Job responsibilities of the head nurse in a dental clinic. Dental nurse job description. How should a dental nurse provide care in emergencies?


head nurse

I. General part

A person with average medical education from among the most experienced medical professionals. The senior nurse is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with current legislation, reports to the chief physician of the clinic and performs guidelines Council of Nursing. The senior nurse is subordinate to the middle and junior medical staff of the department. During vacation or illness, she is replaced by a procedural nurse. In my work head nurse is guided by this job description, instructions from the chief physician of the clinic.

II. Responsibilities

  • 1. Organizes the necessary care for patients based on the principles of medical and protective regime and compliance with the rules of medical deontology.
  • 2. Ensures timely supply of medicines, medical instruments, and equipment.
  • 3. Organizes a rational placement of middle and junior personnel medical personnel in the department.
  • 4. Creates a work schedule for the middle and junior staff and submits it to the chief physician of the clinic for approval; draws up a report card for the staff in the department as a whole.
  • 5. Ensures timely replacement of nurses and aides who do not show up for work; submits reports on absences from work and on staff reporting to work.
  • 6. Requires junior and nursing staff to perform their duties accurately, in a timely manner, to be sensitive and attentive to patients, to carefully handle medications, instruments, linen and other property, and to maintain medical confidentiality.
  • 7. Provides assistance to department staff in organizing the treatment process.
  • 8. Strictly monitors compliance with medical uniforms and compliance with internal regulations by patients and employees.
  • 9. Monitors the work of nurses, immediately eliminating all noticed deficiencies, conducts systematic instruction of nurses and nurses and organizes practical lessons with them according to the approved plan.
  • 10. Controls:
    • * timely and accurate implementation by nurses of doctor’s orders;
    • * implementation of medical and protective regime;
    • * safety and serviceability of medical instruments;
    • * compliance with sanitary and epidemiological regulations in the department;
    • * implementation of work schedules for nursing and junior medical staff;
    • * internal regulations, labor discipline on the part of medical staff.
  • 11. Improves his qualifications in the prescribed manner.

The senior nurse has the right:

  • 1. Increase your professional qualifications according to established order.
  • 2. Give orders to the nurse and monitor their implementation.
  • 3. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.
  • 4. Represent the chief physician of the clinic to encourage the best nurses and orderlies and make proposals for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
  • 5. Take part in the placement of personnel in the department.
  • 6. Monitor the performance of work on caring for patients by middle and junior medical staff.
  • 7. Receive information about the movement of patients from the doctor on duty.

IV. Responsibility

The head nurse is responsible for the correct execution of prescriptions by nurses, for compliance with the rules of storage, accounting and use of medicines, for compliance with internal regulations, the protective regime, for compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime, for correct management medical documentation, for compliance labor discipline. The personal responsibility of the head nurse is determined in accordance with current legislation.

Chief physician ________

Head of HR Department ________

I have read the instructions and received the instructions: _______________

(I.O. Last name, signature) __________ 2014

In case No. ___ ______________ ___ ____________ 2014

Before the patient enters the office, the dental chair must be returned to its original position. Make sure that you and the dentist know the patient's name, the purpose of the visit, and the allotted time to see the patient.

  • Check if your dentist has everything Required documents on the patient, including medical history, radiographs, if available.
  • Remind the dentist of the particularities of this patient, for example, whether he has allergic reactions to certain drugs, a predisposition to loss of consciousness, or previous illnesses.
  • Instruments that are not needed for the examination and treatment of a given patient must be removed.
  • Greet the patient by name with a smile and introduce him to the doctor. Take things that are bothering him from the patient and leave them in a specially designated place.
  • Place the patient comfortably in the dental chair, lay out a new disposable bib, change the glass of mouthwash, and put on napkins. Patients who will be treated in a horizontal position are provided with protective glasses.
  • Always remember: what is everyday work for you can be stressful for the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to create a friendly atmosphere in the surgical office.
  • While treating a patient, the nurse should ensure the work area is dry and has good visibility.
  • Submit the necessary instruments and materials to the dentist in a timely manner.
  • Carefully monitor the patient in order to promptly inform the dentist about possible complications (fainting, vomiting, etc.).
  • Before releasing the patient, make sure that there are no traces of treatment materials on his face or clothing.
  • Repeat to the patient the recommendations given by the dentist, and write them down if necessary.
  • If there are materials that need to be sent to a dental laboratory, they should first be disinfected, carefully packaged, and ensure that the required paperwork is completed.
  • Conducted therapeutic manipulations are recorded in the daily log of the dentist’s work.
  • The next step is to prepare the dental office for the next patient.
  • Used instruments must be washed and sterilized. The spittoon and work surfaces are washed and disinfected, and used disposable vacuum cleaners and saliva ejectors are replaced with new ones.
  • New necessary disposable materials are being prepared.
  • Availability of all is checked necessary tools and records for the next patient.

The main responsibilities of a dental nurse are, first of all, preparing the doctor's office before visiting visitors and cleaning it after patient procedures. Let’s figure out what else this clinic employee is required to do.

Working as a nurse in dentistry - responsibilities

According to existing job descriptions, the main responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry are to participate in the preparation of medical instruments and equipment and the equipment necessary for receiving patients. The nurse must be responsible for the readiness for operation of all equipment available in the office and monitor the condition of the office in terms of its compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition, she will have to show her talent as an organizer, since the responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry also include organizing the work of junior medical staff, technical specialists maintenance of equipment and cleaning personnel. The most important duty of a nurse is to provide the dentist's office with all the required medications and materials. She is also responsible for quality control of disinfection of working tools and materials used. The dental nurse is required to participate in differentiating the flow of patients, monitoring dates and organizing the progress of patient visits. In addition, the responsibilities of a dental nurse also include dispersing dentists to work stations, maintaining documentation and taking care of priority appointments in case patients have cases of acute toothache.

Automate the work of dentistry with the Dent program

A modern nurse always takes part in therapeutic and preventive procedures performed by a doctor. At the same time, she is quite capable of carrying out a number of actions herself. This not only increases the efficiency of the physician’s work, but also speeds it up. When a nurse works in large clinics or specialized dental department, her responsibilities may include differentiation and optimal separation necessary responsibilities between all nursing staff. This is usually done by the senior nurse.

Responsibilities of a dental nurse in case of emergency

All dental clinics must be provided with sets of medications necessary for emergency medical care. Their equipment is also a responsibility dental nurse. Kits of drugs must be packaged in separate boxes, labeled with information about their purpose and use. For example, “To provide emergency care during a heart attack." The kits must include a list of required medications with a specified expiration date and instructions for action by medical staff. There is a special List of equipment, medicines and medical kit instruments required to provide assistance in emergency cases, recommended by the Council of the Dental Association of Russia (StAR) dated September 18, 2007 “On measures to ensure the safety of dental services to the population.” According to this list, such a first aid kit must contain:

  • scissors
  • nasal and eye pipettes
  • albucid (20% sodium sulfacyl solution)
  • bandages and cotton wool
  • fingertip or latex gloves
  • 5% alcohol solution of iodine
  • weighed portions of potassium permanganate for a 0.05% solution
  • 70% ethyl solution. alcohol
  • adhesive plasters.

Responsibilities of a nurse in preparation for the operation of dental units

According to regulatory guidelines, the dental nurse's responsibilities include inspecting all dental equipment and devices installed in the office. The check is carried out before the start of medical work; its purpose is to ensure constant and trouble-free operation of all devices.

List of items that need daily monitoring:

  • Checking the availability of water and the functioning of the sewage system
  • Functionality check compressor unit and level of liquids in tanks
  • Checking the functionality of the doctor's chair, the necessary dental instruments and handpieces.

The responsibilities of a dental nurse are the treatment of handles and control panels of instruments and equipment, switches of used devices, dentists’ instruments, the surface of the spittoon bowl and chair.

After completing each medical appointment, the nurse:

  • Redisinfects all of the above surfaces
  • Cleans the spittoon bowl container
  • Replaces tips on saliva ejector and air ejector.

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Duties of a dental nurse at the end of the working day

At the end of the working day, the duties of the dental office nurse include carrying out a number of manipulations. She:

  • Cleans spittoon bowls and fills the sewer system with a standard cleaning and disinfectant solution
  • Disconnects power from the chair, compressor, and other equipment that requires it
  • Shuts off the water tap, which automatically turns off the installation from water consumption
  • Bleeds air from the unit’s compressor and its air system
  • Drains remaining water from the hydraulic system
  • Treats the surfaces of handles and control panels, device switches, dental instruments, the surface of the spittoon bowl and the doctor's chair
  • Drains the formed condensate from the compressor receiver
  • Checks oil and grease levels in the compressor crankcase and tip lubrication system
  • Monitors the condition of the oil level in the hydraulic system
  • Lubricates all connections in the equipment - both roller and hinged.

How to care for tips

Part of the responsibilities of a dental office nurse is the process of daily lubrication of handpieces. To obtain a special lubricant, a quarter of any neutral oil (machine, transformer, etc.) is mixed with three-quarters of heated Vaseline (1:3 ratio) and then cooled. There are professional lubricants produced in aerosol packaging. The turbine tips are lubricated through the air flow channel, and the mechanical parts are lubricated in accordance with the instructions supplied with them. The duty of the dental office nurse is to double-clean all external parts of the surfaces of dental handpieces. Surfaces are treated twice with a 1% chloramine solution using two gauze pads for half an hour.

Responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry - working with waste

The work of a nurse in dentistry includes responsibilities for the collection, storage and disposal of biowaste, while she is guided by the standards determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, legislation and requirements, SanPiN “Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste in medical institutions.” However, each clinic, including dental clinics, develops and approves its own system for handling biowaste of different hazard classes, consistent with the requirements of current standards and regulations. This means that the clinic must have the required number of specialized waste containers and disposable packaging.

The standards of this system define responsible persons, the frequency of changing waste containers is indicated. The developed scheme for the collection of biowaste, its storage and subsequent disposal is personally approved by the head physician of the clinic; in addition, such a scheme must be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor.

Sterilization and disinfection process in dentistry

The responsibilities of a dental nurse also include procedures for disinfection and sterilization of instruments. At the same time, sterilization of used medical mirrors using high-temperature methods is not permitted, as this can lead to damage to the mirror plane.

In dentistry, instruments used by doctors and nurses are sterilized using chemicals using the following drugs and their solutions. Sterilization is also the responsibility of the dental office nurse.

Table 1. Preparations and solutions of drugs for sterilization and their exposure time, the use of which is included in work duty nurses in dentistry.

After completion of the exposure, the mirrors are washed with clean sterile water, wiped dry with napkins and kept in a dry, sterile medical tray, covered with a sterile napkin. Light guides for lamps used when installing light-curing fillings are also wiped twice, the wipe interval is 15 minutes. After this, after 45 minutes they are treated with a 4% Lisetol AF solution or 70% alcohol. Brush holders, which are used when receiving clinic visitors who require a dental restoration process, are treated in the same way. This disinfection process takes place after each patient treated. Disposable dental brushes should be disposed of immediately after disinfection.

Used glasses used for mouth rinsing are kept in a 3% chloramine solution for an hour. After which they are washed under drinking water. Disinfectant solutions are replaced with new ones after each batch of glasses to be disinfected.

The duty of the dental office nurse is to use the following to disinfect glasses:

  • 0.1% active chlorine Klorcept-17 and Diachlor – 1 hour
  • 4% Lisetol AF – 1 hour
  • 2% Virkon – half an hour.

After each patient, the spittoons are disinfected in a special container - an hour-long treatment with bleach or a 3% chloramine solution. Treatment is possible in a 0.4% solution of the drug Septodore-forte and a 0.1% solution of the drug Klorcept with active chlorine. The opening of the stationary bowls of the spittoons is closed, a 10%-20% solution of bleach or a 3% solution of chloramine is poured into them. After this, the spittoons are covered with oilcloth caps for an hour. The waste from the spittoon is filled with a 10% solution of calcium hypochloride or a 20% solution of bleached lime for half an hour. The waste is then thrown into a garbage bin. In addition, nurses disinfect dental canal fillers and already used pulp extractors.

Nurses in dentistry are prohibited from taking instruments from the table with their hands if they are sterile! Only using sterilized medical tweezers, and tweezers should be changed every 2 or 3 hours.

For preventive purposes, the sterile table is set for 6 hours (1 work shift), while the duty of the dental office nurse is to mark the date and time of setting the table. Nurses should pay attention to the need to sterilize unused dental instruments!

General cleaning as the duty of a dental office nurse

Among the jobs of a nurse in dentistry is the responsibility of carrying out complete general cleaning of the office, while there are no patients in the office. To carry out cleaning, medical staff uses a special uniform, uses clean fabric or non-woven napkins, equipment specially marked for general cleaning, and PPE (personal protective equipment). The walls are wiped with a disinfectant solution (a mixture of detergent and disinfectant) 2 meters from the floor; disinfectant solutions are also applied to doors, walls, furniture, floors and equipment. The concentration of the solution is the same as for standard disinfection. At the end of the disinfection period, the nurse takes off his overalls, washes all surfaces of the office with clean wet wipes, and then disinfects the air in the office. If during the cleaning process the skin becomes contaminated with biological fluids, for example, blood, your hands will need to be treated with 70% alcohol or another disinfectant.

In laboratory premises dental clinic The duty of the dental office nurse to carry out wet cleaning is carried out both before and after the shift. Every two hours, daily cleaning and quartzing should take place in the rooms where surgeons work. During cleaning, all electrical appliances are turned off.

Even rags or brushes for cleaning must be disinfected - this is also the responsibility of a dental nurse in dental clinics.

Fundamentals of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, propaganda healthy image life. — Organizational structure healthcare institutions. — Safety rules when working with medical instruments and equipment. — Labor legislation, internal rules labor regulations. — Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to. 1.7. In her activities, the nurse is guided by the orders, instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the charter (regulations) of the institution, and this job description. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Employee: 2.1.

Job description of a dental nurse

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws; - to receive materials and documents related to its activities, familiarize itself with draft decisions of the Organization’s management relating to its activities; - to interact with other divisions of the Employer to resolve operational issues of its professional activities; - to submit for consideration his immediate supervisor's proposals on issues of his activities. 3.2. The Employee has the right to demand from the Employer assistance in the performance of his official duties. 3.3.

Use conservative methods of treating patients as prescribed by the doctor, carry out certain medical procedures. 3.4. Receive the information necessary to accurately perform your professional duties.3.5.

Make proposals for improving the work of a nurse and the organization of nursing in the institution.3.6.

Responsibilities of a nurse in dentistry

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Job Description for a Dental Nurse

Conducts health education work among patients to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle. 2.12. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. 2.13.

For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.2. Make proposals to senior management to improve their work.
3.3. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.4. Receive information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.
3.5. Improve your professional qualifications. 3.6.

Job description of a dental nurse (Russian)

Job responsibilities

  1. Prepare workplaces before outpatient appointments with dentists, checking the availability of the required amount of medical instruments (burs, channel fillers, etc.), medications, equipment, and documentation.
  2. Check the serviceability of the drill before starting work.
  3. Sterilize and place instruments on a sterile table.
  4. Assist the doctor at the appointment in preparing filling material and performing various manipulations.
  5. Follow the rules for using equipment, instruments, consumption of medications, and filling materials.
  6. Monitor the serviceability of electromechanical equipment, if a malfunction occurs, disconnect it from the network and notify the administration.
  7. Write out requirements for medicines, cotton wool, etc.

Dental Smile Center - dentistry for the whole family!

A dental office nurse should know: - The Constitution of the Russian Federation; — laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare; — theoretical foundations of nursing; — basics of the diagnostic and treatment process, disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; — rules for the operation of medical instruments and equipment; — statistical indicators characterizing the state of health of the population and the activities of medical organizations; — rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical organizations; — basics of valeology and sanology; — rules for maintaining office accounting and reporting documentation, main types of medical documentation; — medical ethics; — psychology of professional communication; — basics of labor legislation; — internal labor regulations; — labor protection and fire safety rules. 2.

  • make demands to the clinic administration to create the necessary conditions in the workplace to ensure the high-quality performance of their job duties;
  • take part in meetings (meetings) when discussing the work of the dental office;
  • receive the necessary information to perform their functional duties from the dentist, senior nurse of the department (responsible for the office), chief nurse;
  • require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic;
  • master a related specialty;
  • give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the dental office;
  • improve your qualifications at workplaces and advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.
  • IV.


Conducts health education work among patients to prevent diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle. 2.12. Carries out the collection and disposal of medical waste. 2.13.


Carries out measures to comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, and the conditions for sterilization of instruments and materials. 2.14. [Other job responsibilities]. 3. Rights A dental office nurse has the right: 3.1.

For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.2. Make proposals to senior management to improve their work. 3.3.

Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.4. Receive information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

3.5. Improve your professional qualifications. 3.6.

Job responsibilities of a dental nurse in a therapeutic room

Other rights provided for by Labor legislation]. 4. Responsibility The dental office nurse is responsible for: 4.1.
For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3.

For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

  • Carefully monitor the patient in order to promptly inform the dentist about possible complications (fainting, vomiting, etc.).
  • Before releasing the patient, make sure that there are no traces of treatment materials on his face or clothing.
  • Repeat to the patient the recommendations given by the dentist, and write them down if necessary.
  • If there are materials that need to be sent to a dental laboratory, they should first be disinfected, carefully packaged, and ensure that the required paperwork is completed.
  • The performed medical procedures are recorded in the daily log of the dentist’s work.
  • The next step is to prepare the dental office for the next patient.
  • Used instruments must be washed and sterilized.

Require the head nurse of the department to provide the post (workplace) with equipment, equipment, tools, care items, etc., necessary for the high-quality performance of their functional duties. 3.7. Require visitors to comply with internal regulations. 3.8. Improve your professional qualifications in the prescribed manner, undergo certification (re-certification) in order to assign qualification categories. Master a related specialty. 3.9. Participate in the work of professional nursing associations and other public organizations not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.

RESPONSIBILITY The employee is responsible for: 4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties as provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.

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I. General part

The main tasks of a dental nurse are to carry out diagnostic and treatment appointments

A dentist and assistance in organizing specialized

Medical assistance to the population living in the area of ​​operation

Clinics, as well as workers and employees of attached enterprises.

Appointment and dismissal of a dental nurse

The office is carried out by the chief physician of the clinic in accordance with

With current legislation.

The dental office nurse reports

Directly to a dentist and works under his supervision.

In her work, a dental nurse

Guided by this job description and other official documents.

II. Responsibilities

To perform her functions, the dental nurse is obliged to:

1. Prepare workplaces before outpatient appointments with dentists, monitoring the availability of the required quantity

Medical instruments (burs, channel fillers, etc.), medicines, equipment, documentation.

2. Check the serviceability of the drill before starting work.

3. Sterilize and place instruments on a sterile

4. Assist the doctor at the appointment in preparing filling material and performing various manipulations.

5. Follow the rules for using equipment, instruments, consumption of medications, filling material.

6. Monitor the serviceability of electromechanical equipment,

If a malfunction occurs, disconnect it from the network and put it in

Fame to the administration.

7. Write out requirements for medicines, cotton wool, etc. and receive them from the chief (senior) nurse.

8. Strictly monitor the preservation of labels on bottles.

9. Participate in sanitary education work

Among the sick.

10. Systematically improve your skills by studying

Relevant literature, participation in conferences, seminars.

A dental nurse has the right to:

Present demands to the administration of the clinic to create the necessary conditions in the workplace to ensure the high-quality performance of their job duties;

Take part in meetings (meetings) to discuss

Dental office work;

Receive the necessary information to perform your functional duties from a dentist, senior medical

Nurse of the department (responsible for the office), chief medical officer

Require visitors to comply with the internal regulations of the clinic;

Master a related specialty;

Give instructions and supervise the work of junior medical staff in the dental office;

Improve your qualifications in workplaces and advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.

IV. Performance appraisal and responsibility

Evaluation of the work of a dental nurse

Conducted by a dentist, chief (senior) medical

The sister, based on the recording of her performance of her functional

Responsibilities, compliance with internal regulations, labor

Discipline, moral and ethical standards, social activity.

The dental office nurse is responsible for unclear and untimely implementation of all points

This instruction. Types of personal liability are determined

In accordance with current legislation.