specialist will prescribe special medicines and prescribe therapy.

Lack of motivation may also be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome. The main symptoms are apathy, constant fatigue, and reluctance to do anything. In this case, you need to rest first. It is advisable to take a vacation for this purpose.

Motivation for life may temporarily disappear in severe stressful situations, for example, after loss loved one or divorce. In this case, the person not only does not want to do anything, but there is also psychological discomfort. It will be useful to contact a psychologist who will help you find strength and meaning to move on with your life.

Motivational literature

How to find motivation on your own? It is worth reading some literature. Sometimes ordinary quotes about life that can be found on the Internet are enough, but books have a greater impact. Good Quotes There are motivators about life in Osho’s books. The wise words of the master manage to change people’s attitudes towards themselves, the world, relationships and much more.

For many, someone else's positive example becomes the motivation for action. You should read inspiring literature. An excellent choice would be Nick Vujicic's autobiography, Life Without Borders. The story of a man born with a rare diagnosis of tetra-amelia (congenital absence of both arms and legs), but who found the strength and opportunity to live happily and fully, motivates action. Life force This man is amazing and inspiring.

The famous psychologist Viktor Frankl also has good motivational books. This man survived imprisonment in a concentration camp, but retained the will to live and the desire to help other people. If you suffer from a lack of desire to live, you should familiarize yourself with his autobiographical works.

Believers are often motivated by religious texts. It makes sense to read the Lives of the Saints. In similar books with descriptions life path You can learn a lot of useful things from the saints.

If you have no desire to study serious literature, it will be useful to read an easy story with a happy ending. Sometimes reading a light story about how life is good can be motivating. This will be especially effective for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, since such stories calm the nerves and help restore energy. Motivation to live arises after reading books by Jojo Moyes, Cecilia Ahern, and good works about animals.

Spiritual and physical practices

Another answer to the question of how to find motivation is a variety of spiritual practices. They help you think about life and find in it new meaning. Practices like yoga disperse apathy and laziness. It has been scientifically proven that the more activity a person does per day, the more strength and desire to live he has, so moderate physical activity can have a significant motivating effect. In the absence of movement, a person, on the contrary, often feels tired.

Meditations during which a person turns to himself can be useful. An excellent option would be special trips for several days with a group under the supervision of experienced trainers.

It will be useful to contact the technicians positive thinking. The ability to enjoy life has a positive effect on the nervous system. Optimists are less susceptible to depression.

A professional psychologist can help you find motivators. By choosing the right words, a competent specialist is able to point in the right direction.

Cardio exercises have a good effect: running, swimming, rollerblading, skiing, cycling. The load should be selected individually. If there are no contraindications, you can add strength exercises.

If you lose the desire to live, it will be useful to go on a trip. A change of place often has a beneficial effect on an overloaded nervous system. The new environment encourages activity and exploration of the place.

Where to look for the desire to live

Where to find motivation? To ensure that motivation does not disappear, you should find the meaning of life for yourself and make plans. You should have a far-reaching goal that motivates you to take certain actions. It’s good if this is your own aspiration, and not an idea imposed by society. A person motivated to succeed often has a plan for bringing these projects to life.

There are many resources in spiritual development. It is useful to spend part of your time in prayer and meditation. The motivation for life that religion provides is very significant for a sincere believer.

You definitely need to find time for a hobby. Any activity that brings pleasure relieves the nervous system. Development in an area of ​​interest can become one of the motivating life goals.

A good way to motivate yourself is to find inspiring people. There should be several such role models so as not to lose inspiration due to disappointment in the idol.

Practical methods

How to develop motivation? Keep a diary of achievements. In a difficult moment, realizing how much you have already done will give you strength to move on. Many successful people They also make a goal diary, where large tasks are broken down into small steps that will tell you what to do at each specific moment. This simple step will allow you to avoid disappointment if you fail to implement your plan for a long time.

You should constantly discover something new. These could be new places to travel, hobbies, practices and much more. It is useful to constantly expand your circle of acquaintances. You should choose positive-minded people for communication, since the environment largely shapes your living space. Depressed people who have lost motivation for life can negatively affect your worldview and attitude towards yourself. On the contrary, communicating with a motivated person can increase the desire to live.

How to motivate yourself? Start inspiring the other person. In the process, there is a high probability of finding something that will help you specifically. A word spoken to another is better stored in the head, forming own experience person.

Children often provide the impetus for life. Caring for a small child prevents you from sinking into depression and forces you to constantly do something. But you shouldn’t make a child the only meaning of life. It should be understood that parenting is not the only area in life. It is imperative to find time for your own development and relaxation, to enjoy life.

Hi all)))

I promised to write to you about how to search vital energy, motivation, please read)))) I decided to alternate posts about finances and about personal growth and efficiency, I hope you don’t mind))

So, let's begin. I wrote in the previous two posts about the need to dream, set goals, how to set them correctly and how to achieve them. Here are links to the previous two posts, for new readers:

So the most difficult thing is to fulfill and achieve goals, because constant action is needed. And many people set goals, or, as a last resort, they at least dream, imagine what they would like, but not many act and actually achieve their goals.

Of course, in order to live every day effectively, profitably, every day to take actions that will bring you closer to your goals, you need constant energy, internal charge, constant motivation, and inspiration. You can, of course, sit and wait, suffer from apathy, the moment will still come when you want to do something, BUT... this way you will never achieve anything. You must seek and generate energy and motivation yourself. Especially those who naturally have it at a low level.

You've probably noticed that people are distinguished by their natural energy, some are natural energizers, they simply cannot sit still (I consider myself one of those, but even then I have to additionally find resources and energy), while there are people who are calm by nature , there are even very melancholic people prone to apathy and depression. But they have no less goals and dreams, and such people have to push and inspire themselves with greater force. But there is only one conclusion - everyone needs energy, and often in life we ​​have to look for it additionally.

I want to give you examples from own life, and other opportunities that will help you raise your energy.

1. Create change in your life.

Remember when something changes in your life (whether bad or good side, you always feel a surge of energy, strength, emotions, feelings). It’s good when these are positive changes, remember those moments, how did you feel? I will say for myself that I always feel a sharp increase in energy, strength, and lifting my spirits.

But bad events in life also sometimes force us to move and act, and bad changes should not always be viewed negatively. If they have already happened, there is no need to bury yourself in them; on the contrary, look for opportunities for change for the better.

An example from my life:

There was a terrible sweat in our apartment (while we were away, the hot water burst and the water flowed for a day and a half until the neighbors found us). In general, the apartment is in trash, the neighbor below is demanding compensation for damage. I could cry for a long time and complain about life, which is what I started doing at first, but then I thought: “But this is good opportunity make a new renovation (I’ve been wanting to redo the wallpaper for a long time), and my husband has always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, so I tell him, well, try sue with this neighbor, just new experience, and try yourself in this matter)))

As a result, we made a new renovation as I wanted, my husband sued the neighbor and he managed to reduce the amount charged by 10 thousand rubles. So everything ended well, although there were financial losses))))

Girls, create changes for yourself, don’t expect miracles from heaven or bad events. Changes are needed, nature is renewed every year, so we must change in life and change it. You can change your life globally, be it moving to new town or country, change of job (by the way, it is recommended to change jobs once every 3 years, otherwise emotional burnout occurs), change of life partner (why not, if life with your ex-husband is no longer bearable and you are losing your life living with an unloved person). Or you can create smaller changes, for example, rearrange the furniture, re-paint the wallpaper, start a new hobby, etc.

Change always raises vital energy. This is a fact.

2. Study, study and study again.

It is believed that while we are learning something new, learning something, our brain and body produce a huge amount of energy, which can still be spent on other purposes. It is not necessary to study at the institute))) Although you can do it there too)) You can learn languages, at least a little (this trains your memory and keeps your mind sober until old age), learn songs, take cutting and sewing courses, read professional literature. I hope the point is clear, you need to constantly learn and remember something new.

3. Associate with successful, energetic people.

Most often, when we communicate with smarter people, more successful ones, it makes us want to reach out to them, to act, and exactly the energy and inspiration that I wrote about appears. Plus, these people themselves provide a lot of energy, share experience and knowledge.

I understand that you can’t give up old friends (and neither can I), but if these friends are dragging you down, using you only as a vest, then try to at least reduce the time you communicate with them.

4. Read biographies of successful people famous people, watch films about them.

For example, I really like to read the success stories of famous people, their biographies, and watch autobiographical films. When you observe a person from the beginning of his journey, you understand that he, too, did not immediately have what he has now. And understanding how people achieved their goals and overcame difficulties encourages, lifts their spirits and sets them up for work.

5.Don't waste your time and your energy.

This applies to useless and uncontrolled watching TV, hanging out on forums and social networks, chatting on the phone. All this eats up our time, moving us away from our goals and bringing us closer to old age. It is also a terrible drain on our energy. Remember how you got tired of watching TV, or you ended up browsing for half a day and that’s it! And then your head starts to hurt, and you’re too lazy to do household chores, not to mention achieving your big goals.

6.Go on vacation and to different places regularly.

A change of environment and rest always have a beneficial effect on our well-being, mood, and vital energy. After a vacation you always work with pleasure, with new strength. New beautiful pictures(change of environment) always inspires, broadens horizons and life experience. There is such a concept in psychology as “tunnel thinking.” This is when we think about life as we see it here and now. And when we travel, we see different people, different cultures, the world - we expand our consciousness.

That's all for today)) I hope these tips are useful to you)) I have more, but today I don’t have time to write, maybe I’ll continue this topic later if it’s interesting to you.

I'm looking forward to your opinion and experience, maybe you have your own ways to increase motivation and energy?

And as always, I’m glad to make new friends, join us)))