An hour of fun for elementary school. An entertaining event for primary schoolchildren "button kaleidoscope". Letter to the Future

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An entertaining event for students of the Detskoteka primary school. Scenario

Prepared by primary school teacher MAOU Secondary School No. 58 in Ulan-Ude Afanasyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna.
Target: variety of leisure activities for children.
Tasks: develop free communication skills, set an example of cultural recreation, and contribute to the unity of the children's team.
Description: This event is aimed at children of primary school age. It will be useful for counselors and summer camp teachers.

Progress of the event.

1. Organizational moment. Presenter's opening remarks:
– Guys, we invited you to a children’s club called “Grasshopper”. And they called it that because you will have fun playing here, dancing and jumping like grasshoppers.
Since we have a children's dance today, we will definitely dance today. All boys and girls who know how to do this, and who are not yet very confident. The circle in which we will dance is magical - everything works here and everyone succeeds!
2.Dance program.
1) - There is a dance that all children can dance, including you guys. It's called "Ducklings". If you know the moves, go to the center. That’s good, and now all together! (beaks - wings - tails - 4 claps - walk at a pace with jumps in a circle, and all over again)
2) - You all danced very well. Please don't disperse. Now we will dance another well-known dance. Did you recognize the music? (“Lambada”) Who can show the moves? Great! And now all together!
3) - And now I propose to play “Chamomile”. Please take your seats, boys, let the girls pass first. Is everyone seated? Tasks are written on the petals of the magic daisy. The main rule is that you cannot refuse to complete a task.
* Guess: what can’t you lock in the chest? (ray of sunshine)
* Without arms, without legs, but climbs uphill. (dough)
* Easy to carry, but difficult to count. (hair)
*Recite your favorite poem.
* Sing a song.
* Give the received prize to a girl (girl to boy).
* Tongue twister: repeat “Eagle King” 10 times.
* Invite a girl (boy) to a waltz.
* Tell the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” using pantomime.
* Portray a fairy-tale hero so that the audience recognizes him.
* Draw a car blindfolded.
* Draw a blindfolded cat.
*Guess: why does a duck swim?
* What tree does the crow sit on after the rain?
4) - And now I invite you to the circle again. The girls come out first, then the boys come out. Dance game: while the music is playing, everyone dances. The music stopped and everyone froze. Whoever moves first is eliminated from the dance.
5) - Competition for the best dancers among the remaining five guys! Who will dance who?
6) - And now the dance “Invitation with a prize”: in the middle of the hall there is a chair, a girl (boy) sits on it, she has a prize in her hands. You can only invite the person sitting on this chair. A girl sits, two boys are invited, and vice versa. She goes to dance with one, the other sits down with a prize, etc. The prize goes to the one who sits on the chair at the end of the music.
7) - To cheer you up, I propose to play the round dance game “A girl walked along the path” (the girls form an inner circle, and the boys form an outer circle. They walk facing each other in different directions, saying:

Two earrings, two rings, give the fellow a hug. – stop and hug;
A girl was walking along the path and dropped two earrings.
Two earrings, five rings, hug me, well done! - the same.
8) - Shall we dance again? Then I invite you to the circle. Waltz! (girls form an inner circle, and boys form an outer one. Standing facing each other, holding hands, they sway: 1,2,3, on their toes, 1,2,3, on their toes, clap, and separate - the boys take an extension step to the right, and the girls sway in place. This is how the partners change, and all over again).
8) - And now the last dance. “Invitation while dancing”, the main rule: you can’t refuse.
3. Farewell.
- Goodbye, you danced very well! Don't forget, girls go out first.

Lesson summary "The Road of Good"

Suvorova Elena Alexandrovna

MAOU secondary school No. 2

After-school teacher.

The theme is “THE ROAD OF GOOD”.


The entertainment game “The Road of Goodness” is dedicated to the holiday of March 8th. These are competitions and games for children 7-8 years old in honor of the holiday on March 8th. The material is aimed at instilling in students a respectful attitude towards mothers.

Target: Forming in children a feeling of love and respect for their mother.


    expand students' understanding of holidays.

    developing the ability to choose a rhyme.

    formation of moral and aesthetic values, respect for mothers.

    development of children's creative abilities.

    development of thinking, imagination, speech.

    develop interpersonal communication skills.

    development of reaction speed.

Equipment: on the board there are names of stations and sheets of assignments; balloons – 3 pcs., toys, composition “Dance of the Little Ducklings” (folk music, lyrics by Y. Entin), sheets of paper, color templates, colored pencils.

Interdisciplinary connections: literary reading, drawing, music.


The music “The Road of Good” is playing Minkov M. (music), Entin Y. (lyrics).


There is such a day in March

With a number, like a pretzel.

Who of you. Guys, do you know?

The children will tell you in unison:

- This is the holiday of our mothers!

A message was received from one of the railway stations: “The train is bringing gifts to mothers for March 8th. He is late. To make it on time, the driver chose a short road. It has the fewest stops. But the fact is that this road is special. It's called THE ROAD OF GOOD. Only after completing all the tasks - good deeds invented by the station master - does the train driver receive permission to move to another station, where new good deeds await him. There are only 5 stations. But the driver is not sure that he alone can cope with all the tasks quickly, so he asks for help.”

Guys, do you want your mothers to receive gifts on time? Let's help the driver!

Warm up.

    Mom's mom. (Grandmother)

    Mom in childhood (Girl)

    What are the names of dad's mom and mom's mom? (Grandmother)

    A flower whose name mentions the mother and step-mother. (Coltsfoot)

    The mother from which fairy tale had her six children swallowed by a predator. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    Which mother from the animal world carries her baby in a bag. (Kangaroo).

    A bear cub who lost its mother. (Umka)

    What is the name of the work in which everyone called his mother's son uncle? (“Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”).

So the train is already approaching the stationHARDWORKING.

Mom is the soul and warmth of the whole house,

She won't teach you anything bad.

Mom teaches us to be good

Mom teaches us to be friends and love.

Be kind, gentle, smart!

Understand everything and respect people!

Clean the house, cook dinner

And sew a shirt for my son.

Mom can do everything!

He will understand and regret it.

Guys, mom has so much to do! And how she manages everything. Yes, sometimes she has to do several things at once. What task did the head of this station come up with? What good deed will we do now?

Exercise. You need to collect all the toys scattered on the floor and at the same time keep the balloon in the air. (Three people participate).

Educator . I think we tidied up all the toys well and quickly. And now the station master gives a signal that the train can move on. Hooray! This is our first victory! First good deed! What is the name of the next station?

And here she is. Station -GENTLE . We listen to the task invented by the boss.

Exercise. Come up with as many affectionate, kind words for your mother as possible.

Example. Mom (what?) is kind, affectionate, sweet, gentle, beautiful, beloved, good, charming, modest, hardworking, generous...

Educator. - Guys, we did everything right. Another good deed. And on the road again! Next station -WRITERS . Probably, the boss here dreamed of becoming a poet or storyteller as a child, but he has problems with rhyme. Look what task he came up with.

Exercise. Come up with a rhyme.

Love-love-love, I love my mother very much...(love).

Ryu-ryu-ryu, I...(give her flowers).

Ay-ay-ay, happiness to her... (I wish).

Willow-willow-willow, always be... (beautiful).

Yes, yes, yes, don’t get sick... (never).

Oh-oh-oh, mom, I'm proud...(of you).

Educator. The attendant gives a signal, and the train moves on. We are increasingly convinced that the ROAD OF GOOD is the most interesting and entertaining. A little more effort and we will do a good deed: help the driver deliver gifts to mothers on time. So, the next station appeared -DANCE.

Not everything at the station is as simple as it seems. To perform the dance, you need to guess what kind of song will be played.

Exercise. Determine what song is playing based on 1-2 words from the text. But first you need to know these words. And to do this you will have to answer questions - riddles.

    The storyteller Andersen wrote a sad fairy tale about him with a happy ending.

    When he is small, he is yellow and fluffy.

    He loves to swim and dive in the water.

Guess: duckling – composition “Dance of the Little Ducklings”. (folk music, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

Musical physical education “Dance of the little ducklings.”

Guys, we are great! Another good deed! So, the last station appeared - the stationARTISTS.

Exercise. Draw a flower for mom by March 8th and decorate it.

Educator . THE ROAD OF GOOD has been passed! I think all mothers will receive gifts for the holiday on time! In addition, one gift - a handmade flower - is already ready.

And now I ask you to continue the phrase: “If I were a wizard, I would prepare such a gift for my mother...


    Holidays at school. Scenarios, competitions, quizzes, games. 1-4 grades / Comp. Zimina N.V. – M.: Tsentropoligraf Publishing House, 2011.

    Romashkova E.I. Fun birthday for kids. – M.: AST-PRESS SKD, 2006.

    Mishchenkova L.V. 25 educational activities for first graders.

Outdoor games for children - for schoolchildren.

Game for children “Hands up!”

The game is played by 8 or more people. You must have 1 coin. Everyone is divided into 2 teams and sits opposite each other at the table. One team receives a coin and the participants pass it to each other under the table. The commander of the opposing team slowly (you can silently) counts to ten, and then says: “Hands up!” The players of the team that passed the coin must immediately raise their hands up, with their hands clenched into fists. Then the commander says: “Hands down!” – and the players must place their hands, palms down, on the table. The one who has the coin tries to cover it with his palm. Now the players of the opposite team confer and decide who has the coin. If they guessed correctly, the coin goes to them; if not, it remains with the same team.

Game for schoolchildren "Discoverer"

First, participants are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “Populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little figures of people on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.


The presenter invites everyone to sing together, in chorus. To begin with, a song that everyone probably knows: “Moscow Nights” or “Blue Car”. At the first clap of the leader, everyone begins to sing loudly; at the second clap, the singing continues, but only mentally, silently; at the third clap, they sing out loud again. And so on several times until someone gets confused. The one who makes a mistake comes forward and invites everyone to sing some other well-known song. This is repeated several times. The leader can help everyone else by conducting the combined choir, especially during those moments when the participants are singing mentally.

Pass the orange

When the holidays begin, it doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, schoolchildren have a lot of free time, most of which they spend in front of the computer and TV. And it may not be so easy to tear your child away from the screen and monitor. What activities can be offered to schoolchildren to keep them interested, instead of electronic entertainment? There are quite a lot of them.

What will interest a younger student?

Among the cultural and entertainment events during the holidays, many can be organized by yourself, adding a little imagination.

A trip to the city zoo is an interesting event for younger schoolchildren, especially if the zoo hosts various holidays or celebrates animal birthdays. You can give a treat to the next birthday person every time as a gift.

Gather bored kids and play the most popular games from the childhood of parents and grandmothers: rubber band, bouncer, elephant, chains, edible-inedible and others.

To keep the kids from getting bored, parents can arrange the following activities during the holidays. You can invite your child’s friends to visit, together with their parents. Then you can arrange a family football match, as well as a darts battle or sack jumping.

A child’s participation in any group and games with peers will help develop communication skills, find common interests, and find best friends.

And if teachers come to an agreement with the management of various enterprises and take the children there, the children will be very happy about this. Such events could be trips to a confectionery factory, ice cream production, a Christmas tree decorations factory, a bakery and many others. Children will see with their own eyes how a freshly baked bun is born, the flow of caramel or chocolate mass, and how deftly the machines and professionals operate in such factories. And glassblowers, together with artists, will amaze children with their skill and creativity, making Christmas tree decorations.

The camp is a godsend for busy parents

A child can be sent to a camp where he definitely won’t be bored among his peers, and parents won’t have to worry about his leisure time. School day camps often fill up during the summer. Carefully thought out cultural and entertainment events, trips, thematic scenarios for the personal and creative development of each child, active and intellectual games - all this will help you spend your time both usefully and fun.

In addition to school ones, there are now a lot of other thematic camps, from sports to language ones. In them, children not only relax in comfortable conditions, strengthen physically, but also learn foreign languages, learn to be successful and sociable, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Entire event scenarios are being developed for schoolchildren of different ages. Many guys remain friends after the camp, communicate with each other and strive to return to their favorite places next summer.

Week of master classes

Among school events, spending such a week or even one day will be very interesting. The idea of ​​the event is that during this week or several days, some lessons at the school will be taught by famous people, masters of their craft, and outstanding professionals. You can invite a famous athlete or coach to a physical education lesson, a real guide will teach you a history lesson, a real practicing physicist will tell you about physical phenomena, and a chemist will show you the most interesting experiments.

The pastry chef will teach the girls how to decorate cakes, and an experienced carpenter will give the boys a master class on creating miracles from wood. You can invite workers from the most interesting professions. Such lessons will be remembered by everyone without exception, and perhaps will influence the choice of a future profession.

Letter to the Future

Great idea for graduating class. High school students should compose a creative letter with predictions and wishes for the future, which they then leave at school or seal and hide until a certain date 5-10-20 years later. The letter is created in the form of a collage, newspaper, and decorated with photographs and drawings. The main thing is to capture on it the entire composition of the class with its characteristics, wishes and dreams. It is interesting to read such a letter at an anniversary meeting and compare real successes with planned ones. This will be a great motivation for each participant.

Alley of Fading Childhood

The most useful and noble of activities for schoolchildren. One spring day, high school students, together with the forestry department, plant the alley of their passing childhood and give it a name that reflects the character of the class. In the future, you can bring your children and even grandchildren to such an alley.

School years are a wonderful time between kindergarten and student years. Schoolchildren can no longer be amazed and amused like naive kids; they can only be slightly pranked. And since they are cheerful people and are not averse to playing pranks on friends and teachers, you can more often organize such entertaining school events as KVN, fun festivals, all kinds of competitions and quizzes. For example, April Fool's Day on April 1 can be held according to a certain scenario.

Script for April Fool's Day

The whole school is preparing in advance for the event, so that on April 1 it will be possible to determine the winners in the competition for the funniest collage, decorate the corridors with funny posters, comic arrows and cartoons, and give funny names to all school classes and rooms.

On the front door of the school you can stick a notice “Do not enter without a smile”, call the dressing room “The Lost World”, the director’s office - the “Panic Room”, and the assistant principal’s office - the “Debriefing Room”. The teacher's room should be renamed "Terrarium of Like-Minded People", the chemistry room - "Drug Laboratory", the geography room - "Travel Agency", and at the first aid station write - "Whoever did not escape, we will cure him." The gym can be renamed "Eatery". At the entrance to the dining room write “Refueling Hall”.

The school assembly should also be special on this day. Each class will be tasked with lining up on a line according to special rules:

  • build by weight;
  • middle classes line up according to hair length;
  • senior classes - in alphabetical order;
  • graduates to build on the results of exams;
  • teachers line up according to height.

The team that completes this task faster will receive a reward.

You can come up with a lot of pranks, competitions, humor, and quizzes on April Fool's Day. At the end of the festival, the winning class is awarded the Young Comedian Challenge Cup, and the best participants are awarded tickets to a comedy film or comedy show. One condition - jokes should not be offensive, cheerful and funny.

A film about your class

Surely each of your classmates has videos or photos of interesting events from school life, and for graduation you can make a film from them about the whole class and about each individual. From the collected material, you can edit a video about everyone growing up and growing up. This requires time and a creative, collaborative approach; the film can be voiced and told about each of your classmates. The work is not easy, but the result will exceed all expectations and will be of interest to everyone - teachers, parents, and, of course, the mature students themselves.

Let's go camping

When the dusty city causes irritation, and the soul yearns for unknown paths, high school students get ready to go hiking. These are unforgettable events for schoolchildren and not only. Whether it’s a 10-day route through the endless Carpathians or a weekend run through a nearby forest, a hike always leaves the best memories in your memory if you’re properly prepared for it. Merging with nature, learning about the world, broadening one’s horizons, developing endurance, mutual assistance, independence - the advantages of tourism can hardly be overestimated. Often teachers themselves organize school events that children simply adore. When going on a hike with classmates or friends, you should consider the main factors in preparing for an encounter with nature:

  • You will need shoes and clothing suitable for hiking.
  • You should stock up on any mosquito and tick repellent.

When going on a hike, you should not forget about a first aid kit with the most necessary medications, such as iodine and brilliant green, ammonia, potassium permanganate, a rubber tourniquet, sterile bandages and cotton wool, an antipyretic, validol, nitroglycerin, painkillers, medications for upset and cramps in the stomach .

Variety of events

When preparing for school events, you should remember that for any of them an interesting scenario must be invented. Nowadays, school parties have become very popular, the scenarios of which are based on interesting stories from favorite TV shows, films and cartoons, where well-known characters are involved. You need to organize fun events, come up with holidays that are not on the calendar, organize flash mobs and many other dance competitions with different dance styles.

KVN is a fun, exciting game that is quite suitable for schoolchildren. Who else but schoolchildren notices all the interesting events of school life? Only they, with their irrepressible imagination, will notice the funniest facts happening around them. KVN is more of a way of life, and if schoolchildren start playing it, they should feel like the most fun and resourceful.

Quest is one of the interesting activities during the holidays, it is a team game in which the guys are the main characters of an exciting plot and they have to get out of a confined space, solving puzzles, showing attentiveness and ingenuity.

There are a lot of events for schoolchildren, it’s impossible to list them all, the main condition is that the children should be interested, because each of them is an individual, albeit a growing one. Mobile, active or desktop intellectual - all these entertainments will not only brighten up your leisure time and keep you from getting bored, but will also help you acquire new skills that will be useful in adult life. The main thing is not to let your mind and body get lazy and continue to improve in the future, after leaving school.