VET engineer: responsibilities and main functions. Production and technical department Technical department functions

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 2.5k. Published 06/24/2018

Construction work is a complex process, which is accompanied by the preparation of related documentation. Such documents include projects for the future facility, contracts for the supply of raw materials and consumables, and other acts. There are special schedules for construction work, which indicate the amount of energy and labor resources spent. In this article, we propose to consider the question of what the production and technical department (PTO) does.

PTO is a commonly used abbreviation that stands for production and technical department

What is PTO

The main task of the production and technical department is to prepare for the various stages of construction work. According to experts, this department is a fundamental structural unit of companies operating in the construction industry. The task of the employees of this division is to process primary information about the implementation of the project

A. This means that PTO employees accept design documents from the customer, study the estimate and issue a permit to begin construction. These tasks are performed at the stage of preparation for construction work.

During the construction itself, employees of this department monitor the work process and evaluate the amount of material resources used. In case of deviation from the estimate, engineers need to develop a corrective action plan. All information obtained during the analysis is used in the formation of management accounting. Based on this information, work reports and internal statements are prepared, according to which employees receive wages.

The VET department (the transcript sounds like the production and technical department) performs many different functions. The task of this unit is to obtain permits for various events, tenders and examinations.

Construction work involves large internal and external document flow between the contractor and the customer. Employees of the department in question may be tasked with collecting documents, according to the list prepared by the customer.

Main tasks

  1. As mentioned above, the TVET department has many different responsibilities. Among them, it is worth highlighting the assessment of technical and economic parameters, as well as technical accounting and the formation of schedules for repair work. In addition, it should be highlighted:
  2. Formation of technical documents.
  3. Control over the implementation of various standards.
  4. Controlling the rate of consumption of energy resources and building materials.

Submitting applications for the purchase of additional equipment and consumables.

VET is part of the structure of construction companies, installation, energy and industrial enterprises, and is also represented in housing and communal services organizations

According to experts, the most difficult task falls on the engineers of this division. The main task of engineers is the formation of design documents and related applications in the form of calculations and estimates.

  1. In addition to handling paperwork, engineers need to monitor the production process and assist with installation procedures. In addition to all of the above, they are responsible for negotiating with business partners and subcontractors.
  2. Production and technical department, functions:
  3. Development of a strategy for introducing innovative technologies into the production process.
  4. Monitoring the execution of work involving subcontractors.

As practice shows, employees of the unit in question must interact closely with the accounting department. Such cooperation allows for timely scheduled calculations, on the basis of which reporting documents are generated.

Department structure

Employees of this department can be divided into two conditional groups. The first group is engaged in preparation for production, drawing up designs for future construction projects. The second group is engaged in drawing up estimates and concluding contracts. The structure of the unit itself is formed by the management of the department. When forming a staff, the specifics of the company’s activities and a number of additional economic factors are taken into account.

Next, the staffing schedule is agreed upon with the general director of the company. After approval, the structure of the department is approved by issuing the appropriate act.

Functional responsibilities within the department are distributed according to internal instructions. The head of the production and technical department is responsible for the development and implementation of these documents.

Production and technical department in construction

As a rule, in the absence of an estimate and contractual unit, the responsibility for drawing up estimates is assigned to the production service. Employees of this department participate in preparations for negotiations, during which a contract is concluded.

At this stage, the customer must transfer technical documents to the contractor to analyze their compliance with the existing drawings.

If inaccuracies and errors are identified, special reports are drawn up and sent to the customer.

The VET department in construction is involved in conducting engineering training. At this stage, the amount of work that must be completed within a month is determined. For this purpose, calculations are prepared on the costs of energy and labor resources. Next, consumables and necessary raw materials are purchased. At this stage, a summary statement is filled out, which records the cost of cement, reinforcement, precast concrete and other consumables. Before the construction itself, a special statement is created where the volume of work performed will be recorded.

This statement must be laced and numbered, and also contain the signature of the company owner and company seal.

At the end of the above period, engineers check the work completion certificates received from subcontractors. These acts are used to process all project documentation. These actions are carried out every month in order to control the construction work. As a rule, most customers try to hire those companies that have a design department in their structure. If the order is related to the repair or reconstruction of an object, the technical maintenance engineer draws up a defect report for future work.

After agreeing on various issues related to the future project, VET workers prepare an estimate. At the next stage, the work is coordinated with the fire inspectorate and the SES. Next, a contract is concluded, on the basis of which the contractor begins to fulfill its obligations.

Those cases where there is a division within an organization that produces its own products deserve special attention. In this case, VET workers are tasked with calculating the final cost of goods. During such calculations, it is very important to take into account the cost of each product.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this or that area of ​​work of a technical equipment engineer, the requirements for his qualifications are serious.

Conclusions (+ video)

The production and technical service of a construction company is engaged in the generation of documents necessary for each stage of construction. These materials are used to transfer to the verification commission and the customer himself. All calculations and analyzes attached to the acts form the basis of the final package of documents. The technical department is headed by a technical director, who can occupy the position of chief engineer of the company. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that every employee of this unit must have a higher education.

The production and technical department in construction (abbreviated PTO) is one of the structural links of a construction organization. You could say the technical brain of the company. Because this is where the preparation of documentation for the start of construction begins (acceptance of design and estimate documentation from the customer, obtaining permission to carry out work, etc.) and the preparation of documents for putting the facility into operation ends.

Let's take a closer look at all the responsibilities of the department, its structure, and the distribution of functions between employees.

Functional responsibilities of the production department in construction

If the structure of the construction department does not have an estimate and contract department, then these responsibilities are performed by the production service. Initially, everything begins with the pre-contractual period, which provides for the consideration of design and estimate documentation before concluding a contract.

The customer provides the entire package of technical documentation to verify compliance of estimates with working drawings. Department employees carry out an analysis and, if there are any comments, formalize them for transmission to the customer.

After resolving all disagreements, an agreement or contract is drawn up for the volumes described in the estimate at current prices. The estimate is an integral annex to the contract, which indicates the cost in monetary terms, the timing of the work and the conditions for its production.

When the contract is concluded, all design and estimate documentation is transferred from the customer to the production department. It is registered and approved by the chief engineer “for production”. In addition to technical documentation, the customer also submits other papers (for site allocation and others) to complete the package of documents for obtaining permission to carry out work.

Approved technical documentation is issued to the construction site to subcontractors with whom contracts are concluded according to the same scheme.

The department's engineers draw up a work execution project (WPP), technological maps, and a construction organization project (COP) if there is a license for this type of activity.

The next stage is engineering preparation. These are the volumes that are planned to be completed in a month. Linear engineering and technical personnel compose sets of works for which the production and technical department in construction draws up applications for material assets, deciphers labor costs by performer, analyzes the compliance of applications submitted by foremen with design technical documentation and regulatory documents.

After processing all sets and placing orders for materials and products (prefabricated reinforced concrete, reinforcement, concrete, mortar, etc.), orders for products and structures are placed in the summary sheet to manufacturing plants and supplier companies.

Before the start of construction, the department issues a work progress log to the site, laced and numbered, with the manager’s signature and seal. In addition, a work log is filled out to control the volumes completed.

At the end of the month, certificates of completed work are accepted from line engineering and technical personnel and subcontractors. Draft percentage bills must be checked and endorsed by a representative of the customer’s technical supervision. Only after this the documents are processed.

The production department engineer checks the percentage compliance with the estimate. According to the presented volumes, material assets are written off in form M-29 from financially responsible persons in accordance with the regulatory framework.

The summary of materials is assessed in monetary terms and will be included in the preparation of a certificate of completion of work (form KS-2). In addition, a form for payment is generated (form KS-3). Today, all this happens with the help of a computer program.

The production department carries out a monthly summary of completed volumes in the consolidated management register, controls the timely execution of as-built documentation by line personnel, and maintains a journal of completed volumes.

Often, customers contact directly a construction organization that has a design team with a request to carry out small construction, repairs, redevelopment, or reconstruction. In this case, with the participation of an engineer from the production department, a defective list is drawn up for the planned types of work.

It is approved by the managers of both parties and begins to be processed. The design team carries out the project, and the estimating engineer prepares the estimate. The project is coordinated with all city services (sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection, etc.). A contract is drawn up, and everything then happens according to the scenario described above.

In addition, if a construction organization produces its own products, then the department engineer calculates the cost of products taking into account all costs and makes other calculations.

One of the main responsibilities of the department is the preparation of documents for obtaining a license for the types of activities or services carried out by a construction company.

Preparation of necessary documents for participation in tenders. This is a commercial proposal, an estimate that has been examined by an organization that has a license and other package required to participate in the tender.

The production and technical department in construction takes part in the annual or non-planned inventory of management, prepares information through correspondence with the State Administration, customers and subcontractors.

Performs an examination of estimates of third-party organizations, if provided for by the license, prepares materials for participation in competitions, and, together with the firm’s lawyer, prepares the necessary materials for participation in Arbitration Courts.

Prepares materials within the framework of management accounting policies, participates in production meetings, technical councils, samples and analyzes the balances of completed volumes for construction projects and other current issues.

Preparation of documentation for putting the facility into operation falls entirely on the production and technical department in construction. These are all materials, according to the established list, which are presented to the acceptance committee and attached to the acceptance certificate for the completed construction project.

Workers in the production department in construction must have a higher or secondary technical education. The department reports directly to the chief engineer (technical director).

She herself worked for decades in the production and technical department, going from a young specialist to the head of the department, and performed all of the listed functional responsibilities. Therefore, I believe that there should be complete interchangeability in the production department - this is the key to competent and high-quality work in a single connection of the entire department.

In addition, I would like to note that often construction technicians with extensive work experience are in no way inferior in their qualifications to construction engineers. It all depends on the person’s desire to work.

And finally, on the eve of the professional holiday of builders, which this year falls on August 9, I would like to sincerely congratulate all builders on their professional holiday. Health, success in work and personal life, create and admire the fruits of what you have done.

PTO is a commonly used abbreviation that means production and technical department. It is part of the structure of construction companies, installation, energy and industrial enterprises, and is also represented in housing and communal services organizations.

Area of ​​responsibility of VET

The main goal of the department and its employees is to monitor all areas of production.

The specialist’s focus is on construction projects at various stages, including those already in operation (for example, in the case of work in the housing and communal services sector). To specify the responsibilities, each department must have a document “Job description of a technical equipment engineer”. We will not consider a sample of specific instructions, but we will provide general provisions in this article.

Portrait of a VET engineer

Taking into account the peculiarities of this or that area of ​​work of a technical equipment engineer, the requirements for his qualifications are severe. A person who has received a higher education in a technical specialty or a secondary specialized education is entitled to occupy a position. It is quite acceptable to start a career with no experience at all, but serious projects will require specialized specialization and work experience in the chosen industry of at least 3–4 years. For example, in construction organizations, the job description of a construction technical engineering engineer requires a higher education in construction and at least one year of experience.

In the work of a technical equipment engineer, excellent knowledge of the specifics of work in the industry is important, since even small errors in the design or during the execution of work are extremely expensive. For example, experience in construction is not enough for promotion at an industrial enterprise, and experience in the energy sector is not enough to successfully supervise the construction of a large microdistrict.

Candidates for the vacancy of a specialist in the technical and technical department are selected by a senior manager, as a rule, this is the chief engineer or head of the department (if the company is small, then the general director). Despite the fact that almost every enterprise has such a specialist as a technical equipment engineer, the job description differs in different companies. Differences are due to the type of objects controlled, company structure and area of ​​responsibility.

Knowledge and skills

What information should a VET engineer know? The job description indicates that the specialist must be armed with both general knowledge and special knowledge. The general ones include the organizational structure of the enterprise, the main production business processes, legislation in the field of construction or public utilities, rules of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, a VET engineer must have specific knowledge and successfully apply:

  • knowledge of the norms and rules of work on sites;
  • ability to draw up, adjust and accept design and estimate documentation, as well as contractual and business documents;
  • rules for conducting work at the site;
  • quality control methods;
  • conditions for delivery of finished objects to the customer.

The PTO engineer must have information about the resources used, consumables, tools and finished products for the purpose of their possible replacement during the work process.

Responsibilities in construction

The job description of a technical equipment engineer at a construction organization determines the list of specialist tasks. He:

  • carries out technical supervision of how construction and installation work proceeds on site and objects;
  • checks the scope of work completed and compliance with those drawings and design estimates that are approved and accepted for work;
  • inspects compliance with building codes (SNIPs), labor protection requirements and standards, approved standards and technical specifications (TU);
  • checks estimates, accounting and calculation of the cost of construction and installation work performed, including the required additional work or services;
  • draws up schedules and production plans and makes adjustments thereto;
  • checks estimates, calculations and contracts received from contractors and customers;
  • takes part in the technical acceptance of construction or installation work performed at the site, checks compliance with the estimate, design, and interim solutions;
  • draws up technical documentation after completion of work and acceptance of completed objects;
  • Responsible for drawing up reports upon completion of work at the site in accordance with construction plans.

In addition, the document “Job description of a technical equipment engineer for a construction organization” reflects that he is actively involved in the coordination, development and approval of changes to design solutions, issues of selection of materials, and changes in structures.

If there is a failure to meet deadlines or deteriorate the quality of construction and installation work, then, together with related services, he analyzes the reasons and takes measures to comply with the work production plan (WPP).

A technical equipment engineer in the energy sector performs the same duties as a given specialist in construction, but taking into account the fact that the object of control is electrical equipment, thermal and energy systems. What requirements does his job description contain?

A technical equipment (power) engineer is required to know the types and features of the operation of electrical equipment, be able to understand electrical circuits, and master the features of installing electrical equipment.

When selecting candidates, preference will be given to those who already have experience as an engineer in the energy industry or in the construction of electrical power facilities.

VET engineer interaction

Who does the technical maintenance engineer contact? The job description defines his responsibility to cooperate fruitfully within the framework of his activities with various responsible persons both within the company and externally. The VET engineer interacts on work issues with design institutes, customers of work, representatives of the general contractor or subcontractors. Within the organization, she communicates with management and related departments, and works in project teams.

  • with representatives of the estimate and contract department;
  • with design engineers, power engineers;
  • with the head of the department or chief engineer;
  • with employees located at the sites of construction and installation work, namely foremen, site managers;
  • with representatives of support services: financial department, occupational health and fire safety specialist.

What is the responsibility of a technical maintenance engineer in housing and communal services?

The engineer’s area of ​​responsibility includes both commissioned objects, residential buildings and communications within the territory, as well as new construction sites. The job description of a technical equipment engineer in housing and communal services outlines his responsibilities as follows.

Rights of a VET engineer

We looked at what a technical equipment engineer does. The job description of this specialist also describes cases in which the engineer has the right to voice his opinion, request information from related services, make proposals for improvement for discussion, and initiate participation in projects.

The work of a VET engineer is one of those activities in which attentiveness, responsibility and the ability to plan one’s activities are important.

VET engineer (OPP)— as such, the position gained its popularity at construction sites when the requirements for all documentation (executive, permitting, estimate, etc.) became quite strict. Although these requirements, which are in force now, have not become so strict, because most of the regulatory and technical documentation (SNiPs, GOSTs, VSNs, etc.) have remained from the time of our grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers.

The requirements for the completeness and quality of their acceptance at sites have simply become more stringent, i.e. pickiness on the part of the Customer, Construction Control (technical supervision). Previously, all this documentation was done as best they could, the Customer asked, and sometimes begged the craftsmen, to at least submit some documentation.
When the above-mentioned requirements for documentation became more stringent, construction and installation organizations began to employ entire staffs of PTO engineers (in some organizations, PTO engineers). PTO - production and technical department, OPP - production preparation department.

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Responsibilities of a Technical Equipment Engineer

All paperwork moves from the responsibilities of foremen, foremen, safety engineers, dispatchers and other positions into the responsibilities of technical and production engineers. And to understand my direct responsibilities, I wrote this article.

Below I will briefly describe how and what a technical and technical equipment engineer is required to do at a construction site. You can read more in detail in the manual.

1. Complete set of permits.

Here this is how it should be understood - equipment, i.e. not its development on site, but rather the completion of permitting documentation. After all, most permitting documents are issued by the Customer. This includes an act of admission, a construction permit, a permit to work in the security zone of utilities, etc. And the rest do not need to be developed: certificates, licenses are issued and certified by the department of the Contractor organization that holds it in its hands (usually the safety department, Industrial safety, industrial safety or accounting), copies of occupational safety, industrial safety certificates, qualification certificates for workers and engineering personnel are issued and certified by the occupational safety department. The duty of the technical and technical equipment engineer at the site is to form all the permitting documentation into a single folder, make a register for it, flash it and show it to the Customer, and obtain permission for the stages of work.
Work permits are also permitting documentation. They are compiled by the organization that issues the permit, i.e. if this is fire, gas hazardous, high-altitude work and it is carried out on the territory of the Customer’s organization, then it is drawn up and issued by the Customer. The person responsible for the work at the site must go and sign the permit, i.e. foreman, foreman or foreman. If a permit is issued to the operator of a crane, automatic hydraulic unit, or loader crane, it must be drawn up and issued by the Contractor’s dispatcher, the person responsible for the equipment, or the chief mechanic.
Labor safety instructions are carried out by the foreman/head of the site, so he must fill out logs for the working personnel.

2. Organizational and technological documentation

- this is the responsibility of the technical equipment engineer, but only if it is specified in the employment contract. Many construction organizations have 1-2 specialists (depending on the volume of work) involved in the development of PPR and PPRk. But not every organization has such specialists, so it is better to entrust such work to specialists in this field (design organizations that are more familiar with the technology of construction and installation work).
PPR, PPRk are organizational and technological documentation, which describes not only the technological process of work, but also technical and economic indicators, which only the SDO (estimate and contract department) can develop.
PPR - a work project is developed at each facility, regardless of volume. It consists of PP and technological maps for individual types/stages of work, calendar schedule, construction plan, equipment movement diagram, etc.
PPR using PS (previously PPRk - project for carrying out work with cranes, and now, with the introduction of new FNPs, PPR using PS - project for carrying out work with lifting structures) can only be developed by a specialist trained in the field of industrial safety and knowledgeable about FNP " Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where substations are used.”
Based on clause 160 of the FNP on the substation, it follows that the PPR is carried out for all types of work, including work performed by the substation - all in one.

3. As-built technical documentation

Maintaining as-built documentation is the most direct responsibility of a technical equipment engineer. Those responsible for the work are required to maintain information about the work done throughout the working day and, by the end of the working day, draw up a general report with the site manager. Based on this report, the technical equipment engineer makes entries in the general work log, draws up all the necessary acts and protocols, and, if testing is necessary, informs the site manager about the need to call laboratory specialists.
Another important detail is that all passports, certificates for materials, equipment, parts, and products delivered to the site must be handed over to the technical equipment engineer on the same day they arrived. Based on these documents, incoming control acts are drawn up, and the incoming control log is filled out. Also, in the process of carrying out work, those responsible for production have a need to perform work subsequent to the work that needs to be inspected. In this case, the VET engineer draws up all the necessary as-built documentation for them.
As-built diagrams are also geodetic diagrams; they all contain geodetic marks and surveyors are required to make these diagrams. The situation is the same with the construction control of the Contractor - maintaining a section of the general work log and the construction control log should not be the responsibility of the PTO engineer, this is the direct responsibility of the SK (Construction Control) engineer.

4. Estimate documentation

- this is the responsibility of the SDO estimators and there is nothing even to add here.
Since we mentioned the estimate documentation, let’s consider the signing of it and the acts KS-2, KS-3 and the journal KS-6a from the Customer, the Customer’s Construction Control, in other words, the signing of “fulfillment”. Fulfillment (percentage) is the amount of work in monetary terms, the volume and quality of which is confirmed by executive documentation.

5. Current documentation

Reports - maintaining and systematizing them should be the responsibility of the technical equipment engineer, and the collection of this data is the responsibility of the site manager.
The drawing up of acts KS-2, KS-3 should be carried out by the SDO according to the KS-6a journal compiled by the VET engineer.
Notifications of the removal of orders are drawn up by a technical training engineer based on the report of the person responsible for eliminating the comments.
Sending various kinds of notices to Rostechnadzor, registering general and special logs is the direct responsibility of the Customer of the construction project, even the Customer is obliged to issue these logs already numbered and laced with a completed title page and with all signatures.