Defects of inventory items in logistics. Contract manufacturing Rejection of products

  • 3 misconceptions when managing quality in an enterprise.
  • Why should you not believe statements that it is impossible to get rid of defects in an enterprise without significant investments?
  • How to group the causes of manufacturing defects.
  • How to reduce defects in an enterprise: examples and recommendations from practitioners.
  • How to reduce manufacturing defects by slightly changing production processes​.

Sometimes even the slightest defect in an enterprise can provoke a loss of raw materials and negatively affect the overall financial condition organizations. Manufacturing defect leads to other related problems. First of all, it is worth understanding why manufacturing defects occur and what are their main causes.

3 main misconceptions when managing quality in an enterprise

1. Only an organization can solve quality problems. Production managers and technologists at the enterprise quite often complain - they are forced to work with equipment that is already noticeably outdated. This circumstance is also used to justify defects in the enterprise, arguing that the purchase of new equipment will allow one to get rid of problems with product quality. However, not every enterprise has the resources to modernize, so this problem has to be postponed. From our own experience, we can say that in most cases it is possible to achieve modernization and increase in quality, with the establishment of more efficient production processes, without significant investments. And statistics confirm that often enterprises with the latest equipment in their industry face even more significant problems with product quality.

2. It is difficult to identify what exactly caused a defect at an enterprise - a typical response from technologists and production managers. By own experience We can say that for each group of similar cases of manufacturing defects there is only one root cause. Its solution will prevent manufacturing defects in the future, even if secondary reasons remain.

3. It will take more than one year to eliminate the causes of marriage. A fairly common misconception - usually used to explain why systemic work is being carried out too slowly or not at all. However, practice confirms the Pareto principle - 20% of problems account for 80% of defective cases. By eliminating the most significant problems, it will be possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of manufacturing defects.

Motivation that will reduce the volume of production defects by 2 times

Ekaterina Sitneva, Director of the Magistral Printing House company, Moscow

When we realized that it was unprofitable to write off defects as costs, we began to look for ways to control and identify defects already at the production stage. The solution to the problem was improvement technological map– a document in which each employee registers his operation and signs.

When accepting an order, the manager enters the client’s wishes into the technical sheet, signs and transfers the document to the prepress department. The designer creates a layout (or changes the presented version) and also signs. Next, the map is checked by the head of the design department. The prepress stage ends with the layout being checked by a prepress specialist for compliance with the technical sheet and file requirements. The next stage is the department of the chief technologist. Here the map is entered Consumables, necessary for production (paper, paint, tape, etc.), and a list of processes that are needed to produce products. The printing specialist makes required amount sheets, enters data into the card, signs. When the sheet is printed, it must dry, then it is cut, folded, and assembled onto a spring or staple. At this stage, the foreman comes into play - he looks at the sheets for defects, if there are no comments, he signs, and the product moves on. If a defect is detected in any area (or the client has not accepted the order), then the technologist draws up memo, where the culprits and the reason are indicated. To resolve disputes, we assemble a commission that includes specialists from each stage of production. So it’s not difficult to identify an employee who committed a defect. We record all violations in a report, on the basis of which we make decisions on penalties. We offer the culprit to either pay for the marriage or work off an equivalent amount. Our task is not to fine the employee, but to develop the habit of treating their work responsibly, so the amount of compensation can be approximately 10% of the volume of defects (practice has shown that only after the introduction financial liability people thought about what and how they were doing).

The level of manufacturing defects decreased from 14 to 7%. The costs of correcting defects have decreased and amount to no more than 5% of the volume of all products produced. We hope to reduce them to zero altogether. In addition, we ensured that employees began to consult with each other and with the technologist more often.

7 “lean” ideas that will save your company from defects

The introduction of lean manufacturing principles will help reduce the level of defects as much as possible. You will find seven ideas that you can apply in your company in the article electronic journal"CEO".

Reasons for defects in enterprises and ways to deal with them

  • find out where your low-quality raw materials come from;
  • organize quality control at the stage of raw materials entering production;
  • include a clause in the contract with suppliers regarding a significant fine if low-quality raw materials are discovered.


  • set deadlines Maintenance and repair of equipment, as well as personal liability for violation of these deadlines and poor quality of work performed;
  • track which unit produces each product. Then, if a defect is detected, you can easily identify the equipment that needs adjustment.

Production technology

  • talk to the technologist and workers: they probably know what production methods imperfect and entail marriage. Remember that any implementation new technology to reduce the volume of defects it must pay off;

Staff working conditions

  • organize a collection of workers’ proposals to improve working conditions. The main thing is that these proposals are not forgotten, but implemented;

Unprofessionalism and irresponsibility of workers

  • build a motivation system that is attractive to workers;
  • oblige employees to stop work when receiving low-quality raw materials and notify their boss;
  • implement automated systems process management to minimize the human factor.

Step-by-step algorithm for eliminating defects in an enterprise

First step. Make a table indicating all cases of defects in the enterprise. For illustrative statistics, we recommend analyzing data for at least a year.

Second step. We combine similar causes of manufacturing defects into a common group. By identifying a group of similar causes of marriage, it will be possible to calculate the number of cases during the period, as well as losses from them. (cm. table 2).

Third step. Conducting analysis. Usually, after grouping, it turns out that only a few identical causes are regularly repeated, leading to the bulk of manufacturing defects. They are the ones who deserve priority attention.

The fourth step is to select the cause of defects at the enterprise with the maximum number of cases and the greatest losses.

The fifth step is to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of recurrence of common causes of manufacturing defects.

IN lean manufacturing there is a term bye-yoke(bye-bye, Japanese– error protection). This term implies: in order to prevent manufacturing defects in the future, it is necessary to ensure such conditions where it is physically impossible for the defect to be repeated, so that the employee does not have the possibility of making a repeated mistake, etc. Before solving the problem, our management often blamed subordinates, citing the problem of the human factor. However, improvement production process made it possible to radically reduce the likelihood of errors at the enterprise - fewer operations began to be performed in the mind, responsibility was delegated between different employees, and it was possible to improve favorable working conditions.

The sixth step is the development and implementation of a personnel motivation system aimed at reducing production defects. Possible measures include a certain amount of deduction for an employee for the production of each ton of defective goods, or for mistakes made. Bonuses can also be paid for reducing the percentage of defects to the established standard; individual indicators of employees can be posted on stands - this will stimulate the desire of employees to reduce the level of defects.

The seventh step is to organize a continuous quality improvement process. Individual quality indicators must be determined for each employee. As a rule, 1-3 indicators are enough. Then call your line managers every month and ask for data on these metrics. Each manager is required to submit a monthly report on the increase or decrease in employee performance, paying attention to best employees, highlighting planned events for the coming month. The manager gives grades to his employees. The work of line managers is also assessed by their superiors. Indicators best workers should be placed in prominent places, and incentives should be provided for distinguished employees.

With a correct analysis of cases of manufacturing defects, with an understanding of their causes, and work begun to eradicate them, it will be possible to expect a decrease in defects in the work of a medium-sized enterprise in the next 3-4 months.

How to reduce defects in an enterprise: examples and recommendations

Yuri Chinchik, head of quality service and industrial safety scientific and production company "Packer", Oktyabrsky

Our company specializes in the supply of small series of equipment to order. Among the main directions are thermal and mechanical (milling, turning) processing of parts and products. To reduce the percentage of defects, in 2006 we began to operate the “Diamond” system for millers, turners and assemblers - all shop workers. In fact, the defective part is presented by the employee himself who made the mistake.

After all, why is marriage allowed? The employee tries to hide his mistake so as not to face fines. The Diamond system assumes.

  1. Incoming control. Each employee is required to evaluate the quality of the workpieces supplied to him for work. If it is immediately clear that it will not be possible to make a suitable part from this workpiece, he does not put it into production in order to reduce the cost of scrap.
  2. Output control. The worker himself must check the quality of the completed part. If a defect is detected, he must report it; there will be no punishment.
  3. Interoperational control. It is carried out by a controller, an employee of the quality control department. We have small-scale production. To prevent the entire batch from being scrapped at once, the worker must show the controller the first part made - since this is where the probability of error is highest. In the future we plan to eliminate this practice of verification, but this will still require a complex of preparatory work. It is noteworthy that when we carried out a survey on this issue, out of 40 employees, only two noted that additional control in their work was not needed.
  4. Issuance of a personal stamp. For employees who always report a mistake or do not allow a defect at all, a personal mark is provided. In this case, the workers themselves act as a quality control controller, confirming the suitability of the products with their seal. Situations are possible when a brand is confiscated from an employee. The basis for granting a brand and its deprivation, the procedure for related procedures are specified in the instructions for employees.
  5. The punishment is not for marriage, but for negligence. Despite all the loyalty, we still have certain sanctions in relation to our employees. If an employee presents a batch as good, but the controller or another employee identifies a defect, punishment awaits. But our punishment is not for the defect itself, but for the lack of proper product quality control and negligent attitude towards work. In this case, we deduct from the manufacturer the cost of the workpiece and the costs of the previous stages of processing.

Roman Lukyanchikov, CEO Moscow Windows company, Moscow

To reduce the share of defects and waste at the enterprise, a set of measures was introduced in production.

  1. The machine park has been updated. Automatic production lines have been installed instead of manual machines. Such changes give confidence in the stable quality of products, reducing our dependence on the human factor. In particular, over the past 5 years we have been able to reduce the level of waste in production PVC profile up to 4.2% instead of the previous 7.5%. But to assess the effectiveness of equipment, one parameter is not enough. When modernizing, enterprises also sought to optimize their personnel, with an increase in automation and labor productivity, reducing the time for servicing machines. If we talk about the payback of equipment only taking into account savings on waste and defects, then it comes out to about 6 years.
  2. Preparation software. Thanks to the complete automation of all work processes, it was possible to reduce the level of errors, with accurate accounting of working time and materials involved, with optimization of material waste during cutting. We are now working with our own software package, the development and update cycle of which lasted for ten years.
  3. Work with people. Reach perfect result This is only possible if each employee is personally interested in improving their work. Each stage of our production is assigned to a separate area. If a defect is detected at the production stage, there are no penalties for it. But if defective products are delivered to the customer, then we deduct 100% of the price of the product and the cost of re-delivery from the site where the defect occurred. Punishment is also introduced for the shift supervisor. A completely transparent system operates, so workers consider it fair, therefore they do not work with defective material, quickly responding to equipment failures - defects are absolutely not beneficial for them.

The total acceptable standard for defects is valid for each department. In the main production it is 4.25%. The level of irreparable defects (at which material costs are required for rework) should be no more than 0.35%. The remaining 3.9% accounts for cosmetic defects, when identified defects can be eliminated. For the installation department, the acceptable percentage of defects is 2.04%, for delivery - 1.58%, for measurements - 1.85%.

Pavel Menshikov, Chief Accountant of the management apparatus of the General Director of the Mostotrest company, deputy chief accountant of the Mostotrest company, Moscow

At the metallurgical enterprise, a “Black Box” system was introduced to record the activities of production shops. The goal of the new project was to reduce excess production costs. Each employee under the new system was required to follow the norm - from each 1 ton of semi-finished products received for processing, 0.94 tons should be produced finished products. Consequently, the workshop manager had the right to write off only 60 kg of waste. from 1 ton of metal (scale, waste, sawn-off edges).

To calculate the standard, a fairly simple principle was used - we took the percentages of scale and waste from industry standards, obtaining the acceptable percentage of trim experimentally by running the equipment.

New changes have created comfortable conditions for quality management. Now, in a situation where the workshop manager expects to receive a bonus, compliance with the stated norm is required. When problems arise that threaten compliance with the standard, he has the right to clarify the issue with the production director. If there was a truly objective reason for the problem, assistance was provided to the workshop in solving it.

Result. It was possible to achieve an improvement in the situation in a short time. Previously, the level of losses at one of the workshops was over 100 kilograms per ton. In fact, the entire room was littered with defective products and scraps. The report indicated an exorbitant percentage of wastage - although it cited a fairly small percentage of defects. There were also constant manipulations with numbers - semi-finished products were accepted according to standard weight, but products were handed over according to actual weight. New system involved the installation of scales at both exits, the changes made it possible to reduce the level of waste, which turned out to be even less than planned.

Advice. Before taking certain measures to reduce defects, it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate economic effect such changes. It is necessary to have reliable data, but it is with this issue that the enterprise often experiences problems. The solution to the problem is one way out - introduced at the enterprise Information system. It has proven itself to be highly effective in the segment mass production. But we have to admit that we have practically no high-quality boxed solutions designed for automation production accounting. Consequently, you will need custom software development for your enterprise or adaptation of similar projects to your requirements.

Andrea Cuomo, director of production at the Extra M factory, Moscow

When my colleagues and I came to work from Italy at a Moscow plant, we discovered a high percentage of production defects: about 150 tons of pasta lying in the warehouse were intended for grinding. Having more than forty years of experience in pasta factories, I saw weaknesses both in the organization of the work process and in the settings of production lines. I started by conducting several training sessions for plant employees, explaining to them the basic principles of obtaining an ideal finished product: no rush, compliance with temperature conditions and constant monitoring. Then we implemented a set of changes.

  1. The production cycle has been changed. Previously, the lines only produced the quantity of pasta that was specified in the order. It was necessary to restart the equipment, which led to significant energy costs. We have changed the production cycle: each production line now runs uninterruptedly for 72 hours, and undergoes mandatory cleaning once a week (before the changes were implemented, this was performed only as needed). This measure allowed to increase production volume (stocks are sent to the warehouse) and reduce energy costs. In addition, there was no longer a need to restart equipment for each new order.
  2. Ensured stable temperature in the drying zone. When raw, pasta contains about 28–30% moisture, which must be gradually evaporated. To do this, it is necessary that the production areas have a stable temperature and no drafts. The duration of drying is also important - it is different for each type of pasta. For example, drying the most “capricious” pasta - spaghetti - can last for seven hours. The climate in Russia is colder and more changeable than in Italy, so we did the following: we installed special curtains made of PVC film at all entrances and exits of the workshops, which help maintain the temperature in the room. Currently, when production lines are operating, they can only be accessed from adjacent areas with a stable temperature.
  3. We increased the time the product spent in the stabilization zone. Even if the products are perfectly dried, this is not a guarantee that there will be no defects. It is important to cool the pasta properly. If the product is packaged warm, perspiration will form inside, causing the package to swell or open. I increased the length of time the pasta was in the stabilization zone (a special sealed chamber that ensures rapid cooling of the product to room temperature). Previously, the presence of pasta in this area was not given due attention, but it was proper organization work at this stage ensures that the packaging is not deformed.
  4. We started selling dough scraps. Dough scraps are natural production waste that is generated in the line after the paste is formed. Previously, these trimmings were equated to marriage. I believe that we need to treat raw materials more carefully, so now the trimmings coming out of the sterile line are not thrown away, but are sold to zoo farms near Moscow.

Increasing the operating time of the line allows you to save a significant amount of electricity every month and significantly reduce the volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, thanks to the restructuring of equipment, we were able to reduce losses of raw materials. With each die change and restart of the line, the first and last 5% of production are considered waste. By changing the cycle and reusing leftover dough, we reduced the loss of raw materials. Increasing the drying time of pasta and the product stabilization process, as well as monitoring the maintenance of optimal temperature in the production area, helped reduce the defect rate to almost zero.

CEO speaks

Konstantin Tsvetkov, CEO management company"Russian Sewing Concern", Severodvinsk

We operate a serial sewing enterprise. To reduce the level of waste and defects in our work, we use 2 methods.

  1. Accurate calculation of the need for raw materials. For all sewing production with the continuous sewing method, a qualified engineer is required who can plan the needs of workshops for purchased raw materials, transferring the received data to the supply department.
  2. Automated layout of patterns when cutting. We also bought the “Layout” module - automated workplace CAD "Comtens". The product has proven itself to be excellent for sewing production. In a matter of minutes, the computer performs the optimal layout of the patterns on the canvas. A particularly relevant solution if orders are placed from the enterprise and from third-party production facilities, with the provision of its own material. By adding a cutting machine to the Layout Module, it is possible to completely minimize the human factor.

Thanks to production automation, we were able to speed up the activities of technologists and designers, reducing waste by almost 20%.

Defects (substandard) are inventory items that do not meet certain standards for the following reasons:

  • individual packing damaged;
  • expiration dates are expired;
  • the packaging has been opened (broken);
  • the packaging is deformed. Because of this, it is impossible to read the information on it, the weight does not match, an uncharacteristic sound is heard inside the container, the container is dirty or has traces of liquid leakage;
  • products have changed their technological characteristics.

Identification and registration of marriage

At the KorolevPharm company, non-conforming inventory items are identified during the process of acceptance into the warehouse. The rules for working with defective (substandard) inventory items are prescribed by the organization in the Instructions or Regulations. Every storekeeper knows her well. Inventory that does not meet the requirements regulatory documents, are identified by red status labels.

Upon acceptance or while the goods are in the warehouse, warehouse employees are engaged in identifying defective goods. Each product item is inspected by the storekeeper for any discrepancies (missing labels, damaged packaging or containers, inconsistent expiration dates, etc.).

If a defective inventory item is detected, the storekeeper draws up an Acceptance Certificate, which indicates all the information about the defective product: name, number of rejected inventory items, description of the detected defect, article number. The act is drawn up in two copies. One remains with the representative of the receiving party - the senior storekeeper of the warehouse, and the second is given to the supplier’s representative. The act is signed by the warehouse employee and the financially responsible person who delivers the goods to the warehouse. He is a driver or forwarder. Data on defects is transmitted to the commercial department, which, after agreement with the supplier, makes a decision on the return or disposal of defective goods.

Storage and disposal of defective inventory items

Fig.1. Unloading goods and materials

Before a decision is made, received defective inventory items are transported to a quarantine warehouse and marked with appropriate markings. The marking contains the name, article number, and date of receipt. Information about inventory items is entered into the database, and their further movement can be easily tracked.

Before joint inspection of the goods, they are usually placed on the floor and on a pallet to facilitate access to them. After inspection of the defect by an employee of the quality control department and, if necessary, an employee of the commercial department, the issue of its replacement, the possibility of use, disposal or return is decided.

If, according to the contract, the supplier must replace all defective goods, then documents are prepared for the return of the defective goods. The warehouseman who ships substandard goods and materials transfers these documents responsible person from the supplier's side. After shipment, the storekeeper puts in information base a note indicating that the return has taken place (the product has been shipped).

When a decision is made to dispose of inventory items, they are moved to the scrap warehouse. They are subject to write-off and removal from the warehouse for further liquidation. If the supplier, in effect various reasons, does not have the opportunity to return the defect to his warehouse, then an agreement is made with him about disposal at his expense with the provision of documents and photographs. Disposal should be done as quickly as possible so that warehouse areas are not overloaded with no longer needed inventory items.

Defects in inventory items can occur at any point in the distribution of goods. The culprit in this may be both the supplier and the receiving party: warehouse, transport or commercial departments. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and determine what caused a certain defect in order to prevent its occurrence in the future.

When it comes to writing off defective goods, it is in the buying company's best interest to shift this responsibility to the supplier. It is better to negotiate with suppliers in advance, before cooperation has begun, about who will write off production defects and defects in the product defect report that appeared during loading, delivery and work with the goods.

There are various options for working with suppliers with defects, namely:

  1. Defective goods are not accepted for write-off. It makes sense to enter into an agreement with such a supplier only if the price for its product is the lowest, and the difference in cost can cover the costs of writing off the defect at your own expense.
  2. They offer a write-off percentage. The supplier may offer some percentage of turnover, which will be used to write off defective goods. The offer is worth accepting if the percentage can cover the cost of the entire defective product. It is also necessary to determine in advance whether the defective product will be returned to the supplier or disposed of. If the supplier accepts back his goods, he must also bear all the costs of transporting them. It would be better if you can agree with the supplier on disposal of the goods in your own warehouse, since this will allow you to disassemble the sets and sell them in parts or at a discount.
  3. They offer complete write-off of defects. In this case, the supplier can offer a choice of two options: reduce accounts receivable or supply goods at zero price in the amount of the written-off defect. This is the best option for the purchasing company, which is worth paying special attention to.
  4. They offer to replace the defective product. This option can be considered provided that the supplier, at his own expense, takes away the defect and brings a replacement.

It turns out that the most profitable option is to replace or write off defective goods and dispose of them on your territory.

The chief manager for this subgroup must accept defective goods, inspect warehouses and carry out timely disposal of defective goods.

The key point is that even if the supplier fully assumes all obligations to write off the defective product, it makes sense to separate the truly defective product from the product that was damaged when working with it in the warehouse.

It would be better to pick up and exchange defective goods that were returned by customers, because they are written off anyway at the expense of the supplier, and it makes no sense to lose a customer in this way.

Drawing up an act

A defect report may be needed when filing a claim regarding a defective product, along with a photograph of the product.

The report must be drawn up by the manager of the delivery department based on data on the receipt of goods.

What is marriage?

Marriage– this is cargo or goods that do not meet the declared standards due to the fact that:

  • its individual packaging is damaged;
  • the packaging is broken (opened), including double tape;
  • the packaging is deformed: it is impossible to read the inscriptions on it, it does not correspond to the indicated weight, an uncharacteristic sound is heard inside the container, the container is dirty or there are clearly visible traces of liquid leakage on it.

In warehouse production there is usually clear instructions upon acceptance of goods. Every storekeeper should know it by heart. After all, if a defect is received for storage, responsibility for this will immediately fall on the warehouse.

How to sort defective products from good ones? Today, at least two methods are known.

  1. Before accepting goods into the warehouse, they must be inspected at the gate. In this case, a representative of the warehouse and a representative of the bailor must be involved. They check all goods and sort them into damaged (sent to the defective area) and good (sent to the appropriate area in the warehouse). If the product is good, but there is damage to the packaging, a sticker marked “good is good” is placed on the packaging, this will relieve warehouse employees from doubts about this product. Thanks to this method, it is possible to reduce the area allocated for the scrap warehouse.
  2. When detected, defective goods are set aside by the storekeeper. After the acceptance of the batch is completed, the storekeeper draws up a quantity or quality deviation report, in which he indicates all the information about the defective product: name, article number, number of rejected product units and, most importantly, the detected defect. The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the senior warehouseman of the defective warehouse, and the second is given to the representative of the bailor. Rejected goods are sent to the reject warehouse for further thorough inspection after completion of acceptance.

Warehouse for rejects

The area allocated for a warehouse for scrap is usually divided into two zones: one zone receives inspected goods, and the other receives uninspected goods.
The amount of defects upon receipt can be quite significant and company employees sometimes simply cannot cope with the flow of goods that need to be checked. Therefore, more area is usually allocated for the area of ​​uninspected goods and allocated large quantity pallet places

The inspection is carried out by a warehouse representative and a client representative. They open the boxes, inspect the goods (usually assessing external damage) and determine whether it is fit or not for sale. At this stage of work, the warehouse representative must be especially careful - if truly defective products are transferred to the good product zone, responsibility for this error will fall on him. A representative of the trading company makes an opinion on the condition of the goods that have passed the inspection.
Large trading companies Those who value their reputation most often prefer to immediately dispose of their defects rather than store or repair them. In addition, the cost of some goods is lower than correcting its defects.
After inspecting all goods that fall into the defective zone, representatives of both companies draw up, sign and seal either a rejection certificate or a certificate recognizing the goods as acceptable. The good product moves to the appropriate zone in the warehouse, from where it will later go to distributors.

A defective product, after indicating all its data in the rejection certificate (name, article number, number of product units, type of blocking and damage rate as a percentage), remains in the defective zone until the client makes a decision on its future fate.

To resolve the issue of compensation, all parties involved (supplier, company manager, warehouse, transport company) receive a copy of the rejection certificate. Since a product can remain in the defect zone for quite a long time, and it does not move as a good product, the defect zone needs constant optimization.

Warehouseman by marriage: everything depends on him here!

The main task of the storekeeper responsible for the defect area is the concentration of blocked goods in a small area. Therefore, his responsibilities include carrying out certain operations with goods already inspected and delivered to this zone. The storekeeper must assemble mixed pallets of goods according to the blockings: on one pallet there will be discounted products, on the other - what is called “incomplete”, on the third - goods marked as “repair” and on the fourth - scrap.

The storekeeper enters all data about items sent on pallets into electronic system accounting Since all information about the product is entered into the rejection report, most often the WMS simply indicates the report number. Using these numbers, it will be easiest to find the product in the future if the client decides to send it to scrap, to a repair shop, or even for sale.
Also, the responsibilities of the defective warehouseman include tracking spoiled products in the warehouse of goods fit for sale and consumption. If damage to products occurs in a warehouse due to the fault of an employee, the situation is taken under control by the defective warehouseman and the customer’s representative.

The customer, as a rule, pursues the goal of maximizing the damage caused. At the same time, the warehouseman's task is to minimize costs for each product item. In any case, the warehouse cannot avoid paying for damage to goods, but it is quite possible to reduce forced costs.

Ways to minimize costs for scrap inventory:

  • Agree with suppliers and include in the contract the conditions for the return of defective goods or compensation for them.
  • Clearly and in detail formulate the necessary requirements regarding Vehicle, and familiarize all suppliers and buyers with them.
  • Get things going financial departments for returning goods to the warehouse.
  • Know and strictly follow all the rules and conditions for storing products in the warehouse.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Defects in goods and materials can occur at any stage of product distribution, and either the supplier himself or any of the relevant departments may be to blame for this: transport or commercial departments, or a warehouse. Therefore, before writing off a product as rejected and incurring costs associated with the defect, it is necessary to understand what caused the identified defect.
Usually the contract includes a clause regarding defective goods. Depending on the conditions specified in the contract, the supplier either compensates for losses incurred by the operator or simply takes the defective products back. If the client returns a defective product, then the commercial department will resolve this issue.

Often, in order to save the customer, the company takes away the entire defective product. In this case financial division or individual employees are forced to bear the losses incurred by the operator, otherwise the warehouse of defective goods will inevitably grow, taking up space needed for another.
Responsibility for damage to the goods falls entirely on the warehouse and transport department employees if the defect occurs during passage in these areas. As you know, in production there is usually a limit on defects (deductible); it is set for a month or a quarter. Department employees are awarded bonuses if the acceptable defect threshold is not exceeded by the end of the specified period. And, accordingly, on the contrary, if the limit is exceeded, management has the right to impose fines on employees.
Partial losses due to defects can be compensated, having previously agreed with the accounting department and tried to sell the defective goods. There are three main ways to do this:

  • offer goods to large customers at a favorable price;
  • offer it to your employees at bargain prices;
  • distribute to employees as incentive bonuses.

Before accepting, you must agree

Some prudent suppliers, in order to avoid returning goods in case of rejection, immediately put empty packaging boxes in the cargo compartment of the truck, in addition to the main goods. And if the car gets caught in the rain and the packaging gets wet, this will allow you to easily replace the damaged container with a new one and easily go through the acceptance stage at the warehouse gate, because some companies simply refuse to accept goods in dirty or wet packaging. Another precaution is to carefully pack the cargo. Experience shows that the chance of delivering the goods safe and sound increases if the container or body is loaded very tightly. With such packaging, in the event of force majeure, not only the product inside may remain undamaged, but its packaging will also retain its integrity.
However, there are situations when a good product runs the risk of ending up in the defective zone. This may happen as a result of specific technical specifications acceptance of cargo is not agreed upon between the supplier and the warehouse. So, for example, a manufacturer, having discovered that they forgot to include instructions for using the product in packaged and already sealed boxes, can open all the boxes to report the instructions, and then reseal the container. You will get double tape, and this is already a sign of marriage. During acceptance into the warehouse, double tape will be discovered and, having decided that it is a defective product, the entire batch will be sent to the defect area for inspection.

As a result, a colossal burden will fall on the shoulders of the staff - to inspect an entire batch of essentially usable goods. Or, conversely, the receiver will open several boxes, make sure that everything is in order and send everything to the warehouse, and later it will be discovered that some of the boxes still contained damaged or even replaced goods. In any case, the company's extra expenses are guaranteed. So, it is advisable to carefully coordinate everything related to marriage and related actions with the client and be sure to include it in the contract.

Every storekeeper should know this

Article (from Latin articulus - section, article) - type of product, product, its digital or letter designation.
There are four types of blocking, one of which can be assigned to a product:
1) Markdown. This type of blocking is subject to equipment that, although there are some defects or minor damage to the body, is in working condition. The product can be discounted by a maximum of 49% of the total cost. Products famous brands can be discounted even if there is damage only on its packaging (no more than 5%).
2) Scrap. With this blocking, the markdown of the goods is 100%. Applies to non-functional or damaged goods that cannot be repaired. How to dispose of the product is up to the client to decide. Either he is engaged in recycling himself (in this case, a package of accompanying documents is prepared and the client removes the goods from the warehouse), or this service is provided by the warehouse by agreement (for example, he takes the scrap to a landfill, after which documents are drawn up, according to which the goods are written off from the warehouse register) .
3) Incomplete. This type of blocking is assigned to a product that is missing some component part. Such goods can be discounted up to 49% of the total cost. Most often, the shortage remains in the reject zone until the missing items are delivered. The client may also decide to sell the short supply.
4) Repair. The discount on products with such blocking sometimes reaches 50%. The customer can repair the product and then sell it as new. full price. Another option is to offer the product to customers during sales periods.
And finally. Keep in mind that, according to clause 1, article 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “a person whose right has been violated may demand full compensation for the losses caused to him, unless the law or contract provides for compensation for losses in a smaller amount.”

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Dried and cooled pasta products are manually sorted, and then, after selective quality control of each batch of products in the laboratory, they are packaged in large (transport) or small (consumer) containers. The purpose of packaging is to protect products from breakage, contamination, and moisture during transportation and storage. Packaging in colorful boxes and bags gives the products an attractive presentation.

Each batch of pasta sent to the consumer must be accompanied by a quality certificate, which is issued by the enterprise on the basis laboratory tests. The purpose of sorting is to control the quality of products, their compliance with established standards, rejection, and removal of all defective products. When sorting, under-dried, cracked, heavily deformed, highly acidic, moldy and other defective products are removed.

Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to sorting pasta dried in tray cassettes and short-cut products dried in steam conveyor dryers, since ingots can often form in them due to uneven removal of moisture and close contact of products during drying.

Before packaging, products are subjected to careful magnetic control, especially short-cut products that were dried on metal mesh conveyors. For this purpose, outlet conveyors, packaging tables, and vibration coolers are equipped with special chutes with magnetic catchers that trap small (dust-like) metal particles. In this case, the thickness of the product layer above the magnets should be no more than 6 cm. If the magnets are installed under and above the chute, then the thickness of the layer can be increased to 10...12 cm.

In addition to magnetic catchers, meshes are installed on the packaging tables to sift out muchel (small particles of dry products).

Recycling scrap

Products rejected during the sorting process, as well as semi-finished products (raw trimmings, ends, torn, deformed, stuck together, coarsely rough tubes of raw pasta, ingots of pasta, vermicelli, noodles, dough from the press head, spillage from under dryers and packaging tables), not lost of its nutritional qualities, i.e., free of contamination, foreign tastes and odors, and without signs of mold, is sent for recycling.

Dry waste is crushed in installations into grits with a particle size of less than 1 mm and in this form is added to the receiving funnel or bins (silos) for flour in an amount of up to 10% of its mass.

Immediately after cutting the raw products, raw trimmings (ends) are crushed and added to the dough mixer of the press in an amount of up to 15% of the flour weight. Adding raw scraps to the dough mixer does not reduce press performance or affect product quality. However, when producing pasta with tray drying, it is advisable not to introduce defects when kneading the dough, since the moisture content of raw pasta scraps is usually less than 28% and during repeated pressing they can retain their individuality, weakening the structure of the pressed pasta and leading to strand breakage.

At small enterprises in the absence of crushing plants, dry waste is soaked in tanks with water at a temperature of 65...70 ° C for no more than 1 hour (to avoid acidification of the waste). Then the excess water is drained and the mass is added in small portions to the kneaded dough. Dried semi-finished product waste can be processed in a similar way. In these cases, it is necessary to take into account the high humidity of the soaked waste and accordingly reduce the amount of water supplied to the kneading trough of the press.