What does blue steel mean? Secrets of Japanese Damascus steels, weapons of the Third Reich, as well as about Anosov damask steel and modern Japanese knives. Mythical quality European historical steels have never been used to make k

On the site of the "First Professional" these articles, in many cases, received a different name, the terms often used in them were replaced with slang expressions (for example, the word "nippers" was replaced with "tweezers"), plus in some places the text of my articles was arbitrarily changed . None of my articles was signed by my name and only under one of the eight articles is the source somehow somehow indicated without using an active link.

Their site does not have any other text content, except for prices for services and for sale, even at the time of writing these words. After refusing my request to delete all this, the guys started to play up - they changed the source under one article and stated that since they themselves changed my articles, now these eight articles do not belong to me, but to them. And, accordingly, now they will not delete "their" articles.

So, ordinary guys from Chelyabinsk, eight of my articles were stolen. To be honest, I have never understood sharpeners who steal from their fellow professionals - i.e. from those of their own who earn their food and livelihood in the same difficult way as they do... It turns out that they steal from their own people and are still proud of it?.. The reader's opinion on the issues raised is interesting. I would be grateful to those who express it in the comments. Thank you)

2. complemented...

By the way, quite recently, a very interesting article by Zaraia Gorvette with the title "" was published in the Sharpening Blog. The article describes various situations very well and explains why this happens. Surprisingly, often everything is explained quite simply, although this simplicity does not make it much easier for those who are faced with such cases.

Recently, in the comments to some article, one of the readers shared his idea. In this regard, I remembered an interesting incident from my small sharpening practice, when I shared my idea with a much more experienced colleague. As usual, at first he rejected her (" it is impossible to determine the functionality of the tool from photographs"), and after waiting some time - finalized, slightly modified, incl. and under his own ego, and now it has a different name and another person calls himself its author. You can read more about this fascinating story in the article "?". What did I do with the reader's idea? - I offered him a platform and full support for him to develop and implement it himself.

Is this what I'm talking about? Protect and defend your rights if you think that someone has violated them (copyright or property rights), protect your expressed thoughts and ideas told to someone. And by the way, it's never too late to start doing...

P.S. I remind you that a reader can leave a comment only after being authorized through GOOGLE>BLOGGER - anonymous comments are deleted automatically, regardless of their content.

ZAT (Dnepr, Ukraine)

Created on 06/17/19, last updated on 06/17/19

The choice of form depends on the preferences of the master. The classic, standard form loses significantly to scissors with asymmetrically offset rings, which simplify certain types of work and reduce muscle tension in the fingers and wrist. But all this is very individual. Often, scissors are equipped with interchangeable inserts for rings, which allow you to reduce their diameter and protect your fingers from allergic reactions when in contact with metal.

Steel 40X13 with a hardness of 50-55 HRC, and this is not only my opinion, is optimal for professional manicure nippers - it has sufficient hardness and elasticity, is easy to process, resists rust well (subject to disinfection and sterilization regimes) and is relatively inexpensive to price. When falling on the floor, the sharp tip of the wire cutters made of such steel does not break off like a tool made of more fragile 95X18 (56-59HRC), but it will bend and in the future the sharpener will be able to straighten it without much damage to the tool itself.

How it looks outwardly is shown in the example below, where on the left is the tip bent after the fall at the wire cutters from Art. 40X13 with a hardness up to 54HRC, and on the right - a broken tip of the wire cutters from Art. 95X18 with hardness up to 58HRC:

If you choose cutters between steels 30X13-40X13 and 65X13-95X18, then you can’t say anything about their anti-corrosion properties - for tools made of steels 30X13 and 40X13, corrosion resistance is higher than the same from 65X13 and 95X18. This is due to the increased carbon content of the latter two. As for 95X18, in addition to the level of carbon, its corrosion resistance sharply decreases as a result of the precipitation of carbides at a tempering temperature of this steel of 480-500 ° C. Therefore, in the manufacture of surgical instruments, instead of 95X18, it is recommended to apply Art. 90X18MF, which is considered more resistant to corrosion under sanitization conditions.

I don’t have an unequivocal answer to the question, what steel cutters to choose from, and the choice is up to the buyer - the difference in price for a tool from these groups of steels is quite significant, but it is also partially offset by different operating times between sharpening and some of the properties described above.

Popular in Ukraine brands of manicure tools that are made from this steel are Ukrainian , , and others, in Russia - these are mainly cutters from the Mozhaisk plant and tools made from Ukrainian blanks. I do not advise buying nail clippers made from art. 20X13 (46-48HRC), which is significantly "softer" and practically does not hold sharpening. On the other hand, wire cutters made of harder steels 65X13 (54-57HRC) and 95X18 (56-58HRC) they remain sharp longer, but due to the greater hardness and brittleness of steel, they will be harder to work with, and their fall on a tiled floor can be quite critical (the latter applies more to wire cutters from st 95X18).

Speaking about the hardness of steel, I note that nail clippers with a hardness of steel 48-53 HRC are more critical to small and imperceptible impacts during their operation, leading to the bends of the tops of the nipper blades that are also imperceptible to the naked eye. Meanwhile, wire cutters with a steel hardness of 56-58 HRC and above hardly notice such problems, leaving traces only after significantly strong impacts and falls.

I also draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of inexpensive, budget tools made of 20X13 steel on sale. On the packaging of such a tool is usually written "made of high quality stainless (or medical grade) steel". I will not dwell on these steels in detail, I will only note that, according to my observations, if a tool is made of steels 30X13, 40X13 and higher, then when it is sold, the steel grade is always indicated or the seller knows it. If the steel grade is not indicated, then most likely these wire cutters are made of steel 20X13.

Separately, it is worth talking about Art. 30X13. In Ukraine, there are several manufacturers of nail clippers that, by heat treatment, instead of the standard 49-51HRC, bring the hardness of this steel to 56-58HRC without a noticeable loss of the properties of both the tool itself and its corrosion properties. Also, an analogue of this steel is used by Pakistani and Chinese manufacturers, whose tools under the guise of Ukrainian or German can be found on the shelves of domestic stores. Also, there are cases when wire cutters made of 40X13 steel, after heat treatment, have a hardness of up to 56-58HRC.

With all this, I understand that it is unprofitable for some manufacturers to indicate the brand and hardness of the steel of their tool, but if after the publication of this article they nevertheless begin to do this, then it is probably not written in vain ..

Swivel nail clippers

The quality of the articulation of your wire cutters largely determines how long and successfully they will work. In the hinge, usually through a rivet, both cutting blades are connected. Ideally, the bearing and contact surfaces of the swivel joint should be of high quality and fitted to each other relative to the rivet axis, ensuring easy, without distortions and difficulties, the movement of the handles in their entire range. Such accuracy prevents the increase in backlash, and therefore creates all the prerequisites for a long work of the tool between sharpening.

But this is only ideal. In life, it is often quite different, and regardless of whether you bought a tool from a dealer in a company store or in a workshop from a sharpener, often everything looks a little different. Excessively tight and uneven stroke of the handles when they are compressed, a rapid increase in play - all this in many cases is the result of the manufacturer's negligence or his desire to save money when assembling the articulation of nail clippers.

For wire cutters with a well-made and assembled hinge, the grip of the handles during operation will be soft, almost imperceptible. The manicurist will feel the moment of cutting the cuticle well, his hand will be less tired, and the tool itself will work longer in the intervals between its regrinding. You can compare the level of swivel processing for different brands and models of wire cutters on the page. Pay attention - much of what is shown in the pictures at the link provided can be easily noticed when buying wire cutters, while avoiding many troubles.

Such connections of wire cutters are divided into several types, among which overhead and plug-in hinges are considered the most popular. At the same time, the first one is simpler and more accessible in processing, and the second one is difficult to manufacture and demanding on the qualifications of workers. Many sharpeners, and I agree with them, recommend clip-on pliers. Both of these hinges are discussed in detail in the article. Types of articulated joints which can be read. If you are interested, please read it, there is enough information and examples to fully understand this simple question...

When choosing nippers with an overlay hinge, refrain from buying a tool with a deviation of the rivet axis to the left or right side. Such a deviation leads to displacement of the rivet, displacement and reduction of the contact patch of the swivel joint of the cutting pliers and, accordingly, to a decrease in their operating time between sharpening. In the photo: examples of deviation of the rivet axis for different wire cutters:

The shape of the handles and cutting blades of the nippers

The shape of the instrument plays an important role. This is its comfortable position in the hand, and easy movements of the hand during work, in general, this is all that provides you with convenience in work. The handles of the nippers are very different, both in length and in shape. If you are choosing your first instrument, then take your time with the final decision, try holding an instrument of different shapes and manufacturers in your hand and choose those that fit better in your hand, correspond to its orthopedics and the technique you use to hold the instrument.

The shape of the blades is largely determined by the angle of inclination of its cutting edge. (RK). If you place your PK tool up, you may notice that its sharp tip is usually lower than its opposite side. (heel). The angle of inclination of the RK for tools from different manufacturers may be different, therefore, before buying wire cutters, it is better to decide in advance which tool with which parameters it will be more convenient for you to work...

Length of cutting edges and handles

Still, it's good to have a choice! When it is not there, you have to beat it out of nothing. I will focus on the case when you can and should choose. The length of the cutting edge of nail clippers for cutting the cuticle is a purely individual thing, depending not only on your habits, but also on the manicure technique and the use of the tool. (manicure or pedicure)).

When sharpening, I came across wire cutters with a cutting edge length from 3 to 28 mm. In no case, I don’t want to praise some or scold others, but I think it’s more reasonable to stop at the size that is the length of the skin roller (it is also called "side roller") middle or thumb plus 2-3 mm. If you look at your beautiful fingers, you will notice that, given this "plus" the recommended length of the cutting edges will be 12-16 mm.

Of course, the choice is always yours. Do not forget that the longer you choose the length of the PK, the more massive the appearance of the wire cutters will be and the heavier the weight of the tool as a whole. But at the same time, cutters with a longer RC will last much longer!

As for the length of the handles, everything is simple here - although this is a matter of habit, manicure masters with short fingers will be able to work with a tool with standard or slightly longer handles without any problems. But if you have long fingers on your hand, then professional work with short-handled nail clippers can cause inconvenience. The latter also applies to masters with a narrow palm, who work with wire cutters with a straight handle.

Please note that with closed tops of the blades, different models of wire cutters (sometimes even from the same manufacturer) may have different distances between the handles. Depending on the size of your palm, the length of your fingers, and your cutting technique, you may find it more comfortable to work with a tool that has this distance in one direction or another.

return springs

There can be one or two of them, located between the handles of nail clippers. When working with wire cutters with one spring, in the place where it rests against the opposite handle, due to the constant friction of metal against metal, scratches occur over time, which lead to a creak (not always) and difficulty gripping the handles. Both will cause inconvenience when squeezing the handles, when the cuticle cut ceases to be felt tactilely. Yes, and single springs break much more often than double ones, which are easier to ensure smooth closing throughout the entire period of operation of nail clippers ...

Factory sharpening cutters

You should not expect too much sharpness from pliers bought in a store or at an exhibition - with serial production counting on the quality of individual sharpening is simply not serious. However, feel free to check out the shop-bought tool. After checking 5 or 10 pliers of the model you like, you can easily select those that cut better than others. It is likely that they will also need qualified sharpening, but this is a reason for another conversation ...

Good luck and happy shopping!

ZAT(Dnepr, Ukraine)

P.S. Used photos of cutters OLTON, ECLAT, STALESK, DAVID-MASTER


I tend to think that it would be correct to say SHARPEN SCISSORS, even though: 1) today's confidently say that the profession grinder was and is, and for the Russian Federation there is even a clarification about point scissors on grindstones machine tools; 2) centuries-old use of the term "sharpen" forever imprinted in the genetic memory of man. Therefore, the use of the term SHARPENING SCISSORS is still convenient for many, understandable to everyone and is not a mistake or an insult. Although it gives occasion once again to individual sharpeners to show their importance, talking with interest about turning as a turning operation. Learn more about how to say "sharpen" or "to sharpen" explained in the article...


This term is still interpreted in different ways. Some sharpeners, incl. and I, the chamfer of the wire cutters (or the so-called support surface of scissors) on the back surface is considered part of this very back surface, referring to GOST 25751-83, while other sharpeners consider this chamfer to be the main back surface. The same interpretations can be attributed to the front surfaces of the wire cutters. Both versions have a right to exist and a consensus between them is unlikely to be reached in the coming years...


What would seem easier? You can open any dictionary and read that the butt is the part of the blade opposite to the RK. The confusion and misunderstandings in this simple, convenient and understandable designation were introduced by the Kyiv sharpener, known on the network as KASIBA, when a few years ago, instead of the understandable and available in all dictionaries OBUKH, for some reason he began to use "Back heel", indicating at the same time his authorship of this term. But this phrase (butt / back) has been used for many decades to denote the opposite part of the blade, for example, at ...



Over the ten years that I have been sharpening, I have never been able to get used to and immediately say which of these words means what. But even if we somehow imagine that a hinged joint can have "heel", then it would be logical to assume that the POST and POST POST should also be elements of the HINGED JOINT (hinge, joint) and be located next to "heel". In the version of notation proposed by the same KASIBA "Patchel" and "Polyatnik" are elements of the cutting blades of manicure nippers. By the way, terms "heel, heel" for more than a hundred years they have been designating a part of the unsharpened edge of the blade, opposite to its top (point). And an attempt to use this term when designating elements of a hinged joint is wrong, incomprehensible and illogical ...

I would like to add that the forums often raise issues of controversy, illogicality or inconsistency with names, incl. terms and designations specified in this article. This moment is present and I see no reason to hush it up for the sake of someone's pride. I am still ready for a constructive dialogue and in the comments I will listen with interest to your opinion and arguments in favor of this opinion, even if they differ from mine ...

ZAT(Dnepr, Ukraine)

Created on 09/14/13, last updated on 06/17/19

I will add. As for the legislation of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OK 002-93), valid until 01/01/2017, included the following domestic services, which were related to sharpening a cutting tool without the name of the profession of a specialist who performs these works:

Repair of hair clippers (013316);
- repair of hair dryers (013320);
- repair of electric scissors (013321);
- repair and point of skates (013375);
- repair and sharpening of drawing tools (013405);
- repair, sharpening, grinding and straightening of knives, scissors, razors (013406);
- notch, wiring, saw sharpening (013407);

But from 01/01/2017, this classifier of services to the population was replaced by the OKPD 2 product classifier (OK 034-2014), in which I could not find the services listed above))

Shearing knife grinder and sharpener.

Sometimes confused grinders shearing knives (7431/19179 in the Classifier of professions) with grinders or sharpeners. In fact, these have always been completely different professions, as well as the tools and equipment that the workers of this specialty serve and on which they themselves work. In order to clarify the situation a little, I will quote my own message on one of the forums from 2009:

... Shearing knives, or rather incisors, have nothing to do with hairdressing haircuts, and even more so with sharpening hairdressing scissors and knives from hairdressing machines. They are a cylinder, which is called "shearing" and is used for cutting fibers, mainly knitted and terry fabrics.
These machines are called shearers. I think that it is from here, from the name of the machine (machine) - shearing, that this expression came from. It has taken root, and sometimes even used as slang in the name of clippers for large animals ...

The shearing machine itself can be viewed at this link: (photo moskva.all.biz)

1682. Streltsy rebellion in Muscovy. The co-ruler of Peter 1 was his elder brother Ivan, and their sister Sofya Alekseevna became the de facto ruler under them. The rebellious archers persuaded Sophia not to deprive them of her grace...

1698. The uprising of the Moscow Streltsy regiments. The troops came to the defense of the Moscow princess Sofya Alekseevna, who claimed the substitution of her brother, Peter 1. After 3 months, the rebels were defeated and executed. Peter 1 cut off heads personally ...

1725. The guardsmen of the Preobrazhensky Regiment of the newly formed Russian Empire, with weapons in their hands, persuaded the opponents of Catherine 1 (daughter of the Lithuanian peasant Samuil Skavronsky) to give her their votes. The problem arose after the death of Peter 1, who did not name a successor ...

1727. There was no blood. The will of Catherine 1 was signed by her daughter, and later it was destroyed. "Having consulted" the Supreme Privy Council gave the throne to 11-year-old Peter 2 (the son of Tsarevich Alexei and Princess Sophia-Charlotte of Wolfenbüttel) bypassing other applicants ...

1730. This time, the Supreme Privy Council transferred the throne to Anna Ioanovna (she married Duke Wilhelm of Courland) after she signed documents limiting her autocracy ...

1741. Bloodless coup d'état. For the money of the French, the 1-year-old emperor Ivan 6 (the son of Anna Leopoldovna and the German prince Anton Ulrich of Braunschweig-Lüneburg) and his family were overthrown. Elizaveta Petrovna was enthroned...

1762. Emperor Peter 3 was overthrown by his wife (born Karl Peter Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp, killed). His wife ascended the throne - the German princess Sophia-Friederike-Auguste of Anhalt-Zerbst (Catherine 2). For the first time, the imperial guards overthrew their emperor...

1801. As a result of a conspiracy involving guard officers, the Russian Emperor Pavel 1 (according to some sources, the son of a poor Estonian or Finnish woman) was killed. Up to 300 people are involved in the conspiracy. Later, the body of the emperor "who died a natural death" was shown to soldiers who did not really want to swear allegiance to Emperor Alexander 1 (married to Louise-Maria-August, daughter of the Margrave of Baden) ...

1825. The uprising of the Decembrists, who considered autocracy and serfdom to be disastrous for the Russian Empire. Suppressed. The verdict of a secret court - hanging, imprisonment, demotion, exile, transfer to the Caucasus ...

1907. Duma coup. The State Duma was dissolved ahead of schedule, followed by a change in the electoral system. The Duma went against Emperor Nicholas 2 (mother - daughter of Danish King Christian IX Louise-Sophia-Frederica-Dagmar, married to Alice-Victoria-Helena-Louise-Beatrice, daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig IV of Darmstadt and granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England) refused to accept the budget and the laws. Naturally, she was disbanded. Especially against the background of rumors about the assassination attempt on Nicholas 2 ...

1917. February coup. The political crisis, dissatisfaction with the autocratic policy of the tsar, and the rightly directed impulse of the masses led to the overthrow of Emperor Nicholas II by rebellious soldiers and workers. The Russian Orthodox Church refused to call on the Orthodox not to participate in the riots. According to official figures, about 300 dead. The Provisional Government of Russia received all power ...

1917. The Bolshevik coup, which became the end of the Russian Empire and the subsequent formation of the USSR. As a result of an armed uprising and the overthrow of the Provisional Government of Russia, the Bolsheviks came to power. After the coup Civil War, diplomatic isolation, the collapse of the Russian Empire and war communism ...

1953. Conspiracy to remove J. Stalin from power. On the first of March, the leader of all times and peoples I.V. Stalin was found lying helplessly on the floor of his dacha. Until now, there is no explanation how an elderly person with great influence and health problems was left unattended by the guards and the attention of the environment for many hours. The complete passivity of Beria, Malenkov and Khrushchev, who were clearly in no hurry to call a doctor, is now being interpreted as a conspiracy...

1964. A peaceful and bloodless coup through the October plenum of the Central Committee secretly organized by N. Khrushchev. While Nikita Khrushchev was on vacation, he was "left" for health reasons. Not the most bad option, by the way, because. his "successor" also offered physical elimination ...

1991. Putsch. GKChP. An attempt to stop the collapse of the USSR through an armed seizure of power led to the failure to sign a new Union Treaty, the dissolution of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, the abolition of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the liquidation of the USSR itself. In 2014, one of the organizers of this coup, who ordered the introduction of tanks and heavy equipment into Moscow, was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Russian President Vladimir Putin personally presented the order to Marshal Yazov. The award has found its hero...

1993. State coup. The president Russian Federation B. Yeltsin, contrary to the constitution, dissolved the Supreme Soviet and the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia. The President was automatically removed from office, which was confirmed by the convened Congress. With the use of weapons, tanks and armored vehicles, the Supreme Soviet itself and the Congress of People's Deputies were dispersed. The number of those killed, the role of the political leaders of both sides, the affiliation of the snipers who fired on the police and the demonstrators are still unknown...

1999. After the bloody coup d'état, the outbreak of the 1st Chechen war and serious accusations of the genocide of the Russian people, B. Yeltsin had no opportunity not to go to prison after leaving power. He had to transfer his power (let's say - to a representative of the Kremlin group) to the KGB officer V. Putin in exchange for a number of guarantees, incl. and guarantees of personal safety. At the end of 1999, V. Putin received the highest power in Russia, and later this decision was legitimized in the presidential elections. When a group of people removes one president and brings another to power, can this be called a coup d'état?

This is what it is, legitimate Russia. By the way, can someone say how it happened that for many centuries Russia was ruled by not quite Russian people, and sometimes not at all Russian by blood?

In the photo below (updated on 06/12/2019), visitors to the BLOG ABOUT SHARPENING and everyone who is interested in this issue, for clarity, I have outlined the main elements of nail clippers. Perhaps a not very good shot was chosen for this, but nevertheless, for the convenience of communicating on technical issues, this is a convenient and acceptable option (IMHO, of course).

It is possible that some of the names in the given designation will be controversial (sharpeners like to argue: to the point of hoarseness, with a tape measure in their hands and tearing T-shirts on their chests), but today all the above designations are understandable and are used in communication by that large group of sharpeners who communicate on forums.

What's new in v.3.3:
- added designation of 7 hinge elements;
- previous versions are available for download (1 + perhaps the reader will also be interested in material with (eng: grit - graininess) and micron - due to differences in classifications, standards and designations of manufacturers, the tabular form of displaying information on the conformity of abrasives indicated in grit or micron is the most suitable and convenient. In the grit table below, I wanted to display the grit and micron information as compactly and clearly as possible. Initially, it was created for personal use, but later, having gained the trust of friends and acquaintances, the table for converting grit to microns became available to all visitors of the BLOG ABOUT SHARPENING.

The reader should remember that with a high degree of probability the same abrasive in work on the same steels, but for different people will give a different end result, which depends not only on the values ​​\u200b\u200bof microns, grit or surface roughness given in the table, but on experience and the skill level of who and how applies their knowledge in practice.

Today, the abrasive grit table includes the values ​​​​of the FEPA, JIS, ANSI standards; synthetic (artificial) abrasive materials SHAPTON, NANIWA, SUEHIRO, BORIDE, SPYDERCO, LANSKY, DMT DIAMOND, NORTON, CARBORUNDUM; as well as standards for diamond powders and pastes FEPA, ANSI, DSTU. Sometimes a noticeable difference in the numbers in the designations of grit depends on the methods used to obtain and classify the abrasive itself. For example, some manufacturers use the average grain size, others are guided by the principle "no more", etc... The table is also supplemented with the values ​​of roughness classes for finishing operations when processing exclusively with diamond and elbor pastes, indicating sources of information.

What's new in version 7.11?
- Updated column BORIDE... Table version with sandpaper columns NORAX, 3M TRIZACT, 3M PSA, MICRO-MESH is still available HERE ;

Simplified translation table GRIT - MICRON - ROUGHNESS (v7.11 from 03/04/19):

Grit to micron conversion table:

1. Micron (modern: micrometer) - a unit of measurement equal to one millionth of a meter;
2. FEPA - Federation of European Producers of Abrasives (European Standards). The prefixes "P" and "F" (parameters ds50 are indicated, the values ​​P3000 and P5000 are given from third-party sources) are abrasives made of aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, etc., respectively, P-grit - for loose abrasives (paper, fabric), and F- grit - for bonded abrasives (bars, circles, etc.); the prefix "D" denotes the grain size of the diamond, and "B" - elbor (CBN); prefix "M" - to indicate the size of diamond and elbor micropowders obtained by precipitation rather than sieving (applicable for powders less than D / B46. Grain sizes: P, F - indicated in grit, and B, D, M - in mm(micron);
3. JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards (Japan). The JIS column for synthetic (artificial) abrasives contains data for the industry standard JIS R 6001:1998 (dimensions - in grit, parameter ds -50) which is adapted to the relevant international standards. For diamond and elbor powders, industry standard JIS B 4130 applies (dimensions in mm). At the same time, in different sources, the prefixes "J" and "#" are used before the numbers;
4. ANSI - American National Standards Institute (USA). The ANSI column for synthetic (artificial) alumina and silicon carbide abrasives gives ANSI B74.12 data (dimensions in grit), for diamond and elbor powders - ANSI B74.16-2002 (dimensions - in mesh). Diamonds and elbors with grains less than 400 mesh are called micron and can be designated incl. through ANSI B74.20-2004 with dimensions in mm. CAMI - Coated Abrasive Manufacturers Institute ceased to exist since 1999;
5. The DSTU column contains data from DSTU 3292-95 (Ukrina, dimensions - in micron). The analogue for the Russian Federation is GOST 9206. The color code adopted by the manufacturer when marking the accompanying diamond paste is also indicated here;

6. SHAPTON - 5000 PRO series stone has a declared grain size of 2.94 microns, but this whole series is not presented on the SHAPTON CO,.LTD offsite. The closest stone in popularity, seen on the manufacturer's offsite, has a grain size of 2.45 microns and belongs to the GLASS STONE #6000 series (this value is not indicated in the table). Complete series - PRO: 120, 220, 320, 1000, 1500, 2000, 5000, 8000,12000, 30000; GLASS: 120, 220, 320, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 16000, 30000). In the table above there is a column of the GLASS: series, and not PRO - please do not forget about this when working with this table;
7. NANIWA - instead of the outdated names of the popular CHOSERA and SUPER STONE series, new ones have been introduced: PROFESSIONAL STONE and SPECIALTY STONE. The difference is that the first ones work faster, the second ones are thinner;

8. DMT - Diamond Machining Technology, USA. Graininess is indicated in mesh, (120-8000 mesh, ANSI B74.16) or in microns(from 120 to 3 mircron);
9. To determine roughness classes 1-5, 13 and 14, the Ra parameter (arithmetic mean profile deviation in microns) is not used, and for classes 6-12 - Rz (roughness height in microns, can be calculated only in laboratory conditions), which is caused by the need to unambiguously determine the class of surface roughness for various control methods.

10. ROUGHNESS - roughness classes are given after finishing hard alloy products on diamond paste; roughness classes after processing on elbor pastes are indicated according to the data of the Ilyich abrasive plant, St. Petersburg (

Andrey Shalygin: Continuing , and, accordingly, and , in connection with the huge amount of outright misinformation that various scammers stuff the consumer with, trying to sell who knows what, and also to give out poor quality product for the original, - I could not ignore the topic of knife and combat metals proper (from which ordinary knife steels originated). Therefore, this time the topic will be a little boring for those who are a burden to many bukuff, or long videos. The text of the material in no way replaces the video, and the video does not reveal much of what is stated in addition to it in the text. Moreover, below, in addition to the video from the author, there are also original documentaries that will dispel many illusions.

The Star Wars Jedai are actually a period of 15th century Japanese internecine warfare Sengoku Jedai when it started mass production Japanese combat steels of the old period, on the eve of the New - Shinto. Yes, and Shinto itself as a religion takes its name in the period of the New Swords, as a religion of a new, simple and mass consciousness ...

Of course, many will be upset when they find out that 95% of what is in stores is not Damascus at all, real Damascus never existed at all, like good European metal, while all modern ones are much better than old traditional ones, and almost all Japanese knives are made in China at its best. But, I think that the conclusion that a modern high-tech Japanese knife is much better than any historical katana, and certainly than a European knife, will brighten up the despondency of those who will be forced to say goodbye to the myths about Viking and Norman metals, as well as secret secrets. Japanese masters. But, at least you will now know that foliation across is a sure sign of a twisted snag, which is not Damascus at all, and artistic foliation - 100% distinguishes a waste piece of decorative metal from a practical knife.

Previously about Japanese knives:

Damascus steel is the most blatant mythical lie in the history of war metal

Let's start with the fact that, in fact, there have never been any Damascus steels at all in world history and simply could not have been, if only simply because Damascus has never produced at least some even rural value of mass weapons, simply because there never there were no weapons workshops, even of regional significance. Moreover, in general, in world history and museums, and even in libraries, there is not even a single photograph of even some remnants of some Damascus swords produced in Damascus.

Myths, allegedly brought by allegedly crusaders, that allegedly in Damascus, in Palestine (Syria), etc., they, allegedly worth their weight in gold, bought some kind of Damascus swords (or even damask)
who could chop like butter something other than butter itself - just myths spread by speculators sitting on their own backside in Europe, who never went anywhere at all, but speculated in goods unknown to them, wrapping noodles on the client’s ears just like today forum selyuks screw noodles on the ears of the buyer, luring him into a scam of buying Chinese garbage.

In fact, something puff from the Middle East, if it was in world history, it had its origin in Persia and India, it was primitive spongy steel, and had the most ugly characteristics of domestic use and nothing more. Something of higher quality in the form of puffed metals and even damask steel - everything absolutely came with waves of "nomadic Mongols" mainly from the regions of China (including rarely from Japan), and damask-shaped - much later came from Persia in the form of reincarnation myths in new technologies, and it was already in the days of the Ottoman Empire, and not earlier, that is, "yesterday".

Japanese steels for knives and swords, secret Damascus steels, oriental damask steels, German weapons of the Third Reich and the USSR - comparison of steels

Mythical high-quality European historical steels have never been used to make any famous combat melee weapons.

Due to the fact that the Russians over the course of millennia, they repeatedly defeated their neighbors in civil strife both from the west and from the east, having at their disposal all the possible weapons of both, as well as the entire palette of weapons brought by nomads from the East, including merchants (remember Afanasy Nikitin and etc.), - Rus' has always been armed with the best weapons from both the east and the west, and therefore Russian armor and weapons have never been European, but always Asian (the experience of use allowed the Russians to choose weapons or defeated nomads, or dogs - knights - the Russian always chose only Asian ones, as better ones).

All the weapons brought by the Crusaders and subsequently dragged into the vaults of the Jewish Masons are generally not subject to discussion as outright trash. Even the American Freemasons, as the main successors of the Templar conspirators, with modern technology, did not create anything worthwhile in their Masonic swords. You can believe me - he wore "Masons" in bundles, taking away at least something. Any French sword or Spanish broadsword is no match.

If we take the history of European edged weapons, then all of it was collected to the maximum by fascist Germany, and embodied in the best examples of weapons of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich during their early heyday, that is, it was founded in 1934, and the maximum production of piece goods - in the period 1936 -1937 years. The Germans collected, collected everything they could all over Europe - so they did not collect anything sensible. Running after myths.

Considering in general everything that the Germans created, including at the legendary factories of Solingen, one can definitely say that apart from design and myths with legends, the Third Reich did not find anything, did not collect and did not create anything worthwhile. The elite German troops had the very best German spies could find in Europe. The elite were Göring's Luftwaffe and Dönitz's Kriegsmarine. However, considering all possible samples does not at all allow us to find anything better than a third-rate instrumental.

In March 1933, the German Aviation Sports League (German: Deutscher Luftsport Verband - DLV), united all civilian flying clubs into one organization. The DLV organization was used as a civilian organization, but under this guise they trained personnel for future air force. In February and April 1934, the DLV approved daggers for officers and enlisted personnel of all ranks. Later in 1934, members of the secret military branch of the DLV Fliegerschaft also approved both types of dagger for themselves to wear - for officers and privates. This is in quality - a knife from the times of the general store of the USSR.

In order for you to compare the composition of knife steels that are in circulation on the market, we offer you a table of their composition, according to which you can always immediately tell what the steel is like in practice, without listening to the stories of completely stupid, illiterate rural dealers of Chinese small things and sellers of European garbage.

Historical traditions as a cultural value - Japanese sword and Japanese knives

In fact, the inherent value of Damascus is very speculative. and practically uncompetitive against the modern sandwich. However, in the period of bad steels, it was effective when it was impossible to create a universal high-strength hard steel with high selective alloying and toughness. Today's monosteel sandwich is much more efficient.

Russian "Anosov" damask steel, which over time, in imitation of ancient masters, passed into the category of Damascus puff damask steel, when not low-carbon, but alloyed steels are interspersed, born in search of black, white, black and white damask steel, black, white and black and white Damascus, - were created only in recent years, and in all respects they are better than their foreign analogues by a multiple. However, it became completely non-massive.

On the Russian Damascus market, there are mountains of completely trashy pieces of iron, which in 95% of cases are sold to the buyer. This is not Damascus at all - these are puffs with a cross-twined bar, where the bar is needed to create a pattern, and not to improve the quality of the canvas. This is a drawing for the sake of drawing, and steel is complete rubbish. Moreover, artistic delights on solid steel are categorically impossible, therefore, everything decorated and intertwined - obviously in quality - is plasticine.

In the current situation- the market is dominated by fakes, profanity, junk metal, deceit, delirium, fraud and speculation reign.

However, if for some reason you are not satisfied with modern high-tech Japanese knives and Japanese modern metals, and you, with the stubbornness of a maniac, certainly want something, as it were, handicraft-traditional-Japanese, then with a general understanding that all this will be much worse than modern , you still have to be quite aware of yourself - that there is actually a traditional real, like a Japanese sword and a traditional knife(even if you manage to find a real one and not from scammers) - by real qualities and real performance. Below is everything - both the exact facts and the documentary video, so read and watch.

It is difficult to unequivocally comment on handicraft production with the help of improvised means, where the main sales factor is the process and design. However, the exact history of the creation of swords speaks of much worse times, of which the modern ones were far from the worst.

Traditional Japanese steels used in the manufacture of kitchen knives include 3 main grades:

Steel Shiro Gami(literally "white paper"; romaji, eng. shirogami), Ki Gami(jap. yellow paper), Ao Gami(jap. blue paper). Their names are due to the color paper wrapped in finished steel at the manufacturing plant. These are the so-called "golden" steels produced by Hitachi Metals, which are a kind of standard for all Japanese craftsmen. It was with such steels that the blacksmiths of the country of the Rising Sun worked from ancient times.

The history of the development of the samurai sword and historical realities

Making a modern katana - documentary

There are several main characteristics of a samurai sword, it is: 1) made of steel, 2) has one-sided sharpening, 3) is curved, 4) is hardened. The history of the samurai sword is usually divided into 4 periods:

1. Ancient period (chocuto) (before 900 AD).
Swords are made mainly by Chinese, Korean and early Japanese smiths. They are poorly hardened, although they are made of steel; and mostly straight (chocuto). Sword manufacturing centers are located in Yamato, Mutsu and San-in.

Although Japanese craftsmen work there, their swords are only imitations of Chinese ones (later, these imitations would develop into a samurai sword). High-ranking military men usually carry Chinese-made swords.

2. Old period (koto) (900 - 1530 AD).
With the fall of the Fujiwara clan, in the second half of the Heian period, new class- samurai who begin to use swords during numerous military conflicts of that time. Mostly, military leaders use mounted warriors, so many swords have a cutting edge of 4 feet or more. The main weapons are bows, naginata and swords. The sword becomes an everyday weapon and is worn constantly. The straight sword, which was used before this period, mainly for stabbing, is replaced by a curved sword with a one-sided sharpening; this transition to a new type of sword took a long time. Around 900, a blacksmith named Yasutsuna of Hoki begins to forge fine samurai swords. Since then, very few changes have been made to the style of the sword. Blacksmiths of that time, using primitive tools, make almost perfect swords. The most famous Japanese blacksmiths lived between 900 and 1450. By and large, the geographical location of the centers for the production of samurai swords depended on the proximity to the administrative center, where there was usually a great demand for swords, access to ore, coal, sources of good water, and a temperate climate.

Blacksmith schools in 5 provinces - Bizen, Yamashiro, Yamato, Soshu and Mino - produced approximately 80% of all swords of the old period. They have a unifying name "Five Schools". Each of the schools had its own branches, and each province created and developed its own, different methods for forging swords.

Beezen School. Bizen Province consisted of the southern half of what is now Okayama Prefecture. Since Bizen is close to the continent, it is believed that the art of sword forging appeared there very early. The conditions for blacksmiths in Bizen were ideal, and for a thousand years the village of Osafune, located in the eastern part of the province, was the center of sword production. Tomonari (circa 1100 AD) is considered the founder of the Bizen school. His followers were Kanehira, Sukehira, Nobufusa, Takahira and Masatsune. These blacksmiths are known as Bizen Early School (Ko-Bizen).

The main branches of the Bizen School: 1) Fukuoka, 2) Yoshioka, 3) Osafune, 4) Yoshii, 5) Omiya.

Yamashiro School. Kyoto, the center of Yamashiro province, was the imperial capital from 794 until 1868. Naturally, there was a great demand for swords here. The founder of the school was Munechika (circa 987 AD).

The main branches of the Yamashiro school: 1) Sanjo, 2) Awataguchi, 3) Rai, 4) Ayakoji, 5) Nobukuni, 6) Hasebe, 7) Heyan-jo.

Yamato School. It is believed that when the city of Nara (Yamato Province) was the capital, there were many good blacksmiths in the province. However, after 794 most of them moved to the new capital - Kyoto. Around 1200, blacksmiths reappeared in Nara when the various religious sects that had begun to gain power in the city needed weapons for their followers.

Branches of this school were usually named after temples: 1) Toma, 2) Tegai, 3) Hosho, 4) Shirikage, 5) Senju-in.

Soshu School (Sagami). The center of sword production in the province of Soshu (Sagami) was the city of Kamakura, where the first shogun Minamoto Yoritomo established his government in 1192. Although the conditions in Kamakura were not very favorable for the development of blacksmithing, it attracted many craftsmen with its martial atmosphere.

Main branches: 1) Yamashiro (composed of blacksmiths who moved from Yamashiro), 2) Bizen (consisted of blacksmiths who moved from Bizen), 3) Soshu.

Mino School (Seki). The center of the Mino school was the city of Seki. It is believed that it was founded by the students of the blacksmith Masamune, from Soshu. The early works of this school are very good and difficult to distinguish from Soshu swords. However, most of the school's subsequent works were of poor quality.

The main branches of this school are: 1) Kaneuji, 2) Kaneshige.

During the old period, the art of sword making also flourished in other provinces of Japan. Prominent blacksmiths of the Heian period were: Yasutsuna, Sanemori, Aritsuna, Nichijo from Hoki, Moritsura from Bichu, Joshu (Sadahide) from Bungo, Yukiyasu from Satsuma.

The 70 years of internecine warfare after 1467 is known as the Sengoku Jidai period. To meet the ever-increasing demand for swords, blacksmiths begin to mass-produce them, which negatively affects the quality. In the middle of the 16th century, the achievements of blacksmiths receive official encouragement from the emperor. He bestows honorary titles on some blacksmiths: usually the name of the master is added to the name of the province and the title. The most common titles were Suke, Jo, Daijo and Kami.

Many swords from the Sengoku Jidai period have come down to our time, but only a few of them can be considered good.

3. New period (Shinto) (1530 - 1867 AD). Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi put an end to the long wars. There comes a period of peace and the functional significance of the sword begins to be lost: the daito (long sword) is shortened, the cutting part is reduced to two feet, and the samurai wear it in their belts. At the beginning of the New Period, many experienced gunsmiths are located in Osaka - Kyoto.

The traditional, distinctive methods of the Five Schools are being lost, and swords are made in almost all castle towns. During the Tokugawa period, Edo (Tokyo) is the center of sword making and attracts many good smiths, but by the end of the period the art declines and the emphasis shifts from quality to the look of the weapon. Blacksmiths richly decorate their products with extravagant floral ornaments, images of dragons, etc. (as opposed to simple Sanskrit inscriptions on old swords). Even on the blades of swords are placed graceful images of maple leaves, cherries, chrysanthemums and Mount Fuji. More than half of all samurai swords currently in existence were made in the New Period.

4. Modern period (Shin-Shinto) (after 1868 AD).
The feudal system is disappearing, and with it the prestige of the samurai class is falling. The carrying of swords is prohibited by national decree. Blacksmiths, who previously specialized in the production of swords, are forced to switch to ordinary blacksmithing: the production of hoes, scissors, knives, horseshoes and other household items. Since then there has not been a single great blacksmith.

During the Meiji period (1869 - 1912 AD) Samurai swords were exported, mainly to France and the USA. The beginning of this century was a golden time for sword collectors in the United States, and many books were published at that time on samurai swords and their ornamentation.

At the beginning of the Showa period (1926 - present) (the Showa era ended in 1989. Now the Heisei era is underway), nationalism begins to gain strength. Attempts are being made to revive the production of swords, and at the exhibition of arts of the Imperial Academy even opens a special section dedicated to samurai swords. By the beginning of World War II, there were already about 100 blacksmiths in Japan who, in addition to their main work, make swords. Many swords from the Showa period bear the mark of a cherry blossom with the symbol Se (Seva).

Many swords produced over the past 60-70 years, as well as police and parade swords, cannot be considered samurai swords because they were made using modern methods, different from traditional hand forging and hardening methods.

Making a Modern Japanese Knife - Documentary

Some statistics

According to available data, in the entire history of Japan, up to the Meiji Revolution of 1868, there were about 13 thousand professional blacksmiths - swordsmen. If we take into account that each blacksmith produced about 100 swords in his life, the total number of samurai swords produced is approximately 2 million. Before the Second World War, there were about 1.5 million swords (including factory-made ones), almost a third of them were more than two feet long (daito). About 200 thousand of them were produced by order of the Japanese government at special factories, or by blacksmiths who lived after the Meiji revolution. Currently, there are no more than 100 thousand swords in Japan. There are more samurai swords in the USA than in Japan - about 70% of all currently in existence. Approximately 250 - 350 thousand swords were brought to the USA by soldiers. Most of them are daito, formerly used by Japanese officers. Most of the swords brought to the US by soldiers are of the buke-zukuri type.


Before choosing a kitchen knife for everyday use, an exclusive blade for a collection, an ax or machete for rough woodworking, or a camping knife for outdoor activities, you should get to know the material for making the cutting surfaces of tools. Since ancient times, such material has been mainly steel of various grades and varieties, the variety of properties of which allows you to choose a high-quality tool with suitable characteristics to your taste, whether it be a blade, a bonsai tool or a traditional Japanese knife.

Without going into the subtleties of the chemical and physical analysis of the material, we can say that steel is an alloy of iron (at least 45%) and carbon, the amount of which largely determines the properties of the cutting surface of a knife or tool. The presence of an abundant amount of carbon in the composition of steel (more than 2.14%) will turn it into cast iron, while its lack (less than 0.5%) allows you to get tin. The material between these extreme points of manufacture is the same steel that is used for the production of kitchen and tourist knives, folding knives and multi-tools, axes and machetes, scissors and collectible blades.

Steel for the production of objects of knife art (from scissors to collectible Japanese knives) can be conditionally divided into high-carbon and "stainless".

Blades for kitchen, camping or folding knives made of high carbon steel, most often forged. At the choice of the knife maker, such steel can be hardened or tempered to give the cutting edge of the blade hardness and elasticity at the same time. High-carbon blades for camping, kitchen and folding knives are more prone to corrosion than "stainless" steel blades, but when properly hardened, such blades outperform "stainless steel" blades.

"Stainless" steel is very rarely forged, but some manufacturers, such as Sean McWilliams, still create knife blades from such steel with the help of titanic work and incredible efforts. "Stainless" steel, unlike high-carbon steel, has its pros and cons for the manufacture of kitchen and outdoor knives, folding knives and multi-tools.

But the various properties of steel are determined not so much by the different amount of carbon in the composition of the alloy, but by the presence of alloying impurities and additives, which determine the characteristics of blades and tools.

Carbon, as the main element of the alloy, gives the future kitchen, folding or tourist knife hardness and rigidity. The carbon content in the composition of steel for blades for various purposes from 0.6% to 2% gives steel the name of high-carbon steel, which largely characterizes the properties, advantages and disadvantages of knives and blades made from it.

Chromium, which is part of the steel, gives the alloy wear resistance, high hardening ability and corrosion resistance, which is very important for the user of both a kitchen knife and a tourist tool. Blades made of steel with a content of at least 13% chromium are usually called "stainless", although this name contains a considerable amount of slyness. The fact is that any steel is subject to changes when exposed to the environment or aggressive environment, and your favorite kitchen, folding or tourist knife (as well as scissors, an ax, a machete or a multitool) will be saved from corrosion only by strict observance of the Rules for the care of tools of steel.

One of the most important elements of the alloy is manganese, which gives the material of the blades a grainy structure, which, in turn, contributes to the strength of the knife or tool made of steel. It is manganese that gives a tourist or kitchen knife rigidity and wear resistance. In the production of household and professional blades, it is used to improve steel during rolling and forging. Such steel for future kitchen, folding and tourist knives is called "deoxidized". Manganese is present in almost all knife steel alloys used to make blades.

Molybdenum is a hard-melting element, in the composition of steel it helps it become less brittle and brittle, and also gives the material of a kitchen, collection or tourist knife resistance to heat. The so-called "air-hardened" steels contain at least 1% molybdenum, with the help of which this type of hardening of blades for kitchen, tourist and collection knives becomes possible.

In the manufacture of steel alloy for the manufacture of objects of knife art (kitchen, tourist, folding knives, axes and machetes, multi-tools and scissors, bonsai tools) to give them hardness and resistance to corrosion, nickel. Nickel also adds toughness to the blade alloy of a kitchen or traditional Japanese knife.

Silicon, as well as manganese, when forging a blade for a kitchen, folding, collection or tourist knife, it is used to give it strength.

The wear resistance of the blade of a kitchen, folding, collection or tourist knife is largely determined by the presence of steel in the alloy tungsten. When combined in the composition of an alloy of tungsten with additives such as chromium or molybdenum, it makes the blade steel for a kitchen, folding, collection or tourist knife "quick cutting". This type of blade steel contains the highest amount of tungsten. Steel with a high tungsten content, in addition to the manufacture of kitchen, folding, collectible or tourist knives, is used for the production of armor for military equipment.

Vanadium, being a hard-melting element of increased hardness, in the composition of steel for the manufacture of kitchen, folding, collection or tourist knives, it helps to increase the wear resistance and strength of the material. It is also necessary in the production of fine-grained steel for knife blades for various purposes and steel tools.

The following is detailed description popular grades of steel used for the production of blades for kitchen and outdoor knives, axes and machetes, folding knives and multi-tools, scissors and bonsai tools.

Steel 1095. According to the designations of the system, articles for the manufacture of knives with numbers starting with 10 are carbon. These alloys are specifically designed for kitchen, folding, collectible and outdoor knives, but 1095 is the most commonly used. Among 10xx grade steels, 1095 blade steel holds sharpening best of all and is the least viscous. For the manufacture of kitchen, folding, collectible and outdoor knives, 1095 steel is considered the “standard”, a carbon steel grade, not the most expensive, but at the same time, with decent technical indicators.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 1095 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 62.

Similar to 1095 knife steel in other countries: C92D (D 95-2) (Germany), SWR-9 (Sweden).

1095 knife steel manufacturer: Precision Steel (USA).

Manufacturers of 1095 steel knives and blades: Ka Bar, Ontario Knife.

Steel 12 C27 Sandvic. This steel is the most balanced knife steel with excellent sharpening characteristics, high strength and corrosion resistance. According to the manufacturing company, "This is our main steel grade for hand knives, high-end skating blades and ice drills. For more than 45 years, we have been working to improve the quality and technical indicators stamps. The structure became denser, the degree of purity increased, and the fine microstructure of carbide today is far from what it was in steel in the sixties.”

The hardness of steel for knives of grade 12 C27 Sandvic on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 55 57.

Knife steel manufacturer 12 C27 Sandvic: Sandvic Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 12 C27 Sandvic: Brusletto, Opinel, EKA.

Steel 13 C26 Sandvic. In the development of 13 C26 Sandvic steel, a strong focus was placed on applications as a material for making kitchen, folding, collectible and outdoor knives. This means that the main focus during production was on improving the hardness of the alloy, the sharpness of the blade and the stability of the cutting edge of the knife. 13 C26 Sandvic steel has the highest level of hardness while maintaining the fine carbide structure that is typical of Sandvic steels in general. With excellent cutting properties and high toughness, this alloy is an excellent choice for those kitchen, folding, collectible and outdoor knives, where the predominance of cutting properties is much more important than moderate corrosion resistance.

Knife steel manufacturer 13 C26 Sandvic: Sandvic Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 13 C26 Sandvic: Kershaw.

Steel 154 CM. This steel for the production of kitchen, folding, collectible and outdoor knives is a high-carbon American steel, originally developed as a material for blades. gas turbines. Steel 154 CM is hardened at high temperatures, which allows you to perfectly hold the cutting edge of future kitchen, folding, collection and tourist knives on a hard surface. 154CM steel is a fairly hard steel, blades and knives made of it cut perfectly and do not dull for a long time, but at the same time, with prolonged contact with moisture and / or salt, rust may occur. The disadvantage of this type of alloy for the manufacture of kitchen, folding, collection and tourist knives is also the absence of vannadium, which adds wear resistance to the metal.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 154 CM on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 -61.

An analogue of steel for knives of the 154 CM brand in other countries: 100X13M (Russia), ATS-34 (Japan), X110CrMoV15 / 1.4111 (Germany), RWL 34 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of 154 CM knife steel: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of 154 CM steel knives and blades: Benchmade, Spyderco.

Steel 410 High-end cutting tools sometimes require an alloy that combines the properties of hardness and strength with high corrosion resistance. Also, such an alloy for the manufacture of blades for tourist, folding or kitchen knives is highly resistant to wear. Such an alloy is steel 410 (hardened, directly chlorinated) with an increased carbon content, which gives this alloy the above characteristics. The degree of hardness of alloy 410 is controlled by changing the proportion of its carbon content. Typically used as overlays.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 410 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 45 - 52.

Manufacturer of 410 knife steel: USA, Takefu Japan.

Manufacturers of 410 steel knives and blades: Kanetsugu.

Steel 420. The low carbon content (less than 0.5%) in the alloy composition of this steel makes it too soft compared to steel such as 440 series, which is reflected in the characteristics of kitchen, folding and outdoor knives, which as a result do not hold sharpening well. Due to its high corrosion resistance, such steel is often used for the manufacture of knives for divers (for use in fresh water). 420 series steel is also used for the production of inexpensive kitchen and outdoor knives, produced mainly in Southeast Asia. One of the varieties of steel grade 420, namely 420er (the alloy contains special additives), is used for the manufacture of kitchen and tourist knives of a low price category by some European and American manufacturers, for example, Magnum.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 420 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 52-56.

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 420 in other countries: 30X13 (Russia), SUS420J1 (Japan), X21Cr13 (Germany), 6C27 (Sweden).

420 knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of 420 steel knives and blades: Magnum, Buck.

Steel 420 HC Crio. Many well-known manufacturers prefer this steel because of its low cost, ease of processing, sufficient for medium-strength kitchen, folding and outdoor knives and good anti-corrosion survivability. Steel 420HC holds the cutting edge of the blade well, however, from time to time your pet will need sharpening, yielding to higher class steels in this, but it is easy to sharpen the knife from it. Symbol HC stands for High Carbone, referring to the higher carbon variety of the standard 420 martensitic stainless steel blade.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand 420 HC Crio on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 59.

An analogue of steel for knives of the brand 420 HC Crio in other countries: 50X14MF (Russia), SUS420J2 (Japan), X45CrMoV15 / 1.4034 (Germany), 10C29 (Sweden).

Knife steel manufacturer 420 HC Crio: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of 420 HC Crio knives and blades: Cold Steel, Kershaw.

Steel 420J1- this is an analogue of the 420J2 alloy modified by Japanese steel manufacturers for the production of knife blades and blades for various purposes, which has the properties of hardness, anti-corrosion and resistance to moisture and aggressive environments to a lesser extent than the 420J2 alloy. Due to its ability to hold sharpening for a long time and high resistance to external influences of moisture and corrosion, 420J1 alloy is widely used for the manufacture of survival knives, outdoor knives, fishing knives and blades for divers, and is also used in laminates as soft covers.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 420J1 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 52 - 55.

420J1 knife steel manufacturer: Crucible Metals USA.

Manufacturers of 420J1 steel knives and blades: CRKT, Hiromoto.

Steel 420J2- this is a soft stainless steel 420 fundamentally improved by Japanese metallurgists for the production of kitchen, folding, collection and tourist knives. A larger amount of carbon introduced into it is balanced by a large amount of alloying elements. Thus, steel, remaining not subject to corrosion, acquires sufficient hardness to be used independently as a material for the blade in some models of kitchen, folding, collection and tourist knives. 420J2 steel is mainly used in fishing knives, diving knives and camping knives.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 420J2 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 52 - 55.

420J2 knife steel manufacturer: Crucible Metals (USA), Takefu (Japan)

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of 420J2 steel: CRKT, Hattori and many others.

Steel 420 mod. Due to its high corrosion resistance, it is often used in the medical and food industries for the manufacture of cutting tools and knives. Steel 420 mod, after appropriate treatment, has a high resistance to pitting corrosion, due to which the blades of kitchen, tourist and folding knives do not easily react with aggressive environments. Products made of 420 mod steel are resistant to treatment cycles consisting of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization. Blades for kitchen, tourist and folding knives made of 420 mod steel can be processed even in water that contains chlorine ions.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand 420 mod on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 59.

An analogue of steel for 420 mod knives in other countries: 50X14MF (Russia), SUS420J2 (Japan), X45CrMoV15 / 1.4034 (Germany), 10C29 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for 420 mod knives: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of 420 mod steel knives and blades: Cold Steel, Kershaw.

Steel 440 A. This alloy is a steel with the highest degree of resistance to corrosion, which is important in the production of blades for kitchen, folding, collectible and tourist knives. However, the composition of the chemical elements included in the alloy reduces the mechanical properties of steel and reduces the wear resistance of blades and tools made from it. 440A is an air-hardened stainless steel commonly referred to as surgical steel. In fairness, it should be noted that the very good resistance to corrosion, due to which steel 440A is used in knives for scuba divers. It is also good enough for the production of blades for kitchen, folding, collectible and tourist knives for everyday use, especially when it is qualitatively hardened.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 440 A on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 55 - 57.

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 440 A in other countries: 75X18 (Russia), AUS-6 (Japan), X55CrMo14 / 1.4110 (Germany), 12C27, AEB-L (Sweden).

Manufacturer of 440 A knife steel: Crusible Metals (USA), Takefu (Japan).

Manufacturers of 440 A steel knives and blades: SOG, Gerber.

Steel 440 B. Fairly good stainless steel for the production of blades for kitchen, folding, collectible and tourist knives, but, unfortunately, rather capricious in hardening and processing. Reputable manufacturers have high hardness, while being flexible and strong enough. A kitchen, tourist or folding knife made of this material is not so easy to sharpen well, but the blade will keep its sharpness for quite a long time. When overheated, the knife can be brittle, break easily and chip out portions of the blade. With prolonged contact with moisture, kitchen, folding, collectible and tourist knives, and even more so with salt, corrosion may slightly appear on them. Given the above, this is one of the best steels in the knife industry, which is used by both large manufacturers and respected private craftsmen.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 440 B on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 59.

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 440 B in other countries: 95X18SH (Russia), AUS-8 (Japan), X90CrMoV18 / 1L4112 (Germany), 123C26 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of 440 B knife steel: Crusible Metals (USA), Takefu (Japan).

Manufacturers of 440 B steel knives and blades: Randall.

Steel 440 C. A lot of knives are made from 440 C steel both in Europe and in America. For quite a long time, this steel was considered the best for kitchen, outdoor and folding knives, until it was replaced by new expensive high-tech alloys. But it is still a very popular and worthy knife material for making blades. 440 C is a fairly hard steel, knives made of it cut perfectly and do not dull for a long time, but corrosion may occur with prolonged contact with moisture and / or salt. It is a very good blade material for kitchen, camping and folding knives when processed correctly. However, it is worth noting that 440 C steel from Spanish manufacturers is often softer than even 440 A from other Europeans.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 440 C on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

Similar to 440 C knife steel in other countries: 110X18 (Russia), SUS440C (Japan), X105CrMo17/1.4125 (Germany), 19C27 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade 440 C: Crusible Metals (USA), Takefu (Japan).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of 440 C steel: Busse, SOG, Nieto.

Steel 75x14MF. Steel 75x14MF is practically unknown to connoisseurs of knife art. According to the Russian classifier, this steel refers to "spring-spring steels", which are used to create parts and parts of large mechanisms. Russian trains in most cases have springs that are made of steel 75x14MF or its closest analogues. Distinctive feature steel is the ability to experience high mechanical loads for a long time. Thanks to this property, medical cutting tools and professional kitchen knives are made from 75x14MF. Due to the low hardness, the blade made of 75x14MF steel is easily edited with musat or a strip of leather. This quality is especially appreciated by chefs and lovers of haute cuisine. Due to the high mechanical strength and toughness, the cutting edge is less chipped and erased during the sharpening process. A kitchen knife made of 75x14MF steel will last longer than a knife made of classic 440C stainless steel.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 75x14MF on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58-59.

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 75x14MF in other countries: AUS-8 (Japan), 445MOD (USA), X55CrMo14 / 1.4110 (Germany), 12C27, 13C26 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade 75x14MF: Russian metallurgical concerns.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 75x14MF: Damir Safarov, Gennady Prokopenkov.

Steel 8Cr13MoV. At correct heat treatment this steel has good corrosion resistance and long cutting edge retention of your kitchen, outdoor and folding knives. Steel 8Cr13MoV is well balanced in terms of strength, cutting and anti-corrosion properties of blades for knife blades. Great for inexpensive tourist and urban knives with good average performance. This Chinese high-carbon medium chromium stainless steel, thanks to its balanced chemical composition, cuts perfectly and quickly recovers to factory sharpening. It is a widely used steel for the production of kitchen, travel and folding knives from Western leaders in the art of knifemaking.

8Cr13MoV knife steel manufacturer: Yangjiang Shibazi China.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of 8Cr13MoV steel: Byrd, Spyderco.

Steel 8Cr14MoV. This steel is recognized by manufacturers as one of the best steels, combining such important quality parameters as excellent corrosion resistance, high strength of the blade of a kitchen, tourist or folding knife, and increased wear resistance. The presence in it of a larger amount of chromium than in 8Cr13MoV allows it to combine the same cutting and strength qualities with improved anti-corrosion protection.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand 8Cr14MoV on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 58.

An analogue of steel for knives of the 8Cr14MoV brand in other countries: 75X14MF (Russia), 445mod (USA), AUS-8 (Japan), X55CrMo14 (Germany), 12C27, 13C26 (Sweden).

8Cr14MoV knife steel manufacturer: Yangjiang Shibazi China.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of 8Cr14MoV steel: Benchmade.

Steel 9Cr13COMoV. This is a Chinese-made stainless steel with a high content of cobalt added to obtain a stronger cutting edge for kitchen, camping or folding knives. It has a high corrosion resistance of a knife or blade blade at a low cost. High-speed steels alloyed with vanadium or cobalt have improved cutting properties of knives for various purposes. Cobalt increases heat resistance, magnetic properties, increases resistance to impact, which improves the tactical performance of the blade. The more cobalt in the alloy, the higher the bending strength of the knife blade or blade and the better the mechanical properties of a kitchen, folding or tourist knife, but with a large amount it reduces the hardness and wear resistance of the alloy.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand 9Cr13COMoV on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 58.

9Cr13COMoV knife steel manufacturer: Yangjiang Shibazi China.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 9Cr13COMoV: Benchmade.

ACUTO440 steel. ACUTO440 is a logical continuation of the work of Japanese craftsmen to find the best stainless steel for kitchen knives. There are two names in the documentation: "ACUTO440" and "ACUTO +". Without going into details, we can say that this is a modified, supplemented and improved version of 440C steel. Until recently, it was widely used only by Japanese craftsmen, in particular, Glestain kitchen knives are made of this steel. According to the craftsmen, it is the use of ACUTO440 that gives the knives their unique properties.

The exact composition of the alloy is kept secret. According to open sources, ACUTO440 steel contains: Vanadium (V) 0.20, Silicon (Si) 0.50, Manganese (Mn) 0.50, Carbon (C) 1.00, Molybdenum (Mo) 1.40, Chromium (Cr) 17.50.

The hardness of steel for knives of the ACUTO440 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 - 61.

ACUTO440 knife steel manufacturer: Japan.

Manufacturers of ACUTO440 steel knives and blades: CRKT Ripple series folding knives, Glestain kitchen knives.

AISI A2 steel. This alloy is a low carbon steel, the designation "A" in the name of which means "austenitic". This steel for the manufacture of blades and knives for various purposes is not hardened, resistant to corrosion, non-magnetic in conditions of weak magnetization (if it has been cold worked). AISI A2 alloy is easy to weld, resistant to intercrystalline corrosion and is excellent for the production of kitchen, folding and outdoor knives. The high strength of this steel at low temperatures is positively reflected in the tactical characteristics of blades and knives for various purposes. It lends itself to electro-polishing, which is also important in the manufacture of knife art products.

Analogue of steel for AISI A2 brand knives in other countries: 95X5GM (Russia).

AISI A2 knife steel manufacturer: Paxton Vierling (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades in AISI A2 steel: Chris Reeves.

Aogami Super Steel is a material related to traditional Japanese high-carbon non-corrosion resistant steels used for the manufacture of camping, folding and kitchen knives and cutting tools. Literally translated, ao gami means blue paper. However, unlike its "brothers" - Shirogami and Kigami steels, Aogami blade steel is alloyed. Some elements have been added to its composition, such as chromium, tungsten, and sometimes vanadium and molybdenum, which affects the tactical characteristics of knives and blades. These substances add toughness, corrosion resistance and impact resistance to blade steel, while very slightly reducing the cutting properties of folding, outdoor and kitchen knives. It is much easier to care for knives made of such steel, and they cut no worse than Shiro Gami and Ki Gami steels.

The hardness of steel for knives of the AOGAMI SUPER brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 63 - 65.

AOGAMI SUPER grade knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals, Ltd. Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of AOGAMI SUPER steel: Moritaka, Takeda, Watanabe, Hiromoto, Masamoto, etc.

Aogami Steel #2 is a material related to traditional Japanese high-carbon non-corrosion-resistant steels used for the manufacture of tourist, folding and kitchen knives and various cutting tools, in fact, it is a simplified Aogami Super steel. Literally translated, ao gami means blue paper. However, unlike their counterparts - Shirogami and Kigami steels, all types of steel for Aogami blades are alloyed. Some elements have been added to its composition, such as chromium, tungsten, and sometimes vanadium and molybdenum, which affects the tactical characteristics of knives and blades. These substances add toughness, corrosion resistance and impact resistance to blade steel, while very slightly reducing the cutting properties of folding, outdoor and kitchen knives. It is much easier to care for knives made of such steel, and they cut no worse than Shiro Gami and Ki Gami steels.

The hardness of steel for knives of the AOGAMI # 2 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60 - 62.

AOGAMI #2 knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals, Ltd. Japan.

Manufacturers of AOGAMI #2 steel knives and blades: Moritaka, Takeda, Watanabe, Hiromoto, Masamoto, etc.

Steel ATS-34. This is a very high quality, high carbon stainless steel for knife making. Thanks to the highest Japanese quality, it is considered one of the best steels for the manufacture of elite and collectible knives around the world. Also used for automotive, razor blades, jet turbine blades and metalworking tools.

The hardness of steel for knives of the ATS-34 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 - 61.

Analogue of steel for ATS-34 brand knives in other countries: 100X15M (Russia), 154CM (USA), RWL-34 (Sweden).

ATS-34 knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of ATS-34 steel: Spyderco, Benchmade.

Steel ATS-55. ATS-55 high carbon stainless steel is similar to ATS-34 steel, only with virtually no molybdenum content, which makes steel for kitchen, outdoor and folding knives much cheaper. That is why ATS-55 is so often found in serial models of knives for various purposes, for example, in Spyderco products. In addition, ATS-55 has the same ability to maintain the sharpness of the cutting edge of a knife or blade as ATS-34, but this alloy is harder, which affects the tactical properties of blades and knives.

The hardness of steel for knives of the ATS-55 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60 - 62.

ATS-55 knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Japan.

Manufacturers of ATS-55 steel knives and blades: Spyderco.

Steel AUS-2 is an alloy produced by Japanese knife steel manufacturers (Aichi Steel Works) belonging to the AUS series. It is characterized as an alloy capable of maintaining a balance between high wear resistance and increased stainless and anti-corrosion ability. Ease of processing for the manufacture of blades for camping, kitchen, folding and hunting knives and high cutting performance make the AUS-2 alloy popular among cutting tool manufacturers. AUS-2 grade is also characterized by its ability to hold initial sharpening and low susceptibility to chipping on unexpected impacts, and is most often used as facings on laminates.

The hardness of steel for knives of the AUS-2 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 54 - 58.

AUS-2 grade knife steel manufacturer: Aichi Steel Works (Japan)

Manufacturers of AUS-2 steel knives and blades: Kanetsugu.

AUS-6 steel. It is a corrosion-resistant, Japanese-made chromium steel for making kitchen, camping and folding knives. Steel was originally developed as a knife steel and is very popular in the manufacture of blades for serial models of folding and kitchen knives. AUS-6 is traditionally hardened to 54-57 HRC, which indicates its softness on the one hand and resistance to blade or knife chipping on the other.

The hardness of steel for knives grade AUS-6 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 56 - 57.

Analogue of steel for AUS-6 brand knives in other countries: 65X13 (Russia), 440A (USA), X55CrMo14 (Germany), AEB-L (Sweden).

AUS-6 knife steel manufacturer: Aichi Steel Works (Japan).

AUS-8 steel. AUS-8 steel was developed as a knife steel and was created a long time ago, well mastered by leading companies for the manufacture of blades for kitchen, tourist and folding knives. The blade has an optimal combination of hardness - 57-59 HRC (which is more than enough for an everyday knife) and flexibility. Slightly lower than in VGold-10, the carbon content with a close percentage of chromium increases the corrosion resistance of blades for knives for various purposes. The lower hardness of the knife (compared to VGold-10 (61-62 HRC) and ceramics (87 HRC)) speeds up its sharpening, for which more brands of abrasives and improvised tools are suitable. The heat treatment of AUS-8 steel is well mastered by the industry, therefore kitchen, tourist and folding knives made from it are characterized by high quality and relatively low price.

The hardness of steel for knives grade AUS-8 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 59.

An analogue of steel for knives of the AUS-8 brand in other countries: 75X14MF (Russia), 445MOD (USA), X55CrMo14 / 1.4110 (Germany), 12C27, 13C26 (Sweden).

AUS-8 knife steel manufacturer: Aichi Steel Works (Japan).

Manufacturers of AUS-8 steel knives and blades: CRKT, Cold Steel, Hattori.

Steel AUS-10. This is an excellent material for the production of blades and knives, it is characterized by high wear resistance, strength and hardness, but is slightly susceptible to corrosion. Knives for various purposes from it cut perfectly and do not dull for a long time, but at the same time, with prolonged contact with moisture and / or salt, rust may appear. The laminated structure of the blade is important because it allows strips of different grades of steel to be combined into one blade. The cutting edge of the blade must be as hard as possible in order to keep sharpening longer and cut and cut efficiently, but if the entire blade were so hard, it could be damaged during combat or work.

The hardness of steel for knives grade AUS-10 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 - 60.

AUS-10 knife steel manufacturer: Japan.

Manufacturers of AUS-10 steel knives and blades: Seki Cut.

Steel BG-42. This steel was originally developed for plain bearings, so its composition affects certain tactical characteristics of blades made from it. Thin blades of kitchen, tourist and folding knives from it are admired due to their aesthetic beauty and "clean and thin" cutting of the cutting surface, which perfectly keeps sharpening. But the mechanical endurance of a blade made of this steel for blades and knives for various purposes leaves much to be desired. Also insufficient is the resistance of the blade or knife to pressure from the sides and the overall endurance of the tool, especially if the steel has been hardened to a high degree of hardness.

The hardness of steel for knives grade BG-42 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 61 - 63.

BG-42 knife steel manufacturer: Latrobe Steel (USA).

Manufacturers of BG-42 steel knives and blades: Chris Reeves, Case.

Steel Cobalt (Cobalt steel). When creating edged weapons and kitchen knives, the Japanese try to keep as much information as possible secret. Apparently, the age-old clan closeness was reflected in the era of post-industrial development. Some masters do not even indicate what type of steel was used to create this or that knife. An ordinary Japanese, even if he is a professional chef, is not very interested in such information. Anyone who works professionally with a knife knows many ways to test a knife in action. About the Japanese "cobalt steel" it is only known that it is a high-hard steel, which is used in cases where the tool needs the thinnest and sharpest cutting edge.

The hardness of the "cobalt steel" steel for knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59-62.

Analogue of "cobalt steel" for knives in other countries: no.

Cobalt grade knife steel manufacturer: Takefu Special Steel Co.,Ltd.

COWRY X steel. Cowry X is a tough powder steel for the manufacture of tourist, folding and kitchen knives, specially developed by Daido Steel Company using amorphous technology metal alloys for cutting tools. Cowry X steel has an excellent blade or knife cut when properly sharpened and has a high corrosion resistance of the cutting surface of the tool.

The hardness of steel for knives of the COWRY X brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 63 - 66.

Manufacturer of steel for COWRY X brand knives: Daido Steel Company.

Manufacturers of COWRY X steel knives and blades: Hattori.

COWRY Y steel. Japanese stainless steel manufactured by Daido Steel Company, used in the knife industry. The increased content of alloying impurities indicates the high hardness and strength of the blade from this steel for the production of kitchen, tourist and folding knives. The blade of a tool made of this alloy will differ in moderate hardness, the blades of knives made from it are very plastic, they do not rust for a long time.

The hardness of steel for knives of the COWRY Y brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 61 - 64.

COWRY Y knife steel manufacturer: Daido Steel Company (Japan).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of COWRY Y steel: Hattori, Koji Hara.

Steel CPM 420V. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). Alloy CPM 420V for the production of kitchen, outdoor and folding knives is CPM steel, an analogue of steel 440V, with less chromium and twice the proportion of vanadium, more wear-resistant and possibly more durable than 440V. Steel perfectly holds sharpening (ATS-34 is better), but at the same time, knives and tools for various purposes are hard to sharpen from it for the first time. According to some leading manufacturers, this steel is the best for knife production.

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM 420V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

CPM 420V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CPM 420V steel: Spyderco.

Steel CPM 440V. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). In terms of properties, CPM 440V is one of the best materials for the manufacture of kitchen, tourist and folding knives. However, the high price of both the steel itself, associated with high-tech production methods, and the high cost of the final product (due to some difficulties in working with such steels), make it suitable for the manufacture of by no means mass-produced (this position is still rightfully held firmly by 440 and similar steels ), but expensive and elite products.

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM 440V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 56 - 58.

An analogue of steel for knives of the CPM 440V brand in other countries: X230CrVMo14 9 (Germany).

CPM 440V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CPM 440V steel: Microtech, Spyderco.

Steel CPM S30V. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). CPM S30V was developed specifically to meet the knife industry's need for quality steel with very high (higher than 440C and D2 steels) strength properties. In terms of wear resistance (that is, the ability to keep sharpening), S30V steel exceeds 440C by 45%, and 154CM by 30%, which was confirmed by an independent examination conducted by the Cutlery and Allied Trades Research Association (CATRA).

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM S30V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

Analogue of steel for knives of the CPM S30V brand in other countries: X220CrV17 6 (Germany).

CPM S30V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CPM S30V steel: Spederco, Microtech, Chris Reeves.

Steel CPM S60V. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). This alloy keeps the cutting edge of a kitchen, tourist or folding knife sharp much longer, but makes the blade material brittle. In addition, the chemical composition of the alloy for the manufacture of blades, knives and tools for various purposes determines the physical properties of the product from it, namely (in this case) the difficulty of sharpening.

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM S60V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

CPM S60V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of CPM S60V steel knives and blades: Spyderco.

Steel CPM S90V. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). AT this moment is a veteran of the lineup, not inferior to its position in the knife industry. The alloy contains primary vanadium carbides, which somewhat limits the mechanics of knife blades, but theoretically gives them high wear resistance. In practice, its application is significantly limited by the maximum achievable hardness (often 59 - 60 HRC).

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM S90V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 56 - 58.

Analogue of steel for knives of the CPM S90V brand in other countries: X230CrVMo14 9 (Germany).

CPM S90V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CPM S90V steel: Microtech, Spyderco.

Steel CPM S110V. It's no secret that in terms of creating high-hard powder steel alloys, American metallurgical concerns are ahead of the rest. There is a whole series of powder steels that are created using the patented CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy Process) technology. The peculiarity of this technology allows you to create alloys in which the chemical elements create the most homogeneous structure. CPM S110V steel is a top alloy containing the following alloying elements: niobium, vanadium and molybdenum. All these components are refractory metals of high hardness. Molybdenum allows you to harden the blade to a level of 61-63HRC. Vanadium endows the crystal lattice of the alloy with elasticity and viscosity, as well as resistance to chemically active media. Niobium gives the alloy high resistance to corrosion and pitting. It is worth noting that the combination of these elements gives knives made of CPM S110V steel high performance. The blade is difficult to sharpen, but subsequently, the knife can work for a long time without losing its original sharpness. Due to these characteristics, steel is often used to create author's, custom and small-scale premium-segment knives.

The hardness of steel for knives of the CPM S110V brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60-61.

Similar to CPM S110V knife steel in other countries: CPM S90V (USA).

CPM S110V knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades from CPM S110V steel: Spyderco, Zero Tolerance.

Steel CPM-154. This steel is made using amorphous metal alloy technology, better known among knife makers and hobbyists under the acronym CPM (Crucible Particle Metallurgy process). CPM 154 is a CPM derivative of the standard Crucible 154 CM for kitchen, outdoor and folding knives. The manufacturing process of CPM is based on the even distribution of carbides in the material, as a result of which blades and blades made of CPM 154 steel are easier to grind and polish. It is also stronger than regular 154CM steel. Compared to 440C steel, CPM 154 steel is more resistant to corrosion, wear-resistant and hard, and also has a higher strength of blades made from it. In the knife industry, it holds blades and knives sharper better and is more resistant to chipping than 440C.

An analogue of steel for knives of the CPM-154 brand in other countries: RWL-34 (Sweden).

CPM-154 knife steel manufacturer: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CPM-154 steel: Hattori, G-Sakai.

Steel CV-134. High vanadium die steel powder processing for the manufacture of kitchen, tourist and folding knives. Provides a sufficiently high wear resistance of the blade with decent mechanics and corrosion resistance of the cutting surface of knives for various purposes. Good choice for high end hunting knives.

The hardness of steel for knives grade CV-134 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 62 - 63.

CV-134 knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals, Ltd.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of CV-134 steel: Hattori, G-Sakai.

Steel D-2. D-2 blade steel is sometimes referred to as "semi-stainless". It contains about 12% chromium, which is quite a bit short of the parameters of stainless steel for knives for various purposes. It is the most corrosion-resistant of all carbon greases, and at the same time it perfectly keeps the sharpening of the edge of the blade of a knife or blade. But it is less durable than other steels in this section, and at the same time does not lend itself to the final polishing of the surface of the blade of a kitchen, outdoor or folding knife. It is used by Bob Dozier in the production of knife art.

The hardness of steel for knives grade D 2 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 61.

An analogue of steel for knives grade D 2 in other countries: Kh12MF (Russia), SLD (Japan), X155CrMo12.1 (Germany), SKD-11 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade D 2: Crusible Metals (USA).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade D 2: Ontario, Busse, Ka Bar.

Steel DSR1K6. This alloy is a medium carbon high alloy stainless steel with high strength characteristics. DSR1K6 steel is not prone to chipping during the use of tools made from it. It is easy to edit and sharpen without losing its tactical characteristics. It is mainly intended for the manufacture of linings for multi-layered blades of kitchen, hunting and tourist knives.

The hardness of steel for knives of the DSR1K6 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 59.

Analog in domestic industry: 65X13.

DSR1K6 knife steel manufacturer: Daido steel, Ltd.

Manufacturers of DSR1K6 steel knives and blades: Kanetsugu

Elmax steel. In fact, in composition, this steel for the manufacture of kitchen, outdoor and folding knives is a 3% version of steel 440C, and, in some ways, the predecessor of the M390 and the “grandmother” of Vanax 35. The steel has been on the market for quite some time and is quite popular in the production of blades. and knife blades. In terms of durability, the knife grade is slightly inferior to M390 and roughly corresponds to CPM S30V. A good steel for making knives of medium and slightly higher grades.

The hardness of steel for knives of the Elmax brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60.

Elmax knife steel manufacturer: Uddeholm.

GIN-1 steel. Gingami steel or GIN-1 (old name G-2) is a fairly old and well-proven Japanese steel for making knives of high corrosion resistance. A blade or knife made of GIN-1 has a good, balanced cut and retains its sharpness for a long time. The name change was made in the late 90s, due to the availability of the G-2 plastic of the same name on the North American market. This stainless steel for knife making is easy to sharpen and long lasting. GIN-1 is most often used in the manufacture of Japanese kitchen knives and knives for yachtsmen, fishermen and divers due to its high degree of corrosion resistance.

GIN-1 knife steel manufacturer: Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of GIN-1 steel: Benchmade, Spyderco.

Gokunan steel. The soft, pliable and easy-to-work steel that is typically used to make Japanese laminate knives is also known as Gokunan-Tetsu and Gokunan-Koh. Most often, Gokunan steel is used as a soft center layer in harder metal linings. Many traditional Japanese knives (kiridashi and higonokami) are made using this technology. The soft layer provides fast sharpening and precise cuts, while the harder metal plates protect the cutting edge from damage. Quite often when creating covers, traditional 410 stainless steel is used with Gokunan. It can also be used vice versa, as soft facings of the central hard layer of steel in a package.

The full composition of the steel is kept secret, it is only known that the carbon content is 0.80%.

Gokunan knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Gokunan steel: Carter Cutlery, Takeda Hamono.

Steel H-1. H-1 steel is a unique phenomenon in the global knife industry. This American-made chrome-nickel steel was introduced to the market in 2003 by Benchmade and immediately became popular with knife and blade manufacturers. Due to its unusual chemical composition, it is highly resistant to corrosion and is ideal for using blades made from it in salt water. The production of H-1 steel uses virtually no carbon. Instead, hardening is carried out with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -80°C. Knives made from these steels boast high cutting performance and the ability to hold sharpening for a long time. H-1 is quite difficult to process and quite expensive, therefore it is used relatively rarely, most often in the manufacture of professional knives for yachtsmen, sailors and divers.

The hardness of steel for knives grade H-1 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

H 1 knife steel manufacturer: Benchmade.

Manufacturers of H-1 steel knives and blades: Benchmade, Spyderco.

Steel HAP 40. This steel belongs to a rare type of semi-stainless steel powder, which combines the high corrosion resistance of stainless steels and the ease of dressing and sharpening of the cutting edge of high-carbon steels. The manufacturer positions HAP 40 as one of the best modern steels for creating high-quality kitchen knives. Kitchen knives made from this steel are known for their extremely sharp cutting edge for a remarkably long time. When working on products of medium and high hardness, no jamming is formed on the cutting edge.

The hardness of steel for knives of the HAP 40 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 65-66.

HAP 40 blade steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of HAP 40 steel: Gihei-hamono.

Steel HAP 72. This alloy is a high-speed Japanese steel for the manufacture of kitchen, tourist and folding knives of increased hardness. The steel has a high wear resistance among high-alloy knife steels. The peculiarity of this steel is excellent grinding ability, dimensional stability during heat treatment, high strength of blades and knives made from it, and high resistance to abrasion. It is mainly used for the manufacture of cutting tools that require, among their tactical characteristics, high strength of the cutting surface.

The hardness of steel for knives of the HAP 72 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 69 - 72.

HAP 72 blade steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of HAP 72 steel: Katsumi Kitano.

HELLE HCS steel.

The hardness of steel for HELLE HCS knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 59.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of HELLE HCS steel: Helle.

INFI steel. The use of nitrogen in the composition of steel for the production of blades provides a high resistance of the cutting edge of the knife for such a relatively low carbon content. A small percentage of carbon makes steel for a knife or blade more elastic, that is, shock-resistant, in addition, the steel resists corrosion well. Presumably in terms of organization technical process Nitrogen and vanadium knife steel, Busse is partnering with Stratcor. The main secret of knife steel, of course, is not in this, but in heat treatment technology. But it is classified and is carried out exclusively by the Busse company itself.

The hardness of steel for INFI knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

INFI knife steel manufacturer: Busse.

Manufacturers of INFI steel knives and blades: Busse Combat.

Steel Kigami (Kigami "Yellow Paper"). Japanese Kigami steel (the so-called "Yellow Paper") is a high-strength and wear-resistant high-carbon alloy of one of the leading knife steel manufacturers Hitachi Metals (Japan). This steel is a tool alloy for the production of cutting tools for various purposes. The unique combination of stable and high hardness, strength and excellent toughness makes Kigami steel suitable for the production of blades for camping, kitchen, folding and hunting knives and blades.

The hardness of steel for Kigami brand knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): up to 62.

Manufacturer of steel for Kigami brand knives: Hitachi Metals (Japan).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Kigami steel: Masahiro, Tojiro.

Steel M390. It is a high-tech alloy created with the cooperation of Swedish and German metallurgists. Refers to powder alloys of the latest generation. During smelting, liquid metal is fed into the molds under high pressure, which ensures a high uniformity of the structure. To create steel, microgranules are used, which become part of the crystal lattice. Due to technological features, the alloy acquires high hardness and elasticity. The presence of vanadium and molybdenum in the composition of the alloy allows thermal hardening up to 60-62HRC. Steel was created specifically for the needs of the knife industry, great importance was given to high corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand strong shock loads. Recommended applications for M390 steel: premium folding and fixed knives, professional kitchen and chef's knives, gift and author's knives.

The hardness of steel for knives of the M390 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60-62 HRC.

M390 knife steel manufacturer: Böhler - Uddeholm AG, Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of 1M390 steel: Microtech, Benchmade, Lion Steel, Damir Safarov.

Steel MARSS 500

MARSS 500 knife steel manufacturer: Uddeholm Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of MARSS 500 steel: Lauri.

Steel MBS-26. This alloy is Masahiro's "proprietary" steel, for which Masahiro holds a patent. Steel is only used to make high quality chef's knives. Among the undoubted excellent properties of steel are excellent corrosion resistance, attractive appearance, in addition, knives made from this steel are perfectly polished. Steel perfectly perceives the sharpening of the cutting edge of the knife and has a high wear resistance of the blade blade. Remarkably holds the sharpening of the cutting edge, in terms of its cutting properties it approaches high-carbon steels. Allows you to make a blade of small thickness, which is very important for a kitchen knife.

The hardness of steel for knives of the MBS-26 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 60.

MBS-26 knife steel manufacturer: Masahiro (Japan).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of MBS-26 steel: Masahiro, Spyderco.

Steel MRS-30. This is a high-carbon molybdenum-vanadium stainless steel, developed by Daido Steel in 1965, on the personal order of the then president of Masahiro, specifically for the production of knives. The development took about five years, and today Daido Steel owns the exclusive right to manufacture the MBS-26. The right to sell products from this steel belongs to Masahiro. Steel perfectly perceives sharpening and has high wear resistance. In terms of its cutting properties, it approaches high-carbon steels. Allows you to make a blade of small thickness, which is very important for a kitchen knife.

MRS-30 knife steel manufacturer: Daido Steel (Japan).

Manufacturers of MRS-30 steel knives and blades: Masahiro.

Molybdenum Vanadium steel. This alloy is a high-carbon martensitic (forged or rolled) high-strength chromium alloy with molybdenum and vanadium alloying additions. Molybdenum vanadium steel is characterized by high corrosion resistance (stainless steel), high hardness, low susceptibility to oxidation by aggressive environments and stability of the original color. Cutting products made of molybdenum-vanadium alloy, whether it is a tourist, kitchen, hunting or folding knife or blade, have the properties to keep sharpening longer, retain their original aesthetic appearance over a long service life and are optimally suited for everyday intensive use. Molybdenum-vanadium steel is an optimally balanced alloy in terms of hardness and strength characteristics.

The cutting tool, made from a forged molybdenum-vanadium alloy, is produced using a single piece of steel and processed with several large tonnage hammers at once. Among the advantages of forged molybdenum-vanadium steel, one can note a greater density, and, as a result, increased strength of the resulting steel. Thickening at the base of the blade, which have knives and blades made of forged steel, give them additional rigidity, strength and resistance to bending. Professional cooks and hunters prefer such knives and blades due to their durability and tactical characteristics. The heat treatment of the blades is carried out in two stages - the steel undergoes a hardening process and becomes much harder. This is followed by tempering, which eliminates the internal stresses that arise in the structure of the metal, and reduces the brittleness of the steel.

Cutting tools, knives and blades made by the stamped method were inferior to forged cutlery only until recently. The emergence of the latest technologies has smoothed out the differences between them and brought forged and stamped tools closer in quality and tactical characteristics to each other. In addition to the high characteristics of the blade material, stamped tools made of molybdenum-vanadium steel are ergonomic due to the lower weight of knife blades and blades made from it.

The hardness of molybdenum-vanadium steel for knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58.

Manufacturer of molybdenum-vanadium steel for knives: Misono, Fujiwara Kanefusa.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of molybdenum-vanadium steel: Misono, Fujiwara Kanefusa.

Steel N 690. This is a martensitic, cobalt-alloyed steel for knife production, produced by the Austrian corporation Bohler-Uddeholm. The addition of cobalt makes the alloy structure for blades and knives uniform, and this is also facilitated by the unique technology of rolling steel sheets in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Alloy for making knives has excellent cutting properties, excellent resistance to impact loads, and excellent sharpening. The composition of this steel approximately corresponds to 440C, but contains more molybdenum and cobalt. It is sometimes referred to as Austrian 440C or Austrian cobalt stainless steel for blades. It has very high corrosion resistance and can be hardened to high levels on the Rockwell scale up to 60 HRC. It is considered a good steel for outdoor long lengths and tactical knives, which need to have not only a stable edge, but also the ability to withstand shock and side loads (turning and breaking).

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade N 690: Bohler Austria.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade N 690: Benchmade, Extreme Ratio.

Steel N690Co. For anyone who is even slightly familiar with chemistry, the "Co" sign in the name of the alloy indicates that this alloy contains cobalt - a rare metal of a dirty silver color, which is used to alloy martensitic steels. Steel belongs to the group of stainless steels, which are widely used for the manufacture of industrial tools: cutters, drills and other high-strength elements. Due to the presence of cobalt, the steel is well hardened up to 60-62 HRC and at the same time remains highly hard. Knives made of this steel can withstand the load of fracture and twisting well. Such properties make this steel suitable for making survival and tactical knives. In terms of its other characteristics, the steel is close to traditional 440C stainless steel.

The hardness of steel for knives brand 420 mod on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59-60.

Analogue of steel for knives of the N690Co brand in other countries: 440С (Japan).

N690Co knife steel manufacturer: Bohler-Uddeholm (Austria).

Manufacturers of N690Co knives and blades: Benchmade, Boker, Ontario.

Steel O-1. A very popular type of steel with blacksmiths and makers of kitchen, outdoor and folding knives, it has a reputation for being "generous, indulgent". An excellent steel that perfectly perceives and holds the burnishing of the blades and knives, and at the same time has a high tensile strength. However, it is subject to rapid corrosion. Despite the low cost, it is distinguished by the high strength of the blades made from it.

The hardness of steel for knives grade O-1 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60.

O-1 steel knife and blade manufacturers: Randall, Mad Dog.

Steel R2. Among the many technological secrets that knife makers hide from each other, as a rule, the main secret is the composition of steel, the process of its creation and the method of its hardening. In Europe and America, with their developed system of patents and registration of rights to inventions, the secret of a particular brand of steel ceases to be a secret from the moment the right is registered with the patent office. If another manufacturer needs a similar steel, then he slightly changes the composition of the original steel and receives a product that is close in characteristics. In Japan, things are different. If any master manages to achieve the ideal (in his opinion) steel composition, then he makes such steel on his own and does not reveal the secret of its composition. If it is not possible to independently produce such steel (lack of capacity for the required volume, labor intensity of production outside the steel foundry, lack of a chemical laboratory, etc.), enters into an agreement with the steel company, and this secret is passed down from generation to generation and belongs only to his family or trusted persons .

This type of steel is R2 steel, which is used by only a few knifemakers in the world. One of these masters is called Mr. ITOU (Hiroo Itou) and Mr. Tanaka. It is known that this is powder steel. Some models use Damascus steel facings made from Japanese 420J2 steel.

Those who have the knives of these masters unanimously assert that the blades have amazing sharpness, are not subject to corrosion and retain sharpening for a long time. This type of steel is produced by the Japanese concern Kobelco (Kobe Steel Group, Ltd.) and it is still not known exactly who owns the rights to the composition of R2 steel, master Mr. ITOU (Hiroo Itou) as the first person who began to make knives from this steel or the Kobelco concern.

Steel RWL 34. RWL 34 - hardening stainless steel (martensite) for the production of blades and knives. RWL-34 steel is a powder steel, it differs in that it is produced without a casting process, but with a sintering process, which allows you to create a blade that is ideal for cutting. RWL-34 is very popular with knife manufacturers, because with high hardness it is well processed and polished, blades made of such steel are not subject to corrosion, and the cutting edge keeps sharpening perfectly during operation.

The hardness of steel for knives of the RWL 34 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60 - 61.

An analogue of steel for knives of the RWL 34 brand in other countries: 100X15M (Russia), 154CM (USA), ATS-34 (Japan), X110CrMoV15 / 1.1411 (Germany).

RWL 34 knife steel manufacturer: Damasteel Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of RWL 34 steel: Eklund.

Shirogami steel. It is a high carbon unalloyed blade steel for Hitachi Metals Corporation. Literally translated, shiro gami means "white paper". Steel for blades and knives got its name from the color of the wrapper in which the manufacturer wraps it. Steel for the manufacture of kitchen, tourist and folding knives belongs to the group of "golden" steels with a high degree of purification and the simplest composition that came from ancient times. Hitachi Metals currently has several types of Shiro Gami in its working range, slightly differing in purity and carbon content. Knives made of this steel easily accept sharpening and hold it for a long time. Many experts, by right, consider this cut to be a reference. Like all carbon steels, Shiro Gami is not resistant to corrosion and requires careful maintenance.

The hardness of steel for Shirogami brand knives on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 62 - 64.

Shirogami knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Shirogami steel: Kasumi, Saji, Tojiro.


The hardness of steel for knives of the SILVER STEEL brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 61 - 62.

SILVER STEEL knife steel manufacturer: Piter Stub Germany.

Manufacturers of knives and blades from SILVER STEEL steel: Kainuun, Kellam Knives.

Steel SK-4. This Japanese tool steel is the equivalent of American 1095 steel and German W.Nr 1.1274 used for the production of kitchen, folding and outdoor knives. This knife making steel can have a hardness of up to 65 HRc, and contains a mixture of carbon in martensites with some dissolved cementites. Increasing the content of cementite in steel increases its resistance to abrasion and allows you to achieve the perfect balance between high strength characteristics of the blade and a high degree of sharpness of the cutting edge. Due to these characteristics, steels of this class are traditionally used for the manufacture of various hand tools, as well as for the manufacture of chisels and power saws in the woodworking industry. This steel has stood the test of time and has been used for many years in many countries.

SK-4 grade knife steel manufacturer: JFE Steel Japan.

Manufacturers of SK-4 steel knives and blades: SOG, Cold Steel, Fujiwara Kanefusa.

Steel SK-5. This Japanese tool steel is the equivalent of American 1084 steel and German W.Nr 1.1269 used for kitchen, folding and outdoor knives. This knife making steel can have a hardness of up to 65 HRc, and contains a mixture of carbon in martensites with some dissolved cementites. Increasing the content of cementite in steel increases its resistance to abrasion and allows you to achieve the perfect balance between high strength characteristics of the blade and a high degree of sharpness of the cutting edge. Due to these characteristics, steels of this class are traditionally used for the manufacture of various hand tools, as well as for the manufacture of chisels and power saws in the woodworking industry. This steel has stood the test of time and has been used for many years in many countries.

SK-5 grade knife steel manufacturer: JFE Steel Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades from SK-5 steel: SOG, Cold Steel.

Steel SG2. Powdered steel SG2, also known as Super Gold II, is currently considered one of the most high-tech alloys. The exact composition of the steel, as usual, is kept secret. The process of creating this steel occurs in two stages. At the first stage, the steel alloy is saturated with nitrogen in a special chamber. As a result of this operation, a powder is formed, which consists of dense particles. At the next stage, the powder is placed in a vacuum chamber, where the process of high-temperature melting under pressure takes place. As a result, the output of this process is the most homogeneous alloy, which is characterized by high hardness. Unlike other powder steels, SG2 has a number of advantages: it can be hardened to a higher hardness, less prone to brittleness. The latter factor is especially important, as it allows you to sharpen the knife to a sharper angle, while the cutting edge does not crumble during operation. Kitchen knives are made using SG2 steel with laminated carbon steel sheaths.

The hardness of steel for knives grade SG2 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60-64.

Alternative steel for SG2 knives in other countries: no

SG2 grade knife steel manufacturer: Takefu Special Steel Co.,Ltd (Japan).

Manufacturers of SG2 steel knives and blades: Ryusen Hamono Co., Ltd (Japan), Kai Industries Co., Ltd (Japan).

Steel SUJ-2. This is a Japanese structural steel, which is widely used in the production of various types of bearings. Moreover, all bearing elements are made of this steel: rolling balls, separators and guides. This type of steel is especially widely used in the production of needle type bearings. This steel in its composition and characteristics is an analogue of the Russian steel ШХ15. With the addition of alloying elements, it can be used for operation at high temperatures and in aggressive chemical environments. Traditionally used by Japanese knifemakers to create knives for use in conditions where maximum reliability is required. Steel is susceptible to corrosion, so knives made of steel require some care.

The hardness of steel for knives of the SUJ-2 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - a diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59-60.

Manufacturer of steel for SUJ-2 brand knives: Ryoma (Japan), Shougang steel (China).

SUS 304 steel. One of the most common steels with low carbon content and high corrosion resistance. Steel belongs to the austenitic class of steels, which provides products made from it with high strength. A feature of this steel is increased resistance to chemically active substances (acids, alkalis), due to which products from it are widely used in the chemical industry. An important quality is the ability to withstand high temperatures for a short time, up to 900 degrees Celsius. Such properties are provided by an oxide film of chromium, which is formed on the surface of the product. It is used to create food equipment, containers for the production and storage of alcoholic beverages. SUS304 is used to make knives, cutlery and kitchen accessories.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand SUS 304 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 70.

An analogue of steel for knives of the SUS 304 brand in other countries: AISI 304 (USA), 08X18H10 (Russia), PN 86020 (Poland).

Manufacturers of SUS 304 knives and blades: Del Ben.

Steel SUS 405. Multilayer laminated steel SUS 405 is an analogue of the well-known powder steel SRS 15. The main characteristics of this type of steel include the ability to be exposed to high temperatures, high resistance machining. Due to these properties, products made from this steel are used in shipbuilding and the military industry, in the space industry and in nuclear power. Turbine parts, highly reliable bearings and medical instruments are made from this steel.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand SUS 405 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 63-64.

SUS 405 grade knife steel manufacturer: Haihong International Trade (HK) CO., Limited.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of SUS 405 steel: G.Sakai, Takeda Hamono.

Swedish steel. Swedish steel Swedish steel is a high-strength and wear-resistant high-carbon alloy of one of the leading manufacturers SSAB Swedish Steel LLP (SSAB Svedish Steel LLP), LLP. This steel has been produced and supplied to the world's production facilities for the manufacture of knife art for more than 20 years. Main trademarks Among Swedish steels are Hardox wear-resistant steel, Weldox high-strength structural steel and Domex hot-rolled steel. In the knife industry, the Swedish steel brand Hardox is mainly used, which has proven itself due to its increased strength characteristics combined with high ductility. The unique combination of stable and high hardness, strength and excellent toughness makes Hardox material in demand for the production of tourist, kitchen, folding and hunting knives and blades.

The hardness of steel for knives of the Hardox Swedish steel brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 62.

Producer of hardox Swedish steel knife steel: SSAB Swedish Steel LLP (SSAB Svedish Steel LLP), TOO

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Hardox Swedish steel: Misono

Steel UHB 17VA

UHB 17VA knife steel manufacturer: Uddeholm Sweden.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of UHB 17VA steel: Lauri.


Analogue of steel for knives of the UHB ELMAX brand in other countries: X190CrMo17.3 (Germany).

UHB ELMAX knife steel manufacturer: Uddeholm Sweden.

UHC steel. This is a modified high-carbon steel for the production of knives with a minimum (or no) additives, an analogue of steel grade 1095. With the help of a specialized technological process increase the carbon content in steel. The negative point is the fragility of the blade blade. Carbon steel has found use in the manufacture of hunting knives, machetes and swords. Carbon steels are easier to sharpen, but because of their high carbon content, they are susceptible to corrosion. Carbon steel rusts and over time, the blades of knives and blades become covered with an oxide, gray or brown film, although the oxide film, unlike rust, does not have any negative effect on the blade. At the factory, carbon steel knives intended for export are usually coated with oil to prevent rust.

The hardness of steel for knives of the UHC brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 64 - 66.

Manufacturer of steel for knives of the UHC brand: Thissen Krupp Germany.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of UHC steel: Roselli.

Steel UX10. Developed by Misono, UX10 steel is an alloy that combines the physical characteristics of both carbon and stainless steel for the production of outdoor, kitchen, hunting and folding knives. The alloy was based on high-quality Swedish carbon steel (Sweden steel), which included additives (for example, chromium) to give the alloy the tactical and physical characteristics of stainless steel. The combination of the qualities of carbon and stainless steel in one alloy made UX10 steel in demand in the manufacture of knives and blades for various purposes. Knives and blades made of UX10 steel have the properties of fine cutting, high corrosion resistance, low maintenance and excellent ability to maintain the hardness of the cutting edge when re-sharpened. Also, knives and blades made of this steel are distinguished by a combination of the highest tactical characteristics of the alloy blade of the blade with the practicality of daily use.

Steel V-Toku#2. A rare type of steel with a high carbon content. Soft and ductile steel, which is used to create cutting tools for working on soft materials. Not produced commercially. Belongs to the type of alloy steels with an average content of chromium and vanadium. Created by some blacksmith shops in Japan when making a professional wood carving tool. The softness of this type of steel makes it possible to create a thin and sharp cutting edge on the tool, which allows you to create the finest patterns on soft wood. One of the few brands on display Russian market is a company Hiro Knives Co., Ltd, which produces a set of woodcarving of 9 traditional knives. The cutter blades are made of V-Toku#2 high carbon steel. The most widespread in Japan, has no direct analogues in other countries.

Manufacturers of V-Toku#2 steel knives and blades: Hiro Knives Co.

Steel Vg-1

The hardness of steel for knives grade Vg 1 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 59.

Vg 1 knife steel manufacturer: Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Vg 1: Cold Steel.

Steel VG-2. This alloy is a Japanese knife steel produced by Takefu Special Steel Co., Ltd., which has the properties of high corrosion resistance. It is mainly intended for the manufacture of facings for multi-layered blades of kitchen knives.

The hardness of steel for knives grade Vg-2 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 56 - 57.

Vg-2 knife steel manufacturer: Takefu Special Steel Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of Vg-2 steel: Tojiro, Kanetsugu

Steel VG-10.(short for V-Gold No. 10) - alloyed with cobalt and molybdenum, high-carbon corrosion-resistant steel for knife production. VG-10 was specially designed by Takefu Special Steel Co., Ltd. (Japan) for the needs of the knife industry and is one of the best steels for knives. Its composition is intermediate between ATS-34 and ATS-55 (these steel grades are considered the best knife steels). The toughness of this steel is sufficient to maintain the cutting edge even when the blade is hardened to a hardness of 60-62 Hrc, however, the steel is not brittle. A distinctive feature of VG-10 is the use of cobalt in the alloy - this expensive and rare alloying additive in steels makes the steel harder and tougher.

VG-10 knife steel manufacturer: Takefu Japan.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of VG-10 steel: Mcusta, Hattori, Hiroshi Saito, Spyderco, Fujiwara Kanefusa, Kanetsugu, Falkniven, etc.

Steel W-75. W-75 is a knife making steel manufactured by Thissen Krupp with an effective hardness of 59-62HRC. The carbon content in the alloy ranges from 0.7 to 0.8%. Carbon steel has found application in the manufacture of hunting knives, machetes and swords. Carbon steels are easier to sharpen, but because of their high carbon content, they are susceptible to corrosion. Carbon steel rusts and over time the blade of the blade becomes covered with an oxide, gray or brown film, although the oxide film, unlike rust, does not have any negative effect on the blade. At the factory, carbon steel knives intended for export are usually coated with oil to prevent rust.

The hardness of steel for knives grade W 75 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 - 62.

Manufacturer of steel for knives brand W 75: Thissen Krupp Germany.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of W 75 steel: Roselli.

Steel ZA-18. This alloy is a Japanese alloy designed and manufactured by Aichi Steel on special order from Kanetsugu. Steel ZA-18 is an improved analogue of the well-known knife alloy VG-10. A feature of the production of the alloy is hardening followed by cryogenic treatment (cryogenic hardening) to transform the remaining austenite into martensite. A distinctive feature of ZA-18 steel is the use of cobalt in the alloy - this expensive and rare alloying additive in knife steels makes the steel harder and tougher.

The hardness of steel for knives of the brand ZA-18 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60 - 61.

ZA-18 knife steel manufacturer: Daido steel, Ltd.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of ZA-18 steel: Kanetsugu

Steel ZDP-189. Powder steel ZDP-189 - high-chromium, ultra-high-carbon tool steel of the highest category, manufactured by Hitachi Metals Corporation (Japan). Developed on the basis of amorphous metal alloy technology, it is used for making knives. Allows very high hardness (up to HRc 69). Due to the presence of three percent carbon in the alloy, it should be considered cast iron, however, classifiers classified it as high-carbon steel due to modern powder technologies that were used in the production of ZDP-189. After ZDP189 went on sale, the opinions of knifemakers about the properties of this new steel were divided into two groups - some admired the high cutting properties, others, on the contrary, said that the steel was very brittle and the cutting edge was constantly chipped.

The hardness of steel for knives of the ZDP-189 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - a diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 69.

ZDP-189 knife steel manufacturer: Hitachi Metals.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of ZDP-189 steel: Kitano, Sanetu, Konosuke-Sakai, etc.

Steel 100 X13M. Alloy stainless steel of domestic production, used for the production of tourist, kitchen and folding knives. Steel grade 100X13M was originally developed as a steel for cutting tools (it was put into production on 01/01/1981, the foreign analogue according to AISI is steel 154CM). Products made of high-quality stainless steel grade 100X13M (EI515) are unique in their working properties. The use of such material achieves an excellent combination of cutting and strength properties, corrosion resistance and the possibility of sharpening at home.

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade 100 X13M: ZMZ (Russia).

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 100 X13M: Zlatko.

Steel 110 Kh18MShD. This high chromium tool steel is used in special purpose bearings and critical surgical instruments due to its high strength and wear resistance requirements. It is an expensive and labor-intensive steel, but the blades and knives forged from it are excellent. The presence of harmful impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus is less compared to other knife steels. The main element of steel is chromium. It increases the cutting properties of steel for knives and blades and its wear resistance, and also increases the strength of the blades.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 110 X18MShD on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 58 - 61.

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade 110 H18MShD: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 110 H18MShD: Ros Arms.

Steel 50X14MF. This alloy is used not only for the manufacture of knives, blades and tools for various purposes, but also for cutting tools in the medical and food industries (for example, all-metal scalpels, removable blades). Therefore, it is subject to increased requirements for strength and corrosion resistance. Steel for knife production is smelted in open electric arc and induction furnaces or in vacuum induction furnaces, followed by vacuum arc remelting.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 50X14MF on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 55 - 58.

An analogue of steel for knives of the brand 50X14MF in other countries: 420mod (USA), SUS420J2 (Japan), X45CrMoV15 / 1.4034 (Germany), 10C29 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives brand 50X14MF: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 50X14MF: Kizlyar, NOKS.

Steel 65 X13. One of the most popular blade materials is 65X13 steel. Its original purpose is a cutting tool, kitchen knives, saws, removable blades, scalpels, razor blades. Since scalpels and other medical instruments are often made from it, it is also often called "medical". It was developed a very long time ago and, probably, no longer fully meets the modern requirements for cutlery. However, this is an inexpensive stainless steel that does not require serious maintenance, is relatively easy to sharpen and keeps sharpening blades and knife blades well. In general - a fairly good option for an inexpensive work and gift knife. With proper heat treatment, it has a hardness of 56-58 HRC, and with proper sharpening of the blade, it has good cutting properties and wear resistance.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 65 X13 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 56 - 58.

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 65 X13 in other countries: 440A (USA), AUS6 (Japan), X55CrMo14 (Germany), AEB-L (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade 65 X13: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 65 X13: Kizlyar, SARO, SSO.

Steel 770

An analogue of steel for knives of grade 770 in other countries: 65G (Russia).

Manufacturer of 770 knife steel: Uddeholm Sweden.

Manufacturers of 770 steel knives and blades: Eriksson, Frost.

Steel 95X18. 95X18 - high-alloy stainless steel for knife production, with high hardness, cutting edge resistance, moderate corrosion resistance. According to the complex of its physical, chemical and mechanical properties, steel 95X18 is considered one of the best materials for the manufacture of bladed weapons. Steel is quite difficult in the production of knives. Requires strict observance of the modes of mechanical and heat treatment, is expensive and time-consuming in processing. Subject to technology, it has a high hardness of 60-62 HRC, while being flexible and very durable. In general, it is one of the best steels used for the production of knives in terms of price-quality ratio. The purpose of steel 95X18 is parts that require high strength and wear resistance and operate at temperatures up to 500 C or are exposed to moderate aggressive environments.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 95 X18 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 57 - 60.

Manufacturer of steel for knives brand 95 X18: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade 95 X18: AiR, NOKS.

Steel R6M5. P6M5 - high speed tool steel. High-speed steels are used for cutting tools operating under conditions of significant loading and heating of the working edges. High speed steel tools are highly stable and are well suited for making kitchen, camping or folding knives. Steel R6M5 basically replaced steel R18, R12 and R9 and found application in the processing of non-ferrous alloys, cast iron, carbon and alloy steels, as well as some heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant steels.

The hardness of steel for knives grade R6M5 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 63 - 65.

Manufacturer of steel for knives grade R6M5: Russia.

Steel Kh12MF. Damask steel, profiling rollers of complex shapes, sections of body dies of complex shapes, complex hole-piercing dies when forming sheet metal, reference gears, knurling dies, drawing dies, dies and punches for punching punching dies with a complex configuration of working parts and stamping of the active part of electrical machines are poured from Kh12MF steel . Also, X12MF steel has proven itself well in the manufacture of blades for knives. Unpretentious, but easy-to-use steel for the manufacture of knife tools.

The hardness of steel for knives of the X12MF brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 60 - 62.

An analogue of steel for knives of the X12MF brand in other countries: SLD (Japan), X155CrMo12.1 (Germany), SKD-11 (Sweden).

Manufacturer of steel for knives brand X12MF: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of X12MF steel: Kizlyar.

Steel ШХ15. For critical parts of instruments and machines, in some cases, hardened steels with high hardness, hardened by martensitic transformation, are used; this alloy belongs to such steels. Repeated cold treatment, alternating with tempering, improves the resistance to microplastic deformation and dimensional stability of hardened high-carbon steel for the production of kitchen, outdoor and folding knives.

The hardness of steel for knives of the ShKh15 brand on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - a diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 - 61.

An analogue of steel for knives of the ShKh15 brand in other countries: 52100 (USA).

Manufacturer of steel for knives of the ShKh15 brand: Russia.

Manufacturers of knives and blades made of steel grade ShKh15: Kizlyar.

Steel 100CrMo7. A high strength bearing steel that is used to make balls and rollers for large size bearings. Unlike similar chromium-plated steels, it has a high resistance to long-term mechanical stress and a low temporary fatigue threshold. It is not prone to tempering during prolonged heating, it is poorly subjected to zone hardening. Has high hardness, not plastic. In the process of smelting, steel acquires a bainitic structure, which provides it with high strength and toughness.

The hardness of steel for knives grade 100CrMo7 on the Rockwell scale (HRC, itdentor - diamond cone with an angle of 120⁰ at the top, load 150 kgf): 59 -65.

An analogue of steel for knives of the 100CrMo7 brand in other countries: K19965 (USA), SUJ5 (Japan), 100CrMo7-3 (England, France, Italy), 1.3536 (Germany).

100CrMo7 knife steel manufacturer: LongHal Steel (China), Takefu Special Steel Co.,Ltd. (Japan)

Zirconium ceramics (Nanoceramics, English Nanoceramics). Zirconium ceramics is one of the types of materials that are better known in Russia under the term "nanoceramics". The main developer and manufacturer of various types of nanoceramics in Russia is state corporation Rosnano. Nanoceramics include non-metallic materials that are obtained from powders with a microstructure by high-temperature sintering or high-temperature molding. There are three basic types of nanoceramics:

    ceramics based on aluminum oxide Al2O3;

    ceramics based on aluminum and nitrogen compounds AIN;

    ceramics based on carbide compounds

    zirconium ceramics based on zirconium dioxide >ZrO.

Powder sintered materials based on zirconium dioxide have long been used in jewelry and medical applications. In the mid-80s of the last century, the Japanese company Kyocera produced a trial batch of zirconium ceramic knives.

There are two types of zirconia knives: white and black ceramic. White ceramics are obtained in the usual way. Black ceramics undergo a longer heat treatment. To give black color, a special dye is used, which also acts as a stabilizer. Black zirconium ceramic is more resistant to mechanical damage.

It is not surprising that it was the Japanese craftsmen, with their eternal desire to find the best material for knife blades, who were the pioneers in this matter. Any steel, even with the highest corrosion resistance, begins to lose its stainless properties during long-term use, and eventually begins to enter into chemical reactions with products. The result is an unpleasant smell or bitter taste in products.

The Japanese, whose national cuisine consists of a large number of dishes without heat treatment, are very sensitive to such things. The main and main advantage of knives made of zirconium ceramics is the complete absence of taste and smell in this type of material.

Second important aspect use of ceramic knives is their incredible sharpness and high resistance of the cutting edge. With proper and careful use, a high-quality ceramic knife needs to be sharpened about once every few months. While the knife is made of stainless steel, with regular use you have to sharpen it about once a week.

The downside of these advantages is a certain fragility of knives and blades made of zirconium ceramics. The knife may break if dropped, subjected to a strong blow, or when working on frozen food. When choosing a ceramic knife, keep this in mind and be careful.

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Carefully preserving traditions, Japanese masters managed to carry through the centuries the best that was discovered in ancient times. worldwide famous company HITACHI has a HITACHI STEEL division that deals with both traditional and modern materials. Interestingly, the high-carbon steels produced by the company are also called "gold". These are highly refined steels with the simplest composition - carbon and iron. These are the KIGAMI "yellow paper" and SHIROGAMI "white paper" brands. As you know, steel is an alloy of carbon and iron, and it was in this form that steel came to us from time immemorial. HITACHI, now using modern equipment, produces these steels exactly as they were hundreds of years ago.

Each sheet of steel is wrapped in colored paper, hence the name. The uniqueness of the steels lies in their amazing cutting properties, which is why I call them "Golden" - knives made from such steels are the sharpest. It is from them that traditional sashimi knives are made. However, these steels rust and require maintenance. The “blue” AOGAMI paper, which contains alloying additives, stands a little apart here. They give steel corrosion resistance, steel acquires new properties without losing old ones.

But knives made from Japanese MBS-26 steel, which has an interesting history of its appearance, have gained even more popularity. When, in the 70s, Hattori Noboru proposed to his father, the founder of MASAHIRO, to introduce stainless steel into production. This met with denial. Which even led to a quarrel. But in fact, everyone had their own truth. The knife, made of carbon steel, quickly rusted, but remained sharp. A stainless steel knife dulls quickly. The conflict was only resolved when Hattori Noboru, together with Daido Steel's professor Nishike Ori, created MBS-26 stainless steel. Only then the founder of the Masahiro company, Hattori Kazuichi, gave the go-ahead for the manufacture of knives from steel protected from corrosion. MBS-26 steel has been registered with the Japan Chamber of Materials. From this steel it was possible to make cutlery with high cutting properties. With its help, it became possible to introduce new ideas and expand production.

Not only chromium, which protects the steel from rust, but also other alloying additives began to be introduced during the manufacturing process. And one of the interesting elements is molybdenum. This element is directly related to Japanese steels. The fact is that samurai swords have unique mechanical properties, they are able to withstand enormous loads and not break. As it turned out, the reason for this was iron alloyed with molybdenum in natural conditions. Since scientists established this fact, molybdenum has been used to alloy steels. Today, almost all knife steels contain molybdenum and vanadium, which significantly improve their properties. What other elements are used in the creation of modern steels? The list here is very interesting. And each chemical element is not accidental. Because it has its own characteristics. By introducing them, the manufacturer seeks to improve the properties of steel and correct them in one direction or another.

Chemical elements that make up knife steels:

Carbon- the main element that determines the properties of steel. It is thanks to carbon that steel is able to be hardened. The hardness and strength of steel for knives depends on the amount of carbon, although it also increases its tendency to corrosion. Regarding steel for knives, we are interested in steels with a carbon content of at least 0.6%. It is from this mark that steel can be hardened to normal hardness. Although it is not uncommon to still find very simple, cheap knives made of steel saturated with carbon up to 0.4% -0.6%.

Chromium- the next most common element in steels. Chromium helps the alloy resist corrosion and makes it stainless. Officially, steel is considered "stainless" if it contains at least 14% chromium. In addition to its main property, chromium negatively affects the strength of steel.

Molybdenum- used as an alloying additive that increases the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of steel. Molybdenum enhances the effect of chromium in the alloy, improves hardenability, and makes the composition more uniform. In fact, it improves almost all properties of the alloy. Molybdenum is an essential element in high speed steels. Steels with the addition of molybdenum are used for the manufacture of parts operating in aggressive environments and at high temperatures. That is, in the chemical industry, in the details of jet engines, etc.

Vanadium- a remarkable element capable of improving the properties of many alloys. Improves strength and significantly increases the wear resistance of steel. It is added to all the same high-speed and tool steels. For us, this means that the blade steel will last longer when cutting cardboard, felt, rope, and other similar materials. But the knife will be harder to sharpen.

Tungsten- the metal with the highest melting point of all metals. It is used in various devices and industries, from light bulbs to nuclear reactors. Tungsten is an integral element in the composition of high-speed steels. In addition to temperature resistance, knife steel acquires properties that positively affect hardness and wear resistance.

Cobalt is another metal with many uses, from cow feed to spaceships. In some quantities, cobalt is added to high speed steels and hard alloys. Of the steels used in knives, VG-10 and N690 steels contain about 1.5% cobalt. Nitrogen - used in steels as a substitute for carbon and nickel.

Nitrogen enhances the corrosion resistance and wear resistance of knife steel. And allows very low carbon steel to be hardened. For example, H1 steel in which there is only 0.15% carbon, but 0.1% nitrogen allows it to be hardened at 58 HRC and makes it almost completely stainless.

Nickel- also increases the corrosion resistance of steel and is able to slightly increase strength. A lot of nickel is present in the same H1 steel.

Silicon- an element necessary in the production of steels. It removes oxygen from the metal. Well, at the same time it is able to slightly increase the strength and corrosion resistance.

Sulfur- is not a useful element, it reduces the mechanical properties of steel and reduces its resistance to corrosion. Therefore, sulfur in steels is usually very small, only what could not be removed from the steel during its production. However, sulfur can be added to improve the machinability of wear resistant steels.

Manganese- as a useful and necessary element is used at the stage of steel smelting. Able to increase the hardness of steel. Rails, tanks, safes, etc. are made from steels with a significant manganese content.

Titanium- can be added to alloys to improve strength, corrosion and temperature resistance.

All of these components give knife steels different physical characteristics, which are described in terms such as Hardness, Strength, and Wear resistance. What do these concepts mean?

Characteristics of Knife Steels:

Hardness- the ability of a substance to resist the penetration of another body into it. That is, the ability to resist deformation and change in shape. For knives, the actual technique is Rockwell measurements. Hardness is tested by pressing a metal or diamond ball or cone into the substance. It is measured in conventional units designated HRC (or RC). The scale of the device has markings from 20 to 67 units.

Strength- the ability of a substance to resist destruction (not to deform irreversibly).

wear resistance- the ability of a material to resist wear (loss of weight and shape) under friction. Wear resistance depends on the hardness of the steel (ceteris paribus, higher hardness provides higher wear resistance) and on the amount and type of carbides in the steel. Carbides are compounds of iron and other metals with carbon. The hardest carbides are vanadium carbides, followed by molybdenum and tungsten carbides. The wear resistance of steel almost directly affects the ability of the knife to hold sharpening, not to dull. Steel composition table:

A professional kitchen always has dishes that are used mainly in catering establishments. This is the so-called professional cookware for real professionals in cooking. This type includes a frying pan made of special blue steel.

The use of pans made of any steel is fraught with certain difficulties - you need to carefully control the cooking time and temperature in order to avoid missteps. Steel pans (both blue steel and steel pans) do not have a non-stick coating. They do not forgive mistakes on the part of the cook - getting charred pieces of dough instead of pancakes is a very real prospect. This fully applies to blue steel.

Advantages and disadvantages

To positive moments in the use of pans made of blue steel, include:

  • durability - dishes with proper care do not lose appearance and qualities for many years;
    convenience of shape and design - such a pan does not have a single sharp corner, so food slides onto a plate without problems;
  • ergonomic shape - a special-shaped handle (the so-called French bend) allows you to take the pan with any grip and even with your left hand;
  • frying pans are suitable for any heating, including induction;
  • steel of this type is ideal for frying - meat is especially juicy, on which a crust forms at a temperature above 140 degrees (caramelization occurs), which prevents the product from drying out from the inside.

The disadvantages are:

  • sensitivity to overheating - products can easily burn;
  • delicacy in care - the product is afraid of temperature changes, dampness and acidic environments.

Main types

blue steel pass heat treatment, which gives it a bluish tint, which is a sign of a high carbon content in the metal.

A frying pan made of such a durable material has a special shape called "Lyon". Such dishes have high walls of convex geometry, expanded at the top. All forms of folds are rounded. The handles are characteristically curved, made of sheet steel. They are attached to the body of the pan by welding or riveting.

There are two types of pans made of blue steel:

  1. With a wall and bottom thickness of 1-1.5 millimeters. This type is semi-professional. With strong heating, the material can easily be deformed, so the dishes are absolutely not applicable in a professional kitchen. To work with such a frying pan, a low-power heating source is required. On the market, this type of frying pan is known as "La lionaise".
  2. With a wall and bottom thickness of 2 mm. Models of this type are heavy-duty professional cookware suitable for use on medium power heat sources. Trade name "Force Blue".

How to choose a good frying pan

When buying this type of frying pan, you should first of all pay attention to the thickness of the steel. If you are cooking on low power sources, a thickness of 1-1.5 millimeters will do. For powerful heat sources, a more durable and expensive model will be required.

The next important parameter is the diameter, which is selected depending on the needs of a particular kitchen and the size of the burners. The diameter must not be too small or larger than the burner. The most common diameter sizes are from 12 to 32 centimeters.

Particular attention is paid to the instructions and the warranty card. The minimum warranty period is one year. The instructions must indicate the manufacturer and material of the product.

Care rules

The duration of the use of the pan largely depends on proper preparation. A darkened frying pan soaked in oil is considered the highest quality - it does not require a large amount of fat during cooking.

A new pan is freed from the label and glue with water and a porous sponge. Then two teaspoons of vegetable oil are poured into it and an additional small piece is placed. butter. The dishes are heated to the maximum and calcined. Then the oil is drained and its residues are removed with paper with good adsorbing properties. Only after that the pan is ready for use.

To ensure a long service life of the pan, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Before starting cooking, the pan must be warmed up.
  2. It is forbidden to store ready meals in it.
  3. For washing, hot water without detergents is used. Use of a kitchen sponge is allowed.
  4. For long-term storage or placement in a humid room, it is recommended to additionally treat the pan with vegetable oil and wipe it with a paper towel.
  5. The pan must be stored in a dry place.
  6. Do not place it in too cold or hot water!
  7. Also, this type of dishes cannot be washed in dishwasher due to the use of high temperatures and aggressive detergents there.

Kitchen salt is used to remove odors and heavy soiling. Having covered the bottom of the pan with salt, it is necessary to heat it strongly for one minute. The salt is then removed with absorbent paper.

To avoid burning, the products must be fried on both sides over high heat. Then the fire is reduced and cooking is completed by slowly languishing the food in its juice.

Popular brands

Steel pans have always been considered premium cookware. They are issued by firms with a large experience in the production of kitchen utensils, earned the trust of customers.

The French brand De Buyer has been working with metals for over 180 years. The pans produced by the company are distinguished by their quality and modern design, which is appreciated by the chefs at Buckingham Palace and the residences of many world leaders.

Blue or blued steel reliably protects the product from possible oxidation before use. It is possible to heat pans made of steel of this type of hardening on gas, electric, glass-ceramic and.

According to chefs, De Buyer French frying pans, cast from blue steel, are distinguished by a convenient design and shape, as well as high wear resistance of materials.

The price, given the quality of the goods, is quite affordable.:

    Speaking of blue steel frying pans, it is worth pointing out the huge minus of these frying pans, of course they look great, and the fact that they are entirely made of metal really looks beautiful, but they did not take into account a very simple fact, the handle of the frying pan itself heats up when cooking and take it with bare hands is not possible, you have to use a towel for this, which, of course, is very disappointing, because you paid a round sum for a frying pan, and such a simple thing is not taken into account.