"100 Most Stylish" ceremony according to GQ magazine. "100 Most Stylish" ceremony according to GQ magazine Photo report of the 100 Most Stylish Men Award

Coming out of winter hibernation, the Moscow world went straight to the Olympic Games. The "100 Most Stylish" ceremony according to GQ magazine was an excellent occasion to finally take off the Bosco gear and announce a return to social life to Moscow

Twice a year, GQ Russia magazine prepares special issues for publication: one is dedicated to the “person of the year”, and the second — rating "100 most stylish". Both issues are accompanied by events to which GQ invites its colleagues and friends. New rating There was no exception, and the contenders for the title of “most stylish” gathered at one time and in one place- the renovated Central House of Writers restaurant to receive well-deserved statuettes.

Among the first to arrive at the event was Konstantin Remchukov: “The 100 most stylish in the Central House of Writers at GQ,”- reported editor-in-chief and owner of Nezavisimaya Gazetaon his Twitter. As the evening progressed, Konstantin Remchukov continued to update the microblog with photographs of the renovated restaurant and guests of the ceremony, but the quality of the photographs noticeably deteriorated, as photography became increasingly difficult as the halls of the Central House of Writers filled up. An hour and a half after the start of the event, it became clear that Moscow was ready for the opening of a new season of social events— the main characters are in place and ready to take the capital’s sites by storm.

Having taken the stage, GQ editor-in-chief Mikhail Idov spent several minutes trying to distract those gathered from heated conversations and discussions. When the main part of the evening finally started, Idov explained the criterion by which the hundred “most stylish” gathered: “It’s very simple. We left the office on Bolshaya Dmitrovka and looked for people with clean shoes.” Leaving aside the humor, Mikhail noted an important fact: “Previously, it was a problem for us to find even 50 stylish heroes, but now we have to leave hundreds of some behind!”

The editor-in-chief of GQ did not list those left out and immediately moved on to the winners: “For the first time, we divided the nominees into categories,”- said Idov. The first one- TV. And if the only one who came to your mind is Ivan Urgant, then you guessed right- the GQ award actually went to him. More precisely, Alexander Gudkov, who was supposed to receive a statuette instead of Urgant, but he was not in the hall either... Then Mikhail Idov announced: “The first person in a bow tie who goes on stage will take the prize.” In short, Ivan will now have to make a lot of effort if he still wants to find his prize.

“Because of this man, I haven’t been able to put on my own balloons for two years.”— Mikhail continued to name the winners. At the word “balls,” the crowd instantly dispersed in front of Andrei Bartenev so that he could go on stage. Indeed, exactly Bartenev last night he received a second statuette and even gave one of the longest acceptance speeches of the ceremony.

Next up on stage was actor Pyotr Fedorov, who also received a prize as “the most stylish actor.” And after the guests were in for a surprise— the men's magazine GQ for the first time awarded the “most stylish woman” award, which was named Svetlana Bondarchuk. “I actually came to receive the prize instead of Fedor, who was ill, and here there is such joy,”- said Svetlana.

Then it was time for the most important nominations: " Main character evenings- equal parts French, American and Russian. This person takes much longer than me to answer the question: “What are you doing here? Vladimir Pozner!”- announced Mikhail Idov. It was Vladimir Vladimirovich who this time was named “the most stylish” according to GQ.

The last to receive the statuette was a foreign hero. If last year Til Schweiger was named "most stylish foreigner", this time the award was in the hands of Lapo Elkann - grandson of the founder of the Italian automobile industry Gianni Agnelli, entrepreneur and heir to the FIAT empire.

Having handed out the figurines, the editor-in-chief of GQ hastened to give way to Igor Grigoriev, who entertained the guests with his music, and they, in turn, were in no hurry to leave, apparently agreeing on the next meeting, for which there would certainly be a reason.

On February 15, GQ magazine opened the season of social events for the sixth year in a row and gathered guests for a traditional cocktail on the occasion of the announcement of the annual list of the 100 most stylish men in Russia and the world. Always choosing the most unusual places for a cocktail, the GQ team this time invited guests to the space Central Market on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 1.

The partners of the evening were: the Audi company, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Russia this year - it is their VIP transfers that have been delivering event guests to cocktails for several years now; exclusive French brand Gray Goose, Pirelli company and Caspian Gold caviar house.

It would be absolutely impossible to distribute awards to everyone on the list of the most stylish during the evening, so only a few of them received black figurines in the form of the letters GQ from the hands of GQ editor-in-chief Igor Garanin.

That evening, six representatives of the stronger sex were awarded, whose elegance was appreciated by the editors of GQ. The announcement of the 100 most stylish examples of 2018 was also special because the awards ceremony was hosted by three-time participant in the list of the most stylish Philip Kirkorov, who went on stage to the editor-in-chief of the magazine Igor Garanin and GQ publisher Irina Elizarova.

Artur Kulkov was the first to receive the award. The hero of the pages of glossy magazines, one of the top most sought-after catwalk stars in the world, Arthur and ordinary life looks her best. For which he received a place in the GQ rating.

Then they invited Evgeny Savin to the stage, who at the 2017 “Person of the Year” ceremony changed his permanent three-piece suit and appeared on the red carpet in leather slippers on his bare feet and in a custom-made silk robe. GQ appreciated such courage, and the Pirelli company even presented him with a special gift - an exclusive opportunity to attend one of the stages of the royal Formula 1 race, the Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Pirelli is the exclusive supplier of Formula 1 tires and invites Eugene to become a guest of the Pirelli box in the Paddock Club - an area with special privileges for guests.

Rating newcomer Vasily Vakulenko has many images. His rapper Basta collects “Olympiyskiy” and tears up the speakers with his hits. And caring father Vasily personally takes his little ones Masha and Vasilisa to the Tatler Ball, not forgetting to hide a Barbie doll in his tuxedo pocket. For the perfect embodiment of all roles, the award went to the debutant of the 100 stylish rating according to GQ.

Then the award went into the hands of Sergei Mazaev, who was not the first time he became the most stylish. This is due to the saxophone, rock and roll and a collection of tuxedos in all existing shades and textures.

Emin Agalarov once again showed remarkable talent: he sang a duet with Steven Seagal, opened karaoke with Leps, and built a fitness club. And all this with a signature smile and elegant suits. For this he became the owner of a GQ statuette. He also received a special prize from the partner of the evening, the Gray Goose brand. In addition, he was awarded a special prize from a regular partner, the French super-premium brand Gray Goose “Art de Vivre” - a trip to Le Logis Gray Goose in France, a 17th-century estate located in the heart of the Cognac province.

“Emperor of Twitter” and future “ruler of Instagram” Dmitry Malikov took his statuette. To please the likes, he dresses in a hoodie, a blue fur coat and dark glasses. But, fortunately for those who see Dmitry not only in the window social network, he appears frequently in black and white classics.

This evening's mood was enhanced by a number of cocktails based on Gray Goose, created by mixologists specifically for such events. And in the caviar bar from Caspian Gold, guests were able to appreciate the pristine, noble taste of the original Russian delicacy.

Traditionally, catering for the ceremony was organized by the Metropol Hotel, which has been serving large and significant events in Moscow for more than 110 years. Over the many years of history, the skills of Metropol’s chefs have been highly appreciated by the top officials of the countries of the world, famous businessmen, cultural and artistic figures.

Immediately after the presentation of the coveted awards, Lyubov Uspenskaya began her performance, performing several of her famous hits for the guests. The evening ended with dancing to Vitaly Kozak's sets.

This evening, the most stylish men according to GQ were visited by: Anita Gigovskaya, Laysan Utyasheva, Igor Krutoy, Ilyana Erdneeva, Oksana Bondarenko, Inna Malikova, Nadezhda Sysoeva and Ilya Bachurin, Anna Ivchenko, Marina Kim, Yulia and Anton Belyaev, Evgenia Linovich, Vladimir Yaglych, Irina Chaikovskaya, Ksenia Sukhinova, Elena Letuchaya, Inga Berman, Dzhigan, Zhenya Katava, Rasida Lakoba, Victoria Shelyagova, Artem Korolev, Masha Fedorova, Galina Mazaeva, Matvey and Maria Melnikov, and others.

100 most stylish

The magazine's list of "100 Most Stylish Men" appears annually in British, Spanish, Indian, South African and Russian GQ. In Russia, the list of the 100 most stylish has been published since 2007 in the March issue of the magazine and includes 50 Russian and 50 international names. Over the past years, the leaders of the rating have been Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Spivakov, Oleg Yankovsky, Stepan Mikhalkov, Vladislav Doronin, Hugh Laurie, Tom Ford, Clive Owen, James Franco and others.

which is published annually in the British, American, Indian and Russian versions of the magazine, is always eagerly awaited.

Yesterday on the occasion of the release annual rating“100 most stylish” according to GQ Russia magazine, secular Moscow gathered in a new fashionable place on Tsvetnoy Boulevard - the Valenok restaurant, the next project of Arkady Novikov (the restaurateur, by the way, was himself one of the lucky winners of the award). Who are the lucky ones who received the coveted figurines?

  • The most stylish musician - Emin Agalarov
  • The most stylish fashionista (special GQ nomination) - Philip Kirkorov
  • The most stylish artist - Zurab Tsereteli
  • The most stylish businessman - Pavel Tyo
  • The most stylish according to the event partner - Arkady Novikov
  • Most Stylish Gentleman of the Year - Ivan Urgant

And if the results of the GQ Man of the Year award are determined by voting among readers, then the fate of this award is decided by very specific people, for example, editors-in-chief or directors and editors of the fashion department.

Personally, I was interested in the opinion of the guests of the evening, or rather, their fair half, about who is the most stylish gentleman of the year for them.

Evgenia Malakhova : “A stylish man is a man with perfectly polished shoes. And we can work on the rest.”

Stella Aminova : "My husband! In general, I always pay attention to the length of trousers. They must be hemmed correctly. There shouldn’t be an accordion.”

Angelika Timanina : “A stylish man follows fashion and looks after himself. And he loves his woman."

Natalia Osmann : “As for the man of the year and men in general: he must be brave, stately, erudite and always be able to make you laugh. My husband has all this - for me he is always the man of the year!”

Vadim Dymov

Karina Dobrotvorskaya with her daughter

On February 15, GQ magazine opened the season of social events for the sixth year in a row and gathered guests for a traditional cocktail on the occasion of the announcement of the annual list of the 100 most stylish men in Russia and the world. Always choosing the most unusual places for a cocktail, the GQ team this time invited guests to the space of the Central Market on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 1.

The partners of the evening were: the Audi company, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Russia this year - it is their VIP transfers that have been delivering event guests to cocktails for several years now; the exclusive French brand Gray Goose, the Pirelli company and the Caspian Gold caviar house.

It would be absolutely impossible to distribute awards to everyone on the list of the most stylish during the evening, so only a few of them received black figurines in the form of the letters GQ from the hands of GQ editor-in-chief Igor Garanin.

That evening, six representatives of the stronger sex were awarded, whose elegance was appreciated by the editors of GQ. The announcement of the 100 most stylish examples of 2018 was also special because the awards ceremony was hosted by three-time participant in the list of the most stylish Philip Kirkorov, who went on stage to the editor-in-chief of the magazine Igor Garanin and GQ publisher Irina Elizarova.

Artur Kulkov was the first to receive the award. The hero of the pages of glossy magazines, one of the top most sought-after catwalk stars in the world, Arthur looks his best in everyday life. For which he received a place in the GQ rating.

Then they invited Evgeny Savin to the stage, who at the 2017 “Person of the Year” ceremony changed his permanent three-piece suit and appeared on the red carpet in leather slippers on his bare feet and in a custom-made silk robe. GQ appreciated such courage, and the Pirelli company even presented him with a special gift - an exclusive opportunity to attend one of the stages of the royal Formula 1 race, the Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Pirelli is the exclusive supplier of Formula 1 tires and invites Eugene to become a guest of the Pirelli box in the Paddock Club - an area with special privileges for guests.

Rating newcomer Vasily Vakulenko has many images. His rapper Basta collects “Olympiyskiy” and tears up the speakers with his hits. And caring father Vasily personally takes his little ones Masha and Vasilisa to the Tatler Ball, not forgetting to hide a Barbie doll in his tuxedo pocket. For the perfect embodiment of all roles, the award went to the debutant of the 100 stylish rating according to GQ.

Then the award went into the hands of Sergei Mazaev, who was not the first time he became the most stylish. This is due to the saxophone, rock and roll and a collection of tuxedos in all existing shades and textures.

Emin Agalarov once again showed remarkable talent: he sang a duet with Steven Seagal, opened karaoke with Leps, and built a fitness club. And all this with a signature smile and elegant suits. For this he became the owner of a GQ statuette. He also received a special prize from the partner of the evening, the Gray Goose brand. In addition, he was awarded a special prize from a regular partner, the French super-premium brand Gray Goose “Art de Vivre” - a trip to Le Logis Gray Goose in France, a 17th-century estate located in the heart of the Cognac province.

“Emperor of Twitter” and future “ruler of Instagram” Dmitry Malikov took his statuette. To please the likes, he dresses in a hoodie, a blue fur coat and dark glasses. But, fortunately for those who see Dmitry not only in the social network window, he often appears in black and white classics.

This evening's mood was enhanced by a number of cocktails based on Gray Goose, created by mixologists specifically for such events. And in the caviar bar from Caspian Gold, guests were able to appreciate the pristine, noble taste of the original Russian delicacy.

Traditionally, catering for the ceremony was organized by the Metropol Hotel, which has been serving large and significant events in Moscow for more than 110 years. Over its long history, the skills of Metropol's chefs have been highly appreciated by top officials of the world, famous businessmen, cultural and artistic figures.

Immediately after the presentation of the coveted awards, Lyubov Uspenskaya began her performance, performing several of her famous hits for the guests. The evening ended with dancing to Vitaly Kozak's sets.

This evening, the most stylish men according to GQ were visited by: Anita Gigovskaya, Laysan Utyasheva, Igor Krutoy, Ilyana Erdneeva, Oksana Bondarenko, Inna Malikova, Nadezhda Sysoeva and Ilya Bachurin, Anna Ivchenko, Marina Kim, Yulia and Anton Belyaev, Evgenia Linovich, Vladimir Yaglych, Irina Chaikovskaya, Ksenia Sukhinova, Elena Letuchaya, Inga Berman, Dzhigan, Zhenya Katava, Rasida Lakoba, Victoria Shelyagova, Artem Korolev, Masha Fedorova, Galina Mazaeva, Matvey and Maria Melnikov, and others.

100 most stylish

The magazine's list of "100 Most Stylish Men" appears annually in British, Spanish, Indian, South African and Russian GQ. In Russia, the list of the 100 most stylish has been published since 2007 in the March issue of the magazine and includes 50 Russian and 50 international names. Over the past years, the leaders of the rating have been Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Spivakov, Oleg Yankovsky, Stepan Mikhalkov, Vladislav Doronin, Hugh Laurie, Tom Ford, Clive Owen, James Franco and others.