How to quickly learn a text by heart. Techniques and techniques for memorizing texts, incl. in a foreign language. Effective methods for quickly memorizing text How to learn prose by heart in 5 minutes

Sometimes you just need to remember a fairly large piece of text. In order to do this easily and without spending a lot of time, it is necessary to use methods that help both quickly learn prose and various poems.

How to quickly learn prose from literature?

To begin, read the passage slowly and try to understand it completely. Then start reading the text sentence by sentence, after reading each phrase, close your eyes and try to imagine a “picture” of the events being described. This is the so-called “association technique”; it has been proven that a person remembers more easily if he paints the whole picture of what is happening in his imagination. Using this method, you can quickly learn a prose poem, as well as any other text, even technical ones.

Now break the text into paragraphs and start reading them, while simultaneously imagining the events being described. Before moving on to a new passage, try to reproduce previously read sentences from memory. At the end of the process, be sure to take a break for 30-40 minutes. By the way, if a paragraph exceeds 4-5 phrases, then it would be better to divide it into 2 parts.

After the break, read the entire text again and try to reproduce it. If the result does not suit you, you need to do the exercise written above again.

Another method that can be used both to quickly learn prose poetry and to memorize various other texts is to draw pictures. Try to diagrammatically depict on a sheet of paper what is being discussed in the sentence. Next, use these pictures as hints when trying to reproduce the text from memory. Those sentences that are remembered worse than all others can be rewritten several times by hand.

January 23, 2014

Good afternoon dear friends! When I was preparing for this post, it turned out that there are many more areas in which you need to memorize something quickly than I thought, so I divided the article into two parts. Who knows, maybe a third one will appear.

The topic is actually very interesting. I became interested in memory experiments in high school, when I was already actively working on the Internet and did not have much time to study subjects. Having stumbled upon (literally) hundreds of books on the Internet, I already sifted out all the dross by title, like “How to develop super memory in a day” or “ Fast way learn the school course in one week.” Having left about 8-10 pieces, I began to study them, writing down particularly valuable thoughts and practical exercises for memorizing.

For me, practice is very important, because in theory you can really do anything, but putting it into practice is quite problematic. Therefore, I try to test any advice and recommendations on my own skin. It turns out quite interesting, and you gain a lot of new skills.

I try to judge as objectively as possible, but this does not mean that I announce the final truth. I only recommend what helped me and I hope it will help you too.

Fundamental Principles

There are basic principles that will help your brain remember information much more effectively. It doesn't matter if you want to know how to quickly learn a poem or just interested in ways to remember.

  1. Maximum concentration;
  2. Physical state;
  3. Brightness of images;
  4. Motivation;
  5. Understanding;

Just from the names you can figure out up to 90% of the essence of each principle, but let's look at each point in more detail.

Don't be distracted while memorizing.

It seems to me that anyone can confirm that the more concentrated you are on a task, the faster you can get results. There are even many techniques that can improve this process, but we will talk about this in the following articles, if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe (form at the bottom of the article).

Our brain is designed in such a way that the fewer tasks we perform, the more effective the result will be. It’s not for nothing that our head is often compared to a computer. By limiting the number of tasks you perform to one or two, you can get truly incredible results. It would be best to find a quiet room where no one will distract you, turn off all irritants and start studying.

Breathing techniques and personal settings will also help you concentrate quickly. Take 10 deep breaths, during which you repeat to yourself something like “I can learn everything, quickly and without stress.” As soon as you take your last breath, immediately begin to memorize the necessary material.

Concentration will help you in many areas of life. I already talked about this in the article “”. This is a very valuable skill that needs to be constantly practiced.

Get some rest.

If you feel unwell, headache or you’re really sleepy, you’re unlikely to be able to learn the material quickly. Firstly, you will be constantly distracted by your sores, and this already contradicts the first principle. Secondly, illnesses affect the efficiency of the body as a whole. So if you want to be productive mentally, you will have to get rid of these problems.

In most cases, regular sleep will help. It will allow your body to relax, your brain to come to its senses a little, and you will be able to start learning with full strength. As far as I remember, this advice was given by one of the authors of the books when asked by students about how to quickly learn English (German, Italian, French) or some other language. Half an hour's sleep will allow you to increase your efficiency by 2-3 times. As a result, you can do much more in less time.

Come up with vivid images.

We remember what seems unusual to us and, as a rule, lose sight of what we are used to seeing every day. Can you remember what colors the traffic lights were today along the route you take every day? Hardly. But if on your way to work/school you saw a tiger playing with a huge ball, you would probably remember it for the rest of your life. So why not use this feature of our brain to your advantage?

Let's say you wondered how to quickly learn the verse "Borodino". As we know, this poem is literally made up of vivid images and actions. This greatly simplifies our task. Just while reading, try to imagine as vividly as possible the pictures that Lermontov describes. Only this exercise will increase the efficiency of memorization significantly, but imagine what will happen if you use all the principles?

You must understand why you need to learn this material.

The main problem of schoolchildren and students is that they do not understand at all why they are studying. This is why many people are able to read one line 10 times and not remember anything. If a person is completely confident in the necessity of the material being studied, then he will be able to master it simply by skimming his eyes. For example, if you were offered to quickly learn chords or instructions for a million dollars, then you would probably be able to do it almost instantly.

The secret is that motivation really exists. And always. A poem can be learned simply to develop memory or to become familiar with art. You can learn Japanese in order to watch anime in the original or calmly go to this eastern country. And definitions need to be memorized for better understanding of the subject or successful completion exam. The only important thing is to find motivation and really believe in it. It's not difficult to do this.

You must understand the information you are teaching.

You will be learning the material, which was probably compiled by aliens, for a very long time. And you will most likely forget it in a few hours. There is a real relationship between comprehension and memory speed. Therefore, before memorizing the definition, try to thoroughly understand the essence of what you are reading about. Then, perhaps, you won’t have to look for information about how to quickly learn some information.

I'll start with, perhaps, the most common use of quick memorization - poetry. Personally, I love poetry very much (I remember I even took 3rd place in the region at the Olympiad), but I always had problems memorizing them. School was the first place where I began to become interested in How you can quickly learn a poem. I remember it was Pushkin’s poem “The sky covers the sky with darkness...”.

In general, in any area, in addition to the fundamental principles, there are “tricks”, the use of which allows you to achieve significant results in memorizing. Poems based on literature are no exception. I recommend using a technique that I have used myself.

  1. Read the poem several times, delve into its meaning, feel its essence. This is very important, you remember the fifth principle, right? From an aesthetic point of view, this is also very important, because you will gain something more than an A in literature, you will be able to enjoy truly great words, and that is worth a lot.
  2. After this, copy the work onto a piece of paper. Be sure to do this by hand. You can show your imagination and embellish the lines somehow. Not in the sense of changing the words, but in the sense of drawing some kind of picture to match the theme or depicting an exquisite capital letter. Imagine that you are writing this poem yourself.
  3. Try to hum the tune. Have you ever noticed that songs are very easy to remember? Sometimes listening 1-2 times is enough to remember 90% of a song. It's all about melody. As a rule, poems also have their own melody, but it is not so strongly expressed. Come up with your own tune and start humming the poem. This will help you remember it even more.
  4. Start learning quickly. That is, read the stanza once and try to retell it. Even if you don’t remember a word, don’t look for at least a minute. Get your brain working. This will allow you to develop powerful neural connections, and you will remember these words for a much longer period.
  5. Don’t try to repeat it all the time, it’s better to learn each quatrain separately, and then try to repeat the entire poem in its entirety. Yes, it is more difficult, but the result is achieved faster and lasts longer.
  6. To understand how to quickly learn literature, work with the author's biography. Yes, it will take you more time (irony), but you will have a better understanding of the subject and will be able to show truly high-quality knowledge.
  7. Repeat the verse regularly. It is better to learn a little, but every day, than all at once and in one evening. You can spend a little more time on the first day and try to remember as much as possible, and then repeat the poem 2-3 times a day. Overall, it will take less time, and it will be much easier for you.

With fables it is even easier, since the images used there are simple and understandable, and they are easier to remember, so this will not pose any special difficulties.

Knowledge of a foreign language has enormous prospects, so its study is now gaining enormous volumes. Almost everyone now has the opportunity to receive an education, but some take years to learn a language, and some become fluent in it after just a few months. What's the secret?

The two main ingredients for the recipe for success are practice and consistency. If everything is clear with the first point (the more often and more regularly you study, the better your command of a foreign language), then with the second you will have to understand in more detail. The more complete the incoming information and the more varied it is, the better the material is absorbed. In the case of a foreign language, this is an excellent chance to quickly master the necessary material.

Reading, writing, listening, speaking - these are the four areas in which you will develop. If you combine them all together, the effect will be simply unimaginable. Of course, if you don’t know the language at all, then first you will need to learn the alphabet, basic words and irregular verbs, and only then move on to systematic studies, although you can start talking right away.

  1. Read at least one page of text every day foreign language. Try not to look in the dictionary. This advice is given to anyone who wants to know how to learn English quickly and easily. I recommend reading books on the Ilya Frank method. It is advisable to do this out loud. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  2. Set yourself a minimum number of words. It doesn't matter if it's Chinese, French or German you are going to teach. Let's say it's 5 words a day. In a year you will know 1780 words, and this is already enough to speak normally with native speakers. The most important thing here is regularity, don’t pause even on the busiest days. Moreover, learning five words takes ten minutes. The LinguoLeo service can be an excellent help.
  3. Download audio lessons and start studying with them. Not only will you be able to remember stable constructions, but you will also understand how to pronounce this or that word correctly. This is important if a foreign language is needed for communication.
  4. Be sure to buy a grammar book, learn the rules and do the exercises. Of course, if you do not plan to seriously master the language, you are unlikely to need this, but grammar will allow you to better understand the structure and become truly educated. In addition, it will be easier for you to express your thoughts yourself.

By the way, to quickly learn English words don't try to memorize them. It’s better to imagine what this word looks like (for example, apple) and say it out loud English name. This way you will remember the word much faster, and you will be able to use it without rummaging through your memory. And to understand how to quickly learn English verbs, find songs on the Internet. There are not so few of them, and they are learned faster.

Of course, the tips above were given in general terms so that you can understand the basic principles and ways to quickly memorize. In this article, I will more specifically highlight the main areas of application of quick memorization, which will certainly be useful to you. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. Bye!

In a critical situation, when you want to recite a poem and go out for a walk, it’s worth knowing how to quickly memorize rhyming works.

Is it possible to master a long verse in 5 minutes? There are simple memorization techniques that can help both adults and children. Read how to quickly learn a verse.

Homework has not been learned, but the poem needs to be recited in the next lesson? There is a way to avoid shame - skip class.

In fact, it is difficult to learn a poem in 5 minutes, but there are ways that will help you remember part of the stanzas in this period of time.

Important! To memorize a large passage of a poem well, you need to spend at least an hour.

To quickly memorize rhyming lines, you need to use your brain abilities to the maximum. This can be achieved by intensifying concentration and attention.

Try following the following instructions:

  1. Read aloud. Speak each stanza. It is better to do this in silence, when no one interferes and no extraneous sounds are heard from all sides.

    It is for this reason that memorizing at school during recess does not bring the long-awaited results. Read a long piece of writing at least 5 times.

  2. Fantasize. Visualization will help you understand the meaning of the poem and understand the essence that the author wanted to convey.

    Relate yourself to the main character, imagining their journey, character, or actions. Build figurative logical chains in your head, create associations.

  3. Copy the text onto a piece of paper. This also uses motor memory. You can slowly pronounce the words out loud while rewriting.

    Divide the poem into several logical parts, give each column its own little name.

  4. Look closely at the lines. Pay attention... to the commas.

    It’s a strange way, but visual memory can remember not letters, but details at the right moment. Try to visualize the location of the text in the book.

  5. Repetition is the mother of learning. Just focus on completing the tasks at hand.

    Repeat from the first to the fourth steps until part of the poem you read is retained in your memory.

Advice! Make a cheat sheet and write on a separate sheet only the first words of each line. Try to remember the entire work from what you have written.

Secrets of learning difficult poems in English

The English language can cause a number of problems for schoolchildren and even adults who are encountering foreign grammar for the first time.

There are several methods that will help you remember a difficult verse better:

  • Translate the text into Russian to have an idea of ​​what the text says.
  • Pronounce endings and declare each word loudly.
  • The first readings should be from beginning to end, but then divide the poem into several parts of 1-2 columns.
  • Take brain breaks. You should not study without a break for an hour. It is enough to devote 30 minutes to memorizing, relax and get back to work.

Before you sit down to study and learn a poem, you need to rest and gain strength. Not only does the brain need exercise, but also the stomach.

Chocolate stimulates brain activity. A little recharging will help children and adults complete the task faster.

Important! The more complex and voluminous the poem, the more time it will take to memorize.

How to learn a verse with a child under 3 years old

For children, learning a poem can be a fun game. Children at 3 years old are especially active.

To make the memorization process enjoyable for both children and parents, try learning quatrains according to the following rules:

  • Choose a text dedicated to the holiday. For autumn ball you can learn a poem about leaf fall, on New Year- about winter.
  • Tell the backstory. Explain to your child that at a certain hour the child will solemnly dedicate a quatrain to his grandmother or Santa Claus.
  • Draw a poem. According to the lines that the quatrain talks about, show the beauty of nature on a piece of paper.
  • Present learning in a playful way. A child under 3 years old will not sit straight at a desk and cram. Be prepared for the fact that the learning process may take a long time.

Advice! Praise your child for every word he remembers and reproduces. Promise a delicious candy if the child recites the poem in full.

A quick way to learn a verse in 5 minutes

There is another very simple way to learn a poem. Re-read the work several times, repeat the lines out loud, create images and visualize the situation that occurs in the text.

After that try:

  • Open the book and close the ends of the lines with your hand. Read aloud, remembering the words that are covered.
  • Use a ruler. Now cover the text perpendicular to the above method. With each line that has already been told, open a new one.

Try to learn poems in advance, and not in 5 minutes. In addition to memorizing the text, written works of art require intonation to convey meaning.

You should enjoy the work of great poets, and not sit in the corner with an unhappy literature textbook.

Useful video

Schoolchildren and students, teachers and graduate students, as well as people who often give various reports, have to face the need to memorize certain pieces of text written in prose. Of course, a poetic syllable is much easier to remember than ordinary text, however prose can also be learned fairly quickly.


Memory is conventionally divided into three types. If you have a well-developed visual memory, you should divide the text into several subsections and re-read them several times, trying to remember the location of the paragraphs. You can rewrite the text a couple of times, with good visual memory this is the most best method memorization. Those with an auditory memory type are advised to record a piece of prose on a tape recorder and listen to it several times. With developed motor memory, make sketches, draw diagrams, work with a pencil in your hands, all this will help you learn the text faster.

It is useful to repeat a memorized passage of prose about twenty minutes after memorization, then again after 8 hours and the next day. You can repeat the text in the evening before you go to bed and in the morning when you wake up. Material repeated several times is absorbed faster.

You should not memorize the text mechanically. The brain, in defense, denies cramming, reducing memory. It is better to use ingenuity and imagination to help, turning learning into an exciting game. Let mechanical assimilation become a means of learning an interesting piece of prose; it is important to understand well the meaning of the memorized text, then connections in memory will be established by themselves.

If you find it difficult to remember a passage, mentally create a specific association for the sentence or keyword. It doesn’t matter what the association is, the main thing is that you remember it quickly and remember it at the right time.

If you have a cat or dog in your house, use them as your listeners. Tell them what you have learned. If there are no animals in the house, go to the mirror and repeat the text, referring to your image.

If you need to remember a fairly large passage of some text, highlight the main micro-topics and divide the material into several parts. Try to internalize it gradually by making “me plans” or flowcharts that capture the main ideas. Structuring the text based on headings, underlined or highlighted sentences. This approach will help you quickly complete the task.

Surely, one of the readers of this article has encountered a situation where you urgently need to go somewhere, literally for 5 minutes, but when you approach the car, you realize that the headlights have been on all night and the battery charge may not be enough for the trip. To prevent this? You should charge the battery more often.

You will need

  • - automatic charger
  • - electrolyte


Of course, this is an unfortunate occurrence, and has anyone fallen into this dead battery trap before?

When charging a car battery, we should keep in mind that, most likely, we will need electrolyte, because... it tends to evaporate. You can buy electrolyte at any auto store. Sometimes they are even sold in hardware and equipment stores. The electrolyte is a 50% solution of sulfuric acid.

Before charging the battery, it doesn’t hurt to check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, top it up to the required level. Also, do not forget to unscrew all the caps from the battery cover, because evaporation will occur during charging.

Pay attention to the current you apply when charging. You need to set the value to 1/10 of your battery capacity. For example, you have a 50 ampere/hour battery, therefore, you need to set the ammeter to 5 units.

This is the principle of charging

battery Set the value and put it on charge. As soon as you notice that the ammeter needle is moving to the left, closer to zero,

Charging is on its way

and is executed

The decrease in the ammeter needle to zero is caused by an increasing resistance in the very

due to charging.

Helpful advice

When purchasing a new battery, focus on products made in the Scandinavian region. These are countries whose climate is similar to Russia’s. They experience heavy snowfalls, frosts, and temperature changes, and therefore the driving conditions are almost the same.

The problem of remembering the composition of numbers from 1 to 18 arises for many first-graders. First of all, this is due to the fact that you need to remember abstract information. What does the phrase “7 are 3 and 4” mean to a child? Absolutely nothing. Therefore, all work on memorizing and automating knowledge of the composition of numbers should be carried out on clear example and be understandable to the child.

You will need

  • 1. Paper and cardboard.
  • 2. Markers.
  • 3. Handle.


Form in your child

that number is

number of objects, and the number is needed to indicate the number on the letter.

Use playful moments in your classes. On sheets of colored cardboard with felt-tip pens, draw numbers with your child.


is a multi-story building with two floors on each floor.

Indicating the roof, write a number from 2 to 18. Explain to the child that as many residents can live on one floor as the number indicates - the owner of the house. Together with your child, using counting sticks, cubes and other materials to

, “resettle the residents into apartments.” For example, the owner of the house is the number 5. Take 5 sticks - these are the residents. On the first floor in one

1 person lives, move 1 stick. Then 4 lives in another apartment

This means 5 is 1 and also 4. When “populating” the house, you will get pairs 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1. Thus, in the number house, indicating the composition of the number 5, there will be 4 floors.

Hang number houses in the apartment so that the child sees them as often as possible. To remember the composition of numbers, close the right or left column of numbers in the number house. The child names a neighbor of one number or another. For example, 9 is 3 and? 6 - the child must answer.

From time to time, turn over one of the houses and ask the child to draw a house, remembering the composition of the number, on a piece of paper from memory.

Involve your child in solving simple everyday problems.

— There are 5 of us in the family. I have already put 3 plates on the table. How many more plates need to be placed?

- That's right, 2. 5 is 3 and 2 as well.

Similar work is carried out with all numbers.


The number contains single digits. So, 18 is 9 and 9. There is only one floor in the number house.

Helpful advice

You can make cards with addition examples illustrating the composition of numbers (9=4+5, 17=9+8, etc.).

For a person of any age to memorize a large volume material a significant amount of effort is required. It has been experimentally proven that mechanical rereading of texts gives almost zero results. Therefore, the main thing is to use the right approach. In order to facilitate the assimilation of a large amount of material, it is recommended to use a comprehensive teaching method.


Organizational aspects

Study in the morning, from 7 am to 12 pm, and in the afternoon, from 2 pm to 6 pm. This is the optimal time for memorization. Tackle complex information in the morning. If you are limited in time, then try to get enough sleep, follow a daily routine, and

10 minute breaks

Divide the entire amount of information by the number of days in which it should be learned. Leave one day for repetition if possible. Experts believe that the key to successful memorization of material is its correct distribution over time.

Use physical

during breaks - mainly somersaults and headstands, which cause

blood to the brain and improve its nutrition.

Working with information

First, read all the information completely, for informational purposes, not in detail. Repeat what you managed to remember the first time, i.e.

in your own words.

Break large material into sections, blocks, preferably semantic ones. Or blocks equal in physical volume. If it is not obvious, then come up with an associative connection between the sections yourself and title them.

Remember the sequence of blocks or sections. To do this, make a short plan. Also use associative chains, semantic associations and other methods.

Now work with each block separately. Read, choose the main ideas, supporting

Concepts. To remember, use various techniques mnemonics – associations, drawing up reference diagrams,

pictograms, etc.

Repeat, or rather, retell the information

after the first reading. It's much more productive than

her a few more times. Move on to the next block of material. Having worked it, repeat quickly the first and second. And so on, in an increasing pattern.

The next morning, after waking up, quickly repeat what you memorized the previous day. Use supporting words, notes and other methods, or, better yet, retell from memory. Then use your notes to check whether you managed to remember everything. The next day, start repeating from the place where

on the previous day.


  • Techniques for effective repetition and memorization

Accounting accounting has been playing for centuries important role in the life of society. During this time, a considerable number of interesting discoveries and findings have accumulated, which today have taken shape in the principles and rules of accounting. accounting A. Mastering the technology and all the intricacies accounting but requires, first, a diligent study of its fundamentals.

You will need

  • Federal Law “On Accounting”


Study the main document on the basis of which accounting is maintained

in organizations. It's about O Federal Law"About accounting

e" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ (as amended on September 28, 2010). The law contains the fundamental principles of construction

and is required

Understand that accounting

is a certain way organized system collection, recording and analysis of information about property, liabilities

And also about their movement, through continuous and continuous

and business transactions.

Use this method


it's like diving into

accounting information. In this case, you form a view of a specific enterprise from the point of view of an accountant. Basic element of the structure

and what you should pay attention to is the balance sheet, which is a kind of “snapshot” of the state of the enterprise on a specific date. The balance sheet is one of the forms of reporting of an enterprise.

Study the accounting section

and associated with the Chart of Accounts. You can mechanically

om, then gradually everything that is required, you will remember without special effort. The most effective way to learn educational material– practical

Learn the four basic types of accounting records that correspond to the types of business transactions. The first type concerns only the asset

; Only active accounts are involved in such an operation. In the second type of transactions, only passive accounts are involved and only the liability balance is affected. In the third type of operations, the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet are simultaneously used, both indicators increase. The fourth type of operations also affects the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, but leads to their reduction.

Learn how to correct erroneous entries used in accounting accounting e. Correcting errors largely depends on the type of document to which corrections need to be made. Acceptable methods of adjustment are specified in the Law “On Accounting accounting e".

Gain practical experience. Keep in mind that independent acquisition of knowledge about

e and the skills of its implementation in the conditions of a specific

can be quite a labor-intensive task. The most acceptable way to understand the main points of accounting technology

a – carrying out practical operations under the guidance of an experienced accountant. You can also recommend visiting various specialized

Where you will receive not only knowledge, but also answers to practical questions on

in a specific organization.

Helpful advice

Additional source:
“Accounting: from origins to the present day”, Y. V. Sokolov, 1996.


  • Lecture: What is accounting?

The future driver must know all road rules signs. They are remembered over time after regular trips around the city, so experienced driver, who graduated from driving school many years ago, remembers all the road signs. However, in order to pass the exam at a driving school, you have to memorize them from the pictures in the textbook.


Share everything signs in three categories: shape, color and image. According to form signs There are round, triangular and square. By color - red, blue, white and multi-colored. They may depict a symbol, number or drawing.

Remember that all prescriptive and prohibitive

Without exception, they are round in shape. These are the most important

And they are the ones you need to remember first. The red color means that any action is prohibited. For example, a round red circle with a white rectangle inside, colloquially called a “brick,” means that entry is prohibited. A round white sign with a red border always prohibits further movement in the selected direction. If something is drawn on it, it means that passage is prohibited only for the one depicted on it.

Remember that round

background are classified as prescriptive. It is imperative to follow the “instructions” depicted on them. For example, if you see a white arrow on a blue background, you should only go where it points. This means that if the arrow on the sign “tells” you to go straight, then turn

or to the left would be a violation.

Learn the meaning of triangles

They can be divided into two

: some warn the driver, while others establish the driving order Vehicle on

no traffic lights. From the picture shown on the warning sign, the driver can easily understand what danger awaits him ahead. This could be a railroad crossing, a drawbridge, a steep ascent or descent, etc. As for crossing intersections, it is worth remembering that an inverted triangle with a red border instructs you to give way.

Remember the information

They are usually square in shape and indicate

Distance to settlements, gas stations, etc. To decipher such a sign, you just need to pay attention to the picture or number depicted on it.


In the process of preparing for exams, students and schoolchildren have to memorize a large amount of information. Sometimes it is so large that it can cause confusion; a person literally does not know “what to grab onto.” To avoid chaos in assimilation information, you need to adhere to several rules.


There is voluntary and involuntary memory. Information that is emotionally rich and is remembered without effort is assimilated using involuntary memory. If you have to remember something with the help of volitional efforts, this process occurs when voluntary memory is involved. It is especially difficult to acquire knowledge that causes irritation and unpleasant emotions. Therefore, start learning with personal motivation. Convince yourself that this is something you need to remember.

Do not try to memorize the material mechanically. You will only assimilate that part of it that you understand. Read and understand the topic. Then the logical component of memory will be added to the mechanical component, which is acquired reliably.

As a rule, the material is presented in a certain system. Start learning from the very beginning to understand and master this system. If you forget something during the exam, you will be able to restore it or draw your own logical conclusion.

In the process of assessing the quality of learning information learn to distinguish memorization from recall. For example, you looked at a page in a textbook, remembered a section, and thought you knew it. And in the exam it turned out that you only remember the picture and general form text.

Exercise only at times when your brain is most active. For some, this is early in the morning, while others are able to assimilate it closer to the evening. Please note that it is very rare that material is memorized the first time; it needs to be repeated at least twice, ideally before bedtime and immediately after it.

Based on their lifetime, short-term, long-term and medium-term memory is distinguished. The latter is responsible for breaking down material into categories and works during night sleep. Therefore, give yourself the time you need to rest at night. When preparing for exams, the physiological need for sleep increases.

Schoolchildren who have begun to study chemistry often encounter great difficulties when trying to learn the names and symbols of chemical elements. It seems to them that this is an impossible task, because there are more than 100 elements. However, there are many effective techniques that can help with this.

You will need

  • Mendeleev table.


Within curriculum you won't be required to remember everything

You only need to learn two or three tens, which is much easier. You can memorize chemical elements by period. Look at the Periodic Table. In the first period there are only 2 elements: hydrogen and helium. It won’t be difficult to remember them. In the second period there are already 8 elements: lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon. 8 names are not so easy to remember. Therefore, resort to associations. What term will immediately come to mind when

"lithium"? Of course, lithium batteries are used in cell phones, laptops, digital cameras, video cameras.

The word "beryllium" is less well known. You may have heard about beryllium

(an alloy with

elasticity). If you are interested in minerals, you have probably heard of beryl, some varieties of which (for example,

Aquamarine) belong to the category precious stones. Well, fans of Conan Doyle’s work may remember him

"Beryl Diadem".

How to remember

"boron"? Boric acid almost certainly found in every home medicine cabinet. Remember the great

Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize laureate. And so on. "Carbon" is perfectly associated with

“coal”, and that the main components of air are nitrogen and oxygen, you know from elementary school. He talks about fluoride

Urging to use toothpaste with this component. And there’s nothing to say about the inert gas neon: multi-colored neon signs found everywhere. Likewise, gradually memorize the elements in the third and subsequent periods.

You can memorize not by periods, but by groups. Start with the first main group: hydrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium. The last element of the group, francium, is very rare. Remember that it has the most pronounced metallic properties. After this, you can learn 4 halogen elements from the seventh main group: fluorine - chlorine - bromine - iodine. Try to remember that bromine is the only non-metal that is in a liquid state, while iodine is in a solid state. The fifth element of the group, astatine, like francium, is very rare. It is worth knowing about it that it is the only halogen that exhibits the properties of both a non-metal and a metal. And gradually continue to learn the elements in other groups in the same way.

Japanese culture is becoming more and more popular, which means the number of people wanting to learn the Japanese language is increasing. However, it is quite difficult to study it at home. The writing and rules for writing sentences, which are unusual for Europeans, can confuse even an experienced polyglot.

You should start studying by looking for a tutorial. There are many different publications on the market, but there are few truly good ones. First, look for the book on the Internet. There you can find out the approximate cost and also read reviews.

In addition, a good Japanese language self-teacher must meet several criteria:

1. Written in in simple language, without using complex terms;

2. Not only pronunciation is considered, but also spelling;

3. Competent and understandable structure;

4. Explanation of the features of the Japanese language (the presence of several alphabets, etc.);

Reading and writing

First you need to master at least one alphabet. You can buy special educational copybooks that teach you how to depict hieroglyphs correctly, or you can get a regular notebook and study on the Internet. There are many videos on the Internet that describe in detail exactly how to write certain characters.

There are special courses that help you quickly master writing. They are based on the associative method, that is, all hieroglyphs are presented in the form of complete drawings. However, they are usually paid.

Educational literature allows you to quickly improve your reading skills in Japanese. For example, books on the Ilya Frank method will help you train in just 6-8 months of active training. Japanese is a difficult language, so it's a really short time. In addition, you can read manga - Japanese comics. This will make classes more interesting.


At first, pronunciation can be trained using regular audio courses. The announcer will pronounce a phrase correctly, and you must repeat after him. Use special applications or games that allow you to diversify this process and make it more interesting. Japanese films and anime also help to master pronunciation.

However, you cannot stay on such programs for a long time. Communication with real people will allow you to make serious progress in learning the language. The best way to meet foreigners is on special websites or international in social networks. Just write messages at first, and then exchange phone numbers or Skype accounts.

Japanese pronunciation is not that difficult, but it requires meticulous mastery of some things. For example, the use of certain seemingly related phrases in different situations. Theoretically, although this question can be mastered, it can only be brought to automatism in practice.

IN Russian army There are military and naval ranks. To remember the large list of military positions and the order of their appointment, let us turn to the list of ranks in ascending order.


Soldiers begin their military service as ordinary privates, and the first promotion to rank occurs before

It can be given for excellent studies and success in combat training.

The next three positions are junior sergeant, sergeant and staff sergeant. The rank of junior sergeant is received based on the results of special courses, and the most responsible and capable of managing subordinates are appointed senior sergeants.

The chain of military ranks of this order is concluded by the sergeant major. Each subsequent title can be obtained after 2-3 years, but in some cases even after 1 year.

The Navy has its own system of military ranks.

An ordinary seaman receives his first promotion to senior seaman. Next come foreman 2 articles, foreman

and chief petty officer. Concludes the 1st order main chain

Finally, junior officer positions begin. First, a serviceman is awarded the rank of junior lieutenant for completing combat training courses.

Then, having received higher education professional education, is assigned the position of lieutenant who leads the platoon.

The highest rank among junior officers is captain, which is awarded after 4 years of service as a senior lieutenant. The captain is the company commander and deputy battalion commander.

In the navy, after junior lieutenant, lieutenant and senior lieutenant, the rank of lieutenant commander follows.

Moreover, if a serviceman has a military registration specialty of a medical or legal profile, then the words “medical service” or “justice” are added to his rank.

Job responsibilities and powers increase for senior officers.

The first appointment in this position is given to a major. This position is held, as a rule, by service chiefs and battalion chiefs of staff. This is followed by the rank of lieutenant colonel and then colonel. The rank of lieutenant colonel is awarded after 5 years of service as a major.

Naval ranks for senior officers - captain


and captain

The highest military positions are held by senior officers. The colonel receives the rank of major general.

After two years, he can be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general. After which the rank of Colonel General is awarded.

And the most important military positions are occupied by the General of the Army and the Marshal of the Russian Federation.

The next military rank can be awarded ahead of schedule for special services to the Fatherland.

In the Navy, senior officers receive the ranks of rear admiral, vice admiral and fleet admiral.

Our children use Arabic numbers every day and know them well. But sometimes, while reading a book or looking at a watch dial, they come across some incomprehensible icons - Roman numerals. It is difficult to read what is written without knowing it, and a single number written in Roman numerals can be seriously confusing.

Tell your son or daughter about Roman numerals, open them up to interesting world and give you confidence.

Play a game with your child. Tell him that once upon a time there lived the ancient Romans who came up with a very interesting way count what they had. And they had sheep and goats, they grew and sold apples and pears, potters made beautiful dishes, and weavers made rolls of fabric. And in order to sell and buy all this, numbers were needed. These are the numbers that were called Roman.

And at first they counted... correctly, on their fingers. This is how the first number appeared - I. Show your child how to get the numbers 2 and 3, it is best to use counting sticks for this. Then show the number V by combining it from two sticks and ask what it looks like (like a palm). Now make the number X, first using sticks, and then showing two palms together, folding them like an hourglass.

Now tell him how the Romans composed 4 (5-1, stick placed on the left), and 6 (5+1, stick on the right). Happened? Now let the child think about how to make the number 11. What about 9? What about 12?

Here are some fun activities to help you reinforce your new knowledge:

1) Find several clocks in the house and determine what numerals they have, Roman or Arabic. If you don't have a clock with Roman numerals in your home, photographs or pictures will do.

2) If you are already reading history books, try to find any number written in Roman numerals (this is how a century is usually written) and read it. And if you don’t have history books at hand, look in children’s encyclopedias.

3) Think about how you can show the number V with your body. And I? And X?

4) Draw a tree with your child and try to find Roman numerals among its branches. Surely you will find the numbers V and I, and maybe something else.

5) Play a guessing game - take turns telling each other numbers up to ten and laying them out with counting sticks.

6) But the task is more difficult. Lay out an example with counting sticks and ask them to find the mistake.


These games will bring your child pleasure and help him learn numbers that are new to him.

Every teacher will say that vocabulary words are very important: knowing them helps us learn to write correctly in Russian. How to help your child learn vocabulary words?

Every mother imagines what it’s like to learn vocabulary words with her child: there are many of them, they are all different. It takes a lot of time to learn them, and the result is often not satisfactory. What to do?

Teach, of course. And try to make sure that there is less cramming and that studying turns into a game. Here are some tips that can help you cope with difficult but essential vocabulary words.

· Did the teacher give out a list of vocabulary words? Great! Think about where you can hang it so that you can repeat them little by little. An excellent option is on the wall in the kitchen, next to the place where the child usually sits. Let the words be before your eyes all the time.

· No list? Do it yourself, it's even better. Write 4-5 words that are currently being taught in class in large letters.

· Read the words out loud with your child. If you have asked a lot of words at once, it is better to do it in small portions - up to ten words. Use a bright marker to mark letters that are difficult to remember. For example, in the word “HARE” - underline “I”, “BIRCH” - mark “E”.

Now let's play games with words.

The first game is geometric.

For example, we need to remember how to spell the word “MILK”. Complex letters - Oh, they're round. This means we need to come up with something round with milk, for example, a round can of milk rolling down a hill. You can even draw this jar and come up with a story about it.

Let's take another word: “PLANT”. The compound letter - A, looks like a triangle. This means we can draw a triangular factory building. And if before this word there was the word “MILK”, you can tell the child that milk is bottled at this factory - in round cans. All this helps us connect our imagination and make faceless words come alive and familiar.

Second game: making up stories.

The essence of the game is to come up with word combinations in which all complex letters will be clear and simple. For example, milk is wet. In the first word, the letter is incomprehensible, but in the second, no one will make a mistake, they will write O. But the phrase for the second letter: milk in a spoon. We'll go to the factory tomorrow. If it turns out funny, that’s very good: it will be remembered faster.

AND last tip: Do not put off vocabulary words until the last day, because it will take time for the words to be remembered well.

Mnemonics are various techniques and methods of memorizing information, based on the properties of the psyche and facilitating the consolidation of memory certain types information. Using these techniques, you can quickly and firmly remember phone numbers, dates and numbers.

1. Alphanumeric code. The essence of this method is that each number is assigned a specific consonant letter. For example: 0 – N, 1 – R (times), 2 – D, 3 – T, 4 – H, 5 – P, 6 – W, ​​7 – S, 8 – V, 9 – M (“many”, t .k. D is already busy). To remember a single number, you need to take the letters corresponding to it and form a word. 29 – D+M = HOME. To remember a large number, you need to break it down into words and make up a phrase from them that you need to remember.

There are also more complex versions of the alphanumeric code. For example, code according to V. Kozarenko: 1 – GZh; 2 – DT; 3 – KH; 4 – ChShch; 5 – PB; 6 – ShL; 7 – NW; 8 – VF; 9 – RC; 0 – MN.

Alphanumeric code according to T. Buzan: 1 – TD; 2 – H; 3 – M; 4 – H; 5 – LSCH; 6 – ShZh; 7 – GK; 8 – VF; 9 – BP; 0 – ZS.

Of course, you need to learn the alphanumeric code well and know it like a multiplication table. In my opinion, the first method is the easiest to use in everyday life, because... You don’t need to memorize the first letters of numbers, you just need to adapt to quickly finding the right words to memorize and putting them into phrases.

2. Shedd system. Each digit is assigned a word containing the number of letters equal to the digit. For example: how to (3) learn (7) the number (5) - 375. The number 0 can correspond to 10-letter words or punctuation marks. 3750 – how to learn the number? (?=0), or “how to learn a number effectively” (10 letters correspond to 0).

3. Assigning images to numbers. The number two looks like a swan, the number eight looks like an infinity sign. To remember the number 28, you can imagine a swan carving an infinity sign into the surface of the water. This method has a significant disadvantage: when memorizing the number 82, we can imagine the same image and mix up the numbers.

4. Associations with numbers. We have 5 fingers on our hand, and there are 7 colors in the rainbow. A similar meaning can be attributed to all numbers. And it turns out: the number 57 is a hand holding a rainbow.

5. Finding connections with familiar dates and numbers. The number 3112 is easy to remember by associating it with a date. last day year, 803 - Happy International Women's Day, etc.

Literature lessons are familiar to everyone from school, and everyone has encountered the need to learn poetry. Of course, when you start memorizing the verse in time, there will be no problems. However, there are situations when you need to memorize a poem in a short time, for example, how to learn a poem in 5 minutes? It seems impossible to do this, but in this article we will show techniques that will refute this myth. How to quickly learn a verse, read in the following sections.

If you need to memorize a poem in a short time, the following instructions will be useful to you:

  1. Regardless of the volume of the poetic form, it should be read aloud - this is a prerequisite. In this case, it is necessary to place accents that are convenient for you in terms of meaning while reading the text. The poem must be read at a slow pace, clearly and loudly and, of course, with expression. This will help the brain to concentrate correctly and tune into the necessary mood. We recommend reading it at least three times.
  2. Due to the fact that the brain remembers mainly only images, you need to create a picture in your head. This method allows you to quickly learn not only a small, but a large poem. Such visual associations are the basis for previously placed semantic accents. In view of this, it is necessary to do all this at the same time. Clearly visualize the situation about what is happening in the plot of the poem. It is recommended to build logical chains that will help present the information. By forming images, you can put the learned plot in your head for a long time. Thanks to the method, you can learn poems very quickly and also remember them for a long time.
  3. After drawing up the plot, you should recite the poem again. The second repetition should occur at a slow pace, without the need to read with expression or delve into the text. At this stage, you need to concentrate on the rules of syntax, i.e. form of words, their tense and declension. In this case, not only visual memory is activated, but also auditory memory.
  4. We connect motor memory. Of course, it will take more than 15 minutes, but in 50-60 minutes it can be done. Required condition- copy each stanza of the work onto paper, while reciting it.
  5. If you have a spare hour in time, you can start dividing the columns of the poem in the way that is convenient for you, i.e. not like in the book. Create groups of stanzas based on meaning and content. In addition, you can supplement the poem with small drawings and notes that will point to a specific fragment. This will make it quite easy to learn the poem by heart.
  6. And finally, there is cramming, but you need to do this only from the sheet of paper that you wrote for yourself. After all, here are tips in the form of drawings, text written by you, as well as images created in your head. You should repeat the lines silently and out loud, by heart, but do not look into the text. If the verse is voluminous, then break it into blocks.
  7. In conclusion, we will give some advice: if, when memorizing a poem, some line or words cause difficulty, rewrite it separately, like a cheat sheet. Just one sentence!

This instruction is an effective method that allows you to learn a poem not only in Russian, but also in other languages. Thanks to this technique, you can learn a page of information in one hour and remember it for a long time. And if it comes to a small verse, then you can easily learn it in 15 minutes.

If you have more than 60 minutes, the following tips on how to quickly learn a verse will be useful to you.

  • A voice recorder is a recording of your own voice reciting a work. While going about your daily activities, turn on the recording and listen, constantly replaying it in your head. Then repeat the lines synchronously with the recording. So, while studying household chores, you can quickly memorize the verse at the same time.
  • Involve all your senses in this process, because this way you can cope with the task much easier and faster. For example, take a small ball in your hand, and, at the same time as pronouncing the text, throw it from hand to hand. This exercise will allow you to very effectively learn poetry by heart not only for children, but also for adults.

What time is considered the most effective and correct to learn poetry? Psychologists recommend doing this shortly before bedtime. In fact, these are the only techniques that allow you to learn poetry quickly and easily. If you have other techniques, you can actively use them, and also share them with others.

It is quite difficult for children to remember some text on their own. The following tips will help both children and adults learn big and small literary works fast.

An important rule is that kids remember only information that they can understand, so before forcing a child to learn a verse by heart, you should explain the plot or even tell him the whole story.

Thus, the picture in the child’s head will be clearly drawn, and he will be able to remember the poem very easily. To do this, it is recommended to read the verse out loud several times and discuss it with the child.

Then, ask your child to read it several times on his own. Advise you to read either slower or faster so that the child can understand how it is more convenient for him to recite the verse. It may take more than one hour, but it's worth it. It will be important for the parent to help the child with gestures, facial expressions and, if possible, depict the plot. Next, it is necessary to memorize the verse, but the child will do this with an image in his head, so memorization will be more effective.

Praise and admire your child for every stanza. This is motivation for further study.

The question arose about when is the best time to teach? Of course, it's better before bed. However, this is not easy for all children, so pay attention to the time when he is full of energy and offer to learn the piece.

Above we have listed very effective ways for quickly memorizing poetry, i.e. in five minutes. Although at first the memorization time can reach 10-15 minutes. However, these techniques are suitable for small classical shapes. But there are also complex works in literature that are quite difficult to remember in 10-15 minutes. How to learn poetry of this length? Don't be upset, because... Below we will give several techniques that make it very easy to learn a long verse in an hour.

  1. Study the material several times. Mentally sort the text into images, plot and pictures. If necessary, find out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  2. Write the verse in your notebook, saying it out loud.
  3. Learn the poem from what you wrote in your notebook. As you read, remember the first sentence. If you can’t do it within 10 minutes, then read until you remember the fragment.
  4. Smoothly add subsequent fragments to the first, repeating what you have already learned.
  5. After learning 2-3 quatrains, take a break for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Once you have learned the entire verse, you should return to it throughout the day. Speak the entire verse or complex sections several times.
  7. Before you go to bed, repeat the text.
  8. The next morning, reproduce the learned material without reading it. Then recite the verse out loud twice. After repeating, make sure you haven't made a mistake.

By systematically practicing, you can reduce the memorization of a poem from one hour to 15 minutes.

It is worth noting that, in general, poems have quatrains, unless it is a prose poem. Therefore, it is better to memorize, first 1-2 lines, and then increase the volume. That is, you memorize the first two lines, then the next part. The third step is connecting the two fragments. This way you will be able to learn the entire text. Some people manage this in 15 minutes, while others need an hour.

As for unfamiliar or difficult words that you cannot learn by heart, you should do this. Write down these words on a blank sheet of paper and use it as a cheat sheet. Note that after several times, the need for the sheet disappears. And in the future you will be surprised when, seeing exactly these words, you will remember the entire text.