Charitable transfer from the company. Pay Fondrf Ru - Exposure of Fund United Corporation, Fund for assistance to the population from United Corporations. Deception of the “Public Assistance Fund”

Is it true that posted on the site Pay Fondrf Ru, helps everyone in need? Our answer is NO! We have already exposed similar charitable proposals. Today we’ll take a look at this pseudo-charitable project.

Pay Fondrf Ru

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There is an email address at the bottom of the site. It is at least strange that a fund that distributes money left and right to anyone in need does not have a real address, charter, confirmed documents, a lot of articles on the Internet on websites various media etc. We write to the organizers by email [email protected] Several questions regarding the transferred funds, but no answer. You'll have to act on your own.

We press the bright button that immediately catches the eye - “Accept translation”. In a magical way, our account is replenished with 1,765 rubles. Pay attention! We did not register anywhere, did not fill out a mountain of forms and reporting documents. We accept the second translation:

http fondpomoshirf ru

It was as if a real miracle had happened - in a minute of pressing just one button, 13 thousand 453 rubles accumulated in our account. The most interesting thing has come - time to withdraw the funds received. We enter CLEARLY INCORRECT details, but the system does not recognize this:

Incredibly, the system misses these numbers “178” and a notification appears that our account (which we did not create) “is not assigned to the fund.” In order to secure an account and withdraw funds, you need to top up your balance by 100 rubles. For those who doubt it, as well as for slow users, a timer has been set to encourage them to replenish the scammer’s wallet without hesitation, because “otherwise the funds will be transferred to another user.” To show in practice what will happen next, we will pay.

We wish we could, but alas, There are no miracles in the world. Then it’s like the old written script: you need to make an additional payment and further enrich the scammer, leaving you without the last penny. Next replenishment amount - 513 rubles... Let's sum it up!

pay fondrf ru reviews

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nothing more than another primitive money scam. Now we list the facts that should alert any novice user. The administration does not respond by email, there is not a single intelligible official document. Please note that if you visit this site after a few hours, you will see the same amounts and the same links:

Another important point. Studying the source code Pay Fondrf Ru,our editors find out that this site uses a city definition script, and, attention (!!!), in each city there are always exactly 16 people on the site, and this number does not change, because it was originally written in the code - see:

This inscription was not made in vain. Thus, the fraudulent author causes a “herd mentality” effect in order to minimize all doubts among gullible users. Let's summarize.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: this site can be accessed at a new address:


Receiving a transfer from the “Public Assistance Fund from United Corporations” Pay Fondrf Ru

Compliance of the content with what is stated on the site NO
Novelty of the material 0 out of 10
Video tutorial NO
Text guide NO
Feedback NO
Accessibility for beginners Yes
Feedback with the author after purchase NO
Affordable price Yes
Possibility of real earnings NO
Return Guarantee NO


IN Russian Federation there are many different charitable foundations, but know that such funds help exclusively SERIOUSLY ILL people, and even then not everyone. Such funds will never help citizens who are looking for part-time work and are below the poverty line, because this is the task of the state (this is a completely different story). The above fraudulent project was created with only one single purpose - to take the last funds out of your wallet and line your pocket! We advise you to use common sense when visiting such sites and not to fall for the tricks of deceivers. The project “Fund for Assistance to the Population from United Corporations” is a BRUTAL SCAM!

We ask you to be vigilant and remember visually what the above site looks like. In the future, the author may change both his name and the name of the site.

Editorial « ChecksKursov" sent an official appeal to the hosting and registrar of the above project with a request to thoroughly check for fraud and unconditionally block this address on the Internet. Don't fall for scammers!

We strongly RECOMMEND using it only to earn money on the Internet! Also don't forget to share this disclosure. V social networks, to PROTECT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES from this scam!

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Sometimes, in order to mislead a person, in order to deceive him later, you need to “pour into his ears” a lot beautiful words and promises. But it turns out that exactly the opposite works. When there is practically no information at all. This is what the scammers did when they created a fund to help the population from the Fund United Corporation. The whole truth is on our website.

United Corporations Relief Fund

The site began to spread on the Internet The site is supposedly a fund to help the population from the Fund United Corporation. As it turned out, in order to deceive a lot of people, it is not at all necessary to prove and show something for a long time and persistently. It’s enough to offer a freebie and that’s it. At this point, people's logical thinking stops. Please keep your head up and think about what is being offered to you. Well, if in doubt, it is better to always ask us first, before paying for anything.

On the site we immediately see a logo, geolocation scripts and dates (more on this below), a balance and a charitable transfer from a company. And below are fake comments. This, in fact, is all that the site consists of. How little it takes for a person to believe.

In the upper right corner, the user sees that there are allegedly already a number of people from his hometown on the site. How does this happen? Yes, it’s very simple, there are special scripts that determine your location and show exactly the name of your city. All this is designed to inspire confidence in you. Remember, we have already discussed this in detail.

Then let's turn on the brain. We are located on the website of the fund to help the population from the United Corporations Fund United Corporation. What kind of fund is this? Why do some companies just give you money? Why you? Why exactly so much? We are only interested in why people do not ask these questions, but blindly believe. After all, no one has canceled the saying “free cheese in a mousetrap” and this is exactly the case.

Fund United Corporation

What is the deception? After all, it seems that they want to help us and the fund for assistance to the population from the united corporations will give us the coveted money. Let's check everything.

Simply by clicking the “accept transfer” button our balance is replenished. By pressing just one button! That is, hurray! The same “money button” was found. No, no and no again! This does not exist, anything like this is a scam.
Please read and check all sites against this memo. Then you will never fall for a scam.

So, we accepted all the transfers available to us for today, and our balance was 13,453 rubles. It's as simple as clicking the mouse seven times. This fact alone should tell you that this is a scam. No one will ever give you money just like that, even if everything is described beautifully and realistically, remember this. There are no freebies; you can only earn money by working hard. How exactly, .

To withdraw funds, we are asked to enter our payment details. Not only do we not even need to choose where we need to make a withdrawal (to a card, electronic wallets), but the system also accepts absolutely any data. Look what we introduced.

Naturally, everything supposedly went well, the “props” were accepted. But, alas, as usual, just before withdrawing from scams, you need to pay a small amount for something. This time it is only 100 rubles. But this is only the first time.

There is still a timer running at the bottom, after which the balance will supposedly reset to zero. Everything so that you don’t have a chance to think. After all, this is a fund to help the population from united corporations, what kind of deception can there be? But no matter how it is. That's exactly what he is.

Next, your funds will be “processed for withdrawal” or something like that, but as a fact, you will not receive anything, and you, in turn, will be asked to pay more, but more. All according to the standard fraudulent scheme. You can easily identify these patterns yourself and avoid getting caught if you regularly read our articles. We conclude: the fund for assistance to the population from the United Corporations Fund United Corporation is another blatant scam, designed for gullible people. Share this article so that as many people as possible can see it and scammers don’t get anything!

Philanthropic, charitable Dictionary of Russian synonyms. charitable philanthropic Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

CHARITABLE- CHARITABLE, charitable, charitable. adj. to charity. Charity performance. For charitable purposes. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

CHARITABLE- CHARITABLE, oh, oh. 1. About actions, deeds: gratuitous and aimed at public benefit. B. concert. Charitable activities. 2. Aimed at providing material assistance to the poor. Charitable institution... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Charitable- I adj. 1. Created for the purpose of providing charity [charity I 2., 3.]. 2. Intended to help those in need. II adj. outdated 1. Creating good I 1., having a good effect, promoting, contributing to what... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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charitable- oh, oh. Its goal is to provide material and other assistance to those in need. B. fund. B activity. B th organization. B oe society. Second dining room. B. concert... Encyclopedic Dictionary

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charitable- Kindness … Dictionary of Russian synonyms


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Surely everyone knows the proverb: “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.” It’s a good idea to remember these words every time we see another call for free money on the Internet. Very often we come across services that offer us money just for the sake of existing. But as you and I know, this simply cannot happen.

Just a couple of days ago we accidentally found the site “”. Here we are given the “opportunity” to become a participant in the “Public Assistance Fund” from the united corporations. However, the portal does not contain any information about this organization. Who is its creator? What companies are participating? Unfortunately, we do not know the answers to these questions. Then we decided to find out the whole truth about this service ourselves. What if we have another one in front of us?

Trying to make money on the site “”

On this Internet portal, we immediately received an offer to receive charitable transfers from seven famous companies. The first of them was the Denso company, which allegedly donates 1,783 rubles to us. But the site, as a commission (or for visibility), takes 1% for itself. And all this without any explanation.

Deciding to leave all the proceedings until last, we took the first “transfer” and immediately moved on to the next one. Here the NPN company is already giving us money. Again, we didn’t see any. To get closer to the solution to this service, we collected “translations” from the remaining companies.

In the end, it turned out that we “earned” as much as 13.5 thousand rubles! And to receive them, all you have to do is enter your details for withdrawal. As usual in such situations, we did not write real information. Instead, they simply entered a series of numbers. After all, we were not given the right to choose. payment system, but simply asked to leave the number.

By clicking on the corresponding button, we get to a new window, where we learn that the system tried to assign an account to our fake details. It's no wonder she didn't succeed. But not because we entered the data incorrectly, but because we need to replenish the fund balance by 100 rubles. And everything would be fine if not for one “but” - we are now stupidly being scammed out of money.

Deception of the “Public Assistance Fund”

Have no doubt - the site “” is a SCAM. It is not at all difficult to prove this to us. To begin with, we were confused by the lack of any information. What is this project? How did he appear? Who sponsors it? We did not find answers to these and many other questions either on the site or in. Nobody knows this fund at all and has never heard of it. This means that trusting him makes no sense at all.

Then absence personal account or at least some kind of registration. That is, as soon as we get to the site, we immediately receive money. This then begs the question: How does the foundation know that we are truly a person in need, not a child or a robot? The answer is obvious - no way. The creators did not initially provide for this clause. And this is direct evidence that the service is set up to deceive.

The last two tricks of the scammers are paying a non-existent invoice and not entering the details in good faith. Every service that actually pays money to people should be given a choice of payment system to which the funds will be transferred. Only after this we can indicate our account number. In our case, we didn’t even need to enter real data. The service immediately demanded that the fund balance be replenished. By performing this action, you will simply participate in the machinations of criminals. And on email There is no point in writing to this fake organization at all. It was deliberately left so that gullible users would “buy” into the functionality of the project.

Let's sum it up

Service “Public Assistance Fund” is a SCAM. On the website “” they will try to deceive you and take your money. Therefore, under no circumstances replenish the fund balance by 100 rubles. Otherwise, you will lose your funds, while making the criminal richer.

Instead of wasting time and money on such resources, go to our section with proven methods of earning money. Here you can always discover something new, without the risk of being deceived. And if you have any questions, you can always write to us. We will be happy to answer them and provide you with all the useful information.

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