IX. Carrying out typewriting and copying works. Typewriting bureau text pro XI. Organization of work with documents in office work

9.1.1. Printing of official documents is carried out in typewritten bureaus (where they are provided) or in structural divisions directly by the executors, taking into account the requirements set out in Section IV of these Instructions.

9.1.3. Documents are printed on forms established form or on A4 paper on one side of the sheet.

On the last page of the printed document, on the front side in the lower left corner is the name of the file in which the text of the document is written.

9.1.4. Printing of documents marked “For official use” is carried out in accordance with clause 8.13.

9.2. Copying and duplicating works

9.2.1. Copying and reproduction of official documents is carried out, as a rule, by specially created structural units.

It is allowed to copy official materials of small volume and circulation on copiers installed in structural divisions. In this case, responsibility for the correct use of copiers and recording of work performed lies with the head of the structural unit in which the copier is installed.

9.2.2. The basis for performing copying work is an order drawn up on the prescribed form and signed by the appropriate official giving permission to carry out the work.

9.2.3. Materials to be copied must be bound and printed on standard size white writing paper.

9.2.4. Employees performing copying and duplicating work are responsible for their execution in strict accordance with the requirements specified in the order.

The copies made, together with the original, are issued to the customer against signature.

9.2.5. Accounting for completed copying and duplicating work is kept in special journals.

X. Production and use of seals and stamps

The production and use of seals and stamps necessary to ensure the activities of territorial bodies, military units, organizations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system is carried out in accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for production, recording, storage of seals and stamps and their use in the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergency situations and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated November 15, 2004 No. 516ДПП.

XI. Organization of work with documents in office work

11.1. Drawing up a list of cases

11.1.1. The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of the headings of cases opened in a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system, indicating their storage periods, drawn up in the prescribed manner.

11.1.2. The nomenclature of cases is compiled for the purpose of grouping executed documents into cases, systematizing and recording cases, determining their storage periods and is the basis for compiling inventories of cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage, subject to transfer to the Archive of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia, as well as for recording cases of temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage.

11.1.3. The nomenclature of cases includes the titles of all cases scheduled for establishment in the records management of structural units of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system, including reference, control, accounting files, books and logbooks, personal files 6.

The nomenclature of cases includes the titles of cases of temporary bodies (for example, working commissions, groups created for the period of carrying out any specific events), as well as unfinished cases of liquidated organizations, the legal successor of which is a territorial body, a military unit, an organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Periodicals are not included in the list of cases.

11.1.4. When compiling a list of cases, one should be guided by the regulations on the territorial body, the charters of the military unit, the organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system, regulations on structural units, staffing table, A list of documents generated in the activities of governing bodies, military units of civil defense forces, units of the State Fire Service, institutions and organizations of the EMERCOM of Russia system, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 30, 2004 No. 630 (hereinafter referred to as the List of documents indicating storage periods ), lists of cases for previous years. The documents generated in the activities of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system, their types, composition and content are studied.

11.1.5. The consolidated nomenclature of affairs of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the EMERCOM system of Russia (Appendix No. 30) is compiled in the last quarter of the current year for the next year by a structural unit created to conduct office work with the methodological assistance of the Archive on the basis of nomenclatures of affairs of structural units agreed with the Archive.

11.1.6. The names of sections of the consolidated nomenclature of affairs of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system are the names of structural units, subsections are the names of departments of structural units. The sections are arranged in accordance with the indexation of structural units in ascending order established in the records management of a territorial body, military unit, or organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system. Wherein structural subdivision, created for office work, is placed first in the nomenclature of cases and is assigned an office work index - 1.

11.1.7. The consolidated nomenclature of affairs of the territorial body, military unit, organization of the EMERCOM of Russia system is signed by the head of the structural unit created to conduct office work, agreed upon with the expert commission, with the Central Archive of the EMERCOM of Russia, after which it is approved by the head of the territorial body, commander of the military unit, head (manager) of the organization systems of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

11.1.8. As a rule, the consolidated list of cases is printed in triplicate. The first (approved) copy of the consolidated case list is a document of permanent storage and is included in the case list section of the structural unit created to conduct office work. The second copy is used as a working copy in the structural unit created for office work, the third copy is transferred to the archive for practical use.

In cases where it is necessary to coordinate the nomenclature of files with the Central Archives, a fourth copy is printed for submission to the Central Archives.

11.1.9. The consolidated nomenclature of cases, agreed upon with the Central Archive of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, is finalized at the end of each year in order to make changes to the nomenclature of cases for the next year. The updated list of cases for the next year is signed by the head of the structural unit created to conduct office work, approved by the head of the territorial body, the commander of the military unit, the head (manager) of the organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system and put into effect on January 1 of the next calendar year.

11.1.10. The consolidated nomenclature of the Ministry’s files is re-coordinated with the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations at least once every five years. In the event of a significant change in the functions and structure of a territorial body, military unit, or organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system, the consolidated nomenclature is subject to re-compilation, coordination and approval in the prescribed manner, regardless of the period of its previous approval.

11.1.11. After approval of the consolidated nomenclature of cases, structural units receive extracts of the relevant sections for use in their work.

11.1.12. During the year, the structural unit created to conduct office work may make changes and additions to the approved consolidated nomenclature of cases based on proposals from structural units, agreed upon with the Archive and executed memo addressed to the head of the territorial body, the commander of a military unit, the head (head) of the organization of the EMERCOM of Russia system. The basis for changes and additions are functional or organizational changes in the structural unit.

11.1.13. The nomenclature of affairs of a structural unit (Appendix No. 31) is compiled by the person responsible for office work of the structural unit, signed by the head of this structural unit at least once every 5 years and submitted for approval to the Archives before October 1 of the current year .

If it is necessary to refine the nomenclature of cases (according to the comments of the Archive), it is finalized and submitted to the structural unit created for record keeping no later than December 1 to compile a consolidated nomenclature of cases of the territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system.

11.1.14. The newly created structural unit, within a month, develops a nomenclature of the unit’s affairs and submits it in the prescribed manner to the structural unit created to conduct office work.

11.1.15. The order of placement of case headings within sections and subsections of the nomenclature of cases, i.e. their systematization is determined by the degree of importance of the documents that make up the case and their relationship.

At the beginning there are headings of cases containing organizational and administrative documentation. In this case, the headings of cases containing administrative documents of higher authorities are located before the headings of cases with administrative documents of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system. Next are the headings of cases containing planning, reporting, financial documents, then documents on the main activities of the structural unit, at the end of the section are the headings of cases on office work. The titles of cases opened on geographical or correspondent grounds are entered into the nomenclature of cases in alphabetical order by geographical names or correspondents.

11.1.16. The columns of the nomenclature of affairs of a structural unit are filled out as follows. In column 1 of the nomenclature of cases, the indexes of each case included in the nomenclature are entered. The case index consists of the digital designations of the structural unit, department of the structural unit and the serial number of the title of the case according to the nomenclature within the structural unit established in the records management of the territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system. Case indexes are indicated by Arabic numerals.

For example: case No. 16-3-7, where 16 is the index of the structural unit, 3 is the index of the department of the structural unit, 7 is the serial number of the case according to the nomenclature within the structural unit.

Reserve case numbers are not provided for in the case nomenclature. If it is necessary to open new cases, they are entered in the prescribed manner (clause 11.1.12) at the end of the list of cases of the corresponding structural unit under the next serial number. Column 2 of the nomenclature of cases includes the titles of the cases.

The title of the case must clearly, in a generalized form, reflect the main content and composition of the documents of the case.

It is not allowed to use non-specific wording in the title of the case (“miscellaneous materials”, “general correspondence”, “outgoing correspondence”, “incoming documents”), as well as introductory words, complex syntactic phrases. The use of abbreviated words and abbreviated names of territorial executive authorities, institutions and organizations is not allowed, except for officially established abbreviations.

The case title may consist of the following elements:

name of the type of case (correspondence, journal, etc.) or types of documents (protocols, orders, decisions, etc.);

name of the organization to which the documents will be addressed or from which the documents will be received (addressee or correspondent of the document);

name of the locality (territory) with which the content of the case documents is related;

dates (chronological framework, period) to which the case documents relate;

an indication of the number of copies of the case documents (if copies are filed in the case), while in the “Note” column of the list of cases it is indicated in which structural unit the originals of these documents are stored.

In the headings of cases that contain documents on one issue, but are not related by the sequence of execution, the term “documents” is used as the type of case, and at the end of the title in brackets the main types of documents that should be grouped in the case are indicated.

Example: Documents on thematic exhibitions (plans, lists, reports, characteristics of exhibits).

In case headings intended to group documents of the same type, this type of document is indicated in the plural.

Example: Minutes of meetings of the board of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow region

The headings of cases containing correspondence indicate with whom and on what issue it is being conducted.

Example: Correspondence with subordinate departments about the organization of radiation, chemical and biological (bacteriological) protection measures.

In the headings of cases containing correspondence with various correspondents, the latter are not indicated.

Example: Correspondence about the organization of logistics.

The title of the case indicates a specific correspondent if correspondence is carried out only with him.

Example: Correspondence with the Department of Federal Support of Territories of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the financing of emergency response measures.

The headings of cases containing planning or reporting documentation indicate the period (month, quarter, year) for (for) which plans (reports) were drawn up.

Example: Plan of main activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region for 2008.

If the case consists of several volumes, then a general title of the case is drawn up, and then, if necessary, the titles of each volume are compiled, clarifying the content of the documents of the case.

Case titles may be clarified during the process of forming and filing cases. In this case, at the end of the current year, appropriate clarifications are made to the list of cases.

For example, initially the title of the case was “Acts of acceptance and transfer of positions by the heads of structural divisions of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia,” and after clarification (edition) - “Act of acceptance and transfer of positions by the head of the Logistics and Armaments Department of the Far Eastern Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.”

During the calendar year, in column 3 of the nomenclature “Number of cases (volumes)”, when each volume is opened, a mark is made (“vol. 1,” “vol. 2,” etc.), and at the end of the year the total number of volumes opened is indicated . Column 4 of the case nomenclature “Date of case” is filled in when the case (volume) is closed. It reflects the chronological framework of the documents filed in the case (extreme dates - day, month, year - establishment and end of the case in office work (for example: “01/10/2006 - 12/28/2006”). If the case is transferable, then the deadlines are drawn up as follows image: “01/15/2002 – to date.” Column 5 of the nomenclature of files “Number of sheets” is subject to mandatory completion only for files of permanent and temporary storage (over 10 years) and files marked “EC”. Column 6 indicates the storage period for the file and the article number in the List of Documents indicating the storage period. When using other lists of documents with storage periods used in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, it is necessary in column 6 after the number of the list article to indicate the name of the used list of documents with storage periods. In column 7 of the nomenclature of cases “Note”, marks are made about moving cases indicating the old case index if it changes ( for example: “Transitioning from 2006. In 2006-2007. – building 2-2-11"

A copy of the list of cases of a structural unit may indicate the persons responsible for the formation of cases.

If the case (register, logbook) is kept in in electronic format, then in column 7 the mark “Maintained in electronic form” is indicated and the frequency of its printing is indicated.

11.1.17. At the end of the calendar year, the person responsible for office work of the structural unit checks the presence of all marks in the nomenclature of cases and compiles a final record of the categories and number of cases opened.

A completed copy of the list of cases of a structural unit with a final entry is submitted to the structural unit created to conduct office work no later than March 1 of the following year.

The final record of the consolidated nomenclature of affairs of a territorial body, military unit, organization of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations system is compiled on the basis of the final records of the nomenclature of affairs of structural units.

According to Qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on November 7, 2006 No. 749), – executive, providing leadership... ...

HEAD OF TYPING BUREAU - Job responsibilities. Manages the work of the typing bureau. Receives material for printing, distributes it among typists, keeps records of production, and submits completed work. Provides control over deadlines and quality... ...

TYPIST- Job responsibilities. Performs typewriting work (including preparing matrices for obtaining copies of material) from handwritten, typewritten and printed originals on typewriters of various systems. Reproduces recordings on a typewriter... ... Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees

St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

TYPIST- according to the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on November 7, 2006 No. 749), - a specialist performing typewriting work... ... Record keeping and archiving in terms and definitions

"Neva Dawns"- (Nevsky Prospekt, 95), association household services Department of Consumer Services under the Leningrad City Executive Committee. Established in 1966. Includes wedding celebration houses, service studios, Lengorspravka, comprehensive reception centers, etc. One of... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

Krishnaism International Society for Krishna Consciousness Acharya sampradayas before Chaitanya Krishna · Brahma · Narada · Vyasa · Madhva ... Wikipedia

Krishnaism International Society for Krishna Consciousness Acharya sampradayas before Chaitanya Krishna · Brahma · Narada · Vyasa · Madhva ... Wikipedia

GOST 12.3.013(77) SSBT. Typewritten works. General requirements security. OKS: 01.140.40, 13.100 KGS: T58 System of standards in the field of nature conservation and improvement of use natural resources, occupational safety, scientific organization labor... ... Directory of GOSTs


  • Pages of my life, Krol M.. The book is the memoirs of a man who lived a long, interesting and very extraordinary life. The original manuscript of M. A. Krol’s memoirs “Pages of My Life” is kept in the Hoover...
  • Pages of my life, M. A. Krol. The book is the memoirs of a man who lived a long, interesting and very extraordinary life. The original manuscript of M. A. Krol’s memoirs “Pages of My Life” is kept in the Hoover...

Our company offers typing services different formats, whether it is a handwritten, printed or spreadsheet document. We take on complex orders (poorly legible handwriting, large volume for a short period of time, etc.).

Over the several years of our work, we have acquired many regular customers. We always strive to ensure that the customer is satisfied with our work. We have a lot positive feedback, you can view them in a special section of our website.

Our typing bureau was organized several years ago..

Cost of services

Prices for typewritten work vary depending on the complexity and nature of the text.

Discounts for regular customers

There are discounts for regular customers. For example, for a one-time order of 300 pages or more of handwritten or printed text, we provide a 5% discount.

How to make an order

You can scan (or take a photo with your camera or phone) of the pages you need to retype. Then send them to us by email. If scanning is not possible, then you can bring the manuscript to our office at any time. In this case, payment is made upon completion.

Typewritten works are performed only on a computer and subsequently printed out on a printer (if necessary) or recorded on your flash card. We don't have typewriters.

Call, write - we are sure that you will be satisfied with the quality of our services.

Text, tabular and digital materials using a typewriter and later using a computer.

Typewriting work is performed by professional typists using the so-called blind ten-finger method: the original text is written (retyped) automatically without visual control with all ten fingers, each of which is assigned certain keys (letters, signs) of a typewriter or keyboard.

The average typing speed of a professional typist is 350-400 characters per minute, with three typos per double-spaced typescript (1860 characters). Regulatory document, containing time standards for typing work, is a 1984 document entitled: “Unified time standards (production) for typewriting work.”

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  • (approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 19, 1984 No. 189/11-64). - M., 1988.


Excerpt characterizing Typewritten works

“I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that I could love like that,” said Prince Andrei. “This is not at all the feeling that I had before.” The whole world is divided for me into two halves: one - she and there is all the happiness of hope, light; the other half is everything where she is not there, there is all despondency and darkness...
“Darkness and gloom,” Pierre repeated, “yes, yes, I understand that.”
– I can’t help but love the world, it’s not my fault. And I'm very happy. You understand me? I know you're happy for me.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed, looking at his friend with tender and sad eyes. The brighter the fate of Prince Andrei seemed to him, the darker his own seemed.

To get married, the consent of the father was needed, and for this, the next day, Prince Andrei went to his father.
The father, with outward calm but inner anger, accepted his son’s message. He could not understand that anyone would want to change life, to introduce something new into it, when life was already ending for him. “If only they would let me live the way I want, and then we would do what we wanted,” the old man said to himself. With his son, however, he used the diplomacy that he used on important occasions. Taking a calm tone, he discussed the whole matter.
Firstly, the marriage was not brilliant in terms of kinship, wealth and nobility. Secondly, Prince Andrei was not in his first youth and was in poor health (the old man was especially careful about this), and she was very young. Thirdly, there was a son whom it was a pity to give to the girl. Fourthly, finally,” said the father, looking mockingly at his son, “I ask you, postpone the matter for a year, go abroad, get treatment, find, as you want, a German for Prince Nikolai, and then, if it’s love, passion, stubbornness, whatever you want, so great, then get married.